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I n l o v e p e a c e a n d g r a t i t u d e I A M


Issued pursuant to and Governed by I AM, eternal essence, in body, Rec. No. 2013032035, restated and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full
Ref. No.: DODD-IAM-hatj-07301972
I AM, eternal essence, comletel! fact"al#$e% #n &o%!, '"l! 30, 1972, also erce#(e% as )eather Ann *"cc#-'arraf, %"l! re-aro(e%, re-
a"thor#$e%, re-a#%, recor%e%, sec"re%, not#ce%, +o(erne%, &on%e%, #ns"re% an% +"arantee% &! I AM, #ncl"s#(e of ,ternal, -n#(ersal an%
Internat#onal Recor% No. 201303203. an% 201212791/, #n eret"#t!, Recor% No. 20000/313., %"l! %eclare%, D,01ARA*ION O2 I
AM, 3#th reference n"m&er IAM-hatj-07301972, %"l! DON,, e4ec"te%, an% not#ce%, %"l! erfecte%, n"nc ro t"nc raeterea reterea, all
restate% an% #ncororate% &! reference as #f set forth #n f"ll, 3#tho"t rej"%#ce, 3#th all sa#% recor%s an% 5al"e of I AM %"l! ma%e, #ss"e%,
%eos#te%, %om#c#l, conf#rme%, reconf#rme%, rat#f#e%, (er#f#e% an% not#ce%, n"nc ro t"nc, raeterea reterea, at th#s moment, also
erce#(e% as 6666666666666, 201/, DO %"l! ma7e, #ss"e, conf#rm, rat#f!, an% (er#f! th#s D,01ARA*ION O2 ORI8INA1
D,9O:I*OR; AND D,9O:I* O2 I AM, 3#th reference n"m&er DODD-IAM-hatj-07301972, 3#th f"ll ersonal resons#&#l#t! an%
l#a&#l#t!, n"nc ro t"nc raetera reterea, an% that th#s D,01ARA*ION #s tr"e, acc"rate, comlete, an% I AM consc#o"s an% cometent to
sa! so:
I. I AM, eternal essence, in body, also perceived as Heather Ann Tucci-1arraf, duly recorded, secured, noticed, governed, bonded,
insured and guaranteed by I AM, Record No. 2013032035 and 2012127914, in perpetuity Record No. 2000043135, and
DECLARATION OF I AM, reference number IAM-hatj-07301972, all restated, without prejudice, nunc pro tunc praetera
preterea, duly declares, reconfirms, ratifies, verifies and notices, without prejudice, nunc pro tunc praetera preterea:
A. I AM, eternal essence, %eos#te%, %om#c#l an% fact"al#$e%, &! free 3#ll cho#ce of I AM, #n &o%! on '"l! 30, 1972, hereafter referre% to
as I AM<
=. *h#s art#c"lar #n&o%!ment of I AM 3as create% &! I AM<
0. *he sole #ntent an% "rose for the creat#on of th#s art#c"lar #n&o%!ment of I AM #s for I AM to consc#o"sl! =, an% DO #n &o%!<
D. *h#s art#c"lar #n&o%!ment of I AM #s an or#+#nal %eos#tor! of I AM an% so"rce of 5al"e of I AM<
,. I AM #s the 5al"e of I AM, #ncl"s#(e of an! creat#on, e4ans#on or #ncrease of the 5al"e of I AM, #s e4ressl! #%ent#f#e% as:
1. I AM =,>#n+ &! the free 3#ll cho#ce of I AM<
2. I AM DO>#n+ &! the free 3#ll cho#ce of I AM, not#ce &! I AM<
3. 9"re ener+! #s the or#+#nal c"rrenc! of I AM< an%,
/. I AM, eternal essence, #n &o%!, also erce#(e% as )eather Ann *"cc#-'arraf, #s an or#+#nal %eos#tor! of I AM, an% the sole #ss"er,
c"sto%#an, tr"stee, oerator, mana+er, &oo77eeer, recor% hol%er, an% +o(ernor of sa#% 5al"e of I AM %om#c#l there#n &! I AM<
2. D"e not#ce, (al#%at#on, reconf#rmat#on an% rat#f#cat#on of the consc#o"s %om#c#l of I AM, eternal essence, %eos#te% 3#th#n th#s
art#c"lar #n&o%!ment of I AM, &! free 3#ll cho#ce of I AM, occ"rre% on '"l! 30, 1972<
8. *h#s art#c"lar #n&o%!ment of I AM #s consc#o"sl! %om#c#l &! cho#ce of I AM on earth, 3#tho"t rej"%#ce<
). *h#s art#c"lar #n&o%!ment of I AM 3as +#(en the reference name of )eather Ann ?re#sman on '"l! 30, 1972, an% s"&se@"entl! +#(en
the reference name of )eather Ann *"cc#<
I. As of the NOA moment of th#s %eclarat#on of I AM, as a matter of recor%, th#s art#c"lar #n&o%!ment of I AM #s also erce#(e% as
)eather Ann *"cc#-'arraf<
'. I AM, eternal essence, comletel! fact"al#$e% 3#th#n th#s art#c"lar #n&o%!ment of I AM, an or#+#nal %eos#tor! an% %eos#t of I AM &!
