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 Biomagnetism is the production of a magnetic field by a living object.

The living object presently most studied is the human body, for two
purposes: to find new techniques for medical diagnosis, and to gain
information about normal physiology. Smaller organisms studied
include birds, fishes, and objects as small as bacteria; many scientists
believe that biomagnetics is involved in the ability of these creatures to

 The body produces magnetic fields in two main ways: by electric

currents and by ferromagnetic particles. The electric currents are the
ion currents generated by the muscles, nerves, and other organs. For
example, the same ion current generated by heart muscle, which
provides the basis for the electrocardiogram, also produces a magnetic
field over the chest; and the same ion current generated by the brain,
which provides the basis for the electroencephalogram, also produces a
magnetic field over the head.
 How Bi omag neti sm Work s?

Biomagnetism works in the human body through the circulatory

system, the nervous system, and the endocrine system. Magnetism is
continuously penetrating every known particle, right down to the atom.
Its ordering effect on living systems arises from the fact that
magnetism is a blueprint of life itself. All known energies have as a
base this electromagnetic field.

Weak current runs through blood and the quantities of ions are
increased. The newly ionized blood circulating throughout the body can
significantly contribute to the efficiency of the blood flow as well as
having a stabilizing effect on both high and low blood pressure.
 Blood contains ferrous hemoglobin (iron) that functions as a carrier of
oxygen and carbon dioxide. As the blood circulates in the lungs, fully
magnetized ferrous hemoglobin is able to transport more oxygen to cell
tissue as well as taking more carbon dioxide waste from the cell back
to the lungs for removal.
Biomagnetism works to regulate and normalize hormone secretion in
the glands. It is currently believed that the increased electrical current
being produced forms like a net around the glands and secretory ducts.

Hormones play a very important role in rejuvenation and in general

energy levels while proper circulation ensures that the hormone level is
evenly distributed to all parts of the body.
 When magnetic "flux" (the north/south flow of a magnet) passes
through tissue, a secondary current is created around the flux lines in
the tissue cells. This ionizes the protoplasm and rejuvenates the tissues
by activating cell metabolism. The function of the cell becomes
strengthened as the cell metabolism responds to the bioelectrical
currents initiated by the magnetic flux.
 This current induces muscle spasms to decrease and the activated cell
metabolism lowers inflammation in the tissue. The increase of cellular
metabolism aids in the regeneration as well as in new cell growth.

During a pain response, the outside switches to potassium with a

positive bioelectric charge. Through attraction, the negative pole
charge of a magnet creates a "Blend" of the potassium's positive
bioelectric charge as the natural flow of current is towards the negative
 As the use of biomagnetics in clinics around the world continues to
increase, healers are seeing firsthand how natural magnetism promotes
health and provides energy by eliminating disorder in the various
biological systems. Stimulating blood circulation and building new cells
to rejuvenate the tissues of the body does this.
The biomagnetic effect on iron and oxygen in the body allows the
hemoglobin active movement, thereby activating circulations in a
remarkable way..

 Practitioners of this therapy use Biomagnets to promote the body´s

energy to heal more quickly. Magnetic therapy has been used for
thousands of years in varying forms to treat numerous common health
This therapy can be used to treat broken bones, relieve pain, arthritis,
and help the body heal itself by manipulating the electrical charge (the
magnetic field created by a living organism) back to a balanced healthy
 Universal Electric Energy of the Human Body is the electric that the
brain uses to control the functions of the body.
The body cannot store used electric. It must be discharged. The body
is designed to discharge its used electric through the feet to be rid of it
with no magnetic connection to it.
 By wearing shoes to insulate the feet from the ground preventing the
electric from being discharged so the body had to compensate and
discharge the used electric through the skin creating a magnetic
electric field around the body; the aura. That made the body a walking
giant magnet attracting all the heavy metal in the atmosphere the
magnetic electric field comes in contact with pulling it into the body
producing 75% of all sickness that breaks the body down making it sick
and deaths.
Bio ma gne tism and B io -
Elec tro magne tis m:
The Founda ti on of Li fe
 Throughout the past 30 years, scientists have been extensively
researching organisms that have the ability to produce the
ferromagnetic mineral magnetite. Magnetite is a black mineral form of
iron oxide that crystallizes in the cubic or isometric system, namely all
crystals which have their crystallographic axes of equal length at 90
degrees to each other.
 It is a mixed Iron (II) Iron (III) oxide, Fe3O4, and is one of the major
ores of iron that is strongly magnetic. Some varieties, known as
lodestone, are natural magnets; these were used as compasses in the
ancient world.
 The discovery of a biogenic material (that is, one formed by a
biological organism) with ferromagnetic properties and found to be
magnetite was the first breakthrough toward an understanding as to
why some animals have the ability to detect the earth's magnetic field.

