August 6, 2009 Gay City News

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A M E R I C A’ S L A R G E S T C I R C U L AT I O N G AY A N D L E S B I A N N E W S P A P E R !

Gay City


AUGUST 6-19, 2009
S E R V I N G G A Y, L E S B I A N , B I A N D T R A N S G E N D E R E D N E W Y O R K • W W W . G A Y C I T Y N E W S . C O M


Buoyancy What Do the Tel

Trumps Aviv Shootings
Disruption at Mean?
Copenhagen BY YOAV SIVAN

hat do this past weekend’s
Out Games shootings of lesbian and gay
youth in Tel Aviv tell us about
BY MICHAEL T. LUONGO Israeli society? It’s not an easy ques-
tion. As a pluralistic, democratic nation,

hey certainly are the Games that there are many sides to Israel. How the
could, even if they have been a nation views the lesbian, gay, bisexual,
mix of trial and triumph. The and transgender community is every bit
worldwide recession could not stop as varied.
them from happening; the Opening Cer- There is progressive Israel, a beacon
emony was drenched by a thunderous of LGBT civil rights on par with New
downpour and later marred by a horrific York or San Francisco. This is the Israel
gay bashing following the event, leaving of Tel Aviv, where same-sex couples hold
three men in the hospital. Tuesday saw hands on the street and where LGBT
Roman candles, the kind of fireworks people have visibility and presence in
long banned in the United States, fired every walk of life in society. This is the
off in an attack on the track and field Israel where the annual LGBT parade
competitions. Yet none of this put a sig- and the LGBT community center receive
nificant damper on Copenhagen’s World funding from the municipality. In fact,
Out Games and the enthusiasm partici- Tel Aviv would be the last place where
pants and most locals had for them. you might have expected last week’s


The Games were woven into the fabric shootings to occur.
of the small Danish capital. According to But Israel is not just Tel Aviv. It is also
Uffe Elbaek, the CEO of the World Out the Israel of Jerusalem and religious com-
Games, “We made a conscious decision DWAN PRINCE, SEEN IN 2009, SAYS HIS FLIRTING LED TO BRUTAL ANTI-GAY ATTACK munities across the country; the Israel
to hold events in the center of the town, of cabinet ministers, Knesset members,
rather than in stadiums far outside,
so that locals could make a choice to
A Victim Takes and rabbis who specialize in incitement

the Blame In this issue:

■ E. LYNN HARRIS, 1955-2009
BY DUNCAN OSBORNE I have made some big mistakes in my life
and that was the stupidiest and biggest The visible life of an
iconic black gay novelist
n a move that may complicate the one of all.”
retrial of Steven Pomie in the 2005 Pomie, now 26, allegedly attacked ■3
attack on Dwan Prince, Prince sent Prince in Brooklyn’s Brownsville section —————————————————
Pomie a letter in which he blamed him- after the now 31-year-old flirted with
self for the brutal, anti-gay assault and him. Pomie first beat and kicked Prince
expressed the hope that Pomie serve just with two other men, and then made a Four scramble to succeed Bill
five years in prison, with five years post- second assault with another man, wit- Thompson as comptroller
release supervision for the crime. nesses said during Pomie’s 2006 trial. ■6
“First please allow me to deeply apol- When Pomie returned alone to deliver a —————————————————
ogy for my hated comment,” Prince third beating, witnesses prevented him
wrote in the July 20 letter, which Gay from attacking Prince, who was lying ■ HURTS SO GOOD
City News is quoting verbatim. “Please unconscious on the sidewalk. Tortured gay teens just
FRINGENYC I do hope you know I am truly deeply One witness testified that as Pomie the start of “Slipping”
sorry for what ever was sayed that night.
VICTIM P. 4 ■ 31
6 - 19 AUG 2009

2/ History
Pioneers With Pens 14 DAYS
ONE magazine forged early homosexual visibility in post-war Los Angeles
mutual aid organization for
mixed-race homosexual cou-
he very first homosex- ples, and several of their fellow
ual publication to have
By C. Todd White
Knights joined them when Jen- THEATER
appeared with any regu- University of Illinois Press nings and Legg led a split from Black Queer
larity in the US was Vice Versa, $25; 280 pages; the Mattachine Society to form Protagonists
which surfaced in Los Angeles in ONE in November 1952. Freedom Train Productions, founded
June 1947. It was produced by The premier issue of ONE in 2006 under the artistic direction of
a secretary at RKO Studios who California’s beaches for the magazine, the first pro-gay pub- Andre Lancaster, presents “Fire! New
called herself Lisa Ben, an ana- Communist-inspired Stock- lication distributed publicly in Play Festival 2009,” three weeks of polit-
gram for “lesbian,” and it lasted holm Peace Petition against the the US, appeared in January ical theater by emerging playwrights fea-
for nine issues. It “fluctuated Korean War, would initiate dis- 1953, and was peddled by its turing black queer protagonists. In Derek
from 14 to 20 stapled pages con- cussions with signers by ask- creators “from bar stool to bar Lee McPhatter’s “Bring the Beat Back”
sisting of play and film reviews, ing, “Have you read the ‘Kinsey stool” in the many Los Ange- (Aug. 6), the beat is your last best hope
poetry, fiction, and pointed social Report’?” In this way, they built les gay bars for the price of a for salvation. In Ayanna Maia’s “Woman
commentary through a ‘Queer up lists of names for future use beer (20 cents). If Jennings to Woman” (Aug. 12 & 13), black women
as It Seems’ department.” Only in queer organizing. was, according to White, “the loving black women is a revolutionary
ten copies were produced and One of Mattachine’s seven heart of ONE magazine… dur- act. And in Patricia Ione Lloyd’s “Dirty
distributed to a close circle of founding members was Dale ing its first year,” the publica- Little Black Girls” (Aug. 19 & 20), rebel
friends who in turn were to pass accused of the so-called Jennings, a World War II com- tion’s dominant figure thereaf- nannies put their Park Slope employers
it on to others. sexual perversions. The bat veteran who, like Hay, was ter was another of its founders, on notice. All staged readers are at
This is one of the nuggets of punishment for sexual acts a Communist. When he was Don Slater, a young University 7:30 p.m., with a StoryCorps inter-
largely forgotten gay history to which are crimes against arrested on a phony charge of of Southern California gradu- view with the playwright preceding
be gleaned from “Pre-Gay L.A.” persons has never been having solicited sex from an ate, thanks to the GI Bill, with each reading at 7. 138 S. Oxford St.,
by C. Todd White, a visiting pro- more severe. The penalties undercover cop, Jennings was a degree in English, who would btwn. Hanson Pl. & Atlantic Ave.,
fessor of anthropology at James have included imprison- persuaded by Hay to fight the be supported during his long Fort Greene, Brooklyn. For complete
Madison University, who based ment, torture, the loss of charge in court, and with the tenure as the magazine’s edi- information, visit freedomtrainproduc-
the book on his doctoral thesis. life and limb, banishment, aid of left-wing civil rights law- tor by his Latino lover, Antonio
The volume’s subtitle is “A Social blackmail, social ostracism, yer George Shibley — who had Sanchez, a musician who also ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
History of the Movement for the loss of social prestige,
Homosexual Rights,” but that is renunciation by friends PERFORMANCE
somewhat misleading, because and families, the loss of ONE magazine, the first pro-gay It’s Hot Out There
most of the book is a minutely position in school or in This summer marks the 18th Annual
detailed organizational history of business, severe penalties publication distributed publicly in Dixon Place HOT! Festival, a pioneering
ONE, Inc. and ONE magazine. meted out for convictions of the US, was peddled by its creators festival of queer performance and culture,
It may be difficult for young men serving in the armed running through Aug. 8, that bills itself
queers of today, who’ve grown forces, public condemna- “from bar stool to bar stool.” as the oldest continually running festival
up watching “Will and Grace” tion by emotionally inse- of its kind in the world. The festival hub is
and surfing the multitude of cure and vindictive judges the brand new Dixon Place theater com-
gay offerings on the Internet, to on the bench, and the tor- come to prominence as the helped start ONE. plex, with a 120-seat lab theater and an
understand what extraordinary ture endured by those who defense lawyer for the Mexican- By the end of its first year, intimate performance café, at 161 Chrystie
courage it took for the women live in perpetual fear that Americans in the famous 1940s ONE magazine could boast of St., btwn. Rivington & Delancey Sts. In
and men chronicled here to their non-conformist sexual “Zoot Suit” murder case, a fact nearly a thousand subscribers, the one-woman rock theater show star-
begin organizing associations behavior will be exposed to White doesn’t mention — Jen- with another 1,500 copies dis- ring Julia Steele Allen, a gay 17-year old
of homosexuals. White is right public view. These are the nings eventually had his case tributed through newsstands. boy in an East Texas town is murdered,
to point out the importance to penalties which have been dismissed. Mattachine, which Lesbian activists like Stella and his family struggles to deal with
gay organizing of Alfred Kinsey’s imposed on and against had formed a Citizen’s Commit- Rush, Corky Wolf, and Joan their loss and his legacy (Aug. 6 & 7, 8-9
famous, best-selling 1948 study persons who have failed tee to Outlaw Entrapment to Corbin also played an impor- p.m.). In “Money Talks — Citizen Reno,”
of sexuality, which, for the first to adhere to the mandat- fight the Jennings case, saw its tant role in the magazine, seeing the beloved and feared downtown solo
time, documented a stunning ed customs. Such cruel- membership boom as a result. to its art work, writing articles, performer returns with her take on the
array of same-sex attractions ties have not often been The merit of White’s book and performing many of the economy, in a rant that gives voice to
and practices, breaking the matched, except in religious is that it rescues from unjust technical and workaday chores the qualms and queries of the Every(wo)
sense of isolation in which the and racial persecution.” obscurity Jennings, the first edi- needed to publish it. man while removing some of the mys-
sexual dissidents of the 1940s tor of ONE magazine, and other After three issues, ONE mag- tery shrouding finance, Wall Street, and
and 1950s lived. There is no No wonder that, as White founders of ONE, Inc. Another azine gave birth to ONE, Inc. money (Aug. 6, 8-9:30 p.m.). And the
better description of the reign of writes, “Homosexual people central figure in ONE was Wil- Legg, who was hired as business Gender Fluids, a trio of performance art-
terror under which homosexu- sensed they had a champion in liam Lambert Dorr Legg — who manager at the princely sum of ists — Kaj-anne, Lee Kyle, and Ferro —
als struggled to survive in that Kinsey.” And in laying the foun- frequently used the pseudonym $25 a week and thus became reunite for one night only in an evening of
dark time than Kinsey’s, for as dation for an organization of Bill Lambert — a professor of the first full-time employee of multi-media, dance, and various mishaps
he wrote then: homosexuals that would even- landscape architecture and one a homosexual organization in involving drag (Aug. 8, 8-9 p.m.). For
tually become the Mattachine of ONE’s most erudite figures. America, increasingly began to complete details, tickets prices, and reser-
“Rarely has man been Society at the end of 1950, its Legg and his African-American conceive of the organization as vations, visit
more cruel against man legendary founder, Harry Hay, partner, Merton Bird, in the late a broader-reaching institution. ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
than in the condemnation and his lover, Rudi Gernreich, 1940s had founded the Knights
and punishment of those when collecting signatures on of the Clock, a small social and 䉴 PIONEERS, continued on p.14 䉴 14 DAYS, continued on p.7
6 - 19 AUG 2009

Remembrance /3
The Visible Life of E. Lynn Harris
Gay African-American novelist who explored black American closet dead at 54
BY DON WEISE “Basketball Jones” only last on the other side of the clothing
summer. It’s therefore poignant rack listening intently. Finally

. L ynn Harris, among in the saddest way that one year he walked over and put out his
the most commercially later I’m writing his obituary — hand to the writer: “I’m E. Lynn
successful gay novelists doubly so because up ’til now I Harris, and I want to tell you to
of all time and one of the most didn’t think I knew E. Lynn that never give up. You can make it
beloved African-American writ- well. It took his death to see how if you really try.” Already a star,
ers, if not simply one of the most truly fond of him I was. he blew us away with his unmo-
beloved authors of the past 20 We first met about ten years tivated kindness. When I told
years, died of a heart attack on ago, when I was still new to pub- him that story ten years later,
July 23 at the age of 54. His lishing and got up the courage after he and I had put together
debut book, “Invisible Life,” an to ask him to blurb the reissue the anthology “Freedom in this
explicit and unapologetic look of Melvin Dixon’s novel “Vanish- Village” — a collection of black
at the emotional struggles of ing Rooms.” As luck would have gay men’s writing from 1980 for-
closeted African-American men, it, Melvin, a black gay writer ward — he only smiled, as if he
broke the silence around homo- who died of AIDS in 1992, had heard this kind of feedback all
sexuality in the black Ameri- been his literary inspiration, the time, which, given his repu-
can community when it was and E. L ynn offered to help tation for generosity, I imagine
self-published in 1991. Once however he could. he did.
Doubleday reissued the novel in Actually, that was our first At first I didn’t fully real-
1994, the book became a sensa- professional meeting. Our first ize how widely adored he was,
tion and his first of ten New York encounter took place in 1995 especially by his fans. However,
Times bestsellers, including his in a clothing shop in West Hol- I quickly saw the light; once
most recent work, “Basketball lywood, where a black gay when I sent him flowers in con-
Jones.” friend was lamenting his situa- gratulation of a book or some
I happened to help E. Lynn tion as an unpublished writer. I
with some of the writing in couldn’t help but notice a man 䉴 HARRIS, continued on p.19 E. Lynn Harris, 1955-2009

2009 New York City Council MODERATED BY:

The Villager’s
Lincoln Anderson

District 3 Democratic & Gay City News’

Paul Schindler

Primary Election Debate

August 13,
7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
New York University,
19 West Fourth St., Room 101
between Mercer and Greene Sts.
(one and a half blocks east of Washington Square Park) Yetta Maria Christine
Kurland Passannante-Derr Quinn
N.Y.U. asks people to bring ID to get into building.

Gay City Chelsea

6 - 19 AUG 2009

4/ Crime
䉴 VICTIM, from p.1 court reversed the convic- out as soon as possible,” Prince to know I am not gay but a lover, reversed, Pomie was transferred
tion, dismissed the first-degree wrote. and you can find me a female I from the state prison system to
walked away from the scene, he assault charges, and ordered Pomie was jailed following his can love and can love me.” Rikers Island where he remains,
quickly turned back and “kicked that he be retried on the less- 2005 arrest in the attack, and Prince has been attending a unable to make bail. Prince did
[Prince] with his Tims,” refer- er charges of second-degree he remained in jail throughout Bible study class at the River- not know if Pomie had received
ring to the Timberland brand assault and second-degree the trial, with that time count- side Church, a liberal congre- his letter and he is considering
of boots. “Then blood started gation, but he said he has not sending him a second.
gushing,” the witness said. discussed his changed sexual “I want him to know that, if he
A second witness testified orientation there. read or if he didn’t read it, I want
that Pomie said, “Yo, leave it
“I was at blame so it is my to my “I am looking to change my him to know my emotion and
alone son, the nigger’s gay,” strongest degree that you get out as life these days,” Prince, who feeling behind what happened,”
when asked why he had beaten is HIV-positive, told Gay City Prince said. “I want him to know
Prince. The prosecutor in the soon as possible,” Prince wrote. News. “I am looking for a female my true emotion and love for
case asked if Pomie had used who I can marry and have my him. There is a God that looks
the word “gay,” and the witness sperm washed and have chil- over everybody and he raised
responded, “He said, ‘He’s a fag- assault as a hate crime. ing toward his final sentence. dren... With me going to church, me from death and Steven was
got.’” Prince was a witness at the Prince wrote, “What I asked the I feel myself that I must try to not able to kill me... I don’t hate
A jury convicted Pomie on first trial, though he has no state to do is sentence you to live by the Bible, I must try to him for trying to kill me.”
charges of first-degree assault memory of the assault. His testi- five years and five years parole.” live by God’s law.” The Brooklyn district attor-
and first-degree assault as a mony illustrated the devastating He also expressed the hope that It appeared at a July 13 hear- ney’s office declined comment,
hate crime after deliberating results of the attack. His more they could be friends. ing that Pomie and the Brooklyn and Bharati Narumanchi,
for less than a day. He was sen- sympathetic posture toward “Steve you changed me!” district attorney were negotiat- Pomie’s Legal Aid Society attor-
tenced to 25 years in prison, Pomie could sway a jury. While Prince wrote. “So hopefully ing a plea deal, but that seems ney, did not respond to requests
with the requirement that he the assault left Prince partially when you get out we can hang to have collapsed. The two sides, for comment. In an email, the
serve just over 21 years before paralyzed, he blamed himself. out. You know me. I know you. at an August 4 hearing, set a New York City Gay and Les-
being eligible for release. “I was at blame so it is my to I help you calm that angry trial date for September 1. bian Anti-Violence Project (AVP)
In 2008, a state appellate my strongest degree that you get machine down. And allow you When his conviction was declined to comment.


ENDA sage of that stripped-down mea- however, has steadfastly claimed change society and achieve social sion of a weapon in the November DeLee’s use of the word “faggot”
Introduced in sure, but more than 300 other that its investigation turned up no equality… Milk is revered nation- 2008 slaying of Lateisha Green, while attacking Green allowed
the Senate LGBT groups refused to do so. This evidence that homophobia con- ally and globally as a pioneer of a 22-year-old African American the prosecutor to employ the hate
For the time, a bill to provide year, Frank and HRC have vowed to tributed to Provost’s death. When the LGBT civil rights movement transgendered woman in Syra- crime enhancement, which will
employment nondiscrimination hang tough for the fully inclusive Campos was arrested, he was for his exceptional leadership and cuse, the father of two prosecution likely add to the time he spends in
protections based on both sexual approach, which President Barack also charged with having used hal- dedication to equal rights.” witnesses was shot and critically prison.
orientation and gender identity Obama has committed to sign. lucinogenic mushrooms in the two King, he said, “Helped champi- injured. Johnny Gaston Sr., 47,
has been introduced in the United months prior to the murder, and of on gender equality issues not only whose son, Johnny Gaston, Jr., AIDS Warrior
States Senate. On August 5, Dem- Sailor Held in having solicited a San Diego civil- in sports, but in all areas of public and daughter, Jasmine Gaston, Robert Hilferty
ocrats Ted Kennedy of Massachu- Gay Sailor’s ian to murder another sailor the life…. King became one of the testified against DeLee, was shot Dies
setts and Jeff Merkley of Oregon, Murder Commits day after Provost’s slaying. first openly lesbian major sports in the neck early in the evening Robert Hilferty, an AIDS activ-
joined by Republicans Susan Suicide figures in America when she came on July 22, the Syracuse Post- ist, filmmaker, and arts critic born
Collins and Olympia Snowe of Petty Officer Jonathan Cam- Milk, Billie Jean out in 1981.” Standard reported. Lavaughn Polk, in 1959, died on July 24. In an
Maine, brought forward the pos, the 32-year-old sailor charged among Medal Among the other honorees 22, who lives on the same street email message, his lover, Fabio
Employment Non-Discrimination in the murder of Seaman August of Freedom are retired Supreme Court Justice as the elder Gaston, was also Toblini, wrote that Hilferty had
Act of 2009, prohibiting employ- Provost, 30, committed suicide in Winners Sandra Day O’Connor, Senator Ted shot about the same time. “We’re suffered a head injury earlier this
ers and labor unions from dis- the brig at Camp Pendleton in San The late Harvey Milk and tennis Kennedy of Massachusetts, cur- looking at the possibility that this year, the symptoms of which wors-
criminating on the basis on actual Diego, where the slaying had taken great Billie Jean King are among rently battling brain cancer, Jack may be some kind of retaliation,” ened recently, and hastily decided
or perceived sexual orientation place in the early morning hours of 16 “agents of change” that Presi- Kemp, the 1996 Republican vice Syracuse police sergeant Tom to end his suffering in a moment of
and gender identity. A release June 30. The Associated Press dent Barack Obama has selected presidential nominee who died in Connellan said. “We’re looking at extreme anxiety.”
from the four senators noted that reported that Campos was found to receive the Presidential Medal of May, the civil rights leader Rever- that very closely.” During DeLee’s AIDS activist Peter Staley, writ-
similar protections already exist “unresponsive” in his jail cell on Freedom, the nation’s highest civil- end Joseph Lowery, Sidney Poitier, trial, County Judge William Walsh ing on his POZ blog, recalled that
based on categories including July 31 and rushed to the base hos- ian honor. “Each saw an imperfect Chita Rivera, Mary Robinson, the warned the defendant that severe as a filmmaker, Hilferty “captured
race, religion, gender, national pital, where he was pronounced world and set about improving it, former president of Ireland, and consequences would ensue if he some of ACT UP’s most memorable
origin, age, and disability. Thirty- dead, apparently of asphyxiation. often overcoming great obstacles Desmond Tutu, the retired Angli- were linked to reports of threats moments, including the action we
four other senators, all of them The Navy said Campos had been along the way,” the president said of can archbishop of South Africa. made against potential witnesses. worked on together putting a giant
Democrats, have signed on to the checked earlier in the afternoon. the honorees, in a written statement The honors will be presented The newspaper reported that the condom over Jesse Helms’ house.”
bill. More than 150 House mem- Provost, who was gay, was released by the White House on at a White House ceremony on two younger Gastons “balked at His documentary about the famous
bers co-sponsor the companion shot several times as he stood July 30. “Their relentless devotion to August 12. Milk’s award will be providing the same incriminat- ACT UP demonstration at Manhat-
legislation in that chamber. guard duty at the base. Saying that breaking down barriers and lifting up accepted by his out gay nephew, ing information about DeLee they tan’s St. Patrick’s Cathedral, “Stop
In 2007, the House passed a Provost had faced anti-gay harass- their fellow citizens sets a standard Stuart Milk. had initially provided police.” the Church,” was pulled at the
version of ENDA that included ment in the months leading up to to which we all should strive.” According to the Transgender last minute from the Public Broad-
only sexual orientation protec- his murder, his family, who live in Referring the San Francisco Retaliation Legal Defense & Education Fund, cast System’s P.O.V. series, though
tions, after Barney Frank, the out Houston, expressed concerns that city supervisor assassinated along Against Hate DeLee’s conviction was the first in some local affiliates aired the film
gay Massachusetts Democrat who may have factored into the crime. with Mayor George Moscone in Crime Witnesses New York State for a hate crime to protest the parent corporation’s
was the bill’s lead sponsor, said Some gay advocates noted that 1978, Obama said, “Milk encour- Suspected killing of a transgendered person, decision.
keeping protections based on gen- the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell military aged lesbian, gay, bisexual, and Just five days after 20-year-old and only the second in the nation. Staley, who was Hilferty’s boy-
der identity in the bill doomed its policy could have held Provost back transgender citizens to live their Dwight DeLee was convicted of New York’s hate crime law does friend in the late 1980s, recalled,” I
chances for passage. The Human from bringing the harassment to lives openly and believed coming manslaughter in the first-degree as not specifically provide protections
Rights Campaign supported pas- his superiors’ attention. The Navy, out was the only way they could a hate crime and criminal posses- based on gender identity. However, 䉴 BRIEFS, continued on p.13
6 - 19 AUG 2009

