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1he pracuces and
Lheorles are sull evolvlng
ln Lhls eld, so Lhere are
no sysLemauc paLhs for
us Lo learn and follow.
As former lab sclenusLs, Lhe fellows had Lo learn new soclal sclence
meLhods such as creaung lnLervlews and surveys.
AdmlnlsLrauve declslons may change Lhe dlrecuon, umlng or focus
of a pro[ecL.
MosL pro[ecLs lnvolve collaborauon, whlch requlres undersLandlng
Lhe funcuons of each llbrary group.
lor Lehlgh, deLermlnlng Lhe Lools and
soware LhaL besL address researchers'
daLa managemenL needs ls dlmculL.
lor Mlchlgan, preparlng llbrarlans and
lnfrasLrucLure requlres ume and
coordlnauon among many people from
dlerenL unlLs and admlnlsLrauon levels.
Connecuons wlLh currenL
and pasL fellows lnsplres
collaborauon and sharlng
of resources, work
experlences, and career
llndlng polnLs of connecuon Lo people requlres creauvlLy and
arLnerlng wlLh daLa champlons helps bulld awareness of Lhe llbrary's
daLa lnluauves and servlces.
AssessmenLs revealed needs ln meLadaLa, daLa sharlng, and long-
Lerm preservauon.
8ulldlng parLnershlps and framlng llbrary
and campus servlces around Lhe research
and daLa llfecycles are key.
Worklng Lowards a susLalnable economlc
model ls lmporLanL for developlng daLa
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ln response Lo Lhe growlng challenges of research daLa managemenL, Lhe Councll on Llbrary and lnformauon 8esources (CLl8) has parLnered wlLh
academlc lnsuLuuons Lo hosL uaLa Curauon lellows for Lhe Sclences and Soclal Sclences. 1hrough CLl8's ulglLal Llbrary lederauon (uLl) program,
Lhe fellowshlp oers h.u.s Lralnlng ln daLa curauon and a chance Lo develop research resources and servlces whlle explorlng new career paLhs.
1wo CLl8/uLl uaLa Curauon lellows share Lhelr lnslghLs on Lhe process of learnlng abouL Lhe muluple dlmenslons of daLa curauon lllusLraLed
below as a successlve 3-sLage [ourney wlLh Lhe goal of helplng Lhelr llbrarles develop research daLa servlces.
urawlng on Lhelr sclenuc research experlence and newly learned concepLs ln daLa curauon and soclal
sclence meLhods, Lhe CLl8 fellows have been able Lo help lnform Lhe developmenL of daLa servlces aL
Lhelr llbrarles, whlle navlgaung unfamlllar llbrary culLure. Much of Lhelr work lnvolves faclllLaung
connecuons among faculLy, llbrarlans, and campus sLakeholders. 1hey are helplng llbrarlans and
researchers caLch up Lo Lhe speed of daLa, so LhaL Lhey would be equlpped Lo confronL Lhe many
challenges ln a qulckly evolvlng research and daLa landscape.
Work on Lhls pro[ecL was done under Lhe ausplces of Lhe
Councll on Llbrary and lnformauon 8esources (CLl8)/ulglLal
Llbrary lederauon (uLl) and wlLh acuve paruclpauon of
unlverslLy of Mlchlgan Llbrary and Lhe Llbrary and
1echnology Servlces of Lehlgh unlverslLy.
lmage credlLs: CLl8 hoLo by lnna kouper, Campus skeLch hup://[pg, Llbrary, Clobe
Catching Up to the Speed of Data: Insights from CLIR/DLF Data Curation
Fellows on Their Journey Towards Developing Data Services
le C. Sferdean, unlverslLy of Mlchlgan Llbrary, Ann Arbor, Ml
1lng Wang, Lehlgh unlverslLy Llbrary and 1echnology Servlces, 8eLhlehem, A
Library Campus
Lehlgh Mlchlgan
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Auended CLl8/uLl
Summer 2012 daLa
curauon booL camp
aruclpaLed ln CLl8
monLhly synchronous
sesslons and bl-annual
ueveloped knowledge of
daLa curauon uslng
books, [ournal arucles,
and onllne LoolklLs
CollaboraLed wlLh llbrarlans on
daLa-relaLed pro[ecLs
Learned hlsLory of llbrary daLa
lnluauves and pro[ecLs
Mapped Lhe daLa landscape and
connecLed Lo key daLa experLs
Assessed research daLa needs of
Assessed perspecuves of
admlnlsLraLors uslng cusLomlzed
A8L/uLl L-Sclence lnsuLuLe
ConsulLed experLs abouL daLa
reposlLorles, Lools, and soware
lnvesugaLed how peer
lnsuLuuons developed Lhelr daLa
8evlewed daLa needs surveys Lo
help creaLe our own
Learned new developmenLs ln
daLa curauon and meL daLa
champlons aL conferences
MonlLored daLa lnluauves and
Lrends around Lhe world
1eachlng and consulung wlLh
researchers abouL daLa managemenL
Creaung learnlng resources e.g. llbrary
guldes and cusLomlzed uM1ool
Posung workshops for llbrarlans Lo
lnLroduce research daLa concepLs
romoung awareness of research daLa
servlces and lnluauves ln Lhe llbrary and
around campus
Collaboraung wlLh campus sLakeholders

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