Os Amigos de Tiaguinho - Jamie's Friends

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Os Amigos de Tiaguinho

"Just think! Youre going to have a whole new class of kids whom you can befriend. It was the first day of the new school year, and Jamies mother was driving him to school. It doesnt work that way, said Jamie, grumbling. Nobody wants to be friends with me. Everyone thinks Im weird. Jamie wanted to have friends. He wanted to be invited to sleepovers, camping trips, and cookouts with the other boys. But Jamies legs were stiffened by arthritis, and he was forced to wear leg braces, which gave him an awkward limp. You are not so different from the other kids. Your legs might be different, but that doesnt make you as a person weird. If youll reach out and be kind and friendly to the other kids, I know youll make some friends. But you have to do your part. Pense s! Voc vai conhecer uma turma inteira s de crianas, com quem vai poder fazer amizade! Era o primeiro dia de aula, e a me de Tiaguinho o levava para a escola. No bem assim, me, respondeu Tiaguinho, Ningum quer fazer amizade comigo. Todo o mundo me acha esquisito. Tiaguinho queria ter amigos, ser convidado para dormir na casa de amigos, acampar, e ir a churrascos com os outros meninos. Mas suas pernas eram rgidas por causa de uma artrite, razo por que ele usava um aparelho que lhe conferia um movimento um tanto engraado quando andava. Voc no to diferente das outras crianas. Suas pernas podem ser diferentes, mas isso no o torna esquisito. Se for amigvel, gentil e simptico, sei que vai fazer amigos. Mas tem que fazer a sua parte.

Jamies Friends

Jamie knew he certainly hadnt given the situation much cooperation. Most of the kids at school have probably never seen me smiling or happy. Theylikely think Im always sad and upset. A smile came over Jamies face as he made a decision. Im going to try to start this school year off right. I really want some friends, so Im going to try to be friendly. When Jamie arrived at his assigned classroom, most of his new classmates were already seated and roll call was about to begin. His new teacher looked kind. Mrs. Kate Noelle was written in elegant cursive on the blackboard behind her. As Jamie walked across the floor, he tried to look as friendly and normal as possible, yet he couldnt help but think that everyone was staring at him, wondering what was wrong with his legs and why he was limping.

Tiaguinho sabia que ele com certeza no ajudava muito a situao. A maioria das crianas na escola provavelmente nunca me viu feliz ou sorrindo. Devem achar que estou sempre triste ou de mau humor. Tiaguinho sorriu ao decidir que ia tentar comear bem aquele ano na escola. Eu realmente quero ter amigos, ento vou tentar ser simptico. Quando chegou sala de aula, a maioria dos colegas j estava sentada e a professora ia comear a chamada. Sua nova professora parecia muito doce. Atrs dela, no quadro negro, ela escrevera com uma letra linda, Srta. Ktia Novaes. Tiaguinho foi at carteira tentando parecer o mais simptico e normal possvel, mas no podia deixar de pensar que todos deviam estar olhando para ele e se perguntando qual era o problema com suas pernas e por que ele mancava.

Roll call time, said Mrs. Noelle, and she began to read through the list of students. As each name was called out, that student stood, acknowledging they were present. Jamie Lee Wilster! Jamie struggled to push his chair back from his desk, in order to stand up. The seconds seemed like hours, and he felt every eye in the room being focused on him. He could hear what he thought the other students were thinking Look, he cant even stand up! Whats wrong with him, anyway? Once Jamie was again seated, Mrs. Noelle said, Thank you, Jamie. In future roll calls, you do not need to stand. Special treatment for the handicapped kid, eh? a voice called out from the back row. Billy Kenter!Mrs. Noelle said sternly. That comment was not called for. When the recess bell rang, Jamie stayed inside the classroom but looked out the window to see Billysoon to become his personal bullyround up all the other kids in order to play a game of his own choosing. It was obvious that the other kids listened to Billys every word.

