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City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.100 Definitions



In accordance (ith s. )2.**+ ,isconsin Stat-tes+ and for the p-rposes .isted therein+ the City ordains these /oning reg-.ations.

Subsection 22.002 Pu!#ose

011 The o2era.. p-rpose of this Chapter is to i3p.e3ent the City of Edgerton #aster to the e4tent possi5.e -nder /oning+ as a-thori/ed 5y State of ,isconsin Stat-tes. 021 This Chapter is designed to .essen congestion in the streets6 to sec-re safety fro3 fire+ panic and other dangers6 to pro3ote and the genera. (e.fare6 to pro2ide ade7-ate .ight and air+ inc.-ding access to s-n.ight for co..ectors and to (ind for (ind energy syste3s6 to enco-rage the protection of gro-nd(ater reso-rces6 to pre2ent the o2ercro(ding of .and6 to a2oid -nd-e concentration of pop-.ation6 and to faci.itate the ade7-ate pro2ision of transportation+ (ater+ se(erage+ schoo.s+ par8s+ and other p-5.ic re7-ire3ents6 and to preser2e 5-ria. sites as defined in s.19:.:0011. State Law Reference: Section 62.23(7)(c), Wisconsin Statutes 0*1 Specifica..y+ this Chapter is adopted for the p-rpose of protecting the p-5.ic safety+ 3ora.s+ co3fort+ con2enience and genera. (e.fare 5y i3p.e3enting certain goa.s and o5;ecti2es of the #aster &dditiona. p-rposes of this Chapter are specified thro-gho-t this Chapter.

Subsection 22.00$ Ab!o%&tion &n' G!e&te! Rest!ictions

It is not intended 5y this chapter to repea.+ a5rogate+ ann-.+ i3pair or interfere (ith any e4isting ease3ents+ co2enants+ deed restrictions+ agree3ents+ ordinances+ reg-.ations or per3its pre2io-s.y adopted or iss-ed p-rs-ant to .a(s. <o(e2er+ (here2er this chapter i3poses greater restrictions+ this chapter sha.. go2ern.

Subsection 22.00( Inte!#!et&tion

In their interpretation and app.ication+ the pro2isions of this chapter sha.. 5e he.d to 5e 3ini3-3 re7-ire3ents and sha.. 5e .i5era..y constr-ed in fa2or of the City and sha.. not 5e dee3ed a .i3itation or repea. of any other po(er granted 5y the ,is. Stat.

Subsection 22.00) *u!is'iction

This chapter sha.. inc.-de a.. .ands and (aters (ithin the City.

Subsection 22.00+ Se,e!&bi-it"

If any section+ c.a-se+ pro2ision or portion of this Ordinance is ad;-dged -nconstit-tiona. or 5y a co-rt of co3petent ;-risdiction+ the re3ainder of this Ordinance sha.. not 5e affected there5y. If any app.ication of this Ordinance to a str-ct-re+ .and or (ater is ad;-dged -nconstit-tiona. or 5y a co-rt of co3petent ;-risdiction s-ch ;-dg3ent sha.. not 5e app.ica5.e to any other str-ct-re+ .and+ or (ater not specifica..y inc.-ded in said ;-dg3ent.

Section 22.100 Definitions

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Subsection 22.00. Re#e&011 This Chapter+ in part+ carries for(ard 5y re=enact3ent so3e of the pro2isions of the reg-.ations go2erning /oning and re.ated 3atters+ 5eing pre2io-s.y 8no(n co..ecti2e.y as the >Zoning Code?+ Chapter 22 of the City of Edgerton Code of enera. Ordinances+ adopted prior to the effecti2e date of this Chapter. It is not the intention of this Chapter to repea.+ 5-t rather re=enact and contin-e in force s-ch e4isting pro2isions so that a.. rights and .ia5i.ities that ha2e accr-ed there-nder are preser2ed and 3ay 5e enforced+ -n.ess e4p.icit.y s-rrendered 5y specific pro2isions of this Chapter or a.tered 5y the Officia. Zoning #ap. 021 &.. pro2isions of Chapter 22 of the City of Edgerton Code of enacted herein are here5y repea.ed. enera. Ordinances (hich are not re=

0*1 The adoption of this Chapter sha.. not ad2erse.y affect the City@s right to prosec-te any 2io.ation of the predecessor Zoning Ordinance pro2ided the 2io.ation occ-rred (hi.e that Chapter (as in effect. 0A1 &.. other ordinances+ 3aps+ or part of Ordinances of the City inconsistent or conf.icting (ith this Ordinance+ to the e4tent of the inconsistency on.y+ are here5y repea.ed+ inc.-ding (itho-t .i3itation pre2io-s.y adopted Zoning Ordinances.

Subsection 22.00/ Tit-e

This Ordinance sha.. 5e 8no(n as+ referred to+ or cited as the BZoning Ordinance+ City of Edgerton+ ,isconsinB.

SECTION 22.100 DE0INITIONS Po-"st!uctu!e: See s-5section 22.*0A0:10h1 Subsection 22.101 Gene!&--"
111 For the p-rpose of these reg-.ations+ certain n-35ers+ a55re2iations+ ter3s and (ords -sed herein sha.. 5e -sed+ interpreted and defined as set forth in this chapter. 021 $n.ess the conte4t c.ear.y indicated to the contrary+ (ords -sed in the present tense inc.-de the f-t-re tense6 (ords -sed in the p.-ra. n-35er inc.-de the sing-.ar6 the (ord BhereinB 3eans Bin the reg-.ationsB+ the (ord Breg-.ationsB 3eans Bthese reg-.ationsB. 0*1 & BpersonB inc.-des a corporation+ a partnership and an incorporated association of persons s-ch as a c.-56 Bsha..B is a.(ays 3andatory6 a B5-i.dingB inc.-des a Bstr-ct-reB6 a B5-i.dingB or Bstr-ct-reB inc.-des any part thereof6 B-sedB or Bocc-piedC as app.ied to any .and or 5-i.ding sha.. 5e constr-ed to inc.-de the (ords Bintended+ arranged or designed to 5e -sed or occ-pied.B

Subsection 22.102: De2initions

The fo..o(ing (ords+ ter3s and phrases+ (here2er they occ-r in this Chapter+ sha.. ha2e the 3eanings ascri5ed to the3 5y this S-5section. Definitions pro2ided 5y this S-5section inc.-de: Abuttin%: <a2ing co33on 5order (ith+ or 5eing separated fro3 s-ch co33on 5order 5y an a..ey or ease3ent. Access: & 3eans of approach+ i.e.+ entry to or e4it fro3 a property+ street or high(ay. Access3 secon'&!": & 3eans of or approach+ entry to+ or e4it fro3 property fro3 a so-rce other than a p-5.ic street or high(ay. Accesso!" bui-'in%: See 5-i.ding+ accessory.

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.100 Definitions

Accesso!" use o! st!uctu!e: & -se or str-ct-re s-5ordinate to+ and ser2ing+ the principa. -se or str-ct-re on the sa3e .ot and c-sto3ari.y incidenta. thereto. Ac!e: A*+9)0 s7-are feet. Acti,e out'oo! #ub-ic !ec!e&tion&- 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0*1051 Acti,it" cente!: &n area (hich is typified 5y a concentration of nonresidentia. andDor 3-.ti=fa3i.y de2e.op3ent. A''ition: &ny (a..ed and roofed e4pansion to the peri3eter andDor height of a 5-i.ding in (hich the addition is connected 5y a co33on .oad=5earing (a... &ny (a..ed and roofed addition (hich is connected 5y a fire (a.. or is separated 5y independent peri3eter .oad=5earing (a..s and is ne( constr-ction. A'5&cent: &5-tting+ or 5eing .ocated direct.y across a right=of=(ay fro3+ a separate .ot. A%!icu-tu!&- se!,ices 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0210d1. Ai!#o!t6He-i#o!t 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0E1051. A--e": & street or thoro-ghfare .ess than 21 feet (ide and affording on.y secondary access to a5-tting properties. Ani7&- unit: One ani3a. -nit sha.. 5e defined e7-i2a.ent to the fo..o(ing: One 011 1+000 .5. steer6 One 011 5eef co(6 One 011 dairy co( and ca.f6 T(o 021 heifers+ 10 3onths to freshening6 Fo-r 0A1 ca.2es+ 1 1D2 3onths to 10 3onths6 T(o 021 5eef co(s+ 10 3onths to freshening6 Fo-r 0A1 s(ine6 Eight 0E1 ca.2es+ 5irth to 1 1D2 3onths6 Ten 0101 sheep6 Ten 0101 goats6 100 chic8ens6 100 ra55its6 90 d-c8s6 90 t-r8eys+ or other po-.try6 One 011 horse. A#&!t7ent 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0110a1 :. A##e&-: & 3eans for o5taining re2ie( of a decision+ deter3ination+ order+ or fai.-re to act p-rs-ant to the ter3s of this Chapter as e4press.y a-thori/ed 5y the pro2isions of S-5section 22.212. A##-ic&nt: The o(ner of the .and or his representati2e. A!c itectu!&- co7#&tibi-it": The appearance of str-ct-res 3aintains a consistency of design+ 3ateria.s+ co.ors+ and arrange3ent (ith near5y properties of -se+ (hich co3p.y (ith the genera. architect-ra. g-ide.ines pro2ided in s-5sections a. thro-gh e.+ 5e.o(+ as deter3ined 5y the Co33ission: 0a1 E4terior constr-ction 3ateria.s sha.. 5e consistent (ith Section 22.A1E6 051 E4terior 5-i.ding design or appearance sha.. not 5e of s-ch -northodo4 or a5nor3a. character in re.ation to its s-rro-ndings as to 5e -nsight.y or offensi2e to genera..y accepted taste and co33-nity standards6 0c1 E4terior 5-i.ding design or appearance sha.. not 5e so identica. (ith near5y 5-i.dings so as to create e4cessi2e 3onotony or dra5ness. & 3ini3-3 of fi2e 5asic ho3e sha.. 5e pro2ided in each residentia. s-5di2ision6

Section 22.100 Definitions

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

0d1 E4terior 5-i.ding design or appearance sha.. not 5e constr-cted or faced (ith an e4terior 3ateria. (hich is aesthetica..y inco3pati5.e (ith other near5y 5-i.dings or (hich presents an -nattracti2e appearance to the p-5.ic and fro3 s-rro-nding properties6 and 0e1 E4terior 5-i.ding+ sign+ and .ighting design or appearance sha.. not 5e sited on the property in a 3anner (hich (o-.d -nnecessari.y destroy or s-5stantia..y da3age the nat-ra. 5ea-ty of the area. A!te!i&- st!eet: & p-5.ic street or high(ay intended to 5e -sed pri3ari.y for fast or hea2y thro-gh traffic. &rteria. streets and high(ays sha.. inc.-de free(ays and e4press(ays as (e.. as arteria. streets+ high(ays and par8(ays. A!tis&n stu'io6#!o'uction s o# 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0A10t1. Attic: That part of a 5-i.ding (hich is i33ediate.y 5e.o( and (ho..y or part.y (ithin the roof fra3ing. A,e!&%e %!oun' e-e,&tion: The a2erage .e2e. of the finished s-rface of the gro-nd ad;acent to the e4terior (a..s of a 5-i.ding or str-ct-re. 8&se 2-oo': The f.ood ha2ing a one percent chance of 5eing e7-a.ed or e4ceeded in any gi2en year. The 100 year f.ood. 8&se7ent: & story part.y -ndergro-nd. 8e' &n' b!e&92&st est&b-is 7ents 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0A10;1. 8e'!oo7: & roo3 in a residence 3ar8eted+ designed+ or other(ise .i8e.y to f-nction pri3ari.y for s.eeping. 8ee! G&!'ens: See O-tdoor Co33ercia. Entertain3ent. 8-&n9et ,&!i&nce: & 2ariance (hich is a-to3atica..y granted 5y a pro2ision of this Chapter in order to red-ce the creation of .ega. nonconfor3ing de2e.op3ents or .ega. nonconfor3ing residentia. str-ct-res. 8o&!'in% ouse 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0A10n1. 8on': &ny for3 of sec-rity inc.-ding cash deposit+ s-rety 5ond+ co..atera.+ property or instr-3ent of credits in the a3o-nt and for3 satisfactory to go2erning 5ody. 8u22e!"&!': &ny per3itted co35ination of distance+ 2egetation+ fencing and 5er3ing (hich res-.ts in a red-ction of 2is-a. and other interaction (ith an ad;oining property. See Section 22.)0. 8ui-'in%: & str-ct-re 5-i.t+ 3aintained+ or intended for -se for the she.ter or enc.os-re of persons+ ani3a.s+ or property of any 8ind. The ter3 is inc.-si2e of any part thereof. ,here independent -nits (ith separate entrances are di2ided 5y party (a..s+ each -nit is a 5-i.ding. 8ui-'in%3 &ccesso!": & 5-i.ding (hich: 0a1 Is s-5ordinate to and ser2es a principa. str-ct-re or a principa. -se6 051 Is s-5ordinate in area+ e4tend+ and p-rpose to the principa. str-ct-re or -se ser2ed6 0c1 Is .ocated on the sa3e .ot as the principa. str-ct-re or -se ser2ed e4cept as other(ise e4press.y a-thori/ed 5y pro2isions of this Chapter6 and 0d1 Is c-sto3ari.y incidenta. to the principa. str-ct-re or -se. &ny portion of a principa. 5-i.ding de2oted or intended to 5e de2oted to an accessory -se is not an accessory 5-i.ding. 8ui-'in% &!e&: Tota. gro-nd co2erage in s7-are feet of a.. 5-i.dings and str-ct-res inc.-ding garages+ carports and other attached or accessory str-ct-res. 8ui-'in% en,e-o#e: & co3ponent of a gro-p de2e.op3ent (hich confor3s to the .ot .ines of de2e.op3ents (hich are not gro-p de2e.op3ents+ in that re7-ired 3ini3-3 set5ac8 distances are 3eas-red fro3 the 5-i.ding en2e.ope .ine. 8ui-'in% 2!ont: That e4terior (a.. of a 5-i.ding (hich faces the front .ot .ine of the .ot. 8ui-'in% ei% t: The 2ertica. distance fro3: 011 the a2erage e.e2ation of the ad;oining gro-nd .e2e. or 021 the esta5.ished grade+ (hiche2er is .o(er to the top of the cornice of a roof+ to the dec8 .ine of a

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.100 Definitions

3ansard roof+ to a point of the roof direct.y a5o2e the highest (a.. of a shed roof+ to the -pper3ost point on a ro-nd or other arch type roof+ to the 3ean distance of the highest ga5.e on a pitched or hip roof. &.so app.ies to str-ct-res. 8ui-'in% -ine: & .ine on a .ot+ genera..y para..e. to a .ot .ine or road right=of=(ay .ine+ .ocated a s-fficient distance there fro3 to pro2ide the 3ini3-3 yards re7-ired 5y this Chapter. The 5-i.ding .ine deter3ines the area in (hich 5-i.dings are per3itted s-5;ect to a.. app.ica5.e pro2isions of this Chapter. This is referred to as a Bset5ac8B. 8ui-'in%3 #!inci#&-: & 5-i.ding in (hich is cond-cted+ or in (hich is intended to 5e cond-cted+ the 3ain or principa. -se of the .ot on (hich it is .ocated. 8ui-'in% se#&!&tion: The narro(est distance 5et(een t(o 5-i.dings. See 3ini3-3 5-i.ding separation. 8ui-'in% si:e: The tota. gross f.oor area of a 5-i.ding. See 3a4i3-3 5-i.ding si/e. 8u-9 0of a 5-i.ding1: The co35ination of 5-i.ding height+ si/e+ and .ocation on a .ot. C&2ete!i&3 Co7#&n" 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0910f1 C&-i#e!: & 3eas-re3ent of the si/e of a tree e7-a. to the dia3eter of its tr-n8 3eas-re3ent one=ha.f 00.91 foot a5o2e nat-ra. grade. $sed for trees in a n-rsery setting. C&7#%!oun' 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0A10s1. C&n'-e#o;e!: The a3o-nt of .ight that (i.. i..-3inate a s-rface one foot distant fro3 a .ight so-rce to an intensity of one foot=cand.e. #a4i3-3 0pea81 cand.epo(er is the .argest a3o-nt of cand.epo(er e3itted 5y any .a3p+ .ight so-rce+ or .-3inaire. C&!et&9e!<s Resi'ence: & d( -nit -sed e4c.-si2e.y 5y the o(ner+ 3anager+ or operator of a principa. per3itted -se and (hich is .ocated on the sa3e parce. as the principa. -se. C-e&! Cuttin% 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0210c1 C-e!esto!" ;in'o;: & (indo( in (hich the .o(est g.assed area is a 3ini3-3 of se2en feet a5o2e the .e2e. of the f.oor .ocated direct.y -nder the (indo(. C-i7&= T!ee: & tree that (o-.d occ-py the -pper3ost canopy of a forest in a nat-ra. eco.ogica. sit-ation. These trees are often referred to as shade trees. inc.-de hic8ory+ oa8+ 3ap.e+ etc. See S-5section 22.)10. Co77e!ci&- &ni7&- bo&!'in% 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0A10h1. Co77e!ci&- &#&!t7ent 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0910a1. Co77e!ci&- in'oo! -o'%in% 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0A10i1. Co77e!ci&- ,e ic-e: &ny 3otor 2ehic.e -sed for 5-siness or instit-tiona. p-rposes or ha2ing painted thereon or affi4ed thereto a sign identifying a 5-siness or instit-tion or a principa. prod-ct or ser2ice of a 5-siness or instit-tion. &gric-.t-ra. e7-ip3ent -sed as part of a per3itted agric-.t-ra. principa. -se sha.. not 5e considered as a co33ercia. 2ehic.e. Co77ission: The City %.anning Co33ission. Co77unic&tion to;e! 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0F10c1. Co77unit": & .ega. entity organi/ed -nder appropriate stat-tory a-thority as a 5ody corporate (hich represents a to(n+ 2i..age+ city or co-nty s-ch as the case 3ay 5e. Co77unit" c &!&cte!: The i3pression (hich an area 3a8es in regard to the type+ intensity+ density+ 7-a.ity+ appearance+ and age of de2e.op3ent. Co77unit" -i,in% &!!&n%e7ent 1CLA4: See S-5section 22.*0A0*10g1 thro-gh 0i1.

