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All grades not to book on for duties starting 21:00 hours on Tuesday 11th of Feb 2014 until 20:59

on Thursday 13th of Feb.

"MT # $ J%BS &'TS (

Thatcher's boys took a hell of a beating
would have on the "rst night the strike . Trains across the com ine were put away efore the strike even e!an. L!L were worried that there would no one in the de'ots to 're' trains the following day. (s it ha''ened, they needn&t have worried) alongside train drivers, control room, station workers and de'ot sta$, the strike was solid. *heir 'lanning was in vain + barely any trains ran because most 'eo'le didn't come to work. Boris and Brown were made to look like clowns as the service they had 'redicted never materialised. ,-* drivers, and many of our brothers and sisters in (.L/0, did the right thing and res'ected the numerous, substantial and lively 'icket lines. *hey should count themselves lucky that they have such a highly trained, 'rofessional workforce able to run the tube day in day out. 1nstead they choose to attack us, vilify us in the 'ress, tell lies and claim our industrial action is unnecessary. !s workers have s'oken loud and clear. *he 'ublic have told you too. We will not stand back and watch you carve u' the job, com'romise safety and slash Londoners jobs without a "ght.

Boris Johnson and Mike Brown: You have heard us clearly. The majority of us said no to your cuts and the majority of us have taken industrial action.. Stop the cuts now, or prepare for round two. Boris wanted to take on the unions. He has failed. We won't stand by whilst you try and take our jobs, our dignity and change our terms and conditions . We have shut London down for 4 hours and we will do it again if necessary. L!'s "rst mistake was to undere# estimate the e$ect that our %all grades& action

It was unsafe to operate any services during our strike. The writing was on the wall from the first night when reports emerged of a near collision at Northumberland Park Depot. Next, pictures emerged of a dangerously overcrowded aterloo station and then reports came in of !tratford station ringing with evacuation alarms for nearly "# minutes whilst customers poured in from the D$% and through the main entrance.

This newsletter has eeen produced y train drivers, for train drivers. )ind more news and picket photos at www.face*everyjo matters

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2art of being on a 'icket line involves trying to 'ersuade non strikers to res'ect 'icket lines and e3'lain the issues. 4uite often there is a heavy 'olice and management 'resence. (fter a solid day of action that rocked London !nderground from its com'lacency over the issues in dis'ute it seems that there may have been an order from on high to try and make an e3am'le of a 'icket. *he victim a''ears to be -ark Harding, Hammersmith and 5ity Branch .ecretary and a driver at Hammersmith de'ot. His crime seems to be s'eaking to a strike breaker who it is understood does not usually work at Hammersmith. *his individual then immediately raised an 1,0 and 'olice were called. *here were no witnesses but the B*2 took the side of the .trike Breaker and arrested -ark. He was detained for over 67 hours and charged with o$ences made u' by the *hatcher government during the miners dis'ute. He is now barred from attending his work'lace and taking 'art in any activities of the ,-*8 *his is a serious develo'ment and one that a$ects every union member in the 5ountry. *his is outrageous and the !nion will not settle this dis'ute until such injustices are 'ut right. *his is intimidation 'lain and sim'le and L!L and the mayor should sto' the bluster and get round the table and talk seriously now.

/et in touch
+ndustrial )unctional reps: 9ean :'Hanlon # ;<=>? 74@@7> Will ,eid # ;<= 7 => 4@= Aaughan *homas # ;<<@; @=<?>< 1ealth 3 Safety )unctional reps: Bim -c9aid # ;<=6< 676?=@ Cigel /ivers # ;<=?6 646=@4 Dary 0itE'atrick # ;<<=; 67>66@

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