Cycling Study January 2014

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8lke Lanes + 8lke Share rogram =

8lke SafeLy

An CbservaLlonal SLudy of 8lklng 8ehavlor
ln Lower and CenLral ManhaLLan

ConducLed by SLudenLs aL PunLer College,
1he ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork
!anuary, 2014

rlnclpal lnvesLlgaLors:
eLer 1uckel, ueparLmenL of Soclology
PunLer College
Wllllam Mllczarskl, ueparLmenL of urban
Affalrs & lannlng
PunLer College

noLe: 8oLh auLhors made an equal conLrlbuLlon Lo Lhls sLudy.
uurlng Lhe lasL decade clLles and Lowns across Lhe counLry have underLaken
ma[or lnlLlaLlves Lo promoLe cycllng. new ?ork ClLy, whlch boasLs Lhe largesL
number of cycllsLs for any clLy ln Lhe counLry, has been ln Lhe vanguard of
Lhls movemenL Lo encourage cycllng. As of March of Lhls year, Lhe clLy had
lnsLalled 373 mlles of blke lanes - 200 of whlch were lnsLalled ln [usL Lhe lasL
Lhree years alone (new ?ork ClLy ueparLmenL of 1ransporLaLlon, 2013). And
on Memorlal uay, May 27
, Lhe clLy lnauguraLed Lhe largesL blke-share
program ln Lhe naLlon wlLh 6,000 blkes locaLed aL 330 docklng sLaLlons. 1he
clLy plans Lo expand Lhls program Lo evenLually lnclude 10,000 blkes aL 600
docklng sLaLlons (Wall SLreeL !ournal, May 4, 2013).
1here are several reasons why clLy offlclals are embraclng cycllng as an
alLernaLlve means of LransporLaLlon. 1hey vlew cycllng as a way Lo allevlaLe
Lrafflc congesLlon, Lo reduce boLh alr and nolse polluLlon, and Lo encourage a
Lype of physlcal acLlvlLy wlLh mulLlple healLh beneflLs.
?eL desplLe Lhese laudable ob[ecLlves, Lhe lnlLlaLlves Lo promoLe cycllng ln
Lhe clLy have meL wlLh sLlff reslsLance on Lhe parL of some new ?orkers
(Coodman, november 22, 2010). MoLorlsLs, for example, complaln LhaL Loo
much sLreeL space ls belng allocaLed Lo cycllsLs, Lhus maklng sLreeLs even
more Lreacherous on whlch Lo drlve. 1hey also lamenL Lhe ellmlnaLlon of
parklng spaces because of Lhe lnsLallaLlon of blke lanes and blke-share
arL of Lhe opposlLlon Lo pro-cycllng lnlLlaLlves ls rooLed ln a percepLlon LhaL
some cycllsLs have a holler-Lhan-Lhou aLLlLude Loward oLher road users,
show conLempL for Lhe rules of Lhe road, and pose a danger Lo drlvers,
pedesLrlans, and Lhemselves (Coodman, SepLember 18, 2010, Cassldy,
March 8, 2011, Walsh, !uly 3, 2012). Accordlng Lo Lhls vlew, a number of
cycllsLs run red llghLs, Lraverse Lhe wrong way down sLreeLs, rlde on
sldewalks, are dlsLracLed because of Lhe use of elecLronlc devlces and, wlLh
regard Lo Lhelr own personal safeLy, don'L boLher wearlng helmeLs.
Added Lo Lhese moLorlsLs' lamenLs and negaLlve percepLlons of cycllsLs are
Lhe safeLy concerns ralsed by some crlLlcs of Lhe clLy's newly-launched blke-
share program. 1hese crlLlcs conLend LhaL Lhe program wlll lead Lo a
subsLanLlal lncrease ln cycllng-relaLed ln[urles. Cne supporLer of Lhls vlew ls
!ohn ucher, a professor aL 8uLgers unlverslLy and co-auLhor of Lhe book
ClLy Cycllng." Accordlng Lo rofessor ucher, SafeLy concerns abouL ClLl
8lke sLem from frequenLly blocked blke lanes, poor sLreeL condlLlons,
lnexperlenced blcycllsLs, lax enforcemenL of Lrafflc regulaLlons, and Lhe
lnevlLablllLy LhaL some users wlll rlde on sldewalks" (Llu, !une 23, 2012).
uesplLe Lhe sharply dlvergenL vlewpolnLs expressed by pro and anLl-cycllng
advocaLes, scanL aLLenLlon has been pald Lo Lhe behavlor of urban cycllsLs.
LlLLle lnqulry has been dlrecLed aL Lhe exLenL Lo whlch cycllsLs adhere Lo
Lrafflc laws, use elecLronlc devlces whlch mlghL reduce Lhelr concenLraLlon,
or wear helmeLs as a proLecLlve measure. lurLhermore, slnce Lhe lncepLlon
of Lhe blke-share program ln Lhe clLy, no research (of whlch Lhe auLhors of
Lhe presenL sLudy are aware) has been carrled ouL proflllng ClLl 8lke cycllsLs
or examlnlng Lhelr rldlng behavlor paLLerns. Pow does Lhelr proflle dlffer, lf
aL all, from cycllsLs who are noL blke-share rlders? And how does Lhelr rldlng
behavlor compare Lo oLher cycllsLs ln Lhe clLy?

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Cne sLudy whlch dld address Lhe rldlng behavlor of cycllsLs was conducLed by
Lhe auLhors of Lhls currenL sLudy (1uckel, Mllczarskl, 2009). 1hls prevlous
research, carrled ouL four and one-half years ago, was based on observlng
boLh Lhe Lype of cycllsLs and Lhelr rldlng paLLerns ln mld-ManhaLLan.

