Pace2life Welfare Foundation 4 IBIT

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Brief Introduction, Vision, Mission, Aims & Objectives, Core Team

Brief Introduction of Pace2Life

Pace2Life Welfare Foundation was founded in 2008 by inspirational disabled student Waqas Ahmed Actually started in 2007 & was completely managed by students Main focus is on welfare of disabled persons

Also doing other welfare activities & natural disaster relief

To Revolutionize

The behavior of society about disabled persons

The behavior of disabled persons about themselves

Helping & motivating disabled persons so that they can play their role for the betterment of themselves and for betterment of the society as well

Aims & Objectives

Disability Related Objectives: Rehabilitation of disabled persons by providing free Education, Health & Career support Making our society barrier free & disable friendly Campaigns to provide awareness in society regarding rights of disabled persons General Objectives: Providing solutions & awareness regarding Educational, Environmental, Health & other issues of the society Providing relief & rehabilitation in natural disasters Collaborating & supporting other organizations & government departments to achieve the above mentioned aims & objectives

Core Team
Chairman: Waqas Ahmed
B.A Hons GCU

Joint Secretary: Abdul Rehman

Student M.A GCU, National Jr. Hockey Team B.E Telecom, Social Media Manager

Vice Chairman: Muhammad Faisal

B.A, Business man

Managing Director: Mudassar Bashir PR Manager: Hasan Shahid

BBA (UK), Brand Manager, Signer & Director M. Phil Zoology, Asst. Professor B.A Hons, Business man

President: Shabeer Adeel

MBA, Sales Manager

General Secretary: Rizwan Ashraf

B.A, Graphics Designer B.D.S, Dental Surgeon M.A History, Teacher

Coordinator Faisalabad: Samina Shabbir

Coordinator Jhang: Farhat Seyal Coordinator Quetta: Ajab Khan
Student M Phil Fine Arts Student MA Political Science, GCU

Senior Vice President: Dr. Ali Hashim Vice President: Aqsa Shafiq Media Secretary: Ali Ashraf
ACCA B.E Telecom & M. Phil Mass-Com, Asst. Professor

Executive Member: Farhana Rasheed Executive Member: Habib ur Rehman

B.A Economics, Pakistan Air Force

Finance Secretary: Islam Sarwar

Disability Rights Awareness, Disability Rehabilitation, Celebrations with Disabled Persons, Education & Career Support, General Activities, Natural Disaster Relief

Disability Rights Awareness

For disability rights awareness, Pace2Life arranged seminars in following universities of Lahore
University of the Punjab Government College University Education University University of Management & Technology

Also arranged seminars in Balakot & Jhang

Our team participates in different Conferences & TV Shows and highlights the achievements of outstanding disabled persons

Disability Rehabilitation
Pace2Life provides rehabilitation support to make disabled persons active contributors of the society
Providing free medical support since 2008 Pace2Life has distributed hundreds of disability help tools like Wheelchairs, Tri-Cycles, Crutches, Walkers etc in deserving disabled persons specially students & workers from all areas of Pakistan

Celebrations with Disabled Persons

Pace2Life celebrates different functions with disabled persons
Celebrating World Disabled Persons Day every year Jasahn e Azadi Walk for Disabled person at Allama Iqbals Tomb Eid Day Celebrations Cultural Tanga Tours of Walled Lahore City for Disabled Persons

Education & Career Support

Pace2Life helps deserving disabled persons in getting formal & technical education On special request of Pace2Life, Government of Punjab has waived 50% Tuition Fee for disabled students of Government Universities Pace2Life also supports disabled persons in getting Job or starting their own business

General Activities
Pace2Life arranges seminars for awareness regarding Health, Education & Environmental issues of society Arranges free medical camps in deprived areas Also helps deprived persons to solve their critical problems like food, daughter wedding etc Fellowship activities for our volunteers

Natural Disaster Relief

Pace2Life actively participates in relief & rehabilitation activities for natural disasters
Distributed wheelchairs, tricycles & crutches in Balakot among people got disabled by 2005s earthquake Distributed more than 5 Tons of relief items (Food, Cloths, Blankets, Medicines, Kids Books etc) in 2010 flood struck people of Balakot & Charsada in KPK & Usta Muhammad in Balochistan Provided food items to 2011 rain struck people of Sindh Distributed Blankets & Eid Gifts in 2012 earthquake hit people of Awaraan Baluchistan


Working of Formal NGOs

Organizational Structure, Staff, Working Style

Organizational Structure
On the time of registration, every NGO has to prepare its own Constitution (Memorandum of Association) and Rules (Articles of Association) According to the law every NGO must
Have Bank Account Conduct Audit every financial year Elect following 9 designations via elections after defined intervals
President, Senior Vice President, Vice President, General Secretary, Joint Secretary, Finance Secretary, Media/information Secretary & 2 executive members President, General Secretary & Finance Secretary are the focal person designations

In Pakistan majority of N.G.Os are not working as true welfare organizations, instead they are working as Small Business (SMEs)

Constitutional Staff
President, Vice Presidents, Secretaries & Executives

Board of Governors

Celebrities, Businessmen & Officers etc..

