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Assemblymember Linda B. Rosenthal

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, February 5, 2014 CONTACT: Lauren S !us"er, 212#$%&#'&'$, &4%#%2(#4%2(, s !us"er)*asse+b)y#s"a"e#ny#us

ASSEMBLYMEMBER LINDA B. ROSENTHAL ISSUES A CHALLENGE TO WALGREENS AND NATIONAL PHARMACY CHAINS: STOP SELLING CIGARETTES IN NEW YORK New York, NY On the heels of CVS Ca e!a "#s $e%&s&on to no lon'e sell to(a%%o ) o$*%ts &n &ts sto es+ Asse!(l,!e!(e L&n$a B- Rosenthal .D/W01Manhattan2 &ss*e$ a %hallen'e to Wal' eens+ the o3ne of D*ane Rea$e 4ha !a%&es+ Wal!a t Sto es In%-+ R&te A&$ Co ) an$ othe nat&onal )ha !a%, %ha&ns that $o (*s&ness &n Ne3 Yo " State5CVS has th o3n $o3n the 'a*ntlet+6 said Assembl membe! Li"da B. R#se"$%al- 5No3+ I * 'e Wal' eens+ an$ othe nat&onal )ha !a%, %ha&ns+ to follo3 CVS# lea$ an$ sto) sell&n' to(a%%o ) o$*%ts+ he e &n Ne3 Yo " State an$ a% oss the %o*nt ,- Tho*'h %o!)an&es !a, e7)e &en%e a te!)o a , $&) &n e8en*e f o! the !o8e+ so!et&!es the (otto! l&ne !*st (e a(o*t so!eth&n' !o e than 9*st $olla s an$ %ents+ an$ &n th&s %ase &t &s: &t#s a(o*t h*!an l&8es-6 5Sell&n' %&'a ettes an$ othe to(a%%o ) o$*%ts at )ha !a%&es &s %o!)letel, &n%ons&stent 3&th the health1 o &ente$ (*s&ness !o$el+ an$ CVS has ta"en a t e!en$o*s ste) fo 3a $ &n the (attle a'a&nst %an%e an$ othe s!o"&n'1 elate$ &llnesses- I a))la*$ CVS fo &ts lea$e sh&) an$ %all *)on &ts %o!)et&to s to follo3 s*&t to hel) sa8e l&8es-6 Ne3 Yo " has al3a,s (een a lea$e 3hen &t %o!es to ant&1s!o"&n' &n&t&at&8es- Ne3 Yo " C&t, 3as the f& st %&t, &n the nat&on to a&se the !&n&!*! a'e at 3h&%h an &n$&8&$*al !a, )* %hase %&'a ettes to ;< ,ea s ol$Asse!(l,!e!(e Rosenthal &s the s)onso of (&ll A-7<=>+ 3h&%h 3o*l$ a&se the !&n&!*! )* %hase a'e to ;< ,ea s ol$ state3&$e- In a$$&t&on+ Ne3 Yo " C&t, has also e7)an$e$ the ) o8&s&ons of the Ne3 Yo " C&t, S!o"e 0 ee A& A%t to &n%l*$e ele%t on&% %&'a ettes- Asse!(l,!e!(e L&n$a Rosenthal &s the s)onso of (&ll A-?<7?+ 3h&%h 3o*l$ s&!&la l, e7ten$ the %o8e a'e of the State Clean In$oo A& A%t to &n%l*$e ele%t on&% %&'a ettes- Ne3 Yo " State an$ C&t,#s %o!(&ne$ %&'a ette ta7es a e the h&'hest &n the nat&on+ an$ &n Ne3 Yo " C&t,+ s!o"&n' has (een (anne$ &n )*(l&% )a "s+ (ea%hes an$ )e$est &an )la@as5CVS has sa&$ that &t 3&ll sto) sell&n' %&'a ettes &n O%to(e ;=<A+ sa&$ Asse!(l,!e!(e L&n$a BRosenthal- 5Th&s '&8es othe )a t, %ha&ns a!)le t&!e to a$9*st the& )ol&%&es as 3ell-6 Assemblymember Linda B. Rosenthal represent the 67th Assembly district, which includes the Upper West Side and parts of linton! "ell#s $itchen nei%hborhoods in &anhattan. '

DISTRICT OFFICE 230 West 72nd Street, Suite 2F, New York, NY 10023 TEL 212! "73#$3$" F%& 212! "73#$'20 %L(%NY OFFICE 7)1 Le*is+,ti-e O..i/e (ui+din*, %+0,n1, NY 122)" TEL '1"! )''#'"02 F%& '1"! )''#'01'

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