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13 Jury 2006 ee Khalid Shaykh Muhammad: Preeminent Source On Al-Qa‘ida (suey He then joined Youset in the Philippine in 1994 10 ple the "Bojinka” plot te simultaneous bombings of doze US-fagged eommerelal ‘cline over the Pacific. After th Bens plot was diupind and You as cag in ery 1995, RSM eacpad but wat ‘indicted in toe United Statcs for his roe athe plot and went nto hiding o bey ‘While preparing the Bojnka plo, Youss and ‘SM also dlscusaed th idea of using planes a3 ‘ulsiles to atria target in the United Baia, ‘nsluding the White Hous and the Central Inlligance Agency, KSM saya tht, n 1996, he expanded te idea of ung planes as miarleg by Coacetving of x plot of fleeing ten urinos to stele aim on bath coars of he United State, KSM trveled to Afphaise nh 1990819 gn te support of User Bin Ladin thereby hopefully obtain the resources necetary to realize the operttion. The al-Qu'da leader at Sat ‘Seraured but changed bis mind in Ite 1999 and rovided KAM operatives and funding for a ‘ealed-down version of his jacking opertion. ‘Tala planing eulmlnetod in the 11 Sepieaber acs, “ye inerrant, Set ce — ignored w decision by the a-Qe'ds lenderbip aL-Qu'ides Modis Commitee and oversaw sfc during 2000-2001 fo work with Bast ‘Asin Jemuak lla terovit emacs In Soubeast Asie epuiut US end irae target + KSM ba stared thet be intentionally did not fea bh (pag ofl) Bi aa Siw deste Sts cnid ae el the 1 September amas, ‘After Inte 2001, the callaee of the Teliben regime, fe dena of Qu eden td be renigeastocsted with 11 September atacks somnbined to propel KSM {ano the role of operations chief fr alQe'ide round the World, (*KSM stated that ho ad planned s eacoad wave fislucing acs eve ere: 2002 ‘tabi his aim fom the Unita States to the ‘Unlted Kingdom because of th United Statsa’ ott-11 September acurty pore and the Brith Government’ trong aupport for ‘Washlagton’s global war on tarot * Tnuddton to etemptng to pepe this so-called» Aihaugh be was espoasibie for opertcral “Heathrow Plot"—in which he planned to ave plotng, KSM stated that during matt of 2002, aultple aera attuck Howhrow Airport and be spent considerable time managing the other targets in the United Kingdom —KSM alsa ‘overeat and bouting of operatives and their ‘eusohed « numberof plots eget the United ‘Serle from Afghanitan tp Pakigan and thea Suse, cavirds tthe Middle Bast. (S/O

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