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RESET America & Michael Jingozian for President

• RESET: 503-679-6525
• Email:
• Website:
Our (5 Year) Plan
5 year plan.ppt

Although it is vital for us to be elected in 2008, it is more We believe that we can squeak-out a win in 2008. But, if this
likely that we will achieve our first goal of getting elected doesn’t occur, then we expect to see an overwhelming
in our 2nd attempt in 2012. Our (realistic) objective is to mandate in 2012.
capture 5-7% of the popular vote and win 1-2 states.
During the next administration, our nation’s problems will
By achieving either of these goals, we will prove that this continue to get worse and grow in number. In the meantime,
movement is viable and the only realistic, common- the Democrats and Republicans will continue to point fingers,
sense plan to change our dangerous trajectory. avoid blame, create policy that benefits themselves over the
interest of those who they swore to protect and steal from our
Even more important, this achievement will encourage kids while spending all their time fundraising, campaigning and
widespread participation in government by talented and protecting corporate interests. Now that’s a long sentence.
concerned citizens. There are numerous, well-qualified
individuals who would like to serve in Congress. But, due As of today, the Congressional approval rating is 15% - the
to the corrupt environment, government only attracts a lowest in our nation’s history. We must end this 2-party
small minority of the general population. Therefore, it is system and only vote for Independent and 3rd Party
imperative to prove that this movement is viable so that Candidates.
these individuals will be encouraged to participate.
Any other vote is a wasted vote.

Today Fall 07 May 08 June 08 Summer 08 Fall 08

Leading up
to Election

From here,
Develop Receive
Receive Receive
Receive Appearing
Appearing in
in anything’s
Message, Libertarian
Libertarian Green
Green Party
Party National
National possible
possible as as
Message toto
Policies &
& Nomination
Nomination Nomination
Nomination Polls
Polls the
the freak
Public show
Platform for
for Pres.
Pres. for
for Pres
Pres (2-5%)
(2-5%) show revs
revs up
to Nov
Nov 2!2!

That’s right:
This is our only
Although you may already be sold on RESET America Call us if you want to help us win. For this to work, chance - and it
based on what currently appears on our website, we have YOU must get involved. will only work if
much more planned. In fact, we are apprehensive to share Take a stand for freedom and accountability. you support
any of our message until the entire message is complete. Join the Libertarian Party and Green Party right now. these two
parties. Please
join right now.

Educate and
and Energize
Energize the
the 2012
American People
People General Election
to Empower
Empower Themselves
General Election
• Mandate to Apply the RESET
• 5-7% of Vote ideas led by Michael Jingozian
Attract Capable
Capable Assist
Assist in
in Organization
• Win 1-2 and
and Concerned
Concerned and
and Campaigning
• New Majority in Congress of
Sates Fellow
Fellow Citizens
Citizens Efforts
Efforts of
of Qualified
Qualified Independent & 3rd Party
to Run
Run for
for Candidates
Candidates Representatives
Congress (Sorry,

From here, who knows what is possible. As the election approaches in November, the political With any luck, 2012 will also bring
scene will eventually become even more vile and contemptible. The problems will continue to us a new Congress. This way, not
get worse while Congress avoids dealing with these issues in favor of fundraising and only will we be able to address the
campaigning. By then, people will be searching for an alternative. What they will find is a “attackable” issues, but we can
strong plan to save our nation and planet before viable solutions disappear forever. address all our serious problems.
This is Michael Jingozian and this is what I am committed to achieving for our country, our By replacing the Democrats and
planet and our children. Republicans, we can truly “reset”
our government.
The Democrat & Republican “Plan”
The Democrats and Republicans also have a plan. But their plan is a bit different. Their plan is to sellout our
children’s future for campaign contributions. Other countries have serious plans: nation’s like China, Russia and
the Arab Nations. Many of these plans conflict with the interest of America.
Are we going to let the Democrats and Republicans continue to destroy America? These problems are increasing
in number and getting worse. No on disagrees with us that the 2-party system is destroying our nation. (In fact,
many people tell us that we only have a 1-party system!)
The problems faces by our Nation and Children are serious and getting worse. We have a list of problems on our
website (click the chart on the right-hand side of the website). Although these problems are numerous and getting
worse, there are:
o Problems that we don’t know about yet
o Problems being hidden from us
o The Compound Effect of these Problems
o New problems emerging as a result of their interconnectedness.
We cannot expect to solve these problems with the same people who created them.
The status-quo is the status-quo for a reason. If the President and the existing Congress really wanted to honestly
address these issues, they could. The system is broken and needs to be “reset” (not “fixed”, but transformed).

What you get with the

Democrats and Republicans What you get with the
Status Quo
RESET America Team

1. Afraid to tackle tough issues - only address “distraction issues.” Real Change
2. Would rather see a program fail than see their opponents win.
3. Flip-flop on issues for political gain while ignoring facts & data.
4. Fail to consider the long-term ramifications of their policies. New Priorities
5. Won’t support a valid idea from the other party. New Balance of Power
6. Lie outright about data, budget projections and situations. True Example of Democracy
7. Lie and manipulate news and the media.
8. Use their positions for personal gain.
9. Are too afraid to change their mind or admit they were wrong.
10. Live in a separate class that is out-of-touch with voters. Executive Branch
11. Sell out to corporate interests for campaign contributions. (President)
12. Manipulate election laws and destroying our democratic process.
Policies and Action in the
Best Interest of our
Nation and Planet
Executive Branch
Administration and Policy Judicial Branch
not based in Reality Slowly Eliminate the
A Representative
Harmful Effects of
Congress consisting
Legislative Politics in the
of Talented and
Branch Supreme Court and
Judicial Branch Concerned Citizens
the overall Judicial
Complicit Congress Becoming System
only concerned with increasingly Corrupt
Fundraising and and Biased due to
Campaigning the Divisive 2
Party System
Paid for by Jingozian for President and RESET America

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