Section 22.100 Definitions

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Co7#&n">P!o,i'e' on>site !ec!e&tion 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0910g1. Co7#!e ensi,e ?&ste! P-&n: The #aster of the City of Edgerton+ ,isconsin+ as of 1FF9 and as s-5se7-ent.y a3ended. Co7#ostin% o#e!&tion 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0:10f1. Con'ition&- use: & .and -se (hich re7-ires a conditiona. -se per3it in order to de2e.op. See S-5section 22.20) for app.ica5.e proced-res. Cont!&cto!@s on>site eAui#7ent sto!&%e 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0)1051. Cont!&cto!@s #!o5ect o22ice 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0)10a1. Co!e ';e--in% 'i7ension: The area or space (ithin a d( -nit+ 3eas-red at gro-nd f.oor e.e2ation+ de2oted to the principa. residentia. -se of the str-ct-re+ e4c.-ding attached garages+ porches+ sheds+ dec8s+ carports+ or other app-rtenances. Cu-ti,&tion 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0210a1. D&" c&!e cente! 1BC c i-'!en41-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0A1081. Dec9: & str-ct-re that has no roof or (a..s and is e.e2ated a5o2e grade 5y 3ore than eight 0E1 inches. Can 5e attached or detached to the princip.e str-ct-re. If attached+ it is re7-ired to ha2e 3ain s-pports and contin-o-s footings 5e.o( grade 5y AEB and 3-st 5e raised a5o2e grade and 3-st co3p.y (ith princip.e set5ac8 re7-ire3ents. If detached+ sha.. 5e an accessory str-ct-re. De'ic&tion: The transfer of property interest fro3 pri2ate to p-5.ic o(nership for a p-5.ic p-rpose. The transfer 3ay 5e of fee=si3p.e interest or of a .ess than fee=si3p.e interest+ inc.-ding an ease3ent. Densit": & ter3 -sed to descri5e the n-35er of d( -nits per acre. Det&c e' #!i,&te !esi'enti&- %&!&%e3 c&!#o!t3 o! uti-it" s e' 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0910d1. De,e-o#e!: The .ega. or 5eneficia. o(ner0s1 of a .ot or parce. of any .and proposed for inc.-sion in a de2e.op3ent+ inc.-ding an optionee or contract p-rchaser. De,e-o#7ent: The di2ision of a parce. of .and into t(o or 3ore parce.s6 the constr-ction+ reconstr-ction+ con2ersion+ str-ct-ra. a.teration+ re.ocation+ or en.arge3ent of any 5-i.dings6 any -se or change in -se of any 5-i.dings or .and6 any e4tension of any -se of .and6 or any c.earing+ grading+ or other 3o2e3ent of .and+ for (hich per3ission 3ay 5e re7-ired p-rs-ant to this Chapter. De,e-o#7ent #&': The area of a .ot (ithin a .arge .ot residentia. de2e.op3ent that is de2oted to str-ct-res and septic syste3s. Di!ect &ccess: & condition of i33ediate physica. connection res-.ting fro3 ad;acency of a road or right=of=(ay a5-tting a property. Dist!ibution cente! 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0E10d1. D!&in&%e: The re3o2a. of s-rface (ater or gro-nd(ater fro3 .and 5y drains+ grading+ or other 3eans. Drainage inc.-des the contro. of r-noff+ to 3ini3i/e erosion and sedi3entation d-ring and after de2e.op3ent+ and the 3eans necessary for (ater s-pp.y preser2ation or pre2ention or a..e2iation of f.ooding. D!&in&%e st!uctu!e 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A091081. D!i#-ine: O-ter peri3eter edge of a tree canopy as transferred to gro-nd .e2e.. D!i,e>in 2in&nci&- institution 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0A10r1. D!i,e;&": & 3inor pri2ate (ay -sed 5y and pedestrians for co33on access to a .ot+ s3a.. gro-p of .ots or faci.ities.

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.100 Definitions

D!"-&n' &ccess: & access ro-te (hich is a5o2e the regiona. f.ood e.e2ation and (hich connects .and .ocated in the f.oodp.ain to .and (hich is o-tside the f.oodp.ain+ s-ch as a road (ith its s-rface a5o2e the regiona. f.ood e.e2ation and (ide eno-gh to acco33odate (hee.ed Du#-e=: See S-5section 22.*0A0110a12. D;e--in%: & residentia. 5-i.ding or one or 3ore portions thereof occ-pied or intended to 5e occ-pied e4c.-si2e.y for residence p-rpose+ 5-t not inc.-ding ha5itations pro2ided in nonresidentia. -ses s-ch as .odging -ses and co33ercia. ca3pgro-nds. D;e--in%3 &tt&c e': & d( (hich is ;oined to another d( at 1 or 3ore sides 5y a party (a.. or (a..s. D;e--in%3 'et&c e': & d( (hich is entire.y s-rro-nded 5y open space on the sa3e .ot. D;e--in%3 7u-ti#-e>2&7i-": & 5-i.ding or portion thereof designated for+ or occ-pied 5y+ three or 3ore fa3i.ies or ho-seho.ds. D;e--in%3 sin%-e>2&7i-" 'et&c e': See S-5section 22.*0A0110a11. D;e--in%3 t;o>2&7i-": & detached 5-i.ding designed for+ or occ-pied e4c.-si2e.y 5y+ t(o fa3i.ies or ho-seho.ds. D;e--in% unit: & roo3 or gro-p of roo3s+ pro2iding or intended to pro2ide .i2ing 7-arters for not 3ore than 1 fa3i.y. D;e--in% unit se#&!&tion: The narro(est distance 5et(een t(o d( -nits. See 3ini3-3 d( -nit separation. E&!t ;o!9: The 3o2ing of 3ore than 2 c-5ic yards of any type of soi.s. E&se7ent: &-thori/ation 5y a property o(ner for another party to -se for a specified p-rpose any designated part of his property. E-e,&te' 8ui-'in%: & non=5ase3ent 5-i.ding 5-i.t to ha2e its .o(est f.oor e.e2ated a5o2e the gro-nd .e2e. 5y 3eans of fi..+ fo-ndation peri3eter (a..s+ pi.ings co.-3ns 0post and piers1+ shear (a..s+ or 5rea8a(ay (a..s. E7e!%enc" s e-te!: %-5.ic or pri2ate enc.os-res designed to protect peop.e fro3 f.ood+ (indstor3+ fire+ riots or in2asions6 and fro3 aeria.+ radio.ogica.+ 5io.ogica. or che3ica. (arfare. Enc!o&c 7ent: &ny fi..+ str-ct-re+ 5-i.ding+ -se+ or de2e.op3ent in the f.ood(ay. En,i!on7ent&- Cont!o- 0&ci-it": &ny faci.ity+ te3porary or per3anent+ (hich is reasona5.y e4pected to a5ate+ red-ce+ or aid in the pre2ention+ 3eas-re3ent+ contro. or 3onitoring of noise+ air+ or (ater po..-tants+ (aste or ther3a. po..-tion+ radiation or other po..-tants+ inc.-ding faci.ities insta..ed principa..y to s-pp.e3ent or to rep.ace e4isting property or e7-ip3ent not 3eeting or a..eged.y not 3eeting accepta5.e po..-tion contro. standards or (hich are to 5e s-pp.e3ented or rep.aced 5y other po..-tion contro. faci.ities. En,i!ons 1o2 t e Cit" o2 E'%e!ton4: The area in (hich the City of Edgerton e4ercises e4traterritoria. po(ers. E!osion: The detach3ent and 3o2e3ent of soi. or roc8 frag3ents 5y (ater+ (ind+ ice+ andDor gra2ity. Essenti&- Se!,ices: Faci.ities that are: 0a1 O(ned or 3aintained 5y p-5.ic -ti.ity co3panies or p-5.ic agencies+ and6 051 'ocated in p-5.ic (ays or in ease3ents pro2ided for the p-rpose+ or on a c-sto3erCs pre3ises and not re7-iring a pri2ate right=of=(ay+ and6 0c1 !easona5.y necessary for the f-rnishing of ade7-ate (ater+ se(er+ gas+ e.ectric+ co33-nication+ or ser2ices to ad;acent c-sto3ers+ and6 0d1 "ot inc.-ding any cross=co-ntry .ine on to(ers.

Section 22.100 Definitions

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

E=t!&te!!ito!i&- &!e&: The area o-tside of the City 'i3its in (hich the City of Edgerton e4ercises e4traterritoria. po(ers of .and di2ision+ andDor /oning+ re2ie(. E=#!ess;&": & di2ided arteria. street or high(ay+ either (ith f-.. or partia. contro. of access+ and (ith or (itho-t grade separated intersections. E=te!io! co77unic&tion 'e,ices 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A091031. E=t!&ction use 1-&n' use4. See S-5section 22.*0A0F10d1. 0&7i-": &n indi2id-a. or t(o 021 or 3ore persons+ each re.ated 5y 5.ood+ 3arriage or adoption+ .i2ing together as a sing.e ho-se8eeping -nit6 or a gro-p of not 3ore than fo-r 0A1 persons not so re.ated+ 3aintaining a co33on ho-seho.d. 0&7i-" '&" c&!e o7e 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0910t1. 0&!7 !esi'ence 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0910c1. 0i--in% 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0910.1. 0i!st &bit&b-e 2-oo!: The top s-rface a5o2e an -nfinished 5ase3ent+ or cra(. space that is intended for .i2ing 7-arters. 0-oo' #-&in: The .and ad;acent to a 5ody of (ater (hich is s-5;ect to periodic o2erf.o( therefro3. 0-oo';&": The channe. of a strea3 and s-ch ad;acent portions of the f.oodp.ain as are re7-ired to acco33odate f.ood f.o(s. 0-oo! &!e&: The s-3 of the gross hori/onta. areas of the se2era. f.oors of a 5-i.ding inc.-ding interior 5a.conies+ 3e//anines+ 5ase3ents and attached accessory 5-i.dings+ fitting roo3s+ stairs+ esca.ators+ -nenc.osed porches+ detached accessory 5-i.dings -ti.i/ed as dead storage+ heating and -ti.ity roo3s+ inside off=street par8ing or .oading space. #eas-re3ents sha.. 5e 3ade fro3 the inside of the e4terior (a..s and to the center of interior (a..s. 0-oo! &!e& !&tio 10AR4: The ratio ca.c-.ated 5y di2iding the tota. f.oor area of a.. 5-i.dings on a site 5y the ross Site &rea. See 3a4i3-3 f.oor area ratio. 0oot>c&n'-e: & -nit of i..-3ination prod-ced on a s-rface+ a.. points of (hich are one 011 foot fro3 a -nifor3 point so-rce of one cand.e. 0!eebo&!': !epresents a factor of safety -s-a..y e4pressed in ter3s of a certain a3o-nt of feet a5o2e a ca.c-.ated f.ood .e2e.. Free5oard co3pensates for the 3any -n8no(n factors that contri5-te to f.ood heights greater than the height ca.c-.ated. These -n8no(n factors 3ay inc.-de+ 5-t are not .i3ited to+ ice ;a3s+ de5ris acc-3-.ation+ (a2e action+ o5str-ction of 5ridge openings and f.ood(ays+ the effects of -r5ani/ation on the hydro.ogy of the (atershed+ .oss of f.ood storage areas d-e to de2e.op3ent and the sedi3entation of a ri2er or strea3 5ed. 0!ee;&": &n e4press(ay (ith f-.. contro. of access and (ith f-..y grade separated intersections. 0!ei% t te!7in&- 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0E10c1. 0!ont&%e: The side of a .ot a5-tting on a p-5.ic street or (ay and ordinari.y regarded as the front of the .ot. G&!&%e 1!esi'enti&-4: & detached accessory 5-i.ding or portion of the principa. 5-i.ding+ inc.-ding a carport+ (hich is -sed pri3ari.y for storing passenger trai.ers or one 011 tr-c8 of a rated capacity not in e4cess of ten tho-sand 010+0001 po-nds. Gene!&- 2-oo! #-&ns: & graphic representation of the anticipated -ti.i/ation of the f.oor area (ithin a 5-i.ding or str-ct-re+ 5-t not necessari.y as detai.ed as constr-ction p.ans. Gene!&- te7#o!&!" out'oo! s&-es 1-&n' use4: See s-5section 22.*0A0)10e1.

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.100 Definitions

G-&!e: The 5rightness of a .ight so-rce (hich ca-ses eye disco3fort. G!een s#&ce !&tio 1GSR4: The percentage of the gross site area (hich is preser2ed as per3anent.y protected green space. reen space ratio is ca.c-.ated 5y di2iding the area of per3anent.y protected green space 5y the gross site area. See 3ini3-3 green space ratio. G!oss 'ensit": The res-.t of di2iding the n-35er of d( -nits .ocated on a site 5y the gross site area. See 3a4i3-3 gross density. G!oss 2-oo! &!e&: The tota. f.oor area of a 5-i.ding. G!oss site &!e& 1GSA4: The tota. area of a site a2ai.a5.e for inc.-sion in ca.c-.ations of the 3a4i3-3 per3itted density or intensity of de2e.op3ent. ross site area is deter3ined 0see the ca.c-.ation contained in "at-ra. !eso-rces Site E2a.-ation ,or8sheet1 5y s-5tracting fro3 the tota. site area 0as deter3ined 5y act-a. on=site s-r2ey1 the fo..o(ing: 0a1 area (ithin proposed rights=of=(ay and proposed 5o-ndaries of p-5.ic faci.ities6 051 .and (hich is not contig-o-s to+ or accessi5.e fro3 the proposed road net(or86 0c1 .and (hich is proposed for a different de2e.op3ent option or different /oning district6 and 0e1 area of na2iga5.e (aters. See 3ini3-3 site area. G!ou# 'e,e-o#7ent 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0A1071. G!ou# o7es 2o! c i-'!en: & faci.ity .icensed 5y the Depart3ent of < and Socia. Ser2ices (hich pro2ides care for 9 to E chi.dren 5-t does not inc.-de day care centers+ genera. hospita.s+ specia. hospita.s+ prisons+ and ;ai.s. 0Ord. F9=2:1 H&bit&b-e bui-'in%s: &ny 5-i.ding+ or portion thereof -sed for h-3an ha5itation. He&!in% Notice: %-5.ication or posting 3eeting the re7-ire3ents of Chapter FE9+ Stats. C.ass 1 notice is the 3ini3-3 re7-ired for appea.s: %-5.ished once at .east one (ee8 0: days1 5efore hearing. C.ass 2 notice is the 3ini3-3 re7-ired for a.. /oning ordinances and a3end3ents inc.-ding 3ap a3end3ents: %-5.ished t(ice+ once each (ee8 consec-ti2e.y+ the .ast at .east a (ee8 0: days1 5efore the hearing. 'oca. ordinances or 5y.a(s 3ay re7-ire additiona. notice+ e4ceeding these 3ini3-3s. He&," in'ust!i&- 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0F1051. Hei% t o2 st!uctu!e: See 5-i.ding height. Hi% 2-oo' '&7&%e #otenti&-: &ny danger to h-3an .ife or p-5.ic or the potentia. for any significant econo3ic .oss to a str-ct-re or its contents. Ho-'in% :one: & /oning district designed to .i3it de2e.op3ent potentia. -nti. ade7-ate p-5.ic ser2ices and infrastr-ct-re are pro2ided. Ho7e occu#&tion 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0910n1. Hote-: See Co33ercia. Indoor 'odging. House o-': The 5ody of persons (ho .i2e together in one d( -nit as a sing.e ho-se8eeping -nit. House o-' #et: Ta3e ani3a.s (hich ha2e 5een traditiona..y 8ept in the ho3e to inc.-de dogs+ cats+ ra55its+ 5irds+ ha3sters+ and other ani3a.s (hich in ad-.t .ife do not e4ceed 190 po-nds+ or A feet in height at nor3a. post-re. Husb&n'!" 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0210e1. Inc!e&se in !e%ion&- 2-oo' ei% t: & ca.c-.ated -p(ard rise in the regiona. f.ood e.e2ation+ e7-a. or greater than 0.01 foot+ res-.ting in co3parison of e4isting conditions and proposed conditions (hich is direct.y attri5-ta5.e to 3anip-.ation of 3athe3atica. s-ch as ro-ghness factors+ e4pansion and contraction coefficients and discharge. In'oo! Co77e!ci&- Ente!t&in7ent 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0A10g1. In'oo! Institution&- 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0*10c1.

Section 22.100 Definitions

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

In'oo! ?&inten&nce Se!,ice 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0A10e1. In'oo! s&-es inci'ent to -i% t in'ust!i&- use 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0910p1. In'oo! s&-es inci'ent&- to o22ice 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0910r1. In'oo! s&-es o! se!,ice 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0AA10c1. In'oo! sto!&%e o! ; o-es&-in% 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0:10a1. In'oo! ,e ic-e sto!&%e 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0E10e1. In2i-- 'e,e-o#7ent: De2e.op3ent .ocated in areas (hich are for the 3ost part de2e.oped a.ready. Intensi,e A%!icu-tu!e 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0210f1. Institution&- !esi'enti&- 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0*10f1. Intensit": & ter3 -sed to descri5e the a3o-nt of gross f.oor area or .andscaped area+ on a .ot or site+ co3pared to the gross area of the .ot or site. Intensi,e soi-s su!,e": The testing of soi. at a geographic .ocation as to its indi2id-a. assets and .i3itations. Inte!c &n%e: & grade=separated high(ay intersection (ith one or 3ore t-rning .anes for tra2e. 5et(een intersecting roads or high(ay. Inte!7e'i&te '&" c&!e o7e 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0910t1. In>,e ic-e s&-es o! se!,ice 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0A10f1. In>,e ic-e s&-es &n' se!,ice &s &n &ccesso!" use 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0910i1. *un9"&!' o! s&-,&%e "&!' 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A:10d1. L&9es o!e: Those .ands .ying (ithin the fo..o(ing distances fro3 the ordinary high (ater 3ar8 of na2iga5.e (aters: 1+000 feet fro3 a .a8e+ pond+ or f.o(age6 and *00 feet fro3 a ri2er or strea36 or to a .and(ard side of the f.oodp.ain+ (hiche2er distance is the greater. 'a8eshores sha.. not inc.-de those .ands ad;acent to far3 drainage ditches (here 0a1 s-ch .ands are not ad;acent to a na2iga5.e strea3 or ri2er6 051 those parts of s-ch drainage ditches ad;acent to s-ch .ands (ere not na2iga5.e strea3s 5efore ditching or had no pre2io-s strea3 history6 and 0c1 s-ch .ands are 3aintained in non=str-ct-ra. agric-.t-ra. -se. L&n'sc&#e #oint: See S-5section 22.)0*. L&n'sc&#e ;&--s: "onstr-ct-ra. decorati2e (a..s+ typica..y 3ade of stone or 5ric8. L&n' 'i,ision: The di2ision of a .ot+ parce.+ tract or interest in .and 5y the o(ner or o(nerCs agent for the p-rpose of transfer of o(nership or 5-i.ding de2e.op3ent or (hich creates the need for a p-5.ic dedication or reser2ation of .and for p-5.ic faci.ities or i3pro2e3ents. For p-rposes of co3p.iance (ith this code other than s-r2ey re7-ire3ents+ .and di2ision inc.-des condo3ini-3 L&n'sc&#e' &!e&: The area of a site (hich is p.anted and contin-a..y 3aintained in 2egetation+ inc.-ding grasses+ f.o(ers+ her5s+ garden p.ants+ nati2e or introd-ced gro-ndco2ers+ shr-5s+ 5-shes+ and trees. 'andscaped area inc.-des the area .ocated (ithin p.anted and contin-a..y 3aintained .andscaped p.anters. L&n'sc&#e su!2&ce &!e& !&tio 1LSR4 : The percentage of the gross site area or .ot area (hich is preser2ed as per3anent.y protected .andscaped area. L&n' use: The type of de2e.op3ent andDor acti2ity occ-rring on a piece of property. Li% t in'ust!i&- 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0F10a1. Li% t in'ust!i&- inci'ent to in'oo! s&-es 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0910;1.

