Resolution Number 206

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Resolution Number 206 Gun Buyback Program for City of St. Louis W !R!"S , the City of St.

Louis has a public health and safety interest in reducing homicides, suicides and accidental deaths and injuries arising from the improper use of guns; and W !R!"S , the City of St. Louis has a history of hosting gun buyback programs in partnership with the St. Louis Metropolitan Police epartment; and W !R!"S , the City of St. Louis !oard of "ldermen belie#es that gun buyback programs should be an a#ailable option, or tool, a#ailable to the City administration for part of broader crime reduction, suicide pre#ention and accidental gun injury pre#ention strategies; and W !R!"S , in passing $SMo %&'.()&, the Missouri State Legislature prohibits gun buyback programs in the State of Missouri unless *the county, municipality, or go#ernmental body has adopted a resolution, ordinance, or rule authori+ing the participation of the county, municipality, or go#ernmental body, in such a program, under $SMo %&'.()&-'.; and W !R!"S , $SMo %&'.()&-/. *pro#ides that any firearm recei#ed shall be offered for sale or trade to a licensed firearms dealer. 0he proceeds from any sale or gains from trade shall be the property of the county, municipality, or go#ernmental body. "ny proceeds collected under this subdi#ision shall be deposited with the municipality, county, or go#ernmental body unless the proceeds are collected by a sheriff, in which case the proceeds shall be deposited in the county sheriff1s re#ol#ing fund under section %(.%2%. "ny firearm remaining in the possession of the county, municipality, or go#ernmental body after the firearm has been offered for sale or trade to at least two licensed firearms dealers, may be destroyed,; and W !R!"S , continuing efforts to offer programs to gun owners to facilitate #oluntary remo#al of firearms from households in the City of St. Louis is a priority of this body. N#W $ !R!%#R! B! &$ R!S#L'!( by the !oard of "ldermen of the City of St. Louis that we comply with $SMo %&'.()& by passing this resolution authori+ing the participation of the City of St. Louis in gun buyback programs, thereby making gun buyback programs legal in the City of St. Louis. 3ntroduced on the 2(th day of 4anuary, /('5 by6 onorable Le)is !. Ree*+ Presi*ent of St. Louis City Boar* of "l*ermen "dopted this 2(th day of 4anuary, /('5 as attested by6 77777777777777777777777 a#id 8. Sweeney Clerk, !oard of "ldermen 7777777777777777777777 Lewis 9. $eed President, !oard of "ldermen

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