Crime /5
Queens Rallies for Trans Survivors
150 turn out to say LGBT community will not be silent in face of violence
BY ANDY HUMM was catalyzed by the anti-gay crimes are not just an attack on
murders of Julio Rivera in 1990 an individual,” Kellner said, “but

he recent beatings of two and Edgar Garzon in 2001, two are meant to scare all of us back
transgendered women names invoked in a speech by into the closet.” He also said that
in Queens led about 150 Democratic district leader Daniel “by not passing GENDA,” which
people to rally in solidarity with Dromm, a candidate for his par- the Assembly already has but the


them in the midday sun July ty’s nomination for City Council Senate has not, “we are sanction-
26 on 37th Avenue in Jackson in Jackson Heights’ 25th District. ing hate.”
Heights. Demonstrators called Even though the Queens pride Robert Pinter of the Campaign
for action in New York City and Melissa Sklarz, Brendan Fay, and the Rainbow Heights Club’s June Brown at the July 26 Jackson parade goes right down these to Stop the False Arrests, whose
in Albany on pending measures Heights rally. streets, Dromm told Gay City conviction in a rogue police sting
and policies to enhance protec- News, “If I had a partner, I don’t that set up gay men the NYPD
tions on the basis of gender iden- been classified as a hate crime, ate along with the Dignity for All know that I’d hold hands walking claimed were prostitutes was
tity and expression. But the main despite appeals from activists to Students Act (DASA), a school down the street.” He said more recently overturned after he
purpose seemed to be to express District Attorney Richard Brown anti-bullying bill that is inclusive police foot patrols are needed came forward to fight the charg-
commitment not to be silent in to do the same in the attack on of protections for transgendered in the area, but that the current es, said of the women in these
the face of such attacks and to Mora, whose attackers called her youth. There were also calls for model of policing doesn’t allow for cases, “I thank you and applaud
show the larger community that “maricon” and “puto,” Spanish Police Commissioner Raymond that. you for standing up publicly…
these survivors are valued. slang for “faggot.” The Queens DA Kelly to accept a proposed update Out bisexual Democratic We must hold police account-
Leslie Mora, 30, attacked by is reviewing the facts. to the patrol guide on interacting Assemblyman Micah Kellner, the able for misconduct. We applaud
two men in Jackson Heights on The rally, organized primar- with people of transgender expe- only legislator on hand besides the police work that led to these
June 19, and Carmella Etienne, ily by transgender political leader rience and for Mayor Michael Queens Councilman Eric Gioia arrests.”
22, assaulted by two other men Melissa Sklarz and gay activist Bloomberg to fully implement the (a Democratic city public advo- Mora’s friend Samara Ribiera
on July 8 in St. Albans, were not Brendan Fay, both of Queens, City’s Dignity in All Schools Act cate hopeful), came from Man- attended the rally and told Gay
on hand. Suspects have been called for passage of the Gender to end bullying in the schools, hattan where a rash of anti-gay City News, “She’s doing very well.
arrested and released on bail in Expression Non-Discrimination passed years ago over his veto. attacks occurred in June in his She’s physically healed. But men-
both cases, but only Etienne’s has Act (GENDA) by the State Sen- The Queens LGBT movement Upper East Side district. “Hate tally there will always be scars.”

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6 - 19 AUG 2009

6/ Poltics
The Agenda Drives John Liu
Outspoken Queens councilman aims at city comptroller post
BY PAUL SCHINDLER With an agenda comes ambi- community.”
tion. Dating back to 2005, Liu Liu’s support of the LGBT

see shareholder activism has been set on seeking citywide community — he has been a
as one of the fundamen- office this year. Though his pas- longtime backer of marriage
tal roles of the comp- sion has always been aimed at equality and is critical of Mayor
troller’s office,” said John Liu, the comptroller’s office, last fall Michael Bloomberg’s “failure to
responding to a question about when term limits were thrown address the problem” of anti-
New York City’s leadership role, out and the incumbent, Wil- gay bullying in schools — has
dating back nearly two decades, liam C. Thompson, Jr., had the been reciprocated in this year’s
in pressing corporations in opportunity to seek four more race. In a four -way primary
which its pension funds have years in that job, Liu’s consid- race, Liu has captured five of
stock holdings toward work- ered the possibility of instead six big gay prizes —endorse-
place fairness for LGBT employ- running for public advocate, an ments by the Stonewall Dem-
ees. “I don’t see the comptroller office that would definitely be ocrats, Brooklyn’s Lambda
as a bureaucratic position. It open. Thompson’s decision to Independent Democrats, the
absolutely can be and should instead run for mayor put Liu, Lesbian and Gay Democratic
be an office as agent of change. an actuary by profession, back Club of Queens, the Jim Owles
I respect previous comptrollers on course to seek the comptrol- Liberal Democratic Club, and
for what they have done, but ler job. the Out People of Color Politi-
when it comes to shareholder In seven and a half years on cal Action Club. Only the Gay
activism I expect to shatter all the Council, Liu has not been and Lesbian Independent
the records.” shy about advocating poli- Councilman John Liu speaking to Local 1199 of the Service Employees International Union Democrats, where Quinn has
Change is a theme that Liu, cies and positions at odds with (SEIU), whose endorsement he has won. been a longtime leader, made
who is running in the September the leadership, often with his a different choice — going with
15 Democratic primary for city jaw out, vulnerable to coun- utive branch. Quinn’s handling they served rice at a hot lunch, Brooklyn Councilman David
comptroller, talks about a lot. In ter-punches. Over the past 18 of the controversy amounted to would pass me their rice because Yassky. Liu would not specu-
an interview with Gay City News months, he has been particu- “just essentially blame your own they were helping me, they were late on whether the speaker’s
at the end of June, the two-term larly outspoken in criticizing colleagues,” Liu charged. doing me a favor.” history with the club had any-
member of the City Council, Speaker Christine Queen, the The Queens councilman’s Liu’s family came to Flush- thing with that, but said, “I
representing the 20th District in out lesbian Chelsea Democrat, opposition was not without con- ing from Taiwan in 1972, when wanted to campaign, I wanted
Queens, centered on Flushing, over her handling of the term sequences. “I tried to work with his father, who worked in a bank to contact members, but I was
explained that maximizing the limits extension issue and the the speaker or the leadership or there and earned an MBA in the told by multiple sources that
role of the comptroller’s office in slush fund scandal. On term the mayor,” Liu said. “If at some US, decided “he wanted to raise for whatever reason there was
shaping a positive role for city limits, he described the Coun- point it’s not working, you have his sons as Americans.” Unable no way I was going to get that
government in the lives of New cil’s move to legislatively override to agree to disagree. And for the to get a job at an American bank, endorsement.” He is also sup-
Yorkers is what motivates him two voter referenda mandating last couple of years, that has his father found clerical work at ported by two out LGBT elected
in public service. no more than two terms as “a been the MO between the speak- a Japanese bank, based on his officials, Assemblyman Micah
“I am not running for comp- change I vociferously opposed er and myself.” Still, he insisted, ability to speak that language, but Kellner and Councilwoman
troller simply to manage pen- and to this day castigate anyone his effectiveness on the Council earned far less than his experi- Rosie Mendez, both Manhattan
sion funds or to audit city agen- involved” with. has not been compromised. “My ence warranted. His mother went Democrats.
cies,” he said. “I could do that When Quinn faced an out- legislation has moved forward,” to work at a needle trades sweat- In discussing his ties to the
in the private sector and make cry over a pot of several million he said. “I haven’t felt any chang- shop in Queens that employed LGBT community, Liu offered
a shitload more money. I am dollars set aside by the Council es in my role in the budget pro- about 200 for 12 years to supple- an interesting assessment of
doing this to effectuate change, each year purportedly for a list cess.” ment the family’s income, and the political parallels between
whether it be corporate practic- of organizations that turned out Being on the outs would beginning at age seven Liu him- gays and Asian Americans.
es at the national level or chang- to be fictitious, she scrambled seem a not unfamiliar role for self worked there, pulling thread “As many struggles as the
es in the ways agencies serve to offer reform of the entire $50 Liu. “It would be fair to say that from large spools to make smaller LGBT community has gone
the people in New York City.” million that the Council appro- my background is one of being balls easier for the seamstresses through, as an Asian Ameri-
Liu then talked about some- priates annually in member - excluded, whether blatantly or to handle. At five cents a ball, in a can I often look to learn from
thing that politicians, particu- requested earmarks. Liu believes de facto,” he said. “It has always good hour he would earn a dollar. those struggles because, in
larly ones vying for a post where the speaker made her colleagues been a feeling of exclusion, exclu- Three or four years later, he took many ways, when it comes to
financial probity and efficiency the fall guys for the admittedly sion from the process, exclusion a paper route that paid him three gaining a voice, I still feel that
are traditionally seen as the inexcusable practice of creating from the fruits.” Liu was the first times that. the Asian-American commu-
cardinal virtues, are sometimes dummy recipients, despite the Asian American in New York City Those experiences shaped nity is behind the LGBT curve.
loathe to get into — the “agen- fact that the bulk of such ear- elected to any legislative post, Liu’s political perspectives, he Asian Americans, we still want
da” he brings to his pursuit. marks are targeted for bona fide at the city or state level. “I can said. “That’s why I often have to be accepted and included.
“I would work to improve the social service agencies through remember when I was a kid not a predilection toward people We’re still looking to dispel this
process with a political agenda,” no-bid contracts for legitimate being able to breath for two min- who come to my office because whole perpetual foreigner syn-
he said. “I am not running for but narrowly tailored public utes because someone punched nobody else is listening or they drome… As an Asian Ameri-
office without a political agenda. purposes. In a city budget of me in the stomach and yelled have nowhere else to go,” he can, I know what it’s like to be
My political agenda is to ensure nearly $60 billion, the earmarks epithets at me while he did it,” he said. “And that’s not only true excluded from the process and
that the limited city budget is make up a minimal appropria- said, adding that being singled for Asian Americans, it has sim- from the results, and that’s
being used as effectively as pos- tion, even when compared to the out as “different” also extended ilarly been for LGBT community why the struggles of the LGBT
sible to serve the people of New much larger scope of no-bid con- “to kinder gestures when, in fifth members, for Arabs and Mus- community are struggles I
York.” tracts handled through the exec- grade, my entire class, whenever lims, for the growing Russian identify with.”
6 - 19 AUG 2009

Politics /7
14 DAYS David Yassky’s War on Waste
14 NIGHTS Brooklynite says accountability serves progressive ideals
䉴 14 DAYS, from p.2 BY PAUL SCHINDLER ing.” Then, comparing the size
of the Council-directed earmark

y mission has been pool to the total city budget, he
to try to be a 21st said, “You get $50 million out
century progres- of $59 billion. I think that’s the
COMMUNITY sive,” said David Yassky, a two- Council being played for chump
A Black LGBT term member of the City Coun- change,” and added, “Quinn got
Celebration cil representing a wide swath more blame than she deserved”
Pride In the City is a celebration for of Brooklyn, from Greenpoint in the slush fund episode.
the lives and culture of black lesbian, to Park Slope. “What I mean by “Speaker Quinn’s commitment
gay, transgender, bisexual, and game that is that I believe very strong- to reform is very real,” he said.
gender-loving individuals, this year ly in the traditional progressive “Her earmark rules would have
hosted by National AIDS Education values of government.” As the improved the situation, but they
& Services for Minorities, Inc., a non- world economy was spiraling were watered down consider-
profit community-based organization downward late last year, in an ably.”
that began its work in Atlanta in 1990. interview with Gay City News, That said, Yassky believes
This year’s events include: an opening he elaborated, “We can’t just let that the Council could profit
red carpet reception at Langston, the market go crazy; we need to from a greater dispersion of
1073 Atlantic Ave. at Franklin Ave., build a community and not just power amongst its 51 members.
Aug. 7, 7-11 p.m.; the official Pride in let the powerful dominate.” Under the City Charter, the
the City Party, Secrets, 525 W. 29th Then turning to a core mes- mayor already wields outsized
St., Aug. 7, 11 p.m.-4 a.m.; Family sage in his campaign to win A Brooklyn councilman for eight years, David Yassky hopes the comptroller’s platform can ampli- authority relative to the Coun-
Day in the Park, Prospect Park near the September 15 Democratic fy his voice. cil, and with the resources of the
Bartel-Pritchard Circle, Prospect primary for city comptroller, city bureaucracy at his disposal,
Park W. at 15th St., Park Slope, Aug. Yassky said, “Where we some- in the way of addressing critical speaker announced reforms it is difficult for the legislative
8, 1-7:30 p.m.; and the annual surf party times fall short is that we are life and death issues. regarding a far larger pool of branch to compete in budget
at Jacob Riis Beach, at Gateway too attached to the status quo, And waste is a huge issue, he money — roughly $50 million negotiations. A speaker, Quinn
National Recreation Area, Rock- because that’s what we know, argued. “Anybody who doesn’t — that traditionally was ear- or anyone else, may feel they
away, Queens, Aug. 9 The Family Day not being willing to innovate, not think there are a lot of contrac- marked for projects suggested have more power if they go into
in the Park includes lunch, DJ, dancing, insisting on accountability and tors that really rip off the city by individual Council members. discussions with the admin-
poets, book readings, vendors, and rapid results, and that’s what I want and taxpayers — I mean, they’re A good number of Quinn’s col- istration with a relatively free
HIV tests. For complete information, visit to bring to the table. Innovation, just not living in the real world,” leagues were openly critical of hand, unfettered by other power accountability, and results. I he said. The example that came the reforms she proposed, say- sources within the Council, but
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ think that progressives should to his mind at that moment was ing that they challenged their Yassky argued that the oppo-
care about those values more an $80 million computer sys- prerogatives to identify worthy site is true. Right now, he said,
AT THE BEACH than anybody, because if you tem for the Department of Edu- projects too small or specialized the mayor essentially only has
Fire Island Black really believe in government, cation; no principal or teacher to warrant a competitive bid- to negotiate with one person as
Out you believe in doing it right. For at any of the many schools he’s ding process — and, perhaps as opposed to 51. Yassky endorsed
FIBO is a weekend of beach fun for progressives, it really is a sin visited, Yassky said, “feels that importantly, that they seemed a stronger committee structure,
LGBT people of color and their friends when the government wastes a they can use it, put it to good to spread the blame for a failure in which appropriations for
in Fire Island’s Cherry Grove. An open- by Council leadership across functional areas could be stud-
ing evening cocktail reception will be the entire body. ied for several weeks — “rather
held Aug. 7, 8-11 a.m. at the Hilton “Innovation, accountability, and Yassky was not among those than the last couple of hours
Garden Inn at Islip’s MacArthur critics. He said he sees only “a before the vote” — in advance of
Airport. Admission is $10; $5 with a results. I think that progressives very limited role for earmarks” a budget being adopted. He lik-
FIBO bracelet that costs $20, but enti-
tles wearers to discounts throughout
should care about those values.” in the Council budget — for
very small efforts the members
ened that process to what goes
on in Congress, and said, “Being
the weekend. A portion of proceeds of know very well, such as local lit- speaker of a strong Council is
bracelet sales for the Garden Inn recep- tle leagues. “Designating social better for the speaker.”
tion will benefit the Ali Forney Center, million dollars, because there’s use.” service providers is much bet- Having spent nearly eight
which provides housing and social ser- so much we want to do and we Yassky’s focus on waste — ter handled through competi- years on the Council, Yassky,
vices to LGBT homeless youth in New could be doing.” and particularly that emanat- tive bids,” he said. “The reason who in 2006 ran unsuccessfully
York City. On Aug. 8, from 10 a.m.-8 To underscore that last point, ing from the city contracting Speaker Quinn’s reform pro- for the Brooklyn congressional
p.m., there will be a beach party Yassky recalled that he started process — prompted him to posals got so much resistance seat won by Yvette Clarke, sees
that will include everything from vol- his career working in the city stand with Speaker Christine from Council members is that the comptroller’s office as a plat-
leyball to a poetry slam by the ocean. budget office during former Quinn, the out lesbian leader they kind of lumped together form to effect the sorts of chang-
There is also free admission to the Mayor Ed Koch’s administra- of the Council from Chelsea, as the question of should politi- es he thinks the city needs. For
Cherry Grove Hotel’s pool all day with tion. He said it was a time when she struggled early last year to cians designate which groups three years, he said, he worked
a FIBO bracelet. From 8 p.m.-4 a.m., New York was first confronted handle the fallout from a scan- get money with the question to get 20 percent set-asides for
a bump & dip dance party will be with the outbreak of drug- dal over a slush fund of several should the Council be able to affordable housing established
held at the Ice Palace, with DJ Fred resistant tuberculosis, an ill- million dollars a year hidden in set budget priorities. The Coun- upfront as a requirement in
Pierce. Admission is free with a FIBO ness that had particularly dire a bogus list of fictitious social cil absolutely should have a rezoning approvals. After “get-
bracelet. On Aug. 9, another day at consequences for New Yorkers service contractors. Seeking to greater role in deciding whether ting rolled in Park Slope” in that
living with HIV. Wasting money, staunch the negative public- the money should go for AIDS
䉴 AUG 7, continued on p.8 Yassky was emphasizing, stands ity that had mushroomed, the prevention or for street clean- 䉴 YASSKY, continued on p.18
6 - 19 AUG 2009

8/ Crime
䉴 TEL AVIV, from p.1

against LGBT people. The Shas

in incitement.
However, it still remains to
be seen whether Yishai and his
Party, an ultra Orthodox party
which is a leading member of
the governing coalition, is noto-
friends will think twice in the
future before using homopho-
bia as a means to recruit popu-
rious in its agitation against the lar support. And it will be espe- 䉴 AUG 7, from p.7
rights and lives of LGBT people. cially interesting to witness the
The chair of Shas, Deputy reaction of mainstream politi- the beach will be followed by a
Prime Minister Eli Yishai, has cians, such as the prime min- sunset lounge party at the Tides
a long history of anti-LGBT ister, to homophobic expres- Bar from 8 p.m.-midnight; free with
hatred, including his repeated sions. a FIBO bracelet; $5 otherwise. For com-
statement that “gays and les- One lesson from last Sat- plete information, visit fireislandblack-
bians are sick people.” He has urday’s shooting is that the
even compared the annual days of complacency are over. ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯


