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Elapsed Time T-Charts

1 1:25 mins 1. Jamie put a pizza in the oven at 1:25. It cooked for
1:30 5 30 minutes. What time was it when the pizza was
1:35 10 ready to eat?
1:40 15
1:45 20 The student draws a t-chart. At the top on the left side
1:50 25 write the start time-1:25. On the top at the other side
1:55 30 write min. Now, in between the two draw an arrow
pointing up to show that we are counting up. Next,
make several horizontal lines going down the t-chart.
Under "min." write 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30. On the other
side, under 1:25, count up the time until it is on the
same line as "30." The left side should say 1:30, 1:35,
1:40, 1:45, 1:50, 1:55. The answer is 1:55 and I have
the kids circle it.

2 4:10 mins 2. Kyle's soccer practice started at 4:10 and lasted

4:15 5 until 4:40. How long did soccer practice last?
4:20 10
4:25 15 The student draws a t-chart. At the top on the left side
4:30 20 write the start time-4:10. On the top at the other side
write min. Now, in between the two draw an arrow
4:35 25
pointing up to show that we are counting up. Next,
4:40 30 make several horizontal lines going down the t-chart.
Under the start time count up at five minute intervals
until it shows 4:40. Under min. count up by fives until
you are on the same line as 4:40 and there you have
how much time has passed! (30 min.)

3 2:20 hours 3:20 mins

3:20 1 3:25 5
3:30 10

3. Tamia went to the mall at 2:20 and shopped for one hour and 10 minutes. What time was it when
Tamia left the mall?

This time you will complete two t-charts, one for the hours and the other for minutes. Do the hour chart
first. The student draws a t-chart. On top of the left side write 2:20. On the top of the right side write
hours. Don't forget the arrow pointing up! Now make several horizontal lines and label the first
underneath hours with 1. Now move 2:20 to 3:20. The next thing to do is create the minutes t-chart and
use 3:20 as the start time.

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