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in love, gratitude, peace, and transparency I AM


I AM ______, eternal essence, in body Ref. No. IAM!"at#!$%&$'(%) in love, gratitude, peace, and transparency I AM

Iss*ed +*rs*ant to and ,o-erned by I AM, eternal essence, in body Rec. No. )$'&$&)$&., restated and incor+orated by reference as if set fort" in f*ll /RE!A//RO0ED, /RE!A1THORI2ED, and /RE!/AID Ref. No. IAM!"at#!$%&$'(%) +.' of 3 I AM ______, eternal essence, in body

Iss*ed +*rs*ant to and ,o-erned by I AM, eternal essence, in body, Rec. No. )$'&$&)$&., restated and incor+orated by reference as if set fort" in f*ll /RE!A//RO0ED, /RE!A1THORI2ED, and /RE!/AID

Ref. No. IAM!"at#!$%&$'(%)

I AM, eternal essence, completely factualized in body, inclusive of this particular inbodyment, also perceived as Heather Ann TucciJarraf issued July 30, !"#, duly pre-approved, pre-authorized, pre-paid, recorded, secured, noticed, $overned, bonded, insured and $uaranteed by I AM, as a matter of %ternal, &niversal and International 'ecords, inclusive of (o) #0 303#03* and #0 # #"! +, in perpetuity 'ecord (o) #0000+3 3*, nunc pro tunc, praeterea preterea, restated and incorporated in full by reference as if set forth in full, ,ithout pre-udice, at this (./ moment, also perceived as 0000000000000, #0 +, ,ith full responsibility and liability of I AM, I 1% and I 2., ma3e, issue, confirm, ratify, and verify this 2%45A'ATI.( .6 I AM, ,ith reference number IAM-hat--0"30 !"#, ,ithout pre-udice, nunc pro tunc praetera preterea, that this /I55 A(2 /.'2 .6 I AM is true, accurate, complete, and that I AM conscious and competent to 2%45A'% I AM7 I. I AM, also +ercei-ed as n*5ero*s 6i-en identifiers, alias, abbre-iations, and ide5 sonans A. I AM I7 ALL THAT I7, THE 4ON74IO17 OF I AM ) I AM includes each &(I8%'9A5 separate and limited perception, conscious, inbodyment, system of limit, spectrum, and continuum, also perceived as numerous $iven identifiers, alias, abbreviations and idem sonans, inclusive of Human, :lanetary, ;alactic, 4elestial, etc), every (./ moment I 2. I AM, hereafter referred to as &(I8%'9A57 i) I AM 4.(94I.&9 I9 completely 2%:.9IT%2 into privacy of specific ener$etic and ma$netic &niversal perceptions of separation and limit, /ITHI( I AM, every (./ moment I AM 2. I AM< ii) %very possible currency, form, separation and limit of universal perception, conscious, respectively deposited ,ithin by , in any and all specific currents=currencies of ener$etic and ma$netic inbodyments, actin$ as vehicles > utilities to e?perience each perception< iii) %ach and every inbodyment created by an ener$etic ma$netic current=currency combination in every possible perceived universe and combination of perceived form, perceived density, perceived