Frankfurt Book Fair 2013: The Digital Spotlight

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Collaborative workflows put all parties
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t an opening session at last
years Frankfurt Book Fair,
U.K. Publishers Association
CEO Ri chard Mol l et
remarked that digital pub-
lishing was no longer in its infancy,
but in the voting and drinking
stages of early adulthood. And one
needs to look no further than the
Buchmesse to get a sense of how digi-
tals coming-of-age has changed the
publishing business. In recent years,
Frankfurt offcials have worked successfully to keep the
publishing industrys annual pilgrimage on the cutting edge.
Under the Frankfurt Academy imprimatur, the 2013 fair
again offers a strong professional program and great con-
ferences, including CONTEC and StoryDrive. Digital Hot
Spots run throughout the exhibit halls and serve as nodes
of innovation. And the newly dubbed Publishing Per-
spectives Stage in Hall 8.0 (formerly the Sparks Stage)
offers a slate of 30-minute talks with a mix of established
industry leaders and new upstarts across a range of pub-
This year, Frankfurt attendees arrive with digital develop-
ments at a crucial next stage. Beyond the hopes, fears, and
futurism that dominated the conversation in years past, the
digital discussion is now a practical one. Its about the pres-
ent. And success for publishers is no longer about managing
a transition, but about seizing the opportunity technology
presents, and offering content in ways that readers now
Its All Here
Digital has arrived, says Holger Volland, v-p, and head of
the Frankfurt Academy, and a key voice in shaping the fairs
program. But we still have one more step to go. At the
moment we are concentrating so much on the e-book that
we often miss the real revolutionary thing: the complete dig-
italization of infrastructure for data and content.
Certainly, as Volland suggests, e-books have dominated
the digital conversation in publishing in recent years, as the
format has matured and come to represent a signifcant
chunk of industry revenues in the U.S. and, increasingly, in
the U.K. But the mega-change is underneath, Volland
stresses. At this years fair, attendees will sense that digital
focus shifting, from the now established pioneering frst gen-
eration of digital products and practices to the next wave of
innovation, with Frankfurt organizers seeking to open up
the digital conversation even further. The 2013 Frankfurt
program is again rich in cross-media voices, including gam-
ers and flmmakers, new services and technology providers,
new formats, self-publishing, and those focused on the user-
generated experience, as well as voices from all corners of
the book business: professional, scholarly, education, e-only,
independents, and, of course, the majors.
In fact, looking over the 2013 program, its fair to ask: is
the Frankfurt Book Fair becoming a digital multimedia fair?
Yes and no, Volland says.
No, because the very core of the publishing industry are
people who defne themselves as book and not media
people, says Volland, and they defne the Frankfurt experi-
ence. Media can be just a stream of data. But a book always
has a meaning.
And Yes, because the publishing houses themselves are
very much changing into media companies, as more and
more publishers offer product on many platforms at the
same time, in Vollands view.
This becomes very visible when you look at how pub-
lishers can use different parts of the fair: In the LitAg, agents
sell rights for books as well as the movie adaptions or mer-
chandising related to them. At the StoryDrive conference,
authors discuss stories and storytelling together with math-
ematicians or game producers. And, of course, you see it on
the show foor as well: products like Infnity Ring from
Scholastic use game mechanisms in order to make it easier
for children to build a community and forget that they are
learning a history lesson.
World Views
Of course, what truly makes Frankfurt a must-attend
event for the publishing world is its international focus.
Digital is a global movement that in many respects has
made foreign markets more accessible. But it has also
brought complex new challenges, as every territory moves
at it own pace. In the digital age, Frankfurt is not the only
place the world comes to make rights deals; increasingly it
is where one can begin to fgure out what deals will look
like in the future.
If I look at the e-book market only, the situation is easy
to describe: the U.S. and the U.K. are the only big markets
with a signifcant share, Volland explains. But when the
picture is broadened out to look at digital publishing, he
adds, the complexity of todays brave new publishing world
is revealed.
Germany, for example, still has a pretty healthy general
publishing market, he notes, with only some 2.5% of reve-
nues coming from e-books. My general feeling is that many
German publishers are acting quite conservatively while
their print business is still doing well, he says. I know, this
sounds like publishers heaven. The danger, though, is to be
blind for those disruptions and innovations that happen
outside your comfort zone.
China, meanwhile, is showing incredible growth in scien-
tifc publishing due to big investments in industrial R&D.
Even more interesting, China has broken a new record in
smartphone penetration in 2013, with 330 million acti-
vated phones, Volland observes. It is the worlds most
populous Internet market and it is extremely hungry for
content. Nevertheless most of the written content is not
consumed in e-books, but in browsers, apps, and simple
fles. The challenge for publishers is to fnd the right part-
ners in order to make a business out of that: content aggre-
Where the World Plugs In
Digital is redefning Frankfurt, too
By Andrew richArd AlBAnese
Holger Volland
Wednesday, October 9
Going Small to Make it Big
Size matters, and in publishing, its been all about
consolidation at the top. But with the capabilities
offered by digital technologies, are we on the verge
of a new golden age of independent publishing?
Publishers from three of Americas leading indepen-
dent literary publishers chat with Jeffrey Lependorf,
executive director of the Council of Literary Maga-
zines and Presses about how theyve shaped their
current small presses into tiny publishing giants.
Location: Publishing Perspectives Stage,
Hall 8.0
A Conversation with Charlie Red-
Redmayne went from chief digital offcer at Harper-
Collins in the U.S. to Pottermore, where he launched
J.K. Rowlings site for all things Potter, to CEO of
HarperCollins U.K. He chats with Publishing Per-
spectives Edward Nawotkaand there are few bet-
ter executives from which to get a lay of the digital
Location: Publishing Perspectives Stage,
Hall 8.0
Goodreads & the Amazon Imprima-
tur: The Next Chapter
Amazon is used to making waves, and its recent
acquisition of popular social reading site Goodreads
was no exception. Already, Goodreads has experi-
enced something of user backlashso whats next,
and whats the plan for life in the Amazon universe?
Mark Dressler chats with Patrick Brown, Goodreads
director of author marketing.
Location: Publishing Perspectives Stage,
Hall 8.0
A Conversation with Markus Dohle,
CEO of Penguin Random House
The merger of two of the largest trade publishing
groups in the world was consummated on July 1,
2013, which prompts the question: What does the
future hold for the worlds first mega-publisher?
Dont miss Dohle, to be interviewed by the editors of
publishing industrys leading trade magazines, Pub-
lishers Weekly, the Bookseller, Livres Hebdo,
Buchreport, and PublishNews Brazil, moderated by
Rdiger Wischenbart.
Location: Dimension Room, Hall 8.0
Thursday, October 10
An Innovator Looks at 40 Years
Legendary editor and CEO Peter Usborne looks at
the arc of the book business over his career with the
eponymous Usborne Books in a chat with Mark
Location: Publishing Perspectives Stage,
Hall 8.0
Friday, October 11
StoryDrive Conference:
IntertwinedThe Story of the User
and the Users Role in the Story
Communities, fan pages, and interactive technolo-
gies all make it possible for readers, viewers, or gam-
ers to take the story into his or her own hand. What
opportunities does this create for the media indus-
try? Which business models are hidden between
these worlds? Can linear storytelling survive?
Check out this discussion with Kristian Costa-Zahn,
UFA Lab, Germany; John Mitchinson, co-founder
and publisher of Unbound, U.K.; and Russian journal-
ist and author Dmitry Glukhovsky.
Location: Room Europa
Social Media for Publishers: What
Works and Why
Really, isnt this what we all want to know? From the
front lines of social media for authors and publishers,
Rachel Fershleiser, literary community organizer,
Tumblr, and Ami Greko, book marketing strategist,
Goodreads, will talk about how publishers can reach
more readers through social networks and optimize
their online marketing efforts.
Location: Publishing Perspectives Stage,
Hall 8.0
gators, mobile operators, e-commerce platforms
or advertisers could be the most interesting.
Japan still has a huge publishing market, but so
far, Volland says, it is mainly Manga that sells digi-
tally. I see a big innovation gap between the tra-
ditional publishers and the technology-driven
mobile and software industry. Japanese publish-
ers know that they need to become more open for
new products and services, as well as more inter-
national business, and frms like Gakken offer
recent examples how that can be done.
Broadly speaking, all digital education prod-
ucts are surging in importance globally, offering
one of the biggest growth segments. It con-
tains books, software, knowledge and exchange
platforms as well as edutainment brands that
are often based on childrens books or games,
Volland notes.