A key flndlng whlch emerged from Lhls earller sLudy was a noLlceable sex
dlsparlLy ln rldershlp. 1he overwhelmlng ma[orlLy of rlders (91) were male.
WlLh respecL Lo obeylng Lrafflc laws, Lhe sLudy uncovered Lhe followlng: (1)
approxlmaLely Lwo-flfLhs of cycllsLs (41) dld noL sLop aL all aL a Lrafflc llghL,
(2) among cycllsLs observed aL a sLreeL wlLh a blke lane, almosL one-Lhlrd
(33) rode [usL on Lhe sLreeL lnsLead of Lhe blke lane, and (3) abouL 13
percenL of cycllsLs were observed rldlng agalnsL Lrafflc. ln Lerms of helmeL
use, less Lhan a Lhlrd of rlders were observed wearlng helmeLs. 1hls lasL-
menLloned flgure varled conslderably by Lype of rlder. lemale cycllsLs were
far more llkely Lo wear a helmeL (31) Lhan elLher male
recreaLlonal/commuLer cycllsLs (32) or male commerclal cycllsLs (24).
1he sLudy also revealed LhaL approxlmaLely 9 percenL of all rlders used an
elecLronlc devlce such as a cell phone or muslc player. llnally, lL was noLed
LhaL approxlmaLely one-Lhlrd (32) percenL of commerclal cycllsLs dlsplayed
company ldenLlflcaLlon on Lhelr aLLlre or blkes.
A prlnclpal ob[ecLlve of Lhe presenL sLudy ls Lo ldenLlfy whaL changes, lf any,
have occurred ln boLh Lhe composlLlon and rldlng behavlor of cycllsLs over
Lhe course of Lhe lasL four and one-half years. uurlng Lhls Llme span Lhe
number of cycllsLs ln new ?ork ClLy has conLlnued Lo rlse. llgures provlded
by Lhe new ?ork ClLy ueparLmenL of 1ransporLaLlon show LhaL Lhe number
of cycllsLs enLerlng and leavlng ManhaLLan grew from 28,300 Lo 32,200 ln
[usL Lhe Lhree years from 2009 Lo 2012 (new ?ork ClLy ueparLmenL of
1ransporLaLlon). lurLhermore, as menLloned above, Lhere has been a large-
scale expanslon ln Lhe number of blke lanes. And, of course, Lhe
lnauguraLlon of Lhe blke-share program has added 6,000 more blkes Lo Lhe
clLy's roadways. 8oLh Lhe upsurge ln Lhe number of cycllsLs and Lhe
expanslon of Lhe blklng lnfrasLrucLure may have had an lmpacL on Lhe
composlLlon of cycllsLs and Lhelr rldlng behavlor.
A second ma[or ob[ecLlve of Lhe currenL sLudy ls Lo compare Lhe rldlng
behavlor of ClLl 8lke cycllsLs wlLh Lhelr cycllng counLerparLs who are noL blke-
share parLlclpanLs. Cf paramounL lmporLance ls Lo deLermlne wheLher Lhey
are more or less llkely Lhan oLher cycllsLs Lo obey Lhe clLy's Lrafflc laws?

1he resulLs of Lhls sLudy are based upon observaLlons of 4,316 blcycllsLs aL 98
dlfferenL locaLlons ln new ?ork ClLy. 1he lnLersecLlons were chosen from all
lnLersecLlons spannlng Lhe area from Lhe souLhern Llp of ManhaLLan up Lo
86Lh SLreeL (souLh Lo norLh) and bounded from easL Lo wesL by Lhe LasL 8lver
and Lhe Pudson 8lver. 1hls area consLlLuLes a broad swaLh of ManhaLLan
and comprlses whaL can be LhoughL of as lower ManhaLLan and a large
porLlon of cenLral ManhaLLan.
1he lnLersecLlons were randomly selecLed from four dlfferenL sLraLa
encompassed wlLhln Lhls area. 1he four sLraLa conslsLed of: (1)
sLreeLs/avenues wlLhouL any blke lane, (2) sLreeLs/avenues wlLh an
unproLecLed blke lane, (3) sLreeLs/avenues wlLh a proLecLed blke lane, and
(4) blkeways runnlng alongslde Lhe LasL 8lver and Lhe Pudson 8lver.
All observaLlons were carrled ouL by PunLer College sLudenLs enrolled ln one
of Lhree dlfferenL courses.
Cne of Lhe courses was a graduaLe-level course
offered ln Lhe ueparLmenL of urban Affalrs & lannlng (urban uaLa Analysls
- Lwo separaLe secLlons). 1he oLher Lwo were undergraduaLe-level courses
offered ln Lhe ueparLmenL of Soclology (Lwo secLlons of lnLroducLlon Lo
8esearch MeLhods and an lndependenL SLudles course). LxcepLlng Lhe
lndependenL SLudles course whlch was offered ln Lhe Summer of 2013, Lhe
oLher Lhree courses were offered ln Lhe lall semesLer of 2013.
SLudenLs were glven sLrlcL meLhodologlcal guldellnes ln carrylng ouL Lhelr
observaLlons. lmporLanLly, sLudenLs had Lo choose cycllsLs Lhey observed aL
a glven locaLlon on a random basls wlLhouL employlng sub[ecLlve crlLerla and
Lhey had Lo remaln as lnconsplcuous as posslble.
SLudenLs were asslgned Lo conducL observaLlons aL Lwo randomly-selecLed
locaLlons wlLhln Lhe geographlc boundarles of Lhe sLudy.
All Lold, sLudenLs
gaLhered daLa aL 98 dlfferenL slLes. Lach slLe was vlslLed for a perlod of one
hour ln duraLlon. 1he hours were sLaggered across Lhe seven days of Lhe
week and ranged from 7:30 am Lo 8:30 pm.
SLudenLs were lnsLrucLed Lo record observaLlons for !"!#$ cycllsL who passed
Lhem by wlLhln each hour lnLerval wlLh a few excepLlons. 1he excepLlons
were as follows: llrsL, no more Lhan one observaLlon could be recorded by a
sLudenL wlLhln Lhe same mlnuLe of Llme.
Second, for cycllsLs rldlng ln
parallel fashlon, observaLlons were Lo be carrled ouL on Lhe cycllsL ln closesL
physlcal proxlmlLy Lo Lhe sLudenL. 1hlrd, no lnformaLlon was Lo be gaLhered
on Lhe same cycllsL more Lhan once. lourLh, no lnformaLlon was Lo be
gaLhered on any cycllsL who had an lnLlmldaLlng presence."
And flfLh, only
adulL cycllsLs (14 years of age or older) were Lo be observed.
1he above meLhodology was deslgned so LhaL lnLersecLlons LhaL had more
cycllsLs Lraverslng Lhem would have greaLer represenLaLlon ln Lhe sample.
1hus, Lhe sLudy ls based upon a self-welghLed sample of observaLlons.
WlLh respecL Lo blklng behavlor, sLudenLs gaLhered daLa on Lhe followlng
varlables: (1) sLopplng/pauslng aL a red llghL, (2) golng ln Lhe same dlrecLlon
as Lrafflc, (3) uslng Lhe deslgnaLed blke lane (lf appllcable), (4) use of a
helmeL, and (3) uslng a cell phone or oLher elecLronlc devlce whlle cycllng.
lor commerclal cycllsLs, lnformaLlon was also gaLhered on wheLher Lhey had
proper ldenLlflcaLlon.

