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GDELT Global Material Conflict Annual Trend Report: Year In Review 2013

This report reflects major trends in global Material Conflict in 2013 compared with 2012 as reported by the GDELT (Global Database of Events, Language, and Tone) ( event database. The top countries exhibiting the greatest increase in Material Conflict in 2013 compared with 2012 (and which had sufficient global news coverage to analyze) are examined in more detail in individual Country Detail briefings on the following pages. To better approximate the most "important" developments of the year, this report is based on the aggregate volume of global news articles reporting Material Conflict events in each country, rather than on the raw number of unique events. For example, the 2011 Egyptian Tahir Square protest would count as only a single "event," which would make Egypt appear relatively stable from a raw event count standpoint, but by measuring the volume of news coverage of that protest event, its global significance is immediately clear. Thus, from a technical standpoint, this report synthesizes macro-level change across the entire global news system to identify those countries undergoing the greatest change in media coverage of Material Conflict events and thereby offers a reasonable approximation of the global media consensus view of the most "important" emerging Material Conflict developments across the entire world. For each country, the light grey map at top left of its profile page shows all Material Conflict events from 2013 for that country and the surrounding region. The black map to its right shows a gridded trend analysis where the region is broken into a regular grid and for each grid cell the difference in the number of Material Conflict events for that location in 2013 is compared with 2012. Grid cells that have not changed substantially or for which few events were reported during either year are hidden, while cells with significant increases in conflict events are displayed in red and those with significant decreases are displayed in green. The size of the dot indicates the magnitude of the change, with larger dots indicating greater change. The first colored barchart on the left below the maps breaks down the affiliations of the Initiator (Actor1) and Victim (Actor2) of all conflict events for 2013 and 2012, examining changes in the actors involved. The next barchart breaks down all conflict events into the six root categories of Material Conflict. Finally, the last barchart shows the relative breakdown for all events, not just conflict events, of all 20 root event categories, showing how prominent conflict events were to the overall picture of this country in 20122013. Finally, at the bottom of the page is a timeline plotting a smoothed 48-hour rollowing window average of the number of articles reporting Material Conflict events for that country over the two year period, contextualizing the significance of increases and decreases. Please note that that this report is designed specifically to identify emerging annual global conflict trends and thus countries with sustained ongoing conflicts may have a lower ranking than a country with far less violence if the levels of unrest in the country remained relatively stable between 2012 and 2013. In other words, this is not a report on the most unstable countries, but rather a report on those countries undergoing the greatest change in media attention to their instability over the past year. This report is a highly experimental prototype so please use caution when utilizing its findings.

Change in Conflict Event s 2012 t o 2013 Worldwide

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Egypt (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - India (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Iraq (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Kenya (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Russia (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Bangladesh (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Mali (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Algeria (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Philippines (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - North Korea (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Italy (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - South Africa (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Malaysia (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - South Sudan (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - France (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Thailand (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Central African Republic (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Pakistan (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Sri Lanka (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Tunisia (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Somalia (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Congo (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Ukraine (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Ireland (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Singapore (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Bulgaria (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Cameroon (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Mozambique (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Nepal (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Austria (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Brazil (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Switzerland (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Chad (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Cambodia (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Cyprus (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Saudi Arabia (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Azerbaijan (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Zimbabwe (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Tanzania (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Taiwan (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Bolivia (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Panama (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Guinea (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Niger (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Cuba (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Poland (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Morocco (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Angola (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Kosovo (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Laos (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Armenia (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Hong Kong (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Suriname (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Vietnam, Republic of (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Kyrgyzstan (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Zambia (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Latvia (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Albania (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Guyana (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Lithuania (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - El Salvador (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Gabon (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Costa Rica (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Namibia (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Gambia (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Slovak Republic (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Western Sahara (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Benin (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Djibouti (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Madagascar (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Brunei (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Slovenia (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Montenegro (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Guatemala (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Turkmenistan (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Equatorial Guinea (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Luxembourg (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Bhutan (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Qatar (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Uruguay (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Moldova (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Romania (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Lesotho (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Estonia (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Monaco (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Portugal (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Nicaragua (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Togo (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Swaziland (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Chile (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Burkina Faso (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Oman (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Jamaica (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Botswana (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Burundi (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Macedonia (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Czech Republic (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Uganda (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Uzbekistan (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Dominican Republic (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Mongolia (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - East Timor (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Finland (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Malawi (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Hungary (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Tajikistan (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Liberia (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Croatia (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Argentina (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Paraguay (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Eritrea (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Sierra Leone (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Venezuela (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Guinea-Bissau (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Kazakhstan (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Haiti (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Serbia (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Mauritania (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Denmark (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Bosnia-Herzegovina (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Ghana (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Belgium (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Senegal (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Rwanda (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Belarus (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Belize (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Ecuador (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Ethiopia (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Kuwait (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Serbia (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Gaza Strip (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - South Korea (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - West Bank (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Lebanon (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Indonesia (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Peru (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - United Arab Emirates (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Honduras (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Cote d'Ivoire (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Spain (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Jordan (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Netherlands (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Greece (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Japan (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Colombia (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Democratic Republic of the Congo (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Sweden (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Turkey (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Georgia (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Myanmar (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - New Zealand (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Germany (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - United Kingdom (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Norway (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Bahrain (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Canada (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Libya (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Sudan (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Nigeria (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - China (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Mexico (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Australia (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Iran (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Yemen (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Israel (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Afghanistan (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Country Detail - Syria (Material Conflict)