 Searches for biogenic magnetite in human tissues had not been

conclusive until the beginning of the 1990's when work with high-
resolution transmission electron microscopy and electron diffraction on
human brain tissue extracts of the cerebral cortex, cerebellum, and
meninges (membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord)
identified magnetite-maghemite crystals.
All the magnetite crystals that have been examined to date are single magnetic
domains, which means that they are uniformly and stably magnetized and have
the maximum magnetic moment per unit volume possible for magnetite. Elemental
analysis, by energy-dispersive X-ray analysis, electron diffraction patterns, and high
resolution transmission electron microscopy lattice images, showed that many of
the particles were structurally well-ordered and crystallographically single-domain
magnetite. This means that the production of this biomineral must be under precise
biological control.
 According to Einstein, matter is to be regarded itself as part, in fact
the principle part, of the electromagnetic field, and electric energy is
therefore the fundamental origin of our entire physical world.

 Consequently, in work published by The Academy For Future Science it

has been cited that "under present biological conditions, evolutionary
development in living bodies from earliest inception follows unicellular
semiconductivity, as a living piezoelectric matrix, through stages which
permit primitive basic tissues (glia, satellite and Schwann cells) to be
supportive to the neurons in the human system where the primary
source is electrical.

 This has been especially shown in bone growth response to

mechanical stress and to fractures which have been demonstrated to
have characteristics of control systems using electricity."
 Bio mag ne tis m
 Electrical measurements of physiological potentials are well established
in clinical diagnostics. The flow of an electrical current creates a
corresponding magnetic field. Thus bioelectric activity will generate
biomagnetic fields. These fields can be detected with Tristan SQUID
 For many of the classical electrical techniques such as ECG and EEG,
there are corresponding magnetic techniques (magnetocardiography or
MCG and magnetoencephalography or MEG). In some cases
(magnetopneumography, hepatic iron store measurements, intestinal
ischemia, peripheral nerve and muscle activity), there is no
corresponding electrical technique and biomagnetic measurements
offer unique measurement capabilities. Unlike CT or MRI imaging which
yield structural information, biomagnetic measurements offer real-time
functional imaging.
Bi omagneti c mea sure men ts prov ide a numbe r of adv antages
com pa red to el ec tr ica l mea surem en ts :
• Biomagnetism is non-invasive. The detection system does not contact
the subject. The non-invasive nature of biomagnetism makes it an
inherently safe procedure and minimizes subject preparation time.

• Insulating barriers such as the skull, varying layers of tissue,

anatomical open spaces, do not attenuate or distort magnetic fields.
Electrical signals are distorted by the varying resistive layers between the
signal source and the surface skin.
 • SQUID magnetometers will measure the vector component(s) of the
magnetic field. Thus localization is much easier than with electrical
measurements, which only measure scalar voltages.

 • Magnetic measurements can be made for which there are no

electrical analogs. These include measurements of static magnetic
fields, measurements of the magnetic susceptibility and measurements
where an invasive procedure is not possible (e.g., fetal cardiography).

