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Issued pursuant to and Governed by Rec. No. !"#!# !#$ PRE%A&T'ORI(ED) PRE%APPRO*ED) and PRE%PAID

Ref. No.: DODD-hatj-07301972

I, eternal essence, duly de os!ted, do"!c!l, and co" letely factual!#ed !n $ody %uly 30, 1972, also erce!&ed as 'eather (nn )ucc!-%arraf, duly recorded, secured, not!ced, *o&erned, $onded, !nsured and *uaranteed, !nclus!&e of +ternal, ,n!&ersal and Internat!onal Record No. 201303203- and 201212791., under er etu!ty ,// Record No. 20000.313-, duly declared, D+/0(R()ION O1 I, duly DON+, e2ecuted, and not!ced, !nclus!&e of the date of Octo$er 7, 2013, duly erfected, nunc ro tunc raeterea reterea, !nclus!&e of Octo$er 10, 2013, all sa!d records and 3alue duly "ade, !ssued, de os!ted, do"!c!l, conf!r"ed, reconf!r"ed, rat!f!ed, &er!f!ed and not!ced, nunc ro tunc, raeterea reterea, all restated and !ncor orated !n full $y reference as !f set forth !n full, 4!thout rejud!ce, at th!s "o"ent, also erce!&ed as No&e"$er 1, 2013, DO duly "a5e, !ssue, conf!r", rat!fy, and &er!fy th!s D+/0(R()ION O1 D+6O7I)OR8 (ND D+6O7I), 4!th reference nu"$er DODD-hatj-07301972, 4!th full ersonal res ons!$!l!ty and l!a$!l!ty, nunc ro tunc raetera reterea, and that th!s D+/0(R()ION !s true, accurate, correct, and I (9 consc!ous and co" etent to say so: I. Eterna+ essence) depos,ted and do-,c,+ by .ree /,++ c0o,ce ,n body) du+y recorded) secured) not,ced) 1overned) bonded) ,nsured and 1uaranteed) Record No. !"#!# !#$ and !" " 23"4) ,n perpetu,ty &CC Record No. !!!!4#"#$ ) /,t0out pre5ud,ce6 (. +ternal essence, de os!ted, do"!c!l and factual!#ed $y free 4!ll cho!ce !n $ody on %uly 30, 1972, hereafter referred to as !n$ody"ent: ;. )h!s art!cular !n$ody"ent 4as created $y eternal essence: /. )he sole !ntent and ur ose for the creat!on of th!s art!cular !n$ody"ent !s for eternal essence to consc!ously ;+ and DO !n $ody: D. )h!s !n$ody"ent !s an or!*!nal de os!tory and source of 3alue of eternal essence: +. Due not!ce, &al!dat!on, reconf!r"at!on and rat!f!cat!on of the consc!ous do"!c!l of eternal essence de os!ted !n$ody occurred on %uly 30, 1972, 1. )h!s art!cular !n$ody"ent !s consc!ously do"!c!l $y cho!ce on earth 4!thout rejud!ce: <. )h!s art!cular !n$ody"ent 4as *!&en the reference na"e of 'eather (nn, on %uly 30, 1972: '. (s of the date of th!s declarat!on, as a "atter of record, th!s !n$ody"ent !s also erce!&ed as 'eather (nn )ucc!-%arraf: I. I, eternal essence, (9, co" letely factual!#ed consc!ous 4!th!n th!s !n$ody"ent, also erce!&ed as full r!*hts, t!tle, and o4nersh! to th!s &eh!cle of !n$ody"ent !n all for"er &alue syste"s, and duly declared, D+/0(R()ION O1 I, duly DON+, e2ecuted, and not!ced, !nclus!&e of the date of Octo$er 7, 2013, duly erfected, nunc ro tunc raeterea reterea, !nclus!