Catholic Bible Dictionary - Appendix 2

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Catholic Bible Dictionary - Appendix 2 Edited by Scott Hahn

A ppendix 2

Chronology of the Kings of Israel and Judah

It is a challenging task to ascertain the dates ond was the nonaccession-­year system of an-
of the biblical kings. There are several reasons cient Mesopotamia, in which only the first full
for this. For one, fathers and sons sometimes year of a king’s reign was counted as his first
reigned at the same time during overlapping year on the throne. Despite these irregulari-
periods of co‑regency. For another, the king- ties, which make synchronizing the dates of
doms of Israel and Judah used different meth- the biblical kings a painstaking task, the over-
ods of calculation at different times in their all picture is fairly secure: Solomon’s kingdom
history. Two different methods were adopted split apart about 930 b.c., and the rival king-
from the systems in use in the empires of the doms set up in the north and south fell to for-
ancient Near East. One was the accession-­year eign invaders in 722 b.c. (Assyrian conquest of
system of ancient Egypt, in which the year of Israel) and 586 b.c. (Babylonian conquest of
the king’s coronation was counted as a full year Judah). Both kingdoms saw the rise and fall
in the final calculation of his reign. The sec- of nineteen kings in succession.

Northern Kingdom of Israel Southern Kingdom of Judah

kings dates b . c . kings dates b . c .

1. Jeroboam I 930–­910 1. Rehoboam 930–­913

2. Nadab 910–­909 2. Abijam 913–­911
3. Baasha 909–­886 3. Asa 911–­870
4. Elah 886–­885 4. Jehoshaphat 873–­848
5. Zimri 885 5. Jehoram 848–­841
6. Omri 885–­874 6. Ahaziah 841
7. Ahab 874–­853 —— (Athaliah) 841–­835
8. Ahaziah 853–­852 7. Joash 835–­796
Catholic Bible Dictionary - Appendix 2 Edited by Scott Hahn

Northern Kingdom of Israel (cont’d) Southern Kingdom of Judah (cont’d)


9. Jehoram 852–841 8. Amaziah 796–767

10. Jehu 841–814 9. Azariah/Uzziah 792–740
11. Jehoahaz 814–798 10. Jotham 750–731
12. Joash 798–782 11. Ahaz 735–715
13. Jeroboam II 793–753 12. Hezekiah 729–686
14. Zechariah 753 13. Manasseh 696–642
15. Shallum 752 14. Amon 642–640
16. Menahem 752–742 15. Josiah 640–609
17. Pekahiah 742–740 16. Jehoahaz 609
18. Pekah 740–732 17. Jehoiakim 609–598
19. Hoshea 732–722 18. Jehoiachin 598–597
19. Zedekiah 597–586

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