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National Intelligence Reform

National Commission on the Terrorist Attacks Upon
United States

July 12, 2004

National Intelligence Organization
Executive Office of the President


National Intelligence
Director \P Staff would perform

\L Staff
National Intelligence Director (NIP):
the following Nat'l Intel Functions: • POTUS' senior Intelligence advisor;
• POTUS Intel Support (eg, PDBs) • Member of cabinet, secretary equivalent;
• Strategic Planning • Responsible for foreign & domestic Intelligence;
• Counterintelligence policy/oversight • Approves National Intelligence Estimates;
• "Red-Teaming" via outside experts • Approves appointment of COSs & SSLOs
• Privacy/Civil Liberties Oversight • Hires/fires Deputy Nat'l Intel Directors;
• General Counsel • Hires/fires Intelligence Center Directors;
• Chief Financial Officer • Oversees all non-paramilitary covert action;
• Chief Information Officer • Formulates a unified Nat'l Intel budget;
• Info Sharing / Security • Receives appropriation for all Nat'l Intel;
• Human Resources • Briefs Congress on all intelligence matters;
• Inspector General • Conducts foreign intelligence liaison.
• Acquisition Oversight
• Covert Action Oversight
• Foreign Liaison Coordination
National Intelligence Organization
Executive Office of the President

National Intelligence

Establishes three Deputy NIDs that would function like the

Military Service Secretaries of the Defense Department.
Deputies would be "dual-hatted," appointed by the NID and be
responsible for:
• Re-building the US global clandestine service;
• Re-building the US all-source analysis capabilities;
Hire, Train, Acquire, Equip & Field • Building a new "Open Source" coll/analytic capability;
• Integrating data sharing across NSA, NGA, and NRO;
Deputy NID Deputy NID Deputy NID • Integrating data sharing across all intel disciplines;
Foreign Defense Homeland • Establishing a domestic intelligence coll/analytic capability;
Intelligence Intelligence Intelligence • Developing DHS domestic intel collection ability;
(Dir. CIA) (New 4-Star Position) (Dir. FBI/Intel) • Deepening FBI's domestic intel analytic capabilities;
• Further institutionalizing sharing with States/Locals authorities.
I-CIA — NSA — FBI /Intel
I— Open Source — NGA — Coast Guard
Agency (?) — NRO ^DHS/IAIP
1— Other DHS fee INS
ISA, Nat'l Labs, etc.)
(Departmental intel offices in Defense, State, etc. would remain in respective depts.)
National Intelligence Organization
Executive Office of the President
National Intelligence Centers are where the "joint"
POTUS substantive intelligence work is conducted.
• NID would located it in any intelligence agency;
• Director appointed by the NID based on his/her
National Intelligence management skills, substantive experience;
Director • Analogous to a Defense Department "combatant
commander" or "CINC;"
• Would function as the President's senior
Staff intelligence official in his/her area of expertise;
• Reports directly to the NID with access to
• Has responsibility, authority and is accountable
for performance of intelligence coll/analysis.

Hire, Train, Acquire, Equip & Field ' National Intelligence Centers

i I • | I
Deputy NID Deputy NID Deputy NID
Foreign Defense Homeland WMD Int'l Crime China/
Intelligence Intelligence Intelligence Proliferation & East Asia
(Dir. CIA) (New 4-Star Position) (Dir. FBI/Intel) Narcotics

1- CIA NSA — FBI /Intel

L- Open Source — NGA — Coast Guard Emerging Russia /
Agency (?) — NRO "r-DHS/IAIP Threats Eurasia
'—Other 1— Other DHS (eg. INS
TSA, Nat'l Labs, etc.)
(Departmental Intel offices ir Defense, State, etc. would re main in respective depts.) (Centers identified are illustrative, NID would decide which to establish.)
National Intelligence Organization
Executive Office of the President

NCTC would perform
National Intelligence both the joint Intel function
Director (i.e., "J-2") and the joint
Operations planning
(i.e., "J-3") for the nation's
Staff national strategy against
transnational terrorism. It
would build on and
consolidate elements of the
National CT existing TTIC, CTC and CTD.

Hire, Train, Acquire, Equip & Field National Intelligence Centers

1 1 1
Deputy NID Deputy NID Deputy NID • • •
Foreign Defense Homeland WMD Int'l Crime China/
Intelligence Intelligence Intelligence Proliferation & East Asia
(Dir. CIA) (New 4-Star Position) (Dir. FBI/Intel) Narcotics

kciA NSA —FBI /Intel

1— Open Source — NGA — Coast Guard Emerging Russia /
Agency (?) — NRO "-rDHS/IAIP Threats Eurasia
' Other "— Other DHS
(INS, TSA, etc.)
(Departmental Intel offices ir Defense, State, etc. would remain In respective depts.) (Centers identified are illustrative, NID would decide which to establish.)
National Intelligence Organization
Executive Office of the President

National Intelligence

National CT

- - _ 1V

Hire, Train, Acquire, Equip & Field National Intelligence Centers

i i i 1 -1 1
Deputy NID Deputy NID Deputy NID
Foreign Defense Homeland WMD Int'l Crime China/
Intelligence Intelligence Intelligence Proliferation & East Asia
(Dir. CIA) (New 4-Star Position) (Dir. FBI/Intel) Narcotics

I-CIA NSA — FBI /Intel

I—Open Source — NGA — Coast Guard Emerging Russia /
Agency (?) — NRO "-TDHS/IAIP Threats Eurasia
L Other 1— Other DHS
(EMS, TSA, etc.)
(Departmental Intel offices In Defense, State, etc. would rernain in respective depts.) (Centers identified are illustrative, NID would decide which to establish.)

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