Eco Science - Eight - Pandemics and Modified Climate Induced Diseases

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San Francisco

amid pleasant surroundings to life in such a horrible exploration, and ingenuity (qualities that will be desper-
place. The aesthetic poverty of U.S. cities and suburbs ately needed in the next generation) may thus be stifled
has reached such a degree that most citizens are aware of outside the schools as well as in them.223
it. Newspapers are replete with stories describing slums, Suburbs are often better than the cities in aesthetic
ghettos, rats, trash, and garbage. This is one of the qualities and sensory stimulation, but not invariably so.
reasons why weekends and holidays invariably bring on a Although the environment is usually more natural and
mass exodus from the cities. Unfortunately, frontier includes trees and gardens, many suburbs tend to reduce
habits of thoughtless littering and defacement seem everything to a common denominator. All the houses in a
likely to reduce attractive rural areas and state and given area are similar, if not identical, and so are the
national parks to similar levels of ugliness. gardens, parks, and shopping centers. Each modern
Studies with young animals and indirect evidence real-estate development is generally inhabited by people
from young children indicate that the richness of the of about the same age, educational level, type of employ-
sensory environment early in life influences the extent of ment, and economic status. There is not much opporrc-
later mental development. Sensory stimulation in young nity for children to meet people whose points of vie—
rats resulted in measurably larger brain sizes in adult- differ from their own or those of their parents. Although
hood than in their sensorily deprived litter-mates, and it the children may be freer to explore in the suburbs than
affected their learning and problem-solving abilities as in the city, there is sometimes even less of interest to find
well. Children who have been exposed to a variety of there. The absence of men most of the time may result m
sights, sounds, and experiences when they are very young an even greater alienation of youngsters (and wives a;
may learn faster and later on be more likely to develop well) from the functioning society. Of course, television
attitudes of inquiry and exploration. may compensate somewhat for the lack of sensory ar.c
Yet cities, once a rich source of varied sensory social variety in children's lives, but it does not encour-
experiences, are becoming more monotonous and dismal. age inquisitiveness or offer opportunities for exploration.
Modern urban development programs flatten blocks at a ingenuity, or direct experience. On the contrary, it may
time—blocks that once included a mixture of buildings foster passiveness and a tendency to regard life a? =
of different ages and styles—and then replace them with spectator sport.
concrete monoliths that lack aesthetic quality. The
variety of sounds, at least some of which were pleasing to
hear, in smaller towns and on farms, is also coming to be THE EPIDEMIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT
replaced by an incessant din of traffic and construction.
A zoologist with an interest in environmental psy- Today the population of Homo sapiens is the largest in the
chology, A. E. Parr of the American Museum of Natural history of the species, it has the highest average density.
History, has written that city children of a generation or and it contains a record number of undernourished and
two ago spent much of their time exploring and partici- malnourished people. The population, or rather a small
pating in the activities of the city, while today children but important segment of it, is also unprecedented! v
are confined to dreary schoolrooms, their homes, and the mobile. People are in continual motion around the globe.
local park. Poorer ones may play in the streets, and in this and they are able to move from continent to continent in
respect perhaps they are luckier. But many of today's city hours. The potential for a worldwide epidemic (pan-
children are being deprived of firsthand knowledge about demic) has never been greater, but people's awareness of
the city they live in and how the social organizations this threat has probably never been smaller. Contrary :c
within it function, which creates a sort of alienation popular belief, "medical science" has definitely no;
from their surroundings. At the same time their sur- conquered epidemic disease, as recent experience with
roundings are becoming more and more monotonous and
less attractive. Children's urges toward inquisitiveness, 22i
A. E. Parr, The five ages of urbanity.

