MNCUBE D Final Finding & Cor7

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cont COR REF: CSU.2008:4HG-000101 ‘CERTIFICATE OF FINDINGS ‘Section 84, Coroners Act 2006, INTHE MATTER of cuford (Datu) MNCUBE ‘The Secretary, Minis of Juste, Walngton ‘As tne Coroner conducting th nay into the deat af the deceased after considering athe ‘dence sited To dal fr ts purposes, and tno ight ofthe purposes sated In secon 87 fhe (Coroners ct 2006 make te fosowing fangs Ful Name of decease! Late of Occupation Sex Date o it: Pace of Death Date of Dat ‘causes of Death (3), Direct cause: (@), Antecedent cause (known) (6), Underiig codon (town): (6), Other snican conditions ontroting fo Seth, but net related {o-diaeaseorcondton causing i (t known): Ccreumstancas of deat (know): Cor (Ost) MNCUBE S88 Kamo Road Whangare Nenhians LUon Handler Male 13 uy 1978 Zion Waite Park roy Road Regent Wrangare New Zealand 27 May 2008 ‘Combinatlon of Asphyia/ Suifcaton and Vasovaga Retox the wounds tn wl hte desorbed ger stack “Thaw tangs, and my essane for making hem, te alan sat tin my wrt ing dated {eNovembor 2013 ‘Signed at Whangae on 28h day of November 2013. Noor A ‘GoronerH Brandt Shortand IN THE CORONERS COURT ‘¢SU-2008-WHG-000101 AT WHANGAREI UNDER ‘THE CORONERS ACT 2006 AND INTHE MATTER OF An inquity into the death of Dalubuhle Neube a ka CLIFFORD DALU MNCUBE Date of Heating: 1 October — 4 October 2012 ‘Appearances: Sergeant P Rankin and Constable A Magi forthe Police J Golightly, A Jackson and 8 Leung for § Acnott Stephen and 0 MeDonal fr the Ministry fer Primary Industies England forthe Ministry of Business, Innovation ard Employment Date ofFindings: 14 November 2013, FINDINGS OF CORONER H B SHORTLAND Introduction [1] Ciford Datu Mncube was kiled by "Abu" the white tiger atthe Zion Wife Gardens on 27 May 2008. Mr Mncube and his fellow worker, Martin Ferra had entered the enclosure forthe purpose of cleaning it while two white tigers were free to roam inside the enclosure [2] Within @ short time, Abu, the older ofthe two tigers approached Mr Mncube ‘rom behind and pulled him to the ground by grabbing him on the right upper leg, with his mouth [5] Atfrst Mr Mncube thought this may have been a playful act, realising quickly that he was in extreme danger [4] MrMincube was the eenior bg cat handler and the most experienced ofall the staff working withthe big cats. Italy he did nt panic and remained as calm 128 possible, He was then dragged by Abu toa small box enclosure within the larger ‘enclosure, [5] MrFerrira tied desperately to get Abu to release Mr Mncube by punching ‘and hiting him whist at the same tine trying ta Keep the female tiger, Rew, away from the unfolding incident. It was an extremely brave action by Mr Ferreira having no thought for his own safely. [6] A tourist group working ther way through the park witnessed the event. The seriousness of the matter was abundantly clear to fellow workers on the outside of the enclosure an the alarm was raed [7] Fetow workers rushed to aseist. Unfortunately, her oforts wore in vain [B] _There were attempts to throw a fre extinguisher over a three metre fence ‘which proved to be too high. The fie extinguisher; a catleprodder; and a large stick each were used as deterrents when dealing with the big cats [1 Whist Abu was trying to drag Mr Mncube into his enclosure, Mr Fs him several times with his fist and with 2 stick. Fellow workers on the outside had a {90 Abu with the cat prod which had ne lasting effect and fr a biaf moment he rant ‘dropped MrMncube before regaining his grip. The fre extngusher was sprayed Into Abu’ face wit ite to no effect as well, Mr Mncube ded rom the tack [10] Eventually one of the workers ran about 100 metres to a small storage hut here guns were held and brought the gun back, Abu was eventually shot dead, [11] This was an emotiona inquest for his family, Ms Amatt and for the former staff who had worked with Mr Mncubo a that ime at Zion Wife Gardens. {12} Zion Wife Gardens (ZION’) was considered a unique park for the fact that the publi could have an interactive experience with large cals, People had traveled from all ver the world fr this experience,

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