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.100 Definitions

Lo&'in% be!t : & co3p.ete.y off=street space or 5erth on a .ot for the .oading or -n.oading of freight carriers+ ha2ing ade7-ate ingress and egress to a p-5.ic street or a..ey. 0See S-5section 22.A09 for app.ica5.e standards. Loc&- !esi'enti&- st!eet: & road (hich pri3ari.y ser2es to co..ect traffic originating direct.y fro3 residentia. dri2e(ays and pri2ate residentia. co-rts and streets. Lot: & parce. of .and that: 0a1 is -ndi2ided 5y any street or pri2ate road6 051 is occ-pied 5y+ or designated to 5e de2e.oped for+ one 011 5-i.ding or principa. -se6 and 0c1 contains the accessory 5-i.dings or -ses c-sto3ari.y incidenta. to s-ch 5-i.ding+ -se+ or de2e.op3ent+ inc.-ding s-ch open spaces and yards as designed and arranged or re7-ired 5y this Chapter for s-ch 5-i.ding+ -se+ or de2e.op3ent. Lot &!e&: The area contained (ithin the property 5o-ndaries of a recorded .ot. See 3ini3-3 .ot area. Lot &!e&3 !e&!: The area contained (ithin the property 5o-ndaries of a recorded .ot+ to the rear of the principa. str-ct-re. Lot co!ne!: & .ot sit-ated at the ;-nction of and a5-tting on t(o or 3ore intersection streets+ or a .ot at the point of def.ection in a.ign3ent of a contin-o-s street+ the interior ang.e of (hich does not e4ceed 1*9 degrees. Lot 'e#t : The 3ean hori/onta. distance 5et(een the front .ot .ine and the rear .ot .ine of a .ot. Lot 2!ont&%e: 'ot (idth 3eas-red at the street .ot .ine. ,hen a .ot has 3ore than one street .ot .ine+ .ot (idth sha.. 5e 3eas-red+ and the 3ini3-3 .ot (idth re7-ired 5y this Chapter sha.. 5e pro2ided at each s-ch .ine. Lot inte!io!: & .ot other than a corner .ot. Lot -ine: & .ot .ine is the property .ine 5o-nding a .ot e4cept that (here any portion of a .ot e4tends into the p-5.ic right=of=(ay or a proposed p-5.ic right=of=(ay+ the .ine of s-ch p-5.ic right=of=(ay sha.. 5e the .ot .ine for app.ying this Chapter. Lot -ine3 2!ont: & .ot .ine (hich a5-ts a p-5.ic or pri2ate street right=of=(ay. In the case of a .ot (hich has t(o of 3ore street frontages+ the .ot .ine the street fro3 (hich the ho-se is addressed sha.. 5e the front .ot .ine. Lot -ine3 !e&!: In the case of or 3ost trape/oida. shaped .ots+ that .ot .ine (hich is para..e. to and 3ost distant fro3 the front .ot .ine of the .ot. In the case of an or gore=shaped .ot+ a .ine 20 feet in .ength+ entire.y (ithin the .ot+ para..e. to and at the 3a4i3-3 possi5.e distance fro3 the front .ine sha.. 5e considered to 5e the rear .ot .ine. In the case of .ots (hich ha2e frontage on 3ore than one road or street+ the rear .ot .ine sha.. 5e opposite the .ot .ine (hich the .ot ta8es access to a street. Lot -ine3 si'e: &ny 5o-ndary of a .ot (hich is not a front .ot .ine+ a street side .ot .ine+ or a rear .ot .ine. Lot -ine3 st!eet si'e: &ny .ot .ine (hich a5-ts a p-5.ic or pri2ate street right=of=(ay (hich is not the front .ot .ine. Lot o2 !eco!': & p.atted .ot or .ot descri5ed in a certified s-r2ey 3ap or 3etes and 5o-nds description (hich has 5een appro2ed 5y the City+ or 5y !oc8 or Dane Co-nty6 and has 5een recorded in the office of the !egister of Deeds. Lot3 t !ou% : & .ot (hich has a pair of opposite .ot .ines a5-tting t(o s-5stantia..y para..e. streets 0one or 3ore of (hich 3ay 5e a portion of a c-.=de=sac1. E4cept for thro-gh .ots (hich a5-t an arteria. or nonresidentia. co..ector street+ thro-gh .ots sha.. 5e prohi5ited -nder the pro2isions of this Chapter. Lot ;i't : The 3a4i3-3 hori/onta. distance 5et(een the side .ot .ines of a .ot+ 3eas-red para..e. to the front .ot .ines and at the rear of the re7-ired front yard. See 3ini3-3 .ot (idth.

Section 22.100 Definitions

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Lo;est 2-oo!: The .o(est enc.osed f.oor 0inc.-ding 5ase3ent1. &ny -nfinished or f.ood resistant enc.os-re+ -sa5.e so.e.y for par8ing 5-i.ding access or storage+ in an area other than a 5ase3ent area+ is not considered a 5-i.dingCs .o(est f.oor+ pro2ided that s-ch enc.osed area is not 5-i.t so as to render the str-ct-re in 2io.ation of the app.ica5.e non=e.e2ation design re7-ire3ents of this Chapter. ?&inten&nce %u&!&ntee: & g-arantee of faci.ities or (or8 to either ens-re the correction of any fai.-res of any i3pro2e3ents re7-ired p-rs-ant to this Chapter or to 3aintain sa3e. ?&nu2&ctu!e' ';e--in% 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0110a110. ?&nu2&ctu!e' o7e 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0110a1F. ?&ste! P-&n: & 3ap+ report+ or other doc-3ent pertaining to the physica. de2e.op3ent of the City (hich has 5een adopted 5y the City Co33ission+ as descri5ed in s. )2.2*021 and 0*1. ?&=i7u7 bui-'in% si:e 1?8S4: The .argest per3itted tota. gross f.oor area a 5-i.ding 3ay contain. See 5-i.ding si/e. ?&=i7u7 2-oo! &!e& !&tio 10AR4: The .argest a3o-nt of f.oor area per3itted on a site. See f.oor area ratio. ?&=i7u7 %!oss 'ensit" 1?GD4: The 3a4i3-3 n-35er of d( -nits per3itted per acre of gross site area. See gross density. ?&=i7u7 ei% t: The 3a4i3-3 height of the highest portion of any str-ct-re. See height. ?ic!ob!e;e!": See Indoor Co33ercia. Entertain3ent. ?i%!&nt L&bo! C&7# 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A091071. ?ini7u7 bui-'in% se#&!&tion: The narro(est per3itted 5-i.ding separation. See 5-i.ding separation. ?ini7u7 ';e--in% unit se#&!&tion: The narro(est per3itted d( -nit separation. See d( -nit separation. ?ini7u7 2-oo! e-e,&tion: The .o(est e.e2ation per3issi5.e for the constr-ction+ erection+ or other p.ace3ent of any f.oor+ inc.-ding a 5ase3ent f.oor. ?ini7u7 -&n'sc&#e su!2&ce !&tio 1LSR4: The .o(est per3itted .andscape s-rface ratio. See .andscape s-rface ratio. ?ini7u7 -ot &!e& 1?LA4: The 3ini3-3 si/e .ot per3itted (ithin the specified /oning district and de2e.op3ent option. ?ini7u7 -ot ;i't : The s3a..est per3issi5.e .ot (idth for the app.ica5.e d( -nit type or nonresidentia. de2e.op3ent. See .ot (idth. ?ini7u7 setb&c9: The narro(est distance per3itted fro3 a street+ side+ or rear property .ine to a str-ct-re. ?ini7u7 site &!e& 1?SA4: The 3ini3-3 gross site area in (hich the specified de2e.op3ent option 3ay occ-r. See gross site area 0 S&1. ?ino! st!uctu!e: &ny s3a..+ 3o2a5.e accessory str-ct-re or constr-ction s-ch as 5irdho-ses+ too. ho-ses+ pet ho-ses+ p.ay e7-ip3ent+ ar5ors+ and (a..s and fences -nder fo-r feet in height. ?obi-e o7e 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0110a10E1. ?obi-e Ho7e P&!9 Resi'enti&- De,e-o#7ent 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0110d1. ?obi-e Ho7e Sub'i,ision Resi'enti&- De,e-o#7ent 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0110c1. ?ote-: See Co33ercia. indoor .odging. ?u-ti#-e= 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A011051).

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.100 Definitions

N&tu!&- !esou!ce #!otection o,e!-&" :onin% 'ist!icts: Zoning districts (hich pri3ari.y identify and reg-.ate the dist-r5ance of areas containing protected nat-ra. reso-rces. N&tu!&- Resou!ce Site E,&-u&tion Do!9s eet: ,or8sheet contained in S-5section 22.21F of this Ordinance (hich is -sed for deter3ining the net de2e.opa5.e acreage of a site. N&,i%&b-e ;&te!: 'a8e S-perior+ 'a8e #ichigan+ a.. nat-ra. in.and .a8es (ithin ,isconsin+ and a.. ri2ers+ strea3s+ ponds+ s.o-ghs+ f.o(ages+ and other (aters (ithin the territoria. .i3its of this state+ inc.-ding the ,isconsin portion of 5o-ndary (aters+ (hich are na2iga5.e -nder the .a(s of this state. The ,isconsin S-pre3e Co-rt has dec.ared na2iga5.e a.. 5odies of (ater (ith a 5ed differentiated fro3 ad;acent -p.ands and (ith .e2e.s of f.o( s-fficient to s-pport na2igation 5y a recreationa. craft of the sha..o(est draft on an ann-a..y rec-rring 5asis. G#-ench 2. %-5.ic Ser2ice Co33ission+ 2)1 ,is. AF2 01F921+ and De aynor and Co.+ Inc. 2. Depart3ent of "at-ra. !eso-rces+ :0 ,is. 2d F*) 01F:91H. For the p-rposes of this Chapter+ ri2ers and strea3s (i.. 5e pres-3ed to 5e na2iga5.e if they are designated as either contin-o-s or inter3ittent (ater(ays on the $nited States eo.ogica. S-r2ey 7-adrang.e 3aps -nti. s-ch ti3e that the ,isconsin Depart3ent of "at-ra. !eso-rces has 3ade a deter3ination that the (ater(ay is not+ in fact+ na2iga5.e. Net 'e,e-o#&b-e &!e& 1NDA4: The area of a site (hich 3ay 5e dist-r5ed 5y de2e.op3ent acti2ity. "et De2e.opa5.e &rea is ca.c-.ated in the "at-ra. !eso-rces Site E2a.-ation ,or8sheet+ and is the res-.t of s-5tracting !e7-ired !eso-rce %rotection &rea 0!%&1 fro3 the ross Site &rea 0 S&1. Noncon2o!7in% bui-'in% o! st!uctu!e: &ny 5-i.ding+ or other str-ct-re+ (hich is .a(f-..y e4isting -nder pro2isions preceding this Chapter+ (hich (o-.d not confor3 to the app.ica5.e reg-.ations if the 5-i.ding or str-ct-re (ere to 5e erected -nder the pro2isions of this Chapter. See S-5section 22.*0*021. Noncon2o!7in% 'e,e-o#7ent: & .a(f-. de2e.op3ent appro2ed -nder pro2isions preceding the effecti2e date of this Chapter+ (hich (o-.d not confor3 to the app.ica5.e reg-.ations if the de2e.op3ent (ere to 5e created -nder the c-rrent pro2isions of this Chapter. See S-5section 22.*0*. Noncon2o!7in% use: &n acti2e and act-a. -se of .and+ 5-i.dings or str-ct-res .a(f-..y e4isting prior to this Chapter (hich has contin-ed as the sa3e -se to the present and (hich does not co3p.y (ith a.. the app.ica5.e reg-.ations of this Chapter. See S-5section 22.*0*011. No=ious 7&tte! o! 7&te!i&-s: #ateria. capa5.e of ca-sing in;-ry to .i2ing organis3s 5y che3ica. reaction+ or is capa5.e of ca-sing detri3enta. effects on the physica. or econo3ic (e..=5eing of indi2id-a.s. Nu!se!" sc oo-: See Day Care Center. Nu!sin% o7e: See Instit-tiona. !esidentia. S-5section 22.*0A0110a1. Obst!uction to 2-o;: &ny de2e.op3ent (hich physica..y 5.oc8s the con2eyance of f.ood(aters s-ch that this de2e.op3ent 5y itse.f or in con;-nction (ith any f-t-re de2e.op3ent (i.. ca-se an increase in regiona. f.ood height. O22ice 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0A10a1. O22ici&- 7&#: The 3ap adopted 5y the Co33on Co-nci. (hich indicates the e4isting and proposed .ocation of streets+ high(ays+ par8s+ p.aygro-nds+ roads+ rights=of=(ay+ (ater(ays+ p-5.ic transit faci.ities and other p-5.ic faci.ities as a-thori/ed 5y State Stat-tes. O22ici&- :onin% 7&#: See S-5section 22.:01 and 22.:02 O22>Site P&!9in% Lot 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0E10a1. On>site: 'ocated on the .ot in 7-estion+ e4cept in the conte4t of on=site detention+ (hen the ter3 3eans (ithin the 5o-ndaries of the de2e.op3ent site as a (ho.e. On=Site A%!icu-tu!&- Ret&i- 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0210g1.


Section 22.100 Definitions

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

On=Site Co7#ostin%6Doo' Pi-es 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0910o1. On=Site P&!9in% Lot 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A091051. On=Site Re&- Est&te S&-es O22ice 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0)10d1. O#&cit": The degree to (hich 2ision is 5.oc8ed 5y 5-fferyard. Opacity is the proportion of a 5-fferyardCs 2ertica. p.ane (hich o5str-cts 2ie(s into an ad;oining property. O#en s&-es -ot: &n -nenc.osed portion of a .ot or .ot of record (here goods are disp.ayed for sa.e+ rent or trade. O!'in&nce: &ny .egis.ati2e action+ ho(e2er no3inated+ of a .oca. go2ern3ent (hich has the force of .a(+ inc.-ding any a3end3ent or repea. of any ordinance. O!'in&!" i% ;&te! 7&!9: The point on the 5an8 or shore of a 5ody of (ater -p to (hich the presence and action of s-rface (ater is so contin-o-s as to .ea2e a distincti2e 3ar8 s-ch as 5y erosion+ destr-ction or pre2ention of terrestria. 2egetation+ predo3inance of a7-atic 2egetation+ or other easi.y recogni/ed characteristics. Ot e! #e!7&nent-" #!otecte' %!een s#&ce: %er3anent.y protected green space areas (hich are not constrained 5y one of the protected nat-ra. reso-rces. inc.-de portions of pri2ate .ots+ o-t.ots+ or parce.s co33on.y he.d 5y a property o(nersC association 0as in a c.-ster de2e.op3ent1 (hich are deed restricted fro3 site disr-ption. Out'oo! E&tin% A!e&s: See O-tdoor Co33ercia. Entertain3ent. Out'oo! Asse7b-" 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0)10g1. Out'oo! Co77e!ci&- Ente!t&in7ent 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0A1031. Out'oo! Dis#-&" 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0A10d1. Out'oo! 'is#-&" Inci'ent&- 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0910h1. Out'oo! Institution&- 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0*10d1. Out'oo! ?&inten&nce Se!,ice 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0A10.1. Out'oo! Sto!&%e o! D o-es&-in% 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0:1051. O,e!-&" :onin% 'ist!ict: & /oning district (hich i3poses -nifor3 restrictions on a.. properties (ithin its area (hich are in addition to the restrictions specific to the standard /oning districts descri5ed in Section 22.:00+ as (e.. as the genera. restrictions of this Chapter. O;ne!: The person or persons ha2ing the right of .ega. tit.e to a .ot or parce. of .and. P&'3 De,e-o#7ent: See de2e.op3ent pad. P&!ce-: The area (ithin the 5o-ndary .ines of a .ot. P&ssi,e Out'oo! Pub-ic Rec!e&tion&- 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0*10a1. Pe!2o!7&nce %u&!&ntee: & financia. g-arantee to ens-re that a.. i3pro2e3ents+ faci.ities+ or (or8 re7-ired 5y this Chapter (i.. 5e co3p.eted in co3p.iance (ith the Chapter+ reg-.ations and the appro2ed p.ans and specifications of a de2e.op3ent. Pe!2o!7&nce st&n'&!': Criterion esta5.ished to contro. and .i3it the i3pacts generated 5y+ or inherent in+ -ses of .and or 5-i.dings. See Section 22.A00. Pe!i# e!&- setb&c9: The distance 5et(een a str-ct-re and the 5o-ndary of a de2e.op3ent option. Pe!7&nent-" #!otecte' %!een s#&ce: &n area in (hich site disr-ption andDor de2e.op3ent is strict.y .i3ited. %er3anent.y %rotected reen Space are areas that are re7-ired to 3eet the #ini3-3 'andscape S-rface ratio and area inc.-ded in "at-ra. !eso-rce O2er.ay Zoning Districts.

