Meghan Jones Biography

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Meghan is a senior majoring in Psychology and with a minor in Marketing at Loyola University Chicago; she will be graduating in December

20 !" Meghan as#ires to go into marketing$ and ultimately get her M%&" 'aving traveled to (hana with (lobal %rigades in &ugust o) 20 ! )or 0 days on a Medical*Dental brigade$ her vision o) hel#ing others through service learning was su##lemented by her ability to em#athi+e with those in the ,echiman community" 'er time s#ent within the community allowed her the o##ortunity to witness dental e-tractions$ #artici#ate in medical triage$ work in a #harmacy$ and gain an allover a##reciation )or the beauti)ul$ (hanaian #eo#le and their culture" ,he im#act the brigade to (hana has le)t on Meghan has in)luened her greatly$ igniting a ho#e that she will return in the )uture again as a student volunteer$ or business #ro)essional" (lobal %rigades has blessed Meghan with the #riceless gi)t o) time s#ent growing as a #erson in a mutually bene)icial e-#erience between the (lobal %rigade and the ,echiman Community"

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