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Tan Pasha Gold Rush Journal Film History 3/2/14 1.

The movie Gold Rush was made in 1925 and was a major success. In class we discussed how the movie was grossed over $6 million although it cost $950,000 to make. Also we talked about there wasnt any talking since it was a silent film and rather different from what were accustomed to. There was commentary to assist us in the movie and this was the trend back in the 1920s. 2. The article I chose talks about how at some parts of the film it was a bit difficult to understand what was happening. But other than that it was easy to catch along, comedic and also strategic as well. Great film, and also talks about the techniques that were used. The Gold Rush: As Good as Gold Luc Sante Sante, Luc. "The Criterion Collection." RSS. N.p., 11 June 2011. Web. 02 Mar. 2014. 3. The article basically emphasized my opinion of the film; very good film, little to no flaws and just phenomenal. With all the limitations they had in that time period and they made a great film. The use of the comedic scenes were superb and well timed, whenever there were times where I thought I was going to lose focus then next thing I know I found myself laughing at the characters chasing each other cause one thought the other was a chicken. 4. I thought this was a good film. The plot made sense and there was very little confusion on what was going on. And if there were times where I didnt understand or remember what was going on then there would be flashbacks to help the viewers understand the situation. The characters did a great job acting and expressing their emotions. If they were sad we could tell and if they were confused we could tell and etc. In 1925 I can understand why this would be such a success. The directors had a great concept and truly were able to put their vision into that film. Its no surprise that the movie grossed over $6 million at a time where its very hard to make a successful film. In our day that would emulate up to $50 million success. Fantastic film!

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