All Conflict Event s 2013

Change in Conflict Event s 2013 vs 2012

Conflict Act or Breakdown

Conflict Event Type Breakdown

All Event Type Breakdown

Mat erial Conflict Coverage Timeline

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Complete Country Ranking

The table below shows a complete ranking of all countries in 2013 compared with 2012. The "Change" column reports the increase or decrease in the total raw number of articles mentioning Material Conflict events in that country, while the "Coverage Volume" column displays the actual raw counts (2013 / 2012). Finally, the "Coverage Rank" column ranks each country based on the total raw volume of articles, with 1 being the country with the most articles, and displays its rank (2013 / 2012) and change from 2012 to 2013.

Count ry Egypt India Iraq Kenya Russia Bangladesh Mali Algeria Philippines North Korea Italy South Africa Malaysia South Sudan France Thailand Central African Republic Pakistan Sri Lanka Tunisia Somalia Congo Ukraine Ireland Singapore Bulgaria Cameroon Mozambique Nepal Austria Brazil Switzerland Chad Cambodia Cyprus Saudi Arabia Azerbaijan Zimbabwe Tanzania Taiwan Bolivia Panama Guinea Niger Cuba Poland Morocco Angola Kosovo Laos

Change +928788 +447651 +392622 +251991 +206110 +170894 +133906 +132418 +114601 +100168 +95224 +93550 +91108 +87435 +83017 +76173 +70890 +45342 +41021 +39387 +31285 +30266 +29681 +28087 +26017 +25971 +25379 +24135 +23514 +23231 +22503 +21232 +20279 +19560 +15859 +15572 +15359 +15025 +14033 +13883 +12222 +10596 +9920 +9270 +8761 +8526 +8269 +7757 +7197 +6125

Coverage Volume 1938999 / 1010211 1508467 / 1060816 1311897 / 919275 494465 / 242474 1055726 / 849616 388401 / 217507 310374 / 176468 200806 / 68388 419416 / 304815 232924 / 132756 439958 / 344734 502751 / 409201 233414 / 142306 121155 / 33720 868279 / 785262 281015 / 204842 92262 / 21372 1679558 / 1634216 165644 / 124623 181920 / 142533 371974 / 340689 78319 / 48053 112869 / 83188 235396 / 207309 83715 / 57698 81443 / 55472 38900 / 13521 33948 / 9813 95608 / 72094 63184 / 39953 121144 / 98641 119905 / 98673 45754 / 25475 83651 / 64091 39416 / 23557 233564 / 217992 68690 / 53331 111027 / 96002 37851 / 23818 60551 / 46668 29949 / 17727 29869 / 19273 24921 / 15001 31803 / 22533 105560 / 96799 79193 / 70667 59836 / 51567 23134 / 15377 16415 / 9218 12181 / 6056

Coverage Rank 3 / 10 (+7) 6 / 8 (+2) 8 / 12 (+4) 21 / 31 (+10) 10 / 13 (+3) 26 / 35 (+9) 29 / 42 (+13) 39 / 74 (+35) 23 / 29 (+6) 38 / 49 (+11) 22 / 26 (+4) 20 / 23 (+3) 37 / 45 (+8) 48 / 106 (+58) 12 / 16 (+4) 31 / 38 (+7) 60 / 130 (+70) 5 / 6 (+1) 44 / 52 (+8) 42 / 44 (+2) 27 / 27 (0) 68 / 89 (+21) 52 / 66 (+14) 35 / 37 (+2) 63 / 81 (+18) 65 / 83 (+18) 91 / 149 (+58) 97 / 161 (+64) 58 / 72 (+14) 77 / 97 (+20) 49 / 57 (+8) 50 / 56 (+6) 87 / 120 (+33) 64 / 78 (+14) 90 / 122 (+32) 36 / 34 (-2) 74 / 84 (+10) 53 / 61 (+8) 93 / 121 (+28) 78 / 91 (+13) 106 / 137 (+31) 107 / 133 (+26) 113 / 143 (+30) 102 / 124 (+22) 55 / 60 (+5) 67 / 73 (+6) 79 / 85 (+6) 119 / 142 (+23) 138 / 163 (+25) 150 / 177 (+27)