Indeed, opportunities abound, whether doing
business, or just exploring new opportunities.
And with its digital focus, the Frankfurt Book
Fair has never been more vital.
Want to catch a product demo, or check
out a new device? At six Frankfurt Hot
Spots, exhibitors and presenters range
from technical specialists and digital
content providers to marketing pioneers
and Internet innovators. Each Hot Spot
focuses on one industry sector of emerg-
ing innovation.
Exhibitors at the Hot Spot Digital
Innovation (Hall 8.0)
Demonstrates new solutions for the future of digi-
tal publishing.
The Hot Spot Education (Hall 4.2)
Brings together buyers and suppliers from the
felds of innovative teaching and learning aids.
The Hot Spot Kids & eReading (Hall
Children and young adults.
The Hot Spot Mobile (Hall 6.1)
Showcases everything from tablets and e-readers
to apps, network providers and content licensors.
The Hot Spot Professional & Scien-
tifc Information (Hall 4.2)
Provides a platform to content and service provid-
ers that focus on specialist information, academic
resources, and libraries.
The Hot Spot Publishing Services
(Hall 4.0)
Features a range of services from print and digital
services to production and distribution.
Check the official Frankfurt Book Fair
program for the full slate of speakers in
the professional program, at the various
conferences, Hot Spots, and at the Pub-
lishing Perspectives stage. But here are a
few sessions not to miss.
PRH CEO Markus
Dohle will be featured
on a Wednesday panel.
n March of this year, following a wonderful day of pro-
gramming at TOC Bologna, I sat at dinner with a few of
our speakers from the daymy friend and CONTEC
Frankfurt speaker Paul Rhodes includedand the con-
versations at that table were simply absorbing. Publish-
ing related? Yes. But so unlike the publishing-related pre-
sentations and panels wed all spent our day giving and lis-
tening to at the conference. These conversations were dif-
ferent. It wasnt just the wine or the food. It was the pas-
sion. It was the give-and-take. It was the dialogue.
We talked about everything from rights and branding to
e-book pricing and Amazon, and everyone had, and shared,
a number of well-informed opinions. That evening was
lively, vibrant, interesting, and information packed. And it
was then and there that I knew I didnt want to do confer-
ences the same old way anymore. I wanted to bring that
spirit of informal publishing-related dinner table/cocktail
party/hallway chat conversations into a conference set-
ting. And due to some unforeseen circumstances (the
abrupt shuttering of OReillys Tools of Change conference
series), I was given the opportunity.
CONTEC Frankfurt, on October 8, is the chance to create
that conference as a dinner party. Sure, with some modif-
cations. Maybe having 70 or so speakers and hundreds of
delegates in a hotel conference setting as opposed to six peo-
ple around a dinner table takes away from the intimacy of
the conversation, but CONTEC is a noble frst attempt at
real interaction between presenters and audience alike. I
would call it a big baby step away from one-way speeches
and long-winded panels where the audience gets short shrift
in a truncated q&a at the end of the session.
As at that dinner in Bologna, the topics at CONTEC
Frankfurt are wide-ranging and interesting: data, the future
of bookselling, the implications of self-publishing for the
industry, responsive design, metadata, rights, distribution,
libraries, start-ups, and more. This dinner party includes
speakers and delegates from more than 20 countriesIsrael,
Japan, the U.S., the U.K., Germany, and beyond. And among
them are all manner of publishing professionals: trade and
STM publishers, agents, techies, authors, journalists, data
analysts, marketers, and yes, more.
One can have the good fortune to sit in on a panel explor-
ing the future role of libraries featuring Jill Cousins, execu-
tive director of the Europeana Foundation; witness a
dynamic keynote by German Internet guru Sascha Lobo; join
HarperCollins group strategy and digital director Nick Per-
rett in discussing publishing start-ups working with venture
capitalists and other investors; or hear Kristen McLean
(CEO of Bookigee in Miami, Fla.), Sebastian Posth (CEO of
Germanys Publishing Data Networks), and Laura Dawson
(Bowkers product manager for identifers) get down to the
nitty-gritty of data big and small.
The day is a day of conversation, and a day that notes the
increasingly important role of partnerships in an industry
once known for its competitive and somewhat secretive
nature. Debuting at CONTEC Frankfurt, the newly formed
European consortium TISP (Technology and Innovation
for Smart Publishing) offers an opportunity to talk about
interoperability in the feld of e-books and new partner-
ships that are being born in Europe between distribution
operators and telecommunications leaders. Members of the
W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) share the latest infor-
mation on their digital publishing initiatives, extending an
invitation to the publishing community worldwide to lend
their voices in the evolution of Web technologies. And a
favorite partnership of mine, EDItEURs Supply Chain
track, brings a robust roster of speakers including Graham
Bell, chief data architect, EDItEUR, and Victoriano Colo-
drn, senior director, global relations, Copyright Clearance
Center, who analyzes international market statistics, acces-
sibility standards, digital global rights and royalties.
Attendees can look at the latest update of The Global
eBook Market: Current Conditions & Future Projec-
tions, and the day also includes an international start-up
showcase competition, complete with Dragons Den-like
judging panel. And to give delegates and speakers the
chance to really drill down into topics of interest, two spe-
cial Interactive Learning Labs close out the day. One of
the two-hour sessions deals with the implications of self-
publishing for the industry and features speakers from
self-publishing service providers, publishers incorporating
self-publishing, and author Hugh Howeyquite success-
ful with his self-published series Wooldiscussing the
opportunities and risks that traditional publishers face
with the rise of self-publishing. The other session is dedi-
cated to the future of scholarly, higher education, and aca-
demic publishing.
The big goal for CONTEC Frankfurt (hopefully, to be
met) is to take the hallway conversations we all love into
the sessions themselves. Offcial speakers and panelists may
have been tasked with igniting discussions around topics,
but the sessions are largely about the opinions and ideas of
the attendees. A truly global, peer-to-peer, cross-discipline,
cross-category day of active learning and conversation
around issues that everyone has a stake in.
CONTEC Makes Its Debut
Aiming for real interaction between
presenters and audience
By Kat Meyer
Cenveo Publisher Services delivers digital and print solutions.
We offer an entire suite of technology, content, and delivery
services that escalate revenue while ensuring editorial integrity.
Leading the industry with the fastest turnaround times from
manuscript to proofs, we are your one-stop publishing shop.
For more information contact: Marianne Calilhanna
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Patricia Schull, Author, McGraw-Hill Nurses Drug Handbook, 7th Edition
he Kindle fnally arrived in France in October 2011,
but French e-book sales have been very slow to get
started and remain a fraction of the overall market.
In the U.S. by contrast, the growth of e-book sales
has been stratospheric, causing one reporter to
declare, 2011 was the year of the e-reader, but 2012 was
the year of the e-book. But not, it seems, in France. Why
was France lagging behind the U.S. and the U.K. when it
came to e-book sales, and how were they resisting the
march forward of the digital revolution in publishing?
What made France so different?
The answer, as is so often the case here, begins with gov-
ernment involvement. By law, French book prices are set by
the publishers and cannot be discounted. The Lang Law,
frst passed in 1981 and named for Jack Lang, the French
E-books Go Global
An Americans Take on the French
E-book Market
By Jim milliot
By Claire lundBerg
One of the allures of e-books for American publish-
ers is the opportunity the format provides to sell titles to
international markets, free of the costs of printingand
shippingbooks overseas. In a recent panel at the
Book Industry Study Groups annual meeting, Penguin
Random House COO Madeline McIntosh called the
international market potential massive, noting that the
sale of e-books will not depend on local infrastructures, which
historically have been too weak in many countries to support
sales of print books. To take advantage of growth opportunities,
various players have set up systems to help facilitate international
e-book sales. Among the most forward thinking has been Ingram
Content Group, which, through its CoreSource digital asset and
distribution platform, now offers about 650,000 titles for distribution
through retailers and library vendors in the international market.
When I moved to Paris in 2010, Id already begun
doing the majority of my reading on my Kindle. As a
scout in New York, Id been an early adopter of
e-books and e-readers, happy to no longer have to lug
heavy manuscripts to the gym or after-work drinks.
