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SWIFT DEER DESIGNS QUICKLY UNDER DEADLINES (2011-NOW) - lead designer of disruptive Seattle traffic app for iOS

and Android - 4,000 users in first month, featured in Huffington Post, Techflash Startup of the Week, design received Geekwire Editors pick for iOS - created prototype in 54 hours at Startup Weekend Seattle - hijacked friends parties to do guerilla usability testing

520 OR 90, co-founder & designer

EVERNOTE, dream job

BUZZING BEE CROSS-POLLINATES ACROSS TEAMS (2009-NOW) - led team of 10 to bring big bet features from ideas to reality in Excel 15 - inspired team of 200+ to think innovatively by creating vision video - created designs, drove consensus between designers and developers - created wireframes, ran usability tests, iterated on designs, wrote specs - inventor or co-inventor of 7 patents pending

MICROSOFT EXCEL, program manager

SLY FOX WAS CUNNING TO MARKET IE (SUMMER 2009) - designed site, 20 million hits/month at launch - initiated an unusually visible project for a summer intern - created wireframes, improved download UI, wrote site copy - collaborated with designers, developers, marketing, legal, international



PATIENT TORTOISE TAUGHT 90 COLLEGE STUDENTS (2008-2009) - explained programming concepts to students - wrote the spec and test plan of the final team project - co-wrote exams and homework assignments - updated curriculum and gave guest lectures on user-friendly design

UNIV. OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN, teaching assistant

HARDWORKING MULE WORKED JOBS WHILE IN SCHOOL - Texas Instruments, Business Analyst Intern (2007) -, Public Relations Intern (2007) - Cunningham Market Research, Recruiter and Interviewer (2006) - Texas Juggling Society, President (2006-2007)



HUNGRY PIG HAS A BIG APPETITE TO LEARN University of Texas at Austin, BBA 2009 | GPA: 4.0 | Rank: 1 of 745 Majors: Management Information Systems, Business Honors Continuing Education: Graphic Design Class Levels 1&2. Dale Carnegie Leadership Training. Acting Classes. Cello, piano, voice lessons.

HONEY BADGER DONT CARE. DO WHATEVER IT TAKES. - Computer: Office, Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Omnigraffle, Camtasia, Evernote, of course. Java, HTML, CSS. - Language: English, (spoken) Mandarin, (stumbling) French - For Fun: Singing in Electric Villain (band), learning musical instruments, public speaking, writing, creating stuff, self-improvement book junkie


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