Beneath Apple DOS, by Don Worth and Pieter Lechner

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Beneath Apple DOS Reneath Apple DOS QUALITY Beneath Apple Dos = SSF Ware uaury 'h and Pieter Lechner SOFTWARE ® a 2 © 3 a a = 2 2 a 3 3 a 3 3 3 '821712WGL10WORTS Beneath Apple DOS Fourth Printing. May 1982 By Don Worth and Pieter Lechner A product of QUALITY SOFTWARE 6660 Reseda Blvd. Suite 105 Reseda, CA 91335 Ad. We Fachhochschulbibliothek Niederrhein Abt. I cladbach are ty Software shall have no liability or responsibility to the purchaser ony Ser person oreny wan respect am loss or damage caused or allegedto be caused directly or by this manual ots use, inckiding but not limited to any interrup- tion in service, loss of business and anticipatory profits or ‘consequential damages resulting trom the use of this product COPYRIGHT ©1981 BY QUALITY SOFTWARE This manual is published and copyrighted by Quality Software. All rights are reserved by Quality Software. Copying, duplicating felling or otherwise distributing this product's hereby expressly forbidden except by prior written consent of Quality Software ‘The word APPLE and the Apple logo are registered trademarks of APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ‘APPLE COMPUTER, INC. was not in any way involved in the waiting oF other preparation of this manual, nor were the facts [resented here reviewed for accuracy by that company. Use of the fintm APPLE should not be construed to represent any endorse ‘ment, official or otherwise, by APPLE COMPUTER, INC. Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapt Chapter TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION THE EVOLUTION OF DOS bos 3 0s 31 0s 32 0s 321 pos 33 DISKETTE FORMATTING TRACKS AND SECTORS TRACK FORMATTING DATA FIELD ENCODING SECTOR INTERLEAVING DISKETTE ORGANIZATION DISKETTE SPACE ALLOCATION THE vTOC THE CATALOG \ THE TRACK/SECTOR LST TEXT FILES. BINARY FILES APPLESOFT AND INTEGER FILES OTHER FILE TYPES EMERGENCY REPAIRS. THE STRUCTURE OF DOS 00S MEMORY USE THE DOS VECTORS IN PAGE 3 WHAT HAPPENS DURING BOOTING USING DOS FROM ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE DIRECT USE OF THE DISK ORIVE CALLING READIWRITE TRACK/SECTOR (RWTS) RWTS 108 BY CALL TYPE CALLING THE DOS FILE MANAGER FILE MANAGER PARAMETER LIST BY CALL TYPE THE FILE MANAGER WORK AREA COMMON ALGORITHMS ) eel TABLE OF CONTENTS CUSTOMIZING DOS SLAVE VS. MASTER PATCHING [AVOIDING RELOAD OF LANGUAGE CARD INSERTING A PROGRAM BETWEEN OOS ANO ITS BUFFERS BRUN OR EXEC A HELLO FILE REMOVING THE PAUSE QURING A LONG CATALOG. Chapters DOS PROGRAM LOGIC ‘CONTROLLER CARD ROM — BOOT 0 FIRST RAM BOOTSTRAP LOADER — BOOT 1 (00S 33 MAIN ROUTINES 00S FILE MANAGER READ/WRITE TRACK/SECTOR DOS ZERO PAGE USE Appendix A EXAMPLE PROGRAMS. TRACK DUMP PROGRAM DISK UPDATE PROGRAM REFORMAT A SINGLE TRACK PROGRAM FIND TRACK/SECTOR LISTS PROGRAM BINARY TO TEXT FILE CONVERT PROGRAM Appendix B DISK PROTECTION SCHEMES Appendix c GLOSSARY

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