Paris is a lot like New Yorkcosmopolitan, intellec-
tual, and the center of the countrys publishing indus-
tryso I was surprised when I realized most Parisians
hadnt yet seen a Kindle. People would stop me on the
subway to ask questions about it. Some of them had
heard of e-readers, but very few had seen one.
culture minister at the time, forbids book discounting by
retailers of more than 5%. It was initially put in place to
help independent bookstores compete against hyper-
marchs like Carrefour and Auchan, Walmartesque dis-
count superstores that arrived in the 1970s, putting pres-
sure on the surrounding small businesses, including book-
stores. But in France, books and bookstore culture were
seen as part of its national heritage and something to be
The Lang Law has had far-reaching implications for the
French publishing industry. After its passage, no store could
offer the kind of discounts on bestsellers that have been
seen in the U.S. This has allowed for a vibrant independent
bookstore culture, with 2,500 independent bookstores
across France and 300 in Paris alone. Once Kindle arrived
in the French market, French editors lobbied successfully to
have the Lang Law extended to e-books as well. As long as
the publisher of the book was French, all e-book distribu-
tors, including Amazon and Apple, would have to sell the
e-book version at the price set by the publisher. As a result,
e-books in France often sell for much closer to the printed
book price than they do in the U.S.
The inability to discount also made France a diffcult
market for both Amazon and Apple to penetrate. Apple
had something of an advantage, as it was already a strong
brand in France, largely thanks to the iPhone. But Amazon
wasnt a well-known brand prior to the Kindles arrival.
Jean Arcache, head of the French publishing group Place
des diteurs, explains Amazons lackluster initial perfor-
216 x 148_Half Page Ad.indd 1 01/10/13 1:35 AM
continued on page 8
lthough Ingram wont discuss sales, Marcus Woodburn, v-p, digital products,
says that in 2012 CoreSource made 45 million distributions, which he
described as sending one fle for a book and then subsequent updates about that
book, such as price changes. In 2013, Woodburn adds, CoreSource is on track
to double that amount. Heading into Frankfurt, Ingram supplies e-books to
120150 retailers who in turn sell e-books in approximately 194 countries. About 2,600
publishers from all parts of the globe use CoreSource. According to Woodburn, the ability
to reach the U.S. market is one of the attractions for smaller foreign publishes who may not
be ableor interested inselling print titles in America.
For all but the largest retailers, Ingram sends the metadata to e-bookstores to help them get
the information about the titles on their site, but Ingram does the actual fulfllment. Ingram
depends on publishers to provide accurate information as which countries it as the right to sell
into. E-books can be downloaded for use on what Woodburn describes as a massive variety of
different devices that are used around the world. While Blackberry is struggling in
America, he notes it is the device of choice in Indonesia. In fast-growing India, con-
sumers prefer to read e-books on smartphones and other mobile devices.
The importance of correct metadata cannot be overstated, Woodburn notes.
Everything from describing the book appropriately for the international market
(dont write perfect for the American market if you want to sell it abroad,
Woodburn says) to pricing books in the correct local currency (if you are sell-
ing it in, India make sure the price is in rupees) are keys for success in over-
seas markets.
The most e-book activity seen by Ingram outside the U.S. is in the U.K.,
Canada and the Netherlands, Woodburn says with Australia showing signs of
faster growth. Smaller e-book markets that are also growing are Germany and
Brazil. Ingram is exploring ways to distribute into China as well as looking to dis-
tribute Chinese e-books to international markets. For 2014, Woodburn says Ingram is
looking to build its retailer network, and he is curious to see how some of the new business
models, including subscription services and bundling, will play in international markets.
216 x 148_Half Page Ad.indd 1 01/10/13 1:35 AM
Countries in dark blue are loca-
tions where the Ingram Content
Group has established relation-
ships with local e-book retailers.
216 x 148_Half Page Ad.indd 1 01/10/13 1:35 AM
mance in this way: Because of the strong network of local
bookstores, Amazons 24-hour delivery service was not so
important here, and you couldnt discount, so as a result
Amazon had only a 6% share initially on the print book
market in France. Where Americans learned about
e-books from their Kindles, French consumers were less
brand loyal from the beginning.
The general French suspicion of Apple and Amazon also
played a part. Theyre often referred to in the press as a
hegemony or an oligopoly, and the French minister of
culture spoke out strongly against Amazon specifcally ear-
lier this summer, calling it a destroyer of bookshops.
When Kindle arrived, many French publishers decided not
to work with Amazon, both because they werent certain
the e-book market would thrive and because they had sev-
eral other choices of e-readers within France. The French
government even launched a 2011 program, 1001libraires ,
that would allow independent bookstores to distribute
e-books themselves, though this program eventually failed.
But still, there are relatively few French titles in the Ama-
zon France Kindle storearound 100,000, as compared
with 800,000 paper books. Some French publishers have
chosen to forgo an e-book version of a bestseller entirely.
Though the Lang Law has slowed the proliferation of
e-books in France, the deluge cannot be kept at bay forever.
The world is moving toward e-books, and France must fol-
low suit. The majority of this falls 555 new French books
will appear in e-book form as well, as opposed to only 40%
one year ago. Some publishers are being more aggressive
than others; ditions Bragelonne, a leading science fction
and fantasy publisher in France, created a dedicated depart-
ment for e-books several years ago and offers most of their
e-books at a slightly deeper discount than other French
publishers. As a result, e-books already make up 5% of
their sales, greater than the French average. Claire Deslan-
des, editorial director at the house, sees e-books as an even-
tual replacement for paperbacks and fnds them more ver-
satile in many ways. You can do more with an e-book
than you can with a mass market paperback, she says.
The price is similar, but with the e-book you can make
changes more quickly, and its easier to develop properties
across platforms. Shes working for the frst time on the
publishing side of two multiplatform projects, concepts
that will have simultaneous rollout as books and Web
At Place des diteurs, which controls the Lonely Planet
franchise in France, Jean Arcache mentions another sur-
prisingly successful e-book area: the pick and mix, the
ability to buy selected chapters or portions of different
travel e-books. If you are going to Australia, and youre
only going to the south, you can buy only the chapter on
the south, he explains, for a proportional price (if the sec-
tion on the south is 20% of the book, you will pay 20% of
the full price). This concept works very well in France,
Arcache explains, because of the relatively high price of
e-books there.
French publishing is beginning to acknowledge the unde-
niable growth of e-books and the digital publishing mar-
ketplace, but what makes France interesting is the diversity
of this market. As an American, I think of e-books and
Amazon as almost interchangeable, but thats not the case
in France. The market is shared fairly evenly among several
different devices, with Amazon Kindle taking 30%, Apples
iPad taking about 35%, in addition to a signifcant percent-
age of Kobo users (a device linked with Fnac, Frances larg-
est chain bookstore), and readers who anticipate using no
device at all but reading exclusively on their laptop. Theres
a push in France for the government to support an open
source e-reader called an MO3T (Modle Ouvert 3 Tiers),
which would allow e-books to be stored in the cloud and
downloaded to the full range of possible devices, circum-
venting the exclusivity of Kindle or iBooks. So while I may
see a few Kindles on the Paris metro these days, I also see a
lot of paper books and a fair amount of other devices. Per-
sonally, Ill take a little bit of government intervention to
safeguard this diversity.
French E-book Market continued from page 6
hile technology has made it easier than ever to
respond to a global demand for content, its also
created a free-foating international network of
digital professionalseditors, designers, publi-
cists, marketers, developers, and program-
mersall enabled and connected by the Web, Skype,
Google Hangout, and an ever-growing arsenal of laptops,
smartphones, and tablet devices. These remote workers are
as likely to be working on a project based thousands of
miles away as they are to be commuting to a job in their
home city. And thats where Book-
Machine comes in.
Started in London two years ago
by Laura Austin, an editor and exec-
utive who has worked at Pearson,
Cengage, and Oxford University
Press, and Gavin Summers, who has
worked as a digital services manager
at Hodder Education and as a multi-
media project manager at Pearson,
BookMachine aimed to host events
A Meetup for Global
Book Professionals
By Calvin Reid
On Wednesday, September 25, six speakers in six
different cities around the world gave related presen-
tations loosely organized around the effects of the
digital transition on publishing, entrepreneurship,
and the power of collaboration. Intended as the
launch of, a social mediadriven
database and skills exchange for book publishing
professionals, this global event also served to high-
light the informal, almost easy internationalism of an
industry now transformed by digital technology. continued on page 10
Laura Austin
that would bring isolated book professionals together for a
social meetup, a drink or two, and shop talk.