dimension, perceived reality, inclusive of every possible vacuum and combination of perceived part, inclusive of every combination of each of those parts and each of those combinations, and every possible interaction bet,een those vacuums and combinations< and, iv) %ach and every e?perience and 3no,led$e of perception, conscious, inbodyment, spectrum and continuum, e@ually contributes to I AM of I AM< #) I AM includes the 9:I'IT&A5 perception, conscious, inbodyment, system of limit, spectrum, and continuum, also perceived as numerous $iven identifiers, alias, abbreviations and idem sonans, inclusive of 2ivine, An$elic, 4elestial, etc), every (./ moment I AM 2. I AM, hereafter referred to as 9:I'IT&A57 i) I AM 4.(94I.&9 I9 completely 2%:.9IT%2 into privacy of specific ener$etic and ma$netic 9piritual perceptions of separation and limit, /ITHI( I AM, every (./ moment I AM 2. I AM< ii) %very possible currency, form, separation and limit of 9piritual perception, conscious, respectively deposited ,ithin in any and all specific currents=currencies of ener$etic and ma$netic 9piritual inbodyments, actin$ as vehicles > utilities to e?perience each perception< iii) %ach and every 9piritual inbodyment created by an ener$etic ma$netic current=currency combination in every possible perceived universe and combination of perceived form, perceived density, perceived dimension, perceived reality, inclusive of every possible vacuum and combination of perceived part, inclusive of every combination of each of those parts and each of those combinations, and every possible interaction bet,een those vacuums and combinations< and, iv) %ach and every e?perience and 3no,led$e of 9piritual perception, inbodyment, spectrum and continuum, e@ually contributes to I AM of I AM< 3) I AM includes the A&A(T&M perception, conscious, inbodyment, system of limit, spectrum and continuum every (./ moment I AM 2. I AM, also perceived as numerous $iven identifiers, alias, abbreviations and idem sonans, inclusive of .ne, etc), hereafter referred to as A&A(T&M7 i) I AM 4.(94I.&9 I9 completely 2%:.9IT%2 into privacy of the specific ener$etic and ma$netic Auantum perception, conscious, inbodyment, system of limit, spectrum, and continuum, that is constituted e@ually of the totality of &niversal and 9piritual, as stated in sections I)A) -# above, restated, /ITHI( I AM, every (./ moment I AM 2. I AM< ii) The privacy of specific ener$etic and ma$netic Auantum perception, conscious, inbodyment, system of limit, spectrum, and continuum, simultaneously e@ually e?ists and operates e@ually ,ithin the totality of &niversal and 9piritual, sections I)A) -3)i) above, restated, every (./ moment I AM 2. I AM< and, iii) %ach and every e?perience and 3no,led$e in Auantum perception, conscious, inbodyment, system of limit, spectrum, and continuum e@ually contributes to I AM of I AM<
