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differx’s report °#001

1. The toxic Source

loss in metal-reducing activity

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written in _ynamic engine: the evolution of the plow bacteria

toxic engine is
is actively maintained, is
is developed and is
is extended.

toxic engine. (rep.)

# 1-18 of 95 for a rapid “here we are”:

-- in the water as they are on the field

-- over 10.000 years
-- affect wide range of soils
-- from upland positions to depressions
-- before reaching full-bloom
-- mind control of plant-parasitic nematodes
-- national research chemical council
-- u.s. committee for mind control
-- in 1968: the vapor phase: started
-- early months /all the waters on earth/ poisoned
-- secret report on tennis opponents
-- stream of flaming liquid
-- to facilitate rapid ignition
-- hollywood knew the s.t. (sad truth) (so said)
-- designed for use with your fork truck
-- pilots 'completely incapacitated' by toxic engine fumes
-- the balanced blades do their work
-- homeland security, plane cabins,

position on: number 10 (last one) (the “no gain” switch)

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