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.100 Definitions

Pe!7itte' use: $ses .isted -nder this heading are per3itted as a right. See S-5section 22.*01011 for app.ica5.e proced-res. Pe!son: &n indi2id-a.+ fir3+ tr-st+ partnership+ p-5.ic or pri2ate association or corporation. Pe!son&- o! P!o2ession&- Se!,ice 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0A1051. Pe!son&- Sto!&%e 0&ci-it" 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0:10c1. P-&n Co77ission: The Co33ission of the City of Edgerton. P-&nne' Enit De,e-o#7ent: See S-5section 22.21A. Po-"st!uctu!e: See s-5section 22.*0A0:10h1 P!inci#&- bui-'in%: See 5-i.ding+ principa.. P!inci#&- use: &ny and a.. of the pri3ary -ses of a property+ treated as a -se per3itted 5y right+ as a specia. -se+ or as a conditiona. -se 0rather than as an accessory -se or a te3porary -se1. P!i,&te Resi'enti&- Rec!e&tion&- 0&ci-it" 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0910e1. P!i,&te Resi'enti&- St&b-e 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A091021. P!otecte' n&tu!&- !esou!ces: !eso-rces s-ch as f.ood(ays+ f.oodfringes+ f.oodp.ain conser2ancy areas+ (et.ands+ drainage(ays+ (ood.ands+ steep s.opes+ and .a8eshores. Pub-ic i7#!o,e7ent: &ny i3pro2e3ent+ faci.ity+ or ser2ice+ together (ith c-sto3ary i3pro2e3ents and app-rtenances thereto+ necessary to pro2ide for p-5.ic needs s-ch as: streets+ roads+ a..eys or pedestrian (a.8s or paths+ stor3 se(ers+ f.ood contro. i3pro2e3ents+ (ater s-pp.y and distri5-tion faci.ities+ sanitary se(age disposa. and treat3ent+ p-5.ic -ti.ity and energy ser2ices. Pub-ic Se!,ices &n' Eti-ities 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0*10e1. Pub-ic se;e!: Inc.-des the City of Edgerton se(er syste3 and other for3s of se(er syste3s appro2ed 5y the State Depart3ent of "at-ra. !eso-rces and 3aintained 5y a p-5.ic agency a-thori/ed to operate s-ch syste3s. Reco!'e' -ot: See .ot of record. Rec!e&tion&- ,e ic-e: & -nit designed as te3porary .i2ing 7-arters for recreationa.+ ca3ping+ or tra2e. -se (hich either has its o(n 3oti2e po(er or is 3o-nted on or dra(n 5y another 2ehic.e. The 5asic area: tra2e. ca3ping tr-c8 ca3per+ or 3otor ho3e. Re-oc&t&b-e 8ui-'in% 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0)10c1. ReAui!e' !esou!ce #!otection &!e& 1RPA4: The area of a site (hich 3ay not 5e dist-r5ed 5y de2e.op3ent acti2ity and (hich 3-st 5e reser2ed as per3anent.y protected green space. !e7-ired reso-rce protection area is ca.c-.ated in the "at-ra. !eso-rce Site E2a.-ation ,or8sheet+ and is the res-.t of s-5tracting the net de2e.opa5.e area 0"D&1 fro3 the gross site area 0 S&1. Resi'enti&- co--ecto! st!eet: & co..ector street ser2ing pri3ari.y residentia. .and -ses (hich pri3ari.y ser2es to connect .oca. residentia. streets to co..ector or arteria. streets. Resi'enti&--" :one': & property .ocated in a residentia. district. Rest!icti,e3 7o!e 1-ess4: & reg-.ation i3posed 5y this Chapter is 3ore 0.ess1 restricti2e than another if it prohi5its or .i3its de2e.op3ent to a greater 0.esser1 e4tent or 5y 3eans of 3ore 0.ess1 detai.ed specifications. Sc&-e 1o2 'e,e-o#7ent4: & ter3 -sed to descri5e the gross f.oor area+ height+ or 2o.-3e of a sing.e str-ct-re or gro-p of str-ct-res.

Section 22.100 Definitions

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Se&son&- Out'oo! S&-es o2 P!o'ucts 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0)10f1. Se'i7ent&tion: The deposition of soi. that has 5een transported fro3 its site of origin 5y (ater+ ice+ (ind+ gra2ity+ or other nat-ra. 3eans as a res-.t of erosion. Se-ecti,e Cuttin% 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A021051. Se!,ice bui-'in%: & str-ct-re ho-sing (ashing+ and 5athing faci.ities and s-ch other faci.ities as 3ay 5e re7-ired 5y this chapter. Setb&c9: The shortest distance 5et(een a 5-i.dingCs or str-ct-reCs e4terior fro3 the nearest point on the referenced .ot .ine. See 3ini3-3 set5ac8. Se=u&--" o!iente' 1-&n' uses4: See S-5section 22.*0A0A10g1. S o##in% cente!: & gro-p de2e.op3ent containing t(o or 3ore non=residentia. -ses on the sa3e story. S !ub: & .o(=.ying decid-o-s or e2ergreen p.ant. See S-5section 22.)10. Si%n: See S-5section 22.901 for app.ica5.e proced-res. Sin%-e>2&7i-" 'et&c e' ';e--in% unit: See d( sing.e=fa3i.y detached 0site=5-i.t1. Site &!e&: See gross site area. Site #-&n: See S-5section 22.21* for app.ica5.e proced-res. S9"-i% t: & (indo( or other paned area .ocated on the or roof of a str-ct-re. So-i' 2ence: &ny fence (hich cannot 5e seen thro-gh. S-ch fences inc.-de 5as8et(ea2e fences+ stoc8ade fences+ p.an8 fences+ and fences. S#eci&- use: & .and -se (hich 3-st 5e de2e.oped per a set of re7-ire3ents specifica..y app.ying to that -se. St&n'&!'s: The set5ac8s+ -sing 2ision corners+ side.ine re7-ire3ents+ height .i3itations+ s7-are footage re7-ire3ents and other specifications as re7-ired 5y this chapter. St&n'&!' In'ust!i&- C-&ssi2ic&tion co'e 1SIC4: The n-3eric code for categori/ing .and -ses de2e.oped 5y the $S Depart3ent of Co33erce. SIC codes in this Chapter are 5ased on the .isting contained (ithin the 1FE: 3an-a.. St&n'&!' In'ust!i&- C-&ssi2ic&tion co'e 1SIC4: The n-3eric code for categori/ing .and -ses de2e.oped 5y the $S Depart3ent of Co33erce. SIC codes in this Chapter are 5ased on the .isting contained (ithin the 1FE: 3an-a.. St&n'&!' soi-s su!,e": & soi.s s-r2ey of !oc8 Co-nty and Dane Co-nty 5y the Soi. Conser2ation Ser2ice+ $.S. Depart3ent of &gric-.t-re. St&n'&!' :onin% 'ist!icts: Zoning districts (hich pri3ari.y reg-.ate the -se of .and+ and intensity or density of s-ch -se. St&!t o2 Const!uction: The date the 5-i.ding per3it is iss-ed+ pro2ided the act-a. start of acti2ity (as (ithin :*0 ca.endar days of the per3it date. The act-a. start of acti2ity 3eans either the first p.ace3ent of per3anent constr-ction of a str-ct-re on the site s-ch as the po-ring of a s.a5 or footings+ the insta..ation of or the constr-ction of co.-3ns. %er3anent constr-ction does not inc.-de .and preparation+ s-ch as c.earing+ grading and fi..ing6 nor does it inc.-de the insta..ation of streets andDor (a.8(ays6 nor does it inc.-de e4ca2ation for 5ase3ent+ footings+ piers+ or fo-ndations6 nor does it inc.-de the erection of te3porary for3s6 nor does it inc.-de the insta..ation on the property of accessory 5-i.dings+ s-ch as garages or shed not occ-pied as d( -nits or part of the 3ain str-ct-re. Sto!&%e s e': See -ti.ity shed. Sto!": That portion of a 5-i.ding inc.-ded 5et(een the s-rface of any f.oor and the s-rface of the f.oor ne4t

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.100 Definitions

a5o2e6 or if there is no f.oor a5o2e+ the space 5et(een the f.oor and the ne4t a5o2e. "either a 5ase3ent nor a sha.. 5e co-nted as a story. Sto!"3 &-2: The space -nder any roof e4cept a roof+ the (a.. p.ates of (hich on at .east t(o opposite e4terior (a..s are not 3ore than A feet a5o2e the f.oor of s-ch story. St!eet: &ny p-5.ic or pri2ate (ay dedicated or per3anent.y open to pedestrian and -se (hich is t(enty=t(o 0221 feet or 3ore in (idth if it e4ists at the ti3e of enact3ent of this Chapter6 and any s-ch p-5.ic right=of=(ay (hen esta5.ished after the effecti2e date of this Chapter. St!eet Line: See .ot .ine+ front. St!i# 'e,e-o#7ent: & pattern of .and -ses typified 5y nonresidentia. andDor 3-.ti=fa3i.y de2e.op3ent .ocated one or 5oth sides of a street (hich is genera..y on.y one .ot deep and (hich is characteri/ed 5y 3any c-r5 c-ts+ .o( green space ratios+ .o( .andscape s-rface ratios+ high f.oor area ratios+ andDor .o( 7-antities of .andscaping. St!uctu!e: &nything constr-cted or erected+ the -se of (hich re7-ires a 3ore or .ess per3anent .ocation on the gro-nd+ or attached to so3ething ha2ing a per3anent .ocation on the gro-nd+ e4cepting p-5.ic -ti.ity fi4t-res and app-rtenances. St!uctu!&- &-te!&tion: &ny change in the s-pporting 3e35ers of a str-ct-re+ s-ch as fo-ndations+ 5earing (a..s+ co.-3ns+ 5ea3s+ or girders+ or any s-5stantia. change in the roof str-ct-re or in the e4terior of interior (a..s. Sub'i,ision: & .and di2ision (hich creates fi2e or 3ore .ots or 5-i.ding sites+ or s-ccessi2e .and di2isions (hich create fi2e or 3ore parce.s or 5-i.ding sites (ithin a period of fi2e years. Subst&n'&!' -ot: & .ot of record (hich .a(f-..y e4isted prior to this Chapter+ (hich (o-.d not confor3 to the app.ica5.e reg-.ations if the .ot (ere to 5e created -nder the c-rrent pro2isions of this Chapter. See S-5section 22.*0*0*1. Subst&nti&- i7#!o,e7ent: &ny str-ct-ra. repair+ reconstr-ction+ or i3pro2e3ent of a str-ct-re+ the cost of (hich e7-a.s or e4ceeds fifty percent 090I1 of the present e7-a.i/ed assessed 2a.-e of the str-ct-re either 5efore the i3pro2e3ent or repair is started+ or if the str-ct-re has 5een da3aged+ and is 5eing restored+ 5efore the da3age occ-rred. The ter3 does not+ ho(e2er+ inc.-de either: 0a1 &ny pro;ect for i3pro2e3ent of a str-ct-re to co3p.y (ith e4isting state or .oca. sanitary+ or safety code specifications (hich are so.e.y necessary to ass-re safe .i2ing conditions6 and 051 &ny a.teration of a str-ct-re or site doc-3ented as deser2ing preser2ation 5y the ,isconsin State <istorica. Society+ or .isted on the "ationa. !egister of <istoric %.aces. Ordinary 3aintenance repairs are not considered str-ct-ra. repairs+ 3odifications or additions. S-ch ordinary 3aintenance repairs inc.-de interna. and e4terna. painting+ decorating+ and the rep.ace3ent of doors+ (indo(s+ and other non=str-ct-ra. co3ponents. 0For p-rposes of this definition+ Bs-5stantia. i3pro2e3entB is considered to occ-r (hen the first a.teration of any (a..+ f.oor+ or other str-ct-ra. part of the 5-i.ding co33ences+ (hether or not that a.teration affects the e4terna. di3ensions of the str-ct-re.1 S;&-e: & .inear depression in .and r-nning do(nhi.. or ha2ing a 3ar8ed change in conto-r direction in (hich sheet r-noff (o-.d co..ect and for3 a te3porary (aterco-rse. Te!!&ce: &n at=grade pa2ed area not -sed for -se. Te7#o!&!" use: & .and -se (hich is present on a property for a .i3ited and specified period of ti3e. See S-5section 22.*01091. To;n ouse 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0110a19. T!&,e- t!&i-e!: & porta5.e -nit designed as a te3porary -nit for tra2e.+ recreation and 2acation+ (hich 3ay ta8e one of the fo..o(ing for3s+ or a for3:

Section 22.100 Definitions

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

0a1 -nit 5-i.t on a chassis+ ha2ing a 5ody (idth not e4ceeding E feet and 5ody .ength not e4ceeding *9 feet6 051 -nit designed to 5e 3o-nted on a tr-c8 chassis6 0c1 -nit constr-cted as an integra. part of a se.f=prope..ed 2ehic.e6 or 0d1 can2as+ fo.ding -nit 3o-nted on (hee.s. Tu!nin% -&nes: &n e4isting or proposed connecting road(ay 5et(een an arteria. street and any other street. T-rning .anes inc.-de grade=separated interchange ra3ps. T;in ouse 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0110a1*. T;o>0-&t ouse 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0110a1A. Ennecess&!" &!'s i#: The circ-3stance (here specia. conditions affecting a property+ (hich (ere not se.f=created+ ha2e 3ade strict confor3ity (ith restrictions go2erning areas+ set5ac8s+ frontage+ height or density -nnecessari.y 5-rdenso3e or -nreasona5.e in .ight of the p-rposes of this Chapter. Ese: The p-rpose or acti2ity for (hich .and or any 5-i.ding thereon is designed+ arranged+ or intended+ or for (hich it is occ-pied or 3aintained. Ese3 #e!7itte' b" !i% t: &ny -se of .and or str-ct-re (hich is a..o(ed 5y right in a /oning district and s-5;ect to the re7-ire3ents of that district. Ese3 #e!7itte' b" !i% t ;it s#eci&- !eAui!e7ents: a .and -se (hich 3-st 5e de2e.oped per a set of re7-ire3ents specifica..y app.ying to that -se. $ses per3itted 5y right (ith specia. re7-ire3ents sha.. 5e appro2ed per the Zoning &d3inistrator per the proced-res set forth in S-5section 22.20:. Eti-it" s e' 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0910d1. V&!i&nce: %er3ission to depart fro3 the .itera. re7-ire3ents of this Chapter granted p-rs-ant to S-5section 22.211. Ve ic-e Re#&i! &n' ?&inten&nce 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0A10p1. Vio-&tion: See S-5section 22.219. Vision c-e&!&nce t!i&n%-e: &n area of c.ear 2ision for3ed 5y t(o intersecting streets. See S-5section 22.A0* for app.ica5.e standards. D&ste Dis#os&- 0&ci-it" 1-&n' use4: See S-5section 22.*0A0:10e1. D&te!-ine: The shortest straight .ine at the (ater front end of a strea3 .ot that .ies (ho..y (ithin the .ot+ pro2ided that not .ess than :9I of the .ength of s-ch (ater .ine sha.. 5e either on+ or on the .and(ard side of+ the nor3a. high (ater 3ar8 on s-ch strea3. Disconsin Det-&n' In,ento!" ?&#: #aps prepared 5y the ,isconsin Depart3ent of "at-ra. !eso-rces. Do!9in% '&"s: #onday+ T-esday+ ,ednesday+ Th-rsday or Friday6 e4c.-ding ho.idays granted 5y the City of Edgerton to its Depart3ent <eads. F&!': & re7-ired open space on a .ot+ (hich is -nocc-pied and -no5str-cted 5y a str-ct-re fro3 its .o(est gro-nd .e2e. to the s8y+ e4cept as e4press.y per3itted in this Chapter. & yard sha.. e4tend a .ot .ine and at right to s-ch .ot .ine to a depth or (idth specified in the yard reg-.ations for the district (here the .ot is .ocated. F&!'3 e=cess: The area 5et(een the 5-i.ding and the re7-ired set5ac8 .ine F&!'3 2!ont: & yard e4tending the f-.. (idth of the front .ot .ine 5et(een side .ot .ines and e4tending fro3 the a5-tting front street right=of=(ay .ine to a depth re7-ired in the yard reg-.ations for the district in (hich s-ch .ot is .ocated. F&!'3 !e&!: & yard e4tending the f-.. (idth of the rear .ot .ine 5et(een the side .ot .ines and e4tending to(ard the front .ot .ine for a depth as specified in the yard reg-.ations for the district in

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.100 Definitions

(hich s-ch .ot is .ocated. F&!'3 !eAui!e': The area 5et(een the 5-i.ding and the re7-ired set5ac8 .ine F&!'3 si'e: & yard e4tending the side .ot .ine 5et(een the front and rear yards+ (ith a (idth specified in the yard reg-.ations for the district (here the .ot is .ocated. F&!'3 st!eet: The re7-ired set5ac8 a(ay fro3 the street right=of=(ay. Zonin% A'7inist!&to!: The City e3p.oyee charged (ith the app.ication and interpretation of this Chapter. Zonin% 7&#: See BOfficia. Zoning #apB+ a5o2e.


Section 22.200 &d3inistration and %roced-res

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

SECTION 22.200 AD?INISTRATION AND PROCEDERES Subsection 22.201 Cit" P-&nnin% Co77ission
There is here5y esta5.ished a City %.anning Co33ission for the City of Edgerton+ (hich sha.. 5e appointed in accordance (ith Chapter 2.0E of this #-nicipa. Code.

Subsection 22.202 Zonin% A'7inist!&to!

114 Desi%n&tion The Zoning &d3inistrator or a designee of the Zoning &d3inistrator is here5y designated as the ad3inistrati2e and enforce3ent officer for the pro2isions of this Code. The d-ty of the Zoning &d3inistrator or a designee of the Zoning &d3inistrator is to interpret and ad3inister this Code and to iss-e+ after on=site inspection+ a.. per3its re7-ired 5y this Code. 124 Duties The pro2isions of this Chapter sha.. 5e ad3inistered and enforced 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator or a designee+ (ho in addition thereto and in f-rtherance of said a-thority 3ay: Deter3ine that a.. Detai.ed Site &na.yses+ J-i.ding %er3its+ Certificates of Occ-pancy+ Sign %er3its+ Site %.ans+ 0and their constit-ent p.ans1 co3p.y (ith a.. pro2isions of this Chapter. Cond-ct inspections of 5-i.dings+ str-ct-res+ (aters and .and to deter3ine co3p.iance (ith a.. pro2isions of this Chapter. Je per3itted access to pre3ises and str-ct-res d-ring reasona5.e ho-rs to 3a8e those inspections as dee3ed necessary 5y hi3 to ens-re co3p.iance (ith this Ordinance. If+ ho(e2er heDshe is ref-sed entry after presentations of his identification+ heDshe 3ay proc-re a specia. inspection (arrant in accordance (ith Section )).011F of the ,isconsin stat-tes. Cond-ct inspections of 5-i.dings+ str-ct-res+ (aters and .and to deter3ine co3p.iance (ith a.. pro2isions of this Chapter. #aintain per3anent and c-rrent records of this Chapter+ inc.-ding 5-t not .i3ited to a.. 3aps+ a3end3ents+ conditiona. -ses+ te3porary -ses+ sign per3its+ site p.ans+ occ-pancy per3its+ 2ariances+ appea.s+ interpretations+ and app.ications therefore. !ecord the first f.oor and .o(est f.oor 05ase3ent or cra(.(ay1 e.e2ations of a.. str-ct-res erected+ 3o2ed+ a.tered+ or i3pro2ed in the C=1 o2er.ay districts. !ecei2e+ fi.e and for(ard a.. app.ications for a.. proced-res go2erned 5y this Chapter to the designated officia. 5odies. In2estigate a.. co3p.aints 3ade re.ating to the .ocation of str-ct-res and the -se of str-ct-res+ .ands+ and (aters+ gi2e notice of a.. 2io.ations of this Code to the o(ner+ resident+ agent+ or occ-pant of the pre3ises+ and report -ncorrected 2io.ations to the City &ttorney in a 3anner specified 5y hi3. Instit-te+ in the na3e of the City of Edgerton+ any appropriate actions or proceedings against a 2io.ator of this Chapter+ as pro2ided 5y .a(. %rohi5it the -se or erection of any str-ct-re+ .and or (ater -nti. he or she has inspected and appro2ed s-ch -se or erection. ,here -sef-.+ the Zoning &d3inistrator+ or his agent+ 3ay set 3ar8s on 5ridges or 5-i.dings or other 3ar8ers (hich sho( the depth of the regiona. f.ood6 or 3ay set 3ar8s de.ineating the 5o-ndaries of (et.ands. !e7-est assistance and cooperation fro3 the City Depart3ent and City &ttorney as dee3ed necessary.

