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From: Tom Jensen, Director of Public Policy Polling To: Interested Parties Subject: State of the Governors Race

in Georgia Date: October 9th, 2013 PPPs polling this week reveals that an ethics scandal and disagreements about Medicaid funding have produced a weak position for the incumbent governor in Georgia, and Gov. Nathan Deals lead over a hypothetical 2014 challenger is now in the low-single digits. -In a hypothetical 2014 matchup, Nathan Deal slightly leads Jason Carter at 44/40 within the margin of error. This is a significant gain for Carter, who trailed 33/48 in the same hypothetical matchup we polled in August. -Deals standing with Georgian registered voters has continued to fall since our last poll. His approval was 44/32 in August, but has fallen to 34/41 in our new poll. -Much of this negative trend is due to Deals ethics scandal, as nearly half (48%) of those polled felt state ethics commissions call for an independent investigation of Deals last campaign is a convincing reason not to vote for his re-election. 52% of voters responded that Deals failure to file reports over large political contributions constituted a convincing reason to not vote for him next November. And a solid 62% of voters said they would be convinced to not vote for Deal because of his inaction over a Georgian company that owes the state more than $74 million in back taxes. -Deal is also out of step with the views of Georgia voters on Medicaid funding. 60% of registered voters support Georgias accepting of federal Medicaid funding, while only 26% oppose. Even 40% of Georgia Republicans are for it. -Much of Carters gains on Deal in recent months can be attributed to his support among women voters. Only 28% of women in Georgia approve of Nathan Deal, and 43% of women would vote for Carter over 37% for Deal in a hypothetical election. Public Policy Polling surveyed 602 Georgia voters on October 7-8. The margin of error for the survey is +/- 4.1% PPP polls are conducted using automated telephone interviews.

Public Policy Polling 3020 Highwoods Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604

Phone: 888 621-6988 Web: Email:

Georgia Survey Results

Q1 Do you approve or disapprove of Governor Nathan Deal's job performance?
Approve .......................................................... 34% Disapprove...................................................... 41% Not sure .......................................................... 25%


Heres the next reason: An independent reporter recently discovered that Gov. Nathan Deal is collecting political contributions greater than most Georgia families make in a year and failed to file reports for two years.
Convincing ...................................................... 52% Not convincing ................................................ 34% Not sure .......................................................... 14%


If the election for Governor were today, would you vote to re-elect Republican Nathan Deal, or would you vote for his Democratic opponent?
Nathan Deal .................................................... 45% Democratic opponent ...................................... 41% Not sure .......................................................... 15%



If the candidates for Governor in 2014 were Nathan Deal, the incumbent Republican, or Jason Carter, a Democratic state senator from Atlanta and grandson of Jimmy Carter, how would you vote?
Nathan Deal .................................................... 44% Jason Carter ................................................... 40% Not sure .......................................................... 16%

Heres one more: The governor is making millions of dollars from a company that won't pay Georgia what it owes. The company owes the state $74 million in back taxes, but Gov. Deal won't do anything about it, even though he made sure he got paid.
Convincing ...................................................... 62% Not convincing ................................................ 26% Not sure .......................................................... 13%



Now I'm going to ask you about your opinion of some reasons people have given for opposing the re-election of Governor Nathan Deal. For each one, please tell me whether you find it a convincing reason to vote against Governor Deal's re-election, or not. Heres the first one: The state ethics commission recently called for an independent investigation of charges stemming from Gov. Deals last campaign for governor. The states top ethics attorney said the governors office was involved in efforts to destroy documents in an open investigation involving the FBI and the U.S. Attorneys office.
Convincing ...................................................... 48% Not convincing ................................................ 37% Not sure .......................................................... 14%

Some people say that the Georgia state income tax should be repealed and replaced with an increase in the sales tax on goods and services. Supporters say this would improve the economy and encourage people to save more by taxing spending. Opponents say this would result in higher taxes for middle- and working-class Georgians, while cutting taxes for corporations and the wealthy. Having heard this, would you say you support or oppose the Georgia state income tax being repealed and replaced with an increase in the sales tax on goods and services?
Support ........................................................... 40% Oppose ........................................................... 44% Not sure .......................................................... 17%

