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TOP SECRET BANKER’S MANUAL FOR BANKERS ONLY ‘This manual is designed for ‘Bank Presidents and Vice presidents only. ‘Do nat allow lower level bank employees {0 Teviest Topics SECRET LOAN AGREEMENT ‘COURT AND UCC SECRETS HOW BANKERS CAN QUICKLY DOUBLE INVESTMENT MONEY METHODS FOR CONTROLLING THE MEDIA, POLITICIANS ‘AND JUDGES Message to Bankers, Politicians and Law Enforcement TFany threats are made to Mr. Schauf or laws passed to attempt to stop [Mr. Schauf-we have a legal plan. We have a plan to checkmate the bank: rs no matter what strategy is used to stop Mr. Schauf. Mr. Schauf has placed critical information in the hands of others that will be released, en ‘mass, if bankers/politicians take certain actions. Mr. Schauf will at in a Jegal manner-act decisively-swiftly in a way that no banker will want to happen. If Mr. Schauf has problems he will presume it came from bank- ers and legal action will be taken, Mr. Schauf suggests that the bankers make certain that Mr. Schauf remains very happy. Bankers may approach Mr. Schauf with a setiement offer. If Bankers try and go to a national ID/computer chip implant, use terrorism to force their hand, make threats against Mr. Schauf or use othet methods—Mr ‘Schauf has a plan to legally checkmate these attempts and win against the bankers. Mr. Schauf believes that he was called by God to lead the nation ‘out of Debt Bondage and Mr. Schauf fears God more than Man. ‘Mr. Schauf assures all Americans that every contingency has been con- sidered, along with our response. WE WILL NOT FAIL. God is with us ‘and no man can stop God. My goal isto inform every American tothe truth so they can then vote me president so I can correct the banking problem and return their rights ‘and freedoms, Contents Introduction ‘About the Author ‘About the Manual - Its Purpose Chapter 1 - Waring (Chapter 2 - Court Strategy CPA Banking Report by THOMAS SCHAUE, CPA. Chapter 3 - Additional Laws & Strategies ‘Chapter 4 - What Bankers Fear Chapter 5 - Notices... Chapter’6 - Two Kinds of Money Chapter 7 - Credit Cards. Chapter 8 - Credit Card Bookkeeping Entries. Chapter9 - Debi Collectors. — Chapter 10 - Doubling Money .. Chapter 11 - Changing the System Chapter 12 - Ultimate Fear of Bankers Chapter 13 - The Threat to the Economy Chapter 14. Title 12 US.C., The Banking Law Gamer 15 - Auditors and Atomeys Chapter 16 - Introduction to Preliminary Judicial Procedures... 83, 17 Phe Bie ad Tanya Danlng Sommaty .. on 97 Appendix 102 ‘Suggested Court Admissions .... 103 STRATEGY OF NOTICES 106 NOTICE OF ADEQUATE ASSURANCE OF DUE PERFORMANCE AFFIDAVIT of |. Ben Robbed. AFFIDAVIT [Bank] : AFFIDAVIT (Credit Union} NOTICE and DEMAND. i NOTICE OF ALLEGED LOAN DISPUTE - NOTICE OF HOLDER IN DUE COURSE STATUS NOTICE FOR REQUEST OF CONFIRMATION [1] NOTICE FOR REQUEST OF CONFIRMATION [2] NOTICE OF BREACH OF AGREEMENT NOTICE and DEMAND FOR FULL DISCLOSURE PROOF OF MAILING and CERTIFICATE of SERVICE . 148 ‘Acts, Statutes, Regulations, Term : 150 Excerpts from T DISCLAIMER People reselling the Top Secret Banker's Manual and books one and two may offer consulting services and/or other products Please be aware that Tom Schauf has no partners and that any- ‘one you contract with for consultations or other services is act ing as an independent agent. Tom Schauf has no control over what other people offer you as consultations, comments, ad- vice, information or products, Tom Schauf is not liable for what these others may offer or the results thereof. ‘This manual is for educational purposes only and not legal ad- vice. Tom Schauf is educating you so you might vote him in as president to correct the problems. Forward Inti forward Tom's coho Themen Yrs Te ak: ‘Tom says, “Lknow God called me to get the banking mes- “sage out tothenation. [do not claim to dothis from my power buttather ‘from the authority, power and provision of God’s anointing in my life.” ‘Since March of 1998, T began reading Tom's books and listening to his faudio tapes, and frequently heard Tom on shortwave radio as I tried (0 _getaliemative news about what is really going on in this country. After ‘confirming Tom's information by my own research, and participating in ‘Tom's weekly conference calls it became apparent that it was time for ‘me to take an active part in assisting Tom in his calling. ‘Ina recent phone call with Tom, he wondered why he had been missing “some important Financial exchanges in his most recent venture. He real- ined that God wanted tis Manual completed first! Tc appears to me that God is ready NOW to begin the fulfillment of the Vision described in abakkak 2: “Then the Lord answered me and said, “Record the vision, and inscribe it on tablets, that the one who reads it may ‘tun. For it is yet for the appointed time; it hastens toward the goal, and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; for it will certainly come, it will not delay... ‘Behold the proud one, his soul is not right within him... Will not all of these take up a taunt-song against him, even ‘mockery and insinuations against him, and say, ‘Woe to him ‘who increases what is not his — for how long — and makes ‘himself rich with loans? Will not your sreditors rise up sud-

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