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*Fncf 0F vtcg $:frI$lDINl"ANl) {}'ilril l'1ru4ru{r/}"r" *rFl{sr{

September 1 1, 2008

Re: Public Information Request 08-259 REV|SID

Dear Mr" Johnson:

The Public Policy Research lnstitute {PPRI) provided the attached cost estimate associated with your
revised request 0B-259 for Part I Local Suruey Results,

Section 552.2615{b} of the Public Information Act states that a request is coqsidere*d
lo.he withdrgwn if the
re.0uestot. dpgs not respgnd in writing to the itemized statement by informing
{he goye.rnmental bod:i within
10 ilqil...h.lsiness days aftgr the date this staterllent iF se$ to the recugstor that:
a, The requestor wifl accept the estimated charges;
b, The requestor is modifying the request in response to the itemized statement; or
c, The requestor has sent to the Office of the Altorney General, Open Records Division, a
complaint alleging that the requestor has been overcharged for being provided with a copy of
the public inforrnation.

You may choose to respond by e-mail, fax, regular mail or hand delivery. Please note that no work will be
undertaken until we receive your written response,

Please consider the options indicated above and advise this office of your decision as soon as possible.

*-\/ )

Suzy Ye"age(/ \.J
Director, Open Records

Mr. Scott Kelly

Ruddcr 1ili,io1 [Jtlr i]loor

1131 iAMU
i-r:li,:r;c ltiltit.rtr, T-X 7/134:i.1

Ir'.t. !]/t:),8tli7,. f ex. !)119,U{i7./Ii'ii
hLt1:://f in;-.rnr.,r- t;,rrlL-n{1ii
Public Information Request #08-2Sg
Requester Name: Craig Johnson

Rate per Amount Totalfor

Resource Unit Unil Used Cotties Resource
Mainframe $10.00 mrnute
Midsize $1.50 mlnute
ClienUServer $2.20 :lock hour
PC or LAN $1.00 :lock hour
Programmino time $28.50 Hour

Personnel Gharqe $15.00 Hour $45.00

Overhead 2A% Personnel $e.00
Scanning $0.05 Page 0 n $0.00
GD $1.00 CD 1 $7.00
Charges: $61.00

Check Receipt
public lnformation Request 0g-25g Revised - Cost Estimate - Yahoo... h@://"

Public Information Request 08-259 Revised - Sost Estirnate rhursdav, September 11' 2008 2:s3 PM

Fr ' "Yeager, Susan" <s-yeager@tamu,edu>

*fli "Hurley, Patricia" <>, ccl-johnson@tamu'edu, "Hanks, Cheryl"
<>, jim@ppri.tamr-r.eclu. "Inbody, Tiffany" <>,
"ca lvin, lam es " <j-ca lvinc)ta m u,eclu >, "Callcott, Dia ne" < D-Ca llco tt@ta m >,
"Kelly, Scott" <S-Kelly@tamu'edu>, "Lawson, Caroline" <Caroline-
Lawso n@)tam>
J o hnso n cost estim ate letter- revised. 2 59.
pdf (40 5 KB)

Mr. Johnson, The Public Policy Research Institute provided the attached revised ccst estimate in
accordance with your revised request. Please let us knaw how you wish to proceed. Thanks. Suzy

From : Cra ig Joh nson lma i lto : cra gdj07@ya hoo'com]


Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008 3:41 AM

To: Yeager, Susan
Subject: Modification of Public Information Request 0B-259

Attn" Director of Public Informaiion, Public Policy Research Institute at Texas A & M University


I need to obtain copies of all Part I Local Survey Results (excluding the Frequency tables beyond the Q'1
Gender table) that the Public Policy Research Insiitute produced for the Houston and $an Antonio
Independent School Districts, covering allyears 1988 through 1995 for the Texas School Survey on Drug
and Alcohol Use.

This includes the series of General $ubstance Tables detailing the use of tobacco, alcohol, illicit drugs, and
inhalants among the local student population, and ones that illustrate environmental and behavioral factors
related to substance use. Also inciudes Prevalence Tables that compare substance use by sex, ethnicity,
academic performance, and other student characteristics.

please note that I am not requesting the Part lll Executive Summaries, only the Part I LocalSurvey Results
as described above.