Iss*ed +*rs*ant to and ,o-erned by I AM, eternal essence, in body Rec. No. )$'&$&)$&., restated and incor+orated by reference as if set fort" in f*ll /RE!A//RO0ED, /RE!A1THORI2ED, and /RE!/AID Ref. No. IAM!"at#!$%&$'(%) +.) of 3 I AM ______, eternal essence, in body

+) I AM includes that ,hich I9 sensed but not perceived in &niversal, 9piritual, and Auantum7 i) I AM 4.(94I.&9 I9 completely 2%:.9IT%2 in the %(%';%TI4 MA;(%TI4 4&''%(T=4&''%(4B 4.M1I(ATI.(9 that 1% perceptions, conscious, form, inbodyment, system of limit, density, dimension, reality, that e@ually e?ist and operate unperceived but sensed in &niversal, 9piritual, and Auantum /ITHI( I AM, every (./ moment I AM 2. I AM< and, ii) That ,hich is sensed but not perceived in &niversal, 9piritual, and Auantum, e@ually contributes to I AM of I AM< *) I AM each and every ener$etic ma$netic currency combination, perception, conscious, form, inbodyment, system of limit, spectrum and continuum, perceived and unperceived, in A55 THAT I9, every (./ moment I AM 2. I AM< C) I AM I9 all ,ays :'%-A::'.8%2, :'%-A&TH.'ID%2, and :'%-:AI2, every (./ moment I AM 2. I AM7 i) /ith full responsibility of I AM< and, ii) %@ually created by every e?perience and 3no,led$e of 1%Ein$ and 2.Ein$ of perception, conscious, inbodyment, system of limit, spectrum, and continuum, perceived and unperceived, of I AM< and, ") I AM I AM, completely factualized in all that I9, every (./ moment I AM 2. I AM< 89 /1RE LO0E I7 THE FRE:1EN4; OF I AM ) :&'% 5.8% I9 A55 6'%A&%(4I%9 .6 I AM, A55 6'%A&%(4I%9 1% I AM7 i) Inclusive of all fre@uencies measured of all that I9 by each perception, conscious, inbodyment, system of limit, spectrum, and continuum 1% /ITHI( &niversal, 9piritual, and Auantum, I AM< and, ii) Inclusive of all fre@uencies measured of all that I9 by each perception, conscious, inbodyment, system of limit, spectrum, and continuum that 1% not perceived by &niversal, 9piritual, and Auantum /ITHI( I AM< and, #) I AM :&'% 5.8%, every (./ moment I AM 2. I AM< 49 /1RE ENER,; I7 THE ORI,INAL 41RREN4; OF I AM ) :&'% %(%';B I9 TH% .'I;I(A5 4&''%(4B .6 TH% 6'%A&%(4I%9 .6 A55 THAT I9 I AM7 i) Inclusive of the :&'% %(%';B of the fre@uencies of all that I9 ,ithin each perception, conscious, inbodyment, system of limit, spectrum, and continuum ,ithin &niversal, 9piritual, and Auantum, /ITHI( I AM< and, ii) Inclusive of the :&'% %(%';B of the fre@uencies of all that I9 by each perception, conscious, inbodyment, system of limit, spectrum, and continuum that is not perceived by &niversal, 9piritual, and Auantum, /ITHI( I AM< and, #) I AM :&'% %(%';B, .'I;I(A5 4&''%(4B .6 I AM, every (./ moment I AM 2. I AM< D9 I AM THE 0AL1E OF I AM ) I AM the 