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For release: Wednesday, November 20

, 2013
:00 am E!
**Embargoed Until Wednesday, Nov. 20
at 7:00 am ET**
Pres"dent Obama#s $%%roval &at"n' (ro%s to Lo)est o* +"s Pres"den,y-
S.%%ort *or $C$ Pl.mmets
November 151!, 201"
#resident $ara%& 'bama(s )ob a**roval rating has *l+nged to the lo,est o- his *residen%y. "7.
no, a**rove o- the )ob he is doing as *resident, do,n -rom /0. in '%tober a nine *oint dro*
in )+st a month. 1r. 'bama(s disa**roval rating is 57. the highest level -or this *resident in
2$3 Ne,s #olls.
Pres"dent Obama#s /ob &at"n'
No, 104201" 54201" "4201" 24201" "42012
6**rove "7. /0. /". /5. 52. /1.
7isa**rove 57 /5 /5 /0 "! /7
6 ro%&y beginning to the o*ening o- the ne, health ins+ran%e e8%hanges has also ta&en its toll
on ho, 6meri%ans *er%eive the 6--ordable 2are 6%t. No,, a**roval o- the la, has dro**ed to
"1. the lo,est n+mber yet re%orded in 2$3 Ne,s #olls, and a dro* o- 12 *oints sin%e last
month. 01. disa**rove 9a high -or this *oll:, in%l+ding /0. ,ho say they disa**rove strongly.
0"e)s o* the +ealth Care La)
No, 104201" 54201" 74201" 542010 "42010
6**rove "1. /". "5. "0. /". "2.
7isa**rove 01 51 51 5/ /7 5"
;e*+bli%ans are nearly +nanimo+s in their disa**roval o- the la,, and no, more than t,othirds
o- inde*endents agree. 6lmost si8 in ten 7emo%rats %ontin+e to s+**ort the la,, b+t their
s+**ort has dro**ed 10 *oints -rom last month < -rom 7/. in '%tober to 5!. today. 3+**ort
has dro**ed 11 *oints among inde*endents and -ive *oints among ;e*+bli%ans.
0"e)s o* the +ealth Care La) by Party
No, 104201"
;e*s 7ems =nd ;e*s 7ems =nd
6**rove 5. 5!. 27. 10. 7/. "!.
7isa**rove !! 25 07 !7 15 55
1ore than a month a-ter the health %are e8%hanges o*ened, )+st one in 10 6meri%ans thin& the
sign+* -or the e8%hanges has been going ,ell. =nstead, more than t,othirds thin& it(s not
going ,ell < in%l+ding seven in 10 o- those ,ho have loo&ed +* in-ormation on the e8%hanges
+o) "s the S"'n.% on the +ealth Care E1,han'es 2o"n'3
No, 104201"
Well 11. 12.
Not ,ell 07 /5
7on(t &no, eno+gh 2" "!
6nd )+st a third o- 6meri%ans are %on-ident that the -ederal government(s health%are ,ebsite <
> < ,ill be -i8ed by the 7e%ember 1
deadline set by the 'bama administration.
"/. are at least some,hat %on-ident, ,hile almost t,o thirds are either not very or not at all
%on-ident. 55. o- 7emo%rats are at least some,hat %on-ident.
Con*"dent +ealth,are4'ov W"ll Be F"1ed By (e,4 1
Total ;e*s 7ems =nd
2on-ident "/. 1!. 55. 25.
Not %on-ident 0/ !2 // 0!
?+st 7. o- 6meri%ans thin& the 6--ordable 2are 6%t is ,or&ing ,ell and sho+ld be &e*t in *la%e
as it is. @ar more, /!., thin& there are some good things in the la,, b+t %hanges are needed
to ma&e it ,or& better, and another /". thin& the la, needs to be re*ealed entirely.
What Sho.ld +a%%en to the +ealth Care La)3
Total ;e*s 7ems =nd
Wor&ing ,ell, &e*t as is 7. ". 12. 5.
Needs some %hanges /! 2! 72 //
3ho+ld be re*ealed /" 0! 12 /5
The #resident(s overall )ob a**roval rating has de%lined among many demogra*hi% gro+*s
sin%e last month, in%l+ding inde*endents 9a 12*oint dro*:, men 9do,n 5 *oints:, and ,omen 9a
10*oint dro*:. 1ore ,omen no, disa**rove than a**rove o- the )ob 1r. 'bama is doing as
Pres"dent Obama#s $%%roval &at"n'
No, '%tober
6**rove 7isa**rove 6**rove 7isa**rove
Total "7. 57 /0. /5
1en "/. 55 /". 5"
Women "5. 5/ /5. /0
;e*+bli%ans 0. 50 10. !7
7emo%rats 7". 15 !1. 1/
=nde*endents 25. 0" /1. 5/
When %om*ared to re%ent t,oterm *residents, #resident 'bama(s a**roval rating is similar to
that o- Aeorge W. $+sh at this *oint in his *residen%y, b+t lo,er than the ratings o- both $ill
2linton and ;onald ;eagan. =n November 2005, "5. o- 6meri%ans a**roved o- the )ob
#resident $+sh ,as doing. That n+mber mostly de%lined over the rest o- his term, hitting a lo,
o- 20. in '%tober 200!.