influenza, cholera, typhoid, yellow fever, and Lassa fever sapiens by Marburg virus occurred around laboratories
have shown.224 where the nature of the threat was quickly recognized,
The behavior of viruses is not completely understood, and the disease contained (it was not susceptible to
but it is known that the spontaneous development of antibiotics). If it had escapedinto the human population
highly lethal strains of human viruses and the invasion of at large, and if the disease had retained its virulencejasjL-
humanity by extremely dangerous animal viruses are frnm person to an ppiHprpic resulting in
possible. It is also known that crowding increases the r>f r,r ^,fr\ frji1i"ns of deaths might
chances for development of a virus epidemic. Should, hay£_accurred. Among well-fed laboratory workers with
say, an especially virulent strain of flu appear, it is expert medical care, 7 out of 30 patients died.225 Among
doubtful that the United States and other developed hungry people with little or no medical care, mortality
countries could produce enough vaccine fast enough to would be much higher. The infected monkeys passed
save most of their populations. Needless to say, the dirough London airport in transit to the laboratories. If
problem would be even more severe in the LDCs. the virus had infected airport personnel, it could have
Certainly, little effort could be made to save most of spread around the world before anyone realized what was
humanity. Consider, for example, the difficulty the happening. In addition, it is hardly reassuring that
United States had in coping with the mild Asian flu infection of laboratory workers with viruses is a rather
epidemic of 1968. It was not possible to manufacture common occurrence, and the potential virulence of
enough vaccine to protect most of the population, and the possible "escapees" from labs is increasing.226
influenza death rate in 1968 was more than 4 times as The highly mechanized society of the United States is
high as that of 1967. Only 613 deaths were attributed to also extremely vulnerable to disruption by such events as
flu, but society paid a high price for the disease in extra power failures, floods, and snowstorms. What would
medical care and loss of working hours. That the number happen if the nation were confronted with an epidemic
of deaths was not higher was due primarily to the that kept masses of sick people from work and caused the
relatively mild character of the virus, rather than to uninfected to stay home or flee the cities because of their
modern medicine. More recently, the swine flu fiasco of fear of infection? This might slow or even stop the spread
1976-1977 certainly did not build confidence that public of the disease, but hunger, cold (in the winter), and many
health machinery will be able to cope competently with other problems would soon develop as the services of
future epidemic threats. society ceased to operate. Almost total breakdown has
In 1967 an outbreak of a previously unknown disease been known to occur in much less complex societies than
occurred among a shipment of vervet monkeys that had the U.S. in the face of the black death— breakdown that
been imported into laboratories in Marburg, Germany, occurred among people far more accustomed to a short
and in Yugoslavia. This severe, hemorrhagic disease life, hardship, disease, and death than the population of
infected 25 laboratory workers who came into contact the Western world today.227 The panic may well be
with the monkeys and their tissues. Seven of those people imagined if Americans were to discover that "modern
died. Five secondary infections occurred in individuals medical science" either had no cure for a disease of
who came into contact with the blood of the original epidemic proportions, or had insufficient doses of the
patients; all of those individuals survived. Humanity was cure for everyone. The disease itself would almost
extremely fortunate that the first infections of Homo certainly impede the application of any ameliorating
L. K. Altman, Hong Kong flu is affecting millions in wide areas -'-5R. E. Kissling et al. Agent of disease contracted from green monkeys.
around world, New York Times, January IS, 1970; H. Schwartz, More recent cases contracted in parts of Africa (outside laboratories) have
Influenza: Yes you really had it; and H. Schwartz, Cholera now spreading been reported, including several hundred deaths. (New outbreak of
to remote regions: Eruption is the most widespread since 1899 pandemic, Marburg disease, New Scientist, October 28, 1976, p. 199.)
New York Times, September 26,1971; B. Dixon, Typhoid bacilli learn a For example, R. P. Hanson, et al., Arbovirus infections of laboratory
new trick; J. Lederberg, Yellow fever still is a menace, J. G. Fuller, Fever: workers; N. Wade, Microbiology: Hazardous profession faces new
The huntfor a nev) killer virus; T. Monath et al., Lassa virus isolation from uncertainties.
Mastomys natalensis rodents during an epidemic in Sierra Leone. «W. L. Langer, The black death.

