The 1990s

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Michael Stafford

Mercy College Presents


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The 1990s marked the end not only of a century but also a millennium. The decade leading up to the year 2000 saw a lot of change and excitement, with many important events that shaped not only the 1990s but our lives since then. That change happened in every way you can imagine politically, technologically, and culturally. With the Cold War over, Nelson Mandela free, and the Internet changing the way we work and live, the events of the 1990s provided the perfect bridge between the outrageous 80s and the dawn of the new century.


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The Parents
The tribal cultures of the late 60s and early 70s gave way to the self-gratifying me-generation of the late 70s and 80s, with the flower children trading in their youthful idealism of peace and love for a more materialistic yuppie lifestyle. Now they have become the most materialistic generation this nation has ever produced. Their offspring are being raised by the most bona fide group of hypocrites in American history. Parents are bankrupt spiritually. We have more technological advancement, more creature comforts, more opportunities than ever before, but they give their children little hope.


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The New teens

And now a new generation emerges. What are they like? What makes them different? Who are their heroes? What problems do they face? Because authority is so hypocritical, it is viewed by these young people as threatening. One trend that contradicts all the trends of the past is that this generation has a deep desire to believe and hope and trust. More young people than ever are turning to God in hope of making some sense out of a confusing and often threatening world. They face many new problems. These problems include the rapidly escalating threat of AIDS, the drug problem, and the PRESSURE TO SUCCEED.


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Even with the threat of AIDS, the number of sexually active teens is significantly higher than ten years ago. According to Newsweek magazine, by March of 1990, the Centers for Disease Control had counted 1,429 cases of AIDS among teenagers, which is fewer than one percent of all AIDS cases. Yet teenagers fear AIDS more than any other illness. There is, in fact, a need for concern. Although relatively few teens are diagnosed with AIDS, nearly a fifth of the people with AIDS are in their twenties. With a nearly ten year period between infection and the onset of symptoms, this would place many victims who contract the disease in their teenage years.


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Drug Use Down

The use of illegal drugs is down among the new teens. Use of alcohol, marijuana and cocaine fell significantly in the 1990s. Drugs are scarier to them than the group who widely experimented with substance abuse in the 60s and 70s thus making drug use less appealing. However, many of the new generation who use drugs, do so earlier, especially those who start because of a parents habit.


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Need to Succeed
Life in the 1990s had become stressful to young people. Parents put pressure on their teens to be better than them. The numbers of teenage pregnancies continue to rise. There are a growing number of minorities living at the poverty level. There are a growing number of single parent households. The rate of almost 20 suicides per 100,000 teens in 1992, places this problem at an epidemic proportion. Pressure at a younger age to find a job, to choose a career, to do well at school, to have a good marriage and family life, to pay for college.


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Teen Suicide
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The Music
The musical era of the 1990s was one filled with a variety of pop, rap, and alternative music artists. The early years of the 1990s began with a surge in popularity for music genres like techno. Groups like Technotronic entered the Billboard charts with big hits like Pump Up the Jam Hip-hops popularity continued throughout the decade with artists like MC Hammer, Tone Loc, and Vanilla Ice. Grunge bands like Pearl Jam and Nirvanna offered youngsters a new type of rock music to listen to that contained catchy lyrics about the angst and trials of teenage years. Then happy rock appeared with bands like Hootie and the Blowfish with upbeat melodies and positive lyrics that many people were ready for after years of negativity. But through all the changes Hard Rock Bands remained popular.
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Alternative Music
The decades most dynamic trend was the rise of alternative rock. In 1991 and 1992, Nirvana and Pearl Jam became the flag bearers for grunge. When Nirvanas Nevermind toppled Michael Jackson on the album chart in early 1992, it was clear the alternative had become the market. In 1996, the Red Hot Chili Peppers with their blend of funk, metal, and rap had built a but loyal audience.
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Hootie and the Blowfish

Only Wanna Be With you


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February 7, The ending of the Cold War was completed by the strong policies of U.S. President Ronald Reagan toward the Soviet block. Six days later, a plan to reunite Germany was announced. April 24, The Hubble Telescope is placed into orbit by the United States Space Shuttle Discovery. June 1, 1990 - U.S. President George H.W. Bush and his Soviet counterpart, Mikhail Gorbachev sign a treaty to eliminate chemical weapon production and begin the destruction of each nation's current inventory. August 2, Iraq invades Kuwait, setting into motion the beginning of U.S. involvement in the Gulf War. On November 29, the United Nations passes resolution, #678, stating that Iraq must withdraw its forces from Kuwait by January 15, 1991.


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January 17, Desert Storm begins with air strikes against Iraq. Iraq responds by sending eight Scud missiles into Israel. February 27, The Gulf War ends one day after Iraq withdraws its forces from Kuwait and sets the oil fields on fire. On April 3, the United Nations Security Council passes Resolution 687, calling for the destruction and removal of the entire Iraqi chemical and biological weapons stockpile, plus ballistic missiles with a range greater than 150 kilometers. October 2, The governor of Arkansas, William Jefferson Clinton, announces his intention to seek the 1992 Democratic nomination for the Presidency of the United States.


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Iraq vs. The U.S.

Operation Desert Storm


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January 26, The renewed nation of Russia and their leader Boris Yeltsin announce that they will stop targeting the cities of the United States with nuclear weapons. May 5, The 27th Amendment to the Constitution is passed two hundred and two years after its initial proposal. It bars the United States Congress from giving itself a midterm or retroactive pay raise. August 17, The Siege of Ruby Ridge is begun by United States Marshals, lasting ten days. November 3, In a three way race for the presidency of the United States, Democratic candidate Bill Clinton defeats President George H.W. Bush and businessman H. Ross Perot of the Reform Party.