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Armenia Hong Kong Suriname Vietnam, Republic of Kyrgyzstan Zambia Latvia Albania Guyana Lithuania El Salvador Gabon Costa Rica Namibia Gambia Slovak Republic Western Sahara Benin Djibouti Madagascar Brunei Slovenia Montenegro Guatemala Turkmenistan Equatorial Guinea Luxembourg Bhutan Qatar Uruguay Moldova Romania Lesotho Estonia Monaco Portugal Nicaragua Togo Swaziland Chile Burkina Faso Oman Jamaica Botswana Burundi Macedonia Czech Republic Uganda Uzbekistan Dominican Republic Mongolia East Timor Finland Malawi Hungary Tajikistan Liberia

+5868 +5353 +4518 +3800 +3783 +3749 +3646 +3122 +2930 +2709 +2622 +2435 +2423 +2323 +2018 +1743 +1741 +1647 +1363 +1259 +1115 +1039 +1026 +1013 +508 +487 +457 +315 +288 +65 +27 -316 -866 -1152 -1391 -1524 -1686 -1725 -1841 -1964 -2161 -2369 -2473 -2889 -2984 -3093 -3167 -3270 -3356 -3467 -4028 -4147 -5441 -5725 -6137 -6152 -6988

72489 / 66621 33587 / 28234 5604 / 1086 129726 / 125926 19753 / 15970 43019 / 39270 8493 / 4847 19422 / 16300 11530 / 8600 12953 / 10244 17020 / 14398 5145 / 2710 14378 / 11955 17741 / 15418 12574 / 10556 9395 / 7652 2718 / 977 7882 / 6235 11967 / 10604 11464 / 10205 10294 / 9179 3842 / 2803 4019 / 2993 51362 / 50349 4863 / 4355 2258 / 1771 5970 / 5513 4617 / 4302 38170 / 37882 8223 / 8158 4094 / 4067 40572 / 40888 1470 / 2336 6539 / 7691 2133 / 3524 32019 / 33543 12695 / 14381 10507 / 12232 8394 / 10235 56045 / 58009 4619 / 6780 15766 / 18135 73491 / 75964 10628 / 13517 4797 / 7781 8203 / 11296 33998 / 37165 102764 / 106034 18559 / 21915 17991 / 21458 6324 / 10352 2858 / 7005 15996 / 21437 22622 / 28347 30707 / 36844 16402 / 22554 23099 / 30087

71 / 76 (+5) 98 / 117 (+19) 170 / 212 (+42) 47 / 50 (+3) 125 / 140 (+15) 88 / 99 (+11) 161 / 181 (+20) 128 / 139 (+11) 153 / 165 (+12) 147 / 158 (+11) 136 / 145 (+9) 171 / 196 (+25) 146 / 152 (+6) 133 / 141 (+8) 149 / 156 (+7) 159 / 169 (+10) 190 / 213 (+23) 166 / 176 (+10) 151 / 155 (+4) 154 / 160 (+6) 157 / 164 (+7) 183 / 194 (+11) 182 / 191 (+9) 86 / 87 (+1) 172 / 183 (+11) 193 / 208 (+15) 169 / 178 (+9) 175 / 184 (+9) 92 / 101 (+9) 163 / 166 (+3) 181 / 185 (+4) 89 / 96 (+7) 203 / 201 (-2) 167 / 168 (+1) 195 / 188 (-7) 101 / 107 (+6) 148 / 146 (-2) 156 / 151 (-5) 162 / 159 (-3) 84 / 80 (-4) 174 / 173 (-1) 141 / 136 (-5) 70 / 71 (+1) 155 / 150 (-5) 173 / 167 (-6) 164 / 153 (-11) 96 / 102 (+6) 56 / 55 (-1) 131 / 125 (-6) 132 / 128 (-4) 168 / 157 (-11) 188 / 171 (-17) 140 / 129 (-11) 121 / 116 (-5) 104 / 103 (-1) 139 / 123 (-16) 120 / 113 (-7)