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.200 &d3inistration and %roced-res

#a8e a2ai.a5.e to the p-5.ic+ to the f-..est e4tent possi5.e+ a.. reports and doc-3ents concerning the City@s co3prehensi2e and ordinances. In addition+ infor3ation in the for3 of reports+ 5-..etins+ 3aps+ and engineering data sha.. 5e readi.y a2ai.a5.e and (ide.y distri5-ted. The City Co-nci. 3ay set fees necessary to reco2er the cost of pro2iding infor3ation to the p-5.ic. The Zoning &d3inistrator 3ay designated a Dep-ty Zoning &d3inistrator. #a8e interpretations regarding the pro2isions of this Ordinance per Section 22.212 rant 3inor 2ariations fro3 the di3ensiona. 0set5ac8+ height+ and area re7-ire3ents of this Ordinance6 -p to a 3a4i3-3 2ariation of 9I for set5ac8s and height .i3itations6 and -p to a 3a4i3-3 2ariation of 9I or 1+000 s7-are feet for area re7-ire3ents 0(hiche2er is .ess16 so .ong as the spirit and intent of the perfor3ance standards are preser2ed.

Subsection 22.20$ 8o&!' o2 A##e&-s

There is here5y esta5.ished a Joard of Zoning &ppea.s for the City of Edgerton for the p-rpose of hearing appea.s and app.ications+ and granting 2ariances to the pro2isions of this Zoning Ordinance in har3ony (ith the p-rpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance. The Zoning Joard of &ppea.s sha.. 5e organi/ed in accordance (ith Chapter 2.090*1 of this #-nicipa. Code.

Subsection 22.20( 8ui-'in% Pe!7its

"o per3it pertaining to the -se of .and+ 5-i.dings or str-ct-res sha.. 5e iss-ed -n.ess the app.ication for s-ch per3it has 5een e4a3ined 5y the J-i.ding Inspector and he has signed it indicating that the proposed -se of .and+ 5-i.dings+ or str-ct-res and any f-t-re proposed 5-i.dings or str-ct-res co3p.y (ith a.. of the pro2isions of this Chapter. &ny per3it or certificate of occ-pancy iss-ed in conf.ict (ith the pro2isions of this chapter sha.. 5e n-.. and 2oid. See Section 20.0) for J-i.ding per3it reg-.ations.

Subsection 22.20) Ce!ti2ic&te o2 Occu#&nc"

011 Pe!7its ReAui!e': "o per3it pertaining to the -se of .and+ 5-i.dings or str-ct-res sha.. 5e iss-ed -n.ess the app.ication for s-ch per3it has 5een e4a3ined 5y the J-i.ding Inspector and he has signed it indicating that the proposed -se of .and+ 5-i.dings+ or str-ct-res and any f-t-re proposed 5-i.dings or str-ct-res co3p.y (ith a.. of the pro2isions of this Chapter. &ny per3it or certificate of occ-pancy iss-ed in conf.ict (ith the pro2isions of this chapter sha.. 5e n-.. and 2oid. See Section 20.0) for J-i.ding per3it reg-.ations. 021 L&n' Eses &n' De,e-o#7ent ReAui!in% & Ce!ti2ic&te o2 Occu#&nc": Certificate of Occ-pancy sha.. 5e re7-ired for any of the fo..o(ing : 0a1 Occ-pancy and -se of a 5-i.ding or str-ct-re hereafter erected or str-ct-ra..y a.tered. 051 "e( occ-pancy and -se of an e4isting 5-i.ding (hen the ne( -se is of a different .and -se c.assification. 0c1 &ny occ-pancy and -se of 2acant .and. 0d1 "e( -se of 2acant .and (hen the ne( -se is of a different .and -se c.assification. 0e1 &ny change in the -se of a nonconfor3ing -se. "o s-ch occ-pancy+ -se of or change of -se sha.. ta8e p.ace -nti. a Certificate of Occ-pancy therefor sha.. ha2e 5een iss-ed 5y the City J-i.ding Inspector. 0*1 Issu&nce o2 Ce!ti2ic&te o2 Occu#&nc": 0a1 E2ery app.ication for a J-i.ding %er3it sha.. 5e dee3ed to 5e an app.ication for a Certificate of Occ-pancy for a ne( 5-i.ding or for an e4isting 5-i.ding (hich is to 5e s-5stantia..y a.tered or en.arged as deter3ined 5y the J-i.ding Inspector. S-ch Certificate sha.. 5e iss-ed (ithin ten (or8ing days after a (ritten re7-est for the sa3e has 5een 3ade to

Section 22.200 &d3inistration and %roced-res

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

the J-i.ding Inspector after the erection or a.teration of s-ch 5-i.ding or part thereof has 5een co3p.eted in confor3ity (ith the pro2isions of this Ordinance. 051 ,ritten app.ication for a Certificate of Occ-pancy for the -se of 2acant .and or for a change in the -se of .and or of a 5-i.ding+ or for a change in a nonconfor3ing -se+ as herein pro2ided+ sha.. 5e 3ade to the J-i.ding Inspector 6 if the proposed -se is in confor3ity (ith the pro2isions of this Ordinance+ the Certificate of Occ-pancy sha.. 5e iss-ed (ithin ten (or8ing days after the app.ication therefor has 5een 3ade. 0c1 E2ery Certificate of Occ-pancy sha.. state that 5oth the 5-i.ding+ and the proposed -se of 5-i.ding or .and+ s-5stantia..y co3p.ies (ith a.. pro2isions of this Ordinance and the State J-i.ding Code. & record of a.. Certificates of Occ-pancy sha.. 5e 8ept on fi.e in the office of the J-i.ding Inspector and copies sha.. 5e f-rnished on re7-est to any person ha2ing proprietary or tenancy interest in the 5-i.ding or .and affected. 0d1 The J-i.ding Inspector sha.. officia..y appro2e the app.ication and an occ-pancy per3it sha.. 5e s-5se7-ent.y iss-ed to the app.icant if the J-i.ding Inspector finds the fo..o(ing to 5e tr-e: the 5-i.ding co3p.ies (ith a.. City Ordinances and the $nifor3 D( Code6 the cr-shed aggregate 5ase co-rse for the street 0p-5.ic or pri2ate1 is insta..ed a..o(ing ingress and egress to the 5-i.ding6 the City Engineer has appro2ed the street i3pro2e3ents as 5eing accepta5.e to a..o( ingress and egress to the 5-i.ding6 and road right=of=(ay has 5een dedicated. 0A1 Ce!ti2ic&te o2 Occu#&nc" 2o! Le%&- Noncon2o!7in% Eses : $pon app.ication+ a Certificate of Occ-pancy sha.. 5e iss-ed for a.. .a(f-. nonconfor3ing -ses of .and or 5-i.dings created 5y adoption of this Ordinance+ or in e4istence at the effecti2e date of this Ordinance. &pp.ication for s-ch Certificate of Occ-pancy for nonconfor3ing -se sha.. 5e fi.ed (ith the J-i.ding Inspector 5y the o(ner or .essee of the 5-i.ding or .and occ-pied 5y s-ch nonconfor3ing -se (ithin one year of the effecti2e date of the Ordinance. It sha.. 5e the d-ty of the J-i.ding Inspector to iss-e a Certificate of Occ-pancy for a .ega. nonconfor3ing -se. 091 Te!7in&tion o2 & Ce!ti2ic&te o2 Occu#&nc": It sha.. constit-te a 2io.ation of this Ordinance for any person+ fir3+ corporation+ or 2o.-ntary association+ either o(ner or agent+ to do any of the things 3entioned in 22.209021+ a5o2e+ (itho-t ha2ing first o5tained a Certificate of Occ-pancy. &ny Certificate iss-ed -pon a state3ent of any fact (hich is 3ateria. to the iss-ance thereof sha.. 5e 2oid. ,hene2er the fact of s-ch state3ent sha.. 5e esta5.ished to the satisfaction of the J-i.ding Inspector+ he sha.. forth(ith re2o8e the Certificate of Occ-pancy+ 5y notice in (riting to 5e de.i2ered 5y hi3 to the ho.der of the 2oid Certificate -pon the pre3ises (here the 2io.ation has occ-rred+ or if s-ch ho.der 5e not fo-nd there+ 5y the said notice of re2ocation 5y Certified 'etter to his .ast 8no(n address. &ny person (ho sha.. proceed thereafter (ith s-ch (or8 or -se (itho-t ha2ing o5tained a ne( Certificate of Occ-pancy sha.. 5e dee3ed g-i.ty of 2io.ation of this Ordinance. 0)1 Te7#o!&!" Ce!ti2ic&tes: $nder s-ch and reg-.ations as 3ay 5e esta5.ished 5y the City Co-nci.+ the J-i.ding Inspector 3ay iss-ed a te3porary certificate of occ-pancy for part of a 5-i.ding. 0:1 0ee: & fee is re7-ired for this proced-re. !efer to S-5section 22.21)


City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.200 &d3inistration and %roced-res

Subsection 22.20+ Con'ition&- Ese Re,ie; &n' A##!o,&011 Pu!#ose 0a1 The p-rpose of this S-5section is to pro2ide reg-.ations (hich go2ern the proced-re and re7-ire3ents for the re2ie( and appro2a.+ or denia.+ of proposed conditiona. -ses. 051 Certain -ses in sit-ations (hich are of s-ch a specia. nat-re+ or are so dependent -pon act-a. conte3porary circ-3stances+ as to 3a8e i3practica. the predeter3ination of per3issi5i.ity+ or the in this Chapter of specific standards+ reg-.ation+ or conditions (hich (o-.d per3it s-ch deter3ination in each indi2id-a. sit-ation+ 3ay 5e per3itted as conditiona. -ses. 0c1 $nder this Chapter+ a proposed Conditiona. $se sha.. 5e denied -n.ess the &pp.icant can de3onstrate+ to the satisfaction of the City+ that the proposed Conditiona. $se (i.. not create 3a;or -ndesira5.e i3pacts on near5y properties+ the en2iron3ent+ nor the co33-nity as a (ho.e+ as deter3ined 5y the Co33ission per S-5section 22.20)0A10d1. 021 Initi&tion o2 ReAuest 2o! A##!o,&- o2 & Con'ition&- Ese : %roceedings for appro2a. of a conditiona. -se 3ay 5e initiated 5y an app.ication of the o(ner0s1 of the s-5;ect property. 0*1 A##-ic&tion ReAui!e7ents: &.. app.ications for proposed conditiona. -ses sha.. 5e appro2ed as co3p.ete 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator prior to the initiation of this proced-re. The ite3 3ay 5e p.aced on any agenda as a disc-ssion=on.y ite3+ (ith the per3ission of the Zoning &d3inistrator+ (itho-t an app.ication. Said app.ication sha.. 5e co3prised of a.. of the fo..o(ing -n.ess the Zoning &d3inistrator deter3ines a specific re7-ire3ent is not app.ica5.e to the petition: 0a1 & 3ap of the s-5;ect property sho(ing a.. .ands for (hich the conditiona. -se is proposed. Said 3ap and a.. its parts and attach3ents sha.. 5e s-53itted in a for3 (hich is c.ear.y reprod-ci5.e (ith a photocopier+ and sha.. 5e at a sca.e (hich is not .ess than one inch e7-a.s )00 feet. &.. .ot di3ensions of the s-5;ect property+ a graphic sca.e+ and a north arro( sha.. 5e pro2ided6 051 & 3ap of the s-5;ect property and a.. other .ands (ithin 290 feet of the 5o-ndaries of the s-5;ect property+ together (ith the na3es and addresses of the o(ners of a.. .ands on said 3ap as the sa3e appear on the c-rrent ta4 records of the City of Edgerton. Said 3ap sha.. c.ear.y indicate the c-rrent /oning of the s-5;ect property and its en2irons+ and the ;-risdiction0s1 (hich 3aintains that contro.. Said 3ap and a.. its parts and attach3ents sha.. 5e s-53itted in a for3 (hich is c.ear.y reprod-ci5.e (ith a photocopier+ and sha.. 5e at a sca.e (hich is not .ess than one inch e7-a.s )00 feet. &.. .ot di3ensions of the s-5;ect property+ a graphic sca.e+ and a north arro( sha.. 5e pro2ided. G"ote that this 3ap 3ay 5e pro2ided 5y the city+ at the discretion of the Zoning &d3inistratorH6 0c1 & 3ap+ s-ch as the 'and $se #ap+ of the genera.i/ed .ocation of the s-5;ect property in re.ation to the City as a (ho.e. G"ote that this 3ap 3ay 5e pro2ided 5y the city+ at the discretion of the Zoning &d3inistratorH6 0d1 & (ritten description of the proposed conditiona. -se descri5ing the type of acti2ities+ 5-i.dings+ and str-ct-res proposed for the s-5;ect property and their genera. .ocations6 0e1 & site of the s-5;ect property as proposed for de2e.op3ent. Said site sha.. confor3 to any and a.. the re7-ire3ents of S-5section 22.21*0*1. If the proposed conditiona. -se is a gro-p de2e.op3ent+ a proposed pre.i3inary or concept-a. 3ay 5e s-5stit-ted for the re7-ired site pro2ided said contains a.. infor3ation re7-ired on said site per S-5section 22.21*6 0f1 &s an optiona. re7-ire3ent+ the &pp.icant 3ay (ish to pro2ide (ritten ;-stification for the proposed conditiona. -se consisting of the reasons (hy the &pp.icant 5e.ie2es the proposed conditiona. -se is appropriate+ as e2idenced 5y co3p.iance (ith the standards set forth in S-5section 0A10c11.=).+ 5e.o(. 0A1 Re,ie; b" T e Zonin% A'7inist!&to!: The proposed conditiona. -se sha.. 5e re2ie(ed 5y the

Section 22.200 &d3inistration and %roced-res

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Zoning &d3inistrator as fo..o(s: 0a1 The Zoning &d3inistrator sha.. deter3ine (hether the app.ication is co3p.ete and the re7-ire3ents of this Chapter. If the Zoning &d3inistrator deter3ines that the app.ication is not co3p.ete or does not the re7-ire3ents of this Chapter+ he sha.. ret-rn the app.ication to the &pp.icant. 051 The Zoning &d3inistrator sha.. re2ie( the app.ication and e2a.-ate and co33ent on the (ritten ;-stification for the proposed conditiona. -se pro2ided in the app.ication per S-5section 0*10a1=0f1+ a5o2e. 0c1 The Zoning &d3inistrator 3ay e2a.-ate the app.ication to deter3ine (hether the re7-ested conditiona. -se is in har3ony (ith the reco33endations of the CityCs #aster as e2idenced 5y co3p.iance (ith the standards of S-5section 0A10c11.=). 5e.o(: 1. <o( is the proposed conditiona. -se 0the -se in genera.+ independent of its .ocation1 in har3ony (ith the p-rposes+ goa.s+ o5;ecti2es+ po.icies and standards of the City of Edgerton #aster this Chapter+ and any other progra3+ or ordinance adopted+ or -nder consideration p-rs-ant to officia. notice 5y the CityK 2. <o( is the proposed conditiona. -se 0in its specific .ocation1 in har3ony (ith the p-rposes+ goa.s+ o5;ecti2es+ po.icies and standards of the City of Edgerton #aster this Chapter+ and any other progra3+ or ordinance adopted+ or -nder consideration p-rs-ant to officia. notice 5y the CityK *. Does the proposed conditiona. -se+ in its proposed .ocation and as depicted on the re7-ired site 0see 0*10e1+ a5o2e1+ res-.t in a s-5stantia. or -nd-e ad2erse i3pact on near5y property+ the character of the neigh5orhood+ en2iron3enta. factors+ traffic factors+ par8ing+ p-5.ic i3pro2e3ents+ p-5.ic property or rights=of=(ay+ or other 3atters affecting the p-5.ic safety+ or genera. (e.fare+ either as they no( e4ist or as they 3ay in the f-t-re 5e de2e.oped as a res-.t of the i3p.e3entation of the pro2isions of this Chapter+ the #aster or any other progra3+ 3ap+ or ordinance adopted or -nder consideration p-rs-ant to officia. notice 5y the City or other go2ern3enta. agency ha2ing ;-risdiction to g-ide de2e.op3entK A. Does the proposed conditiona. -se 3aintain the desired consistency of .and -ses+ .and -se intensities+ and .and -se i3pacts as re.ated to the en2irons of the s-5;ect propertyK 9. Is the proposed conditiona. -se .ocated in an area that (i.. 5e ade7-ate.y ser2ed 5y+ and (i.. not i3pose an -nd-e 5-rden on+ any of the i3pro2e3ents+ faci.ities+ -ti.ities or ser2ices pro2ided 5y p-5.ic agencies ser2ing the s-5;ect propertyK ). Do the potentia. p-5.ic 5enefits of the proposed conditiona. -se o-t(eigh any and a.. potentia. ad2erse i3pacts of the proposed conditiona. -se 0as identified in S-5sections 1. thro-gh 9.+ a5o2e1+ after ta8ing into consideration the &pp.icantCs proposa. and any re7-ire3ents reco33ended 5y the &pp.icant to a3e.iorate s-ch i3pactsK 0d1 The Zoning &d3inistrator sha.. for(ard the report per 0A1051+ and if prepared the report per 0A1 0c1+ to the Co33ission for the Co33issionCs re2ie( and -se in ta8ing action on the conditiona. -se. If the Zoning &d3inistrator deter3ines that the proposa. 3ay 5e in conf.ict (ith the pro2isions of the CityCs #aster the Zoning &d3inistrator sha.. note this deter3ination in the report. 091 Re,ie; b" t e P-&n Co77ission &n' Pub-ic He&!in%: 0a1 The Co33ission sha.. sched-.e a p-5.ic hearing to consider the app.ication (ithin A9 days after the acceptance and deter3ination of the co3p.ete app.ication as deter3ined 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator. The &pp.icant 3ay appear in person+ or 5y agent+ andDor 5y attorney. "otice of the proposed conditiona. -se and the p-5.ic hearing sha.. confor3 to the re7-ire3ents of Section )2.2*0:10d1 of the ,isconsin Stat-tes. Said notice sha.. contain a description of the s-5;ect property and the proposed conditiona. -se per S-5sections 0*10a1 and 0d1+ a5o2e. In addition+ at .east ten days 5efore said p-5.ic hearing+ the City C.er8 sha.. 3ai. an identica. notice to the &pp.icant6 to a.. property o(ners (ithin 290 feet of the 5o-ndaries of