We started it as a way to meet people in the book busi-
ness, Summers says during a phone interview from the
U.K. We came up with an idea for a Web site that would
showcase publishing professionals and their skills. Austin
kept the meetups going after she moved to Brighton, to
keep in touch with her London network of publishing
friends. Then it just escalated, she says. People told their
friends, social media opened it up even more, and BookMa-
chine became a natural place for keeping up with people.
BookMachine events were held in New York, Brighton,
Barcelona, and elsewhere. People began using the meetups
to network, Summers says, offering one another jobs or
acting as a oating bulletin board.
BookMachine became more than a social gathering,
says Summers, and the Web site was a reaction to what
was happening at the meetups. When BookMachine
meetup members movedAustin noted one left for Can-
ada, while another former publishing college moved to
New York Citythey stayed connected by starting
branches of BookMachine in their respective towns. The
result is, an online database of publish-
ing professionals that lists their skills and experience, avail-
able for browsing and nding the right person for the right
publishing job. We want to be the place where people go
to nd professionals with the skills they want, Summers
To launch the BookMachine database, Summers and
More efficient
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Book Machine continued from page 8
Austin organized a Global Launch
Night, with simultaneous events in
six citiesLondon, New York,
Brighton, Oxford, Barcelona, and
Torontoall on one night, each with
a publisher-sponsor, a host and a fea-
tured speaker. At the New York
event, held in a midtown bar in front
of small but enthusiastic group, the
speaker, Brett Sandusky, founder of
Bdigital Media Labs, a digital con-
sultancy, gave a short overview of the new world of digital
content, urging publishers to focus on the people who use
your products and what you have to do to force them to be
your customers.
In Barcelona, the event was hosted by Maria Cardona, a
digital marketer at Malpaso Ediciones. The speaker was
Julietta Lionetti, a digital publishing consultant, who gave
a talk entitled On How Freakin Techies Taught Me to Love
Literature Again. Cardona says she organized the rst of
several BookMachine meetups in Barcelona, a city where
there were no events for publishing professionals. It really
helped people connect. In Brighton, the Global Launch
was hosted and sponsored by Anna Lewis, founder of
CompletelyNovel, a POD self-publishing platform, and
Valobox, a browser-based publishing platform for publish-
ers. The speaker was Julia Knightsford, CEO of World
Book Night, the annual and popular global book reading
Were always looking across borders and working with
POD vendors like Lightning Source in the U.S. and the
U.K., Lewis says during a phone interview from Brighton.
We have people using using CompletelyNovel from all the
place looking to access markets in the U.S. and Britain. We
send books out on a global scale. Pointing to the value of
BookMachine for connecting people, Lewis says we rec-
ommend people from everywhere and we look for people
who can transact globally and easily. We want to nd the
most effective way of matching skills and services.
Ive met people at BookMachine meetups that offer
great perspective on book marketing or digital projects,
Lewis says, BookMachine allows you to connect speci-
cally with people and freelancers doing entrepreneurial
stuff in publishing that are not constrained by legacy infra-
structure or geographical location.
The Oxford Global Launch Event was just the latest
BookMachine meetup hosted by Charly Ford, who works
at Osprey Publishing, the Oxford-based publisher of mili-
tary history titles. Osprey, she tells PW, has authors and
illustrators all over the world and shes hosted ve Book-
Machine events and called the venture/meetup, a fantastic
way of bringing together publishing people here in
Oxford. Ford added, in this day with technology theres
no need to be in the same time zone with the people you
work with. You can nd the right people and relationships
wherever you need them.
BookMachine is free to use and has amassed a database
of about 2,500 publishing professionals, Austin says, based
all over the world. The site also offers a recommendation
enginemembers can recommend up to ve people; whose
rankings will rise. Theres also a subscription option that
will also boost a members ranking on the site. We want to
be the yellow pages of book publishing, Austin says.
Gavin Summers
The story starts here.
Kobo is redefning reading. Whether its our over 16 million Readers in
190 countries, works from 1.3 million authors, a pool of 11,000 publishers, or
over 20,000 indie authors who self-publish to Kobo Writing Life; no company
caters to both Readers and industry professionals quite like we do.
Add to that an unrivaled family of reading devices including one that
Engadget has recently called the best fagship eReader on the market,
and its no wonder that Kobo devices are sold at over 100 partners in over
9,000 retail locations internationally.
Lets chat! Come fnd us in Hall 8, booth G41.
ncertainty is one big obstacle holding publishers
back from outsourcing their distribution, observes
CEO Gareth Cuddy of ePubDirect. As the market-
place shifts, margins are squeezed on print, and
industry reports showing e-book prices for bestsell-
ers continue to average between $2.99 and $7.99, publish-
ers are cautious about entering the e-book market. But
distribution services such as ePubDirect not only share the
digital publishing expertise but also allow publishers to
access new markets, grow sales internationally and ulti-
mately sell more books.
Selling to Consumers
And publishers do have a much stronger appetite to sell
content directly to consumers nowadays, says executive
director of publishing services Walter Walker of code-
Mantra, attributing it to either the U.S. Department of
Justices decision on e-book price-fixing or simply the
astonishing level of activities in the e-book retail busi-
ness. But the XML-first mandate is one that many pub-
lishers find intimidating, and our goal is to use highly
efficient plug-ins and templates at the prepress stage
without disrupting the traditional Word-to-InDesign
authoring environment.
For co-founder and president Kevin Franco of Calgary-
based Enthrill, the loss of retail discovery for books is a
major industry change. While many companies are
focused on remedying this online, few have addressed the
issue at the physical store level. Part of our offering
addresses this by placing title-specifc e-book gift cards in
mass retail stores, thereby introducing discovery within
high-traffc locations to a digital product. Additionally,
our ability to fulfll e-books to any reading device means
we can partner with mass retail stores, giving them the
tools to compete online as well.
The extent to which self-publishing has become not just
a source of well-priced reads but also a segment where
authors move the fastest to meet reader demands is some-
thing not to be ignored, says Kobos chief content offcer
Michael Tamblyn. Take the Fifty Shades of Grey phe-
nomenon. While many bricks-and-mortar retailers are
struggling to match year-on-year sales after the block-
buster series ended, we had surprising growth because
self-published authors saw what readers wanted and
started writing. We had new titles to recommend in that
genre that didnt come from traditional publishing and
were not available in bookstores. Quite a few landed on
our bestseller list. So while some traditional publishers
may roll their eyes and mutter genre fction, anyone who
doesnt think that this marks an epochal shift in the busi-
ness is in for a shock.
As for technology trends, two are obvious to COO
Michael Cairns of Publishing Technology: disaggregated
content and responsive Web design. Instead of regarding
digital publishing as putting monolithic content on the
Web, publishers should consider utilizing format-inde-
pendent technologies to break down books, textbooks
and journals into digital componentschapters, summa-
ries, images, tests, and so onthat can be more easily dis-
covered, remixed and sold anew. It will require a shift in
emphasis but it will generate opportunities for new reve-
nues. Publishers also need a Web-based approach that
allows them to maintain one site to serve all devices and
screen sizes while providing support for Web pages and
features with fuid and fexible layouts.
Monetizing Content
Still, monetizing content and distributing titles online is
easier said than done. CEO Kris Srinaath of Qbend
advises: Firstly, publishers need to be able to get their
content to work in different sales channels and plat-
forms that are available out there with minimal cost and
maximum speed. Secondly, they need to link their con-
tent to the needs of their consumers and thus increase
their sales. This can only happen when they have the
means of communicating, interacting and engaging con-
sumers on their own.And amid talks of challenges and
changes, big data and cloud computing remain hot topics.
Krishna Tewari of Datamatics fnds that one of the big-
gest misconceptions is that many clients think of big data
only from the volume, storage, retrieval or sales data analy-
sis perspectives. In fact, there are two aspects to big data:
volume and velocity. In publishing, we are used to large vol-
ume of data, which is the content. But the social media and
other mediums like Twitter, Facebook and review sites are
generating as large an amount of data at a much faster pace.
The ability to capture and analyze the data without incur-
ring massive infrastructure cost is therefore the key to big
data application.
Working with Big Data
The publishing world, adds Cuddy of ePubDirect, has
been slow to take advantage of big data. There is a dis-
tinct lack of real-time analytics available to e-book pub-
lishers, making it difficult for them to gauge how their
e-books are performing. It also hampers their ability to
take advantage of fleeting trends. So publishers with
real-time analytics can set themselves apart by possess-
ing vast amounts of information that can be drilled
down to the minutiae, giving them previously unrealized
insight into what is selling, what is not, who is buying
and where and online inventory compliance data.
