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Bibliography of Recommended Books relating to Nichiren Buddhism

Applying Buddhism in Daily Life:

• Causton, Richard. The Buddha in Daily Life: An Introduction to the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin.
3rd ed. London: Rider, 1995
• Hochswender, Woody, et al. The Buddha in Your Mirror: Practical Buddhism and the Search for Self.
Santa Monica: Middleway, 2001
• Ikeda, Daisaku. The Way of Youth: Buddhist Common Sense for Handling Life's Questions. Santa
Monica: Middleway, 2000.
• Ikeda, Daisaku. Faith Into Action. Santa Monica: World Tribune, 1999.

Buddhism & Peace:

• Ikeda, Daisaku, and David Krieger. Choose Hope: Your Role in Waging Peace in a Nuclear Age. Santa
Monica: Middleway, 2002.
• Ikeda, Daisaku. The World is Yours to Change. Tokyo: Asahi, 2002
• Ikeda, Daisaku. For the Sake of Peace: Seven Paths to Global Harmony--A Buddhist Perspective. Santa
Monica: Middleway, 2000.
• Ikeda, Daisaku, and Johan Galtung. Choose Peace: A Dialogue Between Johan Galtung and Daisaku
Ikeda. London: Pluto, 1995.
• Ikeda, Daisaku, and Bryan Wilson Human Values in a Changing World. Secaucus, NJ: Lyle Stuart,
• Ikeda, Daisaku, and Arnold Toynbee Choose Life: A Dialogue Between Arnold Toynbee and Daisaku
Ikeda. London: Oxford UP, 1976.
• Ikeda, Daisaku, and Aurelio Peccei. Before It's Too Late. Tokyo: Kodansha, 1984.
• Ikeda, Daisaku, and Rene Hughe. Dawn After Dark. New York: Weatherhill, 1991.

Buddhism & Education:

• Makiguchi, Tsunesaburo. Education for Creative Living. Dayle M. Bethel, ed. Trans. Alfred
Birnbaum. Ames: Iowa State UP, 1989.
• Ikeda, Daisaku. Soka Education. Santa Monica: Middleway, 2001.
• Bethel, Dayle M. Makiguchi the Value Creator. New York: Weatherhill, 1994.

Buddhism & Science:

• Ikeda, Daisaku. Life: An Enigma, A Precious Jewel. Tokyo: Kodansha, 1982.

• Ikeda, Daisaku, et al. Buddhism and the Cosmos. London: MacDonald, 1985.
• Ikeda, Daisaku, and Chandra Wickramasinghe. Space and Eternal Life. London: Journeyman, 1998.

History of Buddhism:

• Ikeda, Daisaku. Living Buddha: An Interpretive Biography of Shakyamuni. New York: Weatherhill,
• Ikeda, Daisaku. Buddhism: The First Millenium. New York: Weatherhill, 1977.
• Ikeda, Daisaku. The Flower of Chinese Buddhism. New York: Weatherhill, 1997.

History of the SGI:

• Ikeda, Daisaku. The Human Revolution: History of the Soka Gakkai in Japan. 6 vols. New York:
Weatherhill, 2000
• Ikeda, Daisaku. A Youthful Diary: One Man's Journey from the Beginning of Faith to Worldwide
Leadership for Peace. Santa Monica: World Tribune, 2000.
• Ikeda, Daisaku. The New Human Revolution: History of the SGI. 7 vols. Santa Monica: World
Tribune Press, 1995-2002.

Core Texts of Nichiren Buddhism:

• Soka Gakkai Gosho Translation Committee, ed., trans. The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin. Tokyo:
Soka Gakkai, 1999.
• Watson, Burton, trans. The Lotus Sutra. New York: Columbia UP, 1993.

Study Material on Nichiren Buddhism:

• Ikeda, Daisaku, and Katsuji Saito. "The World of Nichiren Daishonin's Writings". From Today
Onward. #179,180,181+ (2002) Toronto: SGI-Canada.
• Ikeda, Daisaku, et al. The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra. 6 vols. Santa Monica: World Tribute, 2000-

Research on the SGI:

• Metraux, Daniel Alfred. The Lotus and the Maple Leaf: The SGI Movement in Canada. Lanham, MD:
University Press of America, 1996.
• Machacek, David W., and Bryan R. Wilson. Global Citizens: The Soka Gakkai Movement in the
World.. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000.

Copyright © 2000-2002 Soka Gakkai International Association of Canada (SGI-Canada). All rights reserved.

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