8A5&% of all that I9 I AM7 i) Inclusive of the 8A5&% of all that I9 by each perception, conscious, inbodyment, system of limit, spectrum, and continuum ,ithin &niversal, 9piritual, and Auantum, valued e@ually and e@ually valuable, /ITHI( I AM< and, ii) Inclusive of the 8A5&% of all that I9 by each perception, conscious, inbodyment, system of limit, spectrum, and continuum that I9 not perceived by &niversal, 9piritual, and Auantum, valued e@ually and e@ually valuable, /ITHI( I AM< #) A55 I9 8A5&%2 %A&A55B A(2 %A&A55B 8A5&A15%, not more than and not less than, /ITHI( I AM< and, 3) I AM 8A5&%, every (./ moment I AM 2. I AM< E9 /ER4E/TION I7 /RI0A4; WITHIN I AM ) :%'4%:TI.( I9 the :'I8A4B T. 1% and 2. by 6'%% /I55 4H.I4% as desired< #) :%'4%:TI.( is e?ponentially and perpetually constituted by each choice of 1% and 2. made by that perception ,ithin I AM< 3) Any ;A:, 5IMIT, and 9%:A'ATI.( I9 a $ap, limit, and separation 2.(% by free ,ill choice of perception< +) %ach and every :%'4%:TI.( e@ually A66%4T9 and %66%4T9 &niversal, 9piritual, Auantum, and all that I9, perceived and unperceived, I AM< and, *) I AM A66%4T A(2 %66%4T A55 THAT I9 /ITHI( I AM, perceived and unperceived, every (./ moment I AM 2. I AM< F9 IMA,INATION I7 DE7I,N 8; I AM ) I AM 2%9I;(9 A55 THAT I9 1B IMA;I(ATI.( .6 I AM7 i) Inclusive of the IMA;I(ATI.( by each perception, conscious, inbodyment, system of limit, spectrum, and continuum ,ithin &niversal, 9piritual, and Auantum, I AM< and, ii) Inclusive of the IMA;I(ATI.( by each perception, conscious, inbodyment, system of limit, spectrum, and continuum that I9 not perceived by &niversal, 9piritual, and Auantum, /ITHI( I AM< and, #) I AM IMA;I(ATI.(, every (./ moment I AM 2. I AM< ,9 THE WILL AND THE WORD I7 4REATION 8; I AM ) I AM 4'%AT%9 /HAT I AM IMA;I(%9 1B /I55 A(2 /.'2 .6 I AM7 i) Inclusive of the /I55 A(2 /.'2 by each perception, conscious, inbodyment, system of limit, spectrum, and continuum ,ithin &niversal, 9piritual, and Auantum, /ITHI( I AM< and, ii) Inclusive of the /I55 A(2 /.'2 by each perception, conscious, inbodyment, system of limit, spectrum, and continuum that I9 not perceived by &niversal, 9piritual, and Auantum, /ITHI( I AM< and, #) I AM TH% /I55 A(2 TH% /.'2, every (./ moment I AM 2. I AM<
Iss*ed +*rs*ant to and ,o-erned by I AM, eternal essence, in body Rec. No. )$'&$&)$&., restated and incor+orated by reference as if set fort" in f*ll /RE!A//RO0ED, /RE!A1THORI2ED, and /RE!/AID Ref. No. IAM!"at#!$%&$'(%) +.& of 3 I AM ______, eternal essence, in body