Also, please provide the requested information on compact disc and forward all future correspondence to
me via email.

Thank you.

Craig Johnson
Senior Vice President ond Chief Finonciol Officer
College Stoiion, Texqs 77943-ltBl
(e79) 862,7777
FAX (979) 862_7778
hltp ;//f inonc e. tqmu.edr-rl August 25, 2008

Re: Public lnformation Request 0g-2gg Craig Johnson

Dear Mr. Johnson:

The Public Policy Researclr Institute (PPRI) provided the

enclosed CD in response to your request for 2007
Survey Results. The remaining information is not available rn
electronic format and, if it exists, is stored in
remote locations, PPRI provided the attached cost estimate associated
with locating and scanning the
responsive information for the years of lgBB -1gg5.

Section 552.2615{b) of the public lnformation Act states that

a rQguest is*considered to be wjthd,f-awn i{.lhe
does not respond jn writinq to the itemized statemenf nv informinq
the ooGrnmEntri-6lli *;*,in
The requestor wlll accept the estimated chargeq
The requestor is modifying the req-uest in response to the itemized
statemenr; oJ
The requestor has sent to the Office of the Attorney General, Open
Recorcs Division, a
complaint alleging that the requestor has been overcharged for being provided
with a copy of
the public information,

You may choose to respond by e'mail, fai, regular mail or hand

delivery. please note that no work will be
undertaken until we receive your written response,

$100,adeposit otlilo/o
of the estimated cost is required prror to beginning work. Your check or money order
should be made
payable to "Texas A&M University and fonruarded to:

Texas A&M University

Office of the Vice President and CFO
Brh Floor Rudder Tower
1181 TAMU
Coltege Station, TX 77843"1181
Attn; Ms. Suzy Yeager
Mr. Craig Johnson
August 25, 2008
Page 2

you are interested to reduce the lime necessary t0 locate

You may wish to nanow the time period in which
please consider the options indicated above and advise
this office of
and pr'cess responsive documenis,
your decision as soon as Possible.


Mr. Scott KellY

Public Information Request #08-259
Requester Namc: Craig Johnson

Rate per Amount Tatalfor

Resource Unit Unit Used Copies Resource
Mainframe $10.00 minute
Midsize $1.50 minute
GlienUServer $2.20 clock hour
PC OT LAN $1.00 clock hour
Prooramminq time $28,50 Hour

Personnel Charge $15.00 Hour zvv $3,000.0c

20% Personnel $600.00
CD $1.00 CD 7 $7.00
Charges: $3,607.00

Check Receipt
public Information Request 0g-Z5g Craig Johnson - Yahoo! Mail

Mondav' Ausust 25' 2008 1:43 PM
Public Information Requeet 0S-l5S Craig Johnson
tr ,6* 'Yeager, Susan" <s-yeager@tamu,edu>
**: ,'callcott,
Diane" <>, "Hurley, Patricia" <>,
,'Hanks, cheryl" <>,,

,rii: Johnson cost esthnate letter.259 pdf (61K8)

Mr.Johnson,Attachedisacostestimateassociatedwithyourrequest. Ahardcopyoftheletteranda
cD with 2007 information is being sent via certified mail. suzy Yeager

From : Cra ig Johnson lma i lto : cra igdj07@ya hoo.coml

Sent: Sunday, August 10,2008 10:06 PM
Subject: l0B-2591- Public Information Request

Attn: Director of Public lnformation, Public Policy Research Institute at Texas A & M Universlty


I need to obtain copies of all Part I Localsurvey Results and Part lll Fxecutive Summaries that the Public
policy Research Institute produced for each Texas school district, including those that were not part of the
statewide analysis sample for the Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use, covering years 19BB
through 1995 and 2007.

This includes the series of General Substance Tables detailing the use of tobacco, alcohol, illicit drugs, and
inhalants among the local student population, and ones that illustrate environmental and behavioral factors
related to substance use Also includes Prevalence Tables that compare substance use by sex, ethnicity,
academic performance. and other student characterlstics.

Please provide to me the above requested information in electronic format if that option is available.

Please forward all future correspondence to me via email.

Thank you.

Craig Johnson

I of 1
711212009 2:16PM

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