I AM, formerl! erce#(e% as Bf"ll r#+hts, t#tle, an% o3nersh#C of the (eh#cle of art#c"lar #n&o%!ment of I AM &! an! an% all former
"rorte% s!stems, NOA %"l! clar#f#e% &! D,01ARA*ION O2 I AM, 3#th reference n"m&er IAM-hatj-07301972, restate%, %"l!
erfecte%, 3#tho"t rej"%#ce, n"nc ro t"nc, raeterea reterea<
?. *h#s art#c"lar #n&o%!ment of I AM, an or#+#nal %eos#tor! of I AM, so"rce of the 5al"e of I AM, %om#c#l &! I AM 3#th#n, #s "n%er
the sole tr"st, c"sto%!, mana+ement, oerat#on an% %#scret#on of th#s art#c"lar #n&o%!ment of I AM, eternal essence, also erce#(e% as
)eather Ann *"cc#-'arraf:
1. *h#s art#c"lar #n&o%!ment of I AM DO,: act an% resent 3#th f"ll resons#&#l#t! an% l#a&#l#t! of I AM<
2. An! an% all %eos#t, "se, creat#on, %el#(er!, con(ers#on, or accommo%at#on of an! an% all 5al"e I AM, %om#c#l #n th#s art#c"lar
#n&o%!ment of I AM, &! I AM, #s al3a!s %"l! ma%e, a"thor#$e%, reconf#rme% an% e(#%ence% &! the consc#o"s of I AM, #ncl"s#(e of
the %"l! (er#f#e% e4ec"te% 3et-#n7 s#+nat"re an% th"m&r#nt seal of I AM, eternal essence, #n &o%!, also erce#(e% as )eather Ann
3. An! an% all la3f"l act an% resent of th#s art#c"lar #n&o%!ment of I AM, #s al3a!s ma%e, a"thor#$e%, reconf#rme% an% e(#%ence% &!
the consc#o"s of I AM, #ncl"s#(e of the %"l! (er#f#e% e4ec"te% DO>#n+ of I AM, eternal essence, #n &o%!, also erce#(e% as )eather
Ann *"cc#-'arraf< an%,
/. I AM 0ON:0IO-:, 3#th f"ll resons#&#l#t! an% l#a&#l#t! of I AM, that all I AM, =, an% DO, affects an% effects A11 *)A* I: I
1. I AM, eternal essence, #n &o%!, the sole c"sto%#an, tr"stee, oerator, mana+er, &oo77eeer, recor% hol%er an% +o(ernor of th#s art#c"lar
#n&o%!ment of I AM, an or#+#nal %eos#tor! of I AM, the 5al"e I AM %om#c#l there#n &! I AM, #ncl"s#(e of an! an% all creat#on,
e4ans#on, rocess#n+, %el#(er#es, con(ers#ons, an% e4chan+es of the 5al"e of I AM, #ncl"s#(e of an! an% all roject#ons, al#cat#ons,
an% %e(#ces of I AM, #f an!, shall &e %"l! #%ent#f#e%, %es#+nate%, a"thor#$e%, an% e(#%ence% &! the consc#o"s of I AM, #ncl"s#(e of the
Issued pursuant to and Governed by I AM, eternal essence, in body
Rec. No. 2013032035, restated and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full
PRE-AUTHORIZED, PRE-APPROVED, and PRE-PAID Ref. No. DODD-IAM-hatj-07301972 p.1 of 2
I AM _______, eternal essence, inbody , Ref. No.: IAM-hatj-07301972
I n l o v e p e a c e a n d g r a t i t u d e I A M
Issued pursuant to and Governed by I AM, eternal essence, in body, Rec. No. 2013032035, restated and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full
Ref. No.: DODD-IAM-hatj-07301972
%"l! (er#f#e% e4ec"te% 3et-#n7 s#+nat"re an% th"m&r#nt seal of I AM, eternal essence, #n &o%!, also erce#(e% as )eather Ann *"cc#-
'arraf, an or#+#nal %eos#tor! of I AM< an%,
M. I AM, eternal essence, in body, also perceived as Heather Ann Tucci-1arraf, DECLARATION OF I AM, reference number
IAM-hatj-07301972, restated, without prejudice, nunc pro tunc praetera preterea, an original depository and deposit of I AM,
source of the Value of I AM, duly declares, reconfirms, ratifies, verifies and notices, without prejudice, nunc pro tunc praetera
1. I AM DOES lawfully and duly convert any and all devices of I AM to pure energy, original currency of I AM, for conscious
re-issuance by I AM:
a. ~Devices lawfully defined by I AM as: units of duly unlawful, null and void, or otherwise canceled, for cause, formerly
purported representations and instruments of the Value of I AM, specifically, any and all ~current funds, ~currencies,
~funds, formerly issued by and duly seized from foreclosed unlawful former systems, networks, and facilities,