Pres"dent Obama vs4 Past Pres"dents
6**rove 7isa**rove
'bama "7. 57 9No,:
A.W. $+sh "5. 57 91142005:
2linton 5!. 25 91141557:
;eagan 05. 20 911415!5:
#resident 'bama has also ta&en a hit on vie,s o- his honesty. 7+ring the *residential
%am*aign last -all, 00. o- voters said 1r. 'bama ,as honest and tr+st,orthy, b+t )+st /5. o-
6meri%ans thin& that today.
1ost 7emo%rats 9!/.: say the #resident is honest and tr+st,orthy, b+t most ;e*+bli%ans don(t
thin& he is 977.:. =nde*endents are more divided in their assessments: /". thin& #resident
'bama is honest and tr+st,orthy, b+t 5". don(t thin& he is.
5s Pres"dent Obama +onest and !
No, 542012*
Bes /5. 00.
No /! "5
*trend is among registered voters
!he Part"es "n Con'ress
$oth ma)or *arties in 2ongress are vie,ed negatively. ?+st 20. o- 6meri%ans a**rove o- ho,
the 7emo%rats in 2ongress are doing their )ob, do,n -ive *oints -rom last month and the *arty(s
lo,est a**roval meas+re sin%e ?an+ary 2012. 6t the same time, only 21. a**rove o- the )ob
2ongressional ;e*+bli%ans are doing, and 7". no, disa**rove a slight dro* -rom last month.
/ob &at"n' o* the Part"es "n Con'ress
;e*+bli%ans in 2ongress 7emo%rats in 2ongress
No, 104201" No, 104201"
6**rove 21. 1!. 20. "1.
7isa**rove 7" 7! 0! 05
This *oll ,as %ond+%ted by tele*hone November 151!, 201" among 1,010 ad+lts nation,ide. 7ata
%olle%tion ,as %ond+%ted on behal- o- 2$3 Ne,s by 3o%ial 3%ien%e ;esear%h 3ol+tions o- 1edia, #6.
#hone n+mbers ,ere dialed -rom sam*les o- both standard landline and %ell *hones. The error d+e to
sam*ling -or res+lts based on the entire sam*le %o+ld be *l+s or min+s three *er%entage *oints. The error
-or s+bgro+*s may be higher. =ntervie,s ,ere %ond+%ted in English and 3*anish. This *oll release
%on-orms to the 3tandards o- 7is%los+re o- the National 2o+n%il on #+bli% #olls.
November 15-18, 2013
O1. Do you approve or dsapprove of the way Barack Obama s handng hs |ob as Presdent?
Tota Rep Dem Ind Oct13d
% % % % %
Approve 37 6 73 29 46
Dsapprove 57 90 19 63 49
Don't know/No answer 7 4 7 7 4
O10. Do you approve or dsapprove of the way the Repubcans n Congress are handng ther
Approve 21 41 7 19 18
Dsapprove 73 53 89 74 78
Don't know/No answer 6 6 3 8 4
O11. Do you approve or dsapprove of the way the Democrats n Congress are handng ther
Approve 26 6 56 18 31
Dsapprove 68 91 41 73 65
Don't know/No answer 6 4 3 8 4
O30a. Do you thnk Barack Obama s honest and trustworthy, or not?
Is honest and trustworthy 49 18 84 43 60
Is not 48 77 15 53 35
Don't know/No answer 3 4 1 4 5
*Trend s among regstered voters
O33. From what you've heard or read, do you approve or dsapprove of the heath care aw that
was enacted n 2010?
(IF APPROVE, ask:) Do you strongy approve or somewhat approve?
(IF DISAPPROVE, ask:) Do you somewhat dsapprove or strongy dsapprove?
Strongy approve 15 1 31 12 23
Somewhat approve 16 4 27 15 20
Somewhat dsapprove 15 13 16 15 14
Strongy dsapprove 46 75 13 52 37
Don't know/ No answer 8 6 12 6 6
O34a. Whch comes cosest to your vew about the 2010 heath care aw? 1. The aw s workng
we and shoud be kept n pace as s. 2. There are some good thngs n the aw, but some
changes are needed to make t work better, or 3. The aw has so much wrong wth t that t needs
to be repeaed entrey.
Tota Rep Dem Ind
% % % %
Workng we and kept n pace 7 3 12 5
Good thngs, but changes needed 48 28 72 44
Needs to be repeaed entrey 43 68 12 49
Dont know/No answer 2 1 3 2
O39. As you may know, as part of the 2010 heath care aw, heath nsurance exchanges have
opened up so peope can sgn up for heath nsurance. Based on what youve heard or read, has
the sgn-up for the heath care exchanges been gong very we, somewhat we, not very we,
not at a we, or dont you know enough to say?
Very we 3 * 6 2 4
Somewhat we 8 2 16 6 8
Not very we 26 18 35 24 22
Not at a we 41 56 18 47 27
Dont know enough to say 23 22 25 21 38
Dont know/No Answer * 1 * - *
O44. How confdent are you that the federa governments heath care webste w be fxed by
the December 1st deadne set by the Obama admnstraton? Are you very confdent, somewhat
confdent, not very confdent, or not at a confdent?
Very confdent 6 5 10 3
Somewhat confdent 28 13 45 26
Not very confdent 27 24 29 27
Not at a confdent 37 58 15 41
Dont know/No answer 2 * 1 3
* = ess than .5%
Unweighte Weighte
Tota Respondents 1,010
Tota Repubcans 281 237
Tota Democrats 299 293
Tota Independents 430 480

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