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Croatia has 10 nature parks. Nature parks are areas around Croatia with ex eptiona! e o!o"i a!# u!tura!# histori a!# aestheti a!# tourist and edu ationa! hara teristi s.

Nature Parks in Croatia are$ %IOKO&O 'OUNTAIN

%ioko(o is the !ar"est and hi"hest )ountain in Dalmatia. It rises (erti a!!* +ro) the Adriatic Coast to hei"ht o+ 1,-. ). %ioko(o is a /ran h o+ 0inari A!ps stru ture# )ountain hain that stret hes +ro) S!o(enia# throu"h Croatia# %osnia and 1er2e"o(ina (ia 'ontene"ro to A!/ania. %ioko(o# as we!! as Velebit Mountain is the on!* part o+ 0inari A!ps that "ets so !ose to the sea. %ioko(o has 1- di++erent peaks that are hi"her o+ 1300 ). 'a4or peaks in !ude$ S(. I!i4a 5 1-30 )# Si/enik 5 1613 )# Stropa 5 1137 )# &rsa 5 1311 )# Sin4a! 5 1666 ). %e ause o+ it8s "eo"raphi a! position# %ioko(o is a )ountain that has ontinenta! as we!! as 'editerranean !i)ate# so (arious p!ant spe ies o+

/oth wor!ds )eet and !i(e next to ea h other. There are !ot o+ a(es and pits around %ioko(o and (er* o+ten one an )eet wi!d )u+!on as we!! as (arious /ird spe ies and +oxes too. The %ioko(o %otani a! 9arden Kotisina has /een esta/!ished in 1:;3 a/o(e the (i!!a"e o+ Kotisina# a horti u!tura! )onu)ent <1-.7 he tares= ai)ed at nature onser(ation and prote tion o+ the %ioko(o p!ant !i+e. The (iews +ro) %ioko(o are spe ta u!ar > on the !ear da* one an see a!! Dalmatian islands as we!! as !ar"e part o+ 0a!)atian oast to the south# and to the north# towns o+ &r"ora and I)otski and their surroundin" (i!!a"es. So)eti)es# when it8s (er* !ear# one an see a peak o+ 'onte 9ar"ano in Ita!* too. The oasta! town o+ Makarska# that !ies on the (er* south ed"e o+ %ioko(o is seen +ro) %ioko(o as a a)a2in" /a* with tin* !itt!e houses p!a ed in the rows around it. The nature park %ioko(o do)inatin" a/o(e 'akarska Ri(iera# is the "ood destination +or /otanists as we!! as wa!kers and * !ist. is the )ountain that one an (isit either /* ar or bicycle as we!! as on foot +ro) (arious parts o+ Adriati oast and 'akarska Ri(iera. There is pu/!i transport ser(i e "oin" +ro) 'akarska and surroundin" area to %ioko(o 'ountain. A ess +ro) the oast $ 'akarska 5 'akar 5 &osa 5 S(eti ?ure <7 hrs 60 )in= or 'akarska 5 Tu epi 5 Sta2a 5 S(eti ?ure <aspha!ted road# 61 k)=.


!o ated in East Croatia in area a!!ed %aran4a > Croatian (er* eastern /order with Ser/ia. Kopa ki rit is a nature park !o ated (er* near the point where river Drava and ri(er 0anu/e 4oinin" to"ether# arr*in" on +urther towards the %!a k Sea.Croatian and S!a(onian Nature park !o ated in %aran4a > Croatian (er* eastern /order with Ser/ia 5 a )arsh!and with a)a2in" wi!d!i+e.
Croatian Nature Park