Jerusalem pride parade with a The Israeli LGBT community
terror attack. Such outspoken is strong — and getting stron- Because of the
hatred by a cabinet member ger — and we must use our Wonderful Things
would no longer be tolerated power to demand clearly that He Does
by even the most conservative homophobia should not be a Bianca Del Rio will be typecast as
president of the United States. legitimate part of the public the Wicked Witch and Violet Temper
Certainly until the recent debate. If mainstream politi- as Glinda in a “Wizard of Oz”-themed
shootings, we had come to cians will not tolerate incite- underwear extravaganza at the Ice Pal-
accept that the two Israels could ment against LGBT people from ace in Fire Island’s Cherry Grove.
live together in détente — the Attendees at an August 5 vigil for the Tel Aviv shooting victims at New York’s Congregation Beth- their colleagues in the Knesset Go-go grease monkeys will be dancing
détente that civilized democra- Simchat Torah, an LGBT congregation in the West Village. and the cabinet, then Israel will all night on the bar. Who will Dorothy
cies require among potentially come to embrace that lesson in be? That’s a surprise. Music is by DJ
conflicting segments of their party Meretz, initiated a spe- [where] we must respect all peo- the aftermath of tragedy, and Aaron Elvis, with a 1a.m. performance
societies. Eli Yishai would prac- cial gathering in the Knesset to ple as they are.” Tzipi Livni and the entire nation will become by Fritz Helder and the Phantoms.
tice his homophobia while the mark Pride Month. The leader the education minister, Gideon an exemplar of LGBT rights. More than 75 pairs of underwear will be
LGBT community would enjoy of the opposition, Kadima chair Saar of Likud, went one step given away by Admission
ever-growing acceptance by the Tzipi Livni, attended the meet- further by explicitly condemn- Yoav Sivan ( is $10.
majority of the population. ing. So did Reuven Rivlin, the ing homophobia and expressing is a journalist and human rights ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
No place portrays Israel’s speaker of the house, from the support of the LGBT communi- activist from Tel Aviv. He was
duality more intensely than the ruling Likud Party, normal- ty. Israel’s mainstream leaders a former board member of the
Knesset, the country’s parlia-
ment, where very progressive
and homophobic members sit
ly considered right of center.
After the shooting, Prime Min-
ister Benjamin Netanyahu of
— on the left, in the center, and
even on the non-reactionary
right — were in agreement. If all
Aguda, the Israeli GLBT Asso-
ciation, as well as the Jerusa-
lem Open House. He currently AT THE BEACH
side by side. In June, the Knes- Likud was quick to condemn of Israel does not yet embrace attends Columbia University’s Grand Sands Day
set’s only openly gay member, the killing, portraying Israel as the LGBT community, certainly Graduate School of Journalism. for Trans
Nitzan Horowitz of the left-wing “a country built on tolerance no part of Israel can be engaged The LGBT Community Center’s Gen-
der Identity Project hosts its annual
Trans on the Sands event, a day at
ANTI-GAY MURDERS ROCK TEL AVIV the beach for transgender and gender
non-conforming people, their families,
One day after a masked gunman opened fire at an justice and exercise the full extent of the law against pride parade, and last year a Knesset member from the friends, and allies. Coney Island,
LGBT youth center in Tel Aviv, killing two and wound- him.” President Shimon Peres described the shootings ultra-Orthodox Shas Party said earthquakes were God’s noon-5 p.m. For complete details and to
ing 13 others, hundreds of Israeli police were combing as “despicable murder” that “a cultured and enlight- punishment for Israel’s tolerance of the gay and lesbian RSVP, check out the Trans on the Sands
nearby streets in an effort to track down the murderer. ened people cannot accept.” Nitzan Horowitz, the only community. Shas Party leaders on August 2 condemned page on Facebook. identified the two killed as Nir Katz, a openly gay member of the Knesset, described the kill- the attacks. ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
26-year-old counselor at the club, and Liz Trubeshi, alter- ings as a “hate crime,” and said, “We demand that the Rona Keinan, a songwriter and LGBT activist, said
nately reported as 17 or 16. The August 1 attack targeted government put an end to this hate campaign and that of the club that youth “go there because it is a refuge GALLERY
a weekly event held for LGBT teens in a club in the base- the Education Ministry institute proper information and of sorts for them.” In the daily Yediot Ahronot, Keinan Mom & POP
ment of Aguda, the GLBT Association, which offers coun- education at schools in order to prevent the recurrence wrote, “The very thought that a person might enter that Artist Olan Montgomery releases
seling and a place to gather and socialize for youth, many of such shameful events.” Israelis by the hundreds and protected space and simply open fire at them is shocking. the first bound collection of his work in
of whom have not yet come out. thousands took to the streets, in Tel Aviv and else- I just want to cry.” a pocket-sized, hardcover coffee table
Tel Aviv is widely considered a more cosmopolitan where, on both Saturday and Sunday, to voice their out- According to Ynetnews, Nir Katz’s stepfather said of book, “POP-Art inspired by New York’s
city than Jerusalem, with a large and vibrant LGBT com- rage over the shootings. the 26-year-old youth counselor, “He believed in his own own subcultures from celebrity to sub-
munity. Reuters quoted Avi Sofer, a gay activist, saying, Israel’s chief rabbis also condemned the attack. But way, lived with a boyfriend for years. His goal was to help way.” Olan’s work takes digital-based art
“The biggest shock is to think that it happened in Tel Aviv, the Associated Press quoted Mike Hamel of Aguda, people who were struggling and who were still in the to a thrilling new level, combining fine
which is the most tolerant city in the country.” which sponsors the youth center, as blaming religious closet. He considered it a mission.” art photography and hand painting, along
Four of the 13 taken to the hospital were described as extremists for the killings. “Beyond the pain, the frustra- Liz Trubeshi’s family was described as “closed off with poetry and famous art quotes. The
having serious injuries. The Israeli media was full of pic- tion, and the anger, we are facing a situation in which the in their home.” “We are hurting and are having a hard bound collection examines and shines
tures showing the blood-stained aftermath of the attack, incitement to hate creates an environment that allows time,” Trubeshi’s aunt Cindy said, according to Ynet- a neon glow stick on New York’s hidden
and witnesses described an horrific scene, with bodies this to happen,” Hamel said. news. “It’s hard to talk about it.” An unidentified friend subcultures, including the city’s home-
strewn on the floor surrounding a billiards table. Police In recent years, gay pride celebrations in Israel have of Trubeshi’s was quoted saying, “She was very quiet in less, its colorful nightlife personalities,
are keeping a tight lid on details of their investigation, faced hostile responses from Ultra-Orthodox Jews, who class. A closed-off and introverted person. I don’t know and its bold gay icons. Select art from the
concerned that it could be compromised by leaks. take to the streets to voice their opposition to shows what to say, she didn’t even turn 17. She didn’t talk about book as well as work by his mother, art-
Within hours of the attack, Prime Minister Benja- of LGBT visibility. In 2005, one ultra-Orthodox anti-gay her sexual orientation but was very open on the gay-les- ist Eslye Moore, is on exhibit in a show
min Netanyahu said of the killer, “We’ll bring him to protester stabbed three marchers in a Jerusalem gay bian issue.” — Paul Schindler
䉴 AUG 8, continued on p.12

Lesbian Partner
Adoption Upheld
Maine Supreme Court keeps alive battle over
Thomas J. Watson, Jr., fortune
BY ARTHUR S. LEONARD declared invalid, arguing that Spado
and Watson had defrauded the court by
The Maine Supreme Judicial Court representing that Patricia lived in the
ruled on July 23 that the adoption of state (even as they acknowledged that
Patricia Spado by her then-partner, Olive resided in New York).
Olive Watson, in 1991 was valid. The The Maine adoption law at the time
decision reversed a Probate Court ruling Watson adopted Spado required that
that had threatened to derail Spado’s either the adopting party be a resident
attempt to claim a portion of the trust of Maine, or the prospective adoptee
established by Thomas J. Watson, Jr., “live” there. The probate judge hearing
the son of IBM’s founder who himself the trustees’ suit decided that occupy-
ran IBM from 1952 until 1971. Spado ing the summer house for three weeks
and Watson, a couple for many years, did not equate to “living” in Maine,
spent several weeks in Maine each reasoning there was really no distinc-
summer in a house Watson, Thomas tion between the words “reside” and
Jr.’s daughter, owned. Aiming to pro- “live,” and “reside” implies certain
tect Spado legally — Watson at that attachments to a jurisdiction, such as
time was taking flying lessons — they owning property, spending substantial
consulted an attorney about the pos- time “in residence,” registering to vote,
sibility of adoption, and were advised or obtaining a driver’s license. The
that under Maine law, there was no probate judge ordered the adoption
bar to a same-sex adult adoption. The voided on grounds of fraud.

The court pointed out that the Maine statute

unequivocally allowed adult adoptions.

couple’s time in the house there each In unanimously reversing this rul-
summer, they were told, was sufficient ing, the Supreme Judicial Court,
to give the local Probate Court juris- Maine’s highest bench, found that
diction, since that would qualify Spado when the Legislature uses two dif-
as “living” in the state. By contrast, ferent words, it intends two different
the lawyer advised, Watson could meanings. “Reside” is a legal term of
not adopt Spado in New York, where art, and nobody claimed that Spado
they resided on Long Island, because resided in Maine at the time of the
the Court of Appeals here, the state’s adoption. “Live” is not a legal term of
highest bench, had already specifi- art and is not defined in the statute.
cally ruled against adoptions for adult The court noted that most adoptions
same-sex partners. involve adults adopting children, and
The adoption was granted, but the children, especially very young chil-
couple split up a year later. The sub- dren, would not be capable of taking
sequent deaths of Thomas J. Watson, steps to establish residence in any
Jr., and his wife set in motion the fam- particular state, so the Legislature
ily trust’s division among the couple’s used a different term, “live,” to suggest
grandchildren. Since Olive’s adoption the place where the prospective adop-
of Spado had never been dissolved, tee was staying when the petition was
Patricia applied to the Connecticut- filed. The court found no fraud — Spado
based trust as a legal grandchild of the and Watson had sought legal advice about
Watsons to receive a share of the funds. whether the Maine adoption law would
The trustees rejected Spado’s claim, on cover their situation, and acted accord-
the grounds that the Watsons had not ingly.
contemplated that she was their grand- The Watson trustees also argued that
daughter. Spado sued the trustees in recognizing this adoption would violate
Connecticut court, and the trustees in Maine’s public policy, since Watson and
turn filed a lawsuit in the Maine Pro-
bate Court seeking to have the adoption 䉴 ADOPTION, continued on p.19
6 - 19 AUG 2009

10/ Perspective
Rethinking Outrage

errible, the queer kids that, we need sustained and back at square one, or zero, ing the magic percentage of
shot in Tel Aviv, terrible radical work to address two because the human capac- queers in the world.
the lesbians raped and separate problems — violence ity for transcendence lasts, if It’s a point worth thinking slaughtered in South Africa. and homophobia — which you’re lucky, about as long as about. Maybe we’ve been going
ASSOCIATE EDITOR Then there are the bashings have taproots sunk so deep in a post-six-pack piss. at this social change stuf f
Duncan Osborne and murders in the States. our cultures it will take more We can only hope for floods all wrong, trying to change
CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Terrible. We need more laws, than a bulldozer of a move- and earthquakes. Great event things in a global way, when
Christopher Byrne (Theater), Susie Day, more resolutions, more vigils ment to rip them out. changers. Conversions. I we should be thinking local.
Doug Ireland (International), Brian McCormick and marches, more politicians And there’re no signs we suppose you could wish for L i k e i n s u r g e n t s , p e rh a p s
(Dance), Dean P. Wrzeszcz
on our side, more media, more want to. How many queers a sudden explosion of Bud- we should act in small cells.
Betsy Andrews, Seth J. Bookey,
verbage to step over on the argue open-mindedly for the dhists and Quakers who are Have an expansive vision, but
Anthony M.Brown, Kelly Jean Cogswell, way to work in the morning right of women to wear bur - at least nonviolent, though stick to our limited territory of
Dean Daderko, Tate Dougherty, Andres Duque, before the super sweeps it off families, neighbors, friends.
Michael Ehrhardt, Steve Erickson, Nick Feitel,
Jim Fouratt, Joe Fyfe, Deborah Garwood, the curb. Like Jehovah’s Witnesses and
Erasmo Guerra, Emily Harney, Andrey Henkin, More and more I wonder Mormons, we could go door
Frank Holiday, Andy Humm, James Jorden, Brendan
Keane, David Kennerley, Gary M. Kramer, Arthur S.
where it gets us, that hor - The human capacity for to door. “Have you ever met a
ror at sudden, deadly explo- queer? No? Then today’s your
Leonard, Rachael Liberman,
Michael T. Luongo, Lawrence D. Mass, sions of hate. The deaths we transcendence lasts, if you’re lucky, lucky day. Look. No tail, or
Winnie McCroy, Eileen McDermott,
Gregory Montreuil, Ioannis Mookas, Carrie Moyer,
respond to are particularly about as long as a post-six-pack piss. just a small one. No horns.
Stephen Mueller, Christopher Murray, dramatic, but unfortunately Any questions? Have a copy of
David Noh, Wayne Northcross, Lori Ortiz, not rare. We remember the our sacred texts. A few poems
Pauline Park, Sheila Pepe, John Reed,
Nathan Riley, Andrew Robinson, Gerard Robinson, death of Mathew Shepard by Audre Lorde. James Bald-
Chris Schmidt, Sarah D. Schulman, crucified to a fence post in khas, rally around the little Jesus himself war ned new win.”
Jason Victor Serinus, Linda Shapiro, Wyoming, not all the other crosses and stars, support wine bursts old wine skins. We should do what is possi-
David Shengold, Gus Solomons Jr., David Spiher,
Drew B. Straub, Stefen Styrsky, Jerry Tallmer, queers dropped in back alleys religion under the guise of Better to try something alto- ble. Think of it. Our agents are
Stefanos Tsigrimanis, Kathleen Warnock, with a blow to the head. religious and cultural free- gether different. Maybe intro- already in place in every fam-
Benjamin Weinthal, Lee Ann Westover,
James Withers, Kai Wright, Susan Yung
If we really paid attention, dom? We are complicit in giv- d u c e Va l i u m i n t o t h e t a p ily and town. The problem is,
we’d be horrified every day. ing preachers the keys to the water of our cities. Or instead they are sleeping and the hat-
Mark Hasselberger
We’d be on the street rant- state houses and schools, of urging our citizens to eat ers are awake. They are awake
ing in sackcloth and ashes at as if the arguments against more fruits and vegetables, and looking for a target. We
Jamie Paakkonen the suffering so many of us queers weren’t almost always ply them with mor e sugar tell them with nods and winks
are exposed to. Maybe we’d moral ones, casting us as and starches, reducing them and ser mons who they can
FRANCESCO REGINI even go beyond the anger to too unclean to be equal as into semi-permanent insulin safely pick. We put the guns action. humans or citizens. As if shock, too weak to lift a vio- or machetes in their hands.
These days, I watch our these moral arguments didn’t lent hand. Our periodic and verbose
queer community’s brief sentence our bullied queer Failing a revolution, we can catharses of outrage do little
COLIN GREGORY moments of outrage with children to years of hell. As if only go at things piecemeal as more than reveal us to be a
increasing fatigue and grief. they weren’t in part respon- usual. A law here, a commu- Queer Nation of Rip Van Win-
ALLISON GREAKER Activists haven’t found a way sible for the deaths of two nity center there. Education is kles who wake long enough to
to harness that energy, and young queers in Tel Aviv. useful in moderation to spur express dismay at the world, it usually doesn’t achieve Only a revolution will save activism. Lear n too much then fall back asleep. By our
JULIO TUMBACO much. Folks get out on the us. A real one. Things turned about the world, you can be silence, we recruit for the street for one march, send on their heads and kept crushed under the weight of wrong side.
DANI ZUPANOVICH an email to support a draft of there. We haven’t seen many all its bigots and idiots. What one law that certainly won’t real revolutions. Usually are the odds we can reach Check out Kelly Sans Culotte
Please call (212) 229-1890 for put an end to deadly out- there’s some roulette motion them all? at http://kellyatlarge.blogspot.
advertising rates and availability. bursts of anti-gay hate. For where you end up like Cuba Ten to one you say, offer - com/.
Rivendell Media / 212.242.6863
Web master WARY ABOUT LGBT community) remarks to the pope last my straight friends have begun to express
Arturo Jimenez
OBAMA week. buyer’s remorse. They are asking, “Where’s WARIER OF
Gay City News, The Newspaper Serving Gay and Lesbian NYC, is pub-
Candidate Obama made it very clear the change. What is different now?” BLOOMBERG
lishedby Community Media, LLC. Send all inquiries to: Gay City News, July 10, 2009 that he is against gay marriage. So our The most effective tactic that the LGBT
145 Sixth Ave., First Fl., NYC 10013 Phone: 646.452.2500 Written
permission of the publisher must be obtained before any of the contents To the Editor: community has every right to be wary. community has tried thus far is closing the July 1, 2009
of this paper, in part or whole, can be reproduced or redistributed. All
contents (c) 2009 Gay City News. While you are an excellent reporter and Additionally, while he promised to over- gAyTM. And I hope the LGBT community To the Editor:
a greater writer/ editor for a wonderful turn the Defense of Marriage Act and can unite enough to keep it closed until Michael Bloomberg’s transformation to
Gay City News is a registered trademark
of Community Media, LLC. newspaper, I really do not understand your Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, the simple fact is there is action. After substantive action, vocal supporter of the LGBT community is
John W. Sutter, President
Fax: 646.452.2501; seemingly desperate contortions to defend that presidents do not overturn legislation there should be praise (and relief). a clear signal that, should he be re- elect-
E-mail: President Obama (“Some Perspective on — sitting congressional representatives Meanwhile, perhaps we can ask you to ed, he won’t ditch the city mid-term to run
Washington,” by Paul Schindler, Jul 9-22). overturn legislation. Senator Obama made tell us — and explain it to us like we are for president in 2012 (“Camps Emerging
26 issues, $90.00 I must say the excuses are getting to be no efforts to build a consensus or lay the five-year-olds — what you plan to do and In Mayor’s Race,” by Paul Schindler, Jun.
(c)2009 Gay City News. threadbare. Obama’s lack of action speaks groundwork to overturn these laws while hope to achieve. 25-Jul. 8). His appealing of the 2005 mar-
All rights reserved. volumes. As does his latest misstep — his in the Senate, and we don’t see him doing Mark Woodward
nonsensical and vaguely insulting (to the that now. Another reason to be wary. Even Upper East Side 䉴 LETTERS, continued on p.18
6 - 19 AUG 2009

Perspective /11

Top-Down “National March for Equality” Won’t Wash


s one of the lead orga- seat at the table. The leader- the ways in which a national criminates against the unmar- ting the marches together
nizers for the LGBT ship was in turn elected from action affects local or state- ried. If so, is extending access served as a unique and indis-
community’s first and by the steering committee. wide work. Under current eco- to a prejudicial institution the pensable training ground for
two mar ches on Washing- This decision-making process nomic conditions, the matter of way to go? With HIV/ AIDS many burgeoning activists and
ton — in 1979 and 1987 — — admittedly contentious and resources, in the case of both and more, no one can deny movement veterans. The over-
my ears perked up when I chaotic at times — won accep- organizations and individuals, the unique and historic inter- whelming majority of those
heard there were plans for a tance as fair and inclusive. The is especially relevant. section between the needs of who helped build these events
new one. I checked out David ability to be both heard and the LGBT community and the would undoubtedly concur
Mixner’s website where the represented motivated peo- And If So: issue of health care. Is it not — arguing strenuously that a
“National Equality March” ple from all over the country When to March: Three possible, in fact, that a single- new generation of LGBT activ-
was announced, ostensibly for to commit time, energy, and months is a very brief lead- payer health care system could ists should not be deprived of a
and by the LGBT community, resources to building these time. Such short notice pre- benefit far more members of similar experience.
although the name of the event marches — a factor at the very cludes a real grassroots effort our community than all the Organizers of the current
was devoid of any such refer- heart of their success. that, by nature, takes a while topical equality issues com- march may claim we’re at a crit-
ence. The date was set, as was In each instance, when the to get off the ground, the Inter- bined? Doesn’t this discussion ical moment and just don’t have
an overarching statement of big day finally arrived, we rev- net notwithstanding. Some merit open debate? time to do it any other way. This
purpose, but unlike the earlier eled in and were empowered would maintain that a march response won’t wash. In 1987,
actions, there would be no spe- by our accomplishment. The should be held during the year The Program: Who speaks the Supreme Court had recently
cific demands. Despite rhetoric for and represents the com- decided that our sexuality could
invoking the “grassroots,” it munity is always a hot topic — define us all as criminals; our
appears the leadership already and no small matter. very existence was challenged.
had been decided — Mixner, A leadership style or process Meanwhile, we were in the
and a few self-selected others. Related events: In previ- depths of a devastating epidem-
The whole package was signed, that makes raising community ous instances, related events ic with a president who wouldn’t
sealed, very neatly wrapped,
and then delivered to the LGBT
issues akin to petitioning Caesar were planned in addition to
the march and rally. Most fre-
even utter the word AIDS. Yet,
we took no convenient or facile
community as a fait accompli. is simply not acceptable. quently, a lobbying effort was shortcuts. Building a communi-
To date there have been four included. But in conjunction ty-wide mandate was too impor-
national marches on Wash- with the 1987 march, we orga- tant.
ington organized by the LGBT nized a huge, empowering civil Coming up with an idea, pro-
community — in 1979, 1987, first three marches on Wash- or so leading up to a presi- disobedience action at the US moting it, and then testing it is
1993, and 2000. The first ington strengthened our move- dential election for maximum Supreme Court, protesting its all well and good. Self-selecting
three were great successes; ment largely because they were impact. 1986 Bowers v. Hardwick deci- leadership for an event that pur-
the fourth a fiasco marked democratically-run grassroots sion upholding the sodomy ports to represent and speak
by a huge event-day rip-off of ef forts on a massive scale. What to Call It: The name laws of Georgia. for an entire community is not.
participating small business They have thus become mile- we give to our community, A leadership style or process
people, followed by bankrupt- stones in both our developing which evolved over time to There’s a lot to mull over, that makes raising community
cy, lawsuits, and an FBI inves- self-awareness and our history become more inclusive, was a lot to debate, and a lot to issues akin to petitioning Caesar
tigation — not to mention a as a politically effective com- incorporated into the title given decide. The issues raised here is simply not acceptable. Earlier
turnout a mere fraction of the munity. They have even served to the first three marches; not are but a few possible exam- generations of LGBT activists
1987 and 1993 marches. By as models for other movements so for the fourth, and appar- ples, presented not as endorse- would not have tolerated this
no coincidence, the first three seeking social change. Some ently that will also not be the ments, but as an indication power grab. We must make our
were run democratically, with traditions are worth fighting case for this one. There are dif- of how the current discus- voices heard now.
grassroots involvement in deci- for. ferent viewpoints on this ques- sion could easily proceed. One
sion-making and organizing; That’s not to say a future tion, but they have not been thing is certain, however — the Native New Yorker Steve Ault,
the fourth — the grandiosely march must be organized debated. discussion needs to proceed who can be reached at stgault@
named “Millennium March” exactly the same way in order openly, with decisions made, served as co-
— had self-selected leadership to succeed. We should, of What It’s For — the Politi- democratically. Differences coordinator of the first National
and a decision-making process course, take full advantage of cal Message: Focus can be lost between the grassroots and March on Washington for Les-
closed to the community. the many new social network- with too many demands, but top-down models are evident bian & Gay Rights in 1979, and
Briefly, here’s how our first ing technologies available to unlike the current endeavor, in their contrasting approach- co-chair of the second in 1987.
three marches were organized connect us with each other. usually a demonstration does es to the inclusion of people of He was a member of the Gay
and structured. The primary But these technologies cannot include a set of demands. Per- color. With the former, repre- Liberation Front and a found-
decision-making steering com- replace what is unique about haps a happy medium is best. sentatives are selected by and ing board member of the LGBT
mittee, national in scope, was face-to-face meetings and old- Some would argue that change from their communities and Community Services Center of
comprised of delegates elected fashioned grassroots orga- is more important than “equal- are part of the decision-making New York City. For more infor-
at regional meetings, assuring nizing — experiences crucial ity” — that before demanding process of the entire effort from mation about the LGBT commu-
representation from all parts to building and sustaining a an equal slice of the pie, one the outset. With the latter, peo- nity’s marches on Washington,
of the country while also man- sense of community. should consider whether the ple of color are selected by the check out “The Dividends of
dating gender parity and inclu- The importance of process pie itself is rotten. True, Don’t leadership — after major deci- Dissent,” a book by Amin Gha-
sion of people of color. National also becomes obvious when Ask, Don’t Tell is idiotic, but sions have already been made ziani, and visit newyorkslime.
organizations and spokespeo- considering the major issues: what about the role played by — and are used to lend the com/ahc/. This discussion can
ple from unrepresented and the US military? As for mar - event and its planners a veneer also be informed by an Inter-
underrepresented constituen- To Have a March or Not: riage, some will point out that of credibility. net search on the “Great Peace
cies were added to make sure The issue of resources and pri- its allocation of benefits based The experience of working March for Global Nuclear Disar-
just about everyone had a orities inevitably arises from on relationship status dis- out the structure and put- mament.”
6 - 19 AUG 2009

