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Name: ______________________________ ___________

Due Date:

The final draft is due on ________________________.

Objective: Write a problem/solution essay consisting of five paragraphs describing in detail a problem and a creative solution to that problem.

Procedure: 1. Choose a topic to explore for your Problem/Solution ssay !raft a. Review Problem/Solution Essay Ideas b. Focus on one problem ". Complete the Problem/Solution ssay !raft. a. Include details or t!e Introduction" #ody Para$rap!s" and %onclusion #. Type your five$paragraph essay in %&' format a. Eac! para$rap! must be &'( sentences b. #e sure to include transitions between body para$rap!s (. Print out your essay for The Write Place a. )or* wit! a writin$ center consultant or classmate ). *evision

a. +a*e any revisions +. dit

a. Correct conventions, including grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization b. Use

,. Publish a. Print inal dra t or submission b. Staple your rubric to t!e ront o your essay c. Submit

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