This is a "reat +!ooded area a!on" the ri"ht /ank o+ 0anu/e# in a !ar"e orner +or)ed /* 0ra(a and 0anu/e. O(er .#000 /io!o"i a! spe ies !i(e there# )an* o+ whi h are rare and endan"ered spe ies at the "!o/a! and European !e(e!s# su h as .:1 /ird spe ies and 33 +ish spe ies. In 1::6# Kopa ki rit was in !uded in the !ist o+ internationa!!* si"ni+i ant wet!ands. &isitors an see the rit on spe ia!!* /ui!t tourist /oats with pro+essiona! "uides.Ae a!so re o))end *ou (isit the Tik(eB ast!es !o ated within the Nature Park in a /eauti+u! enturies5o!d oak +orest# a +a(orite )eetin" point +or )an* states)en and e!e/rities +ro) so)e past ti)es.0eer and /oar huntin" is or"ani2ed in the +orests o+ Kopa ki rit and the entire area. Ci(e to se(en thousand deer !i(e in Kopa ki rit > this is where the /est pri2e deer in Europe were shot. S!a(onia has another Nature park - Papuk # a )ountain with nu)erous natura! pear!s#

enturies5o!d +orests and )ountain !akes and sprin"s. Kopa ki Rit is worth (isitin" as it is a uniDue area o+ ri h p!ant and ani)a! !i+e# and is onsidered as i)portant and !ar"est preser(ed wet!and in Europe.

Eon4sko Po!4e Nature park 5 a uniDue /ird reser(e

The Eon4sko po!4e Nature Park# !o ated a!on" the Ri(er Sa(a in the Sisak5'os!a(ina Count*# is a uniDue /ird reser(e. It is spread o(er an area !ar"er than 70 thousand he tares and onstitutes the !ar"est )arsh!and o+ the entire 0anu/e Ri(er /asin. On a ount o+ its spe i+i h*dro!o"i a! and "eo)orpho!o"i a! hara teristi s# it is ri h in a (ariet* o+ +auna and +!ora. A!)ost a!! European wet!and and )arsh p!ant spe ies an /e +ound there# )ore than 770 o+ the). A!so# a !ar"e nu)/er o+ )arsh /ird spe ies spawn in the area > the white stork# se(era! heron spe ies# the spoon/i!!# the white5tai!ed ea"!e# the !esser

spotted ea"!e and )an* )i"rator* /ird spe ies. There are two ornitho!o"i a! reser(es within the park$ Krap4e do! and Rakita. Addin" to the (a!ue o+ the park are (i!!a"es with preser(ed traditiona! hara teristi s and wooden houses t*pi a! +or the Posa(ina re"ion# so)e o+ the) o!der than .00 *ears. The* are /ui!t ex !usi(e!* out o+ natura! )ateria!s and he!d to"ether /* wooden /o!ts# without a sin"!e nai!. The* are not painted# /ut a Duire a natura! patina with a"e. In the past# *oun" )en wou!d put the) apart /e+ore the* "ot )arried and then reasse)/!ed the) where the* p!anned on startin" a new !i+e with their +uture /rides. Toda*# the (i!!a"es Krap4e and Ci"o attra t the "reatest nu)/er o+ (isitors. 'an* tourists +ro) around the wor!d# espe ia!!* +ro) ?apan# o)e to see the white storks nestin" on the roo+tops. At the initiati(e o+ the European natura! herita"e +oundation# Ci"o was pro !ai)ed the European (i!!a"e o+ storks in 1::3# and Krap4e was pro !ai)ed a (i!!a"e o+ ar hite tura! herita"e in 1::7. Apart +ro) stork5wat hin"# Eon4sko po!4e o++ers a (ariet* o+ other a ti(ities to its (isitors. 'an* (i!!a"e househo!ds en"a"ed in rura! touris) o++er the possi/i!it* o+ an a ti(e (a ation with a series o+ re reationa! a ti(ities su h as ridin" horse arria"es# /oat trips# /i * !in"# +ishin"# horse/a k5ridin" and other NATIONAE PARK S?E&ERNI &EEE%IT

