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Battagin, Arnaldo Forti1 and Pecchio, Marcelo2

Brazilian Portland Cement Association, São Paulo, Brazil. E-mail:
Brazilian Portland Cement Association, São Paulo, Brazil. E-mail:


Blast-furnace slag as an addition to Portland cement is largely used in Brazil. In spite of the high
addition content (up to 70 mass %), the cement industry cannot absorb the total slag production,
leading to storage of millions of tons in open air. Slag is thus exposed to weathering for years.

This paper presents the study carried out on three long-stored slag samples compared to two new
ones, aiming at checking their aging degree and influence on their reactivity and consequently on
the mechanical performance of the corresponding blended cement.

Old slag samples showed lower hydration heat liberation and significant - in some cases reaching
30% to 40% - loss in performance, followed by changes in setting times.


About 7.3 million tons of blast furnace slag were produced in Brazil in 2000 [1] and around 6.0
million tons were formed by granulated blast furnace slag (GBFS).

Granulation is obtained by quenching the molten slag into glass using high pressure water jets. The
rapid cooling prevents crystallization producing a granular glassy material that, after grinding has
good hydraulic properties making it a Portland clinker substitute or extender.

GBFS in slag cement or blended Portland slag cement has been largely used in Brazil for more than
50 years [2] but the cement industry cannot absorb the whole slag production. Although
consumption in 2000 was about 4.9 million tons there was an excess 1.1 million tons that was not
used. Due to this, around 12 million tons of GBFS are stockpiled mainly in cement plants.

Many publications have dealt with the use of fresh-made GBFS as a cementitious material but less
work has been done about the use of weathered slag. In fact, there is only one known contribution
of Hiroshima and Igarashi [3] that studied the effect of weathering of GBFS and concluded that
there was a loss of 28-day compressive strength and an increase of setting times of cements
containing “old” slag. On the other hand, Brazilian cement manufacturers have reported an
improvement in slag grindability.

It is generally agreed that slag reactivity is due to both inherent characteristics and external factors.
Inherent characteristics are related to operational conditions of blast furnace, temperature and
viscosity of molten slag, granulation process and installation, etc.

External factors are characteristics that are imposed to slag by means of handling, storage and

For practical purposes and quality control we can summarize as slag inherent characteristics their
chemical composition and their glass content.
External factors determining slag reactivity are mainly slag fineness, alkali concentration of
reacting system, temperature during early phases of hydration process and weathering degree.

This paper reports results from a laboratory study on the weathering effects on slag reactivity using
chemical analysis, microscopy examination, conduction calorimeter, accelerated compressive
strength tests by NaOH activation and cement compressive strength test with slag partial


2.1. Chemical Composition and Glass Content

Five slag samples were selected: UV1, UV2 and UN produced by USIMINAS, a Brazilian steel
plant located in Minas Gerais State, VRV and VRN produced by Companhia Siderurgica Nacional
(CSN) located in Volta Redonda, Rio de Janeiro. UV1, UV2 and VRV were stockpiled in un-
ground form for more than 10 years and UN and VRN have just been produced. Chemical
compositions are given in Table 1.

Table 1 – Chemical composition

% in mass
CaO 42.54 42.28 41.91 42.50 42.47
SiO2 34.68 35.10 35.10 35.65 34.31
Al2O3 12.23 12.08 12.54 11.32 11.42
Fe2O3 0.96 0.84 0.53 1.14 3.26
SO3 2.40 2.44 2.65 2.45 2.58
MgO 6.18 6.38 6.39 6.09 5.08
K2O 0.37 0.40 0.39 0.52 0.28
Na2O 0.11 0.10 0.11 0.113 0.12
TiO2 0.52 0.40 0.37 0.19 0.46
Total 99.99 100.02 99.99 99.973 99.98
IB1(*) 1.76 1.73 1.73 1.68 1.72
IB2(**) 1.23 1.20 1.19 1.19 1.24
(*)IB1 – CaO + MgO + Al2O3
I= >1 (**)IB2 - i = CaO/SiO2

Results show that slags are basic and comply with the requirements of Brazilian Standards. There
are no significant differences among slag chemical compositions. Although expressed as SO3,
sulphur is mostly present as sulphide, especially for UN and VRN slag samples. Sulphide oxidation
is supposedly more expressive in old slags (UV1, UV2 and VRV).

The glass content was determined by means of optical polarizing microscope according to the
method proposed by McMaster [4]. Results are given in Table 2.
Table 2 – Slag glass content
Slag %
UV1 95.2
UV2 93.6
UN 97.9
VRV 92.9
VRN 86.9

The slag melt has a high content of thermal energy. If this energy is fully dissipated by slow cooling
a stable crystalline and non-hydraulic slag is formed. On the other hand, if quick cooling is used, a
glassy slag with latent hydraulic properties is obtained. It is generally agreed that slag should have a
high glass content to develop cementitious properties. As shown in Table 2, samples present a high
glass content, most of them higher than 90%. Only VRN exhibited glass content below 90% but it
seems that small amounts of crystalline material in vitreous slag will not have very detrimental
effects. Demoulian and collaborators [5] have even reported that crystal nuclei have an
advantageous effect.