ln addlLlon Lo Lhese varlables, sLudenLs collecLed Lhe followlng demographlc
lnformaLlon on each rlder: (1) hls/her sex and (2) wheLher he/she was a
commerclal cycllsL (e.g., a messenger cycllsL, food dellvery worker), a ClLl
8lke rlder, or a commuLer/recreaLlonal cycllsL who was noL a blke-share
Also, lnformaLlon abouL Lhe slLe of Lhe observaLlons was appended Lo each
record. SlLe aLLrlbuLes lncluded wheLher Lhe observaLlons were carrled ouL
on a sLreeL or avenue, Lhe number of vehlcular lanes of Lhe sLreeL/avenue,
wheLher Lhe sLreeL/avenue had a deslgnaLed unproLecLed or proLecLed blke
lane, and wheLher Lhe slLe was on a blkeway.
llnally, Lhe calendar daLe and
day of Lhe week on whlch observaLlons were conducLed were recorded.
All observaLlons were carrled ouL beLween !une 10 and november1, 2013.
SllghLly more Lhan one-quarLer of Lhe observaLlons were conducLed ln Lhe
monLhs from !une Lo AugusL and Lhe remalnder were carrled ouL ln Lhe
perlod from CcLober 7
Lhru november 1
, 2013.

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1he largesL segmenL of Lhe rlders observed were recreaLlonal or commuLer
cycllsLs who were noL ClLl 8lke rlders (36.2). ln Lhls sLudy, Lhls group shall
be referred Lo as general" cycllsLs. ClLl 8lke rlders consLlLuLed Lhe nexL
largesL segmenL of rlders (23.2) followed by dellvery rlders" (18.4), wlLh
Lhe remalnder (2.2) belng rlders whose sLaLus could noL be deLermlned.
As was Lhe case ln Lhe sLudy of cycllsLs ln mld-ManhaLLan conducLed four
and one-half years ago (1uckel and Mllczarskl, 2009), Lhere ls a slzable
dlsparlLy ln Lhe sex of Lhe rlders (78.0 male vs. 21.1 female).

Whlle Lhls dlsparlLy ls sLlll large, lL should be noLed LhaL Lhe gender gap"
among cycllsLs ln Lhe presenL sLudy ls conslderably narrower Lhan was found
ln Lhe earller sLudy. %&! (#)()#*+), )- -!./0! #+1!#2 /((!/#2 *) &/"! 1)340!1
+, *&! 0/2* -)3# /,1 ),!5&/0- $!/#26
1hls flndlng wlLh respecL Lo female rldershlp ln parL ls aLLrlbuLable Lo Lhe
dlfferenL geographlc areas covered by Lhe Lwo sLudles. 1he presenL analysls
lncludes Lhree areas LhaL were noL lncluded ln Lhe earller sLudy: Lhe area
from Lhe souLhern Llp of ManhaLLan Lo 14
SLreeL, 39
SLreeL Lo 86
and Lhe LasL 8lver and Pudson 8lver blkeways. As wlll be shown below, Lhe
blkeways lncluded a dlsproporLlonaLely large number of female rlders. lf [usL
Lhe same geographlc area employed ln Lhe earller sLudy ls used ln Lhe
presenL sLudy, Lhe percenL of female rldershlp ls 18.3 percenL. 1hls flgure
sLlll represenLs an lncrease of 9 percenLage polnLs ln Lhe number of female
cycllsLs over Lhe course of Lhe lasL four and one-half years.
SlgnlflcanLly, Lhe launch of Lhe blke-share program may be conLrlbuLlng Lo
Lhe narrowlng of Lhe gender gap among cycllsLs. 1he daLa show LhaL Lhe
female share of general cycllsLs ls 23.6 percenL whereas Lhe female share of
ClLl 8lke cycllsLs ls 31.1 percenL. 1he greaLer prevalence of female rlders
among ClLl 8lke cycllsLs ls far more noLlceable ln Lhe geographlc areas
covered ln Lhe presenL sLudy LhaL were noL covered ln Lhe earller sLudy -
parLlcularly ln Lhe area from Lhe Llp of ManhaLLan Lo 14

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ronounced dlfferences exlsL beLween Lhe Lype of rlder (based on a
comblnaLlon of sex and commerclal/non-commerclal sLaLus) and Lhe
dlfferenL sLreeL envlronmenLs ln whlch Lhey are observed. 1able 1 shows Lhe
relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe sLreeL envlronmenL and flve Lypes of rlders: male
commerclal cycllsLs, male general cycllsLs, female general cycllsLs, male ClLl
8lke rlders, and female ClLl 8lke rlders.

