AUP College of Medicine Update - Feb 2014

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February 2014

The first two months of year 2014 is almost over but there is still no visit from the CHED Technical Panel for Medical Education (TPME) to AUP. This has caused great concern to AUP alumni, faculty and staff who eagerly anticipated the TPME visit. What transpired during these past few months will surely give us light on the delay. In June 2013, AUP submitted its compliance report to the CHED. Unfortunately, the CHED TPME only met in November 2013 to deliberate on the documents submitted. During their meeting, they found out that AUP COM still had some deficiencies. The deficiencies included the curriculum and some minor issues. The curriculum however is complete but AUP did not send it to CHED because of some concerns. Instead AUP told the CHED that the TPME will see the documents once they visit AUP. Another deficiency is the building. The TPME wants that the offices of the dean and staff are ready, and that all the facilities should be found only in one building. It was only in the 3rd week of December when AUP received a communication from the CHED regarding the deficiencies. On January 6, 2014, Dr. Francisco Gayoba, Dr. Mirriam Narbarte, and Dr. Doris Mendoza went to the CHED and submitted the compliance documents. Later, the administrators were told that the director of the Office of Programs and Standards (OPS) in-charge of Medicine program has retired in December 2013 and that the term of the TPME has also ended. Sometime in January, the new OPS director was appointed. Subsequently, the Technical Panel for Medical Education was reorganized. All the members of the previous TPME were reappointed and some new members were added to the group. Because of the changes in leadership of the technical panel, Dr. Gayoba, accompanied by Dr. Narbarte paid a courtesy visit

Why the delay of the TPME Visit?

Nearly constructed College of Medicine building

to the new OPS director. During their visit, they reiterated the application and asked for a visit so that AUP could offer the Doctor of Medicine program by June 2014. The technical committee has yet to meet but the new director assured AUP officers that they will soon meet and she will personally join the panel in their visit to AUP. This month of February, Dr. Narbarte learned that the TPME will finally meet on March 4, 2014. The panel will review our compliance report and if they found adherence, they will schedule for a visit. If recommendations are not complied with, there will be no panel visit which means that we have to wait for another year or few years before we could open the Doctor of Medicine program. Looking back to these events,

we could see Gods hand leading AUP. If the panel came in November, they could have denied our appeal because the building and facilities which were identified as deficiencies were not yet ready. Hopefully, by the time they visit in March, those things they want to see are all completed. Meanwhile, construction of the building is still in full swing. AUP is hoping for the best and continues to work and pray that God will do what is best for the University and for the College of Medicine project. God willing through our prayers and financial support we could inaugurate the building on May 13, 2014 with no less than the General Conference president Elder Ted Wilson gracing the event.

Constructing the College of Medicine building is indeed a gargantuan task for the University. As of this date, the total expenditures for the project since its planning stage is Php 84,064,253.56. For sure this amount will continue to increase as the finishing touches are completed and the equipment are brought in. The administration expects that the total expenditures including the procurement of equipment will reach Php100 million. Even with the burgeoning cost,

Fund Raising Report

the administration is determined to finish the project. As a matter of fact, the university shouldered about 50% of the expenditures but is hoping that alumni and friends from all over the world would continue to send their financial support even after the building has been completed. The table of the COM Fundraising Report shows how far the fund raising drive has gone. So far only 471 alumni and friends have shared their blessings for our project. Two hundred two are from abroad and 269 from the Philippines. Alumni from far and near are invited to support the COM project. The university knows that the alumni have their own challenges to meet in life and that they have their ministries to support and priorities to achieve. But the university asks that they include the College of Medicine building project as one of their projects too. Their gift to God though small it may seem, when gathered together will definitely help for the projects completion.


As of February 3, 2014

COM Project Expenditures Report

As of December 23,2013 February 10, 2014 Funds Received (December 14, 2013 February 14, 2014) (Total Funds Received since Aug. 1,2007 PhP53,391,793.34) Expenditures (December 24,2013 February 10,2014) (Total Expenditures since March 30, 2007 PhP84,064,253.55) Materials [including cement, rebar, sand, lumber, etc] Labor [Including rental and maintenance] Contract [material and labor] PhP22,517,899.00 PhP11,102,382.52

PhP7,979,233.75 PhP1,486,775.34 PhP1,636,373.43

Online Giving for AUP Projects

Realizing the need for an avenue where alumni and supporters all over the world could support our University, AUP has ventured into another method of receiving donations for its projects. In partnership with Security Bank, AUP is establishing its online giving program dubbed as USHARE. This will be operational in the month of March. In this program, anyone could donate any amount to AUP through his or her credit card. To donate, one only needs to visit the AUP website and click on the USHARE button and follow its instructions. Once a person donates, Security Bank will notify AUP so that donors could be properly acknowledged. For the service charge, a minimal 3% of the donation will be deducted by the bank. This means that AUP will receive 97% of the donation. However, even with the service charge, it is a very convenient way for supporters especially our alumni and friends who are not members of any alumni organization to give their donations.

Additional Donors
Founding Benefactors (US$250,000 and above or Php 1 million and above) Crocodile Foundation Donor (US$5,000 US$9,999.99 or Php 25,000 PhP49,999.99) SCLC Supporter (US$500 US$1,999.99 or Php 2,000 PhP9,999.99) COMSEN Security Services Rey Cadapan Contributor (Below US$500 or Php 2,000.00 Oseas Zamora

Remember to be gentle with yourself and others. We are all children of chance, and none can say why some fields will blossom and others lay brown beneath the August sun. Care for those around you. Look past your differences. Their dreams are no less than yours, their choices in life no more easily made. And give. Give in any way you an of whatever you possess. To give is to love. To withhold is to wither. Care less for your harvest than how it is shared, and your life will have meaning and your heart will have peace.

The Art of Giving

--Kent Nerburn

COM Building (front construction)

COM Building (west view)

COM Building (hall ceiling)

COM Building (offices)

COM Building (Laboratory rooms)

COM Building (Laboratory rooms)

COM Building (rooftop)

COM Building (atrium)

COM Building (atrium)

COM Building (offices-registrar office)

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