Hora da chamada, anunciou a Srta. Ktia. Conforme ela lia a lista, cada aluno se levantava para mostrar que estava presente. Tiago Lima da Silva! Tiaguinho custou para empurrar a cadeira para trs para poder se levantar. Os segundos pareciam horas, e sentiu que todos na sala o observavam. Dava para ouvir os pensamentos dos outros alunos Olha s, ele no consegue se levantar! Mas o que h de errado com ele? Assim que Tiaguinho se livrou da cadeira e voltou a se sentar, a professora disse, Obrigada, Tiago. No futuro, voc no precisa mais se levantar. Tratamento especial para o menino deficiente, hein? disse uma voz l no fundo da sala. Lucas Carvalho! Disse a Srta. Ktia bem sria. Esse comentrio foi inapropriado. Quando tocou o sinal do recreio, Tiaguinho permaneceu na sala. Olhou pela janela e viu o Lucasque logo se tornaria o seu bully pessoalque juntou todas as outras crianas para brincar de um jogo que ele tinha escolhido. Era bvio que todos seguiam o Lucas.

Dont let Billy bother you. Jamie turned to see a girl standing a couple desks across from him. Hi, Im Jenny Mariner, one of your classmates. Nice to meet you. U-uh, nice to meet you too. Arent you going to go play outside? I take ballet lessons after school, so I like to save my energy. Besides, I prefer to read. How about you? Oh, yes I mean, reading is one of my favorite things to do, too. Ive got quite a library at home. You should s-see it. Perhaps I will, Jenny responded. She sat and began reading intently. Jamies heart was pounding. Someone had actually talked to him. Someone had actually taken an interest in him. Someone had come up to him and said hi.

No se preocupe com o Lucas. Tiaguinho virou-se e viu uma menina de p a umas duas carteiras de distncia dele. Oi, meu nomem Joana Menezes, tambm sou desta sala. Prazer em conhec-lo. -ah, prazer tambm. Voc no vai brincar l fora? Eu fao aula de bal depois da escola, ento gosto de poupar minhas energias. Alm disso, prefiro ler. E voc? Ah, sim quer dizer, ler tambm uma das coisas que eu mais gosto de fazer. Tenho uma biblioteca e tanto em casa. Voc devia ve-ver. Com certeza, respondeu Joana. Ela sentou-se e comeou a ler atentamente. O corao de Tiaguinho batia mais forte. Algum tinha conversado com ele! Algum tinha se interessado por ele. Algum tinha ido at ele e dado um al.

Jamie thought back to a couple months earlier when the last school year had ended. He had received all of the honor awards there were to receive, but that didnt matter to him. He had no friends. He had not been invited to any of the afterschool parties that all the other kids were talking about and preparing for. He had felt so left out. One night, while on a camping trip with his parents, Jamie had prayed: Dear Jesus, Dad and Mom tell me that You love me, and that You care for me. I dont know if You can do this for me or notmaybe Im too bad for You to hear me and answer my prayersbut my prayer and wish is that You would send me a friend. I dont know how to be friends with the kids at school, and I need help. Would You just help me somehow? Is this the answer to my prayer? Is Jenny the friend that God is sending me? Could He really be answering my little prayer from that night, so many months ago?

Lembrou-se de dois meses antes, no final do ano letivo. Tinha recebido todos os prmios que poderia ter conquistado, mas aquilo no importava para ele, porque no tinha amigos. Ele no tinha sido convidado para nenhuma das festas de final de ano escolar sobre as quais todas as crianas conversavam e para as quais se preparavam. Sentia-se excludo. Certa noite, na viagem para um acampamento com seus pais, Tiaguinho havia orado: Querido Jesus, papai e mame me dizem que Voc me ama e cuida de mim. No sei se pode ou no fazer isto por mim talvez eu seja muito ruim para Voc me ouvir ou atender s minhas oraesmas minha orao e desejo que Voc me d um amigo. No sei como fazer amizades com as crianas na escola, e preciso de ajuda. Voc me ajudaria de alguma forma? Ser que esta a resposta minha orao? Ser que Joana a amiga que Deus est me enviando? Ser que Ele estaria mesmo respondendo minha pequena orao daquela noite, meses atrs?