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February 26, The World Trade Center is bombed by Islamic terrorists when a van parked below the North Tower of the structure explodes. February 28, The fifty-one day Waco standoff begins when the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms attempt to arrest the Branch Davidian leader David Koresh on federal arms violations. June 27, President Bill Clinton orders a cruise missile attack on the Iraqi intelligence headquarters in Baghdad, responding to the attempted assassination attempt cultivated by the Iraq Secret Service on former U.S. President George H.W. Bush during his visit to Kuwait two months before.



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The Waco Massacre

Cult leader David Koresh, was a rogue member of the Branch Davidian group, had moved to a remote Texan hilltop. In February, 1993, exiled cult members began claiming publicly that Koresh had physically abused children in the compound. Allegations surfaced that Koresh was stockpiling illegal weapons and thousands of rounds of ammunition. On Sunday, February 28, 1993, ATF agents approached the site. Koresh and his cohorts began firing. Four ATF agents were killed, 16 wounded and five Branch Davidians died before a ceasefire. Over the next seven weeks, Koresh agreed to release 35 people, including 14 children, but 78 people remained inside. U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno approved FBI plans to attack. April 19, 1993, three fires broke out in different parts of the compound, allegedly set by the Branch Davidians. 9 people escaped, 76 cult members, including 17 children, were killed.


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June 12, The bodies of Nicole Brown SImpson and Ronald Goldman are found outside her home in Los Angeles, California. Five days later, her husband, former football star O.J. Simpson is arrested for the crime, but is later acquitted on October 3, 1995. September 13, President Bill Clinton signs the Assault Weapons Ban, which bars the use of these weapons for ten years. September 14, For the first time since 1904, the World Series of Major League Baseball is cancelled, this time due to a player's strike begun in August by the Major League Baseball Players Association. November 8, The Republican revolution concludes with the midterm elections when for the first time in forty years, the party gains control of both the Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives.


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O.J. Simpson
C.N.N.: Simpson Murder Case


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O.J.: The Great Escape

The Car Chase


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Rangers Win Stanly Cup

Now I can Die in Peace
1940, 1940, 1940 June 14, after 54 years the New York Rangers defeated the Vancouver Canucks in seven games to win the 1994 Stanley Cup Game seven of the Stanley Cup finals was the most-watched game in NHL history. Mark Messier became the first Ranger captain to hoist the Cup on Garden ice, as well as the first player in NHL history to captain two different teams to a Stanley Cup.


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April 19, 1995 - Anarchists Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols explode a bomb outside the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, killing one hundred and sixtyeight people in a domestic terrorism attack. June 29, 1995 - For the first time, the Space Shuttle Atlantis docks with the Russian space station Mir. July 27, 1995 - The Korean War Memorial in Washington, D.C. is dedicated in ceremonies presided by President Bill Clinton and South Korean President Kim Yong-sam.



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Homegrown Terrorism
Oklahoma City Bombing


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June 25, The Khobar Towers bombing in Khobar, Saudi Arabia kills nineteen U.S. military personel, destroying the majority of a six building apartment complex that was home to the 440th Fighter Wing. July 5, At the Roslin Institute in Scotland, Dolly, the sheep, becomes the first mammal to be cloned. This begins a rampant debate on the ethics of the procedure in animals and the viability and morality of cloning in human beings. November 5, President William J. Clinton defeats Republican Presidential candidate Bob Dole, as well as the second run of businessman Ross Perot.


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February 9, 1997 - The Simpsons becomes the longest running cartoon television series in history, surpassing the Flintstones. March 4, 1997 - Federal funding for any research into human cloning is barred by President Bill Clinton. July 8, 1997 - The NATO alliance expands into eastern Europe when it extends an invitation to the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland to join the alliance in 1999. October 29, 1997 - Iraq states that it will begin to shoot down U-2 surveillance planes used by United Nations UNSCOM inspectors attempting to mandate Saddam Hussein meet the provisions of surrender in the 1991 Gulf War.


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The Simpsons web site


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January 26, The Monica Lewinsky scandal begins when U.S. President Bill Clinton denies his relationship with the White House intern. February 23, Osama bin Laden a fatwa that announced a jihad against all Jews and Crusaders. August 7, Attacks on two United States embassies in Africa, in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya kills two hundred and twentyfour and injures four thousand five hundred. The attacks are linked to Osama Bin Laden and his Al-Qaeda organization. On August 13, The United States launches cruise missile strikes against Al-Qaeda camps in Afghanistan and a suspected chemical plant in the Sudan. September 29, The United States Congress passes legislation, the "Iraq Liberation Act" that states the U.S. wants to remove Saddam Hussein from power and replace it with a democracy.


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Big Mac hits 62

On September 8, 1998, Mark McGwire hit a pitch by the Chicago Cubs' Steve Trachsel over the left field wall for his record-breaking 62nd home run. He was the new single season homerun champion. He would finish with 70 HRs. McGwire and Sammy Sosa (66 HRs) reinvigorated the game. Later that year, Mark McGwire admitted to taking steroidprecursor androstenedione, an over-the-counter muscle enhancement product.


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February 12, President Bill Clinton is acquitted by the U.S. Senate in the Monica Lewinsky scandal. The Senate trial, which began January 7 and needed a 2/3 majority to convict, ended with a 55-45 not guilty vote on the charge of perjury and 50-50 vote on the charge of obstruction of justice. March 29, The Dow Jones Industrial Average closes above 10,000 for the first time. May 3, A series of tornadoes strikes Oklahoma, including an F5 category storm that slams Oklahoma City, killing thirty-eight. The fastest wind speed ever recorded on earth is measured by scientists at 509 km (318 mph) during this tornado.


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