12/ Sports
䉴 OUT GAMES, from p.1

come to the events and be part

cular bodies, hugging, and at
times kissing. Their act, all the
more precarious and dangerous
of them, whether they were gay
or not. We wanted to bring the
events to the people.” Registra-
in the drenching rainfall, dem-
onstrating beautifully the experi-
ence of same-sex couples in the
tion itself was one of the clearest real world — that in spite of all 䉴 AUG 8, from p.8
examples of this — paperwork the adversity thrown at them,
was processed at the Tivoli Gar- such love sustains itself. entitled “Mom & POP” at Ward-Nasse
dens in Hans Christian Ander- Competitions are held across Gallery, 178 Prince St., btwn. Sul-
son Hall, one of the city’s most 34 sports categories, from ten- livan & Thompson Sts, throughout
iconic tourist sites, named for nis, to yoga, to curling and swim- August, Tue.-Sat., 11 a.m.; Sun., 1-6
Denmark’s most famous citizen, ming. The swimming competi- p.m. A reception will be held tonight
a man whose ambiguous sexual- tion is the first sports event of at 7 p.m.
ity has long been considered part any kind held in Copenhagen’s ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
of the country’s gay history. The new Aqua Arena, Denmark’s
liberal Danish welcome was even premiere aquatic sports com- Women Look At
offered by churches. Many were plex. Synchronized swimming Women

ornamented with rainbow flags, also highlighted the city’s trea- “The Female Gaze” is a group exhibi-
their clergy offering blessings of sures, with a performance in tion of women artists depicting the female
same-sex couples. Copenhagen Harbor in front of form. With this premise, the show pres-
Santa Fe native Michael Adee, the city’s most famous site, the ents a collection of works that reclaim the
a human rights activist and Roni Epstein of SeaCliff Long Island and Jenna Borroughs of Queens, whose birthday coincided bronze Little Mermaid. traditional domination of the “male gaze”
founder of the LGBT More Light with the Opening Ceremony, played Ice Hockey. New Yorker Nestor Lara-Bae- and reorient the significance of the female
Presbyterian group, said, “It’s an za, attending to play beach vol- figure to allow for more varied interpre-
incredible experience to see how New Yorkers, Queens native for what Lord Mayor Ritt Bjer- leyball, was struck by the ease of tations. A variety of mediums will be
open and offering the Christian Jenna Borroughs, in Copenha- regaard, in her speech, said was traveling in Copenhagen and the shown —sculpture, photography, video,
community in Copenhagen is. gen to play Women’s Ice Hockey, part of the Out Games’ goals — camaraderie of the athletes. “It painting, and installation — and sev-
I look forward to one day in the was doubly happy. “Today’s my to be able to “to love whomever took us a lot less time to go from eral different women artists represented,
US a city being this embracing birthday,” she said. “I feel the we are in love with and to show our hotel to the beach than it including Berenice Abbott, Ghada Amer,
and open.” opening ceremony is for me, but it openly.” She called on everyone would have taken us to go from Diane Arbus, Vanessa Beecroft, Lynda
The Opening Ceremony on that’s the Leo in me talking.” who attended to “leave the city as West Fourth to Central Park,” he Benglis, Louise Bourgeois, Julia Margaret
Saturday, July 25, in Town Hall With an estimated contingent of true citizens of Copenhagen, that said. “We’ve run into a few other Cameron, Victoria Civera, Rineke Dijk-
Plaza was a lively affair, with par- 640 athletes, Americans are the means going by values of respect volleyball players from some stra, Marlene Dumas, Anh Duong, Judith
ticipants lining up next to the second largest group of partici- of diversity and freedom.” of the gay volleyball circuits in Eisler, Tracey Emin, Ellen Gallagher, Nan
Town Hall, a massive brick and pants at the Games, behind the Shortly after she spoke, the North America. I’ve never real- Goldin, Katy Grannan, Jenny Holzer, Roni
granite, neo-Medieval structure, Danes. rain clouds burst, showering the ly hung out with so many gay Horn, Chantal Joffe, Maria Lassnig, Zoe
with a clock tower rising from its More than 5,500 participants stage, but the show continued, people at once and not had any Leonard, Sally Mann, Marilyn Minter,
gabled roof. The atmosphere was from 98 countries paraded with circus acrobats like Anders drama. I guess it’s the sports Joan Mitchell, Alice Neel, Collier Schorr,
intensely festive, in spite of the through Town Hall Square, Astrup Jensen and others sus- that keeps us sane and occupied Joan Semmel, Cindy Sherman, Mickalene
cool temperatures and looming smaller than 2006’s Montreal pended over the stage in ropes, enough to not get on each others’ Thomas, Kara Walker, Hannah van Bart,
thunderclouds. Many of the ath- Out Games, but still diverse, metal bars, and billowing white nerves.” Hellen van Meene, and Lisa Yuskavage.
letes waved their nation’s flags, with participants from Botswa- sheets that fluttered like angel’s There is much beyond sports Cheim & Read, 547 W. 25th St. Tue.-
a global mix united by rainbow na, Jamaica, Nepal, and many wings. Two of the men, perform- at the Out Games. The concur- Sat., 10 a.m.-6 p.m. through Sep. 19.
flags glowing against the gray other developing countries in ing as a couple, held onto each 212-242-7727 or
sky. Celebrating with other Team the mix. It was a strong visual other’s powerfully sculpted mus- 䉴 OUT GAMES, continued on p.13 ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯

The Subjective Eye

The Leslie/ Lohman Gay Art Founda-
tion recommends “As We See It 2009,”
the fifth annual NYC Photo Club exhibition,
featuring stunning imagery, from erotic to
political, from pop art to politically incorrect,
from travel to portraiture, and everything in
between. LGBT Community Center, 208
W. 13th St. Through Sep. 3. To preview
the exhibition, visit All
sale proceeds benefit the Center.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯

BBQ With the SAGE


SAGE, Services and Advocacy for

GLBT Elders, holds its annual Women’s
Barbeque, an afternoon of summer food

Wrestlers on stage during the Opening Ceremony. Acrobatic acts mesmerized the crowds during the Opening Ceremony. 䉴 AUG 9, continued on p.15

䉴 OUT GAMES, from p.12 out of their sails,” he said.

Culture was also a major component
rent Human Rights Conference was the of the Games with the Out Cities program
largest gathering of gay leaders and poli- among the most visible projects. Water-
ticians in the world, with more than 800 front street festivals full of art installa-
participants this year, some of whom are tions and music showed off the cultures
also in Copenhagen as athletes. John of Tel Aviv, Melbourne, Rio de Janeiro,
Ameachi, the famed openly gay basket- and other cities. These were attended
ball player, gave the keynote speech on by thousands, with gay athletes party-
July 27, bringing together the themes ing with locals, LGBT and straight alike.
of LGBT equality and sports. Other An LGBT Business Forum was also part
LGBT leaders speaking included Vir- of the programming, along with the Gay
ginia Apuzzo, a top White House official and Lesbian Film Festival and the Queer
in the Clinton administration, and Suni Tango Festival, all of which contributed
Pant, Nepal’s first openly gay member of to the sense there was something for
Parliament. On July 29, Mariela Castro, everyone at the Games, whether or not
Cuban President Raul Castro’s daughter, they are athletes.
was scheduled to speak on gay rights in Still, violent homophobia raised its
the communist nation. ugly head in liberal Copenhagen. On July

Cary Alan Johnson, the executive 25, there was an attack after the Open-
director of the International Gay and ing Ceremony by two drunken locals on
Lesbian Human Rights Commission three participants from England, Swe-
(IGLHRC), likes the Conference for the den, and Norway who had to be hospi-
access it gives him to so many activists in talized. Organizers termed the attack an Swimmers from Germany and Australia prepare to take a plunge off Copenhagen’s docks.
one place. “We get to see who our lead- isolated incident, and the two men have
ership is,” he said. “Meetings are held, been arrested. Two days later, a man bombs, only firecrackers, but they can be Copenhagen’s top cultural official, who
and relationships are solidified. It is launched Roman candle fireworks into dangerous enough.” Madsen indicated said that a “lunatic spoiled the atmo-
great for human rights groups to come the Track and Field competition, injur- that security had been tight throughout sphere,” of the Games. Otherwise, accord-
here and get work done.” Johnson ing Dean Koda of the Seattle Front Run- all the events at the Games, commenting, ing to Madsen, “it’s business as usual”
spoke about India’s decriminalization ners. Many American blogs and news “The good thing about it is the police are with no plans to change any of the events.
of sodomy, saying the changes will have sites reported multiple bombings that extremely active. Police were around, and The Out Games ended August 2, com-
a tremendous impact throughout other created shrapnel, accounts that appar- the athlete ran after him [the attacker] bining its closing festival with the annual
former British colonies that had dis- ently misrepresented the limited nature and they caught him immediately.” Koda, Copenhagen Pride Parade. Usually held
criminatory Empire-era laws imposed of the incident. Madsen said, went ahead and partici- later in August, the parade was moved
on them that are still used against their Erik Farso Madsen, press spokesman pated in his event. Madsen said there had ahead of schedule this year in order to
LGBT citizens. “The wind has been taken for the Out Games said, “There were no also been a declaration from Pia Allerslev, conclude the Games with a local focus.

䉴 BRIEFS, from p.4 way to founding what can retro- of California at Berkeley, author and Metropolitan Community Church of New York
spectively be called the New York editor of books on Gogol, Nabokov,
had just quit my Wall Street trad-
ing job thinking I had only a year
School of Dance.”
Cunningham, who lived in
and Chekov, and an internationally
renowned expert on the history of
Services Social Spiritual
A church of lesbian,
or two more to live, and came out Manhattan, first worked with his homosexuality in Russia, died on and Sylvia Rivera

gay, bisexual
publicly as HIV positive during an life companion, composer John July 5. A native of the Manchurian Food Pantry and transgender
people. Open to all.
ACT UP demo. Robert was HIV Cage, when he and Cage’s then- city of Harbin, then a Russian cul-
negative, and he helped me live wife, Xenia, appeared in a per- tural outpost, Karlinsky was 84 and
and love without stigma.” Michael formance of a Cage work at the lived in Kensington, California. The
Petrelis, on his blog, quoted AIDS Museum of Modern Art in 1943. death, announced by his husband, Advocating
Marriage Equality and
activist Jay Blotcher as writing of Cage and Cunningham began to Peter Carleton, was due to conges- Transgender Rights
Hilferty, “He was erudite, delight- work together a good deal, forging tive heart failure.
ful, pugnacious, and wistful.” what Macauley called “the most Karlinsky is best known as the
The Reverend Pat Bumgardner, Pastor
In recent years, Hilferty, who radical of their ideas about dance author or editor of books concern- Weekly Sunday Services: 9 am (Traditional), 11 am (Celebration)
3 pm (Mandarin) and 7 pm (Praise & Worship)
lived in Manhattan, worked as a theater: that dance and music ing major Russian writers, mostly 11 am features ASL interpreter (1st, 2nd and 3rd Sunday of each month)
music and film critic for Bloomberg should be performed at the same of the late 19th and 20th centuries. 446 West 36th St. bet. 9th & 10th Ave. NY, NY 10018
212-629-7440 website: email:
News. time but prepared separately, both Edmund White, in the Washington
autonomous and co-existent.” The Post Book World, called Karlin-
Merce two men also began a romantic sky’s “Sexual Labyrinth of Nikolai

Cunningham relationship — Cage’s marriage Gogol” (1976) “a brilliant new

Like to Party with TINA

Dies at 90 to Xenia ended as a result — that biography that will long be prized
Merce Cunningham, a gay was “an open secret,” coming to for its illuminating psychological
American choreographer who New light publicly only in 1989, when insights into Gogol’s actions, its
York Times critic Alistair Macauley Cage, who died in 1992, responded informative readings of his fiction
said “ranks with Isadora Duncan, to a question about it by saying, “I and drama, and its own stylistic The Substance Use Research Center
Serge Diaghilev, Martha Graham, do the cooking, and Merce does grace and vivacity.” The book was at Columbia University
and George Balanchine in mak- the dishes.” the first to address the homosexu-
ing people rethink the essence of ality of the famed Russian writer, seeks medically healthy Meth users between the ages of 21 and 45
dance and choreography,” died at Simon Karlinsky, and its impact on his work. Karlin- to participate in a 10-session study evaluating stimulant effects.
the age of 90 on July 26. British Eminent Russian sky was a contributor to such pub-
ballet teacher Richard Glasstone and Gay Scholar, lications as the New York Times You can earn up to $1,004.
said he was, with Fred Astaire and Dead at 84 Book Review, the Nation, the New
Margot Fonteyn, among the three Simon Karlinsky, for more than Yorker, the New York Review of For more information, please call: (212) 543-6013 or (212) 543-6545
best dancers he ever saw. Macau- 30 years a distinguished professor Books, the Times Literary Supple- ALL PERSONAL AND IDENTIFYING INFORMATION WILL BE KEPT CONFIDENTIAL
ley credited him, Jerome Robbins, in the Slavic Languages and Litera-
and Paul Taylor, with leading “the tures Department of the University 䉴 BRIEFS, continued on p.18
6 - 19 AUG 2009

14/ Community
Preserving LGBT Video History
NYU acquires Gay Cable Network’s 19-year, 6,100-hour archive
BY ANDY HUMM important gender studies pro- nity was watching a 30-year-old But Gay Cable Network also filmmaker brother who made
grams in the country,” Taylor friend “turning into someone covered the social, cultural, and the documentary “Rights and

housands of hours of said, and the GCN material who looked 90, six months after sexual lives of LGBT people with Reactions,” about the passage
video news and features was a natural fit for the library, being diagnosed with GRID in-depth interview programs of the New York gay rights bill
on the LGBT and AIDS complementing its Downtown [Gay-Related Immune Deficien- such as “Be Our Guest” and in 1986, and was a correspon-
movements produced by Lou New York collection that docu- cy, the first acronym for AIDS] a show on bondage — “In the dent for GCN. Phil died of AIDS
Maletta for his Gay Cable Net- ments the arts scenes from in 1982. No one had seen a KS Dungeon” with Slave Dale, an in 1991. “It’s more than 6,000
work (GCN) over 19 years have the 1970s through the ’90s, “a lesion on TV until we put it on impish and socially conscious hours of film about civil rights
been acquired by New York Uni- world decimated by the AIDS cable.” leather man. Some of the nota- and human rights,” Allen, an
versity’s Fales Library for cata- epidemic,” the library’s release From 1984 to 2000, the Gay ble artists interviewed on the NYU alumnus involved in fund-
loguing and preservation. Mal- said. “This is the age of You- Cable Network provided team network were Patrick Stewart, ing AIDS charities, said. “It is so
etta, 72, launched the network Tube,” Taylor said. “These days coverage of the Democratic Ian McKellen, Harvey Fierstein, incredible that it had to be pre-
in 1982 with “Men in Films,” preserving history through and Republican National Con- Tony Kushner, director Derek served.”
which explored male erotica, moving images is what we need ventions, with reporters on the Jarman, Quentin Crisp, writer Zwickler approached Tay-
and soon went on to develop to be doing. And scholars really floor interviewing political lead- Vito Russo, Sara Jessica Parker, lor, who received the approval
news programming that gave want it.” ers from Dick Cheney, Henry and Barbara Walters, among an of Carol A. Mandel, the dean
virtually the only television Maletta is thrilled that his Kissinger, and George W. Bush eclectic mix of countless others. of Libraries at NYU. Philip
attention to the nascent AIDS Maletta said that much of the Brian Harper, chair of NYU’s
crisis and the ongoing fight for footage he and his crew shot did Department of English, said
LGBT rights on shows such as not make it into the final shows, in a release, “I cannot empha-
“Pride and Progress” (succeed- but will be preserved in the col- size enough how valuable this
ed by the national “Gay USA”
“The way to educate people was lection. “The cablecast footage acquisition is to me and those of
show that I still co-host with with the greatest tool of all along with all the material that my students who work in con-
Ann Northrop out of Manhattan has never been shown is a tre- temporary US sexuality stud-
Neighborhood Network). time — television.” mendous resource for docu- ies. The increasingly ephem-
Maletta shut down opera- mentarians and historians,” he eral character of the public
tions in 2001, but has been said. discourse in this arena makes
paying for storage of the 6,100 “I am thrilled that NYU is it very difficult for scholars in
hours of videotape in the hopes life’s work finally has a home. to Jesse Jackson and Ann Rich- preserving this invaluable the field to construct manage-
of selling the archive. While NYU “No one else has anything of ards. The network also covered resource,” said Northrop, who able working archives on which
is paying him a small fee for the this nature in the world,” he LGBT and AIDS demonstrations worked on the network’s con- to focus their analyses, and the
donation, Marvin Taylor, the said. Maletta went out and outside the conventions, as well vention coverage in 1996 and GCN materials go a very long
Fales director, called it “a major covered everything he could in as countless local and national has co-hosted “Gay USA” for way toward addressing this
preservation challenge,” saying the community with a sense protests including the 1987 the last 13 years. “Lou Maletta’s problem.”
it could cost as much as $4 mil- of mission and the conviction and 1993 national marches on collection is an incomparable For information on how you
lion to complete the digitization that “the way to educate people Washington and the rise of ACT record of LGBT history.” can help support the preserva-
process — a task that will take was with the greatest tool of all UP in 1987. Regular weekly Maletta and Taylor were tion of the Gay Cable Network
many years and for which he is time — television.” Part of what updates by AIDS experts were a introduced by Allen Zwickler, archive at NYU, contact Marvin
seeking funding. motivated him to use his video vital resource for a community who heads the Phil Zwickler Taylor at 212-998-2596 or at
“NYU has one of the most equipment to cover the commu- in crisis in the 1980s and ’90s. Foundation, named for his late

䉴 PIONEERS, from p.2 magazine’s circulation even- each other apart in a two-year not a better writer. He has little of ONE’s board meetings which
tually reached 5,000 copies, lawsuit, eventually led to ONE narrative sense, and his clut- document bureaucratic and
In March 1954, Legg engineered and ONE Institute prospered magazine’s demise in 1967. tered book is rather disjointed parliamentary minutiae that
what White calls “a closed-door thanks to an eccentric female- The name is kept alive today — names appear with no infor- make for truly soporific read-
coup” to oust Jennings as the to-male transsexual millionaire through the ONE National Gay mation as to who those people ing. A doctoral thesis meant to
magazine’s editor after a year from Louisiana, Reed Erickson, and Lesbian Archives, which were; the text is larded with impress a professor does not
of increasingly stormy conflicts who provided the Institute with necessarily make for an easily
between the two. monthly subsidies and even- readable book.
Slater eventually took over
as the magazine’s editor, and
tually shelled out $1.8 million
for a Los Angeles mansion to
A landmark 1958 Supreme Court Still, for those with the stam-
ina to slog through White’s infe-
the next decade of ONE’s his- house it. decision established forever the right licitous prose, “Pre-Gay L.A.”
tory would essentially be cen- In October 1954, the US contains valuable information
tered on the conflict between Postal Service declared the
of gay publications to be distributed about a host of queer pioneers
the short, ebullient, and anar- magazine “obscene” for run- through the mails. whose names have been forgot-
chic editor and the tall, impe- ning a lesbian love story. ONE ten but who merit being hon-
rious, and authoritarian Legg. sued, and finally won in a land- ored for their courage and fore-
It was Legg who spurred the mark 1958 Supreme Court is affiliated with USC and pro- lengthy exegeses from texts on sight. For that, White deserves
founding of ONE Institute, decision that established forev- claims itself “the world’s larg- sociological and anthropologi- to be applauded.
which sponsored classes on er the right of gay publications est research library on Gay, cal methodology and arcane
gay culture — which at their to be distributed through the Lesbian, Bisexual, and Trans- words from the academic The extensive web site for
height drew an enrollment of mails. But a suicidal 1965 split gendered heritage and con- vocabulary that most readers the ONE National Gay and Les-
some 250 — scholarly stud- in ONE, Inc. between the Legg cerns.” won’t know; and there are long bian Archives is at http://www.
ies, and European tours. ONE and Slater factions, which tore It’s unfortunate that White is sections based on the records

