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Role of the remote hub moderator

Pre-Remote Hub Informs OGP about the intent to organize a remote hub in his/her country in the context of the OGP Annual Summit; Participates in the online preparatory meeting organized by OGP Summit Committee during which the proposed framework for the hub will be shared and discussed; Coordinates the overall OGP Hubs calendar of events with OGP Summit Committee; Prepares the announcement (Agenda) and coordinates the date for the remote hub with key local partners and stakeholders engaged in OG at country level; Shares news, including the Agenda, for the remote hub via social media and other means and get as many interested participants to participate in it; Prepares any relevant materials, presentations to be shared, as well as invites potential speakers, presenters involved in the OG Agenda at country level (especially from those who are going to participate in the Summit in person);

During the Remote Hub Moderates/facilitates the event based on the well-planned Agenda; Makes sure that there is a responsible person in the room to take notes and /or video record (if available) most relevant discussion points, questions raised, proposals made; Interviews participants during the breaks or after the event for the purpose of the video material; Engages everyone in the discussions; Conducts a brief evaluation at the end of the meeting and gets participants feedback on the issues of most interest at local level, as well as their Questions or Suggestions for the OGP Annual Summit; Provides participants with details about the Summit in London, ways they can engage remotely (links, details, etc.); Discusses and agrees on the next steps.

Post-Remote Hub 1. Prepares a brief narrative report in English highlighting the following: - Main outcomes of the remote hub; - Main challenges addressed by the participants; - Questions raised; - Proposals, comments, suggestions; - Profile of the participants in the room; - Personal reflections aspects that would have made the remote hub moderation and participation more meaningful, suggestions/recommendations that would help improve the remote hubs @ OGP in the future; - Send the report to 2. Optional: Prepares a short video (can be in the local language, but with English subtitles) based on the video recordings during the hub (this can be a short up to 35 min video, but the essence of this would be in this is our message to the OGP Annual Summit). Posts the video online/on you tube and shares the link to the video with OGP.

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