Nationa! Park S4e(erni &e!e/it in !udes a di(ersit* o+ karsti pheno)ena# +!ora and +auna# whi h is 4ust a part o+ this natura! wor!d. The Park o(ers the sur+a e o+ 10: k).# and inside there is the 1a4duFki G RoHanski Eed"es Stri t Reser(e# known +or its "eo)orpho!o"i a! pheno)ena 5 the pits. There are )ore than 170 pits dis o(ered# out o+ whi h the )ost +a)ous is EukeIs pit# dis o(ered in 1::.. &e!e/it is an unta)ed )ountainous rid"e whi h !oo)s as !ar"e in the Croatian )enta!it* as it does on the "round. E*in" ad4a ent to the Adriatic and o up*in" o(er .#000 sD k) in a /e!t 137k) !on" and up to 60k) wide# this !i)estone )ass is a desi"nated UNESCO /iosphere reser(e. &e!e/it is per+e t +or those wantin" to exp!ore a +as inatin" area in so!itude. It is possi/!e to hike the who!e !en"th o+ the rid"e# +o!!owin" Pre)u2i 8s path and sta*in" in )ountain huts# whi!st the )ore o)pa t Paklenica National Park a!so o++ers ex e!!ent wa!kin" opportunities.

On the rid"e 0espite its proxi)it* to the coast and the p!easant climate o+ near/* island archipelagos# &e!e/it8s si2e ensures that on!* on the oasta! s!opes is it t*pi a!!* 'editerranean. On the top o+ the rid"e the !i)ate is onsistent!* ontinenta!# with intense su))ers exa er/ated /* the s ar it* o+ sur+a e water and then +o!!owed /* o!d# harsh winters. The peaks o+ &e!e/it endure te)peratures /e!ow 0JC on 1-0 da*s in a *ear. ?u!* to Septe)/er are thus the /est )onths to (isit. &e!e/it8s !ands ape &e!e/it o)/ines sheer si2e with the 4a""ed intri a ies o+ karst !and+or)s. Cro) a+ar it has an i)pressi(e /u!k# with the rid"e /ein" untou hed /* an* )a4or trans(erse passes. On /oth sides steep s!opes sweep downwards# to sea !e(e! at the oast and in!and to the Eika p!ateau. Thus# &e!e/it stands iso!ated and a!oo+ as a !on" /arrier separatin" the sea +ro) the interior. The rid"e8s !i)estone has /een weathered o(er thousands o+ *ears to reate a !ands ape o+ deep "or"es# sheer !i++s# dark sinkho!es# a(es and su/terranean draina"e s*ste)s. As with the !i)ate# the +!ora o+ &e!e/it (aries with a!titude and !o ation. The oasta! s!opes are ro k*# with a thin o(erin" o+ )aDuis and s ru/. In!and there is onsidera/!* )ore (ariet*# with /road# !ea+* woods de(e!opin" into denser# wi!der /ee h# 4uniper and pine +orests towards the peaks. ?ust /e!ow the rid"e# the +!ora /e o)es su/5a!pine with )eadows +i!!ed with wi!d+!owers. %ears are the )ost +a)ous residents o+ the reser(e# /ut wo!(es# )artens# wi!d ats# deer# snakes# "o!den ea"!es# "ri++on (u!tures and !on"5eared ow!s an a!so /e +ound.
Paklenica National Park

Pak!eni a# the area surroundin" &a"anski <1#,7,)=# was desi"nated a nationa! park in 1:3:. One o+ the )ore

