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Fear ercie Cocks Ase We chau ono) Ve Pete Chae casey and their primary arcens (eg, debi equiy levels, exposure to colateral call. et). Thanks, sim From: Fiechter, Jonathan ‘Sent: Monday, December 15, 2008 11:19 AM To: Lambright, James re eal Weel Schweizer, Howard; Morse, Duane; Myrow, Stephen [Abdielkazek, Rawan; Hsu Michael; Spurr, Steven ‘Subject: AIG Risk Assessment sim, rhs you know we are obligated by EESA to determine, tt effectiveness of TARP investments. Ae i een of the focus has understandebly been on the CPPs Ot ‘iso need to stay on top of white much of ements in AYG (and soon CITE) have met the undarlyin objectives of act. 1 am ho eur up on a note that 1 sent our last week (see below). the objectives of the AIG investment under. the SSFY were jaid out very well in your note that rhe ose yfvestaent Comittee. We would propose To folsou Ue Ot the TARP investment by wetparing a risk assessment note that spells out he objectives (based on your note) and then oer Tw en a benchmark for AIG today and then establish nett to track AIG’s progress (or crete oem coming wonths. Steve and Nike have put toget tee the attached outline of 1aCk thet covered in the risk note and have proposed speneioe Str time with the NYFed what woe GT AIG to gather information and get their take on the ‘situation. gefore scheduling any conversations/visits with folks 96 tte red folks (they personally Before sing examiners), they wanted to eet with you to fink Ge ‘what information you (or sour team has), any steps along these Lines that yO" ore planning, and to get a sense of what your ean hist, you might like, In particular, we want to aake sure we're leveraging your work and not reinventing the wheel. 1 cecognize how busy you are on Detroit but when you get the chance, ‘17d appreciate your giving then your reaction to the attached, ‘Thanks, Jonathan Jonathan L Fiechter interim Chief Risk Officer, ‘Troubled Asset Relief Program [US Department of the Treasury 202-622-8722 (office) From: Fiechter, Jonathan Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 11:45 AM Sere tech, Paul Blom, Tom; Schweltzer, Howard Lambriht, James: Mclellan, Don; Morse, Duane; Grippo, Gary; Abdelrazek, Rawan 1070

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