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The music gets grander as the doctor is reborn. The music gets louder and almost blocks out his shouting of its not fair

The space ships are obviously nondiegetic but for the diegesis they are supposed to be diegetic.

There are sound effects that create the diegesis. The Foley sounds create verisimilitude for the genre. The non-diegetic sounds such as the lights and Tardis sounds are not real but are there

There is a crescendo in the music to parallel the suspension, action and build in protagonists power The music begins when the woman is entering but stops when the man begins to talk, suggesting the man has more power.


Flashbacks are used in this clip. Cross Cuts and Jump cuts contribute to emphasise the moment Martha is narrating supported by the flashbacks.

Shot reverse shot is used to portray the conversation between martha and the villain. The zoom in of the shot reverse shot proves the seriousness of the conversation. Cuts between the people saying Dr. This is building up the excitement of the dr returning. Throughout this clip, continuous editing is used to display all the important key parts of the scene.


Low angle shot used to portray the villain as the strongest character in the scene. The way the villain is already on the platform proves that he wants to be the greatest man and to prove this point of his powerfulness, a low angle shot is used. Males are generally shown to be more focused and dominant.

High angle shot is used to show the weakness of the Dr, who is in this form. He is in a cage and trapped which proves he is imprisoned. He is made to look more old as it signifies that old people are weak and helpless and cannot do anything by themselves and this is why the Dr needed help from Martha.

A wide shot is used to emphasise on the situation,. In this case we see that the Dr is back and is more powerful than ever. The villain is stepping back, showing the relationship between them both. Furthermore, the camera shot portrays the mise-enscene of the lab computer, machinery and sci fi related items/props.

The high angle shot is used to show that Martha is controlled by the villain and she is helpless and weak. However the gradual close up of Martha proves that with her dialogue, she is gaining power, especially towards the end when she is trying to make each second go by. She talks faster proving she has got more power and confidence.


There are guard carrying guns and wearing uniforms suggesting they are there to protect the antagonist. The guards are men, proving that weaponry can only be used only by men and that women are not capable to use dangerous weaponry. This is a stereotype of both men and women.

The antagonist (who initially has the power) is dressed in a suit, clack tice etc. that suggests power and wealth. Normally, the antagonist would wear a outfit or dark colours to portray him evil. However in this case the audience see the villain in a black suit, showing he is more classy and wants to show more of this wealth and power which is linked into that.
This certain shot portrays the mise en scene very strongly. In the background, the props are used to set out where the this situtaion is held. As this show is Dr Who a sci-fi drama. There is meant to be technology related items and concept.

The man who is being held by the antagonists men is covered in dirt and looks rough, suggesting less power and wealth. He is wearing blue which connotes that he is loyal and intelligent.

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