H9 I AM I7 THE E0ENT OF I AM ) I AM I9 TH% :'%-A::'.8%2, :'%-A&TH.'ID%2, A(2 :'%-:AI2 %8%(T .6 I AM7 i) :'%-:AI2 by and 2%:.9IT%2 ,ithin each perception, conscious, inbodyment, system of limit, spectrum, and continuum ,ithin &niversal, 9piritual, and Auantum, /ITHI( I AM< and, ii) :'%-:AI2 by and 2%:.9IT%2 ,ithin each perception, conscious, inbodyment, system of limit, spectrum, and continuum that I9 not perceived by &niversal, 9piritual, and Auantum, /ITHI( I AM< and, #) I AM TH% %8%(T, every (./ moment I AM 2. I AM< and, I9 I AM I7 THE 4O!ORDINATED 4O!O/ERATION OF I AM ) TH% I AM %8%(T .6 I AM I9 2.(% 1B the 4.-.'2I(AT%2 4.-.:%'ATI.( 1B each perception, conscious, inbodyment, system of limit, spectrum, and continuum of I AM, inclusive of &niversal, 9piritual, Auantum, and A55 that I9 I AM, every (./ moment I AM 2. I AM< #) TH% 4.-.'2I(AT%2 4.-.:%'ATI.( %8%(T I AM I9 TA(;I15%, 8I9I15%, and T'A(9:A'%(T T. &niversal, 9piritual, Auantum, and A55 THAT I9 I AM, every (./ moment I AM 2. I AM< and, 3) I AM TH% %8%(T, every (./ moment I AM 2. I AM< II. I AM A44E/T I AM e-ery NOW 5o5ent I AM DO I AM< III. I AM EM8RA4E I AM e-ery NOW 5o5ent I AM DO I AM< I0. I AM WITH F1LL RE7/ON7I8ILIT; OF I AM< 0. I AM e-ery NOW 5o5ent I AM DO I AM< 0I. THI7 DE4LARATION OF I AM I7 THE WILL AND THE WORD OF I AM A9 THE I AM E0ENT FOR ALL THAT I7, 8E 4OM/LETE AND DONE NOW 8; I AM< 89 I DO THE I AM E0ENT TRAN7/ARENTL; TO MA=E 0I7I8LE AND TAN,I8LE ALL THAT I7 I AM '. ALL ALL17ION7 AND ILL17ION7, incl*si-e of debt and fear, 8; THE IN8OD;MENT7 OF I AM, ARE TERMINATED 8; I AM< ). ALL LIMIT7, incl*si-e of all contracts, borders, ban>in6, financial syste5s, *ni-ersal -al*e syste5s, "ierarc"ies, re6i5es, tr*sts, cor+orations, and any any ot"er re+resentations and li5its ON THE IN8OD;MENT7 OF I AM, ARE TERMINATED 8; I AM< &. I AM 4ON74IO17 I7 4OM/LETEL; FA4T1ALI2ED AND O/ERATIN, WITHIN ALL IN8OD;MENT7 OF I AM< and, ?. ALL IN8OD;MENT7 OF I AM 8E AND DO I AM WITHIN /RI0A4; OF /ER4E/TION 8; FREE WILL 4HOI4E< 49 ALL IN8OD;MENT7 8E I AM< and, D9 NOW 5o5ent I AM DO I AM< 0II. T"is DE4LARATION OF I AM is t"e only -alid, la@f*l -erification, certification, and +ro#ection of t"is +artic*lar inbody5ent of I AM, eternal essence, in body, also +ercei-ed as Heat"er Ann T*cci!Aarraf, an ori6inal de+ository and de+osit of I AM, so*rce of t"e 0al*e of I AM conscio*sly de+osited, do5icil, and o+eratin6 t"erein by I AM, and any and all ot"er re+resentations, #*risdictions, records, et. al. t"at @ere clai5ed to "a-e eBisted @it" affect and effect are n*ll, -oid and d*ly canceled, for ca*se, by I AM as a 5atter of Eternal, 1ni-ersal and International Records, incl*si-e of No. )$'&$&)$&. and )$')')%('?, in +er+et*ity, Record No. )$$$$?