1able 1: 1ype of CycllsL by 1ype of SlLe
Type of Site Total
Street Avenue Bikeway
Type of
Male General 45.0% 40.4% 57.8% 43.9%
Female General 15.2% 11.4% 20.4% 13.7%
Male Citi Bike 15.7% 17.7% 12.9% 16.5%
Female Citi Bike 9.0% 6.3% 8.6% 7.5%
Male Commercial 15.1% 24.2% 0.2% 18.5%
Total Number
Total Percent
1461 2265 441 4167
100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Colncldlng wlLh expecLaLlons, boLh male and female general cycllsLs are far
more llkely Lo rlde on blkeways Lhan Lhe oLher Lypes of cycllsLs. Commerclal
cycllsLs and ClLl 8lke rlders would be expecLed Lo use lnLerlor" rouLes more
ofLen Lhan Lhe general cycllsLs. 1he daLa also reveal LhaL commerclal cycllsLs
Lend Lo rlde more ofLen on avenues Lhan on sLreeLs.
noLably, blke-share rlders dlsplay a greaLer Lendency Lo rlde on more
secure" sLreeL or avenue envlronmenLs LhaL Lhelr cycllng counLerparLs.
Compared Lo oLher cycllsLs, ClLl 8lke cycllsLs (boLh male and female) are
more llkely Lo be found rldlng on a sLreeL or avenue wlLh an unproLecLed
blke lane Lhan a sLreeL or avenue wlLhouL an unproLecLed blke lane (see
1able 2). lurLhermore, ClLl 8lke rlders Lo a greaLer exLenL Lhan oLhers are
more llkely Lo be found rldlng on a sLreeL or avenue wlLh a proLecLed blke
lane Lhan a sLreeL or avenue wlLh [usL an unproLecLed blke lane.

1able 2: 1ype of CycllsL by 1ype of 8lke Lane
Type of Bike Lane Total
without a bike
Street/ave with
bike lane
Street/ave with
protected bike
Type of
Male General 42.8% 45.7% 39.1% 42.2%
Female General 11.6% 13.7% 13.7% 12.9%
Male Citi Bike 12.9% 15.7% 22.1% 16.9%
Female Citi Bike 5.2% 7.1% 9.9% 7.4%
Male Commercial 27.5% 17.8% 15.2% 20.6%
Total Number
Total Percent
1428 970 1328 3726
100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

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AL lnLersecLlons aL whlch Lhere was a red llghL for moLor vehlcles and
cycllsLs, sLudenLs observed Lhe exLenL Lo whlch cycllsLs obeyed Lhe Lrafflc
slgnal. 1he daLa dlsplayed ln 1able 3 shows LhaL a Lhlrd of cycllsLs (34.0) do
noL sLop or even pause aL a red llghL. 1he percenLage who do ,)* fully sLop
aL a red llghL ls roughly 10 percenLage polnLs lower Lhan Lhe comparable

flgure presenLed ln Lhe 2009 sLudy ln whlch Lhe geographlc areas are Lhe

1able 3: SLops aL 8ed LlghL by 1ype of CycllsL
Type of Cyclist Total
Citi Bike
Citi Bike

Stops fully
at red light

28.4% 38.3% 35.3% 38.8% 21.4% 30.4%
Pauses and
then goes
thru red light

30.9% 35.4% 41.1% 46.3% 36.6% 35.6%
Does not
stop or
pause when
light is red

40.7% 26.3% 23.7% 14.9% 42.1% 34.0%
Total number
Total Percent
580 209 224 121 290 1424
100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

As was Lrue ln Lhe 2009 sLudy, female general cycllsLs Lend Lo be far more
law abldlng Lhan male general cycllsLs. 7&/* +2 (/#*+830/#0$ ,)*!9)#*&$:
*&)3;&: +2 *&/* ./0! 4+<!52&/#! #+1!#2 *!,1 *) 2*)( -300$ /* #!1 0+;&*2 .38&
.)#! 2) *&/, !+*&!# ./0! ;!,!#/0 8$80+2*2 )# ./0! 8)..!#8+/0 8$80+2*2 =>?@
"26 AB@ /,1 AC@: #!2(!8*+"!0$D6

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AnoLher faceL of rldlng behavlor observed by sLudenLs was Lhe exLenL Lo
whlch cycllsLs rode on Lhe porLlon of Lhe sLreeL or avenue LhaL was dedlcaLed
as a blke lane. 1he resulLs dlsplayed ln 1able 4 show LhaL 70 percenL of Lhe
cycllsLs rode only ln Lhe dedlcaLed blke lane and an addlLlonal 10 percenL
rode ln boLh Lhe moLor vehlcle and blke lanes. AbouL one-flfLh (20.1) rode
excluslvely on lanes lnLended for moLor vehlcle use. lf Lhe analysls ls
conflned Lo Lhe same geography employed ln Lhe 2009 sLudy, Lhe share of
cycllsLs who were observed rldlng ln non-blke lanes 1!8#!/2!1 by 9
percenLage polnLs.
As was Lhe case wlLh sLopplng fully aL a red llghL, Lhe daLa agaln show a
greaLer Lendency for female general cycllsLs and ClLl 8lke cycllsLs (boLh male
and female) Lo comply wlLh Lhe law by rldlng solely ln Lhe dedlcaLed blke

1able 4: use of unproLecLed 8lke Lane by 1ype of CycllsL

Type of Cyclist Total
Citi Bike
Citi Bike

Rides only on
bike lane
64.3% 82.4% 79.2% 82.1% 64.3% 70.1%
Rides only on
24.0% 13.0% 11.0% 16.4% 24.2% 20.1%
Rides on both
bike lane and
11.7% 4.6% 9.7% 1.5% 1153% 9.8%
Total number
Total percent
470 131 154 67 182 1004
100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Excludes cases in which the bike lane was obstructed.