 • Because of the superconducting nature of SQUID measurements, true

dc response and flat phase response are available.
 What ca n Magnet ic Thera py do for US ?
 Poor blood circulation can be to blame for many of today's ills. The
use of magnets can help enormously in combating the effects of
migraine, neck, back and knee pain, rheumatism, arthritis, cramp,
gout, angina, depression, period pains and insomnia. Poor blood
circulation can cause the whole body to be 'below par'. Magnetic
therapy can improve this, and give a whole new impetus for life.
What is Magn et ic Thera py ?
The secret of Magnetic Therapy is it's unique multi-directional
Electro Magnetic Force (EMF) which relieves pain and enhances the
healing of injuries.
More recently NASA, the American Space Agency, has used
magnetic therapy to cure space sickness. The use of magnetic
therapy has grown enormously in recent years. In Japan
particularly, the use of magnets is now regarded as a vital tool in
overcoming the stress of everyday life.
How do es Ma gne tic Thera py Wo rk?
 Bio-magnetism works in the human body through the circulatory
system, the nervous system and the endocrine system. Magnetism is
continuously penetrating every known particle, right down to the atom.
Its ordering effect on living systems arises from the fact that
magnetism is a blueprint of life itself. All know energies have this
electromagnetic field as a base. The latest research indicates that
magnetism has a very significant biological effect on human beings.

 Blood contains ferrous hemoglobin (iron) that functions as a carrier of

oxygen and carbon dioxide. As the blood circulates in the lungs, fully
magnetized ferrous hemoglobin is able to transport more oxygen to cell
tissue as well as taking more carbon dioxide waste from the cell back to
the lungs for removal.
 What are Bi o Magn ets ?
 Bio Magnetics, treatment for the human body using magnetic therapy,
was first recorded by the Chinese in circa 3000 BC. It is found in most
civilizations throughout human history around the world. BioMagnets
have been found to Help relieve Carpal Tunnel, Tendonitis, Toothache,
Headache, Backache, Arthritis, Knee, (or Other Joint) Injuries, Sore or
Knotted Muscles.
 By using a proper magnetic field, the electrical condition of the specific
problem area of the body can be manipulated into a healing attitude.
Forcing the electro-bio-chemical activity of the cells to assume a high-
energy, healthy circuiting, Bio Magnetics can help the body return to
proper health known as Homeostasis.
 This Biomagnetic Pain Relief Kit was prepared by the Biomagnetic
Laboratories in the quest to provide the public with the most powerful,
effective and affordable biomagnetics available in the world.
 Human body is endowed with natural healing powers. As Hippocrates,
the Father of Modern Medicine once said: “Nature cures; not the
physician”. All the systems of alternate medicine aim at holistic healing.
They try to create conducive conditions for the natural healing process
of the body to speed up.

 Extensive studies have revealed that water from North Pole magnets
has the benevolent effect of controlling bacterial infections, including
neutralizing, or, in some cases killing cancer cells. Also found to be
effective in tumors, skin rashes, sores, boils etc. North Pole, in effect,
has a retarding action. The South Pole oozes energy, imparts strength
and warmth to the affected parts, reduces swelling, stops pains and in
general increases power of resistance of the patient.
 Conceptual Framework:

 The metabolism of every living cell of not only human beings but also
all other life forms is linked essentially to electro-magnetic energy.
Biological self-healing powers are buttressed, if energy is significantly
made available to it. An organism full of energy is anathema to
bacterial and virus infections as its power of resistance peaks. It only
spells rosy health and extreme fitness. The basic concept of magnetic
therapy is nothing more than this.
 How Magnets Affect th e Body

 Although not exactly sure how, scientists believe that magnetic fields
perturb the body’s own magnetic energy, which, in turn, triggers more
conventional biochemical and physiological mechanisms. Magnetic

 · Increase blood flow, bringing in more oxygen and nutrients, and

flushing away waste products.

 Modulate calcium flow through the body, which is essential to many

physiological processes. Magnetic fields can attract calcium ions to heal
a broken bone or help move calcium away from painful arthritic joints.
 · Alter the acidity or alkalinity of body fluids, which are often out of
balance with illness;

 · Affect hormone production (including those of the brain’s all-

important pineal gland), which initiates a cascade of biological effects.

 · Alter enzyme activity and other biochemical processes, such as the

production of ATP, a molecule that provides cellular fuel for the entire

 · Stimulate electromagnetic energy flow through acupuncture


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