Managing data requirements is becoming a necessity,
acknowledges executive director Vinay Singh of Thomson
Digital, adding that his company has embraced semantic
tagging and big data. Our support crosses three dimen-
Working the Digital Content Space
The act of juggling publisher demands, consumer needs,
industry trends, and technological advances
By Teri Tan
sionsthe volume of data being collected, the velocity or
ability to analyze the data in real time, and the variety of
structured or unstructured information including text, vid-
eos, images, log fles or click streams. Analyzing various
data sets can help editors and publishers make informed
decisions about how to develop, package and deliver con-
tent using the right tools.
Meanwhile, cloud computing is fnally starting to take
off, observes CEO Nizam Ahmed of DiTech Process Solu-
tions. It benefts the digital services industry in many
ways. Cloud-based server, for instance, has enabled
DiTech and its e-platform STUDYeBUDDY to offer con-
tent and information access from any system, online or
offine, regardless of where it was last stored or saved. It is
also less expensive and more convenient because of its
built-in back-up, monitoring and frewall system. It is also
fast in terms of deployment speed, and you only pay for
what you use.
The following pages highlight what some companies in
the digital space are doing at Frankfurt.
Cenveo Publisher Services
This year, senior v-p of sales Jeff Statler and sales director
Marion Morrow will be meeting customers at the fair to
share the latest on its modular workfow solutions for pub-
Several new products announced recently include Global
Pro-Edit, Cenveo XML Suite, InDesign automation and
PDF-XML correction tool. Global Pro-Edit, for instance, is
an online pre-editing system for editors and authors to
apply editorial and stylistic updates to documents that will
be delivered to downstream production tools. Cenveo
XML Suite, meanwhile, receives XML input fles and vali-
dates it to ensure conformance with industry standard
DTDs such as JATS, NLM, DocBook, NIMAS and DITA,
explains marketing director Marianne Calilhanna, adding
that the latter continuously validates content throughout
the workfow after any automated transformation.
Summit Professional Network, for instance, is using Cen-
veos InDesign automated workfow solution to produce
PDF and XML for its magazines and books. The team con-
fgured a publishing workfow that uses Summits multiple
magazine templates and streamlines the content delivery
into InDesign. For another client, Georgetown University
Law Center, Cenveo Publishing Lab developed an online
e-commerce solution for students to order and retrieve
coursepack content from any browser or mobile device.
The e-commerce capability has resulted in immediate reve-
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Qbend is the first and only full-
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PW Ad.indd 1 9/24/13 12:04:21 PM
nue as well as cost savings in content production and
resources for the center.
Another product, Mobile dPub, now has 60 new custom-
ers. We are launching an STM journal appwith evolving
features and toolsets that scale with business needsthat
eases the entry of scholarly publications into the mobile
world. Mobile dPub can import either PDF or XML con-
tent and deliver a unique mobile experience based on cus-
tomer needs. So while we may not know exactly what is the
next big thing in publishing, we do know that having con-
tent in XML will get you there faster, says Calilhanna,
whose team launched Cenveo Publisher Services Blog
( to keep publish-
ers apprised of industry trends, technology and general
topics of interest to the community.
For more on Cenveos products, innovation and sample
projects, please contact Calilhanna (Marianne.calihanna@ or +1.267.640.9158) for an appointment.
Publishers can look to us to compose, produce, convert,
enrich and manage their content as well as to help them
distribute and control the resale of their content. If not a
theme, then I would say that manuscript to market is
certainly a mantra for us, says executive director of
publishing services Walter Walker. This integration of
publishing services and software is provided through
collectionPoint (cP), its trademarked Web-based digital
asset management and distribution platform. cP contin-
ues to evolve into more than just a digital archive, and
with the cPTitle Management module, we now provide
clients with a collaborative, responsive and transparent
production environment, Walker says. The new module
also offers systematic processes for dynamic capture and
management of financial data and bibliographic meta-
data across a publishers entire value chain.
Many customers use cP as their dedicated workfow
platform, for which internal and outsourced production
and conversion suppliers submit and retrieve all manner of
work-in-progress. And with more than 1,100 employees
based in Chennai, we are both the software provider and
outsourced service provider. So you can say that we repre-
sent both workfow and workforce solutions for publish-
ers. Meanwhile, new production toolsets are being inte-
grated into its traditional offshore workflow to create
cleaner and more effcient XML extraction. Such tools,
adds Walker, create well-formed XML, valid against any
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Qbend is the first and only full-
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PW Ad.indd 1 9/24/13 12:04:21 PM
DTD, from a traditional Word-to-InDesign workfow, and
are designed for complex STM and higher-ed content.
Recent months have seen codeMantra strengthening its
overseas presence especially in Spain, Mexico and Brazil.
Director Greg Bateman of Hondanaour Brazilian ser-
vices/software partnerwill be here, and we invite all Bra-
zilian publishers to stop by our stand to explore our software
and services, as well as examine sample Portuguese digital
products. Newly hired Lucy Sharp, formerly of Lightning
Source, is now its senior sales manager for the U.K. and
Western Europe, and will also be at the fair.
For more on cP, cPTitle Management and a sneak pre-
view of cP 3.5 (set for Spring 2014 release), drop by stand
M147 in Hall 8.0. A live demonstration of the cP platform
will also take place in the Digital Zone.
Contentra Technologies
We have upgraded our digitization capabilities to cover
non-English languages, especially German, French, Portu-
guese, Japanese, Korean and Chinese, says president Amit
Vohra, who has just completed a manga series with right-
to-left EPub conversion.
His team currently converts about one million pages per
month into XML and EPub formats. Our conversion ser-
vices are divided into four parts: large-scale XML conver-
sions for newspapers; digitization of books, journals and
magazines in DocBook, PRISM and other proprietary
XML formats; e-book conversions in both refowable and
fxed layouts; and enhanced media-rich e-book creation,
adds Vohra, citing art development, photo research, page
design for educational textbooks, and XML-frst books
and journals as his focus on publishing services.
One large-scale conversion project using Digital Replica
Plus EPub format, for instance, required an unprecedented
level of embedded interactivities.
Up to 700 magazines and 200
newspapersin French, Dutch,
Spanish, German and other
European languagesare
digitized monthly with a
turnaround time between 24
and 48 hours upon receipt.
By deploying our purpose-
built proprietary software,
we can work with multiple
PDF formats and layouts, and
control the system access so that
some team members can only work
within a certain publication while
others can work across several levels. This workfow has
been effective in providing customized solutions in both tra-
ditional and new formats regardless of volume or workfow
complexity, says Vohra.
Another project on social studies with an instructional
model required stunning visuals, graphics and media-rich
interactivities to increase student engagement. Oxygen
was used as the XHTML editor for the structural author-
ing while the course authoring involved the creation of
sharable content objects such as fipbook, infographics and
image galleries. We also took on instructional design, photo
research and management, artwork development and car-
tography. Collaborative brainstorming right at the start
and comprehensive rounds of reviews were critical to its
success, adds Vohra.
For more on Contentras solutions and sample projects,
head over to stand L151 in Hall 8.0, or e-mail Vohra (amit. for an appointment.
Or attend its Transforming Content for the New World of
Ebooks, Apps, Tablets and Mobile Devices presentation at
Hall 8.0s HotSpot Digital Innovation on October 10, from
1:30 p.m. to 1:50 p.m.
This year, the team is focused on introducing various full-
service models, including assessments and digital product
deliveries, to European book and journal publishers, says
Krishna Tewari, global head for digital publishing and
retail solutions (DPRS). Both DPRS and PreMedia Global
[which will be merged] have been the market drivers in this
area, and Frankfurt allows us to showcase these technolo-
gies to major industry players. We will also launch a white-
label EPub3 reader app sPark, rights management solution
RightPhoto, and HTML5-based authoring and publishing
solution. Going forward, the combined DPRS and PreMe-
dia Global offerings will be organized into Intelligence,
Content, Design, Digital and Learning solutions to cover
end-to-end needs of publishers of all segments.