When the school day ended, and the students filed out of the classroom, Jamie was last to leave, absorbed in taking notes on what to study further at home. Jamie, Mrs. Noelle said, you are a most attentive student. I like that, and I think well have a lot of fun learning together this year. Thank you, Mrs. Noelle. Jamie was alone, or so he thought, when he felt a hand tap him on the shoulder. He turned to see Jenny standing beside him, with book in hand. Oh, you surprised me! I thought I was alone in here. I just wanted to say goodbye. See you tomorrow! Uh, goodbye! Jamie said, a wide smile stretched across his face. * Days passed, and Jamie and Jenny became better friends, and even though Billy would bully Jamie, having Jenny as his best friend made the rest not matter much. One day Jenny said to Jamie, I have something to say, but I dont think youre going to like it. What is it? Jamie cautiously asked, awful thoughts racing through his head. Perhaps she doesnt want to be my friend anymore, he thought and cringed.

No final do dia, a sala logo ficou vazia. Tiaguinho foi o ltimo a sair de to absorvido que estava em suas anotaes sobre o dever de casa. Tiaguinho, disse a professora, voc um aluno muito atento. Gosto disso, e acho que o ano vai ser bem legal. Obrigado, Dona Ktia. Tiaguinho estava sozinho, ou pelo menos era o que pensava, quando sentiu uma mo tocar em seu ombro. Virou-se e viu Joana ao seu lado, de livro na mo. Ah, voc me deu um susto! Achei que eu era o nico aqui. Eu s queria dar tchau. At amanh! Ah, t, tchau! disse Tiaguinho, sorrindo de orelha a orelha. * Os dias se passaram e Tiaguinho e Joana se tornaram bons amigos. Apesar do Lucas implicar com ele, ter Joana como melhor amiga ofuscou todas as outras situaes. Certo dia, Joana disse a Tiaguinho, Tenho uma coisa pra lhe dizer, mas acho que voc no vai gostar. O que ? perguntou Tiaguinho com os pensamentos mais horrveis passando pela sua cabea. Ela talvez no queira mais ser minha amiga, pensou, preparando-se para o pior.

Im very happy to be your friend, said Jenny, but I dont think its right for you to not care about any of the other kids. I know that theyre not being very nice to you, but youre not going out of your way to be friendly or nice to them either. Sometimes it seems you pretend theyre not really there. I guess youre right, said Jamie.But why am I supposed to be the one to be nice to them when theyre the ones saying mean things to me? I dont think thats fair. Just because things dont seem fair to you, or it seems like someone else is being mean to you or unloving or unkind doesnt mean that you dont have to be loving and kind and friendly to them. Youll never get any friends like that. The way to make friends is to be friendly, even if the other person doesnt seem to appreciate your kindness, or respond right away. Jamie finally replied, All right, I think I can do that with all the kids, except for Billy. What do you mean, except for Billy?

Eu estou feliz por ser sua amiga, disse Joana, mas no acho certo voc no ligar para mais ningum. Sei que no esto sendo legais, mas voc tambm no est se esforando para ser amigo de ningum ou tratar bem as outras pessoas. s vezes, parece que voc finge que os outros no existem. Acho que voc tem razo, respondeu Tiaguinho. Mas por que eu que tenho que ser legal quando elas que ficam falando mal de mim? No acho justo. S porque as coisas no lhe parecem justas, ou acha que algum o est tratando mal, ou sendo grosseiro e desamoroso, no significa que voc no deva ser amoroso, gentil e simptico. Voc nunca vai ter nenhum amigo se agir assim. A maneira de fazer amigos sendo amigvel, mesmo que a outra pessoa aparentemente no valorize a sua gentileza, ou no reaja imediatamente. Tiaguinho finalmente respondeu, Tudo bem, acho que posso agir assim com todas as crianas, menos o Lucas. O que voc quer dizer com menos o Lucas?

Billy is such a bully. Hes always picking on me and calls me bad names in front of the other kids. Theres no way Im going to be nice to him. Besides, he can do all the things that Ive always wanted to do, but cant. Its not fair that I have to be the one to be nice to him. What are all the things that he can do that you cant? He can run and play sports. Hes on the baseball team, and Ive always wanted to play baseball. Hes tough and has all the kids around him all the time. Ive never had any friends. Youre one of the first friends Ive ever had. Plus, hes cool. A lot of kids might think that Billy is cool. But youre cool tooon the inside. Its all those nice things inside you that made me want to be your friend. Its your kindness and patience. Youre such an interesting person, and youre not foolish and silly. Plus, almost anybody can be cool on the outside, but Jesus makes you cool on the inside, and thats what you are. Jamie thought about what Jenny had said, but it seemed it would be so difficult to be nice to Billy. What if when he tried to be nice to Billy and talk to him, Billy would just make fun of him all the more? Okay. Ill think about it.

