A História Das Quatro Sementes - Story of The Four Seeds

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Once upon a time, four little seeds sat together in a small bag. Only a few days earlier Mr.

Farmer had reached into his bag of seeds and removed all of the other seeds. Now there were only four seeds left Biggest Seed, Littlest Seed, Roundest Seed, and Flattest Seed. Where have the other seeds gone? the seeds wondered. Why havent they returned?

Era uma vez quatro sementes que se encontravam juntas dentro de um pequeno saco. Apenas alguns dias atrs, o Sr. Fazendeiro, tinha enfiado a mo no saco e pegado todas as outras sementes. Agora s restavam quatro sementes: Semente Maior, Semente Menor, Semente Arredondada e Semente Achatada. --Para onde foram as outras sementes? -indagavam elas. --Por que no voltaram?

The four seeds knew Mr. Farmer was a good man, but now they were filled with uncertainty about their futures. Will we be taken too? whispered the seeds to each other. The very next day they heard Mr. Farmer talking to his friend. Today I will plant these seeds, he said, as he gave the bag a little shake.

As quatro sementes sabiam que o Sr. Fazendeiro era um bom homem, mas agora sentiam-se totalmente inseguras em relao ao futuro. --Ser que tambm vai nos levar? -- sussurravam as sementes umas para as outras.

No dia seguinte, elas ouviram o Sr. Fazendeiro dizer para o seu amigo: --Hoje vou plantar estas sementes -- disse ele, abanando o saquinho.
Dentro do saco, as sementes se aconchegaram umas contra as outras. --Vou plant-las bem fundo na terra, -disse o fazendeiro. E espa-las umas das outras, para suas razes terem espao para crescer.

Within the bag the seeds huddled closely together.

I will plant them deep into the earth, said the farmer. I will space them apart to give their roots room to grow.

The seeds did not understand what plant meant or what earth was. And to hear they would soon be separated from each other when they had never been apart before caused them to worry. The seeds trembled and fretted.

As sementes no entendiam o que significava plantar nem o que era terra. E ouvir dizer que logo iriam ser separadas umas das outras quando sempre estiveram juntas, as deixou preocupadas. As sementes estremeceram e ficaram com medo.

Later that day, the farmer took the seeds from the bag and looked at each seed in turn.

Mais tarde naquele dia, o fazendeiro tirou as sementes do saco e examinou-as uma por uma.

For a little while you will be covered in dirt, said Mr. Farmer in a kind voice, and it may seem scary. But if you will be patient and brave, you will soon begin a new life, and will grow into something so beautiful you could not even imagine it right now.
The seeds took comfort in these words, and the next day the farmer set out with his bags of seeds.

Durante um tempinho, vo estar cobertas de terra -- disse o Sr. Fazendeiro em voz amvel -- e pode parecer assustador. Mas se forem pacientes e corajosas, logo comearo uma nova vida, e se tornaro algo muito lindo que agora nem podem imaginar.
Essas palavras tranquilizaram as sementes e, no dia seguinte, o fazendeiro saiu com seus sacos de sementes.

Remember, we must be brave, said Biggest Seed to the others, as he was the first to be plucked from the bag. He found himself placed carefully into a hole made in the earth, and then after a last fond look from the farmer, he was covered up. Next Littlest Seed was planted, then Roundest Seed, and then Flattest Seed. One by one, the seeds all found themselves planted gently in the ground.

--Lembrem-se que precisamos ser corajosas -- disse a Semente Maior para as outras, sendo a primeira a ser tirada do saco. Ela foi cuidadosamente colocada dentro de um buraco feito na terra e, depois de olh-la carinhosamente uma ltima vez, o fazendeiro a cobriu com terra. Em seguida foi a vez da Semente Pequena ser plantada, depois a Semente Arredondada e por ltimo a Semente Achatada. Uma a uma as sementes se viram sendo gentilmente plantadas no solo.

Each seed lay in the earth by itself and at first felt lonely. But soon, they found they had new friends. An ant traveled by one, and a worm by another. Greetings! these creatures of the earth would say as they passed, and the seeds no longer felt so alone. Days passed, then weeks. When the seeds felt impatient or sad, they would recall the farmers words. They would whisper to themselves, I must be brave; I am the beginning of new life.

Cada semente foi plantada sozinha e a princpio se sentiu solitria, mas logo fez novos amigos. Uma formiga passou por uma, e uma minhoca por outra. --Viva! -diziam essas criaturinhas da terra quando passavam por elas, e as sementes no se sentiam mais to solitrias. Primeiro passaram dias e depois semanas. Quando as sementes se sentiam impacientes ou tristes, recordavam as palavras do fazendeiro e sussurravam para si mesmas: Preciso ser corajosa, porque estou s portas de uma nova vida.

One ordinary day, Littlest Seed found that he was no longer underground. Sometime in the night, he had grown up and up and up. He was now looking up toward the bright blue sky.

Um dia, Semente Menor descobriu que no estava mais debaixo da terra. Durante a noite havia crescido e crescido e crescido. Agora estava olhando para cima, para o cu azulzinho.

It finally happened! the little shoot exclaimed. I have become new life! Looking around, he saw his friends Biggest Seed, Roundest Seed, and Flattest Seed, and they rejoiced at being reunited after having been apart for so long. It was a happy day.

--Finalmente aconteceu! -exclamou o pequeno rebento. -Eu me tornei uma nova vida! Olhou para os lados e viu suas amigas Semente Maior, Semente Arredondada e Semente Achatada, e elas se alegraram por estarem juntas de novo, depois de tanto tempo separadas. Que diz feliz!

The following days passed quickly for them, as they talked together, and laughed, and swayed with the passing breeze. They marveled at the seasons, and how their leaves and branches would change with the passing of days and the changes in weather.

Os dias seguintes passaram rpido para elas, enquanto conversavam, riam e se balanavam ao sabor da brisa que soprava. Elas se maravilharam com as estaes e de ver suas folhas e ramos mudar com o passar dos dias e as mudanas do clima.

Many years later, when each was a fine, tall tree, giving shade to many younger saplings, they would recall that time so long ago when they had trembled at the thought of being buried in the earth. I am glad we chose to be brave and trust Mr. Farmer, said Flattest Seed to the others. The others nodded their heads and stood straight and tall. They wished many others would chose to be brave too.

Muitos anos depois, quando cada uma delas havia se tornado uma rvore alta e bela, dando sombra para muitos pequenos renovos, relembraram os dias passados to distantes, quando estremeceram s de pensar em ser enterradas na terra. --Fico feliz de termos escolhido ser corajosas e confiado no Sr. Fazendeiro -disse a Semente Achatada para as outras. As outras, altas e eretas, acenaram afirmativamente com a cabea. Como elas desejavam que outras escolhessem igualmente ser corajosas.

Sometimes the things we go through make us feel uneasy or lonely, and in times like that God asks us to be patient and to trust in His love for us. There will come a time when even those sad or difficult times will bring forth the blessing of happiness once again.

Por vezes, as coisas que passamos nos fazem sentir desconfortveis ou solitrios, e em momentos assim Deus nos pede para sermos pacientes e confiarmos no Seu amor por ns. Chegar a hora em que at desses momentos tristes ou difceis brotar de novo a bno da felicidade.

Histrias bilnge para crianas www.freekidstories.org

Story and art courtesy of My Wonder Studio. Final page illustrations by Danilo Rizzuti/Freedigitalphotos.net.

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