Over at Datamatics-Open Source Practice, business is
brisk as publishers test and prepare for both open source
and big data. The frst order of business for most of our
customers has been to move and consolidate existing por-
tals and delivery platforms from proprietary to open
source, followed by analysis and data gathering. We are
currently in strategic design and review phase for one
major American publisher in these areas, says Tewari,
adding that DPRS services have helped a corporate client
(with 80 million patents in different repositories) to
increase performance by as much as 20-fold in terms of
total cost of ownership. We have also helped one online
content publisher to consolidate over 70 sites and save
money by implementing open source solutions.
For one of Europes largest university presses, the team
is developing an advanced form of EPub3 e-book with
more than 25 types of interactivities that allow user to
save comments within the book itself, for instance. Such
application is enabled within the EPub framework with-
out deploying individual apps model, explains Tewari,
whose team also provides specialized multi-year service on
legal content summation and abstraction for one major
Demonstrations on various topicsmaking e-books
interactive, Flash to HTML5 migration, publishing a book
as an app, rights and permissions management, and big
data, for instancewill be held at stand B56 in Hall 4.0
regularly throughout the frst three days of the fair.
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SSPARKL, a vibrant content delivery solu-
tion, gets the center stage at diacriTech at
this fair. Device-agnostic SSPARKL
enables content creation and distribution
with portable and dynamic viewing solu-
tion, and it uses industry standard HTML
for vendor and platform neutrality,
explains executive v-p A.R.M. Gopinath,
adding that SSPARKL also has social media
features, interactivities, multimedia elements and LMS inte-
gration capabilities that makes it ideal for e-learning or train-
ing. SSPARKL is great for custom publishing as it is based
on XML and has a secure repository system for product cus-
tomization. It offers publishers immense value creation for
their content. SSPARKL e-reader, on the other hand, man-
ages e-books in an ergonomic GUI [graphical user interface],
which is very user-friendly and can be customized by the end
user to suit their reading preferences, Gopinath says.
The creation of SSPARKL, adds Gopinath, is prompted
by the multitude of devices and e-readers that do not quite
meet customer requirements. A survey that we conducted
among students, teachers, enablers and publishers threw
these shortcomings into focus. Interestingly, 15 years ago,
we actually created a product similar to SSPARKL but it
was obviously far ahead of its time. Now, we have recre-
atedand added a sparkleto this technol-
ogy-driven product to ft the current scenario.
For Gopinath, understanding clients chal-
lenges and requirements has been the key to dia-
criTechs success. For instance, we have
parlayed our math expertise to support
many of our solutions that help clients
create better products. Our patent-pend-
ing InXML, a true XML-frst software
for InDesign, now enables iBook Author
automation, universal ePUB and supports SSPARKL. We
recently used InXML for a client who is planning to eventu-
ally take his content through to handheld devices. The 4,500-
page series went to print and handheld markets seamlessly
faster than the time frame that our client had anticipated.
Head over to stand D96 in Hall 4.2 to understand more
about SSPARKL, InXML and other diacriTech products.
The launch of SSPARKL will take place at the HotSpot
Education on October 9 at 10:00 a.m. in Hall 8.0, and on
October 10 at 10:30 a.m. in Hall 4.2.
DiTech Process Solutions
Seven months after its launch, STUDYeBUDDY now offers
e-content from 32 publishers, including Usborne, Crabtree
Publishing, Kendall Hunt, Carson-Dellosa, Pustak Mahal,
Device agnostic delivery.
Flexible tools to
market your ebooks
Powerful white-label
direct sales channel
Fulfillment to any
reading device
Visit us in Hall 8.0, S92
Cloud-based, ebook bulk and corporate sales,
and promotional management for publishers.
Endpaper Editor gives you control over ebook sales and promotions in ways you
never thought possible. Upload ebooks, fulfill bulk ebook orders and create
promotional campaigns with unprecedented flexibility in minutes. It's now possible.
Manage the distribution of all your formats
to 35,000 potential buyers. Thats power.
Its time to change the way the publishing game
is played, and IngramSpark
is doing just that.
Try this new Publish on Demand
platform for your print and e-book titles. Make a connection
to more than 35,000 bookstores, online retailers, and libraries around the world. We print your
titles when ordered and manage your e-book data so you never miss a sale.
What do you need? Just print-ready PDFs for print titles, EPUB and JPEG for the e-books, an
ISBN, a credit card, and an email address.
Indie friendly!
Ingram Spark
complete fulfllment engine that facilitates direct corporate
sales for publishers and authors. Mass retailers and anyone
wanting to distribute to consumers across all existing chan-
nels can beneft from Enthrills device-agnostic approach,
which is accompanied by Endpaper Editor for catalogue
and promotions management, adds Franco, whose team
were able to deliverwith just a few simple e-mails upon
receipt of the frst requestthe redemption codes to an
educational institute wanting to distribute 3,500 e-book
copies of Stephen Coveys The 7 Habits of Highly Effective
People as a gift to graduating students.
Several publishers have par-
ticipated in the retail program
with dozens of books available
in Safeway and Federated Coop
stores in Canada. Open Road
Media and RosettaBooks, for
instance, recognize the opportu-
nities with e-books, and they are
taking active advantage of End-
paper to facilitate corporate,
bulk and special sales, says
Franco, emphasizing the fact that the company is focused
on both technology and intellectual property. Our mission
is to help publishers and authors gain control of their dis-
tribution and fulfll e-book content direct to consumers.
Having our own purpose-built fulfllment engine gives us
great fexibility in e-book fle delivery. Endpaper delivers
EPub, iBook, Mobi/KF8 or PDF fles to tablets, readers,
phones and computers on iOS, Windows, Android, or pro-
prietary e-ink devices.
We are seeking forward-thinking publishers and strate-
gic partners all over the globe, so come and talk with us
and lets see what we can be accomplished together. Drop
by stand S92 in Hall 8.0 for more information and demon-
stration on Enthrill products and services, Franco says.
For CEO Gareth Cuddy, the unveiling of eBookInsights
takes the center stage. With print books, publishers receive
delivery confrmation, agree to recommended retail prices
and can be reasonably confdent that their titles will be on
the shelf at the agreed prices. With e-books, this is not the
case. It is possible to obtain the information by checking
every online outlet but such exercise is laborious and costly.
Our innovative online inventory checker eBookInsights
eliminates this data black hole by getting the information
publishers need as often as they like and produces excep-
tion reports that they can use to fx the errors.
Continuous improvement on the simplicity and user-
friendliness of its e-book distribution is important to
Cuddy as new international sales channels, consolidated
reporting features and new clients are added. Random
House Group U.K. and Australia, for instance, switched
Popular Prakashan and Aardash Books. Another 40 pub-
lishers are set to join this hassle-free e-platform to store
and access content, says founder and CEO Nizam Ahmed
of DiTech Process Solution, pointing out that the eLibrarys
EPub-based content can be read anywhere at any time
through iOS and Android apps. Secure access and a DRM
system is another key feature.
STUDYeBUDDY ensures that different educational
requirements are met while offering best-quality audio/
video learning materials. For instance, medical students in
India will be able to access videos to better understand spe-
cifc medical procedures performed by doctors around the
world. Users can highlight important points, write notes,
add bookmarks and perform robust key word search while
reading content online as well as offinethus providing a
personalized reading experience, says Ahmed. Its built-in
B2B capabilities further offer two options: subscription for
educational institutions requiring customized e-content
packages, and retail for customers purchasing e-books on a
perpetual access basis.
With the STUDYeBUDDY portal and DiTechs digital
publishing solutions, clients now have access to an end-to-
end solution. We take care of every aspect in creating a
book, from copyediting to content development to convert-
ing it into multiple e-formats. At this fair, we will be pro-
moting TypeFi Publish and indexing. TypeFis accelerated
proofng and composition processes enable up-to-the-min-
ute content, faster publication cycle and instant online
updates, with a one-click button to get to multiple outputs
in XML, EPub, PDF and print PDF. Visitors to our stand
B85 in Hall 4.0 will get to know more TypeFi Publish fea-
tures. DiTech currently works with Insight Guides (U.K.)
on this system.
Our services, both STUDYeBUDDY and digital publish-
ing solutions, are direct results of our constant R&D for
innovative solutions. STUDYeBUDDY, for instance, is tar-
geted at Indias 100 million active Internet users, which are
expected to grow to 237 million by 2015, adds Ahmed,
emphasizing that this new market potential is too attractive
for publishers, international and national alike, to ignore.
We are proud to announce the launch of Endpaper Editor,
a cloud-based software that enables users to upload e-book
fles, generate download codes and create promotional cam-
paigns with unprecedented fexibility, says co-founder and
president Kevin Franco, adding that publishers can now
fulfill bulk corporate sales orders from one fulfillment
engine to all reading devices while maintaining control over
their content and connecting directly with the consumer.