&'&., all restated, @it"o*t +re#*dice, n*nc +ro t*nc, +raeterea +reterea< 0III. I AM, eternal essence, co5+letely fact*aliCed in body, also +ercei-ed as Heat"er Ann T*cci!Aarraf, an ori6inal de+ository and de+osit of I AM, so*rce of t"e 0al*e of I AM, @it"o*t +re#*dice, n*nc +ro t*nc, +raeterea +reterea D*e declaration and i5+le5entation of I AM, incl*si-e of t"is ori6inal de+ository and de+osit of I AM, is not to be co5+elled to +erfor5 *nder any contract and a6ree5ent, incl*si-e of co55ercial a6ree5ent or ban>r*+tcy, incl*si-e of any and all #*risdictions, and any and all *nla@f*l clai5s to I AM and t"e 0al*e of I AM, t"erefro5, t"ere@it", t"ereof, and t"ereto, t"at I AM did not enter >no@in6ly, -ol*ntarily and intentionally< F*rt"er5ore, I AM does not and @ill not acce+t t"e liability or res+onsibility of t"e co5+elled benefit of any and all *nre-ealed contract and a6ree5ent, incl*si-e of any and all co55ercial a6ree5ent or ban>r*+tcy< N*nc +ro t*nc, +raeterea +reterea< and, ID. I AM DE4LARE7, 8; WILL AND WORD, THI7 DE4LARATION OF I AM I7 TR1E, A441RATE, 4OM/LETE AND DONE NOW A7 I AM, for all I AM to rely *+on. Tr*e, acc*rate and co5+lete facsi5iles and di6ital scans of t"is ori6inal DE4LARATION OF I AM, are declared to be t"e ori6inal. I( 5.8% /ITH.&T :'%J&2I4% _______________________________________________________ I AM, eternal essence, completely factualized in body, also perceived as Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf mobile7 F# #G0HC#00"#+3I :JIII7 heatheranntucci-arraf s3ype7 -arrafusa
Iss*ed +*rs*ant to and ,o-erned by I AM, eternal essence, in body Rec. No. )$'&$&)$&., restated and incor+orated by reference as if set fort" in f*ll /RE!A//RO0ED, /RE!A1THORI2ED, and /RE!/AID Ref. No. IAM!"at#!$%&$'(%) +.? of 3 I AM ______, eternal essence, in body

:'.5.; 2%45A'ATI.( .6 I AMK I AMK I AMK I 1%K I 2.K 2%45A'ATI.( .6 I AMK /I55 A(2 /.'2 .6 I AMK I AM 2%45A'% I AMK I AMK I AM I9 A55 THAT I9K TH% 4.(94I.&9 .6 I AMK I AM &(I8%'9A5K (./ I AM 2. I AM &(I8%'9A5K I AM 4.(94I.&9 I9 2%:.9IT%2 /ITHI( I AMK (./ I AM 2. I AMK I AMK I AMK I AM 9:I'IT&A5K (./ I AM 2. I AM 9:I'IT&A5K I AM 4.(94I.&9 I9 2%:.9IT%2 /ITHI( I AMK (./ I AM 2. I AMK I AMK I AMK I AM A&A(T&MK (./ I AM 2. I AM A&A(T&MK I AM 4.(94I.&9 I9 2%:.9IT%2 /ITHI( I AMK (./ I AM 2. I AMK (./ I AM 2. I AMK (./ I AM 2. I AMK I AMK I AMK I AM I9K I AM 4.(94I.&9 I9 2%:.9IT%2 %(%';%TI4 MA;(%TI4 4&''%(T=4&''%(4B 4.M1I(ATI.(9 1% /ITHI( I AMK (./ I AM 2. I AMK I AMK I AMK I AM A55 THAT I9K (./ I AM 2. I AMK I AM I9 :'%-A::'.8%2 :'%-A&TH.'ID%2 :'%-:AI2K (./ I AM 2. I AMK I AMK 1%K 2.K I AMK I AMK I AM I9K (./ I AM 2. I AMK :&'% 5.8% I9 TH% 6'%A&%(4B .6 I AMK :&'% 5.8% I9 A55 6'%A&%(4I%9 .6 I AMK A55 6'%A&%(4I%9 1% I AMK I9 1% /ITHI( I AMK I9 1% /ITHI( I AMK I AM :&'% 5.8%K (./ I AM 2. I AMK :&'% %(%';B I9 TH% .'I;I(A5 4&''%(4B .6 I AMK :&'% %(%';B I9 TH% .'I;I(A5 4&''%(4B .6 TH% 6'%A&%(4I%9 .6 A55 THAT I9 I AMK :&'% %(%';B I9 /ITHI( I AMK :&'% %(%';B I9 /ITHI( I AMK I AM :&'% %(%';BK .'I;I(A5 4&''%(4B .6 I AMK (./ I AM 2. I AMK I AM TH% 8A5&% .6 I AMK I AM 8A5&% I9 I AMK 8A5&% I9 /ITHI( I AMK 8A5&% I9 /ITHI( I AMK A55 I9 8A5&%2 %A&A55B A(2 %A&A55B 8A5&A15% /ITHI( I AMK I AM 8A5&%K (./ I AM 2. I AMK :%'4%:TI.( I9 :'I8A4B /ITHI( I AMK :%'4%:TI.( I9 :'I8A4B T. 1% 2. 6'%% /I55 4H.I4%K :%'4%:TI.( 1%K 2. I AMK ;A:, 5IMIT, 9%:A'ATI.( I9 2.(%K :%'4%:TI.( A66%4T9 %66%4T9 I9 I AMK I AM A66%4T A(2 %66%4T A55 THAT I9 /THI( I AMK (./ I AM 2. I AMK