&e of Octo$er 10, 2013, restated and !ncor orated here $y reference as !f set forth !n full: %. )h!s !n$ody"ent, and the 3alue, I (9, do"!c!l $y eternal essence 4!th!n, !s under the sole trust, custody, "ana*e"ent, o erat!on and d!scret!on of the !n$ody"ent of eternal essence, also erce!&ed as 'eather (nn )ucc!-%arraf, eternal essence !n$ody: !. )h!s !n$ody"ent DO+7 act and resent 4!th full ersonal res ons!$!l!ty and l!a$!l!ty: !!. (ny and all use, de os!t, transfer, del!&ery, or acco""odat!on of any and all 3alue do"!c!l !n th!s art!cular !n$ody"ent, !s al4ays "ade, author!#ed, reconf!r"ed and e&!denced $y the consc!ous duly &er!f!ed e2ecuted 4et-!n5 s!*nature and thu"$ r!nt seal of 'eather (nn )ucc!-%arraf: !!!. (ny and all la4ful act and resent of th!s !n$ody"ent, !s al4ays "ade, author!#ed, reconf!r"ed and e&!denced $y the consc!ous duly &er!f!ed e2ecuted DO=!n* of 'eather (nn )ucc!-%arraf: !&. I (9 /ON7/IO,7, 4!th full res ons!$!l!ty, that all that I DO affects and effects (00 )'() I7: >. I (9 the sole custod!an, trustee, o erator, "ana*er, $oo55ee er, and record holder of th!s or!*!nal de os!tory and the 3alue do"!c!l there!n, !nclus!&e of any and all transfers and e2chan*es of sa!d 3alue, !nclus!&e of re resentat!ons of 3alue, !f any, shall $e duly !dent!f!ed, des!*nated, author!#ed, and e&!denced $y the consc!ous duly &er!f!ed e2ecuted 4et-!n5 s!*nature and thu"$ r!nt seal of 'eather (nn )ucc!-%arraf, or!*!nal de os!tory of eternal essence: II. T0,s DECLARATION OF DEPOSITORY AND DEPOSIT ,s t0e on+y va+,d) +a/.u+ ver,.,cat,on) cert,.,cat,on) and representat,on o. t0,s part,cu+ar ,nbody-ent) t0e *a+ue o. I) consc,ous+y) depos,ted) do-,c,+) and operat,n1 t0ere,n7 III. I) eterna+ essence) A8) co-p+ete+y .actua+,9ed ,nbody) du+y -a:e) dec+are) ,ssue) recon.,r-) va+,date) ver,.y and not,ce) /,t0 act,on o. consc,ous du+y e;ecuted /et%,n: s,1nature) t0,s CONSCIO&S <ILL AND <ORD OF I) DECLARATION OF DEPOSITORY AND DEPOSIT) nunc pro tunc) praeterea preterea) and t0at t0e spec,.,c consc,ous dec+arat,ons -ade 0ere,n) are true) accurate) and co-p+ete) /,t0 .u++ respons,b,+,ty and +,ab,+,ty o. I) ,nbody) .or a++ to re+y upon as true) accurate) and co-p+ete. Furt0er-ore) du+y -ade and ,ssued .acs,-,+es and d,1,ta+ scans o. t0,s or,1,na+ DECLARATION OF DEPOSITORY AND DEPOSIT ,s +a/.u++y DECLARED to =E an or,1,na+. ?!thout rejud!ce _______________________________________________________ I, eternal essence !n$ody, also erce!&ed as 'eather (nn )ucc!-%arraf contact !nfor"at!on: "o$!le hone @ A212 B0C D2 007 2.3E: roject 2!!! @ heatheranntucc!jarraf: s5y e @ jarrafusa

Issued pursuant to and Governed by Rec. No. !"#!# !#$ PRE%A&T'ORI(ED) PRE%APPRO*ED) and PRE%PAID) Re.. No.6 DODD%0at5%!2#!"32 *. 1 of 1 In!t!als: FFFFFFF I (9 I, eternal essence !n$ody

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