a essi/!e areas o+ &e!e/it# the 6- sD k) park o++ers an i)pressi(e arra* o+ karst pheno)ena. Pak!eni a is /ased within the at h)ent area o+ two ri(ers# entrin" on a !on"# +orested (a!!e* with !i++s risin" to 300). Iso!ated peaks# su h as Ani a kuk# are +a(ourites with !i)/ers# whi!st 'anita pe and ?a)a (odari a are two su/terranean +or)ations +or potho!ers to exp!ore. Ca(es Croatia has )an* o)p!ex a(e s*ste)s /ut +ew are open to (isitors. 1owe(er# in the Cero(a a(es# south o+ the town o+ 9raK a # :00) o+ /oth 9orna SKpi!4a <1#.:0)= and 0on4a SKpi!4a <.#710)= are a essi/!e to the pu/!i . A)on"st the sta!a tites and a(erns# hi"h!i"hts in !ude the LAishin" Ae!! o+ Ei+e8 and the LCr*sta! 1a!!8# as we!! as a ro k pro+i!e said to rese)/!e 04ed 'ra2 <Santa C!aus=. Aanderin" the wi!derness Cor the ad(enturous# 1a4duK ki and RoK2anski kuko(i represent &e!e/it at its wi!dest and )ost inhospita/!e. Co(erin" an area o+ .0 sD k) in the north o+ the park# these i)posin"# white peaks are separated +ro) ea h other /* see)in"!* end!ess ra(ines. One o+ these# Eukina ?a)a# des ends +or 1#676)# )akin" it one o+ the wor!d8s deepest ho!es. E!sewhere the !ands ape is hara terised /* stran"e!* shaped ro ks# (erti a! !i++s and stunted# wind/!own trees. &e!e/it8s (ariet* Part o+ the attra tion o+ &e!e/it is the (ariet* o+ di++erent !ands apes hidden in s)a!! ni hes o+ the reser(e. On the Podor4e oast# deep ri(er "or"es ha(e /een +!ooded /* the Adriati # reatin" !on" she!tered o(es. Near!* 1k) !on" and around 100) wide# Maratni a %a* wou!d /e ter)ed a +4ord in Norwa*.


The Stiro(a a (a!!e* has /een a!!ed a ro)anti orner in the wi!derness. Eike an en hanted kin"do)# the se !uded (a!!e* +!oor with its dense spru e +orest and +resh water sprin"s o++ers so!itude and pea e. %aske Ostari4e is one o+ the +ew p!a es in &e!e/it where the di++erent !i)ati re"i)es )eet. Separatin" the entra! and southern se tions o+ the reser(e# the p!ateau is known as the 'ountain Pass o+ Aind and Sun. Co!d ontinenta! winds whippin" o(er the peaks )eet the war)th o+ the 'editerranean sun under !ear skies.. is the ad)inistrati(e# o))er ia! and u!tura! entre o+ the &e!e/it area. The town has had a tur/u!ent histor* ha(in" /een o upied /* or de+ended +ro) the Ro)ans# Croat51un"arians# &enetians and Turks at di++erent points# resu!tin" in a (ariet* o+ ar hite tura! st*!es and a )osai o+ it* wa!!s. It is /est known +or its e !esiasti a! ar hite ture. The :th entur* St 0onat8s hur h is a +ine exa)p!e o+ a pre5Ro)anesDue /ui!din"# and the Cathedra! o+ St Stosi4a is a entur* Ro)anesDue hur h /ui!t on an ear!* Christian /asi!i a. Madar8s )useu)s a!so house a o!!e tion o+ paintin"s /* Carpa ia# Eotha and %ani . N Aa!k Europe


It is a )ountain !o ated in the eastern !stria 5 the !ar"est peninsu!a in Croatia. The hi"hest peak on "cka is &o4ak that is 1300 ) hi"h. Other hi"h peaks in !ude P!as <1.;7 )=# Suhi &rh <1666 )=# %r"ud <:0, )=# Kre)en4ak <;., )= and Siso! <;67 )=. u hkaIU ka is !on" )ountain too 5 it extend +or a!)ost .0 ki!o)eters 5 a!! the wa* +ro)


Pok!on pass to /a* o+ P!o)in. U ka )ountain has Duite a +ew (a!!e*s and rosswa*s as we!! as so)e a(es too. In !i)ati ter)s# U ka is a hu"e /arrier that# due to ther)od*na)i !aws# +or es war) air )asses reated o(er Adriatic #ea to rise hi"h a/o(e and "ettin" sudden!* oo!er. This pro ess resu!ts in espe ia!!* hi"h rain+a!! in U ka8s surroundin" areas. panora)a o+ $ulf of %varner /a* in !udes sea and oasta! towns# as we!! as the )ountains in /a k"round$ O/ru # Sn4e2nik and

