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East West Link (Eastern Section) Project

Guide for Community Groups, Businesses and Individuals

The following is provided as guidance to Community Groups, Sporting Organisations, Businesses and Individual Submitters presenting to the Assessment Committee Public Hearing. The Assessment Committee (the Committee) will have read your submission in its entirety before you are due to present, as well as all other submissions. You have a limited time in which to present your submission, so please use your time wisely and take the following information into account: 1. Please turn up prior to the commencement of your hearing session in the tea or lunch break prior to your scheduled time (e.g. not half-way through the session). Upon arrival make yourself known to PPV staff (Emma Moysey and David Newton) so they know you are in attendance. If you intend on using a PowerPoint presentation, please provide it electronically to David in the break before each session starts. David will upload your presentation onto the laptop during the break to ensure you can use your allocated time efficiently. If you have additional written submissions or accompanying documents (i.e. photographs, plans) to hand up to the Committee, please ensure you have at least fifteen (15) copies. Additional copies of your original submission are not required. You are telling the Committee your opinions and views, and only need to look at its members, do not feel as though you need to address all the other parties in the hearing room. You do not need to repeat and read all that is in your submission. Focus on your key points and the key issues that you wish to emphasise or draw to the Committees attention. You may respond to issues raised by other parties, including the LMA as part of your submission. You may want to practice your presentation before you attend the hearing, so that you are aware of the timing issues. If you are unable to attend your hearing time for any reason, please advise Jessica Cutting as soon as possible. No other party will be able to ask you questions, however the Committee may seek clarification on points from time to time, so please leave some time for possible questions or matters of clarification.



4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Thank you for your involvement in this Project.

Planning Panels Victoria Staff Contact Details:

Emma Moysey: or 9223 5308 Jessica Cutting: or 8392 6383

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