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.200 &d3inistration and %roced-res

the s-5;ect property as identified in S-5section 0*1051+ a5o2e6 and to the C.er8 of any 3-nicipa.ity (hose 5o-ndaries are (ithin 1+000 feet of any portion of the ;-risdiction of this Chapter. Fai.-re to 3ai. said notice+ pro2ided it is -nintentiona.+ sha.. not in2a.idate proceedings -nder this S-5section. 051 ,ithin )0 days after the p-5.ic hearing 0or (ithin an e4tension of said period re7-ested in (riting 5y the &pp.icant and granted 5y the Co33ission1+ the Co33ission sha.. 3a8e deter3ination regarding the app.ication as a (ho.e. If the Co33ission 3a8es a fa2ora5.e of an app.ication+ it sha.. state in the 3in-tes and in a s-5se7-ent.y iss-ed (ritten conditiona. -se per3it+ the fo..o(ing: that the potentia. p-5.ic 5enefits of the proposed conditiona. -se o-t(eigh any and a.. potentia. ad2erse i3pacts of the proposed conditiona. -se+ as identified in S-5sections 0A10c11.=).+ a5o2e+ after ta8ing into consideration the proposa. 5y the &pp.icant. 0c1 If a fa2ora5.e finding is 3ade 5y the Co33ission+ the City staff sha.. prepare a (ritten conditiona. -se per3it for Co33ission re2ie(. 0)1 0in&- Con'ition&- Ese Pe!7it b" t e P-&n Co77ission: The Co33ission 3ay re7-est f-rther infor3ation andDor additiona. reports fro3 the Zoning &d3inistrator+ City staff andDor the &pp.icant. The Co33ission 3ay ta8e fina. action on the app.ication at the ti3e of its initia. 3eeting+ or 3ay contin-e the proceedings at its discretion or at the &pp.icantCs re7-est. The Co33ission 3ay appro2e the conditiona. -se as origina..y proposed+ 3ay appro2e the proposed conditiona. -se (ith 3odifications 0per the reco33endations of the Zoning &d3inistrator+ the &pp.icant+ other City staff+ a-thori/ed o-tside e4perts+ genera. p-5.ic+ or its o(n 3e35ers1 or 3ay deny appro2a. of the proposed conditiona. -se. In a.. cases+ the Co33ission sha.. 3a8e findings regarding S-5section 0A1+ a5o2e. If the Co33ission (ishes to 3a8e significant changes in the proposed conditiona. -se+ then the proced-re set forth in s. )2.2*0:10d1 of the ,isconsin Stat-tes sha.. 5e fo..o(ed prior to Co33ission action. &ny action to a3end the pro2isions of the proposed conditiona. -se per3it re7-ires a 3a;ority 2ote of the Co33ission. The Co33issionCs appro2a. of the proposed conditiona. -se sha.. 5e considered the appro2a. of a -ni7-e re7-est+ and sha.. not 5e constr-ed as precedent for any other proposed conditiona. -se. 0:1 E22ect o2 Deni&-: "o app.ication (hich has 5een denied 0either (ho..y or in part1 sha.. 5e res-53itted for a period of 12 3onths fro3 the date of said order of denia.+ e4cept on gro-nds of ne( e2idence or proof of change of factors fo-nd 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator. 0E1 Te!7in&tion o2 &n A##!o,e' Con'ition&- Ese: $pon appro2a. 5y Co33ission+ the &pp.icant 3-st de3onstrate that the proposed conditiona. -se 3eets a.. genera. and specific conditiona. -se re7-ire3ents in the site re7-ired for initiation of de2e.op3ent acti2ity on the s-5;ect property per S-5section 22.21*. Once a conditiona. -se is granted+ no Erosion Contro. %er3it+ Site appro2a. 0per S-5section 22.21*1+ Certificate of Occ-pancy 0per S-5section 22.2091+ or J-i.ding %er3it sha.. 5e iss-ed for any de2e.op3ent (hich does not co3p.y (ith a.. re7-ire3ents of this Chapter. &ny conditiona. -se fo-nd not to 5e in co3p.iance (ith the ter3s of this Chapter sha.. 5e considered in 2io.ation of this Chapter and sha.. 5e s-5;ect to a.. app.ica5.e proced-res and pena.ties. & conditiona. -se 3ay 5e re2o8ed for s-ch a 2io.ation 5y 3a;ority 2ote of the City Co-nci.+ fo..o(ing the proced-res o-t.ined in S-5sections 021 thro-gh 0:1+ a5o2e. 0F1 Ti7e Li7its on t e De,e-o#7ent o2 Con'ition&- Ese: The start of constr-ction of any and a.. conditiona. -ses sha.. 5e initiated (ithin *)9 days of their appro2a. 5y Co33ission and sha.. 5e operationa. (ithin :*0 days of said appro2a.. Fai.-re to initiate or co3p.ete de2e.op3ent (ithin this period sha.. a-to3atica..y constit-te a re2ocation of the conditiona. -se. For the p-rposes of this S-5section+ Boperationa.B sha.. 5e defined as co3p.ying (ith the conditions of the conditiona. -se per3it. %rior to s-ch a re2ocation+ the &pp.icant 3ay re7-est an e4tension of this period. Said re7-est sha.. re7-ire for3a. appro2a. 5y Co33ission and sha.. 5e 5ased -pon a sho(ing of accepta5.e ;-stification 0as deter3ined 5y Co33ission1. 0101 Discontinuin% &n A##!o,e' Con'ition&- Ese: &ny and a.. conditiona. -ses (hich ha2e 5een

Section 22.200 &d3inistration and %roced-res

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

discontin-ed for a period e4ceeding *)9 days sha.. ha2e their conditiona. -se in2a.idated a-to3atica..y. The 5-rden of proof sha.. 5e on the property o(ner to conc.-si2e.y de3onstrate that the s-5;ect conditiona. -se (as operationa. d-ring this period. 0111 C &n%e o2 O;ne!s i#: &.. re7-ire3ents of the appro2ed conditiona. -se sha.. 5e contin-ed regard.ess of o(nership of the s-5;ect property. #odification+ a.teration+ or e4pansion of any conditiona. -se in 2io.ation as appro2ed per 0)1+ a5o2e+ (itho-t appro2a. 5y Co33ission+ sha.. 5e gro-nds for re2ocation of said conditiona. -se appro2a. per 0E1+ a5o2e. 0121 Reco!'in% o2 Con'ition&- Ese ReAui!e7ents: E4cept for conditiona. -se appro2a.s for te3porary -ses+ a.. doc-3ents associated (ith the (ritten description+ the appro2ed site and the specific re7-ire3ents of appro2a.+ and a 3e3orand-3 referring to and stating the genera. p-rpose of the conditiona. -se (ith a .ega. description of the s-5;ect property1+ sha.. 5e recorded 5y the City (ith the Co-nty !egister of Deeds office. 01*1 Notice to t e DNR: The Co33ission sha.. trans3it a copy of each app.ication for a conditiona. -se for conser2ancy reg-.ations in the Shore.and=,et.and+ F.ood(ay+ F.oodp.ain+ or F.oodfringe O2er.ay Zoning Districts to the ,isconsin Depart3ent of "at-ra. !eso-rces 0D"!1 for re2ie( and co33ent at .east 10 days prior to any p-5.ic hearings. Fina. action on the app.ication sha.. not 5e ta8en for *0 days or -nti. the D"! has 3ade its reco33endation+ (hiche2er co3es first. & copy of a.. decisions re.ating to conditiona. -ses for shore.and=(et.and conser2ancy reg-.ations or to f.ood.and reg-.ations sha.. 5e trans3itted to the D"! (ithin 10 days of the date of s-ch decision. 01A1 0ee: One or 3ore fees are re7-ired for this proced-re. !efer to S-5section 22.21E.

Subsection 22.20. Ese Pe!7itte' b" Ri% t ;it S#eci&- ReAui!e7ents Re,ie; &n' A##!o,&011 Pu!#ose 0a1 The p-rpose of this Section is to pro2ide reg-.ations (hich go2ern the proced-re and re7-ire3ents for the re2ie( and appro2a.+ or denia.+ of proposed -ses per3itted 5y right (ith specia. re7-ire3ents. 051 $ses per3itted 5y right (ith specia. re7-ire3ents are those -ses (hich ha2e the potentia. to create -ndesira5.e i3pacts on near5y properties if a..o(ed to de2e.op si3p.y -nder the genera. re7-ire3ents of this Chapter. In order to pre2ent this fro3 occ-rring+ a.. -ses per3itted 5y right (ith specia. re7-ire3ents are re7-ired to 3eet certain re7-ire3ents app.ica5.e on.y to -ses per3itted 5y right (ith specia. re7-ire3ents+ in addition to the genera. re7-ire3ents of this Chapter and the re7-ire3ents of the /oning district in (hich the s-5;ect property is .ocated. 0c1 'and -ses proposed (hich fai. to 3eet one of the re7-ire3ents for -ses per3itted 5y right (ith specia. re7-ire3ents of Section 22.20:+ 3ay 5e re2ie(ed as a conditiona. -se+ per Section 22.20). 021 Re%u-&tions A##-ic&b-e to A-- Ese Pe!7itte' b" Ri% t ;it S#eci&- ReAui!e7ents : "o p-5.ic hearing is re7-ired to de2e.op a -se per3itted 5y right (ith specia. re7-ire3ents+ ho(e2er+ a de3onstration that the de2e.oper proposes to 3eet a.. re7-ire3ents for -ses per3itted 5y right (ith specia. re7-ire3ents of this Chapter 3-st 5e 3ade at ti3e of site app.ication. F-rther3ore+ no J-i.ding %er3it sha.. 5e iss-ed for any de2e.op3ent (hich does not co3p.y (ith a.. re7-ire3ents of this Chapter. &ny -se per3itted 5y right (ith specia. re7-ire3ents fo-nd not to 5e in co3p.iance (ith the ter3s of this Chapter sha.. 5e considered in 2io.ation of this Chapter and sha.. 5e s-5;ect to a.. app.ica5.e proced-res and pena.ties. 0*1 A##-ic&tion ReAui!e7ents: &.. app.ications for proposed -ses per3itted 5y right (ith specia. re7-ire3ents+ sha.. 5e appro2ed as co3p.ete 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator prior to the proposed -se per3itted 5y right (ith specia. re7-ire3ents. Said co3p.ete app.ication sha.. 5e co3prised of a.. of

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.200 &d3inistration and %roced-res

the fo..o(ing -n.ess the Zoning &d3inistrator deter3ines a specific re7-ire3ent is not app.ica5.e to the petition. 0a1 & 3ap of the s-5;ect property sho(ing a.. .ands for (hich the -se per3itted 5y right (ith specia. re7-ire3ents is proposed. Said 3ap sha.. c.ear.y indicate the c-rrent /oning of the s-5;ect property and its en2irons+ and the ;-risdiction0s1 (hich 3aintains that contro.. Said 3ap and a.. its parts and attach3ents sha.. 5e s-53itted in a for3 (hich is c.ear.y reprod-ci5.e (ith a photocopier+ and sha.. 5e at a sca.e (hich is not .ess than one inch e7-a.s )00 feet. &.. .ot di3ensions of the s-5;ect property+ a graphic sca.e+ and a north arro( sha.. 5e pro2ided6 051 & 3ap+ s-ch as the 'and $se #ap+ of the genera.i/ed .ocation of the s-5;ect property in re.ation to the City as a (ho.e G"ote: this 3ap 3ay 5e pro2ided 5y the City+ at the discretion of the Zoning &d3inistratorH6 0c1 & (ritten description of the proposed -se per3itted 5y right (ith specia. re7-ire3ents descri5ing the type of acti2ities+ 5-i.dings+ and str-ct-res proposed for the s-5;ect property and their genera. .ocations6 and+ 0d1 & site of the s-5;ect property as proposed for de2e.op3ent. Said site sha.. confor3 to any and a.. the re7-ire3ents of Section 22.21*. 0A1 A##!o,&- b" t e Zonin% A'7inist!&to!: &ppro2a. of a -se per3itted 5y right (ith specia. re7-ire3ents sha.. 5e 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator fo..o(ing re2ie( of said co3p.ete app.ication per 0*1 a5o2e. 091 0ee: & fee is re7-ired for this proced-re. !efer to Section 22.21E

Subsection 22.20/ Te7#o!&!" Ese Re,ie; &n' A##!o,&011 Pu!#ose 0a1 The p-rpose of this Section is to pro2ide reg-.ations (hich go2ern the proced-re and re7-ire3ents for the re2ie( and appro2a.+ or denia.+ of proposed te3porary -se. 051 Te3porary -ses are those -ses (hich ha2e the potentia. to create -ndesira5.e i3pacts on near5y properties if a..o(ed to de2e.op si3p.y -nder the genera. re7-ire3ents of this Chapter. In addition to s-ch potentia.+ te3porary -ses ha2e the potentia. to create -ndesira5.e i3pacts on near5y properties (hich potentia..y cannot 5e deter3ined e4cept on a case 5y case 5asis. In order to pre2ent this fro3 occ-rring+ a.. te3porary -ses are re7-ired to 3eet certain proced-ra. re7-ire3ents app.ica5.e on.y to te3porary -ses+ in addition to the genera. re7-ire3ents of this Chapter and the re7-ire3ents of the /oning district in (hich the s-5;ect property is .ocated. 0c1 'and -ses proposed (hich fai. to 3eet one of the re7-ire3ents for te3porary -ses of Section 22.20E+ 3ay 5e re2ie(ed as a conditiona. -se+ per Section 22.20). 021 Re%u-&tions A##-ic&b-e to A-- Te7#o!&!" Eses : "o p-5.ic hearing is re7-ired to de2e.op a te3porary -se+ ho(e2er+ a de3onstration that the de2e.oper proposes to 3eet a.. te3porary -se re7-ire3ents of this Chapter 3-st 5e 3ade at ti3e of site app.ication. F-rther3ore+ no J-i.ding %er3it sha.. 5e iss-ed for any de2e.op3ent (hich does not co3p.y (ith a.. re7-ire3ents of this Chapter. &ny te3porary -se fo-nd not to 5e in co3p.iance (ith the ter3s of this Chapter sha.. 5e considered in 2io.ation of this Chapter and sha.. 5e s-5;ect to a.. app.ica5.e proced-res and pena.ties. 0*1 A##-ic&tion ReAui!e7ents: &.. app.ications for proposed te3porary -ses+ sha.. 5e appro2ed as co3p.ete 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator prior to the proposed te3porary -se. Said co3p.ete app.ication sha.. 5e co3prised of a.. of the fo..o(ing -n.ess the Zoning &d3inistrator deter3ines a specific re7-ire3ent is not app.ica5.e to the petition. 0a1 & 3ap of the s-5;ect property sho(ing a.. .ands for (hich the te3porary -se is proposed.


Section 22.200 &d3inistration and %roced-res

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Said 3ap sha.. c.ear.y indicate the c-rrent /oning of the s-5;ect property and its en2irons+ and the ;-risdiction0s1 (hich 3aintains that contro.. Said 3ap and a.. its parts and attach3ents sha.. 5e s-53itted in a for3 (hich is c.ear.y reprod-ci5.e (ith a photocopier+ and sha.. 5e at a sca.e (hich is not .ess than one inch e7-a.s )00 feet. &.. .ot di3ensions of the s-5;ect property+ a graphic sca.e+ and a north arro( sha.. 5e pro2ided6 051 & 3ap+ s-ch as the 'and $se #ap+ of the genera.i/ed .ocation of the s-5;ect property in re.ation to the City as a (ho.e G"ote: this 3ap 3ay 5e pro2ided 5y the City+ at the discretion of the Zoning &d3inistratorH6 0c1 & (ritten description of the proposed te3porary -se descri5ing the type of acti2ities+ 5-i.dings+ and str-ct-res proposed for the s-5;ect property and their genera. .ocations6 and+ 0d1 & site of the s-5;ect property as proposed for de2e.op3ent. Said site sha.. confor3 to any and a.. the re7-ire3ents of Section 22.21*. 0A1 A##!o,&- b" t e Zonin% A'7inist!&to!: &ppro2a. of a te3porary -se sha.. 5e 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator fo..o(ing re2ie( of said co3p.ete app.ication per 0*1 a5o2e. 091 0ee: & fee is re7-ired for this proced-re. !efer to Section 22.21E

Subsection 22.20B A7en'7ent o2 Zonin% Re%u-&tions

011 Pu!#ose: The p-rpose of this S-5section is to pro2ide reg-.ations (hich go2ern the proced-re and re7-ire3ents for the re2ie( and appro2a.+ or denia.+ of proposed a3end3ents to pro2isions of this Chapter. 0!efer to the re7-ire3ents of ,isconsin Stat-tes )2.2*0:10d1. 021 Initi&tion o2 ReAuest 2o! A7en'7ent to t is C &#te! %roceedings for a3end3ent of this Chapter 3ay 5e initiated 5y any one of the fo..o(ing three 3ethods: 0a1 an app.ication 5y any 3e35er of the genera. p-5.ic6 051 a reco33endation of the City staff or Co33ission6 or 0c1 5y action of the City Co-nci.. 0*1 A##-ic&tion ReAui!e7ents: &.. app.ications for proposed a3end3ents to this Chapter+ regard.ess of the party of their initiation per 021 a5o2e sha.. 5e appro2ed as co3p.ete 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator prior to the for3a. initiation of this proced-re. The ite3 3ay 5e p.aced on any agenda as a disc-ssion=on.y ite3+ (ith the per3ission of the Zoning &d3inistrator+ (itho-t an app.ication. Said co3p.ete app.ication sha.. 5e co3prised of a.. of the fo..o(ing -n.ess the Zoning &d3inistrator deter3ines a specific re7-ire3ent is not app.ica5.e to the petition. 0a1 & copy of the portion of the c-rrent pro2isions of this Chapter (hich are proposed to 5e a3ended+ (ith said pro2isions c.ear.y indicated in a 3anner (hich is c.ear.y reprod-ci5.e (ith a photocopier6 051 & copy of the te4t (hich is proposed to rep.ace the c-rrent te4t6 and 0c1 &s an optiona. re7-ire3ent+ the &pp.icant 3ay (ish to pro2ide (ritten ;-stification for the proposed te4t a3end3ent+ consisting of the reasons (hy the &pp.icant 5e.ie2es the proposed te4t a3end3ent is in har3ony (ith the reco33endation of the City of Edgerton #aster as e2idenced 5y co3p.iance (ith the standards set o-t in s-5section 0A10c11.=9.+ 5e.o(. 0A1 Re,ie; b" t e Zonin% A'7inist!&to!: The proposed te4t a3end3ent sha.. 5e re2ie(ed 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator as fo..o(s: 0a1 The Zoning &d3inistrator sha.. deter3ine (hether the app.ication is co3p.ete and the re7-ire3ents of this Chapter. If the Zoning &d3inistrator deter3ines that the app.ication is not co3p.ete or does not the re7-ire3ents of this Chapter+ he sha.. ret-rn the app.ication to the &pp.icant.


