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Population Pyramids on The Internet

India and the UK compared

Open a new Word (or similar) document and save it as ‘Pop Pyramids’

Add a Header and Footer. Type in your name and teacher’s name.

At the top of your Word document, type in the following title : India’s Population
Pyramid - 2009

Press CTRL and click on the following link to open up a web-site which lets you
choose population pyramids

Hint: By pressing Alt and Tab together you can quickly swap between this worksheet, the web-site
and your Word document

On the web-site, choose India as a country and the year 2009 and click on
Submit. Click on the Population Pyramids tab that appears at the top.

Right-click on the Population Pyramid for India 2009 and ‘Copy’ it and then
‘Paste’ it into your new Word document. If the bars do not copy save it somewhere first
and then insert that image.

Click underneath the pyramid. Now write the title: UK Population Pyramid - 2009

On the web-site, click the ‘Back’ arrow at the top


Now repeat steps to , but choose the United Kingdom instead.

9 5 6
Make sure both your pyramids fit on just one page. You may need to resize them, but
keep them as large as possible. Now do step below …

Copy each of the 12 green labels below, one by one, and paste them in your
new document. Move them to where you think each one should go.
Hint: You could change the view size of your Word document to 50% to make this

Short Life
Expectancy High Birth Rate
Wide Middle

Women have longer

High Death Rate life expectancy More Narrow Base

Steep Sides
Low Death Rate
Wide Middle
Wide Base Narrow Top

Taller top (up to 100+)

Now choose two yellow labels to go under each of your population pyramids.

MEDC (More Economically Developed Country) Population grows quickly

Population grows slowly LEDC (Less Economically Developed Country)

Check all of your labels to see that you are happy with where they belong.
Click on the print preview button and show your teacher your work
before printing.

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