October 7-8, 2013

Survey of 602 Georgia voters


Georgia and other states are considering whether to accept more federal funds for Medicaid. The money would insure more Georgians, put hundreds of millions of dollars into our economy, create thousands of jobs, and possibly prevent rural hospitals from closing. Do you support or oppose Georgia accepting the Medicaid funding?
Support ........................................................... 60% Oppose ........................................................... 26% Not sure .......................................................... 14%

Q12 Would you describe yourself as very liberal, somewhat liberal, moderate, somewhat conservative, or very conservative?
Very liberal ...................................................... 9% Somewhat liberal ............................................ 13% Moderate......................................................... 30% Somewhat conservative .................................. 26% Very conservative ........................................... 22%


Many workers in Georgia are being incorrectly labeled independent contractors, which lets employers avoid providing health care, minimum wage, overtime pay, and other fulltime benefits. Some states have passed laws to prevent or limit the practice of employers misclassifying employees as contractors. Would you support or oppose efforts in Georgia to prevent employers from misclassifying employees as contractors?
Support ........................................................... 54% Oppose ........................................................... 26% Not sure .......................................................... 21%

Q13 If you are a Democrat, press 1. If a Republican, press 2. If you are an independent or identify with another party, press 3.
Democrat ........................................................ 38% Republican ...................................................... 38% Independent/Other .......................................... 25%

Q14 If you are white, press 1. If African-American, press 2. If other, press 3.

White .............................................................. 63% African-American ............................................ 29% Other ............................................................... 8%

Q10 If you are a woman, press 1. If a man, press 2.

Woman ........................................................... 54% Man ................................................................. 46%

Q15 If you are 18 to 29 years old, press 1. If 30 to 45, press 2. If 46 to 65, press 3. If you are older than 65, press 4.
18 to 29 ........................................................... 10% 30 to 45 ........................................................... 26% 46 to 65 ........................................................... 44% Older than 65 .................................................. 20%

Q11 In the last presidential election, did you vote for Barack Obama or Mitt Romney?
Barack Obama ................................................ 41% Mitt Romney.................................................... 48% Someone else/Don't remember ...................... 11%

October 7-8, 2013

Survey of 602 Georgia voters


Gender Base Wom an Deal Approval Approve 34% Disapprove 41% Not sure 25% 28% 39% 32% 41% 42% 17% Man
Deal or Dem Opponent Nathan Deal 45% Dem ocratic 41% opponent Not sure 15%

Gender Base Wom an Man

38% 44% 17%

53% 36% 11%

Gender Base Wom an Deal/Carter Nathan Deal 44% Jason Carter 40% Not sure 16% 37% 43% 19% 52% 36% 12% Man

Gender Base Wom an Ethics Charges: Convincing Reason to Vote a/g Deal? Convincing 48% Not convincing 37% Not sure 14% 54% 29% 17% 41% 47% 11% Man

October 7-8, 2013

survey of 602 Georgia voters


Gender Base Wom an Failed to Report Donations: Convincing Reason to Vote a/g Deal? Convincing 52% Not convincing 34% Not sure 14% 57% 26% 17% 46% 44% 10% Man Making Millions from Deadbeat Co.: Convincing Reason to Vote a/g Deal? Convincing 62% Not convincing 26% Not sure 13%

Gender Base Wom an Man

67% 19% 14%

56% 33% 11%

Gender Base Wom an Support/Oppose Repaling Incom e Tax, Raising Sales Tax Support 40% Oppose 44% Not sure 17% 35% 47% 18% 45% 39% 15% Man Support/Oppose Accpeting Medicaid Funds Support 60% Oppose 26% Not sure 14%

Gender Base Wom an Man

63% 21% 17%

57% 32% 11%

October 7-8, 2013

survey of 602 Georgia voters


Gender Base Wom an Support/Oppose Preventing Em ployee Misclassification Support 54% Oppose 26% Not sure 21% 53% 22% 25% 55% 30% 16% Man
Deal Approval Approve 34% Disapprove 41% Not sure 25%