measures. Distribution of vaccines, for instance, would viruses against which there is little or no resistance in
be difficult if airlines, trains, and trucks were not human populations can easily be done in theory; it may
running. already have been done in practice. There were at one
In many parts of the world, public-health conditions time rumors of the development by the American CBW
are developing that have a high potential for disaster. establishment of a pneumonic rabies, one that, instead of
The rats that live on stored grain in India have renewed being transmitted by bite, is transmitted in the same way
the specter of a major outbreak of bubonic plague. as the common cold: from person to person via exhaled
Nitrate pollution of water is creating conditions in which droplets. This is certainly possible, since under special
dangerous soil organisms are brought into contact with conditions (such as those that sometimes occur in caves
human beings for the first time. The organism that has full of rabid rats) rabies appears to have been transmitted
recently caused cases of a fatal meningitis has been through the air. Such a disease would be a disastrously
identified as a soil-dwelling amoeba.228 It may be just the effective weapon if it were transmitted by infected
first of many such agents to appear seemingly from individuals before symptoms appear, since once they do
nowhere. appear, rabies is (with one notable recent exception) 100
Irrigation projects in the tropics and subtropics around percent fatal. Other possibilities for lethal agents are
the world are spreatjipft the conditions that promote the many —for example, anthrax, which even in its "natural"
i parasitic diseas^schistosomiosis (bilharzia)} which, to- state can be transmitted by contaminated aerosols?
gether withTmalarufe is one of the two most prevalent plague, tularemia, Q-fever, and encephalitis, to name a
spfinm diseases on Earth.229 The broadcast use of few 231 — disseminated in their natural forms or in the
chemotherajjy, and antibiotics has created a serious form of special "hot" strains that are drug-resistant or
medical problem through tbf introduction of resistance superlethal. Besides direct assaults on human beings-
I in_ bacteria juid other parasitesjjvlodification of the overt or covert attacks on a nation's food supply might b;
^ ^climate wouid~alsp inevitably influence disease patterns^ made by introducing plant diseases. The more crowded i
\ for example, the length of time viruses remain infectious population is, and the smaller its per-capita food sup-
f is in part a function of humidity. A trend toward drying plies, the better a target it would be for a biological
would encourage some, whereas others would thrive in warfare attack.
increased rn";smrp .It is s*'l*r*prr(*dt_in addition, that Why would nations develop such weapons? For tii-e
Weather changes can trigger epidemics^30'; same reason they develop others. They hope to immur.:z ;
As if the threat of a natural pandemic were not or otherwise protect their own populations and tfcs
gruesome enough, mere is always the threat of biological avoid a biological backlash. These weapons have s
warfare or of an accidental escape of lethal agents from a special appeal for small and poor powers, which x=
biological warfare laboratory or, conceivably, from a themselves threatened by larger, richer ones and wnica
laboratory engaged in genetic engineering experiments ~~x lack the funds or the expertise to develop nuclear
(see inaterial on recombinant DNA research in Chapter^ I weapons.232
i4}j Although most laypeople have long been afraid of J Chemical-biological weapons may never be used, but
thermonuclear war, they are just beginning to grasp the that does not rule out the possibility of an accident. Viru>:
colossal hazard posed by chemical and biological warfare laboratories, especially, are notoriously unsafe. By 196".
(CBW). Any country with one or two well-trained some 2700 laboratory workers had become accidentally
microbiologists and even a modest budget can build its infected with viruses transmitted by insects, and 107 had
own biological doomsday weapons. Constructing lethal died.233 Their deaths were caused by just one group
228 2JI
J. H. Callicott, Amebic meningo encephalitis. F. M. LaForce et al, Epidemiologic study of a fatal case of in
K. S. Warren, Precarious odyssey of an unconquered parasite; N. anthrax; J. Lederberg, Swift biological advance can be bent to gsacciit
Ansari, Epidemiology and control of schistosomiasis. M. Meselson, Behind the Nixon policy for chemical and biologiai
K. E. F. Watt, Ecology and resource management, McGraw-Hill, warfare.
New York, 1968, p. 162 ff. Hanson, et al, Arbovirus infections.

of viruses. Fatal accidents occur in laboratories where Some level of research might be continuing clandes-
work is done on other kinds of viruses, as well as other tinely in the United States (although the possibility
microorganisms. The inability of government CBW seems remote), and it would be a simple matter for a
agencies to avoid accidents was made clear by the Skull future administration quickly to reestablish biological
Valley, Utah, CBW disaster of 1968, in which many warfare capability. Indeed, with the rapidly increasing
thousands of sheep were poisoned when a chemical agent ability of biologists to manipulate the genetics of micro-
"escaped,"234 and by the possible escape of Venezuelan organisms, the possibilities for creating deadly agents
Equine Encephalitis from the Dugway, Utah, proving seem endless.235 Furthermore, there is little sign that the
ground in 1967. Congressman Richard D. McCarthy of U.S. action has led to the end of work on biological
New York announced in 1969 that CBW agents were weapons elsewhere. Biological warfare laboratories are
being transported around the country in small containers potential sources of a man-made "solution" to the
on commercial airliners! population explosion. It is essential that some way be
In 1969, President Nixon announced the unilateral found to block all further work on biological weapons—
renunciation by the United States of the use of biological the risk for humanity is simply too great.
warfare, even in retaliation.235 He directed that the stocks It should be clear now that humanity is creating an
of biological agents be destroyed and that further work enormous array of hazards that directly threaten the
on. defenses against biological weapons be transferred health and welfare of all people. Unfortunately many of
from the Department of Defense to the Department of these hazards are poorly understood, and many un-
Health, Education and Welfare. Destruction of U.S. doubtedly remain unrecognized at present. The next
biological warfare materials was systematically carried chapter shows that the level of indirect threats to human
out in 1970 and 1971, although in 1975 it was discovered welfare is just as high and the level of understanding
that the Central Intelligence Agency had not destroyed just as low.
some toxins in its possession.
234 2S6
P. M. Boffey, 6000 sheep stricken near CBW center. P. Berg et al., Potential biohazards of recombining DNA molecules.
M. Meselson, Chemical and biological weapons, Scientific American,
May 1970.

Recommended for Further Reading

Cairns, John. 1975. The cancer problem. Scientific American, November. A superb
semi-popular review of environmental carcinogenesis.
Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ). Annual. Environmental quality. Government
Printing Office, Washington, D.C. Extensive data and discussion on recent measured
levels of air and water pollution across the United States, as well as special topics in
energy, land use, transportation, radiation, and environmental legislation and
Huddle, N.; M. Reich; and N. Stiskin. 1975. Island of dreams: Environmental crisis in Japan.
Autumn Press, New York. Well-documented and illustrated survey of the serious
environmental problems of one of the world's most intensely industrial nations.

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