2.2. Loss on Ignition (LOI), Insoluble Residue (IR) and Scanning Electron Microscopy

In order to evaluate the effect of storage conditions on slag LOI and IR were determined in all
samples. LOI value could detect a certain stage of hydration/carbonation because it is known that
slags are formed after solidification of high temperature molten material and do not present any
LOI. However, vitreous slags are soluble in HCl solution and any IR value detected could be related
to contaminations of slag during storage. Table 3 presents the results of LOI and IR.

Table 3 – LOI and IR values

Sample Insoluble Residue (%) Loss of Ignition (%)
UV1 0.70 2.30
UV2 0.25 0.90
UN 0.25 -0.50
VRV 0.49 2.50
VRN 0.25 -1.70
(Obs.) Negative sign indicates a gain of mass due to an oxidation process

Table 3 shows that “old” slags presented higher values of LOI and IR compared to new ones.
Figures 1 and 2, obtained by sample observation under scanning electron microscope show that
weathered slag exhibits grains with a coating surface of hydration/carbonation and probably
sulphate products. It is believed that the hydrated layer is thin but tends to increase the higher the
time of storage at open air environment.
Figure 1 - Slag grains with coating surface of hydration/carbonation and probably sulphate products

Figure 2 – Slag grains with coating surface of hydration/carbonation and probably sulphate products

2.3. Hydraulic Activity of Slag by Reaction with Alkali: Compressive Strength Tests and Heat
of Hydration

Accelerated strength tests by using sodium hydroxide solution as mixing water were employed.
Slags were ground to a fineness of (4000 ± 150)cm2/g. Cylindrical test specimens of 50x100mm, in
proportion 1:3 (slag: sand), water cured at 23ºC, s/alk sol.=0.5, according to an adaptation of
Brazilian Standard NBR 7215 [6] were carried out. Alkali solution (20%) was prepared by
dissolving 200g of sodium hydroxide in 1 liter of distilled water and cooled to room temperature.
Average strength results at 48h are given in Table 4.
Table 4 – Slag hydraulic activity with NaOH
Density Blaine surface
Samples activity with
( area (cm2.g-1)
NaOH (MPa)
UV1 2.79 3950 7.4
UV2 2.84 4120 12.2
UN 2.91 3980 15.0
VRV 2.80 4040 8.6
VRN 2.94 4030 12.8

A conduction calorimeter was used to measure the evolution of heat of hydration. Slag pastes with
slag/alkaline solution equal to 0.4 and curing temperature 23ºC were adopted. Results of total heat
liberation up to 72 hours are shown in Figure 3.


100 UN
Hydration Heat (J/g)

80 VRV




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Time (h)

Figure 3 – Total heat of hydration liberation

From Figure 3 we conclude that the total heat liberated by “new” slag from a single source is higher
than that of the corresponding weathered slag. Accordingly, the same conclusion can be deduced
from results of hydraulic activity with NaOH shown in Table 4. Weathered slags both from
USIMINAS (UV1 and UV2) and Companhia Siderurgica Nacional (VRV) presented lower values
of hydraulic activity with NaOH compared to the new slags from the same origin.

Brazilian former studies [7] have shown that typical compressive strengths for good quality slags
are expected in range of 9 to 11MPa. We can deduce that “new” slags comply with these values
while weathered slags presented values below of these limits. It should be noted, however, that slag
UV2 presented a good behavior perhaps due to its higher fineness.
2.4. Cement Compressive Strength Test and Setting Time

In order to evaluate the mechanical performance behavior, each slag sample after ground to a
fineness (4000±150)cm2/g was mixed with an industrial ordinary Portland cement with Blaine
fineness 4400cm2/g.

The proportions of mixes were 0, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50% and 60% of slag replacement. Test
specimens were prepared and tested on 7- and 28-day compressive strength in accordance with
NBR 7215. Results obtained are given in Table 5 and Figures 4 and 5.