14 DAYS Guns, Gays, and the Full Faith and Credit Clause BY ARTHUR S. LEONARD

䉴 AUG 9, from p.12
wo weeks ago, the Sen-
ate narrowly defeated a
proposed amendment
a license issued by the state
after a state clerical employee
determines that the specified
tion 2 of DOMA, which provides
that states are not required
to recognize same-sex mar -
states, including teaching. I
don’t think anybody has ever
successfully argued that the
to the Defense Appropriations requirements are met. After a riages from other states, was public schools of other states
and merriment. Bring a side dish or des- Bill, under which people who license is issued, a copy of it necessary to protect states are required to honor licenses
sert to share with a few fellow BBQers. had licenses to carry concealed is on file in some government from being compelled to recog- issued by the New York State
LGBT Community Center, 208 W. 13th weapons issued by their home office — or more likely today, nize such marriages were just Education Department.
St., 2-5 p.m. Open to women 40-plus. state would be allowed to carry retained as an electronic record plain wrong. In its FFCC juris- The lesson to be learned from
Free. For more information, call Alex at such weapons everywhere in in a state database. The stat- prudence, the Supreme Court the gun debate, however, is not
212-741-2247. the US, including those states utes and regulations governing has never ruled that states are only important for DOMA’s pro-
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ with stricter licensing criteria license requirements probably required to recognize marriages ponents to understand — it
or outright bans. The main meet the definition of “public from other states. is also relevant for advocates
FILM argument against the amend- acts,” and the filed licenses are States are required to rec- seeking to undo it. In an inter-
Wrangler for All ment was that states should view with the Bay Area Reporter
Times be allowed to establish their last week, New York Congress-
This summer, Jersey City’s Chill Fest own policy on who, if anybody, man Jerrold Nadler made clear
offers up four evenings of sex, horror, and can carry concealed weapons. The lessons of the gun debate are that legislation he intends to
sci-fi queer cinema. Tonight, the series con- Giving nationwide effect to introduce shortly would repeal
tinues with “Wrangler: Anatomy of an Icon,” any particular state’s licenses
not only important for DOMA’s not only Section 3 of DOMA —
Jeffrey Schwarz’s documentary about 1970s would therefore invade the proponents to understand — they which bars the federal govern-
porn superstar Jack Wrangler, who died ear- right of each state to decide ment from recognizing same-
lier this year. Automata Chino, 99 Greene what is necessary to preserve
are also relevant for advocates sex marriages — but also Sec-
St. at York St., Jersey City, 6:30 p.m. public order in its own juris- seeking to undo it. tion 2. Should the federal gov-
for cocktails and socializing, 7 p.m. diction. ernment choose to recognize
screening. One block from the Exchange I was struck by the fact that valid same-sex marriages, they
Pl. PATH station. The series concludes with during the debate nobody would likely extend the cor -
Dino De Laurentis’ 1980 “Flash Gordon,” invoked the Full Faith and undoubtedly “public records.” ognize divorces and adoptions responding federal rights and
with inspiration directly from the comic strip Credit Clause of the US Con- But in neither case — the issu- from other states, mind you, benefits regardless of whether
and movie serials of the 1930s in a colorful stitution (found in Article IV, ance of a concealed weapon because in those instances a married couple’s marriage is
rainbow of camp delights, with bleach blond Section 1), which provides that license or the issuance of a there is a “judicial Proceed- recognized by their home state
Sam J. Jones as quarterback hero Gordon “Full Faith and Credit shall be marriage license — is a judge ing” — a divorce or an adop- — and it appears as though
and Melody Anderson as his love interest, given in each State to the public involved, so my bet is that nei- tion results from a court order Nadler intends to make this
Dale Arden (Aug. 23). Admission is $10. You Acts, Records, and judicial Pro- ther qualifies as a “judicial Pro- based on a judgment exercised policy explicit through what he
must be 21. Complete information at mys- ceedings of every other State.” ceeding.” Even when a judge by a duly authorized judicial termed a “certainty provision.” No senator chose to make the officiates at a civil wedding officer, so the FFCC literally Repealing Section 2, how-
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ argument that the proposed ceremony, that is not a formal applies. This has been dra- ever, would still not have the
amendment was unnecessary court proceeding. matically confirmed recently effect, in my view, of compelling
CABARET because the FFCC already Given the similarities of by state appellate decisions in any state to recognize same-
Where’s Sammy requires states to honor con- these two licensing procedures, Florida and Louisiana holding sex marriages from another
Been? cealed weapons licenses issued I think it is fair to conclude that that adoptions by same-sex jurisdiction; arguments about
He may be talent-challenged, but by other states. the recent gun debate illumi- couples judicially approved in the FFCC would not affect the
cabaret crooner Sammy Velvet is out, loud This question occurred to me nates the ignorance rampant other jurisdictions would be rights of states to decide which
& proud, and he returns to the New York because in 1996 a frenzy over during the ’96 DOMA hyste- recognized pursuant to the marriages to accord their rec-
stage, after an eight-year absence, due the Full Faith issue regarding ria. My own research led me FFCC, regardless of the fact ognition to. It might, however,
to underwhelming demand for his vitally the recognition of same-sex to write, in a law review article that neither Florida, which remove a psychological barrier,
important, one-of-a-kind cabaret perfor- marriages led Congress to rush more than a decade ago, that bans all adoptions by gay peo- empowering judges to analyze
mance. You gotta see it to believe it. Vel- through, by huge margins, the the FFCC does not compel mar- ple, nor Louisiana allows same- the issue using comity princi-
vet, the alter ego of downtown arts maven federal Defense of Marriage riage recognition by the states, sex couples to adopt children ples rather than just reflexively
Scott Stiffler, is joined by Beau Mansfield Act. At the time, it was argued, because a marriage itself is not within their states. refusing recognition by citing
as Grey Seamann on piano. What’s Sammy Congress needed to pass what a public Act, a public record, or And that, by analogy, DOMA.
up to this time? Nothing less than a loving, became Section 2 of DOMA a judicial Proceeding. The case explains why in the absence Interestingly, the lawsuit
comic, and desperate recreation of “Liza at because Hawaii was on the law on marriage recognition of the proposed gun amend- recently filed by the Common-
the Palace” — La Minnelli’s Tony-winning verge of allowing same-sex cou- suggests that one state recog- ment, states are free to ignore wealth of Massachusetts chal-
2008 performance. The Palace wasn’t ples to marry. Because Hawaii nizing the marriages of another or refuse to recognize permits lenging the constitutionality of
available for this homage, so it’s off to had no residency requirement is a matter of comity — cour- to carry concealed weapons DOMA’s bar on federal recogni-
Don’t Tell Mama (not so inappropriate for marriage, same-sex couples tesy or mutual civility between issued by other states. A per- tion of same-sex marriage relies
given Liza’s invasion of Judy’s old stomping from all over the country could them, in popular parlance — mit or license does not come on the view that the federal
ground), 343 W. 46 St., Aug. 9, 5:30 p.m., flock to Hawaii, marry, and not of compulsion under the within the FFCC. The permit government has no say con-
Aug. 10, 7 p.m. There’s a $5 donation at then demand that their home FFCC. States have always been or license is not a “public Act,” stitutionally in what kinds of
the door and a two-beverage minimum. states recognize their marriage free to refuse to recognize mar- a “public record,” or a “judicial marriages a state can or must
For reservations, call 212-757-0788. under the FFCC, DOMA’s pro- riages that could not have been Proceeding” as those terms are recognize. DOMA’s require-
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ponents warned. Its enactment performed in their own juris- used in the FFCC. My license ment that the US government
was necessary, they said, to diction if they concluded that to practice law in New York not recognize gay marriages
Klezzie Brunch preserve the right of individual according recognition would does not entitle me to practice from that state infringes on
Metropolitan Klezmer, the musical states to resist marriage equal- be inconsistent with their own law in New Jersey by virtue of Massachusetts’ rights, guaran-
ensemble that also includes the Isle of ity from invading their jurisdic- public policies, as articulated in the FFCC. The same is true of teed by the Tenth Amendment,
Klezbos combo, provides the soundtrack tions. statutes, regulations, and state medical licenses, and other to define marriage as it sees fit,
In the case of both guns and judicial opinions. licenses to engage in various the Commonwealth’s attorney
䉴 AUG 9, continued on p.22 marriage, we are talking about Those who argued that Sec- professions regulated by the general has argued.

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䉴 BRIEFS, from p.13 was named a professor emeritus contributor to the spread of AIDS gay rights groups in India, that teaching requires change, he Communion’s life, no Anglican
in 1991. He and husband Carleton on that continent. the Supreme Court last week also wrote, “It takes time and a has any business reinforcing
ment, and Saturday Review. were together since 1974. refused to issue a stay of the willingness to believe that what prejudice against LGBT people,
For early gay publications, Indian Delhi court ruling while a peti- we determine together is more questioning their human dignity
including Christopher Street¸ Gay Obama Retreats Government tioner challenging the decrimi- likely, in a New Testament frame- and civil liberties or their place
Sunshine, and the Advocate, he from Policy Treads nalization advances his case. work, to be in tune with the Holy within the Body of Christ.”
wrote on such topics as Russian Hamstringing Cautiously on Spirit than what any one commu-
gay literature and history from the Global AIDS Sodomy Dual-Track nity decides locally.” Alleged
11th century onward, pre-Soviet Push Top Indian officials have rec- Solution for The clear implication is that Lawrence King
gay life, the impact of the October The Justice Department has ommended that the entire cabi- Episcopals? in reaching the conclusions it Killer to Be Tried
Revolution on gay literature and temporarily withdrawn an appeal net of Prime Minister Manmohan In response to the US Episcopal did earlier this month, the Epis- as Adult
culture, Diaghilev, Tchaichovsky, of a US court injunction that bars Singh consider the recent ruling Church’s decision, in its recent ten- copal Church may have chosen Ventura County Superior Court
Gogol, and the persecution of the the federal government from by the Delhi High Court decrimi- day convention in Southern Cali- to live outside the larger body’s Judge Ken Riley ruled on July 22
out Russian poet Gennady Trifonov. enforcing a policy requiring over- nalizing consensual sodomy fornia, to allow for the ordination “covenantal structure,” but in his that Brandon McInerney, who had
Immigrating to the US in 1938, seas recipients of Global AIDS before the government takes a of gay and lesbian bishops and for letter Williams, addressing the just turned 14 at the time that he
Karlinsky joined the US Army in funds to pledge their “opposition position on a pending appeal to individual congregations to bless differences within the Commu- allegedly murdered Lawrence
1943 and was liaison interpreter to prostitution.” the Supreme Court. same-sex unions, Archbishop of nion, insisted he aimed “to speak King, a 15-year-old gay classmate
for the US Department of State in The National Law Journal, on The Economic Times of India Canterbury Rowan Williams issued about them not in apocalyptic at E.O. Green Junior High School
Germany from 1945 through 1950, July 22, reported that the Obama on July 29 reported that the a letter on July 27 suggesting that terms of schism and excommu- in Oxnard, California, will stand
and a liaison officer for the US administration has asked the court home, law, and health ministers, the future of the worldwide Angli- nication.” Still, he acknowledged trial as an adult for first-degree
Command in Berlin from 1952 until to give it until January 8, 2010 who had already been reviewing can Communion might be based on that some might interpret his murder as a hate crime.
1957. During that time, he met to reconsider the controversial a possible reform of the sodomy a “two-track” or “two tier” model. approach as creating “a first- and The Los Angeles Times report-
gay Russian soldiers who piqued stance on this issue taken by for- statute, implemented during the One track would include those second-class structure.” ed that the ruling came after
his interest in gay life both before mer President George W. Bush. British Imperial Era, are favorably congregations willing to live Williams’ letter also hinted at three days of testimony regarding
and during the Soviet regime. After The Bush policy had aimed to disposed toward the ruling, but within the Communion’s “cov- the possibility that some of the the February 2008 killing, in which
attending Los Angeles City Col- block any group seen as “promot- are also mindful of anger toward enantal structure,” with the other congregations — especially in investigators said that McInerney
lege, École Normale de Musique ing prostitution” from getting US the decriminalization by Muslim, abiding by “fewer formal expecta- Africa, but also some in America told fellow students, “You bet-
in Paris, and Berlin Hochschule für funding, but many social service Sikh, and Christian religious lead- tions.” Pointing specifically to the — that have threatened schism ter say goodbye to him because
Musik, he received his BA from the groups in Africa have complained ers and right-wing Hindu groups. choices made by the US Church, in opposition of the gay-friendly you won’t see him again.” Riley
University of California at Berkeley that the language of the policy “Some ministers feel that Williams wrote of openly gay and policies in the US Church might stated that King was fatally shot
in 1960, a master’s from Harvard, impeded them from doing out- a consensus should be built lesbian people living in sexual also fall into the second-tier after his assailant lay in wait for
and his PhD in Slavic Languages reach to sex workers to educate among the political class as well relationships, “their chosen life- that would include the Episcopal him “with the cold-blooded preci-
and Literatures from Berkeley in them about risk reduction. The as within the society before pub- style is not one that the Church’s Church. “It needs to be made sion of an executioner.”
1964. widespread practice of hetero- licly backing” the Delhi court’s teaching sanctions.” Emphasizing absolutely clear,” he wrote, “that, One investigator told the
Karlinsky was a Berkeley fac- sexual men in Africa having sex ruling, the newspaper wrote. that the Communion had not yet on the basis of repeated state-
ulty member from 1964 until he with prostitutes has been a major In a provisional victory for come to consensus on whether ments at the highest levels of the 䉴 BRIEFS, continued on p.19

䉴 YASSKY, from p.7 to be done before that could be a reality. leaders in the effort for roughly two the voters.” He acknowledged that he
“Sometimes City Council members, City decades. “That’s one of the things that himself voted against term limits in
effort, he succeeded in Greenpoint. “As Council staff, sometimes I think even the city has been justly famous for,” he both the 1993 and the 1996 referenda
comptroller, you put an idea out there the city’s own budget director doesn’t said. that approved them, and said it would
and it’s on the table, partly because of fully understand what the underlying Last fall, as the Council debated have been better to once again leave the
the citywide platform, partly because the substance is of cuts, or additions, and extending term limits, Yassky caught question to the voters. But when that
commissioners need you,” he said. “You budget choices because there is so little flak for what some said was a flip-flop. option was rejected by the Council, “The
approve their contracts and audit them. transparency,” he said. After proposing the electorate vote on question we had before us was, ‘Is 12
If the comptroller has an idea, the com- Yassky, who has won the endorse- the mayor’s effort to get rid of the bar on years better than eight, and I think 12 is
missioners will look at it seriously, even ment of the Gay and Lesbian Indepen- a third term, he voted with the Council better than eight.”
though it’s not your decision. In my dent Democrats, also voiced unequivo- majority to do the job instead through He also noted that the vote had no
experience, if you have a good idea, the cal support for continuing the tradition legislation. He does not apologize for upside for him. He had no interest in
key issue is getting it out there.” of New York City comptrollers playing that vote. “We have an experienced gov- seeking a third term himself, incumbent
Transparency in budgeting, with each a lead role in the shareholder rights ernment and experienced mayor who Comptroller William C. Thompson, Jr.,
agency’s funding broken out program movement that has enjoyed significant many people think has done a very could have opted (but did not) to seek
by program, rather than in obscure success in moving corporate America good job in his first seven years, includ- another four years in that post, and
bureaucratic coding, and posted online toward adopting fair employment and ing me, you can count me, I think he’s voters outraged by the extension could
is what is needed to give journalists and marketplace practices regarding the done a very good job in his first seven use it against him. But, he said, if the
voters the opportunity to scrutinize the LGBT community. Among the nation’s years,” Yassky said. “Does that mean economy were in dire straits in Novem-
city’s efficiency in delivering services, largest institutional investors, the city I think he’s the best for the next four ber 2009, and “you could have extended
Yassky said. Implicitly, he acknowl- pension funds, along with those of New years? That remains to be seen. Term it and didn’t, you might regret having
edged there is likely considerable work York State and California, have been limits would take away a choice from taken away the choice.”

䉴 LETTERS, from p.10 lions — and I need the voice of my public officials bia” (“Satire Dual-Edged, But Spare,” Jul. 9-22). I think
to help me fight for my equality whether it’s politi- the reviewer is seeking political correctness and a WRITE US!
riage ruling, muted enthusiasm during his presi- cally expedient or not. movie that will preach to the converted. That kind of Address letters to the editor, of no more than 250
dential exploratory run, his affiliation with — and Matthew Goldstein film plays for one week at the Quad. words, to:
large donations to — the very anti-gay Republican Manhattan “Bruno” is a disturbing and outrageously funny film;
Party show what a friend he’s been to this com- about the insatiable appetite in this country for fame. Or fax them to 646-452-2501;
munity. Politicians count on gays and lesbians to APPRECIATIVE OF COHEN The film is doing terribly in Middle America because Or mail them to 145 Sixth Ave.,
not “hold everything people did in the past against they don’t want to see any fags on screen, particularly 1st fl., New York 10013.
them” to continually walk on us. I know he does July 17, 2009 gay men kissing passionately. Writer and star Sacha Please include your phone number, for confirmation
the Human Rights Campaign dinner circuit; I’m not To the Editor: Baron Cohen (Bruno) is a mad genius. purposes only. The editors reserve the right to edit all
impressed. I support Bill Thompson because I’m In his review of “Bruno,” Steve Erickson writes, Jim Sullivan letters due to space constraints.
not a celebrity, I don’t have a blog, I don’t have mil- “’Bruno’ could have been a brilliant satire on homopho- New York City
6 - 19 AUG 2009

Legal /19
Civil Union Can Be Ended in NYS
Westchester judge says court has power to dissolve Vermont union
BY ARTHUR S. LEONARD marriage ceremony in New Mex- Walker agreed the couple wrote. “She must be afforded a tion, allowing her time to re-file.
ico in 1994, began to deteriorate was not married and therefore legal avenue to accomplish the In exercising its authority to dis-

N e w Yo r k S u p r e m e when the defendant’s alcohol- could not divorce. However, fair and equitable dissolution of solve a civil union, the Supreme
Court Justice has ruled ism led her to become abusive that did not mean, in his view, her fractured relationship with Court would presumably draw
that the general equi- and eventually to institute pro- that the plaintiff could not seek defendant.” on the state’s divorce law in
ty powers of the court can be ceedings to have her partner relief from the New York courts. The justice noted that the dividing up property, income,
applied in dissolving a Vermont evicted from their home, charac- Noting the general understand- Family Court in Vermont han- and other assets held by the
civil union. In a July 15 ruling terizing her as a “tenant at will.” ing that Vermont has no resi- dles both divorces and dissolu- couple.
that used only the parties’ ini- The plaintiff managed to fore- dency requirement for entering tions of civil unions there, and This decision marks a signifi-
tials, Westchester County Jus- stall eviction, and filed a divorce into a civil union, Walker con- pointed out that the Supreme cant advance, apparently the
tice Sam D. Walker dismissed action in Supreme Court on the cluded that the union between Court in New York has general first in which a New York trial
a divorce petition filed by one of basis of her claim the couple the women was legally valid. jurisdiction over civil actions, judge has asserted the power to
the women, but did so without was married. Her ex-partner not “Although plaintiff and defen- including those which could dissolve a civil union formed in
prejudice to the plaintiff’s right only denied they were married, dant reside in New York and do also be heard in Family Court another jurisdiction. Walker’s
to file a new complaint seeking but also challenged the valid- not meet the residency require- here. While dismissing the opinion cited the several New
to dissolve the 2004 civil union ity of their civil union, pointing ments to commence an action plaintiff’s divorce action, he left York trial court decisions that
she and her ex entered into. to ambiguous language on the in Vermont to dissolve their open to her the option of filing have already asserted the same
According to Walker’s opin- certificate she said meant the union, this decision does not another complaint to dissolve jurisdiction regarding divorce
ion, the relationship between union was only authorized for conclude plaintiff has no civil the couple’s civil union. He also petitions from same-sex couples
the couple, who held a religious purposes of Vermont law. New York remedy,” Walker extended the stay on her evic- legally married out-of-state.

䉴 ADOPTION, from p.9 the state, and that the petitioner court pointed out that the Maine Spado remains the legal daughter Connecticut court considering
swear their intention to create a statute at the time of Spado’s of Olive Watson, as far as Maine Spado’s claim against the Wat-
Spado had not intended to parent and child relationship. adoption unequivocally allowed law is concerned. Since the US son trust would be bound to find
establish a parent-child relation- But these were not require- adult adoptions, which might be Constitution’s Full Faith and that she is the adoptive daughter
ship; indeed, later in 1991, the ments when the Watson-Spado sought for any of a variety of rea- Credit Clause has consistently of Watson. The trustees, though,
adoption law was amended to adoption was granted, and the sons, not least for estate plan- been interpreted to require states may yet find other grounds to
require that both the adopting high court was not willing to ning purposes. to recognize adoptions granted challenge her right to share in
party and the adoptee “reside” in impose them retroactively. The The result is that Patricia by courts in other states, the what is likely a rich inheritance.