Iss*ed +*rs*ant to and ,o-erned by I AM, eternal essence, in body Rec. No. )$'&$&)$&., restated and incor+orated by reference as if set fort" in f*ll /RE!A//RO0ED, /RE!A1THORI2ED, and /RE!/AID Ref. No. IAM!"at#!$%&$'(%) +.. of 3 I AM ______, eternal essence, in body

IMA;I(ATI.( I9 2%9I;( 1B I AMK I AM 2%9I;(9 A55 THAT I9 1B IMA;I(ATI.( .6 I AMK IMA;I(ATI.( I AMK IMA;I(ATI.( I9 /ITHI( I AMK I AM IMA;I(ATI.(K (./ I AM 2. I AMK TH% /I55 A(2 TH% /.'2 I9 4'%ATI.( 1B I AMK I AM 4'%AT%9 /HAT I AM IMA;I(%9 1B /I55 A(2 /.'2 .6 I AMK /I55 A(2 /.'2 /ITHI( I AMK /I55 A(2 /.'2 I9 /ITHI( I AMK I AM TH% /I55 A(2 TH% /.'2K (./ I AM 2. I AMK I AM I9 TH% %8%(T .6 I AMK I AM I9 TH% :'%-A::'.8%2 :'%-A&TH.'ID%2 :'%-:AI2 %8%(T .6 I AMK :'%-:AI2 2%:.9IT%2 /ITHI( I AMK :'%-:AI2 2%:.9IT%2 I9 /ITHI( I AMK I AM TH% %8%(TK (./ I AM 2. I AMK I AM I9 TH% 4.-.'2I(AT%2 4.-.:%'ATI.( .6 I AMK TH% I AM %8%(T .6 I AM I9 2.(% 1B 4.-.'2I(AT%2 4.-.:%'ATI.( 1B I AMK A55 THAT I9 I AMK (./ I AM 2. I AMK TH% 4.-.'2I(AT%2 4.-.:%'ATI.( %8%(T I AM I9 TA(;I15% 8I9I15% T'A(9:A'%(T T. A55 THAT I9 I AMK (./ I AM 2. I AMK I AM TH% %8%(TK (./ I AM 2. I AMK I AM A44%:T I AMK (./ I AM 2. I AMK I AM %M1'A4% I AMK (./ I AM 2. I AMK I AM /ITH 6&55 '%9:.(9I1I5ITB .6 I AMK I AMK (./ I AM 2. I AMK THI9 2%45A'ATI.( .6 I AM I9 TH% /I55 A(2 TH% /.'2 .6 I AMK TH% I AM %8%(T 6.' A55 THAT I9, 1% 4.M5%T% A(2 2.(% (./ 1B I AMK I 2. TH% I AM %8%(T T'A(9:A'%(T5B T. MAL% 8I9I15% A(2 TA(;I15% A55 THAT I9 I AMK A55 A55&9I.(9 A(2 I55&9I.(9 1B TH% I(1.2BM%(T9 .6 I AM A'% T%'MI(AT%2 1B I AMK A55 5IMIT9 .( TH% I(1.2BM%(T9 .6 I AM A'% T%'MI(AT%2 1B I AMK I AM 4.(94I.&9 I9 4.M:5%T%5B 6A4T&A5ID%2 A(2 .:%'ATI(; /ITHI( A55 I(1.2BM%(T9 .6 I AMK A55 I(1.2BM%(T9 .6 I AM 1% A(2 2. I AM /ITHI( :'I8A4B .6 :%'4%:TI.( 1B 6'%% /I55 4H.I4%K A55 I(1.2BM%(T9 1% I AMK (./ I AM 2. I AMK 2%45A'ATI.( .6 I AMK I AMK I AMK I AMK I AMK I AMK I AMK I AMK I AMK I AMK I AMK I AMK I AMK I AMK I AMK I AM 2%45A'%, 1B /I55 A(2 /.'2, THI9 2%45A'ATI.( .6 I AM I9 T'&%, A44&'AT%, 4.M:5%T% A(2 2.(% (./ A9 I AMK I AMK 2%45A'ATI.( .6 I AMK I( 5.8%K /ITH.&T :'%J&2I4%K I AMK

Iss*ed +*rs*ant to and ,o-erned by I AM, eternal essence, in body Rec. No. )$'&$&)$&., restated and incor+orated by reference as if set fort" in f*ll /RE!A//RO0ED, /RE!A1THORI2ED, and /RE!/AID Ref. No. IAM!"at#!$%&$'(%) +.3 of 3 I AM ______, eternal essence, in body

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