Table 5 - Compressive Strength (MPa)

Slag UV1 UV2 UN VRV VRN Reference
content 7 28 7 28 7 28 7 28 7 28 7 28
(%) days days days days days days days days days days days days
0 - - - - - - - - - - 40.3 47.1
20 34.9 44.6 38.2 46.2 40.8 51.0 37.4 44.6 41.1 50.7 - -
30 33.4 43.1 35.8 46.4 40.5 53.4 36.0 44.9 38.3 50.1 - -
40 29.6 40.8 33.9 44.9 41.3 54.3 37.0 42.3 37.2 52.3 - -
50 25.3 37.2 29.9 42.1 35.8 51.9 29.4 40.7 34.4 51.4 - --
60 21.4 34.0 25.2 39.9 33.6 50.6 25.1 36.6 29.3 49.2 - -

7 Day - Compressive Strength (MPa)



25 VRV

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Slag content (%)

Figure 4 – Slag contents versus 7-day compressive strength

28 Day - Compressive Strength (MPa)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Slag Content (%)

Figure 5 – Slag contents versus 28-day compressive strength

Figure 4 shows the 7-day compressive strength of cement mortars versus slag replacement from
20% to 60%. It is showed that the higher the slag replacement, the higher the strength loss for both
weathered and new slags. However, it seems that strength loss is higher for weathered slags
compared to “new” slags.

A different behavior was found for 28-day compressive strength, Figure 5. Accordingly, a strength
gain was obtained for mixes containing new slags. For 40% slag replacement strength gains are
15% and 10%, compared to reference for UN and VRN, respectively.

By comparing mortar strength of mixes with same slag replacement and from a single source,
results showed that strength losses are higher for weathered slags. For instance, for 60% slag
replacement, UV1 presented a loss of 36% compared to UN at 7 days.

Table 6 clearly shows that raising the slag replacement there is an increase of setting time for both
weathered and new slag. By comparing weathering and new slags from a same source, there is a
slight decrease of initial setting time and a shortening of final setting time for mixtures containing
weathered slag that reached up to 85 minutes.

Table 6 shows the results of initial and final setting times

Table 6 - Setting Time (min)

content (%) Initial Final Initial Final Initial Final Initial Final Initial Final
20 155 235 165 235 175 245 175 235 155 235
30 185 245 165 235 200 240 145 205 215 245
40 170 260 175 245 170 240 175 225 185 275
50 185 275 195 265 205 265 155 215 235 295
60 195 275 145 245 205 275 170 220 225 305

From the results of tests carried out in this investigation the following conclusions may be drawn.

• Slag weathering is linked to hydration/carbonation/oxidation process that causes a loss of

slag reactivity;
• By comparing weathered and new slags from a single source tests showed a decrease of heat
of hydration liberation as well as a decrease of alkali accelerated strength in weathered slag;
• LOI and IR tests, for its simplicity, could be used for quality control of slag weathered
• For 7-day compressive strength, test of mixes with slag replacement from 20% to 60%
showed that the higher the slag replacement, the higher the strength loss for both weathered
and news slags compared to the reference. However, it seems that strength loss is higher for
weathered slags;
• A different behavior was found for 28-day compressive strength tests. In spite of mixes
containing weathered slags have exhibited a strength loss of for all slag replacement, mixes
containing new slags presented a strength gain of 10% to 15% with replacement from 30%
to 50%;
• For some slag replacement, mixes presented strength loss of up to 40% by comparing new
and weathered slags from a single source.

• Finally, by raising the slag replacement, there is an increase of setting time for both
weathered and news slags. By comparing weathered and new slags from a single source
there was a slight decrease of initial setting time and a shortening of final setting time for
mixes containing weathered slag that reached up to 85 minutes.


[1] Annual Report 2000 – National Institute of Siderurgy

[2] Battagin,A.F. et all – Contribution to the knowledge of Blast Furnace Slag Cement Properties.
Technical Report nº 90. Brazilian Cement Association,1987. (in Portuguese)
[3] Hiroshima, A; Igarashi,T. Effect by Weathering of Granulated Blast Furnace Slag Powder on the Quality
of Portland Blast Furnace Slag Cement, CAJ Review, 1983, p. 65-66.
[4] Hooton,D.R. and Emery, J.J. Glass content determination and strength development predictors
for vitrified Blast Furnace Slag. In Fly ash, silica fume, slag&others mineral by-products in
concrete. ACI SP-79, vol. II, pag 943-962.
[5] Demoulian, E.;Vernet,C.;Hawthorn,F.;Gourdin,P. Détermination de la teneur en laitier dans le ciments par
dissolucion seletive. In. Int. Congr. Chemistry of Cement,7th . Paris, 1980. Proceedings. v II, p 151-156.
[6] NBR 7215, Determination on Cement Compressive Strength, Brazilian Association of Technical
Standards, 1996. (in Portuguese)
[7] Cincotto, M.A. and Battagin, A.F. – Characteristics of blast furnace slag and its use as a
cimentitious material and as concrete aggregate. Technical Research Institute Bulletin 65, 1992
p.18 (in Portuguese)
[8] Demolian, E et alii – Influence de la composition chimique et de la texture des laitiers sur leur
hidraulicité. In: Int. Congress on Chemistry of Cement, 7th, Paris, 1980 V4, p17-20.

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