09 F SPAN 607 Syllabus

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Spanish 607: Classics of Medieval Castilian Literature (Fall 2009)

Instructor: David Wacks

MW 4:00-5:20 in 248 Gerlinger
CRN 16598

In this class we will read a number of the classical texts of medieval Castilian literature,
all of which are represented on the reading list for the MA exam. In addition to primary
texts, students will read assigned secondary texts to situate the works in their historical
and theoretical contexts.

Students will complete a series of assignments designed to practice literary critical skills,
including close readings of short textual passages, reviews of critical articles, and
presentation of original research and criticism in both oral and written formats.

Course Requirements:

Close Readings/Article Reviews (45%) For class meetings covering primary readings,
students will prepare a short close reading of a passage to be assigned at the previous
class session. The close reading will consist of a short summary, an explanation of the
importance of the passage to the overall work, and a detailed analysis of the passage
(linguistic, poetic, narratological, socio-historical, etc). For class sessions covering crítica
(secondary scholarly essays), students should prepare and post short review essays
summarizing and contrasting the approaches of the two articles assigned. Students will
post close readings/reviews to blackboard before class and will bring a hard copy to class.
Students should come to class prepared to discuss their close reading/reviews at each
session. Late readings/reviews will be downgraded 1 point (from total of 10).

Conference paper abstract (5%): Post to Blackboard before class Wednesday of week
8. A 250-word statement of your thesis and explanation of your argument which you will
develop first into a your conference paper and then into your critical essay. Please see
Sample Conference Paper Abstracts in Blackboard/Documentos.

Conference paper performance (10%): In class Weeks 9 and 10. A public reading of a
6-page conference paper (not to exceed 10 minutes when you rehearse it), followed by a
lively question and answer session. Please adhere to the guidelines outlined in
"Guidelines for Conference Papers" on Blackboard/Documentos. Students whose primary
language is not English are encouraged to give their paper in English.

Final essay (40%): Email to instructor by end of scheduled final exam. A 12-20 page
critical essay (in Spanish) in which you will expand on the argument presented in your
conference paper. For tips on how to move from conference paper to critical essay, see
“Guidelines for Conference Papers.” All essays must adhere completely to MLA
standards as detailed in MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. Ed. Joseph
Gibaldi. 6th edition. New York: Modern Language Association of America, 2003.
(available in the Knight Library Reference Area, LB2369 .G53 2003). Abbreviated norms
available at http://libweb.uoregon.edu/guides/citing/mla.html.

Texts available at UO Bookstore:

• Poema de Mio Cid. Ed. Colin Smith. Madrid: Cátedra, 2006. ISBN 978-
• Ruiz, Juan. Libro de buen amor. Ed. Alberto Blecua. Madrid: Cátedra, 2006.
ISBN 978-8437600604.
• Don Juan Manuel. El Conde Lucanor. Ed. Alfonso Sotelo. Madrid: Cátedra, 2006.
ISBN 978-8437600789
• Rojas, Fernando de. La Celestina. Ed. Dorothy Severin. Madrid: Cátedra, 2006.
ISBN 978-8437607009.

Program of studies:

W 30 Sep Introducción, assign close readings of Cid, cantar 1

M 05 Oct Conference travel, no class meeting. Read articles by Menocal and Dagenais
and post Article Review (see above) of both to Blackboard/Article Reviews.
W 07 Oct Conference travel, no class meeting. Post close reading of Poema de Mio Cid
(Cantar 1) to Blackboard by 4:00pm.
M 12 Oct Poema de Mio Cid (Cantares 2 y 3). Read Hart 2006 (“Infantes” and
“Characterization”). Guest speaker: Prof. Thomas Hart
W 14 Oct Crítica: Poema/Cantar de Mio Cid. Article review: Pinet 2005, Hart 2006
(“Characterization” only).
M 19 Oct Juan Manuel, Conde Lucanor (ej. 1, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 20, 25). Close reading.
W 21 Oct Juan Manuel, Conde Lucanor (ej. 27, 29, 35, 26, 41, 42, 46, 47). Read
Hammer 2008. Videoconference: Prof. Michael Hammer.
M 26 Oct Crítica: Conde Lucanor. Article review: De Looze 1995, Hammer 2008
W 28 Oct Juan Ruiz, Libro de buen amor (3-49). Read: Ekman 2003. Videoconference:
Prof. Erik Ekman.
M 02 Nov Juan Ruiz, Libro de buen amor (149-230, sobre todo la narrativa sobre el
Arcipreste/Don Melón y Doña Endrina). Close reading.
W 04 Nov Juan Ruiz, Libro de buen amor (265-407, sobre todo las partes narrativas de
Don Carnal y Doña Cuaresma y de Trotaconventos). Close reading.
M 09 Nov Crítica: Libro de buen amor. Article review: Ekman 2003; Brownlee 1989.
W 09 Nov Fernando de Rojas, Celestina (autos 1-8).
M 16 Nov Fernando de Rojas, Celestina (autos 9-16). Close reading.
W 18 Nov Fernando de Rojas, Celestina (autos 17-21). Read Hamilton 1999. Guest
Videoconference: Prof. Michelle Hamilton.
M 23 Nov Crítica: Celestina. Article review: Severin 1989, Hamilton 1998
W 25 Nov Día Feriado – Thanksgiving Day Holiday
M 30 Nov Conference papers
W 02 Dec Conference papers

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