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TASK: Devise and create a storyboard for a specified scene of a film, trailer or TV programme in a genre of your choice.

You should use this piece of work to show your understanding and knowledge of genre, audience and

narrative (ie. key concepts).

You should also submit:

An online research portfolio containing evidence of the research you have done (e.g. links to web pages, summaries or copies of pages from books and/or magazines, copies of audience surveys with a summary of your findings and analysis/conclusions, notes made when analysing media texts). Use A short (no more than 500 words) pre-production report outlining the research and planning you undertook for your storyboard. This report should include the following: an outline of your approach to the task;

details of any research undertaken; a brief overview of your target audience; an explanation of your intended audience was targeted. N.B. Your research portfolio is submitted as evidence of the range and depth of research you have carried out. It will not be sent off to the examiner however it will be assessed by your teachers when awarding marks. The pre-production report is preparation for your formally assessed and submitted evaluation, to be written after you have completed your production piece. It will not be formally marked at this stage.

Aim for 12-18 shots as a basic length. You should draw or photograph each shot individually, making

sure it is easy to read (i.e. to figure out whats going on) and is sufficiently detailed. Beside each shot you should note down the following: the camera angle used and any editing taking place between shots (fade, cut, zoom, wipe etc.); sound information, including dialogue, music and sound effects; information on mise-en-scene, visual codes, lighting etc. (link this to genre); a note re: the intended effect of the shot on the audience (what emotion does it evoke? What information does it communicate and how?) as well as any relevant information about how the narrative structure of your scene overall. Dont forget to use your terminology!

AO3: Demonstrate the ability to plan and construct media products using appropriate technical and

creative skills

AO4 Demonstrate the ability to undertake, apply and present appropriate research
You will be assessed on the following: Audience research how much have you done and how many sources can you identify as having used? The more sources you use the higher mark you receive, but remember to keep it focused.
Structure and organisation how well have you organised, analysed and evaluated your research? You

should try to not only demonstrate how much you know about audiences but also that you understand how texts are targeted at them. In other words, how are you applying the information that you gather through research when constructing your storyboard? Show that you understand how your piece communicates with its audience by making the way you address them (through text or image) appropriate. This doesnt just have to take place in the report it should be obvious from looking at your finished piece.
The English-y Stuff Make sure your ideas are expressed clearly and your meaning is not obscured by

poor grammar or spelling. You will be assessed on spelling, punctuation and grammar, so proofread your work carefully and try to make as few errors as possible.
The storyboard itself Your storyboard should demonstrate your skill with the technology you are using

and understanding of the task and research undertaken. It should show that you understand the purpose of the task and should (as already covered in structure and organisation) demonstrate that you understand the link between a text and its audience, showing this through, for example, mode of address. Again, the focus is on genre and narrative codes and conventions, so your storyboard should demonstrate a good understanding of these. Try to be original or innovative with your ideas.

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