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Set Gital Free

I am writing this because I believe that setting Gital free is the right thing to do. I also believe that everyone believes that it's the right thing to do. Right now, there are three lives that are being ruined, or are at least on hold. Just look at Gital, the poor Agunah, whose personal life is in limbo at the prime time of her life, wasting away years. The same for Avrom Meir, as I watch his younger siblings, with their families growing past his.

I am most concerned about poor, innocent Aryeh (Aryeh Malkiel}, such a smart boy, a beautiful child, who is at best, going to need psychological help, if this keeps up. Anyone looking at him, has to break down at the thought of what the future holds for him.

Doesn't anyone care? Of course they do!! And everyone wants this episode to come to an end. I and my wife, personally, respect both sides; the Kotler's family, and the Feinstein's. And because I believe that the Dodelsons want to end this as soon as possible, I keep in touch with them, and of course the Weiss's. I have personally spoken to Danny and Saki, and other family members, and they have expressed great interest in obtaining a Get.

Mrs. Dodelson, Saki, was actually the one around yomim noraim time this year, that reached out to my wife, to ask what we can do to get the process back on track.

Around Chol Hamoed Succos, I saw a chance. Avrom Meir Weiss reiterated clearly to me, beyond a shadow of a doubt, (and signed the document), that he would accept unconditionally the ruling of Ronny Greenwald, who was accepted to be the binding arbitrator. (Even if he does not like, or agree with the decision, he will accept it.} He made it clear (in writing), that he would accept the arbitration, and a get would be given forty five days after the decision is entered into court, so as the other side, the Dodelsons, cannot appeal. At that time, a get will be given.

The arbitration started in May. It stalled for five months, but Boruch Hashem it was restarted on Oct. 15 2013. According to Ronny Greenwald, even though the Weiss's responded in time, before the deadline Sunday the 20th of Oct. and it's not clear to me if and when the Dodelsons responded, the Weiss's, even today, are still accepting Ronny's decision, and will abide by his words as a non partial binding decision, and Avrom Meir is still willing to give the get, as stated above.

I urged Danny and Saki, and I've also spoke to the Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Malkiel Kotler Shlita, and Rav Aaron Kotler(who, yes I do enjoy being able to talk to), to urge the Dodelsons as well, not to look back. I know there is a lot of bad blood and distrust, because of the last few years. However, if we just look ahead, and see that a get can be obtained in forty five days, just accept Ronny Greenwald's decision, and get it over with.

1 Daas Torah Blog November 7, 2013

Set Gital Free

I know Saki feels this, because when she spoke about the situation, she was emotional. She wants her daughter free. She feels her pain. She sees Aryeh's plight. The Dodelsons want the get, the Weiss's also want the get, and are ready to give the get, so in forty five days we can have the get.

I do not know who is behind the newspaper articles, and demonstrations that are going on while arbitration are still in progress,( to me it seems counterproductive). Also, I have no idea what can be said about the Chilul Hashem. Whoever's fault you want to say it is, how can we let the Kovod Shamayim be lowered like this? Does it make a Difference who's fault this is?

In any case, what I'm saying is, that we can get the get done in forty five days. The trick is to look ahead, and get it over with.

As for all of us who care, don't write letters or attack the other side! Let us talk, and put pressure on our own sides, or on the people who are pressuring us to end it, by accepting the arbitration.

If any Rabbonim want to verify what I wrote, feel free to contact me via the Weiss's, or via the Dodelsons.l am by no means a negotiator. However, with this clear picture of both sides wanting the get, and Avrom Meir accepting the binding arbitration, and ready to give the get, the end is near.

2 Daas Torah Blog November 7, 2013

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