O Lucas um bully e tanto. Ele est sempre implicando comigo e me xinga na frente das outras crianas. Eu no vou ser legal com ele de jeito nenhum. Alm do mais, ele pode fazer tudo que eu sempre quis fazer, e eu no posso. No justo eu ter que ser legal com ele. O que que ele pode fazer que voc no pode? Ele pode correr e praticar esportes. Ele est no time de beisebol, e eu sempre quis jogar beisebol. Ele forto e popular com todas as crianas. Eu nunca tive amigos. Voc a primeira amiga que eu tenho. Alm do mais, ele acha que est com tudo. Muitas crianas podem achar o Lucas o popular, mas voc tambm est com tudopor dentro. Todas essas coisas legais que voc tem no corao que me fizeram querer ser sua amiga. Voc educado, paciente, uma pessoa muito interessante, e no fica falando nem fazendo bobeira como as outras crianas. E alm disso, so poucos os que esto com tudo ou so populares. Jesus fez voc legal por dentro. Voc uma pessoa legal. Tiaguinho pensou no que Joana disse, mas parecia to difcil ser legal com o Lucas! E se quando tentasse trat-lo bem ele zombasse ainda mais? Ok. Vou pensar no assunto.

The next day there was an extended recess, so the boys gathered in the school yard for baseball practice. Jamie sat watching through the window. He saw Billy get up to bat and make an incredible hit. How can he play so well and be so good at everything when hes such a jerk? Its not fair! Then he remembered what Jenny had told him: Just start with something simplebe kind, or say something nice. Billy and the boys were coming back inside when Billy tripped and everything he was carrying flew out of his arms and landed on the floor. Billys cap was jostled, landing close to Jamies feet. Jamie paused, then bent down to pick up Billys cap. The hallway grew silent as everyone knew how Billy picked on Jamie. Billy slowly walked over to Jamie. Jamie gave a hesitant smile and held out the cap to Billy.

No dia seguinte o recreio foi mais longo do que de costume, ento os meninos se reuniram no ptio para jogar beisebol. Tiaguinho sentou-se para observar pela janela. Ele viu Lucas se levantar e fazer uma jogada incrvel. Como que ele consegue jogar to bem e ser to bom em tudo e ao mesmo tempo ser uma pessoa to desagradvel? No justo! Ele ento se lembrou do que Joana dissera: Comece com algo simples, tipo, seja gentil ou diga algo bom pra ele. Logo terminou o recreio e todos estavam voltando para a sala quando Lucas tropeou, deixou cair tudo o que estava segurando e se esborrachou no cho. Seu bon foi parar perto do p de Tiaguinho. Tiaguinho se abaixou para pegar o bon de Lucas. Ficou o maior silncio no corredor porque todos sabiam que Lucas vivia implicando com Tiaguinho. Lucas foi devagarinho at Tiaguinho que hesitou, mas lhe entregou o bon com um grande sorriso.

Billy didnt smile. He snatched his hat out of Jamies hand, and proceeded to open his locker and stuff all his things in it. Um, Billy, you played really well today. I was watching you. Billy was surprised. Uh, thanks. Then Billy realized that all his friends were standing around him. Well, yeah, its my game after all. Its certainly not yours. Jamie had tried to be kind, and it seemed to have almost worked for a moment, but it hadnt lasted. Jamie told Jenny what had happened. Im so proud of you! said Jenny. Im sure Billy appreciated your kindness. He probably couldnt let himself show it because his buddies were around, and he wouldnt want them to think that hes getting soft. Days passed, and Jamie kept up his efforts of being kind, not only to Billy, but also to his other classmates. Similar instances occurred with Billy, where he seemed to be almost friendly toward Jamie, but then would revert to his former self. Yet Jamie had to admit that Billy was certainly not as rude and mean as he was before. Billy had stopped calling him names and didnt pick on him or bully him. So maybe his efforts had been worthwhile after all.