City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.200 &d3inistration and %roced-res

051 The Zoning &d3inistrator sha.. re2ie( the app.ication and e2a.-ate and co33ent on the (ritten ;-stification for the proposed te4t a3end3ent pro2ided in the app.ication per S-5section 0*10a1=0c1+ a5o2e. 0c1 The Zoning &d3inistrator 3ay e2a.-ate the app.ication to deter3ine (hether the re7-ested te4t a3end3ent is in har3ony (ith the reco33endations of the City of EdgertonCs #aster as e2idenced 5y co3p.iance (ith the standards of S-5section 0A1 0c11.=9. 5e.o(: 1. <o( does the proposed te4t a3end3ent f-rther the p-rposes of this Chapter as o-t.ined in S-5section 22.002. 2. <o( does the proposed te4t a3end3ent f-rther the p-rposes of the genera. S-5chapter in (hich the a3end3ent is proposed to 5e .ocatedK *. <o( does the proposed te4t a3end3ent f-rther the p-rposes of the specific S-5section in (hich the a3end3ent is proposed to 5e .ocatedK A. ,hich of the fo..o(ing factors has arisen that are not proper.y addressed in the c-rrent /oning te4tK: a. The pro2isions of this Chapter sho-.d 5e 5ro-ght into confor3ity (ith the #aster 0If a factor re.ated to the proposed a3end3ent+ note pertinent portions of the #aster 5. & change has occ-rred in the .and 3ar8et+ or other factors ha2e arisen (hich re7-ire a ne( for3 of de2e.op3ent+ a ne( type of .and -se+ or a ne( proced-re to 3eet said change0s16 c. "e( 3ethods of de2e.op3ent or pro2iding infrastr-ct-re 3a8e it necessary to a.ter this Chapter to 3eet these ne( factors6 d. Changing go2ern3enta. finances re7-ire a3ending this Chapter in order to 3eet the needs of the go2ern3ent in ter3s of pro2iding and affording p-5.ic ser2ices. 9. If the proposed te4t a3end3ent is concerned (ith the pro2isions of Section 22.:0 andDor Section 22.*0: <o( does the proposed a3end3ent 3aintain the desired o2era.. consistency of .and -ses+ .and -se intensities+ and .and -se i3pacts (ithin the pertinent /oning districtsK 0d1 The Zoning &d3inistrator sha.. for(ard the report per 0A1051+ and if prepared the report per 0A1 0c1+ to the Co33ission for the Co33issionCs re2ie( and -se in 3a8ing its fina. reco33endation to City Co-nci.. If the Zoning &d3inistrator deter3ines that the proposa. 3ay 5e in conf.ict (ith the pro2isions of the CityCs #aster the Zoning &d3inistrator sha.. note this deter3ination in the report. 091 Re,ie; &n' Reco77en'&tion b" t e P-&n Co77ission: City Co-nci. sha.. not 3a8e an a3end3ent to this Chapter (itho-t a..o(ing for a reco33endation fro3 the Co33ission per the pro2isions of this S-5section. 0a1 The Co33ission sha.. sched-.e a reasona5.e ti3e and p.ace for a p-5.ic hearing to consider the app.ication (ithin A9 days after the acceptance and deter3ination of the co3p.ete app.ication as deter3ined 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator. The &pp.icant 3ay appear in person+ 5y agent+ andDor 5y attorney. "otice of the proposed te4t a3end3ent and the p-5.ic hearing sha.. confor3 to the re7-ire3ents of Section )2.2*0:10d1 of the ,isconsin Stat-tes. Said notice sha.. contain a description of the proposed te4t change. If the proposed a3end3ent to the /oning reg-.ations has the effect of changing the a..o(a5.e -se of a property+ the notice sha.. inc.-de either a 3ap or a description of the property affected 5y the changes and a state3ent that a 3ap 3ay 5e o5tained fro3 the City. In addition+ at .east ten days 5efore said p-5.ic hearing+ the City C.er8 sha.. 3ai. an identica. notice to the &pp.icant+ and to the C.er8 of any 3-nicipa.ity (hose 5o-ndaries are (ithin 1+000 feet of any portion of the ;-risdiction of this Chapter. Fai.-re to 3ai. said notice+ pro2ided it is -nintentiona.+ sha.. not in2a.idate proceedings -nder this Section. 051 ,ithin )0 days after the p-5.ic hearing+ inc.-ding on the night of the p-5.ic hearing+ 0or (ithin


Section 22.200 &d3inistration and %roced-res

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

an e4tension of said period re7-ested in (riting 5y the &pp.icant and granted 5y the Co33ission1+ the Co33ission sha.. 3a8e a (ritten report to the City Co-nci.+ andDor sha.. state in the 3in-tes+ stating its findings regarding S-5section 0A1+ a5o2e+ and its reco33endations regarding the app.ication as a (ho.e. Said report sha.. inc.-de a for3a. finding of facts de2e.oped and appro2ed 5y the Co33ission concerning the re7-ire3ents of 0A10c11. thro-gh 9.+ a5o2e. 0c1 If the Co33ission fai.s to 3a8e a report (ithin )0 days after the of said co3p.ete app.ication 0and in the a5sence of a &pp.icant=appro2ed e4tension per 051+ a5o2e1+ then the City Co-nci. 3ay initiate 0)1+ 5e.o(+ (ithin *0 days after the e4piration of said )0 day period. Fai.-re to recei2e said (ritten report fro3 the Co33ission per S-5section 091051+ a5o2e+ sha.. not in2a.idate the proceedings or actions of City Co-nci.. State Law Reference: Section 62.23(7)(d). 0d1 If the Co33ission reco33ends appro2a. of an app.ication+ it sha.. state in the 3in-tes or in a s-5se7-ent.y iss-ed (ritten decision+ its conc.-sion and any finding of facts s-pporting its conc.-sion as to the fo..o(ing: that the potentia. p-5.ic 5enefits of the proposed te4t a3end3ent o-t(eigh a.. potentia. ad2erse i3pacts of the proposed te4t a3end3ent+ as identified in S-5sections 0A10c11.=9. a5o2e+ after ta8ing into consideration the proposa. 5y the &pp.icant. 0)1 Re,ie; &n' Action b" Cit" Counci-: 0a1 City Co-nci. sha.. consider the Co33issionCs reco33endation regarding the proposed te4t a3end3ent. The Co-nci. 3ay re7-est f-rther infor3ation andDor additiona. reports fro3 the Co33ission+ Zoning &d3inistrator+ andDor the &pp.icant. 051 The City Co-nci. sha.. fo..o( the proced-res for first and second reading of ordinances and reso.-tions per Section *.** of the City of Edgerton #-nicipa. Code+ and sha.. not act -pon the proposed te4t a3end3ent -nti. after the second reading of the proposed te4t a3end3ent. 0c1 The Co-nci. 3ay ta8e fina. action on the app.ication fo..o(ing the second reading+ or 3ay contin-e the proceedings at the &pp.icantCs re7-est. City Co-nci. 3ay appro2e the a3end3ent as origina..y proposed+ 3ay appro2e the proposed a3end3ent (ith 3odifications 0per the reco33endations of the Zoning &d3inistrator+ the Co33ission+ a-thori/ed o-tside e4perts+ or its o(n 3e35ers1+ or 3ay deny appro2a. of the proposed a3end3ent. If the City Co-nci. (ishes to 3a8e significant changes in the proposed te4t a3end3ent+ as reco33ended 5y the Co33ission+ then the proced-re set forth in Section )2.2*0:10d1 of the ,isconsin Stat-tes sha.. 5e fo..o(ed prior to Co-nci. action. &ny action to a3end the pro2isions of the proposed a3end3ent re7-ires a 3a;ority 2ote of the Co-nci.. 0d1 ,hen the City Co-nci. ta8es action on the app.ication+ it sha.. state in the 3in-tes andDor in a s-5se7-ent.y iss-ed (ritten decision+ its conc.-sion and any finding of facts s-pporting its conc.-sion as to the fo..o(ing: that the potentia. p-5.ic 5enefits of the proposed te4t a3end3ent o-t(eigh+ or do not o-t(eigh+ any and a.. potentia. ad2erse i3pacts of the proposed te4t a3end3ent+ as identified in S-5sections 22.20F0A10c11.=9. a5o2e+ after ta8ing into consideration the proposa. 5y the app.icant and the reco33endation of the Co33ission. 0e1 The City Co-nci.Cs appro2a. of the re7-ested a3end3ent sha.. 5e considered the appro2a. of a -ni7-e re7-est+ and sha.. not 5e constr-ed as precedent for any other proposed a3end3ent. 0:1 E22ect o2 Deni&-: "o app.ication (hich has 5een denied 0either (ho..y or in part1 sha.. 5e res-53itted for a period of 12 3onths fro3 the date of said order of denia.+ e4cept on gro-nds of ne( e2idence or proof of change of factors fo-nd 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator. 0E1 0ee: & fee is re7-ired for this proced-re. !efer to S-5section 22.21E.


City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.200 &d3inistration and %roced-res

Subsection 22.210 A7en'7ent o2 O22ici&- Zonin% ?&#

011 Pu!#ose: The p-rpose of this S-5section is to pro2ide reg-.ations (hich go2ern the proced-re and re7-ire3ents for the re2ie( and appro2a.+ or denia.+ of proposed a3end3ents to pro2isions of the Officia. Zoning #ap. 0!efer to the re7-ire3ents of ,isconsin Stat-tes )2.2*0:10d12.1 021 Initi&tion o2 ReAuest 2o! A7en'7ent to O22ici&- Zonin% ?&#: %roceedings for a3end3ent of the Officia. Zoning #ap 3ay 5e initiated 5y any one of the fo..o(ing three 3ethods: 0a1 an app.ication of the o(ner0s1 of the s-5;ect property6 051 a reco33endation of the City staff or the Co33ission6 or 0c1 5y action of the City Co-nci.. 0*1 A##-ic&tion ReAui!e7ents: &.. app.ications for proposed a3end3ents to the Officia. Zoning #ap+ regard.ess of the party of their initiation per 021 a5o2e+ sha.. 5e fi.ed in the office of the Zoning &d3inistrator+ and sha.. 5e appro2ed as co3p.ete 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator prior to the for3a. initiation of this proced-re. The ite3 3ay 5e p.aced on any agenda as a disc-ssion=on.y ite3+ (ith the per3ission of the Zoning &d3inistrator+ (itho-t an app.ication. Said co3p.ete app.ication sha.. 5e co3prised of a.. of the fo..o(ing -n.ess the Zoning &d3inistrator deter3ines a specific re7-ire3ent is not app.ica5.e to the petition. 0a1 & 3ap of the s-5;ect property sho(ing a.. .ands for (hich the /oning 3ap a3end3ent is proposed. Said 3ap and a.. its parts and attach3ents sha.. 5e s-53itted in a for3 (hich is c.ear.y reprod-ci5.e (ith a photocopier+ and sha.. 5e at a sca.e (hich is not .ess than one inch e7-a.s )00 feet. &.. .ot di3ensions of the s-5;ect property+ a graphic sca.e+ and a north arro( sha.. 5e pro2ided6 051 & 3ap of the s-5;ect property and a.. other .ands (ithin 290 feet of the 5o-ndaries of the s-5;ect property together (ith the na3es and addresses of the o(ners of a.. .ands on said 3ap as the sa3e appear on the c-rrent ta4 records of the City of Edgerton. Said 3ap sha.. c.ear.y indicate the c-rrent /oning of the s-5;ect property and its en2irons+ and the ;-risdiction0s1 (hich 3aintains that contro.. Said 3ap and a.. its parts and attach3ents sha.. 5e s-53itted in a for3 (hich is c.ear.y reprod-ci5.e (ith a photocopier+ and sha.. 5e at a sca.e (hich is not .ess than one inch e7-a.s )00 feet. &.. .ot di3ensions of the s-5;ect property+ a graphic sca.e+ and a north arro( sha.. 5e pro2ided. G"ote that this 3ap 3ay 5e pro2ided 5y the city+ at the discretion of the Zoning &d3inistratorH6 0c1 & 3ap+ s-ch as the 'and $se #ap+ of the genera.i/ed .ocation of the s-5;ect property in re.ation to the City as a (ho.e. G"ote that this 3ap 3ay 5e pro2ided 5y the city+ at the discretion of the Zoning &d3inistratorH6 0d1 &s an optiona. re7-ire3ent+ the &pp.icant 3ay (ish to pro2ide (ritten ;-stification for the proposed 3ap a3end3ent+ consisting of the reasons (hy the &pp.icant 5e.ie2es the proposed 3ap a3end3ent is in har3ony (ith the reco33endations of the City of Edgerton #aster as e2idenced 5y co3p.iance (ith the standards set o-t in S-5section 0A10c11.=*.+ 5e.o(. 0A1 Re,ie; b" t e Zonin% A'7inist!&to!: The proposed a3end3ent to the Officia. Zoning #ap sha.. 5e re2ie(ed 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator as fo..o(s: 0a1 The Zoning &d3inistrator sha.. deter3ine (hether the app.ication is co3p.ete and the re7-ire3ents of this Chapter. If the Zoning &d3inistrator deter3ines that the app.ication is not co3p.ete or does not the re7-ire3ents of this Chapter+ he sha.. ret-rn the app.ication to the &pp.icant. 051 The Zoning &d3inistrator sha.. re2ie( the app.ication and e2a.-ate and co33ent on the (ritten ;-stification for the proposed 3ap a3end3ent pro2ided in the app.ication per S-5section 0*10a1=0d1+ a5o2e. 0c1 The Zoning &d3inistrator 3ay e2a.-ate the app.ication to deter3ine (hether the


Section 22.200 &d3inistration and %roced-res

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

re7-ested a3end3ent to the Officia. Zoning #ap is in har3ony (ith the reco33endations of the City of EdgertonCs #aster as e2idenced 5y co3p.iance (ith the standards of 0A10c11.=*.+ 5e.o(: 1. <o( does the proposed Officia. Zoning #ap a3end3ent f-rther the p-rposes of this Chapter as o-t.ined in S-5section 22.002 and the app.ica5.e and reg-.ations of the ,isconsin Depart3ent of "at-ra. !eso-rces 0D"!1 and the Federa. E3ergency #anage3ent &gency 0FE#&1K 2. ,hich of the fo..o(ing factors has arisen that are not proper.y addressed on the c-rrent Officia. Zoning #apK a. The designations of the Officia. Zoning #ap sho-.d 5e 5ro-ght into confor3ity (ith the #aster %.an6 5. & 3ista8e (as 3ade in 3apping on the Officia. Zoning #ap. 0That is+ an area is de2e.oping in a 3anner and p-rpose different fro3 that for (hich it is 3apped.1 "OTE: If this reason is cited+ it 3-st 5e de3onstrated that the disc-ssed inconsistency 5et(een act-a. .and -se and designated /oning is not intended+ as the City 3ay intend to stop an -ndesira5.e .and -se pattern fro3 spreading6 c. Factors ha2e changed+ 0s-ch as the a2ai.a5i.ity of ne( data+ the presence of ne( roads or other infrastr-ct-re+ additiona. de2e.op3ent+ anne4ation+ or other /oning changes1+ 3a8ing the s-5;ect property 3ore appropriate for a different /oning district6 d. ro(th patterns or rates ha2e changed+ there5y creating the need for an &3end3ent to the Officia. Zoning #ap. *. <o( does the proposed a3end3ent to the Officia. Zoning #ap 3aintain the desired consistency of .and -ses+ .and -se intensities+ and .and -se i3pacts as re.ated to the en2irons of the s-5;ect propertyK 0d1 The Zoning &d3inistrator sha.. for(ard the report per 0A1051+ and if prepared the report per 0A1 0c1+ to the Co33ission for the Co33issionCs re2ie( and -se in 3a8ing its fina. reco33endation to City Co-nci.. If the Zoning &d3inistrator deter3ines that the proposa. 3ay 5e in conf.ict (ith the pro2isions of the CityCs #aster the Zoning &d3inistrator sha.. note this deter3ination in the report. 091 Re,ie; &n' Action b" t e P-&n Co77ission: City Co-nci. sha.. not 3a8e an a3end3ent to the Officia. Zoning #ap (itho-t a..o(ing for a reco33endation fro3 the Co33ission per the pro2isions of this S-5section. 0a1 The Co33ission sha.. sched-.e a reasona5.e ti3e and p.ace for a p-5.ic hearing to consider the app.ication (ithin A9 days of the acceptance and deter3ination of the co3p.ete app.ication as deter3ined 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator. The &pp.icant 3ay appear in person+ 5y agent+ andDor 5y attorney. "otice of the proposed /oning 3ap a3end3ent and the p-5.ic hearing sha.. confor3 to the re7-ire3ents of Section )2.2*0:10d1 of the ,isconsin Stat-tes. Said notice sha.. contain a description of the s-5;ect property and the proposed change in /oning. In addition+ at .east ten days 5efore said p-5.ic hearing+ the City C.er8 sha.. 3ai. an identica. notice to the &pp.icant6 to a.. property o(ners (ithin 290 feet of the 5o-ndaries of the s-5;ect property as identified in S-5section 0*1051+ a5o2e6 and to the C.er8 of any 3-nicipa.ity (hose 5o-ndaries are (ithin 1+000 feet of any portion of the ;-risdiction of this Chapter. Fai.-re to 3ai. said notice+ pro2ided it is -nintentiona.+ sha.. not in2a.idate proceedings -nder this Section. 051 ,ithin )0 days after the p-5.ic hearing+ inc.-ding on the night of the p-5.ic hearing+ 0or (ithin an e4tension of said period re7-ested in (riting 5y the &pp.icant and granted 5y the Co33ission1+ the Co33ission sha.. 3a8e a (ritten report to the City Co-nci.+ andDor sha.. state in the 3in-tes+ stating its findings regarding S-5section 0A1+ a5o2e+ and its reco33endations regarding the app.ication as a (ho.e. Said report sha.. inc.-de a for3a. finding of facts de2e.oped and appro2ed 5y the Co33ission concerning the re7-ire3ents