2012 Vote Barack Mitt Som eone else/Don't rem em ber Base Obam a Rom ney

11% 70% 20%

55% 17% 29%

32% 36% 32%

2012 Vote Barack Mitt Som eone else/Don't Base Obam a Rom ney rem em ber Deal or Dem Opponent Nathan Deal 45% Dem ocratic 41% opponent Not sure 15% 8% 83% 10% 78% 8% 15% 39% 26% 35% Deal/Carter Nathan Deal 44% Jason Carter 40% Not sure 16%

2012 Vote Barack Mitt Som eone else/Don't Base Obam a Rom ney rem em ber

7% 78% 14%

76% 8% 16%

42% 35% 23%

October 7-8, 2013

survey of 602 Georgia voters


2012 Vote Barack Mitt Som eone else/Don't rem em ber Base Obam a Rom ney Ethics Charges: Convincing Reason to Vote a/g Deal? Convincing 48% Not convincing 37% Not sure 14% 76% 13% 12% 26% 60% 14% 44% 31% 25%

2012 Vote Barack Mitt Som eone else/Don't Base Obam a Rom ney rem em ber Failed to Report Donations: Convincing Reason to Vote a/g Deal? Convincing 52% Not convincing 34% Not sure 14% 79% 13% 8% 30% 53% 17% 48% 28% 24%

2012 Vote Barack Mitt Som eone else/Don't Base Obam a Rom ney rem em ber Making Millions from Deadbeat Co.: Convincing Reason to Vote a/g Deal? Convincing 62% Not convincing 26% Not sure 13% 92% 4% 4% 38% 45% 18% 54% 25% 21% Support/Oppose Repaling Incom e Tax, Raising Sales Tax Support 40% Oppose 44% Not sure 17%

2012 Vote Barack Mitt Som eone else/Don't Base Obam a Rom ney rem em ber

25% 58% 17%

55% 31% 14%

28% 44% 28%

October 7-8, 2013

survey of 602 Georgia voters


2012 Vote Barack Mitt Som eone else/Don't Base Obam a Rom ney rem em ber Support/Oppose Accpeting Medicaid Funds Support 60% Oppose 26% Not sure 14% 89% 5% 6% 37% 44% 19% 54% 26% 20% Support/Oppose Preventing Em ployee Misclassification Support 54% Oppose 26% Not sure 21%

2012 Vote Barack Mitt Som eone else/Don't Base Obam a Rom ney rem em ber

66% 15% 19%

43% 36% 21%

54% 21% 25%

Ideology Very Som ew hat Som ew hat Very liberal Moderate conservative conservative Base liberal Deal Approval Approve 34% Disapprove 41% Not sure 25% 19% 58% 23% 23% 58% 19% 21% 54% 24% 38% 32% 30% 59% 15% 26%
Deal or Dem Opponent Nathan Deal 45% Dem ocratic 41% opponent Not sure 15%

Ideology Very Som ew hat Som ew hat Very liberal Moderate conservative conservative Base liberal

16% 68% 17%

18% 76% 7%

25% 60% 16%

61% 21% 18%

79% 7% 14%

October 7-8, 2013

survey of 602 Georgia voters


Ideology Very Som ew hat Som ew hat Very liberal Moderate conservative conservative Base liberal Deal/Carter Nathan Deal 44% Jason Carter 40% Not sure 16% 11% 65% 24% 16% 77% 8% 21% 58% 21% 62% 23% 16% 83% 5% 11%

Ideology Very Som ew hat Som ew hat Very liberal Moderate conservative conservative Base liberal Ethics Charges: Convincing Reason to Vote a/g Deal? Convincing 48% Not convincing 37% Not sure 14% 78% 10% 12% 71% 20% 9% 61% 21% 18% 34% 48% 18% 22% 68% 10%

Ideology Very Som ew hat Som ew hat Very liberal Moderate conservative conservative Base liberal Failed to Report Donations: Convincing Reason to Vote a/g Deal? Convincing 52% Not convincing 34% Not sure 14% 87% 5% 8% 66% 24% 10% 65% 22% 13% 41% 42% 17% 25% 58% 17% Making Millions from Deadbeat Co.: Convincing Reason to Vote a/g Deal? Convincing 62% Not convincing 26% Not sure 13%