Lucas no sorriu. Arrancou o bon das mos de Tiaguinho e foi at o armrio guardar suas coisas. Humm, Lucas, voc jogou muito bem hoje. Eu estava olhando. Lucas ficou surpreso. Ah, obrigado. Lucas ento percebeu que todos os seus amigos estavam ao seu redor. Bem, sabe, fui feito pra isso! Com certeza no um jogo pra voc. Tiaguinho tinha tentado ser gentil, e quase deu certo por um segundo, mas no durou muito. Depois contou para Joana o que acontecera. Estou to orgulhosa de voc! disse Joana. Tenho certeza que o Lucas gostou de ser bem tratado por voc. Provavelmente ele no podia demonstrar por causa dos outros colegas, para eles no acharem que ele estava amolecendo. Os dias se passaram e Tiaguinho continuou se esforando para ser gentil, no s com o Lucas, mas com todos os colegas. Houve outras situaes parecidas com aquela primeira com o Lucas, quando parecia que ele ia mudar e ser amigo, mas a voltava velha pessoa. Mas Tiaguinho tinha que admitir que Lucas, apesar de no ser totalmente amigo, certamente no era mais to grosso e malvado. Ele tinha parado de xing-lo, e de implicar e abusar dele. Talvez seus esforos estivessem realmente valendo a pena.

Jamie was happier too. Not only did he have Jenny as a friend, but he also knew that he was doing his best to be friendly to his classmates, even if they werent always so nice to him in return. Things had gotten better between him and his classmates, and he was glad about that. Yet he wasnt prepared for what happened next. * It was Friday afternoon and the last hour of school for the day. Mrs. Noelle told everyone to put away their books and pack up their belongings. Isnt this last hour for grammar review? Jamie asked. Yes, but were doing something different today. Jamie looked around the room. This was very unusual, though his classmates appeared unfazed. Once everyone is packed up, head to the gym, Mrs. Noelle said. Jamie and Jenny, you two can go to the library and read.

Tiaguinho tambm se sentia mais feliz. Ele no tinha apenas a amizade de Joana, mas tambm sabia que estava fazendo o melhor que podia para ser amigo dos outros colegas, mesmo quando no eram to legais com ele. As coisas estavam melhores na sua relao com os colegas, e ele estava feliz com isso. Mesmo assim, no estava preparado para o que iia acontecer. * Era uma tarde de sextafeira e a ltima hora de aula. A Srta Ktia pediu a todos para guardarem os livros e materiais. No hora da reviso de gramtica? perguntou Tiaguinho. , mas vamos fazer algo diferente hoje. Tiaguinho olhou para a sala. Aquilo era muito estranho, e seus colegas no tiveram nenhuma reao. Depois que guardarem tudo, vamos para o ginsio, disse a Srta Ktia. Tiaguinho e Joana, vocs dois podem ir para a biblioteca e ler.

As his classmates filed out of the classroom to the gym, Jamie turned to Jenny, Why are we going to the library? Maybe its because Mrs. Noelle knows that we are bookworms, Jenny answered, so shes just letting us do what we enjoy. Lets not worry about it. Alright, Jamie said, and they made their way to the library. Within about fifteen minutes, the hush in the library was broken by Mrs. Noelle. Time is up! Back to the classroom. Jamie and Jenny approached the darkened classroom door. What happened to the lights? Jamie questioned. Jenny pushed open the door and pulled Jamie in by the hand. Surprise! Surprise! shouted all his classmates. The lights turned on displaying a festively decorated classroom, and all his classmates standing near the blackboard, smiling. On the blackboard were written the words, We think youre the greatest, Jamie! Jamies classmates each had brought to class a small gift that theyd gotten for him. And on one of the tables were cakes, cookies, biscuits, juice, and other treats.

