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All grades not to book on for duties starting from 21:00 hours on Tuesday 4th of Feb until 20:59

on Thursday 6th of Feb and not to book on for duties starting 21:00 hours on Tuesday 11th of Feb 2014 until 20:59 on Thursday 13th of Feb

Pension Threat
$ *any super isors in the +obs cuts reshu,e will loose up to -./! pa after 0 years protected earnings $ 1ew station assistants will be hired on -22! pa $ %ll 2fL sta) Pensions time bomb ready to explode face ha ing their pensions fro3en Our pension is one of the most sought after pensions at 2(.4 le els $ 1ew direct recruit dri ers in the UK but LU sees our may be non$pensionable pension plan as an $ '(( engineers ta!en o) unnecessary expense. the payroll Remember, LU contributes $ 2'(( old LU +obs now 6.2 times to the fund what transferred to the pri ate e ery employee sector contributes. $ Life expectancy means more pensioners li e longer Our pension is in good health but recent changes Each of these is tens of to the law ma!e it millions of pounds cut impossible for trustees to from the pension pot. The protect a failing pension. RMT know that a fight to "e now ha e to seriously save jobs is also a fight to as! oursel es, is LU safeguard our pension. deliberately trying to undermine it# 5ensions funds are simple enough to understand6 Contributions cut money comes in from the $ % planned cut to &'( wor!ers and the employers7 stations sta) the more wor!ers we ha e $ *any of these &'( will the more money in the ta!e early retirement

fund for our retirement. 8f you want to preser e our pension then help us defend +obs. "e cant a)ord not too. "hen it comes to our pension we are all in it together.

Stop Press
Strike Times6 2he times for action ha e changed following member feedbac! 9 see the new times at the top of this newsletter. Fit for the Future Trains6 % secret meeting of all 2O*s was held recently 9 they are loo!ing at our grade already. Lets not sit and wait for the :ght to come to us, we must ta!e it to them right now. Loo! at the de astation planned for stations. TSSA Ballot: Results come bac! on the 2;th of <anuary = as this newsletter is published>. "e expect a yes ote, and hope to be ta!ing action alongside our 2??% comrades and any others who wish to +oin us.

Re-deployment safety net affected by job cuts!

you to on igger groups meaning you won't know where you will e working from one day to the ne&t! $o add insult, literally, to your in%ury, you are going to e facing more and more angry passengers in the new world as there will e fewer station staff dealing with pro lems that used to e dealt with at ticket offices! $he same goes for anyone who is unlucky enough to have a run of SPADs or other incidents! Similarly the company has already admitted that their plans will have a negative impact on disa led staff! 'ith the increasing pressures of driving trains more and more drivers are ecoming unfit to continue in the driving role! In the new world there'll e less and less medically restricted posts availa le meaning that the P() will e the more likely outcome rather than continuing your career! All of this for considera ly less money than station*s grades currently get+ Some claim they can*t afford to take ( days strike action! Could you afford to live on ,--k PA. If you can guarantee not making mistakes or getting ill till you retire then don't worry a out any of these cuts; they won't affect you!

Scab Arm
LUL seems to thin! they can run the tube with an army of scabs with +ust a few hours training. *any will be managers. Hut if these people are on the gatelines, who will be CmanagingC the system# Hob Irow said JK2he idea a scab army of olunteers can replace the wor! of thousands of engineers, dri ers, technical and station sta) is dangerous nonsense and senior LU oLcials !now that.M

it'll be like walking on a tightrope without a safety net to catch you

If you are one of the many drivers who faces a CDI, has too many SPADs or operational incidents for management's liking; or has the misfortune to ecome too ill, through no fault of your own, to continue to drive trains, then may e you should care! "#" are looking to reduce costs! it is going to ecome less likely that a reduction in grade will e the outcome of a CDI! $his has always een the safety net for drivers! If you are one of lucky ones that escapes with a station %o you could e stuck anywhere, working rough shifts; there will also e less posts to redeploy

Sta! Pass
Remember 9 donCt use it on a stri!e dayN

@et in touch
8f you ha e Auestions or suggestions there are lots of ways to get in touch. Industrial Functional reps: Bean OCDanlon 9 (;&'6 04220' "ill Reid $ (;&/0 &'/ 42& Eaughan 2homas $ (;;2( 2&;6'; Health & Safet Functional reps: <im *cBaid $ (;&.; .0.6&2 1igel Fi ers $ (;&6. .4.&24 @ary Git3patric! $ (;;&( .0'..2

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