DECLARATION OF FACTS, record number 2012127914, in perpetuity, record number 2000043135, restated, by I AM;
b. For cause lawfully declared by I AM as:
i. I AM, DECLARATION OF I AM, with reference number IAM-hatj-07301972, restated;
ii. All inbodyments, perceived and not perceived, BE I AM, eternal essence, inclusive of the inbodyments that did the
unlawful former systems, networks, and facilities, NOW duly foreclosed by I AM, by the free will choice of I AM; and,
iii. I AM, eternal essence, CONSCIOUS, with full responsibility and liability of I AM, that all I AM, BE and DO, affects
and effects ALL THAT IS I AM; and,
2. I AM DOES lawfully and duly convert any and all devices of I AM to pure energy, original currency of I AM, for conscious
re-issuance by I AM, by CONSCIOUS WILL AND WORD OF I AM;
II. This DECLARATION OF ORIGINAL DEPOSITORY AND DEPOSIT OF I AM is the only valid, lawful verification,
certification, and projection of this particular inbodyment of I AM, eternal essence, in body, also perceived as Heather Ann Tucci-
jarraf, source of the Value of I AM consciously, deposited, domicil, and operating therein, and any and all other representations,
jurisdictions, records, et. al. that were claimed to have existed with affect and effect are null, void and duly canceled, for cause, by
I AM, as a matter of Eternal, Universal and International Records, inclusive of No. 2013032035 and 2012127914, in perpetuity,
Record No. 2000043135, all restated, without prejudice nunc pro tunc, praeterea preterea;
III. I AM, eternal essence, completely factualized in this particular inbodyment, also perceived as Heather Ann Tucci-1arraf, an
original depository and deposit of I AM, source of the Value of I AM, without prejudice, nunc pro tunc, praeterea preterea: Due
declaration and implementation of I AM, inclusive of this original depository and deposit of I AM, is not to be compelled to
perform under any contract and agreement, inclusive of commercial agreement or bankruptcy, inclusive of any and all
jurisdictions, and any and all unlawful claims to I AM and the Value of I AM, therefrom, therewith, thereof, and thereto, that I
AM did not enter knowingly, voluntarily and intentionally; Furthermore, I AM does not and will not accept the liability or
responsibility of the compelled benefit of any and all unrevealed contract and agreement, inclusive of any and all commercial
agreement or bankruptcy; Nunc pro tunc, praeterea preterea; and,
IV. I AM, eternal essence, completely factualized in body, duly makes, declares, issues, reconfirms, validates, verifies, and notices,
with action of conscious duly executed wet-ink signature of I AM, this CONSCIOUS WILL AND WORD OF I AM,
DECLARATION OF ORIGINAL DEPOSITORY AND DEPOSIT OF I AM, nunc pro tunc, praeterea preterea, and that the
specific conscious declarations made herein, are true, accurate, and complete, with full responsibility and liability of I AM, in
body, for all I AM to rely upon as true, accurate, and complete. Furthermore, duly made and issued facsimiles and digital scans
A#tho"t rej"%#ce
I AM, eternal essence, #n &o%!, also erce#(e% as )eather Ann *"cc#-'arraf, Ref. No. IAM-hatj-07301972
mo&#le: D212E0FG20072/3H 9IIII: heatherannt"cc#jarraf s7!e: jarraf"sa
Issued pursuant to and Governed by I AM, eternal essence, in body
Rec. No. 2013032035, restated and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full
PRE-AUTHORIZED, PRE-APPROVED, and PRE-PAID Ref. No. DODD-IAM-hatj-07301972 p.2 of 2
I AM _______, eternal essence, inbody , Ref. No.: IAM-hatj-07301972

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