Depois que a turma toda saiu, Tiaguinho perguntou a Joana, Por que que ns vamos para a biblioteca? Talvez porque a Tia Ktia sabe que ns somos ratos de biblioteca, respondeu Joana, ento ela s est deixando a gente fazer o que gosta. Deixe pra l. Tudo bem, disse Tiaguinho, e foram para a biblioteca. Depois de quinze minutos o silncio da biblioteca foi quebrado pela Srta Ktia que disse. Acabou o tempo! Vamos voltar para a sala de aula. Tiaguinho e Joana se aproximaram da porta da sala que estava toda escura. Ser que estamos sem eletricidade? Tiaguinho se perguntou. Joana abriu a porta e puxou Tiaguinho pela mo. Surpresa! Surpresa! gritou a turma. Acenderam as luzes e Tiaguinho se deparou com uma sala toda enfeitada, e todas crianas de p na frente do quadro negro sorrindo. No quadro dizia, Achamos voc o mximo, Tiaguinho! E cada um dos colegas havia levado uma lembrancinha para ele. Nas mesas havia bolos, biscoitos, pezinhos, suco e outras gostosuras.

This was all for him? He couldnt believe it. He must be dreaming! He glanced around the room, and yes, there was Billy! Even Billy had a party hat on. Jamie, sit down here at the front of the classroom, Mrs. Noelle said cheerfully. Who wants to tell Jamie whats going on? I do! As you all know, Billy began, I hardly ever talk to Jamie. So this is meant to make up for all those times when I wasnt nice to youor even worse, when I said bad things to you, which Im really sorry for. We had been talking about how when school first started we werent very nice to you. But now that we know you better, weve all seen what a nice guy you are. Weve unanimously decided to make you our favorite student of the year.

Aquilo era tudo para ele? Ele no podia acreditar. Devia estar sonhando! Deu uma olhada na turma toda e, sim, o Lucas tambm estava ali! At o Lucas estava com chapu de festa. Tiaguinho, sente-se aqui na frente da turma, disse a Srta Ktia num tom alegre. Quem quer dizer ao Tiaguinho o que est acontecendo? Eu quero! Como vocs todos sabem, comeou Lucas, eu quase nunca converso com ele. Ento, isto para compensar todas as vezes que eu no fui legal com vocou at pior do que isso, quando o tratei mal. Peo desculpas de corao. Temos conversado sobre a maneira no muito legal como o temos tratado desde o incio do ano. Mas agora que o conhecemos melhor vimos que voc um cara legal, ento decidimos nome-lo o aluno preferido do ano.

We also think youre the bravest, too. All of us, we dont have anything to complain about, and were ashamed that you were the one who was kind to us, when we werent nice to you. So we all want to apologize for that, and especially me, cause I think youre a really great guy. I want to be your friendwe all do. And we wanted to have a party to say how nice we think you are. I dont know what to say! I couldnt want any better classmates than you all. Thanks a million! Jamie exclaimed. Then Jamie remembered. Billy said he didnt know how I did itbeing nice to you all, even when you all werent nice to me. Well, a couple of months ago, I prayed and asked Jesus for a friend. He answered my prayer, and He gave me a best friend Jenny. Jenny helped me learn how to be nice to all of you. So I cant take much credit. God answered my prayer, and gave me a friend who taught me how to be friendly. Jamie had learned how to overcome his handicap and find love and friendshipby giving love and friendship to others.

Tambm achamos que voc o mais corajoso. Nenhum de ns tem nada do que reclamar, e nos sentimos envergonhados por voc ter sido legal com a gente, sendo que ns no correspondemos. Todos ns estamos lhe pedindo desculpas, principalmente eu, porque acho voc um cara muito legal mesmo! Eu quero ser seu amigo. Todos ns queremos ser seus amigos. E pensamos em fazer uma festa para dizer que achamos voc um cara muito legal. No sei o que dizer! Eu no poderia escolher colegas melhores do que vocs. Muito obrigado mesmo! exclamou Tiaguinho. Tiaguinho ento se lembrou. Lucas disse que no sabia como eu conseguia ser legal com todo o mundo sendo que no estavam sendo legais comigo. Bem, uns dois meses atrs, eu orei e pedi a Jesus para me dar um amigo. Ele atendeu a minha orao e me deu a melhor amiga do mundo, a Joana. Ela me ensinou a ser legal com todos vocs. Ento, no posso receber muito mrito por isso. Deus respondeu minha orao e me deu uma amiga que me ensinou a fazer amizade com os outros. Tiaguinho tinha aprendido a superar sua deficincia e encontrar amor e amizadedando amor e sendo amigo.

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