䉴 HARRIS, from p.3 his career so enthusiastically. the core of his work naturally date once guessed his age as with the “greats” (whoever they
As a gay editor who’s worked lent themselves to guy talk — the 15 years younger than it actu- may be), or can it be someone
special occasion, the operator at with a lot of famous gay writ- men who’d screwed us around, ally was, E. Lynn was, of course, whose work radicalized Ameri-
the florist, upon hearing whom ers, I can’t think of anyone else whether Internet dating was ulti- delighted. can literature with represen-
the gift was for, asked, “This who felt more thoroughly con- mately more hopeless than the That melodramatic nature tations of lives not previously
isn’t the same E. L ynn Har - nected to his readers — or them bar scene, stories about his end- of his work, while earning him depicted, someone whose writ-
ris who’s my favorite author, is to him. less parade of college athletes tremendous success, could ing so profoundly touched audi-
it?” He loved that story. In fact, One of the special privileges of who were always at his door, also be a problem for gay read- ences that millions of books
I think he lived for feedback like working with E. Lynn was get- and how a celebrated, older gay ers, who frequently dismissed have been sold? I count E.
this. His voice would light up ting to know him on a personal writer I’m close to could afford him as “not the greatest writer.” Lynn Harris among the greatest
over the phone as he read me level, though it wasn’t until I read all the hustlers, much less find I believe some of this was envy, authors I have been honored to
his fan mail, saying, “Wait till the obituaries describing him as the time to write. E. Lynn asked some of it resentment that his work with, and I miss him like a
you hear this one” like a proud leading a “very private personal with a laugh, “Is that our future, fiction was sympathetic to clos- brother.
kid. No matter all those best- life” that I realized how often we Don, hustlers?” He was as con- eted men. What really defines
sellers. He was still genuinely discussed our love lives. Maybe scious as any middle-aged guy a great writer, anyway? Must it Don Weise is the publisher of
touched that readers followed those melodramatic plotlines at about his age, so when a young be someone who writes on par Alyson Books.

䉴 BRIEFS, from p.18 Gay Donors the State Supreme Court victory polls next year, to retreat. “If you until the 2012 presidential elec- wall’s president, said, “I find the
Pulling Back there, saying, “In conversations look at the poll numbers since tion, despite the fact that sev- language of some of the organiza-
court about an Oxnard man iden- from 2010 Prop with a number of my fellow November, they really haven’t eral leading pro-gay Democrats, tions really self-defeating. And I
tified as the defendant’s neo-Nazi 8 Rematch major No on 8 donors, I find moved at all,” the Times quotes including San Francisco Mayor think we have a moral obligation
“mentor.” Big money donors to last year’s that they share my sentiment: the group’s marriage director, Gavin Newsom and State Attor- to overturn this.”
Prosecutor Maeve Fox said effort to defeat California’s Prop- namely, that we will step up to Marc Solomon, as saying. ney General Jerry Brown, are
that if convicted, McInerney could osition 8, which ended marriage the plate — with resources and At a gathering of more than vying to run in the 2010 guberna- Corzine Running
face 53 years to life in prison. equality there, are voicing oppo- talent — when the time is right. 200 LGBT leaders in San Ber- torial election. Mate an LGBT
Attorneys for McInerney sition to plans for bringing the The only thing worse than losing nardino on July 25, a leader of O t h e r g r o u p s , h o w e v e r, Champion
suggested he had been sexual issue back before voters in 2010. in 2008 would be to lose again the Courage Campaign, voiced including the Stonewall Demo- Garden State Equality (GSE),
abused as a child and felt threat- The New York Times, on in 2010.” similar reticence about moving cratic Club of Los Angeles, the LGBT rights lobby in New
ened when King responded to July 27, quoted David Bohnett, Sentiment like that is moving forward next year. believe it is important to push for- Jersey, is hailing Governor Jon
anti-gay taunts from their client a technology entrepreneur who Equality California, California’s This thinking could lead advo- ward in order to capitalize on the Corzine’s choice of State Senator
and other students by making gave more than a million dollars LGBT lobby, which had ear- cates to hold off on pressing anger created by last year’s defeat
sexual overtures. in 2008 in the drive to protect lier advocated going back to the the marriage equality question at the polls. John M. Cleary, Stone- 䉴 BRIEFS, continued on p.23
6 - 19 AUG 2009

20/ Film
David Bowie’s My Dad
Misfit teens find salvation in a band rock-off
Directed by Todd Graff

nce upon a time, out Summit Entertainment
writer /director Todd Opens Aug. 14
Graff wanted to be a Citywide
rock star. He even had a rock
band, “The Pedantics,” and four cal story about his summers at a
of its five members were gay. musical theater camp.
“This was back in 15th centu- Graff’s latest film, “Bandslam,”
ry BC!” Graff said with a laugh unites all his past passions. This
in a recent phone interview. engaging youth drama with
“We played CBGB’s and opened music concerns Will (Gaelan
for Siouxsie & the Banshees Connell), an awkward teen who
and Echo and the Bunnymen. is trying to fit in at a new high
I thought it was what I wanted school. Writing letters to David
to do.” Bowie as a coping mechanism for
But Graff’s career took a decid- his loneliness, Will finds himself
edly different direction. He got managing a group of high school
into film, where he worked as an misfits. He soon turns these out-
actor in features like “Five Cor- casts into serious contenders in

ners” and “The Abyss.” He then a Battle of the Bands.
turned to screenwriting, penning While queer audiences may
such films as “Used People” and identify with Will’s feelings of
“Angie.” In 2003, he wrote and alienation and invisibility, Graff
directed his first feature, “Camp,”
a well-received autobiographi- 䉴 BANDSLAM, continued on p.23 Writer and director director Todd Graff (left) with “Bandslam”stars Gaelen Connell and Vanessa Hudgens.

More than the Usual Mumbling

Andrew Bujalski’s “Beeswax” is proof of his growing promise
BY STEVE ERICKSON BEESWAX for a same-sex marriage rally
Directed by Andrew Bujalski and seems enthusiastic about

ndrew Bujalski’s work The Cinema Guild her plans to attend. Jean-
carries a weight he’d Opens Aug. 7 nie soon reveals, however, her
probably reject. The Film Forum, 209 W. Houston St. anxiety that Corinne will get
young, Boston-based director arrested there and miss her
has become the de facto leader shift. The conversation lasts
of the mumblecore movement. with Jeannie for reasons never about five minutes, despite its
So far, mumblecore has spawned fully explained, and throws out relatively trivial nature, and
lots of debate in the blogosphere vague hints of a lawsuit. Jean- nicely demonstrates a passive-
but hasn’t really struck a chord nie calls an ex-boyfriend, Merrill aggressive struggle between
beyond the hardcore arthouse (Alex Karpvosky), who’s study- the two women.
audience. ing for the bar exam, for legal Bujalski’s characters are

In a culture where dreck like protection and to rekindle their articulate people who don’t
“Juno” and “Away We Go” pass romance. No one seems to know fill the gaps between their
for “indie” cinema, there’s some- how serious Amanda’s threats words with “like,” “um,” and
thing refreshing about mum- Tilly Hatcher as Jeannie with Maggie Hatcher as Lauren in Andrew Bujalski’s “Beeswax.” are, but they make Jeannie “y’know.” However, they make
blecore’s avoidance of sentimen- panic and take refuge in her the kind of verbal missteps
tality and spectacle. Bujalski’s neo-neo-realist filmmakers like he wound up releasing them relationship with her twin sister, common in real conversation
films are devoted to capturing the Ramin Bahrani and Kelly Reich- himself. “Beeswax” is undoubt- Lauren (Maggie Hatcher). but missing from most movie
textures of everyday life, a goal ardft, who’ve achieved a slightly edly his most accomplished Perhaps prematurely, Bujal- scripts. In particular, Merrill
he achieves most of the time. larger amount of commercial film to date; one wonders if this ski has been compared to John makes bad jokes and stretches
His peers are less successful; success, and solitary voices like attempt at maturity will click Cassavetes, Eric Rohmer, Mau- out his sentences with strings
in particular, Joe Swanberg’s Julia Loktev and Ronald Bron- with an audience. rice Pialat, and Jean Eustache. of adverbs. Told that Lauren’s
improvised films, shot on ugly stein, it’s one of the few alter- “Beeswax” takes place The Rohmer reference is truest; high school boyfriend has died,
digital video, capture a genuine natives to the corporate “indie” around a vintage clothing bou- like the French director, Bujal- he suggests that maybe he
artlessness, rather than using cinema that Sundance, Mira- tique named Storyville in Aus- ski knows how to use language would still be alive if she were
craft to simulate it. max, and Fox Searchlight have tin, Texas. It’s owned by Jean- to reveal his characters’ flaws a better girlfriend. Meant to
For all its flaws, mumblecore left us with. nie (Tilly Hatcher), a paraplegic, and power struggles. At one be funny, the remark hits the
is one of the most interesting Bujalski’s first two films were and Amanda (Anne Dodge), point, Jeannie allows Corinne screen with a thud.
things happening in American marginal enough that they who rarely appears on-screen. (Katy O’Connor), one of the
cinema right now. Apart from never attracted a distributor; Amanda comes into conflict boutique’s clerks, to post flyers 䉴 BEESWAX, continued on p.23
6 - 19 AUG 2009

Theater /21
Cheap Thrills
Desperate times call for the feisty, value-packed Fringe Festival
BY DAVID KENNERLEY FRINGENYC offering up their theaters,” she
Aug.14-30 said. “For the first time ever,

ight belts are all the rage Various Downtown venues HERE is a venue. They recently
this summer in New York $15 renovated. We are very lucky to
City. In June, the city’s Visit for be there.”
unemployment rate skyrocketed a complete schedule As for the whole “staycation”
to 9.5 percent, matching nation- Or FringeCentral concept, there are a bunch
al levels, the highest in more 54 Crosby St, btwn. of intriguing, off-the-beaten
than a quarter-century. Store- Spring & Broome Sts. tracks to choose from, such
fronts sporting “For Rent” signs as “Ride the Roller Coaster of
are more ubiquitous than Duane artistic director of FringeNYC. Love,” “Outer Space Zombie
Reades and Chase branches. “They’d normally be traveling, Adventure,” “In Someone Else’s
And the prognosticators warn or scoring a share at the beach. Shoes,” and “Literary Lane,”
it’s only gonna get worse. That wasn’t in the cards this where you’ll meet the likes of
If you’re like most New York- year. It’s time to enjoy New York Melville, Ginsberg, and Poe.
ers, chances are you scaled — we live in the best city in the There’s even one staycation
back your summer plans. Day world. Why not travel vicarious- called “Dude Ranch,” which
trips to Jones Beach instead of ly through our shows?” Holy describes as “shows guys
a share on Fire Island. Pot luck While the recession has seen will like, though not necessarily
parties at home instead of feasts many theaters go dark and arts straight guys.”
at Cookshop. Bottles of wine groups vying for scant funds And of course, there’s the
from Trader Joe’s instead of like pigeons tugging at a crust timely “Wall Street Walking
bottle service at Garden of Ono. of bread, FringeNYC, now in Tour,” which features such
And rather than forking over its 13th year, is healthier than shows as “Love Money: A Reces-
$100 for a glitzy Broadway ever. Many blamed the econo- sion Rock Musical,” “How Now
show, there’s an alternative –– my on the shuttering of long- Dow Jones,” and “The Check

check out a play at the New York running hits like “Hairspray,” is In the Mail,” a black comedy
Fringe Festival, which will set and a number of shows once about corporate greed, mega-
you back just 15 bucks a pop. In eyed for this fall find themselves bonuses, and the lengths people
fact, the Present Company, the scrapped or in a holding pattern Michael Phillis in “Dolls.” go to screw the competition.
producer of FringeNYC, hopes due to iffy financing. For now, So, in a season of skimping,
you’ll take advantage of what the Fringe, with more than 200 Affairs, and budgets got slashed venue and staff and marketing is the Fringe willing to compro-
they’re calling “Staycations,” shows over 16 days, holds onto the same percentage across the support. More than ever, they mise on quality or character?
where they’ve clustered together its crown as North America’s board. “We can tolerate the small can’t finance it themselves. Our Not yet.
similarly themed shows so you largest multi-arts festival. loss,” she said. “It makes you feel number of applications actually “Unlike some other festivals
can feel like you’ve gone on an “We are actually in a lot bet- sorry for the companies who got went up.” I won’t name, we have resisted
exotic journey without ever leav- ter shape than other arts orga- cut a quarter-million dollars.” Ron Lasko, who has worked the temptation to be ‘Celebrity
ing Downtown. Just the ticket nizations,” said Holy, “because “It’s no wonder the bigger alongside Holy since the festival’s Fringe’ and court Broadway
for homebound, cash-strapped 90 percent of our financing is institutions are suffering,” Holy early days, believes that, besides stars,” Lasko explained. “Having
urbanites. earned income.” continued. “Their endowments edgy theater, FringeNYC has a big star doesn’t always make
“With so many layoffs, it’s According to Holy, the festi- were in the stock market and always been about thrift. it good. We are experimental
been a tough, strange year for val’s outside funding, which was they took a big hit. We operate “Poor starving artists don’t and character-driven, not celeb-
a lot of people,” said Elena K. modest to begin with, comes on a different model. We don’t have funds anyway,” he said. rity or set-driven. Our audience
Holy, co-founder and producing from the Department of Cultural have an endowment. Not that I “None of us are doing it for the expects provocative theater, not
wouldn’t love to have one some- money. It’s more about art polish. Our shows are like gems
day.” for art’s sake. And the fun, of in the rough that need to be cut
Not all theater festivals are as course.” and cleaned up before they can
resilient. A couple of months ago, Lasko noted another welcome be turned into rings.”
the third annual GayFestNYC side effect from the economic Lasko is proud that they’ve
was forced to greatly scale back meltdown. With so many people avoided taking on a bunch of
its offerings to a mere two staged out of work, he’s seen the num- small sponsors, common in the
readings, citing “an unpredict- ber of volunteers climb exponen- festival world. “We also resist
able economy.” The Summer tially. being ‘Sponsorfest.’ A logo soup
Play Festival (SPF) slashed the “In the past, we’ve had to beg on our promotional materials
number of its offerings by half in to find people to stuff envelopes might cheapen the festival and
the last couple of years. for $10 an hour,” he said with a unfairly raise expectations.”
To make it easier for produc- laugh. “This year, we were flood- After a pause, he added,
ing artists in a sputtering econ- ed with requests. There’s more only half-jokingly, “Then again,
omy, FringeNYC held participa- excitement, more interest, and if American Airlines offers to
tion fees and ticket prices steady. I expect we’ll have more of an donate a million dollars to slap

“We were thinking about going impact.” their name on FringeNYC,

up this year, but we need to keep Holy pointed out that it was that’s another story. We can be
it affordable,” said Holy. “We are easier to find performance spac- bought.”
the cheapest way to produce a es, because more were available.
Joel T. Bauer, Kristen-Alexander Griffith, Nic Cory, and David A. Rudd in “The Boys Upstairs.” show in the city — we provide a “We had people calling us earlier 䉴 CHEAP THRILLS, continued on p.26
6 - 19 AUG 2009

22/ Film
Tradition-Bound 14 DAYS
Abdullah Oguz’s visually stunning study of Turkish sexual politics mesmerizes 14 NIGHTS
GARY M. KRAMER 䉴 AUG 9, from p.15

liss” may be an iron- to your brunch today. The special quar-
ic title for a film that tet for today includes Debra Kreisberg
opens with a female on clarinet and alto sax; David Hofstra on
shepherd recovering from the bass and tuba, Isle of Klezbos leader Eve
aftermath of a rape. Yet this Sicular on drums, and guest accordionist
absorbing and exquisitely Patrick Farrell. City Winery, 155 Varick
filmed morality play — based on St., btwn. Vandam & Spring Sts., 11
the novel “Mutluluk,” by Zülfü a.m.-2 p.m. Brunch seating begins at 10
Livaneli, who also composed the a.m. Tickets are $10 with no food minimum.
film’s music — operates on the Children under 13 have no cover charge. For
theme that no one is who they reservations, call 212-608-0555
seem to be. ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Meryem (Özgü Namal) has
been left for dead after being COMEDY
sexually attacked. Imprisoned, Hava Laugh
she insists that she did nothing The Chosen Tribe turns it out tonight
wrong, and yet refuses to reveal at Brad Loekle’s “Electro Shock Therapy


the identity of her rapist. In the Comedy Hour.” Loeckle welcomes the
Turkish villagers’ eyes, Meryem funniest Jews in town — Ophira Eisen-
is shameful, and according to berg (Comedy Central), Hilary Schwartz;
custom, must die. But Meryem and Danny Siegel (“Gossip Girl”). Ther-
refuses to hang herself, so the Talat Bulut, Özgü Namal, and Murat Han in Abdullah Oguz’s “Bliss.” apy, 348 W. 52nd St., 10 p.m. There is
village leader, Ali Riza (Mustafa no cover charge, and the cosmos are $6
Avkiran), asks his son, Celan BLISS fying about “Bliss” is how every- Meryem how to tie a rope knot all night.
(Murat Han), to escort her to Directed by Abdullah Oguz one gets what they deserve. The so it is secure, he uses the ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Istanbul and make sure she is First Run Features ending, in which a character clunky symbol to advise her
killed. He cannot return to the Opens Aug. 7 acts responsibly after the truth that people are like knots. The NIGHLIFE
village until this is done. Cinema Village, 22 E. 12th St. behind the rape comes to light, rope also triggers memories of Rough Trade
Celan, a handsome soldier is especially gratifying. her refusal to hang herself back Waters
returning from war, is used The film is at its best when home, further emphasizing the On the Hudson River’s high-spirited
to taking orders and duti- them on as his crew. Mean- the central characters reveal obvious. seas, DJ Johnny Dynell and his XXX
fully accepts the job. Once in while, Ali Riza has sent his men themselves to each other; they The story’s themes are far Dancers offer up a cavalcade of perver-
Istanbul, he meets up with his to find the escaped pair and grow from their interactions. better advanced through the sions, including a live demonstration of
estranged brother, Yakup (Erol bring them to justice for their A scene in which Celan and filmmaker’s outstanding ability the Real Touch sex toy, undie giveaways
Babaoglu), who tells him that crimes. Irfan get drunk is telling; both to frame his scenes; his com- from, and Dirtyboyvideo
this village custom is barbaric While “Bliss” has elements of have arrived at this juncture in positions are simply masterful. giveaways all night. The upstairs show
and that Celan should think for both a thriller and a love story, their lives because, they say, From the village landscapes to a stars Bianca Del Rio. There’s also a free
himself. At a critical moment, it works mainly as a charac- “circumstances demand.” As maze of stairs, as well as the fish buffet dinner. Queen of Hearts, Pier
when Meryem is blindfolded and ter study. The chase scenes, Celan’s decision not to exact farm and the claustrophobic 40, Hudson River at Houston St.,
facing certain death, Celan res- while artfully done, feel a bit Meryem’s punishment prompts boat, contrasted with the open boat boards beginning at 6 p.m.,
cues her, and they flee to safety water, the visuals provide cues leaves at 7:30 sharp, and returns at
at a fish farm in a remote cove. for the characters’ emotions. 10 p.m. Tickets are $22 in advance at
“Bliss” adroitly chronicles The cinematography by Mirsad
how Meryem and Celan adapt While “Bliss” has elements of both Herovic is truly breathtaking. ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
to their new lives, even as they
are both haunted by demons.
a thriller and a love story, it works The performances also ele-
vate “Bliss” from the plateau of
Celan has nightmares about
the war he has seen, but he is
also bewitched by Meryem, and
mainly as a character study. conventional melodrama. Özgü
Namal makes Meryem’s inter-
nal struggle quite palpable, and HISTORY
has an intense, sexually-tinged Talat Bulut lends fine support The Gay Ghetto &
dream about her one night dur- forced, and they climax hastily. him to acknowledge his growing as Irfan. But the most compel- Its Policing
ing a portentous thunderstorm. At least director Abdullah Oguz desire for her, he feels jealousy ling performance is Murat Han’s This summer’s “Sex & the City” semi-
In contrast, Meryem is a woman edits these action scenes for about Irfan’s fatherly attentions turn as Cemal. Making his film nar series from CUNY’s Center for Les-
who believes she is pure and is maximum impact. Likewise, the toward the young girl. In con- debut here, Han proves himself bian & Gay Studies (CLAGS), focusing on
determined to live on her own romance that develops between trast, Irfan’s past comes back to be a most magnetic actor. the policing of sex from Progressive-era
terms now that she has been Celan and Meryem seems a in the form of his wife, who con- Cemal undergoes the story’s anti-vice campaigns to contemporary
given a second chance. bit contrived, with him falling fronts him with his own bad greatest transformation, and quality-of-life policies and their effects
The bond that develops under her spell quite suddenly. behavior. The parallels and ten- Han makes it entirely convinc- on gay demographics in urban areas,
between the two takes a curious Yet these narrative strands sions between these two men ing. concludes tonight. Christina B. Hanhardt,
turn when Irfan (Talat Bulut), a are not the true focus of the are effective and affecting. “Bliss” addresses weighty of the LGBT Studies Program at the Uni-
professor, arrives on his boat film. The story here is more At times, however, the screen- issues, and it is so expertly versity of Maryland, facilitates, and the
and Celan and Meryem reluc- about the ethical riddles of right play, co-written by Oguz, is a bit crafted the result is transcen-
tantly agree to his offer to take and wrong. What is most satis- didactic. When Irfan teaches dent. 䉴 AUG 10, continued on p.24

䉴 BANDSLAM, from p.20 exact replica of the run-down interior. the shooting. Graff is surprisingly can- early 30s.”
Graff also realized a fantasy from his did about his complex feelings toward his Given that Graff draws on his life so
insists that “Bandslam” is not a “gay” musician days by getting Bowie himself father. much in his work, will he make a coming
film. “There is no gay subtext for Will as a to appear in a cameo. So how did Graff “We had a close, but difficult relation- out film in the future? “I have no master
character in the movie,” he said. Yet the direct the Thin White Duke? “I was told ship,” he said. “We were very much in plan,” he responded. “I’m out, and every-
writer/director acknowledged, “There is I was not allowed to,” he recalled. “He each other’s lives, even though there were one knows me professionally. I’m a pro-
an overlap between adolescent feelings doesn’t like that, they said. And I thought, real problems. He had many wonderful ponent of gay coming out stories, even if
of social rejection and the questioning of ‘Is he really going to be a dick?’” Pausing qualities but they were trumped by his they aren’t fashionable. The feelings they
gay kids and outcasts for other reasons. for dramatic effect, Graff gushed, “And he narcissism. It never faded but got worse.” bring up resonate fairly widely,”
When you feel you don’t fit in, you don’t was like the greatest guy ever!” Graff talked about his father coming Graff hopes “Bandslam” will reverber-
fit in.” The filmmaker was almost embar- out at age 80. This, the filmmaker said, ate with audiences and continue to raise
The filmmaker used his real life expe- rassed to admit having a chip on his “was a seismic blast for my family. The his profile in Hollywood. Though the
riences to create “Camp,” but deliberately shoulder as he faced a close-up, or rather key thing about my life is my relation- film is teen-oriented –– with Vanessa
steered away from making “art from his an up-close, with the rock icon. Still, Graff ship with my dad and his sexuality. To Hudgens of “High School Musical” fame
life” with “Bandslam.” “In this one, I’m said, on some matters, Bowie insisted on have someone acting out the acceptance in a featured role –– the writer/ direc-
processing my rock star fantasies when I having his way. While shooting a scene of being gay through his son –– it was a tor thinks that audiences who enjoyed
was a kid,” he explained. “I’ve never out- in June, Bowie was wearing a coat, so “I springboard to face his own sexuality.” films like “Say Anything” and “Almost
grown them.” asked David, ‘Can we lose the coat?,’ and The filmmaker’s own coming out was Famous” will respond to “Bandslam.”
One way Graff recreates his dreams of he said, ‘No –– it’s an attitude!’” a process that occurred over time. “When “Before I saw it, it was not something
being a musician is to stage a key scene of Bowie acts as a father figure of sorts I was in college, I had an affair with an I’d cross the street to see,” Graff con-
“Bandslam” at his old stomping ground, to Will in “Bandslam,” and many of the apartment mate,” he said. “Then I went fessed. But, he insisted, “this movie was
CBGB’s. Given the shuttered landmark other characters suffer the burden of out with a girl. Then, down the road, I had made for people like me.” Audiences gay
club’s morphing into a clothing store, he having “absent fathers” as well. Signifi- an affair with a guy. We broke up and I and straight, young and old, should also
had to build its façade in Austin, Texas, cantly, Graff dedicates the film to his own had an affair with a girl. I wasn’t exclusive embrace his warm and winning music-
where the film was shot, and create an dad, who passed away at age 88 during until I met my partner of 14 years in my filled film.