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Cverall, only 4.2 percenL of cycllsLs were observed rldlng agalnsL Lrafflc on
Lhe sLreeL and anoLher 3.2 percenL of cycllsLs were observed rldlng agalnsL
Lrafflc ln Lhe blke lane. 1hls comblned LoLal of 7.4 percenL rldlng agalnsL
Lrafflc was noLlceably below Lhe comparable flgure recorded for 2009

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AlmosL half of Lhe cycllsLs (49.8) were observed wearlng helmeLs. 1hls
represenLs a sLeep lncrease from Lhe flgure for 2009 ln whlch only 29.9
percenL of cycllsLs were recorded wearlng helmeLs. MosL lmpresslve ls LhaL
Lhe use of helmeLs has soared for male commerclal cycllsLs and male general
cycllsLs. ln 2009, helmeL use for Lhese Lwo groups was 23.6 and 32.2,
respecLlvely. 1he correspondlng percenLage flgures Loday sLand aL 72.7
and 47.8 (see 1able 3).

1able 3: PelmeL use by 1ype of CycllsL

Type of Cyclist Total
Citi Bike
Citi Bike
Yes 47.8% 55.7% 31.1% 36.2% 72.7% 49.8%
No 52.2% 44.3% 68.9% 63.8% 27.3% 50.2%
Total number
Total percent
1819 569 687 312 768 4155
100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

lor boLh male and female general cycllsLs helmeL use becomes progresslvely
greaLer as cycllsLs are found rldlng on a sLreeL or an avenue wlLhouL a blke
lane, Lo a sLreeL or avenue wlLh a blke lane, Lo a blkeway.
noL unexpecLedly, blke-share rlders are less lncllned Lo wear helmeLs Lhan
general or commerclal rlders. Cverall, sllghLly less Lhan a Lhlrd of blke-share
rlders wear helmeLs. lemale blke-share rlders are somewhaL more dlsposed
Lo wearlng a helmeL Lhan Lhelr male counLerparLs (36.2 vs. 31.1).

A., %8 >3,(#$%")( <,-)(,.
AbouL 12 percenL of cycllsLs were observed uslng some elecLronlc devlce
when rldlng (e.g., cell phone, muslc player, eLc.).
13, 16
1hls represenLs a sllghL
lncrease of 3 percenLage polnLs over Lhose who were uslng an elecLronlc
devlce ln 2009.

1he daLa also show LhaL male general cycllsLs and ClLl 8lke
rlders of boLh sexes were more dlsposed Lowards rldlng wlLh an elecLronlc
devlce Lhan Lhe oLher Lypes of cycllsLs.

A., %8 E::0$,3 G)#1 B'.)",.. H0?, I5 ;%??,$()03 ;5(3).#.
new ?ork ClLy Lrafflc laws mandaLe LhaL commerclal cycllsLs wear upper-
body apparel wlLh Lhe buslness' name (2+8)." ln 2009, only a mlnorlLy of
commerclal cycllsLs dlsplayed Lhe name of Lhelr company elLher on Lhelr
cloLhlng or Lhelr blkes (32). As Lhe daLa ln 1able 6 reveal, Lhls percenL has
rlsen sharply. now nearly 60 percenL comply wlLh Lhe law, even lncludlng
14.3 percenL of cases where a flrm deLermlnaLlon could noL be made.