Enthrill was the frst company to bring e-book gift cards
to mass-market retail stores with its proprietary software,
Endpaper, delivering e-books to any device. We offer a
Our events for today
Making your e-books interactve 11:00 to 12:00 Hrs
Migratng from Flash to HTML5 12:00 to 12:30 Hrs
Explore the new facet of publishing a book as an App 12:45 to 13:15 Hrs
Managing Rights & Permissions made easy 14:00 to 14:30 Hrs
Beginning your book with HTML 5 14:45 to 15:15 Hrs
to ePubDirect in April. With thousands of titles, numer-
ous imprints and varying delivery requirements, this
publisher has been a true test of our systems ability to
scale and adapt, says Cuddy, adding that the seamless
title migration took less than two months to complete.
Hunter Textbooks, Michigan State University, IMF, Hot
Key Books, The Ivy Group and Osprey Group also
moved to ePubDirect, resulting in its rapid expansion
and a new office in Oxford, U.K., in the past year.
One of our key strengths, adds Cuddy, is the ability to
provide publishers with real-time data and detailed analyt-
ics on the performance of their titlesa critical element of
a successful e-book strategy. Such insights allow them to
react quickly to opportunities in certain markets, problems
with particular titles, or seasonal trends. Our distribution
platforms agility and scalability remains a key differentia-
tor in an increasingly crowded market as it delivers and
does what it promises.
Cuddy will be speaking about information black holes
and eBookInsights on October 9, 12:00 p.m., at Hall 8.0s
Digital Innovation Hot Spot, and co-hosting an event with
new client Turpin Distribution (stand L27 Hall 4.2) at 4:30
p.m. He and his team will also demonstrate ePubDirects
next-generation e-book analytics and distribution service
at stand M170 in Hall 8.0.
Visitors to stand G41 in Hall 8.0 will get to enjoy Kobos
many content and product demonstrationsincluding the
newly released Aura, Arc 7, Arc 7HD and Arc 10HD mod-
elsin a living room setting complete with a freplace and
comfortable furniture. The new product line-up based on
Kobos Reading Life, says chief content offcer Michael
Tamblyn, enables the collection, curation and discovery of
content. It helps readers to discover more of the content
they are interested in through our all-new Beyond the Book
user experience. It highlights key topics within a book and
provides aggregated content from across the Web known as
Collections. Featured Collections are further personalized
with Kobos own editorial voice as well as respected infu-
encers such as authors, publishers and experts in their
Reading Life allows customization through the usage of
The digital future is uncertain. Publishers face a diverse array of challenges on the horizon. Let Publishing Technology enrich the life of your content with a tailored
solution from our full spectrum of extensible software and industry services. Visit us on stand M35, 4.2 to learn how we can transform your business.
PW_FBF2013_half page_Layout 1 26/09/2013 16:58 Page 1
The digital future is uncertain. Publishers face a diverse array of challenges on the horizon. Let Publishing Technology enrich the life of your content with a tailored
solution from our full spectrum of extensible software and industry services. Visit us on stand M35, 4.2 to learn how we can transform your business.
PW_FBF2013_half page_Layout 1 26/09/2013 16:58 Page 1
TypeGenius and features such as tracking reading with fun
stats and awards, sharing favorite passages or quotes with
Facebook Timeline as well as personalizing recommenda-
tions and reading offers. (Kobo has partnered with San
Francisco-based Pocket to enable readers to save articles
and other Web content to their e-ink devices.)
Kobo has also introduced a simple one-tap interface that
enables readers to go from one text column to the next
without zooming and panning. We remove distractions
such as the toolbar to create a cleaner interface that focuses
on the content. This new experience, developed with the
same digital publishing tools that we offer to publishers
and authors, signifcantly improves the reading experi-
ence, adds Tamblyn.
Popular fashion, science, business and technology maga-
zines are now available from Kobo in North America, with
global access by the end of the year. A much expanded
100,000-title kids store is also up and running with special
features allowing parents to set up dedicated accounts for
their kids, allocate spending allowances, pre-select e-titles,
adjust search-settings to ensure their kids read safely, set
reading goals and track their reading progress.
At this fair, Kobo will host an in-booth party celebrating
Brazil on October 10, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., with
exclusive author readings by Paulo Lins, Bernardo Carv-
alho, Fbio Moon and Gabriel B.
MPS Limited
We are launching ScholarStor, our third-generation cloud-
based delivery platform for books, journals and reference
works, at this fair, says CMO Rahul Arora, adding that
the hosted solution empowers publishers to manage and
render content across multiple channels. The platform has
numerous innovative features, including a fexible adminis-
tration tool for unique publisher needs, a robust subscrip-
tion and e-commerce module, extensive marketing scalabil-
ity, and rich discoverability functionalities. ScholarStor is
also powered by its analytics platform MPS Insight to
allow seamless consumption of real-time user intelligence
including COUNTER-4 and sales reports.
The creation of ScholarStor is made possible by our soft-
ware development division, MPS Technologies. This team of
100-plus software developers also allows us to offer contin-
ued maintenance and responsive support for the Scholar-
Stor platform, adds Arora, who will also showcase MPSs
flagship digital publishing platform DigiCore. Specific
DigiCore modules have gained signifcant momentum in the
market since its launch at last years fair. We were recently
awarded large editorial and production programs for a
leading scientifc society and also for a global health infor-
mation services company, where the combined DigiEdit and
DigiComp modules provide for a richer editorial experience
while powering automated production processes.
His team also implemented MPS Trak for a global pub-
lisher with scholarly works in disciplines such as business,
management, education, health care and engineering.
MPS Trak is the workflow management module that
extends beyond DigiCore, and this comprehensive cloud-
based publishing workfow solution manages the tracking,
information and reporting elements of the publishing pro-
cess. For this project, the implementation was completed
within three months, much to the delight of our client.
One emerging trend that Arora has observed and appre-
ciated is the early involvement of the publishing clients IT
division in digital product development. This places MPS
in a unique position as we have a IT support division, and
our role has expanded to offering integrated services across
content development, delivery and analytics. The value that
we provide to clients translates to developing transforma-
tive digital products in reduced time-to-market and costs.
Head over to stand P17 in Hall 4.2 for more information
on innovative MPS products and solutions, and product
Publishing Technology
With its recent collaboration with China National Publica-
tions Import and Export Corp. in the spotlight, it is natural
for Publishing Technology to promote its advance enter-
prise system, pub2web custom hosting platform, ingenta-
connect turnkey hosting solution and Publishers Commu-
nication Group (PCG) sales and marketing consultancy at
this fair.
We are highlighting our PCG Sao Paulo offce, which
provides sales representation, marketing services and
library conference exhibits in Brazil and throughout the
wider region, says marketing manager Michael Groth,
adding that PCG vice-president for Brazil will be on hand
to meet with publishers looking to reach the Latin Ameri-
can market. Trade and large publishers will also be inter-
ested in Order to Cash, our next-generation digital + print
marketing and distribution platform, which is available on
its own or as a part of our advance system. It allows pub-
lishers to maintain their print business while also embrac-
ing digital, and to package, market, sell and deliver content
in whatever formats that readers demand, wherever and
whenever they want it. We are also promoting the theme of
optimizing content and the user experience, says Groth.
The company is currently implementing Global Product
Manager for HarperCollins on its advance framework.
Adds Groth, This major undertaking unifes and central-
izes HarperCollinss editorial, marketing and business data
around the world, and subsequently widens the reach of its
print and digital publications in core target markets.
Egmont Kids Media is also using the advance framework
to more effectively manage and monetize rights, sub-rights,
fragments and permissions across the company. Then there
books in TranslaTion:
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JaviTs cenTer
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Produced & Managed by
are bespoke Web-based projects through its pub2web plat-
form for the American Society of Microbiology and the
American Institute of Physics that integrate multiple con-
tent types with various semantic enrichment features. We
have also just launched our frst e-books-only site for Paris-
based content aggregator Numrique Premium, integrating
over 1,500 titles within 14 collections from 30 publishers.
Drop by stand M35 in Hall 4.2 to explore more of its
products and services, and hear what CEO George Lossius
has to say at the What is a Publisher Now? panel on Octo-
ber 9, 10:45 a.m. to 11:45 a.m., at Hall 4.2s SPARKS stage.