䉴 BEESWAX, from p.20 16mm and transferred to 35mm for mysterious and enticing. Bujalski also is Bujalski’s most mature film, it speaks
commercial exhibition. Its use of color cuts scenes at abrupt moments, giving volumes about the difficulties of growing
Despite the emphasis on dialogue, is striking and expressive. Storyville the film an unusual rhythm. up, including the challenges he himself
“Beeswax” isn’t just an extended gab- is carefully designed as a space clut- Bujalski started off making films has faced. His characters rely mostly on
fest. Bujalski’s eye for visual style has tered with knick-knacks, but it is rarely about people in their early 20s trying to language to fend for themselves in a hos-
steadily been improving. Unlike most shown in close-ups –– which Bujalski figure out what it means to be an adult. tile world, but the filmmaker has finally
of the low-budget directors of his gen- generally avoids –– so one comes away The characters of “Beeswax” have settled opened up his palette to all the possibili-
eration, he remains loyal to celluloid; with a fairly vague sense of what it might into adult responsibilities and struggle ties of style. Despite all the anxiety on-
instead of DV, “Beeswax” was shot in look like walking through it. It remains desperately within their confines. If this screen, the result is exhilarating.

䉴 BRIEFS, from p.19 lican opponent, Christopher on July 22. He was 47.The
J. Christie, a former federal Toronto Star reports that he was
Loretta Weinberg of Teaneck, in prosecutor, by double digits in found in a hotel sauna early on
Bergen County, as his running mate some recent polls. Christie has the morning of July 19, and is
in the November election. said he is opposed to marriage believed to have suffered a heat
“Loretta is the architect equality. stroke that damaged his internal
of every LGBT civil rights law Goldstein’s statement noted organs. The newspaper reported
enacted in New Jersey since she that his group’s highest award that after a troubled youth in
entered the Legislature in 1993, is named the Loretta Weinberg which he spent time in jail, he
including our state’s domestic Prize for Lifetime Achievement. became a born-again Christian
partnership and civil union laws, The New York Times, on July and found success in boxing.
and our anti-discrimination, hate 25, reported that some leading After coming out, he did
crimes, and school bullying laws Democrats in New Jersey, con- volunteer work for the Toronto
that encompass sexual orienta- cerned about Corzine’s weak poll- People with AIDS Foundation,
tion, gender identity, and gen- ing numbers, are considering a and appeared in a 1994 gay rights
der expression,” Steven Gold- push to replace him on the ballot. documentary “For the Love of the
stein, the group’s chair, said in Game.” Although the Founda-
a written statement. “She is the Gay Canadian tion’s executive director, Murray
prime sponsor of the marriage Boxer Mark Jose, told the Star that Leduc’s
equality bill now before the Leduc Dead at role helped ease the stigma
State Legislature.” 47 toward HIV in Canada, the news-
GSE has voiced confidence Mark Leduc, a Canadian paper reported that some parents
that the votes are there to pass Olympic light welterweight boxer took their children out of a gym he
the marriage bill, and Corzine, a who won the Silver Medal at the started when news of his homo- Heart of Chelsea Animal Hospital is a place of healing, warmth and goodwill. Our
Democrat, has pledged to sign 1992 Barcelona Games and came sexuality became public. staff is dedicated to attending to the best interest of both the patient and client.
it, though no action in Trenton out in the mid-1990s after his A funeral was planned for Combining Western conventional medicine and Eastern holistic traditions, we
strive to fulfill our mission of providing the most comprehensive veterinary care.
is expected before November. retirement from the sport, died in Toronto’s Metropolitan Communi-
* Mention that you saw us in The Villager, Chelsea Now, or Gay City News to receive $25.00 off your first visit!
Corzine has trailed his Repub- St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto ty Church, an LGBT congregation.

Call for an appointment today - 212.924.6116 7ESTTH3TREETs.EW9ORK .9
6 - 19 AUG 2009

24/ Opera
“Les Huguenots” Resurrected 14 DAYS
Leon Botstein gambles with long-neglected Meyerbeer grand opera 14 NIGHTS
BY ELI JACOBSON tura soprano Erin Morley as of brilliant set pieces with little 䉴 AUG 10, from p.22
Marguerite de Valois and bass internal cohesion. One heard

usical popularity is a Peter Volpe as the crusty but familiar ideas from many other reading list is drawn from key scholars
fickle mistress. Works loyal Protestant retainer Marcel. operas from composers of other in the field. LGBT Community Center,
that in the lifetime of Morley’s voice had rich luster lands and times — but then one 208 W. 13th St., room 101, 6-8 p.m. For
their composers were enormous in the aria “O Beau Pays” and remembered that Meyerbeer complete information, contact clags@
successes can be discarded as could knock out the staccati in did it first and set the course for
antiquated trash by succeeding the cabaletta. Volpe’s rich roll- them to follow. ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
generations. A piece of tuneful ing basso was the only really
comic tomfoolery turned out on heroic sound, and his imposing onizetti’s “L’Elisir
the quick can brave the centu- stage presence compelled the D’Amore” is hardly a Song For A Cure
ries and never leave the reper- audience’s attention. Baritone stranger to local and Scott Nevins’ “Curtain Call” tonight
tory. After 1,000 performances Andrew Schroeder sang with worldwide stages — I saw it presents “Cabaret Cares 4,” a benefit
at the Paris Opera, history left velvet tone and incisive verbal three times at the Met this past for Broadway Cares/ Equity Fights AIDS.
Meyerbeer’s “Les Huguenots” in delivery as the Catholic noble- season. The Caramoor Festival Guest host Emily McNamara welcomes
obscurity, with only a handful of man turned renegade Comte utilized a new Ricordi critical Broadway singer Natalie Toro. Splash
vocal solos and duets to keep its DARIO ACOSTA de Nevers. Marie Lenormand, edition in a concert reading on Bar, 50 W. 17th St., 11:30 p.m. Admis-
name alive. Meanwhile the less a mezzo, got both of Urbain’s July 18 that had more charm sion is free until 10 p.m.; $5 after that.
pretentious comedic charms of arias, which she performed with and musical delicacy than any- You must be 21.
Donizetti’s “L’Elisir D’Amore” In Bard Summerscape Festival’s production swagger if not the most gor - thing the Met has offered in ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
have always found favor with of Meyerbeer’s “Les Huguenots,” bass Peter geous timbre. recent memory. The chamber
audiences old and new. Volpe produced the only really heroic sound. As the ill-fated Romeo and orchestra under Will Crutch-
Meyerbeer’s five-act grand
opera of 1836 had not been
staged in New York since the
choral groupings to delineate
space. Costumes were a styl-
Juliet lovers Raoul and Valen-
tine, young lyric tenor Michael
Spyres and soprano Alexandra
field lovingly revealed details in
a reading of transparent clarity
and freshness where the grand- NIGHTLIFE
Met last performed it in 1915, ized mishmash with period sil- Deshorties contended unevenly er Met orchestra sawed away in This Bike Brakes
though it has been done in con- houettes for the women that with strenuously demanding routine mechanical boredom. for Porn
cert twice. Like Halevy’s “La suggested the 18th century, roles. The tenor, currently sing- Lawrence Brownlee in a role In the third of four weeks celebrating
Juive,” it is a work created by while the men wore stream- ing light Mozart and Rossini debut as Nemorino sang with and raising funds for Braking the Cycle,
Jews about Christians behav- lined tunics that suggested the parts, had a soft lyric timbre appealing forthrightness and the Boston-New York bike ride that raises
ing badly. As Christians — and 17th century cavalier period — and a fine sense of the style — tonal roundness; his rhythmic funds for the LGBT Community Center’s
fanatics of all religious persua- in a story set in the year 1572. he attacked most high notes acuity and technical brilliance AIDS services programs (brakingthecycle.
sions — persist in their bad Sometimes simple imagery — softly in a mixed head voice made him seem too bright and org), Will Clark’s Porno Bingo welcomes
behavior, the work’s theme of the long white scarf that blind- in the proper French manner. commanding for the village newcomer Colin Steele, whose recent
religious intolerance and sec- folds Raoul during his interview However, the heroic phrases simpleton. However, the sweet- work for Titan is getting great word of
tarian violence should never with the Queen or the golden pressed his resources to their ness of his tone mitigated that mouth from fans everywhere. Come meet
grow stale. Changing musi- throne set above the stage in a limit. Spyres’ floating rapt impression, and his embellish- a rising star. In the past five years, Porno
cal fashions, critical dispar - suspended box — were poetic delivery of “Tu l’as dit” in the ments to “Una Furtiva Lagrima,” Bingo has raise more than $90,000 for
agement, and the enormous and evocative. However, Act III, great Act IV love duet and his taken from Donizetti’s nota- LGBT charities in New York. Pieces, 8
demands required, both scenic set on the banks of the Seine, dramatic solo in Act V put all tions, were stylishly rendered. Christopher St. at Sixth Ave., 8-10 p.m.
and vocal, have left impresa- looked to be taking place under reservations aside — often he Georgia Jarman’s quicksilver ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
rios skeptical whether the piece an elevated subway platform. reminded me of a young Alain tone kept Adina’s cruelty light
would repay the enormous cost Strassberger then began to Vanzo. Deshorties is a superb and mocking rather than shrew-
and difficulty of presenting
it. The intrepid Leon Botstein
decided to stage this opera as
go for shock effects — Catho-
lic priests raping Protestant
women in the final scene of car-
musician and native linguist,
but the voice will not take
pressure at either end — the
ish or harsh. Critical scholarship
yielded a new version of her final
aria, “Prendi per me sei libero,” AT THE BEACH
part of the Bard Summerscape nage, the mock crucifixion of a tone turned hollow and edgy fashioned for Giulia Grisi. I like Snow Day in
Festival. Protestant captive during the too often for aural comfort. An the aching lyricism of the origi- August
Faced with the Fisher Cen- benediction of the swords, and impressively tall and strikingly nal aria better, but the rollick- For one night only, Fire Island’s Cherry
ter’s shallow limited stage and Valentine stripping and offer- attractive woman, she does not ing coruscating brilliance of the Grove becomes a winter wonderland, just
without the budget to hire ing her body to Raoul to stop seem to know how to move or unfamiliar cabaletta Donizetti in time for the Snow Ball, featuring five fur-
international stars, Botstein him from joining the Protes- wear costumes onstage, and fashioned for Fanny Persiani (the clad go-go ski bunnies, Bianca del Rio and
sought lighter -voiced young tant martyrs. In attempting to her acting came off as gauche first Lucia) was a scintillating Violet Temper as the Dueling Snow Queens,
singers and a resourceful young bypass scenic effects that went and uninvolving. find. Marco Nistico was a drolly and a real snowstorm at 1 a.m. Mandatory
director, while he lavished his beyond the design budget or the Botstein’s conducting reveled cynical Dr. Dulcamara; his native clothes-check. DJ Josh Sparber spins cold-
experience preparing a faithful technical capacity of the stage, in the rich contrasts, stylistic Italian linguistic facility enriched as-ice tracks, and gives out
musical presentation of a full the director called upon flashy variety, imaginative orchestra- the proceedings. Markus Beam, pairs of undies for the first 75 guys to arrive.
edition with only slight internal Regietheater clichés that under- tion, and sophisticated coun- with a limited baritone with top The late night show in the “backstage erotic
cuts. Thaddeus Strassberger, mined some valid ideas. terpoint of the score. The opera problems, nevertheless had the cabaret” should take the chill off this yearly
a young American director Luckily, the singers were bet- came off as stageworthy with agility to make the most of Bel- underwear event. Ice Palace, Cherry
with a burgeoning European ter equipped to do justice to a great deal of glorious music, core’s pompous strutting. Grove. There’s an 11:30 large water taxi
career, provided an ambitious, Meyerbeer’s conception. The even if the “effects without The clear summer night illu- from the Pines to the Grove to accom-
often imaginative but ultimately two most consistently impres- causes” — Wagner’s description minated by visiting fireflies pro- modate the crowds. Admission is $10.
unsuccessful staging. Sets were sive singers were the highest of Meyerbeer’s love of theatrical vided the perfect setting for an
stylized and non-specific, using and lowest voices — colora- artifice — made it seem a series evening of joyful music-making. 䉴 14 DAYS, continued on p.26

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26/ Theater
Coming Up Short 14 DAYS
In 90-minute “Vanities,” 80-minute “Wildflower,” only the actors deliver 14 NIGHTS

Second Stage Theatre

ack Heifner’s 1976 Off- 307 W. 43rd St.
Broadway hit “Vanities”
was always sort of theat-
rical easy listening. At the time,
Tue. at 7 p.m.; Wed.-Sat. at 8 p.m.;
Wed., Sat. at 2 p.m.; Sun. at 3 p.m.
$79; 212 246-4422 COMMUNITY
it purported to dive into issues The Lesbian Widow
facing contemporary women WILDFLOWER Clinical social worker Lori Hannibal,
by tracking the stories of three McGinn/ Cazale Theater with 22 years of experience in fam-
of them from a high school 2162 Broadway, btwn. 76th & 77th Sts. ily, adolescent, and children services,
pep rally in 1959 through the Tue.-Sat. at 7:30 p.m.; Wed., offers a workshop for lesbians hoping

1960s and into the newly liber- Sat. at 2 p.m. to reclaim intimacy in their lives after
$20-$50; 212 246-4422
ated 1970s. Questions about the death of their partner. With the
following the Eisenhower-era help of visualizations, Hannibal will
wife-and-mommy track, becom- add a final scene in which the Ron Cephas Jones as former drag queen Mitchell and Jake O’Connor as emotionally challenged assist participants in creating an envi-
ing sexually liberated, and/or women reconnect as “sistahs” Randolph in Lila Rose Kaplan’s “Wildflower.” ronment of safety and coming to terms
making it solo in the world still after time has inevitably pulled with the loss of physical and emotional
burned red-hot, so the play reso- them apart. What was bitter- this show. Lauren Kennedy, flower hotline in a general store intimacy. LGBT Community Center,
nated with audiences. Because sweet in the original has become Sarah Stiles, and Anneliese van run by 16-year-old Astor, and 208 W. 13th St., 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
it traded in stock situations, saccharine and unbelievable in der Pol are strong singers with starts to date James, a randy Admission is $20. For more informa-
conventional roles, and predict- the musical. lots of charisma, and each is forest ranger with a womanizing tion, phone 516-208-7095.
able outcomes, the play brought The score by David Kirshen- sufficiently idiosyncratic to be past. Meanwhile, Astor moves to ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
coziness to complex issues and baum doesn’t do much to help. charming. They rally all their enroll Randolph in helping her to
ran for a comfortable 1,700-plus It’s hard to tell whether it’s pas- talents to this effort, but since lose her virginity before she goes NIGHLIFE
performances. tiche or merely derivative, with the whole undertaking lacks the to college. James looks to Mitch- August Barn Dance
Three decades later, one would echoes of Burt Bacharach and appropriate pep, their work is ell for advice, and Mitchell has Celebrating its 25th anniversary,
think that this show would be lesser musicals of the 1970s. largely in vain. a secret. Somehow, it’s all sup- the LGBT Times Squares Square
allowed to fade into obscurity; it Each of the women gets a star posed to interconnect. Dance Club hosts an August Barn