National Park of Croatia

On the western side the who!e Istra peninsu!a !ies in +ront o+ *ou. So)eti)es# i+ (isi/i!it* is "ood# (iew towards the north rea hers up to A!ps too. (isit at U ka )ountain are (i!!a"es &e!a and 'a!a U ka# as the* are the on!* (i!!a"es that are !o ated so hi"h > at a/out :00 )O The )ain a ti(it* in these (i!a!"es are a"ri u!ture and att!e as we!! as so)e touris) too. In the (i!!a"e &e!a U ka there is a we!! known inn# popu!ar a)on" tourists. 'E0&E0NICA

'ed(edni a or Ma"re/a ka 9ora is a )ountain !ose to the agreb( the capital of Croatia. It8s hi"hest peak is S!4e)e 5 1#06. ). was a!wa*s popu!ar a)on" tourist and tra(e!!ers as we!! as wa!kers and hikers +ro) surroundin" areas.


The +irst hikin" o/4e t in Croatia was /ui!t on 'ed(edni a in !ate 1:th entur*. Aithin the Nature Park there are se(era! spe ia! +orest (e"etation reser(es# whi h are prote ted on a hi"her !e(e!. 'ed(edni a is (er* "ood +or wa!kin" and hikin" da* trips +ro) Ma"re/ and itIs surroundin"s as we!! as +or skiin" trips# as there are "ood skiin" paths around the )ountain to"ether with ski 5 !i+ts# a+eIs and !od"in" +a i!ities. a/!e5 ar operates throu"hout the *ear# onne tin" the +oot o+ 'ed(edni a in Ma"re/ with its peak.On 'ed(edni a there are se(era! a o))odations +a i!ities a)on" the) hote! To)is!a(o( 0o) and so)e )ountain !od"es. 'ed(edni a )ountain stret hes +or 3. k) and o(ers area o+ .30 sD k) TEEAPQICA

TEEASCICA# a !ar"e /a* !o ated on the south side o+ Dugi )tok > Is!and in Croatian*s Adriatic #ea. Te!as i a is natura! extension o+ %ornati islands 5 it is a (er* !on" /a* > a/out 10k)# and it8s width stret hes +ro) (er* narrow one < a/out 1-0 ) = to a!)ost . k). Te!as i a onsist o+ nu)erous s)a!! /a*s dotted around it $ Cuska# 0u)/oka# Os eni a# 9o2den4a# Rak(i # Krase(i a# 'an"ro(i a# Stri2na# Tripu!4ak# 'ir# ?a2# Pas4ak. On the west# Te!as i a extends to s)a!! is!ands 0on4i and 9orn4i Sko!4. In the heart o+ Te!as i a are is!ands Car+ariku!a as we!! as dra)ati !i++s 9o2den4a and 9a!i4o!a. Korotan is!and is


at the east side o+ Te!as i a# as we!! as is!ands &e!ika A/a and Katina. S)a!! sa!t water !ake 'ir is part o+ Te!as i a# part!* /orderin" /* !i++s < !i k on photos to en!ar"e..= Northern coast of +elascica is /are# due to !on" *ears exposure to wind whi h aused erosion in the area. On south oast o+ Te!as i a# one an +ind a pine# o!i(e and +i" trees as we!! as !ow s ru/s o+ 'editerranean (e"etation.This part o+ the oast is deta hed +ro) open sea /* a narrow# +orested rid"e that ends as a steep shore!ine. &RANSKO ?EMERO > &RANA EAKE

&ransko ?e2ero o(ers area o+ a/out 60 sDuare ki!o)eters o+ )arshes and waters and is ri h in +ish and /irds !i+e# there+ore &ransko ?e2ero is desi"nated a spe ia! ornitho!o"i a! reser(e too. &ransko Eake is (er* popu!ar destination +or +reshwater +ishin" ho!ida*s as we!! as +or /ird wat hers. &arious /ird spe ies an /e seen around the Eake !ike e"ret# *e!!ow e"ret# s)a!! white e"ret# a k!in" u koo# wi!d du ks# "re/es et .