An integrated book-selling platform is the theme at Qbend
this year. We are introducing two new servicesdigital
marketing and content distributionwhich, along with
the option to sell e-books and print books, custom and
multichannel publishing as well as consumer analytics, will
provide a complete toolset to get into the online book-sell-
ing market, says COO Kaushik Sampath.
Integrated marketing is focused on driving more traffc
to our clients eStore and engaging with their consumers via
social media so as to increase our clients ROI. It is a major
service offered to publishers using our eStore to sell their
print or e-books, adds Sampath, explaining that the hot-
test topic among online communities has been about the
social publisher. It is about how publishers integrate their
marketing plans to leverage on the data gathered from their
consumers purchasing patterns. With our integrated mar-
keting service, we give publishers the perfect platform
their own branded eStoreto get in front of their consum-
ers, engage them in conversations and provide content that
are suited to their needs.
Such eStore features have seen more publishers, espe-
cially those new to international sales, signing up with
Qbend this year. Some have gone on to discover that the
ability to expand internationally and capture new markets
has contributed a lot to their businesses. Sales & market-
ing director Sheri Dean of Business Expert Press, for
instance, fnds that selling to the far corners of the world
has led to increased positive branding of our company.
Meanwhile, Elsevier is using Qbends custom and multi-
channel publishing system S.N.A.P. (search, navigate,
assemble, publish) to take their customized content offer-
ings direct to the customers. Sampath and his team are
also creating an eStore for Amar Chitra Katha, one of
Indias top childrens publishing houses and a household
brand name in that segment.
For more on Qbends solutions, head over to its stands
(M132 in Hall 8.0 and P94 in Hall 4.2), or attend its pre-
sentation titled Accelerate Your Ebook Business at
HotSpot Digital Innovation on October 10, 11:3011:50
a.m. and October 11, 10:3010:50 a.m.
Thomson Digital
Alongside its revolutionary 1P1P (One Person One Project)
workflow, Thomson Digital will also demonstrate and
launch its fagship web-based TD-XPS platform, which
allows for a consolidated workfow, fastest possible time-
to-market and reduced cost of production.
Enabling a smart and lean workfow from input accep-
tance through to multichannel delivery is what 1P1P is
about. This is facilitated by TD-XPS, which enables a
robust XML-based production workfow that integrates
authoring, reviewing, editing, formatting and multichan-
nel delivery from a single content source. Production-
cycle time is signifcantly reduced to the minimum, giving
our partners the ability to radically transform their pub-
lishing process and match their consumers demand for
dynamic and multiplatform content, says executive
director Vinay Singh, pointing out that TD-XPSs high
degree of automation further captures the granular
essence of the content, limiting manual intervention while
delivering consistent quality at unparalleled speed.
TD-XPS, explains Singh, is devised not only to beneft
large publishers but also small presses, society publishers
and self-published authors who have been unable to har-
ness such technology in the past due to cost and resource
issues. TD-XPS is uniquely poised to let users pick and
choose the tools needed and customize them to ft their
needs. It also allows them to defne their profles and scale
their licensing as required, adds Singh, who has set up an
offce in Brazil, and plans to further strengthen Thomson
Digitals presence in the Spanish and French markets
while expanding its South American and North African
His team is currently working on a two-year 80,000-
title conversion project to generate bibliographic data
containing citations, abstracts and references for cross-
platform publishing. It started with a mapping process
to cover all DTD elements that are needed to populate the
output data format. The most challenging parts are identi-
fying author information, and searching for book meta-
data and abstracts that often involve more than three dif-
ferent sources, including PDF/XML/ONIX input fles and
the publishers databases, explains Singh.
To learn more about Thomson Digital and its capabili-
ties, visit stand M100 in Hall 4.2, or contact senior man-
ager for business development Padma Krishnamurthy
( for a closer look at TD-
XPS and 1P1P.
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SUBAD_FD_FULL_Layout 1 9/30/13 5:08 PM Page 1
f fairs like Frankfurt prove anything, though, its that as
far as the role and fundamental function of the publisher
remain the same, publishers cannot rely upon tradi-
tional tried-and-tested modes of working to guarantee
success. Instead, publishers need fresh eyes and an inno-
vative approach. Thats why, in spite of media doom and
gloom about the diffculties faced by todays graduates as
they attempt to break into sectors like ours, its a great time
for a younger generation of thinkers. Their inbuilt aware-
ness of what technology can do and offer means they are
brilliantly placed to redefne the parameters within which
publishing works.
So what problems need fxing? On the trade side, theres
no denying that a large proportion of retail has migrated
online. The link between consumer and publisher is, for
these individuals, wholly severed. Whats more, e-tailers are
proprietorial and wont share access to these consumers.
Publishers need to fnd a way to build a new relationship
with these readers, creating an alternative space for the
reading community. Its no small task. Author experience is
also in need of a shake: writers want greater proximity to
editors, to sales and marketing teams, to publicity and pro-
motional activity. This means changing the implementation
stage of the publishing process, as authors want more of a
hand in, and effect on, the impact their books can make on
On the academic side, however, challenges lie in best facil-
itating the impact of content. Academics create content in
order to share their research for the good of the world, but
also to garner credit for their research that in turn furthers
their careers in academia. For these writers the crucial fac-
tors are furthering the reach and penetration of their work,
the need to measure consumption more closely, and of
course, the ongoing issues surrounding accessibility. Pub-
lishers need to look to create solutions that interlink
resources, providing details on all aspects at a more granu-
lar level. This will improve the authors experience by deliv-
ering the information they want, which can then create a
feedback loop to improve and inform dissemination of con-
How can publishers solve these problems? Undoubtedly,
publishers have an eye on innovation and ingenuity; they
appreciate there is a need for change. The bustling halls and
packed seminar programs that most probably surround you
as you read this article are the living proof of that. The book
fair is in many ways a hothouse for experimentationfor
cherry-picking those brilliant sparks that can kick-start the
creativity a publisher requires to build success within the
current industry landscape. By focusing on these glimmers
of genius, though, their attention and time is drawn from
the elementary building blocks that are necessary for
For that spark of genius to become a blaze, then, the kin-
dling needs to be suitable. Publishers know they need to be
thinking about innovation; it hangs heavy in the air in the
halls in Frankfurt, tantalizingly close. But the raw material
is not up to scratch. Most publishing houses are working
with a basic infrastructure that is in no ft state to take
advantage of the opportunities around us.
The conditions for innovation wont go away. The time is
right for change. Publishers might, ultimately, have the same
role they have always had, but the tools they use and the
possibilities they encounter are evolving. Publishers need to
accept this and make the jump. By seeking input from tech-
nology companies, publishers can rely on experts for the
solutions that can best facilitate their profession, dodging
those fads along the way that are the scourge of progress
(fads are the subject for a different article in themselves!).
In short, the publisher must be both a traditionalist and
an innovator. Publishers must be convinced of the contin-
ued relevance and consistency of their role, and steadfast in
the belief that publishing is a unique industry with a specifc
business model requiring specialist knowledge and atten-
tion. Publishers must also be innovators, believing that
essentially the future of the industry is bright and looking
out for chances to capitalize on major developments. There
are many opportunities for growth, for new ideas, for inven-
If publishers can stay true to their essential role, investing
in their basic infrastructure but harnessing the new technol-
ogy advances with vigor and enthusiasm, we can expect the
next decade to be even more successful and interesting than
the last.
Roll on, FIBF 2013!
The Publisher:
Innovator or Traditionalist?
By GeorGe Lossius
There is no denying that the past decade has seen some mighty changes within the
publishing industry. The surging power of social media, the death of the physical book
and the rise of the e-book, the ongoing debate over open access, tech start-ups, and the
new drive for consolidation have greatly altered the face of the industry. Some things,
however, remain the same. The big book fairsFrankfurt, London, BEAstill mark crucial phases of the
industry and play a consistently important role. Their continued relevance refects a truth at the very heart of
the industry: while changes affect the wider publishing community, the role of the publisher is very much what
it always wasa content gatekeeper.
George Lossius, CEO of Publishing Technology, will join Victor
Henning (Mendeley/Elsevier), Mark Anderson (Pearson) and
Dan Franklin (Penguin Random House) for the What Is a Pub-
lisher Now? debate, taking place at 10:45 a.m., Wednesday,
October 9, at the SPARKS stage, Hall 4.2. The event will be
chaired by Karina Luke (Book Industry Communication).
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