reads like a museum piece, with turn, but the songs do little to he kindest thing one The company is actually pret- Dance, where even the uninitiated
nostalgia its primary appeal. The illuminate character and, though can say about Lila Rose ty good and does its best to make can feel at home with quick instruc-
world has left these characters they are pleasant enough, are Kaplan’s new play “Wild- sense of the story. In particular, tion in Western square-dancing with
behind as real women have con- ultimately forgotten by the time flower” is that it is undevel- Renée Felice Smith is bright and award-winning caller Betsy Gotta.
tinued to redefine themselves in you hit the street. oped. Clocking in at 80-min- edgy as Astor. Jack O’Connor as Come alone or bring your own part-
a changing world, while produc- Judith Ivey’s direction is per- utes, Kaplan has crammed in Randolph has a quirky appeal, ner. And make sure to dress comfort-
tions such as David Cromer’s functory and uninspired, never so many plot points that none and Ron Cephas Jones is warm ably — you’ll be moving all evening.
magnificent “Our Town” demon- really delving into what animates makes any more organic sense and comforting as the worldly- LGBT Community Center, 208 W.
strate that nostalgia alone is not these characters, and most of than the motivations of the char- wise Mitchell. 13th St., 8-11:30 p.m. Admission is
what defines compelling revivals the production elements don’t acters who overstuff her slight Despite some funny lines and free. For more information about the
of work that might otherwise work well or easily. In particular, construct. appealing actors, however, the group, visit
prove outdated. the odd choice was made to have Erica is escaping from her scenes chug along and then stop ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Given all this, what possessed the actresses change in and out marriage and takes along her when Kaplan runs out of steam
Heifner to try to resuscitate of Joseph G. Aulisi’s unwieldy smart but emotionally chal- or writes herself into a corner.
the play as a musical boggles
the mind. It’s a new musical to
be sure, but its dated material
and unflattering costumes right
in front of us.
The saving grace of this
lenged son, Randolph. Landing
in a guesthouse in Crested Butte
run by Mitchell, an ex-drag
She tries hard to connect all the
dots, but ultimately leaves her
characters trapped with no logi- NIGHTLIFE
makes it feel like a revival. Worse production are the three fine queen, Erica takes a job selling cal ways out. We know how they Everybody Get
yet, Heifner felt it necessary to actresses who give their all to trinkets and answering the wild- must feel. Together
Men of All Colors Together hosts
a gay old time tonight with a Hudson
䉴 CHEAP THRILLS, from p.21 this is a thoughtful, provocative on the History Channel. (HERE River sea tea cruise that includes a
meditation on one of the best ABRAHAM LINCOLN’S Arts Center, Mainstage Theater, buffet dinner, a live show, and the
BEST BETS AT FRINGENYC kept secrets in one of the most BIG GAY DANCE PARTY This 145 Sixth Ave., enter on Domin- music of DJ Mark Ciciero. Queen of
A sampling of the most prom- high-profile crimes ever, one campy, interactive, socio-polit- ick St., one block s. of Spring Hearts, Pier 40, Hudson River at
ising plays that explore gay that many Americans believed ical thriller mixed with “bur- St., Aug. 18 at 9:30 p.m.; Aug. Houston St., boat boards beginning
themes: heralded the death of the urban lesque anarchy” comes with a 19 at 4 p.m.; Aug. 22 at noon; at 6 p.m., leaves at 7:00 sharp, and
community. Inspired by actu- track record, garnering raves Aug. 23 at 3:45 p.m.; Aug. 29 at returns at 10 p.m. Tickets are $20 and
38 WITNESSED HER al events, performance artist when staged by the esteemed 7:15 p.m.) must be purchased in advance. You can
DEATH, I WITNESSED HER LuLu Lolo alternately portrays San Francisco Playhouse last pay via check or money order, payable
LOVE: THE LONELY SECRET Kitty’s lover, a New York Times year. When a teacher dares to HIS GREATNESS Award win- to MACT/NY, no later than Aug. 8, by
OF MARY ANN ZIELONKO editor, and the killer. (Robert question Lincoln’s sexuality, ning playwright Daniel MacIvor mailing: MACT/ NY, PO Box 237107,
(KITTY GENOVESE STORY) Moss Theater, 440 Lafayette St., a trial ensues. Each night, the (“Never Swim Alone,” “In On It”) Ansonia Station, New York 10023.
The title pretty much says it btwn. Astor Pl. & E. Fourth St., audience gets to vote to deter- is back, this time with a “poten- You can also order tickets with a credit
all. Except that instead of going 3rd fl., Aug. 14 at 7 p.m.; Aug. mine the order of the show’s tially true story” chronicling card by emailing mactnycochair@aol.
the usual comic route taken by 15 at 5:30 p.m.; Aug. 16 at 2 three acts. Think “Rashomon”
other overlong-titled Fringe fare, p.m.; Aug. 18 at 4 & 9:45 p.m.) meets “Law and Order” as seen 䉴 CHEAP THRILLS, continued on p.27 䉴 AUG 16, continued on p.28
Folk.” And the show features actor Chad house, 15 Vandam St., btwn. Sixth Ave.
Lindsey, that cute Good Samaritan who & Varick St., Aug. 15 at 2:30 p.m.; Aug.
made headlines last spring for jumping 16 at 12:30 p.m.; Aug. 18 at 7 p.m.; Aug.
onto the subway tracks to save a fallen 27 at 5 p.m.; Aug. 28 at 7 p.m.)
passenger. Come see if this selfless stud
truly is your hero. (The Players Theatre, BARGAINS AND BLOOD Well timed
115 MacDougal St., just south of W. to help solve the current economic cri-
Third St., Aug. 14 at 9:45 p.m.; Aug. 16 sis, this campy dark comedy is about
at 1 p.m.; Aug. 19 at 5:30 p.m.; Aug. 24 a trailer park Cinderella who becomes
at 10 p.m.; Aug. 29 at 5:45 pm.) a star on the Home Shopping Network
— never mind that there’s gore galore.
DEVIL BOYS FROM BEYOND Flying Written and directed by Blair Fell, this
saucers! Backstabbing bitches! Muscle romp aims to be “a Grand-Guignol-feel-
hunks and men in pumps! That’s how good comedy for the new depression.”
MadCap Productions, the demented Cheap thrills, indeed! (Dixon Place, 161A
minds behind “The Mystery of Irma Vep” Chrystie St., btwn. Rivington & Delanc-
and “Psycho Beach Party,” describe their ey Sts., Aug. 14 @ 9:45 p.m.; Aug. 17 at
campy caper set in Lizard Lick, Florida 7:15 p.m.; Aug. 22 at 2 p.m.; Aug. 27 at
in 1957. The cast features the illustri- 5:15 p.m.; Aug. 30 at 2:30 p.m.)
ous Everett Quinton, of the legendary
Ridiculous Theatrical Company. (The LOVE MONEY: A RECESSION ROCK
Actors’ Playhouse, 100 Seventh Ave. S., MUSICAL I confess, there’s nary a whiff
btwn. Grove & Bleecker Sts., Aug. 23 at of gay content in the promotional blurbs,
9 p.m.; Aug. 27 at 4:15 p.m.; Aug. 28 at but this show gets the award for the most
7:30 p.m.; Aug. 29 at 4 p.m.; Aug. 30 at opportunely titled play in these tough
noon.) economic times. A sensation last fall at
Ars Nova Theater, it follows one tough
THE BOYS UPSTAIRS You’re invited day in a tenacious temp’s life work-
to venture upstairs to visit the fabulous ing at a sinking Bank of North America.
abode of New York City boys and watch Besides, what good would a Fringe high-
them navigate the murky morass of lights list be without one show that has
friendship, dating, sex, and, well, more “A Musical” in the title? (Dixon Place,
sex. All from a distinctly gay point of 161A Chrystie St., btwn. Rivington &
view. It’s sort of like a “Boys in the Band” Delancey Sts., Aug. 25 at 7:30 p.m.; Aug.
Jared Weiss and Paul Pecorino in “Devil Boys from Beyond.” for the 21st century, with less self-loath- 26 at 5 p.m.; Aug. 27 at 8 p.m.; Aug. 28
ing and more silliness. (The SoHo Play- at 10:30 p.m.; Aug. 29 at 5:30 p.m.)
䉴 CHEAP THRILLS, from p.26 unapologetic story centers on a heart-
less killer who shares a cell with two
two days in the life of a past-his-prime men — one who idolizes him, the other
Tennessee Williams. It’s a glimpse of a who’s in love with him. But if you expect
three-way between the depressive, alco- testosterone-drenched shower scenes,
hol-soaked author, his jilted assistant, beware — the cast is comprised of female
and a strapping street hustler, as Wil- actors. Translated by Obie-winner David
liams glimpses his glory days in the dust Rudkin. (The Cherry Pit, 155 Bank St.,
behind him. (The Cherry Pit, 155 Bank btwn. West & Washington Sts., Aug 14
St., btwn. West & Washington Sts., Aug. at 5 p.m.; Aug. 25 at 10 p.m.; Aug. 26 at
17 at 10 p.m.; Aug. 22 at 7 p.m.; Aug. 24 3:15 p.m.; Aug. 28 at 10 p.m.; Aug. 29 at
at 7 p.m.; Aug. 27 at 3:45 p.m.; Aug. 29 12:45 p.m.
at noon.)
DOLLS An openly gay action figure.
TEAROOM TANGO Okay, there’s A moody porcelain Southern Belle. An
always at least one gay play that warns embittered Barbie wannabe. These are
(read: boasts) that it “Contains nudity just a few of the characters that make
and explicit themes. For mature audi- up Frank’s collection of dolls, who take
ences only.” And this may be the raci- turns recounting his life’s story in col-
est one this year. Based on the author’s orful, quirky detail. This “magical” solo
own nefarious exploits in public toi- show from Michael Phillis got raves dur-
lets, this portrayal of man-on-man ing its run in San Francisco, and promis-
sex, addiction, and shame promises es to entrance and astound Fringe-goers
to be heart-wrenching, building to an as well. (manhattan theatre source, 177
“unforgettable climax.” Features author MacDougal St., between Eight St. &
Douglas Holtz, of “Walmartopia” fame. Waverly Pl., Aug. 15 at 9 p.m.; Aug. 17 at
Bring plenty of, er, tissues. (The SoHo 5:30 p.m.; Aug. 20 at 3 p.m.; Aug. 25 at
Playhouse, 15 Vandam St., btwn. Sixth 7 p.m.; Aug. 29 at 2:15 p.m.)
Ave. & Varick St., Aug. 21 at 7:45 p.m.;
Aug. 23 at 5:30 p.m.; Aug. 25 at 3:45 NOTES ON THE LAND OF EARTH-
p.m.; Aug. 27 at 9:45 p.m.; Aug. 28 at QUAKE AND FIRE If this mystery about
2:30 p.m.) a Hollywood studio head who goes miss-
ing, and his assistant who steps in to
DEATHWATCH Jean Genet, the self- manage his affairs, sounds unremark-
destructive French author of “Querelle” able, consider this: the playwright is
and infamous queer convict, knew a GLAAD Media Award winner Jason
thing or two about the sexual politics of Schafer, screenwriter for the indie fave
prison, and this 1947 play proves it. The film “Trick” and Showtime’s “Queer As


Gay Man for All Seasons 14 DAYS

Doric oracle, Resistance fighters remembered, Brit noir 14 NIGHTS
䉴 AUG 16, from p.26
BY DAVID NOH 1961, was hired by Edward was Leonard Bernstein with
Albee to run the opening Aaron Copland and Virgil Thom- com. All requests, via mail or email,

n August 10, Playwright night party in his apartment son, and there’s Jerry Robbins! should include return mail information,
Doric Wilson will receive for “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Terrence and I did a fireman’s telephone number, and email address. No
the Career Achievement Woolf?”: “You could feel in the cross to carry Carson McCullers beverages can be brought on board; a cash
Award for Professional Theatre audience that this was an up the stairs. People don’t have bar is available. For complete information,
from ATHE, the Association for immensely important evening, that kind of fun anymore.” visit
Theater in Higher Education, everybody on earth was there Wilson was at Stonewall, but ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
at the Marriott Marquis Hotel, – Sophie Tucker! I got into the just as vivid are his memories
along with the legendary Judith limousine to take me down to of the first Gay Pride March. As
Malina, a founder of the Living
Theatre. Wilson, whose TOSOS
theater group has done invalu-
the Village and there was a tiny
little man sitting in it. ‘Hello, I’m
Billy Rose!’ [The show opened in
one of the organizers, he got up
early on a very downcast, gray
day and rode the subway down BOOKS
able service to the community his theater.] to the Village. His car was pretty Erotic Art Stripped
by presenting gay plays, both “We get there and everyone empty but a young guy got on Down
new and old, also happens to be is in a tizzy because they can’t and “he sort of looks at me and Bruno Gmuender Books’ new
one of Manhattan’s great racon- Doric Wilson will be honored with the Career find the ice. I checked with Ter- I look at him, so he sat next to anthology of contemporary homoerotic
teurs, and I love him, though Achievement Award for Professional Theatre rence McNally, who was Albee’s me and said, ‘Is anybody there? art, “Stripped, Uncensored,” is both
he never lets me forget I once from ATHE, the Association for Theater in boyfriend then, and he said, Somebody gave me a flyer last highly provocative and sensuously
mistakenly congratulated him Higher Education, on August 10. ‘It’s somewhere here!’ We franti- night and I thought maybe I appealing, offering fans of erotic art
on his play “T Shirts,” actu- cally checked both bathrooms, should do it but don’t want to do with a visual feast of seldom seen, eye-
ally written by Robert Patrick. that fabled theater space, Wil- which was where you kept ice it alone.’ I said, ‘Well, there’s you popping works that promise to mes-
He’s a one-man history of the son’s plays like “And He Made in those days. The doorbell and I, so at least there’s two of merize. A release garden party tonight
gay movement in this country, a Her” (1961) and his personal rings and I open it and there us.’ We got down there and there offers attendees an erotic art exhibition
starting from his childhood in favorite, “Now She Dances!” stands one of the goddesses of were like 30 to 40 people, not so unveiling, refreshments, a signed, lim-
the ’40s in Kennewick, Wash- (also 1961) helped create Off-Off my life –– Myrna Loy, with her bad. At exactly noon, the clouds ited-edition piece of art given to each
ington. Broadway. husband, this gay Texas multi- parted and, amazingly, the sun guest at the door, and three 3 compli-
“My poor mother figured me The playwright recalled his millionaire. I said, ‘Miss Loy, we came out, and we all laughed mentary raffle tickets toward a chance
out about the same time I fig- first day in New York, checking can’t find the ice!’ The husband –– it was so ’40s movie. Vito to win an original art work. LGBT
ured me out, at seven,” Wilson into the West Side YMCA and starts looking, too, and she Russo joined me, and by now Community Center, 208 W. 13th St.,
told me. “I didn’t like to shoot or donning his carefully assem- goes right into Nora Charles, there were about 100 people, 7-10 p.m. Admission is $10 at gaycen-
play sports, but liked music and bled Noel Coward-ish ensem- checking the living room: ‘No, and when we crossed Sheridan or $15 at the door.
drawing. So, when I was about ble of pinstriped three-piece it’s not here… hmmm, not here, Square on Christopher Street, ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
11, she decided to learn some- suit, trenchcoat worn over the either.’ She realized, ‘Forget the another 100 people joined us.
thing about homosexuality. It shoulders, silk scarf, paper thin ice — we gotta unwind these That’s when we began chant-
was the height of the McCarthy
era, and she drove 40 miles to
Walla Walla, Whitman College,
suede gloves, Ronson lighter,
Benson & Hedges cigarettes:
“Despite coming from a little
guys,’ and completely defused
our stress by being full-out
delightful Nora Charles. Finally
ing, ‘Off the sidewalks and into
the streets!’ We were not sup-
posed to, but by now there were COMMUNITY
where, in the library stacks ranch town, I already knew all the husband yells, “We found it! so many of us, the cops had to The Urgent Roar of
there, she found one book under about Manhattan because of There’s a third bathroom in the let us do it. We turned up Fifth Youth
that word. She didn’t check it the gay grapevine, which was kitchen!’ Avenue and by now we were The Hear Me Roar! Project uses
out under her name, of course, then so good that they used to “Other memories of that night artistic expression to raise awareness
but stayed in the stacks reading say ‘If you farted in New York, — looking to the left and there 䉴 IN THE NOH, continued on p.29 about the unique experiences and
the entire thing. It was ‘The Well you could smell it in San Fran- needs of queer youth. Sylvia’s Place
of Loneliness.’ By the ’60s, we cisco.’ The most pissy of all the is the homeless youth services and
talked about it openly, and she piss-elegant Bird Circuit gay housing program of the Metropolitan
participated in one of the first bars was Le Faisan D’Or, where Community Church/ NY. Tonight, activ-
Gay Pride Marches.” CBS is now, on Sixth Avenue. ists Alexis Handwerker and Emanuel
Wilson was briefly enrolled I sat down on a bar stool and Xavier host a benefit performance for
in the drama department of the ordered a brandy and soda like these groups featuring the poetry and
University of Washington, where any Leslie Howard movie, lit my spoken word art of Xavier, Chip Liv-
he became an early gay activist: cigarette, and heard this person ingston, and Simply Rob, performanc-
“There was a cruising park near- saying, “Blah blah blah, dahl- es by club/electro/punk musicians
by, and there was a sniper who ing!’ Without turning around, Air Kiss on Mars, the percussion and
was shooting gay people. I went I said, ‘That is the worst Tallu- dance ensemble Segunda Quimbamba,
into one of the offices and typed lah Bankhead impersonation I and Imani Henry, and an appearance
up a flyer warning people, and have ever heard!’ The real Miss by the Village Voice’s Michael Musto.
started handing it out. My advi- Bankhead turns and says to Bowery Poetry Club, 308 Bowery,
sor called me in and said, ‘Don’t me, ‘Really, dahling? I thought btwn. Houston & Bleecker Sts.,
bother coming back here.’ And, I had it down by now!’ That was 6-7:30 p.m. Suggested minimum
of course, two years later, in a my first and last day as a piss- donation is $15.
New York gay bar, who tries to elegant queen, and we stayed

pick me up? That same advisor! away from midtown Manhat-

But if they had not thrown me
out, I would not have been here
tan for about seven years after
that.” Stine Stengade as Ketty and Thure Lindhardt as Flame in Ole Christian Madsen’s “Flame
to walk into the Café Cinno.” At Wilson learned fast and, in and Citron.” 䉴 JUMP, continued on p.28

䉴 IN THE NOH, from p.28

almost prancing with excitement –– that

wonderful feeling of ‘I am walking up the
street in broad daylight with a sign over
my head saying “Faggot.”’ And before we
got to 14th Street, Vito looked back and
said, ‘Doric, look!’ And, after all these
years, I cannot tell this without tear-
ing up –– there were about 3,000 people
behind us. And that’s when we became a

f you’re sick of Hogwarts, Transform-
ers, and treacly love stories about
Asperger Syndrome, and want to see
a real movie about something, check out
“Flame and Citron,” Ole Christian Mad-
sen’s account of two Danish Resistance
fighters during World War II (Lincoln
Plaza Cinema, 1886 Broadway, btwn.
62nd & 63rd Sts., lincolnplazacinema. Will sadistic maestro James Mason smash that piano lid
com; Landmark Sunshine, 143 E. Hous- on Ann Todd’s fingers in “The Seventh Veil”? Find out at
ton St., btwn. First & Second Aves., Film Forum’s Brit Noir series. It’s a thrilling
story encompassing war, politics, espio- ing with, not against, the Germans. Our
nage, and romance that’s as entertain- government gave them all our police and
ing as “Casablanca,” as well as being military. Then after the war, we were so
completely true. dependent on the Marshall Plan that we
“Ever since I was a little boy I was very needed to clean our face. So, suddenly,
interested in the World War II Resistance we were a resistant nation with everybody
movement,” Madsen told me. “My father fighting against the Germans. But, really,
was a colonel in the army, and I had a nobody did –– only like 1,500 people. But
book about these men, which had pic- now all the young people want to see the
tures of them and a very short description film, the War Museum is suddenly full of
of their fate, and that always fascinated visitors, and a lot of books have come out
me. My co-scriptwriter was also kind of about them.” Gay,
obsessed with it, and when we couldn’t

get the financing, we kept researching it ilm Forum ( is pro-
during the nine years it took to start the viding a haven for intrigue lovers Bi,
film. Then the Afghani and Iraq conflicts August 7-September 3 with “Brit Curious?
came, and these and other contemporary Noir,” a retrospective of largely unknown
war situations became very similar to our gems from the UK. Don’t miss “Blanche
story. Fury,” one of the most beautiful Techni-
“Everything in our film happened as it color movies ever, the ultimate high Gothic
was –– I just restructured events and gave thriller with sumptuous Valerie Hobson
it a film noir feel. We only had to imagine and Stewart Granger, the most equine
the affair between Flame (Thure Lind- pair of lovers, snorting and seething lust-
hardt) and Ketty (Madsen’s girlfriend, fully at one another; “Victim,” that break-
Stine Stengade), but we know that they through study of homosexual blackmail
did have an affair in that same hotel. which helped overturn Britain’s homopho-
“Originally, we saw this as small film bic laws; “The Seventh Veil,” with sadistic
about two guys riding around Copenha- maestro James Mason smashing poor pia-
gen in black and white, not so much dia- nist Ann Todd’s fingers with Freudian glee;
logue, only action. But then we found out “Gaslight,” the intense, original 1940 ver-
that it was an espionage movie, as well, sion which makes the glossy Ingrid Berg-
with Ketty, who was having an affair with man MGM vehicle pale by comparison; and
Flame, also with the Gestapo chief, and “Hatter’s Castle,’ another Gothic whirlwind
before that was with other Resistance featuring a truly terrifying performance by
members, as well as being strongly bisex- Robert Newton. The broodingly complex
ual and having affairs with women. And James Mason, one of the screen’s finest,
she was probably also a Russian spy.” is spotlighted here, but you’ll also come to
With a $7.5 million budget, “Flame and know a whole gallery of fabulous players ––
Citron” is the most expensive film ever porcelain, piercing Diana Wynyard, eerie
made in Denmark, and it has sparked Kathleen Byron, pungent Googie Withers,
a new interest in these characters. “I’m Diana Dors, Britian’s Monroe, character
proud of the film,” Madsen said. “Before gods Herbert Lom and Eric Portman, the /ÀÞʈÌÊÀiiÊUÊ
this, no one in Denmark really knew talented young Jean Simmons, and Stan-
about them. There were only a few stories
and pictures – we had to dig for most of
ley Baker, as stolid and stalwart as a Limey
flesh-and-blood Dick Tracy.
the details. They were forgotten because I
don’t think they fit into the official version Contact David Noh at Inthenoh@aol.
of how Denmark behaved during World com and check out his new blog at http://
War II, because we were actually work- MC 7003 Ent only 18+ *Limited Free Trial Photography by Kevin E. McPherson

DEADLINE WEDNESDAY 5:00PM MAIL 145 SIXTH AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10013 TEL 646-452-2485 FAX 212.229.2790


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ost plays bent on exploring com- 224 Waverly Pl.
ing-out issues are doomed from Mon.-Fri. at 8 p.m.; Sat. at 5 & 9 p.m.
the start. After all, the topic has Through Aug 15
been mined for decades, virtually stripped $20; Or 212-868-4444
clean, and post-gay types scoff at the
whole notion as quaintly irrelevant. Char- he’s being a total brat.
acters are either derided as tasteless ste- Delivering Talbot’s staccato, Mamet-
reotypes or, conversely, not gay enough. esque dialogue, packed with lots of three-
Consider the plot of “Slipping,” the first word sentences and pregnant pauses, is
play by esteemed actor/director Daniel no easy feat, and the cast largely pulls it
Talbot. A sensitive misfit teenage boy who, off convincingly, no small thanks to Kel-

after the tragic death of his father, moves ly’s tight direction. She keeps the brisk,
from San Francisco to a bland suburb in 85-minute drama moving apace, incor-
Iowa and falls for a baseball jock in his porating plaintive snippets of Eli’s favorite
new high school. The dude balks at being Seth Numrich as Eli and MacLeod Andrews as Jake in Daniel Talbot’s “Slipping,” directed by Kirsten Kelly. music from Joy Division, Eminem, Jay Z,
open about their bond. and, yeah it’s predictable, Morrissey and
Stomach-churning cliché? Not so fast. big hair, prefers photography to human and indirectly causing his father’s death. The Smiths.
In this taut, uncompromising produc- interaction. He describes himself and his She was never much of a mom, and her And if you think this all sounds like a
tion now playing at the Rattlestick The- mother as “really good business partners attempts at making up for it now fall flat. downer, there is levity in this potent if
ater, Talbot and director Kirsten Kelly that sometimes greatly surprise each It doesn’t hurt that Numrich is not only unpolished drama, including a talking
prove there are still plenty of precious nug- other.” model-sexy but a captivating, first-rate penis, tasteless jokes about Christ being
gets to be found in the coming-out genre. Wracked by the loss of his father, Eli performer. Looking a little like a cross well hung, and other zingers. Having per-
Forbidden male teen-on-teen attraction can’t shake the memory of a former boy- between a young James Dean and that haps slipped to rock bottom, in a hospital
is just the beginning. What the play real- friend, Chris (Adam Driver), a time bomb pretty vampire dude from “Twilight,” it’s bed, Eli deadpans, “I’m damaged goods.
ly probes is alienation, self-destruction, of a closet case, who, in flashbacks, impossible not to feel for him, even when I’m like a 49-year-old hooker at 18.”
embracing new identities, how an untime- lets him suck his dick one minute and
ly death can shatter already dysfunctional threatens to kill him the next. And when
families, and the volcanic territory where he questions the amorous attentions of
pain and pleasure collide.
All with richly drawn characters who
bi-curious Jake (MacLeod Andrews), Eli
tumbles down an abyss of self-pity and WATER TAXI
engage and astound. Eli (Seth Num- self-abuse. Pain and love become one.
rich), a skinny, troubled 17-year old who In a fog of contempt, Eli accuses his
wears rolled-up jeans, a heavy-metal mother, Jan (Meg Gibson), of screwing
rock T-shirt, and too much henna in his her students (she’s an English professor),
N O R T H S I D E O F P I E R 1 7

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