1able 6: use of Apparel wlLh 8uslness
by Commerclal CycllsL

Frequency Percent

Not sure



='??0$5 0"& ;%"(3'.)%".
1hls sLudy has examlned Lhe rldlng behavlor of over 4,300 cycllsLs ln lower
and cenLral ManhaLLan. Whlle Lhe sLudy's resulLs cannoL be dlrecLly
compared Lo Lhose of a slmllar sLudy conducLed four and one-half years
because of dlfferlng geographles, Lhe flndlngs from boLh sLudles sLrongly
suggesL LhaL a change has occurred ln Lhe demographlc composlLlon of
cycllsLs and Lhelr behavlor paLLerns.
lL appears flrsL of all LhaL Lhe percenL of cycllsLs who are female has grown
slgnlflcanLly. lf Lhe geographlc area of Lhe presenL sLudy ls allgned wlLh LhaL
of Lhe earller sLudy, Lhe share of rlders who are female has lncreased by 9
percenLage polnLs durlng Lhe lasL four and one-half years.
Cne posslble reason for Lhls narrowlng of Lhe gender gap ls Lhe launch of Lhe
blke-share program Lhls pasL May. 1he daLa ln Lhls sLudy show LhaL females
consLlLuLe 23.6 percenL of Lhe general rlders buL Lhey make up 31.1 percenL
of ClLl 8lke cycllsLs.
1he resulLs of Lhls sLudy also polnL Lo a subsLanLlal lncrease ln Lhe use of
helmeLs among commerclal and general cycllsLs. AlmosL Lhree-quarLers of
commerclal cycllsLs (72.7) now wear helmeLs. lour and one-half years ago,
Lhe number of commerclal cycllsLs observed wearlng helmeLs was less Lhan a
quarLer (23.6). 1he percenL of male general cycllsLs who wear helmeLs also
has cllmbed appreclably ln Lhe lasL few years. 1he share of male general
cycllsLs who wear helmeLs Loday sLands aL 47.3 percenL compared Lo [usL
32.2 percenL ln 2009.
As mlghL be anLlclpaLed, blke-share rlders are less lncllned Lo use helmeLs.
?eL even among Lhls subgroup of cycllsLs, approxlmaLely one-Lhlrd do so.
Agaln, females are more llkely Lo wear helmeLs Lhan males (36.3 vs.
1hls sLudy has also produced evldence LhaL a larger proporLlon of cycllsLs are
adherlng Lo Lhe rules of Lhe road. More cycllsLs are sLopplng aL red llghLs
and fewer are rldlng agalnsL Lrafflc or rldlng ln lanes for vehlcular Lrafflc on
sLreeLs wlLh blke lanes.
1o whaL can we aLLrlbuLe Lhe greaLer use of helmeLs and greaLer compllance
wlLh Lrafflc rules? Cne facLor cerLalnly ls Lhe efforLs whlch have been
expended by blke clubs, blke organlzaLlons, and governmenL agencles Lo
promoLe safe cycllng. 8lke clubs, blke advocacy groups, organlzers of blke-a-
Lhons, prlvaLe foundaLlons have all launched educaLlonal campalgns
encouraglng cycllsLs Lo wear helmeLs and engage ln oLher safe cycllng
pracLlces. 1he SLuarL C. Cruskln lamlly loundaLlon, for example, has
lnlLlaLed Lhe edal ledge program ln whlch buslnesses promlse Lo Lraln Lhelr
dellvery cycllsLs ln Lhe rules of Lhe road. 1hls same foundaLlon has also
spurred munlclpal auLhorlLles Lo gaLher more accuraLe daLa on Lhe lncldence
of blcycle-pedesLrlan colllslons.
1he new ?ork ClLy ueparLmenL of
1ransporLaLlon as well has been a sLrong proponenL of safe rldlng behavlor
and Lhe ClLy Councll has passed several new leglslaLlve lnlLlaLlves almed aL
curblng unlawful behavlor (parLlcularly among commerclal cycllsLs).
8eyond Lhls facLor lL ls probably Lhe case LhaL Lhe lncreased volume of
cycllsLs by lLself (owlng, ln parL, Lo Lhe launch of Lhe blke-share program), has
creaLed a new deflnlLlon of Lhe slLuaLlon on clLy sLreeLs. CycllsLs are no
longer an anomaly. 1hey are lncreaslngly becomlng a flxLure of urban llfe.
As Lhe number of cycllsLs grows, boLh moLorlsLs and cycllsLs are becomlng
more mlndful of Lhe presence of Lhe oLher and Lhe need Lo ad[usL Lhelr
behavlor accordlngly.
lmporLanLly, Lhe flndlngs from Lhls sLudy also shed llghL on why Lhe
predlcLlons LhaL Lhe launch of Lhe blke-share program would lead Lo a splke
ln Lhe number of cycllng-relaLed ln[urles have noL maLerlallzed. uurlng Lhe
flrsL flve monLhs Lhe blke-share program has been ln exlsLence, Lhere have
been no faLallLles lnvolvlng ClLl 8lke rlders and only around Lwo dozen mlnor
ln[urles (llegenhelmer, 2013, lrled, 2013, Swanson, 2013).
LxplanaLlons accounLlng for Lhls poslLlve Lrend have Lhus far focused on
Lhree facLors. Cne facLor ls Lhe safeLy ln numbers" argumenL dlscussed
above. As moLorlsLs have become more lnured Lo seelng cycllsLs on Lhe
clLy's sLreeLs, Lhey have modlfled Lhelr behavlor.
A second facLor whlch has been clLed for Lhe low lncldence of ln[urles
lnvolvlng ClLl 8lkes cenLers on Lhe physlcal characLerlsLlcs of Lhe blkes
Lhemselves. 8ecause of Lhelr physlcal sLrucLure (heavy frame, wlde-rlmmed
Llres, eLc.), Lhe blkes lack Lhe capaclLy Lo be speedy and nlmble. ln Lhe now
famous words of Lhe new ?ork ClLy CompLroller !ohn Llu, 1he ClLl 8lkes
come ln only Lhree speeds: slow, very slow, and ulLraslow."
A Lhlrd facLor menLloned ls LhaL Lhe average dlsLance Lravelled per Lrlp by a
ClLl 8lke cycllsL ls probably less Lhan Lhe average dlsLance Lravelled per Lrlp
by oLher commuLer or recreaLlonal cycllsLs. (ln parL, Lhls ls mosL llkely a
funcLlon of Lhe cosL of renLlng a ClLl 8lke per Lrlp for lndlvlduals who do noL
have annual membershlps.) 1he shorLer dlsLances Lravelled by ClLl 8lke
rlders, of course, would decrease Lhe llkellhood of lncurrlng an ln[ury.
?eL Lhe flndlngs emerglng from Lhls sLudy would polnL Lo anoLher crlLlcal
facLor whlch may be underlylng Lhe safe record of Lhe ClLl 8lke cycllsLs
reglsLered Lhus far. 1he ClLl 8lke rlders appear Lo be more cauLlous and even
more compllanL wlLh Lrafflc rules Lhan oLher cycllsLs.
SlgnlflcanLly, ClLl 8lke cycllsLs are more llkely Lo be found ln safer" sLreeL
envlronmenLs Lhan elLher general cycllsLs or commerclal cycllsLs. As Lhe
daLa ln Lhls sLudy have lndlcaLed, Lhe percenL of cycllsLs who are blke-share
rlders lncreases progresslvely as Lhe sLreeL envlronmenL changes from a
sLreeL or avenue wlLhouL any blke lane, Lo a sLreeL or avenue wlLh an
unproLecLed blke lane, Lo a sLreeL or avenue wlLh a proLecLed blke lane.
lurLhermore, on sLreeLs or avenues wlLh an unproLecLed blke lane, ClLl 8lke
rlders, along wlLh female general cycllsLs, are more apL Lhan oLhers Lo rlde
wlLhln Lhe conflnes of Lhe blke lane.
noL only are ClLl 8lke rlders dlsproporLlonaLely found ln more secure"
envlronmenLs, Lhey also appear Lo adhere Lo Lrafflc laws more so Lhan Lhelr
cycllng counLerparLs. lor example, Lhey are conslderably more llkely Lo sLop
fully aL a Lrafflc llghL LhaL ls red Lhan elLher male general cycllsLs or
commerclal cycllsLs.
We do noL know exacLly Lhe reasons why ClLl 8lke rlders seem Lo exerclse
boLh greaLer cauLlon ln Lhelr rldlng behavlor and greaLer compllance wlLh
Lrafflc laws Lhan oLher cycllsLs. Several reasons could be poslLed. llrsL, lL
may be because of Lhe lnlLlaLlves underLaken Lo promoLe blke safeLy on Lhe
parL of Lhe ClLl 8lke program's sponsors. Cne such lnlLlaLlve lncludes
provldlng annual blke share members wlLh a bookleL deLalllng Lhe rules and
regulaLlons governlng cycllng ln new ?ork ClLy, a map of all Lhe blke lanes
and blkeways, and a coupon whlch Lhe bearer can use Lo purchase a heavlly-
dlscounLed helmeL. AnoLher lnlLlaLlve lncludes havlng Lhe clLy's Lrafflc rules
vlslbly emblazoned on each blke klosk.
A second reason why ClLl 8lke cycllsLs may be more safeLy consclous ls
preclsely because Lhey are Lraverslng new, unexplored Lerraln and Lhus Lhey
are more LenLaLlve and cauLlous. ?eL a Lhlrd reason may be because Lhey do
noL own" Lhe blke (Lhlnk here of renLlng a car) and Lherefore are more
guarded ln Lhelr behavlor. Cr perhaps Lhey are slmply noL famlllar wlLh Lhe
blke's capablllLles and are Lhus somewhaL more heslLanL navlgaLlng Lhe clLy's
LasLly, on a more ldeallsLlc plane, Lhe reason could be LhaL ClLl 8lke rlders
consLlLuLe a hlghly vlslble group, are consclously aware of Lhls group
ldenLlflcaLlon, and feel lL ls lmporLanL Lo comporL Lhemselves ln a manner
LhaL reflecLs poslLlvely on cycllsLs ln general. WhaLever Lhe reason, Lhelr
rldlng behavlor appears Lo have conLrlbuLed Lo Lhelr overall safeLy record.
1he safeLy record complled by Lhe ClLl 8lke rlders comes wlLh no assurances
LhaL lL wlll conLlnue lnLo Lhe fuLure. 1he expanslon of Lhe blke lane neLwork,
Lhe growlng awareness LhaL Lhere are mulLlple users of Lhe clLy's sLreeLs
each wlLh leglLlmaLe rlghLs, and Lhe greaLer adherence Lo Lrafflc laws by
cycllsLs, Lhough, lncreases Lhe llkellhood LhaL safe cycllng ln new ?ork clLy
wlll become an endurlng phenomenon.