Ideology Very Som ew hat Som ew hat Very liberal Moderate conservative conservative Base liberal

86% 11% 4%

85% 12% 3%

77% 9% 13%

46% 33% 21%

36% 53% 11%

October 7-8, 2013

survey of 602 Georgia voters


Ideology Very Som ew hat Som ew hat Very liberal Moderate conservative conservative Base liberal Support/Oppose Repaling Incom e Tax, Raising Sales Tax Support 40% Oppose 44% Not sure 17% 31% 50% 20% 26% 53% 21% 33% 54% 13% 45% 38% 18% 54% 29% 17% Support/Oppose Accpeting Medicaid Funds Support 60% Oppose 26% Not sure 14%

Ideology Very Som ew hat Som ew hat Very liberal Moderate conservative conservative Base liberal

79% 14% 7%

84% 13% 3%

74% 14% 12%

45% 34% 21%

38% 45% 18%

Ideology Very Som ew hat Som ew hat Very liberal Moderate conservative conservative Base liberal Support/Oppose Preventing Em ployee Misclassification Support 54% Oppose 26% Not sure 21% 67% 16% 17% 66% 19% 15% 66% 19% 15% 46% 28% 26% 34% 40% 26%

Party Base Dem ocrat Republican Independent/Other Deal Approval Approve 34% Disapprove 41% Not sure 25% 14% 66% 20% 55% 17% 29% 34% 38% 27%

October 7-8, 2013

survey of 602 Georgia voters


Party Base Dem ocrat Republican Independent/Other Deal or Dem Opponent Nathan Deal 45% Dem ocratic 41% opponent Not sure 15% 9% 80% 11% 79% 6% 15% 47% 33% 20% Deal/Carter Nathan Deal 44% Jason Carter 40% Not sure 16%

Party Base Dem ocrat Republican Independent/Other

7% 80% 13%

81% 6% 13%

43% 32% 25%

Party Base Dem ocrat Republican Independent/Other Ethics Charges: Convincing Reason to Vote a/g Deal? Convincing 48% Not convincing 37% Not sure 14% 73% 12% 14% 25% 64% 11% 46% 35% 19%
Failed to Report Donations: Convincing Reason to Vote a/g Deal? Convincing 52% Not convincing 34% Not sure 14%

Party Base Dem ocrat Republican Independent/Other

81% 12% 7%

26% 55% 19%

48% 35% 17%

October 7-8, 2013

survey of 602 Georgia voters


Party Base Dem ocrat Republican Independent/Other Making Millions from Deadbeat Co.: Convincing Reason to Vote a/g Deal? Convincing 62% Not convincing 26% Not sure 13% 88% 7% 5% 34% 48% 18% 64% 20% 16% Support/Oppose Repaling Incom e Tax, Raising Sales Tax Support 40% Oppose 44% Not sure 17%

Party Base Dem ocrat Republican Independent/Other

25% 55% 20%

53% 34% 13%

42% 41% 17%

Party Base Dem ocrat Republican Independent/Other Support/Oppose Accpeting Medicaid Funds Support 60% Oppose 26% Not sure 14% 86% 7% 7% 39% 45% 16% 54% 25% 21%
Support/Oppose Preventing Em ployee Misclassification Support 54% Oppose 26% Not sure 21%

Party Base Dem ocrat Republican Independent/Other

65% 16% 18%

41% 38% 21%

56% 21% 23%

October 7-8, 2013

survey of 602 Georgia voters


Race AfricanBase White Am erican Other Deal Approval Approve 34% Disapprove 41% Not sure 25% 44% 30% 26% 13% 66% 21% 32% 32% 36%

Race AfricanBase White Am erican Other Deal or Dem Opponent Nathan Deal 45% Dem ocratic 41% opponent Not sure 15% 61% 23% 16% 9% 82% 10% 47% 28% 25%

Race AfricanBase White Am erican Other Deal/Carter Nathan Deal 44% Jason Carter 40% Not sure 16% 61% 24% 15% 10% 77% 14% 33% 30% 37%