The easiest a ess to the !ake is +ro) the )ain road at Pakostane <300 )= or +ro) Prosika in Dalmatia. In the near (i init* o+ &ransko Eake is a)p I Crk(ineI 5 a !ar"e a)psite !o ated in the woods# "ood as a o))odation a!ternati(e. RU'%ERAK

MU'%ERAK is a hi!!* re"ion in 1rvatsko agor'e# in (i init* o+ Croatian capital agreb that o(er area o+ a/out 600 sDuare ki!o)eters# ri h in /ee h and hestnut +orrests as we!! as (arious a(es and a/*sses and under"round strea)s. Mu)/erak is (er* rura! area where )ain a ti(ities are !inked to +ar)in". Mu)/erakIs (i!!a"es are s attered around pastora! s!opes o+ the hi!!s on the hi"hts a/o(e 300 )# hi!!s that are o(ered /* neat wine*ards and +i!eds. 'ain (i!!a"es o+ %udin4a# Sto4dra"a# 9orn4a &as# Ostr and Sosi e# are !o ated a!on" the roads that onne ts Mu)/erak with Ma"re/ and rest o+ Croatia. Mu)/erak ran"e <9or4an i= is !o ated in the /order area o+ Croatia and S!o(enia. A s)a!!er part o+ the ran"e 5 Sa)o/orsko 9or4e <?apeti # the hi"hest top#hi"ht ;;0 )= has /een hikers and wa!kers destination +or houndered *ears. This part o+ Mu)erak has )an* )arked trai!s and paths# one o+ the Kar!o(a 1ikin" Trans(erse that pass throu"ht attra ti(e ountr*side that in !udes Sopote Aater+a!!s on Kup ina ri(er as we!! as S!apni a /rook there+ore


)ountain !i)/in"# hikin"# huntin" and an"!in" are (er* popu!ar in the area o+ Mu)/era ko 9or4e. &i!!a"es and o!d hi!!5+orts and +euda! ast!es are (er* attra ti(e to see and wa!k around as we!! as to !i)/ to the hi"hest peak# S(eta 9era <1#1,; )= on the (er* /order with S!o(enia. There are se(era! s)a!! and o2* (i!!a"es worth to (isit whi!e in the area 5 Sosi e# Ostr # To)ase( i# Ka!4e# Sto4dra"a# as we!! as )an* on the S!o(enian side o+ the )ountain. A!! o+ the) are onne ted /* roads with !ar"er p!a es 5 Sa)o/or# %re"ana# ?astre/arsko and O2a!4. PAPUK 'OUNTAIN

is a )ountain in #lavonia# the north eastern re"ion o+ Croatia. Mountain Papuk is !o ated < see )ap on the !e+t = on the (er* ed"e o+ Po2eska 0o!ina <Po2e"a &a!!e*=# the +!at and +erti!e (a!!e* and is the on!* )ountain in the area.

The hi"hest peak is Papuk with hi"hs 4ust under 1000 )eters. Papuk is popu!ar ,alkers and hikers destination +ro) )id 1:th entur*# when !o a! no/!e)an had a (ision and started to reate park o+ nature at Papuk around -ankovac .ake. E(er sin e then# wa!kers and hikers +ro) a!! o(er S!a(onia were (isitin" Papuk# en4o*in" itIs sprin" waters and re(ita!i2in" +orest# )ain!* oak and /ea h# (e"etation. Papuk has a se(era! water sprin"s 5 Cada(i a# Karasi a and Pakra 5 that add to attra ti(eness o+ the area as we!! as to +reshness in the war) su))er )onths. Another tradition on Papuk is ,ine gro,ing# so southern s!opes o+ Papuk


are +u!! o+ tid* (ine*ards that are )aintain /* !o a! wine "rowers.

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