1. 1he geographlc scope of Lhls earller sLudy lncluded Lhe area exLendlng
from 14
SLreeL Lo 39
SLreeL (souLh Lo norLh) and from 1
Lo 10
(easL Lo wesL). 1hls area comprlses Lhe cenLral buslness dlsLrlcL of
2. 1he auLhors of Lhe presenL sLudy also carrled ouL a slmllar sLudy ln Lhe
Sprlng of 2013. 1hls lasL-menLloned sLudy was based on conslderably fewer
number of cases (2,321) Lhan Lhe presenL sLudy and dld noL lnclude daLa
perLalnlng Lo blke-share rlders. lL ls lmporLanL Lo noLe, however, LhaL Lhe
comparable flndlngs from Lhe Sprlng, 2013 sLudy closely mlrror Lhose found
ln Lhls sLudy.
3. lnLersecLlons" aL blkeways were approxlmaLed aL Lhe polnL where Lhe
nearesL sLreeL would blsecL Lhe blkeway were LhaL sLreeL Lo exLend furLher
easL or wesL.
4. Cne sLudenL from Lhe 8ronx School of Sclence (Ms. llana ShLern) also
gaLhered observaLlonal daLa aL Lwo slLes for Lhls sLudy. She underLook Lhls
work as parL of an lndependenL sLudy pro[ecL aL her school.
3. 1he flve sLudenLs enrolled ln Lhe lndependenL SLudy course offered ln Lhe
Summer of 2013 were asslgned a greaLer number of slLes (ranglng from 3 Lo
10) aL whlch Lo conducL observaLlons.
6. 1o comply wlLh Lhls guldellne, sLudenLs were Lold Lo record observaLlons
for every -+#2* cycllsL who passed Lhem afLer Lhe beglnnlng of a new" mlnuLe
on Lhelr waLches/cell phones.
7. lorLunaLely, Lhere were no reporLed cases where a sLudenL observer
could noL collecL lnformaLlon due Lo Lhe presence of a cycllsL wlLh an
lnLlmldaLlng presence."
8. Speclflcally, n?C uC1 regulaLlons requlre buslnesses LhaL use blcycles for
commerclal purposes Lo provlde Lhelr dellvery cycllsLs wlLh reLro-reflecLlve
upper-body apparel wlLh Lhe buslness name and blcycllsL's Lhree-dlglL lu
number on Lhe back."
9. 1he Lerm unproLecLed blke lane" refers here Lo a porLlon of a sLreeL or
avenue whlch ls used by cycllsLs and ls deslgnaLed by Lwo parallel llnes wlLh
an lmage of a blcycle lmprlnLed on Lhe pavemenL. A proLecLed blke lane ls
deflned as a porLlon of a sLreeL or avenue whlch ls used by cycllsLs and ls
separaLed from vehlcular Lrafflc by a physlcal barrler such as a ralsed curb or
sLreeL parklng. 8lkeways (or greenways) are deflned as paved areas LhaL are
LoLally separaLed from vehlcular Lrafflc and are used excluslvely by cycllsLs or
someLlmes shared wlLh pedesLrlans.
10. 1hese flgures don'L add up Lo 100 percenL because Lhere were a few
lnsLances ln whlch Lhe sex of Lhe rlder could noL be ascerLalned (0.8).
11. Slnce females consLlLuLed only a small fracLlon of commerclal cycllsLs
(2.3), Lhey were noL lncluded ln Lhls Lypology.
12. Whlle male ClLl 8lke rlders are more apL Lo found on an avenue wlLh an
unproLecLed blke lane Lhan on an avenue wlLhouL any blke lane, Lhey are
represenLed almosL Lo Lhe same degree of sLreeLs wlLh and wlLhouL an
unproLecLed blke lane.
13. unless oLherwlse sLaLed, dlfferences ln Lhe resulLs reporLed ln Lhls sLudy
from Lhose found four and one-half years ago are noL largely aLLrlbuLable Lo
Lhe dlfferenL geographlc areas covered by Lhe Lwo sLudles.
14. Cn Aprll 23, 2013, a new law Look effecL ln Lhe ClLy of new ?ork wlLh Lhe
alm of sLrengLhenlng exlsLlng ordlnances requlrlng commerclal cycllsLs Lo
wear helmeLs. 1he lmplemenLaLlon of Lhls new law, however, does noL
appear Lo be Lhe reason for Lhe upswlng ln Lhe use of helmeLs by commerclal
cycllsLs observed ln Lhls sLudy. PelmeL use had already aLLalned a much
hlgher level before Lhese new regulaLlons wenL lnLo effecL.
13. 1he flgures perLalnlng Lo Lhe use of an elecLronlc devlce whlle rldlng are
based on observaLlons were a deLermlnaLlon could be reasonably made LhaL
a cycllsL was or was noL uslng an elecLronlc devlce. SomeLlmes, because of
Lhe speed wlLh whlch a cycllsL was passlng by or aLLlre whlch mlghL have
concealed an elecLronlc devlce, a flrm deLermlnaLlon could noL be made.
Also, Lhe flgures presenLed here are based on a somewhaL smaller sample
(n = 3003) slnce Lhey do noL lnclude observaLlons gaLhered by Lhls
semesLer's undergraduaLe sLudenLs.
16. lL ls permlsslble ln new ?ork ClLy for cycllsLs Lo wear one earbud.
neverLheless, Lhe ClLy's ueparLmenL of 1ransporLaLlon encourages cycllsLs
noL Lo wear earphones because lL compromlses Lhelr safeLy.
17. CfLen, ouLer garmenLs or backpacks obscured Lhe ablllLy of sLudenLs Lo
deLermlne lf a commerclal cycllsL was wearlng cloLhlng whlch ldenLlfled Lhe
name of hls company.
18. lor more lnformaLlon on Lhe Cruskln loundaLlon and Lhe edal ledge
program see

