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The TrilateraLommissiori
' . .. . '../"
North American Chaitm
Japanese Chairman : .,2ropean Chaithfan
. ,.
ijAGEJ.l .
- /5Clfopean Secretafx
<'rt' ''
! W. United . .
a:vicl, M:' Abshire, Chairman, Georgeimyn'Cf.nivefsity Center- for
. lnren,iational Studies . ,
Grabain Allison, Prof essor of Politics, Harvard University
Doris Anderson, Editor, Chatelaine Maga,,_zine .
John B. Anderson, House of
Ernest C. Arbuckle, Wells
J. Paul Austin,
George W. Ball, Senior Lehman Brothers
Russell Bell, Research DireiFiot, Canadian i,,abour Congress
. Lucy Wilson Bensoi,t, League Women Voters of the United States
W. Michael Blumentha1: cbairman, Bendix Corporation
Bernard B()nin; Director. d'Economie appliquee, Ecole des Hautes
Etudes Cqn;'fclkl .. .
*Robert W. B_Qnner, Q.G., liairman, MacMillan Bloed?l,.Ltd.
Robert R. BoWk, Clarence Dillon Professor of lriternatiana,lAfjairs,
Harvafc{University' . . . , y
*Harold Brown, Institute of Techn'
James E. of Georgi ' ,
Lawton ChH.esj<. tJniif{d States Senate . ,,
Warren Partner, O'Melveny lf, Myers '.'
Alden W. Clausen, President, Bank of America .. . (''''
William T/ C6ieman, Jr,, Senior Partner, Dilworth, Kalish, Eevy ,!{ Coleman
Barber B. (;6i)able; Jr; .,1f ouse of Representatives . . .
Richarg Piovost and Frank A ltschul Professor of Internationalr'
EconofiJtc.s; Yale U-,tiversity
John C. Cuiver, House .a/Representatives.
Lloyd N: Ci.irler, ParfneF, Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering
Archibald K,_ Davis, Chairman, Wachovia!la.n.k & Trust Cmpany
Emmett Dedmon, Vice P,re#dem and E.ditoriaf Director, Field Enterprises, Inc.
Hedley Donovan, Editor:fri:r;hfef, Time, fflc;:
Daniel J. Evans, Gove;riorof Washingtmr''\''
Gordon FairWeather, Memfier of Parliament
*Patrick E. Haggerty, Cha.lrman, Texas
William A, Bewitt, Chairman, l)eere & Company.
Alan Hockin; Executive Vice President, Toronto-Dominion Bank
Thomas LJiughes, Carnegie Endowment/or International Pe
Edgar F. Kaiser, Chairman,' Kaiser Industties
rporation ' .
Lane Kirkla;nd, Secretary-Treasurer, AFL-CIO :_ .
Bruce K. MacL<mry, President, Federal Reserv'e Bank of Minneapolis .
' Paul W. McCracken, Edmu'nd Ezra Day of Adri1inistraiion,
University, of Michigan
',Wilbur D. Mills, House of Representatives
Walter F. Mondale, United Slates Senate
Lee L. Morgan, Presldent, 6aterpillar Tractor Company
J. R. Murray, Former Manhging Director, Hudson's Bay Company
*Executive Committee
*Executiv6 Committee
Daniel E. Janssen, Deputy Director General, Belgian Chemical Union, Ltd.
Roy Jenkins, Member of Parliament
Karl Kaiser, Director of the Research Institute of the German Society for
Foreign Policy . . "
Michael Killeen, Managing Director, Industrial Development Authority,
Irish Republic . . . . . , . .
Andre Kloos, Chairman oj ihe Socialist radio and te}evision network "V.A .R.A."; ".
f01'mer chqirman of Trade Union
*Ma.x Kohnstamm, European Community for l/niversity Studies
.Baron Uon Lambert, }'resident; Banque Lambert; Brusf'els.;.,
... Coimt Otto l,<1i;nbsdotff ber of the Bundestag ''
Arrigo. Levi, rppa, Turin .. , ,,
Eugen Laderer, Presi erman Metal Workers' Vnioit
Jollri Loudop, Presid ya/ Dutch Shell Group . . . . . . .,
Robert Marjofin, F ormer.J(i<:e President of the of the European ,
.. Community . . '
Reginald Maudling; Membet of Parliament; former Cabinet Minister
Merlini, J)ireetoi'; Italian Institute for International Affairs
'./ Alwin Mtinchmeyer, GermanBanking Federation
' Michael O'Kennedy, Shadow Minister of Foreign Affairs, Irish Republic;;.
>:-.,; }armer CafJinet Minister .
Pierre Pescator:e,Luxemburg; Member of the European (;ourt of Justice
Julian Ridsdale, Member of Parliament; Chair.mhn v/Jhf!Anglo-Japanese
Parliament Group . " . . .
Sir Frank K: Roberts, Advisory Director of Unilever, Ltd.,'Advisor on
lnternation11l Affairs to Lloyds of London
*Mary T. W. Robinson, Member of the Senate of the Irish Republic
Sir Eric Roll; Executive Director, S. G. Warburg and Company
John Christian Sannes, Director, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs
Gerhard Schr04er, Member of the Bundestag; former Foreign Minister of the
Federal Republl.c. .of Germany . .
Roger Seypoux, of France; President, B(lniJq.,de M adagqsca'f' , -
l! Sohh t:deral Uni oh of G _, c - President o.{th
Boa.rd Pl Thyssen "
.Tpep Sommer, Editoi:rfn"cf;.ljief'. Di Zeit .. _ '; . _
' . . ytes $tam;iton,!' Lower House of the . r. . ........ ... . u.,blic r' _
hor\iald Stoltenberg; International Affairs Secrelary, Notwegia'fi Trade, Unio
Grieg Tidemand, Shipowner; former Norwegian Minister of Defense and
Minister of Economic Affairs
Heinz-Oskar Vetter, Chairman, German Federation of Trade Unions
Otto Wolffvon Amerongen, President, Otto Wolff A.G.; President, German
Chamber of Commerce
*Sir Kenneth Younger, Former Director of the Royal Institute of International
Affairs; former Minister of State for Foreign Affairs_ '
*Sir Philip de Zulu eta, Chief Executive, Antony Gibbs. f/So'ns; fwmer Chief
Assistant to the British Prime Minister '
- Japanese Member_'
Isao Amagi, Director, Japan Scholarship Foundation;}orrner Vice Minister
of Educatton " -
Yoshiya Ariyoshi, Chairman, Nippon Yu.i:en Kaisha:. -
Yoshishige Ashihara; Chairman, Kansai Electrie Power Company, Inc.
Toshio Doko,'Chairman, Tokyo ShibauraElectri: Cori1pahy, Ltd.
Jun Eto, Professor, Tokyo institute of Technology__ -
Shinkichi Eto, Professor oflnternationa/ Relations, Tokyo University
. *Chujiro Fujino, President,lvtitsubishi Corporation
;; Shintaro Fukushima, J:r(!sfc!(!nt, Kyodo News Service
- Noboru Goto!l; President, TOKYU Corporation
Tom Hagiwara, Advisor to the Mfnister of Foreign
to France
:Executive Committee

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