Management (Paid Employees)

Directors, Managers etc

Field or Project Staff (Paid Employees) Office Staff (Paid Employees)

Coordinators, Representative, Inspectors

Secretaries, Computer operators, Drivers, Peons etc

Working Style
Working of Formal NGOs is completely donor centered

Project starts with either preparing a study, developing proposal and approaching the donor or on donors demand/offer preparing a study, developing proposal and submitting it to the donor
All organizational SOPs & Policies are prepared according to the requirements & mindset of the donor Field or project staff is hired after getting the donation Field staff performs the required activity, with regular inspection & reporting Donations are divided in installments and next installment is issued when donor is satisfied with the working reports

Working of Pace2Life
Organizational Structure, Funds Generation, Target Market, Marketing Strategies, PR Strategies, USPs of Pace2Life, Upcoming Projects

Organizational Structure
Pace2Life is purely welfare based organization We dont have any formal office or paid staff, all are volunteers It is founded by students, from their pocket money savings Although majority of those student are now professionals, but they are still managing Pace2Life in their free times (on Weekends)

We dont have management hierarchy, all volunteers are equal, even our president arranges chairs on the event

Funds Generation
We dont have formal donors, our volunteers are our donors, so we work freely on whatever cause seems critical to us Major source of funding is membership fee & activity based contributions from our volunteers & their reference areas (friends, family, class fellows & colleagues etc) For activity based donations, we also approach Local Business Corporations & Generous Personalities in our reference circle

Target Market
Niche Target Market Main focus of Pace2Lifes working is on Disability Awareness & Rehabilitation Pace2Life is providing awareness & help for different pressing issues of the society like Health, Education, Environment etc.. We also work for Relief & Rehabilitation in Natural Disasters Geographical Target Market As Pace2Life is located in Old Lahore area, so majority of volunteers & activities belongs to that area. We also have volunteers & perform activities in all areas of Pakistan from Kashmir to Balochistan

Marketing Strategies
Pace2Life markets its events by using following methods
Social Media
Facebook Pages, Facebook Groups, Facebook Events, Twitter & Google+

Website SMS Messaging Brochures Banners Posters Cable TV Ads Local Mosque Announcements Press Releases

PR Strategies
Membership & Fund raising campaigns in universities & markets

Own Seminars & other awareness activities

Participation in TV & Radio Shows News & Articles in prominent news papers Guest participation in Corporate Conferences & Seminars Appointed emerging music band Esta Livio as Brand Ambassadors Appointed very prominent disability related celebrity Dr. Khalid Jamil, (titled by Govt. as Big Brother & Sitara-e-Imtiaz) as our mentor. Chairman of Pace2Life is also a disability related celebrity

USPs (Unique Selling Propositions)

Disabled Team
Besides Waqas, we have a lot of disabled volunteers in our team
At Senior Vice President designation, We always elect prominent disabled person So Pace2Life is NGO for disabled persons, by disabled persons

Waqas Ahmed
Chairman Pace2Life Waqas Ahmed is famous for his courage, active lifestyle & specially because he is Computer programmer who operates computer with his nose He manages all activities, so his courage keeps all volunteers highly motivated. He has been featured on almost all major Local & International Media like BBBC, CNN, VOA, PTV, GEO TV, Express TV, Daily Jang etc so Pace2Life gets Free PR

USPs (Unique Selling Propositions)

Charity Begins at Home
Our volunteers spend their own donations by own hands

Fellowships (Friends, Fun, Tourism & Appreciation)

Pace2Life was founded by group of friends & new members also become our fiends, So our meetings are like friendly get-togethers, with Jokes, Laughters, Chit-chat, Fun, Celebrations, Food etc When Pace2Life has some activity in other cities we do tours of those areas

We also appreciate hard work & activities of our volunteers & honor them with Appreciation Letters, Certificates, Awards & special mentioning in Seminars & Media

Upcoming Projects
Wheelchair distribution in deprived areas of Pakistn, like south Punjab, Balochistan etc Free Medical Camps in deprived areas of Lahore Disability awareness programs in different schools

Different celebration activities for disabled persons

Join Us for this Noble Mission

Come & Join us in this Noble Cause as volunteer or help us by Donations

Pace2Life Welfare Foundation, inside Bhaati Gate, Lahore


Thank You

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