Cassldy, !ohn. 8aLLle of Lhe 8lke Lanes" 1he new ?orker, March 8, 2011.
Lhe-blke-lanes-lm-wlLh-mrs-schumer.hLml, accessed May 13, 2013.
llegenhelmer, MaLL. no 8lders kllled ln llrsL 3 MonLhs of new ?ork ClLy
8lke-Share rogram." new ?ork 1lmes, november 4, 2013
monLhs-of-new-york-clLy-blke-share-program.hLml?_r=0 accessed
uecember 2, 2013.
lrled, 8en. 1he ClLl 8lke SLory no Cne's 1alklng AbouL: Cnly 3 ln[urles ln
300,000 8ldes"
abouL-only-Lhree-ln[urles-ln-300000-rldes/ accessed uecember 2, 2013
Coodman, uavld !. Lxpanslon of 8lke Lanes ln ClLy 8rlngs 8acklash," new
?ork 1lmes, november 22, 2010.
accessed May 10, 2013.
Coodman, uavld !. 1he CycllsL-edesLrlan Wars," new ?ork 1lmes,
SepLember 18, 2010.
pedesLrlan-wars/ accessed May 14, 2013

new ?ork ClLy ueparLmenL of 1ransporLaLlon. 8lcycle Screenllne CounLs"
hLLp://, accessed
May 13, 2013.
new ?ork ClLy ueparLmenL of 1ransporLaLlon, 2013. Cycllng ln Lhe ClLy: An
updaLe on n?C Cycllng CounLs" March, 2013.
clLy.pdf, accessed May 16, 2013.
Swanson, 1om. Pas Lhe number of blke colllslons lncreased ln n?C slnce
Lhe ClLl8lke launch?"
colllslons-lncreased.hLml accessed uecember 2, 2013.
1uckel, eLer, and Mllczarskl, Wllllam. 8lklng 8ehavlor ln Mld-ManhaLLan"
May 2009.
09_blkesLudy_2.pdf, accessed May 9, 2013.
Wall SLreeL !ournal: n?C's 8lke Share, LargesL ln Lhe CounLry, Lo 8egln," May
4, 2013,
accessed on nov. 10, 2013.
Walsh, 8ryan, new ?ork ClLy's 8lcycle Wars" 1lme Magazlne, !uly 3, 2012.
accessed May 10, 2013.

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