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Croatia Argentina Paraguay Eritrea Sierra Leone Venezuela Guinea-Bissau Kazakhstan Haiti Serbia Mauritania Denmark Bosnia-Herzegovina Ghana Belgium Senegal Rwanda Belarus Belize Ecuador Ethiopia Kuwait Serbia Gaza Strip South Korea West Bank Lebanon Indonesia Peru United Arab Emirates Honduras Cote d'Ivoire Spain Jordan Netherlands Greece Japan Colombia Democratic Republic of the Congo Sweden Turkey Georgia Myanmar New Zealand Germany United Kingdom Norway Bahrain Canada Libya Sudan Nigeria China Mexico Australia Iran Yemen

-7233 -7585 -9069 -9845 -10105 -10306 -11146 -11376 -13323 -13583 -13678 -14378 -15217 -15703 -16711 -17149 -17256 -18113 -18414 -18864 -19906 -21106 -21583 -22173 -25045 -26639 -29199 -32527 -32785 -33723 -34033 -34284 -36470 -39589 -40265 -43180 -44611 -52139 -52282 -55877 -56565 -56923 -59941 -66279 -69712 -74274 -82609 -92197 -108388 -124305 -137166 -168023 -169426 -187352 -192494 -218614 -248240

19293 / 26526 76025 / 83610 8154 / 17223 9150 / 18995 19573 / 29678 101526 / 111832 2686 / 13832 20249 / 31625 34249 / 47572 17619 / 31202 20108 / 33786 25436 / 39814 15028 / 30245 81112 / 96815 59475 / 76186 28642 / 45791 67794 / 85050 32661 / 50774 11567 / 29981 19165 / 38029 56905 / 76811 57913 / 79019 23813 / 45396 37846 / 60019 187412 / 212457 71463 / 98102 390672 / 419871 243260 / 275787 54746 / 87531 84087 / 117810 33523 / 67556 30889 / 65173 193426 / 229896 130291 / 169880 93557 / 133822 178754 / 221934 262039 / 306650 84505 / 136644 29308 / 81590 69030 / 124907 519401 / 575966 30416 / 87339 133115 / 193056 118886 / 185165 299299 / 369011 1342945 / 1417219 59291 / 141900 106997 / 199194 621946 / 730334 504599 / 628904 259033 / 396199 624574 / 792597 847020 / 1016446 395889 / 583241 649033 / 841527 712007 / 930621 355041 / 603281

129 / 118 (-11) 69 / 65 (-4) 165 / 138 (-27) 160 / 134 (-26) 127 / 115 (-12) 57 / 54 (-3) 191 / 148 (-43) 123 / 108 (-15) 95 / 90 (-5) 134 / 110 (-24) 124 / 105 (-19) 111 / 98 (-13) 144 / 112 (-32) 66 / 59 (-7) 80 / 70 (-10) 109 / 92 (-17) 75 / 64 (-11) 100 / 86 (-14) 152 / 114 (-38) 130 / 100 (-30) 83 / 69 (-14) 82 / 68 (-14) 115 / 93 (-22) 94 / 79 (-15) 41 / 36 (-5) 72 / 58 (-14) 25 / 22 (-3) 34 / 30 (-4) 85 / 62 (-23) 62 / 53 (-9) 99 / 75 (-24) 103 / 77 (-26) 40 / 32 (-8) 46 / 43 (-3) 59 / 48 (-11) 43 / 33 (-10) 32 / 28 (-4) 61 / 47 (-14) 108 / 67 (-41) 73 / 51 (-22) 18 / 21 (+3) 105 / 63 (-42) 45 / 40 (-5) 51 / 41 (-10) 30 / 25 (-5) 7 / 7 (0) 81 / 46 (-35) 54 / 39 (-15) 17 / 17 (0) 19 / 18 (-1) 33 / 24 (-9) 16 / 15 (-1) 13 / 9 (-4) 24 / 20 (-4) 15 / 14 (-1) 14 / 11 (-3) 28 / 19 (-9)

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

Israel Afghanistan Syria

-786308 -1003311 -1680231

1111779 / 1898087 978115 / 1981426 2190384 / 3870615

9 / 5 (-4) 11 / 4 (-7) 2 / 2 (0)

G DELT G lo b al Material Co nflic t Trend Rep o rt: 2013 http ://g d elt.utd allas .ed u

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