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STRATEGIC FINANCE LIMITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2009 TABLE OF CONTENTS. INCOME STATEMENT, 2 BALANCE SHEET. 7 3 STATEMENT OF CHANGES I STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS. NOTES TO THE io, uh 2. 1B 14, 15, 16, I, IB, 19, 20, 2 DR. 2. 24, 25. 6. 7. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32 33, 34. 35. 36. 37. 38, 39, 40. SHAREHOLDER INFORMATION. cocnnesnen STATUTORY INFORMATION .essconnesene ce AUDIT REPORT vioennnnnnnannnnnnnne ~ 4 INANCIAL STATEMENTS. 7 fe 7 Reporting Entity... : 7 Basis of preparation eon : ey Significant accounting policies. Determination of far values Segment reporting. Net interest income. ‘Other operating income... Personnel expenses... ‘Compensation of auditors Income tax expense (benefit) Financial assets and liabilities Cash and cash equivalents, Trade and other receivables... Loans and advances. Impaired financial assets Allowances for credit impairment. Derivative financial instruments Property and equipment Current tax assets and liabilities. Deferred tax assets and liabilities.. Subsidiaries on. a Investment in subsidiaries and goodwil. Prepayments.. Trade and other payables. Employee entitlements Debs restructure. Share capita. Reserves and retained earnings... Financial risk management overview. Credit Risk.. Liquidity risk. Market Risk wonnon Operational Risks. Commitments Contingent Liabilities Employee share scheme.. Key management personnel disclosure Transactions with related parties. Capital Management... Events Subsequent to Balance Date. Strategic Finance Limited Income Statement For the year ended 30 june 2009 Interest income Ineerast expense Net interest income Fee income Other operating Income Net operating income Aavertising and marketing Audit and other fees Allowance for eredit impalrment Bad debes written off Depreciation Directors’ fees Independent monitoring fee Personnel expenses Restructure costs Trustee fees Operating lease expenses Other operating expenses Operating expenses Operating profit (loss) Fair value gain arising on reseucture of Subordinated notes Goodwill impairmane Weite-down of investments in subsidiaries Profit (loss) before Income tax Income tax expense (benefit) Income tax expense arising on derecognition of Geferred tax assets Total income tax expense (benefit) Profie (loss) for the year Note 26 2 2 Company Group 30 Jun 30 Jun 2008 2008 5,000 5,000 13.447 113.695 (50,115) 69.205} 20,326) (4.732) These statements are tobe readin conjunction with the Notes to the Financial Statements on pages 7 t0 60. i | | i | | | | | | i | |

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