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All operational fleet maintenance grades are not to book on for any duty from 18:30 hours on Tuesday

4th of feb until 18:29 on Thursday th feb and the same times for the period of Tuesday 11th feb until 13th feb!

They are coming for Stations today tomorrow it will be Fleet

are being told we will ha$e to lose jobs to pa# for this5 Total of 64 jobs to go across ,. 7!!L Fleet% this will include things li"e e*tending fre+uenc# of Train 0reps and us e*cepting maintenance inter$als to be e*tending. 8hen as"ed the direct +uestion of details on these and other items% none has been forth coming. /n total o$er 9:: ;obs across all of the former (etronet area. -nd LU ha$e stated this isnt our Fit for Future 1ngineering7Fleet this is just to pa# for passes and pensions. ;ust loo"ing at the amount of job losses the# are loo"ing at wa# out weights the amount the# are as"ing in sa$ings.

The RMT has called out all grades in every function across the combine to stop LUs plans for job losses because of TfLs budget cuts of 4. billion imposed on LU. These cut !ill a"ect #leet $ta" as !ell as every other grade on LU. The current dispute isnt just about stations This Fit for Future is a model that LU will use to force through changes in all areas. Offering ! for luc"# few and then ma"ing e$er#one else appl# for what jobs are left% but importantl# &OT necessaril# #our current job% &OT at #our current 'epot% &OT on #our current shift and certainl# &OT on #our current salar#.

No Secret (anagement ma"e no secret that with the ! !toc"% the# want all but a few staff on ) shifts to carr# out the maintenance which the# are alread# loo"ing to e*tend the fre+uenc# be#ond that stated b# ,ombardier. -t the same time the .entral Line has been loc"ed into length discussions on this $er# point. /f Fit for Future Fleet comes in% #ou dont need to be told what the plans will be. TUPE -dditionall# in recent wee"s ,. and !!L ha$e been brought into the discussions regarding Tubeline staff being TU01d bac" into LU and getting passes and pensions ,UT this is going cost appro*imatel# 234m% again we

Tip %f The &ceburg The other reason we "now that Fit for Future Fleet is in the bac"ground% is that LU ha$e stated in meetings that Fit for future !tations is onl# <= of the sa$ings TfL are sa#ing ha$e been forced onto them b# the >o$ernment !o as" #ourself whos pa#ing the other ?9=@

Keep upto date at and www.rmtlondoncallin .or .uk/ejm

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