Race AfricanBase White Am erican Other Ethics Charges: Convincing Reason to Vote a/g Deal? Convincing 48% Not convincing 37% Not sure 14% 37% 50% 13% 73% 12% 16% 48% 34% 17%

October 7-8, 2013

survey of 602 Georgia voters


Race AfricanBase White Am erican Other Failed to Report Donations: Convincing Reason to Vote a/g Deal? Convincing 52% Not convincing 34% Not sure 14% 39% 45% 16% 82% 13% 6% 46% 26% 28% Making Millions from Deadbeat Co.: Convincing Reason to Vote a/g Deal? Convincing 62% Not convincing 26% Not sure 13%

Race AfricanBase White Am erican Other

50% 34% 16%

89% 7% 5%

57% 26% 17%

Race AfricanBase White Am erican Other Support/Oppose Repaling Incom e Tax, Raising Sales Tax Support 40% Oppose 44% Not sure 17% 47% 39% 14% 28% 51% 20% 19% 53% 28% Support/Oppose Accpeting Medicaid Funds Support 60% Oppose 26% Not sure 14%

Race AfricanBase White Am erican Other

51% 34% 15%

83% 10% 7%

49% 20% 31%

October 7-8, 2013

survey of 602 Georgia voters


Race AfricanBase White Am erican Other Support/Oppose Preventing Em ployee Misclassification Support 54% Oppose 26% Not sure 21% 52% 28% 20% 61% 19% 20% 40% 29% 32%
Deal Approval Approve 34% Disapprove 41% Not sure 25% Base

Age 18 to 30 to 46 to Older 29 45 65 than 65

21% 38% 42%

37% 42% 22%

30% 46% 24%

46% 29% 25%

Age Base Deal or Dem Opponent Nathan Deal 45% Dem ocratic 41% opponent Not sure 15% 29% 50% 21% 47% 39% 14% 41% 44% 15% 56% 31% 13% 18 to 30 to 46 to Older 29 45 65 than 65 Deal/Carter Nathan Deal 44% Jason Carter 40% Not sure 16% Base

Age 18 to 30 to 46 to Older 29 45 65 than 65

21% 42% 38%

48% 40% 12%

43% 42% 15%

53% 35% 12%

October 7-8, 2013

survey of 602 Georgia voters


Age Base Ethics Charges: Convincing Reason to Vote a/g Deal? Convincing 48% Not convincing 37% Not sure 14% 71% 17% 13% 47% 43% 10% 52% 34% 14% 31% 48% 21% 18 to 30 to 46 to Older 29 45 65 than 65

Age Base Failed to Report Donations: Convincing Reason to Vote a/g Deal? Convincing 52% Not convincing 34% Not sure 14% 71% 13% 17% 48% 43% 8% 55% 29% 16% 40% 44% 16% 18 to 30 to 46 to Older 29 45 65 than 65

Age Base Making Millions from Deadbeat Co.: Convincing Reason to Vote a/g Deal? Convincing 62% Not convincing 26% Not sure 13% 79% 17% 4% 60% 32% 8% 64% 20% 16% 51% 34% 15% 18 to 30 to 46 to Older 29 45 65 than 65 Support/Oppose Repaling Incom e Tax, Raising Sales Tax Support 40% Oppose 44% Not sure 17% Base

Age 18 to 30 to 46 to Older 29 45 65 than 65

21% 54% 25%

43% 47% 10%

41% 40% 19%

41% 43% 16%

October 7-8, 2013

survey of 602 Georgia voters


Age Base Support/Oppose Accpeting Medicaid Funds Support 60% Oppose 26% Not sure 14% 67% 13% 21% 62% 28% 10% 61% 26% 14% 54% 30% 15% 18 to 30 to 46 to Older 29 45 65 than 65 Support/Oppose Preventing Em ployee Misclassification Support 54% Oppose 26% Not sure 21% Base

Age 18 to 30 to 46 to Older 29 45 65 than 65

58% 8% 33%

58% 28% 13%

55% 28% 17%

42% 26% 31%

October 7-8, 2013

survey of 602 Georgia voters

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