City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.200 &d3inistration and %roced-res

of 0A10c11. thro-gh *.+ a5o2e. 0c1 If the Co33ission fai.s to 3a8e a report (ithin )0 days after the of said co3p.ete app.ication 0and in the a5sence of a &pp.icant=appro2ed e4tension per 051+ a5o2e1+ then the City Co-nci. 3ay initiate 0)1+ 5e.o(+ (ithin *0 days after the e4piration of said )0 day period. Fai.-re to recei2e said (ritten report fro3 the Co33ission per S-5section 091051+ a5o2e+ sha.. not in2a.idate the proceedings or actions of City Co-nci.. State Law Reference: Section 62.23(7)(d). 0d1 If the Co33ission reco33ends appro2a. of an app.ication+ it sha.. state in the 3in-tes or in a s-5se7-ent.y iss-ed (ritten decision+ its conc.-sion and any finding of facts s-pporting its conc.-sion as to the fo..o(ing: that the potentia. p-5.ic 5enefits of the proposed a3end3ent o-t(eigh any and a.. potentia. ad2erse i3pacts of the proposed a3end3ent+ as identified in S-5sections 0A10c11.=*. a5o2e+ after ta8ing into consideration the proposa. 5y the &pp.icant. 0)1 Re,ie; &n' Action b" Cit" Counci-: 0a1 City Co-nci. sha.. consider the Co33issionCs reco33endation regarding the proposed a3end3ent to the Officia. Zoning #ap. The Co-nci. 3ay re7-est f-rther infor3ation andDor additiona. reports fro3 the Co33ission+ Zoning &d3inistrator+ andDor the &pp.icant. 051 The City Co-nci. sha.. fo..o( the proced-res for first and second reading of ordinances and reso.-tions per Section *.** of the City of Edgerton #-nicipa. Code+ and sha.. not act -pon the proposed 3ap a3end3ent -nti. after the second reading of the proposed a3end3ent. 0c1 The Co-nci. 3ay ta8e fina. action on the app.ication fo..o(ing the second reading+ or 3ay contin-e the proceedings at the &pp.icantCs re7-est. City Co-nci. 3ay appro2e the 3ap a3end3ent as origina..y proposed+ 3ay appro2e the proposed 3ap a3end3ent (ith 3odifications 0per the reco33endations of the Zoning &d3inistrator+ the Co33ission+ a-thori/ed o-tside e4perts+ or its o(n 3e35ers1+ or 3ay deny appro2a. of the proposed 3ap a3end3ent. If the City Co-nci. (ishes to 3a8e significant changes in the proposed 3ap a3end3ent+ as reco33ended 5y the Co33ission+ then the proced-re set forth in Section )2.2*0:10d1 of the ,isconsin Stat-tes sha.. 5e fo..o(ed prior to Co-nci. action. &ny action to a3end the pro2isions of the proposed 3ap a3end3ent re7-ires a 3a;ority 2ote of the Co-nci.. 0d1 ,hen the City Co-nci. ta8es action on the app.ication+ it sha.. state in the 3in-tes andDor in a s-5se7-ent.y iss-ed (ritten decision+ its conc.-sion and any finding of facts s-pporting its conc.-sion as to the fo..o(ing: that the potentia. p-5.ic 5enefits of the proposed a3end3ent to the Officia. Zoning #ap o-t(eigh+ or do not o-t(eigh+ any and a.. potentia. ad2erse i3pacts of the proposed a3end3ent to the Officia. Zoning #ap+ as identified in S-5sections 22.2100A1 0c11.=*. a5o2e+ after ta8ing into consideration the proposa. 5y the app.icant and the reco33endation of the Co33ission. 0e1 The City Co-nci.Cs appro2a. of the re7-ested a3end3ent to the Officia. Zoning #ap sha.. 5e considered the appro2a. of a -ni7-e re7-est+ and sha.. not 5e constr-ed as precedent for any other proposed a3end3ent to the Officia. Zoning #ap. 0:1 E22ect o2 Deni&-: "o app.ication (hich has 5een denied 0either (ho..y or in part1 sha.. 5e res-53itted for a period of 12 3onths fro3 the date of said order of denia.+ e4cept on gro-nds of ne( e2idence or proof of change of factors fo-nd 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator. 0E1 0ee: & fee is re7-ired for this proced-re. !efer to S-5section 22.21E.

Subsection 22.211 V&!i&nces

011 Pu!#ose: The p-rpose of this S-5section is to pro2ide reg-.ations (hich ena5.e the City to hear and decide re7-ests for per3itted 2ariation fro3 the ter3s of this Chapter as (i.. not 5e contrary to the p-5.ic interest6 (here o(ing to specia. factors+ a .itera. enforce3ent of the pro2isions of this Chapter (o-.d res-.t in practica. diffic-.ty or -nnecessary hardship+ so that the spirit of this Chapter sha.. 5e o5ser2ed+ p-5.ic safety and (e.fare sec-red+ and s-5stantia. ;-stice done6 as pro2ided for 5y

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City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

,isconsin Stat-tes )2.2*0:10e10:1. 021 Initi&tion o2 ReAuest 2o! A##!o,&- o2 & V&!i&nce: %roceedings for appro2a. of a re7-ested 2ariance sha.. 5e initiated 5y: 0a1 an app.ication of the o(ner0s1 of the s-5;ect property 0*1 A##-ic&tion ReAui!e7ents: &.. app.ications for re7-ested 2ariances sha.. 5e appro2ed as co3p.ete 5y the J-i.ding Inspector andDor Zoning &d3inistrator prior to the sched-.ed Zoning Joard of &ppea.s 3eeting. The ite3 3ay 5e p.aced on any agenda as a disc-ssion=on.y ite3+ (ith the per3ission of the J-i.ding Inspector andDor Zoning &d3inistrator+ (itho-t an app.ication. Said app.ication sha.. 5e co3prised of a.. of the fo..o(ing -n.ess the J-i.ding Inspector andDor Zoning &d3inistrator deter3ines a specific re7-ire3ent is not necessary for the consideration of the app.ication. 0a1 & 3ap of the s-5;ect property sho(ing a.. .ands for (hich the 2ariance is proposed. Said 3ap and a.. its parts and attach3ents sha.. 5e s-53itted in a for3 (hich is c.ear.y .egi5.e and reprod-ci5.e (ith a photocopier. &.. .ot di3ensions of the s-5;ect property+ sha.. 5e pro2ided6 051 & (ritten description of the proposed 2ariance descri5ing the type of specific re7-ire3ents of the 2ariance proposed for the s-5;ect property6 0c1 & site of the s-5;ect property as proposed for de2e.op3ent. Said site sha.. confor3 to any and a.. the re7-ire3ents of S-5section 22.21*0*1 -n.ess the J-i.ding Inspector andDor Zoning &d3inistrator deter3ines that a specific re7-ire3ent is not necessary for the consideration of the app.ication6 and+ 0d1 ,ritten ;-stification for the re7-ested 2ariance consisting of the reasons (hy the &pp.icant 5e.ie2es the proposed 2ariance is appropriate+ as e2idenced 5y co3p.iance (ith the standard set o-t in S-5section 0A10c11.=).+ 5e.o(. 0A1 Re,ie; b" T e 8ui-'in% Ins#ecto! &n'6o! Zonin% A'7inist!&to!: The re7-ested 2ariance sha.. 5e re2ie(ed 5y the J-i.ding Inspector andDor Zoning &d3inistrator as fo..o(s: 0a1 The J-i.ding Inspector andDor Zoning &d3inistrator sha.. deter3ine (hether the app.ication is co3p.ete and the re7-ire3ents of this Chapter. If the J-i.ding Inspector andDor Zoning &d3inistrator deter3ines that the app.ication is not co3p.ete or does not the re7-ire3ents of this Chapter+ he sha.. ret-rn the app.ication to the &pp.icant. 051 The J-i.ding Inspector andDor Zoning &d3inistrator sha.. re2ie( the app.ication and e2a.-ate and co33ent on the (ritten ;-stification for the proposed 2ariance pro2ided in the app.ication per S-5section 0*10a1=0f1+ a5o2e. 0c1 The J-i.ding Inspector andDor Zoning &d3inistrator 3ay e2a.-ate the app.ication to deter3ine (hether the re7-ested is in har3ony (ith the reco33endations of the City of EdgertonCs #aster as e2idenced 5y co3p.iance (ith the standards of S-5section 0A10c11.=).+ 5e.o(: 1. ,hat e4ceptiona. or e4traordinary circ-3stances or specia. factors are present (hich app.y on.y to the s-5;ect propertyK The response to this 7-estion sha.. c.ear.y indicate ho( the s-5;ect property contains factors (hich are not present on other properties in the sa3e /oning district. Specifica..y: a. The hardship or diffic-.ty sha.. 5e pec-.iar to the s-5;ect property and different fro3 that of other properties+ and not one (hich affects a.. properties S-ch a hardship or diffic-.ty sha.. ha2e arisen 5eca-se of the -n-s-a. shape of the origina. acreage parce.6 -n-s-a. topography or e.e2ation6 or 5eca-se the property (as created 5efore the passage of the c-rrent+ app.ica5.e /oning reg-.ations+ or (i.. not acco33odate a str-ct-re of reasona5.e design for a per3itted -se if a.. area+ yard+ green space+ and set5ac8 re7-ire3ents are o5ser2ed6 5. 'oss of profit or pec-niary hardship sha.. not+ in and of itse.f+ 5e gro-nds for a 2ariance6 c. Se.f=i3posed hardship sha.. not 5e gro-nds for a 2ariance. !ed-ctions res-.ting

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.200 &d3inistration and %roced-res

fro3 the sa.e of portions of a property red-cing the re3ainder of said property 5e.o( 5-i.da5.e si/e or c-tting=off e4isting access to a p-5.ic right=of=(ay or deed restrictions i3posed 5y the o(nerCs predecessor in tit.e are considered to 5e s-ch se.f=i3posed hardships6 d. Lio.ations 5y+ or 2ariances granted to+ neigh5oring properties sha.. not ;-stify a 2ariance6 e. The a..eged hardship sha.. not 5e one that (o-.d ha2e e4isted in the a5sence of a /oning ordinance. 0For e4a3p.e+ if a .ot (ere -n5-i.da5.e 5eca-se of topography in the a5sence of any or a.. set5ac8 re7-ire3ents.1 2. In (hat 3anner do the factors identified in 1.+ a5o2e+ prohi5it the de2e.op3ent of the s-5;ect property in a 3anner to that of other properties -nder the sa3e /oning districtK The response to this 7-estion sha.. c.ear.y indicate ho( the re7-ested 2ariance is essentia. to 3a8e the s-5;ect property de2e.opa5.e so that property rights en;oyed 5y the o(ners of properties can 5e en;oyed 5y the o(ners of the s-5;ect property. *. ,o-.d the granting of the proposed 2ariance 5e of s-5stantia. detri3ent to ad;acent propertiesK The response to this 7-estion sha.. c.ear.y indicate ho( the proposed 2ariance (i.. ha2e no s-5stantia. i3pact on ad;acent properties. A. ,o-.d the granting of the proposed 2ariance as depicted on the re7-ired site 0see 0*1 0e1+ a5o2e1+ res-.t in a s-5stantia. or -nd-e ad2erse i3pact on the character of the neigh5orhood+ en2iron3enta. factors+ traffic factors+ par8ing+ p-5.ic i3pro2e3ents+ p-5.ic property or rights=of=(ay+ or other 3atters affecting the p-5.ic safety+ or genera. (e.fare+ either as they no( e4ist or as they 3ay in the f-t-re 5e de2e.oped as a res-.t of the i3p.e3entation of the intent+ pro2isions+ and po.icies of this Chapter+ the #aster or any other progra3+ 3ap+ or ordinance adopted or -nder consideration p-rs-ant to officia. notice 5y the City or other go2ern3enta. agency ha2ing ;-risdiction to g-ide gro(th and de2e.op3entK The response to this 7-estion sha.. c.ear.y indicate ho( the proposed 2ariance (i.. ha2e no s-5stantia. i3pact on s-ch .ong=range p.anning 3atters. 9. <a2e the factors (hich present the reason for the proposed 2ariance 5een created 5y the act of the &pp.ication or pre2io-s property o(ner or their agent 0for e4a3p.e: pre2io-s de2e.op3ent decisions s-ch as 5-i.ding p.ace3ent+ f.oor or orientation+ .otting pattern+ or grading1 after the effecti2e date of this Chapter. The response to this 7-estion sha.. c.ear.y indicate that s-ch factors e4isted prior to the effecti2e date of this Chapter and (ere not created 5y action of the &pp.icant+ a pre2io-s property o(ner+ or their agent. ). Does the proposed 2ariance in2o.2e the reg-.ations of S-5section 22.*0A or the district -se reg-.ations in each /oning district of Section 22.:00K The response to this 7-estion sha.. c.ear.y indicate that the re7-ested 2ariance does not in2o.2e the pro2isions of this S-5section. 0d1 The J-i.ding Inspector andDor Zoning &d3inistrator sha.. for(ard the report per 0A1051+ and if prepared per 0A10c1+ to the Zoning Joard of &ppea.s for the JoardCs re2ie( and action. If the J-i.ding Inspector andDor Zoning &d3inistrator deter3ines that the proposa. 3ay 5e in conf.ict (ith the pro2isions of the CityCs Zoning Ordinance and #aster the J-i.ding Inspector andDor Zoning &d3inistrator sha.. note this deter3ination in the report. 091 Re,ie; &n' Dete!7in&tion b" Zonin% 8o&!' o2 A##e&-s 0a1 ,ithin a reasona5.e ti3e after of the co3p.ete app.ication as deter3ined 5y the J-i.ding Inspector andDor Zoning &d3inistrator+ the Zoning Joard of &ppea.s sha.. ho.d a p-5.ic hearing. "otice of the re7-ested 2ariance and the p-5.ic hearing sha.. confor3 to the re7-ire3ents of s. )2.2*0:10e1. Said notice sha.. contain a description of the s-5;ect property and the proposed 2ariance per S-5sections 0*10a1 and 0d1+ a5o2e. In addition+ at .east ten days 5efore said p-5.ic hearing+ the City C.er8 sha.. 3ai. an identica. notice to the &pp.icant of the proposed 2ariance6 to the C.er8 of any 3-nicipa.ity (hose 5o-ndaries are (ithin 1+000 feet of any portion of the s-5;ect property6 and to a.. property o(ners (ithin 290 feet of the

Section 22.200 &d3inistration and %roced-res

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

5o-ndaries of the s-5;ect property as identified in S-5section 0*1051+ a5o2e. Fai.-re to 3ai. said notice+ pro2ided it is -nintentiona.+ sha.. not in2a.idate proceedings -nder this S-5section. 051 ,ithin *9 days after the ho.ding of the p-5.ic hearing 0per 0910a1+ a5o2e+ 0or+ (ithin an e4tension of said period appro2ed 5y the &pp.icant and granted 5y the Zoning Joard of &ppea.s1+ the Zoning Joard of &ppea.s 3a8e its findings per S-5section 0A1+ a5o2e+ and its deter3ination regarding the app.ication as a (ho.e. The Zoning Joard of &ppea.s 3ay re7-est f-rther infor3ation andDor additiona. reports fro3 The J-i.ding Inspector andDor Zoning &d3inistrator andDor the &pp.icant. The Zoning Joard of &ppea.s 3ay ta8e fina. action on said re7-est for appro2a. of the re7-ested 2ariance at ti3e of its initia. 3eeting+ or said proceedings 3ay 5e contin-ed fro3 ti3e=to=ti3e for f-rther consideration. The Zoning Joard of &ppea.s sha.. 3a8e a (ritten report of its findings and deter3inations fo..o(ing its deter3ination. 0c1 If the Zoning Joard of &ppea.s fai.s to 3a8e a deter3ination (ithin *9 days after said p-5.ic hearing+ then the re7-est for the 2ariance sha.. 5e considered denied. 0d1 Said report sha.. inc.-de a for3a. findings of facts de2e.oped and appro2ed 5y the Zoning Joard of &ppea.s concerning the re7-ire3ents of 0A10c11.=).+ a5o2e. 0)1 E22ect o2 Deni&-: "o app.ication for a 2ariance (hich has 5een dis3issed or denied 5y the Zoning Joard of &ppea.s sha.. 5e considered again 5y the Joard (ithin one year of the date of the JoardCs decision e4cept 5y 3otion to reconsider 3ade 5y a 3e35er of the Joard on the gro-nds that there is s-5stantia. ne( e2idence to 5e s-53itted (hich co-.d not reasona5.y ha2e 5een presented at the pre2io-s hearing. &ny 3otion for rehearing sha.. 5e s-53itted (ithin si4ty days of the date of the hearing dis3issing or denying the app.ication or at the ne4t 3eeting of the Zoning Joard of &ppea.s+ (hiche2er co3es first. If said 3otion is granted per3itting the rehearing+ said rehearing sha.. 5e s-5;ect to the sa3e re7-ire3ents as to notice as an origina. hearing and s-5;ect to the sa3e costs as an origina. hearing. "o app.ication for a 2ariance sha.. 5e granted 5y the Joard if the Joard deter3ines that the app.ication is s-5stantia..y the sa3e or is s-5stantia..y in nat-re to an app.ication presented to the Joard (hich (as denied or dis3issed 5y the Joard (ithin the pre2io-s year. $pon app.ication for a 2ariance+ if the 5-i.ding inspector is of the opinion that the app.ication is s-5stantia..y the sa3e or s-5stantia..y in nat-re to an app.ication pre2io-s.y denied+ the 5-i.ding inspector (i.. ha2e the 3atter p.aced on the agenda for the ne4t 3eeting of the Joard. &t said 3eeting+ the Joard (i.. re2ie( the app.ication and if the Joard deter3ines that said app.ication is s-5stantia..y the sa3e or s-5stantia..y in nat-re to an app.ication dis3issed or denied 5y the Joard (ithin the past year+ then the Joard (i.. so infor3 the &pp.icant that the app.ication cannot 5e considered -nti. the e4piration of at .east one year fro3 the ti3e the prior app.ication (as denied. If the Joard fee.s that app.ication is not s-5stantia..y the sa3e or s-5stantia..y in nat-re+ the Joard sha.. so infor3 the &pp.icant+ and the &pp.icant (i.. 5e per3itted to app.y for a 2ariance 5ased on the ne( app.ication. Said app.ication (i.. 5e s-5;ect to the re7-ired p-5.ication+ notices and fees. The fact that the Joard deter3ines that the ne( app.ication is not s-5stantia..y the sa3e or s-5stantia..y in nat-re to a prior one is no g-arantee nor does it create any pres-3ption that the 2ariance+ once s-5;ect to the p-5.ic hearing+ (i.. 5e granted. 0:1 Li7ite' E22ect o2 & V&!i&nce: ,here the Zoning Joard of &ppea.s has granted a 2ariance+ s-ch appro2a. sha.. neither change the -se c.assification of the 5-i.ding or pre3ises+ nor gi2e it any stat-s as a nonconfor3ing -se. ranting of a 2ariance sha.. 5e considered as -ni7-e to the 2ariance granted+ and sha.. not 5e constr-ed as precedent for any other proposed 2ariance. 0E1 St&" o2 P!ocee'in%s: &n app.ication for a 2ariance sha.. stay a.. .ega. proceedings f-rthering enforce3ent of any pro2isions of this Chapter fro3 (hich the &pp.icant is re7-esting a 2ariance+ -n.ess the J-i.ding Inspector andDor Zoning &d3inistrator certifies to the Zoning Joard of &ppea.s after the re7-est for the 2ariance has 5een fi.ed+ that 5y reason of the facts stated in the certificate a


City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.200 &d3inistration and %roced-res

stay (o-.d+ in his opinion+ ca-se i33inent peri. to .ife or property. In s-ch case proceedings sha.. not 5e stayed other(ise than 5y a restraining order (hich 3ay 5e granted 5y the Zoning Joard of &ppea.s+ or 5y a Co-rt of !ecord on app.ication+ on notice to the J-i.ding Inspector andDor Zoning &d3inistrator+ and on d-e ca-se sho(n. State Law Reference: Section 62.23(7)(e)5, Wis. Stats. 0F1 Decision: Conditions appropriate to effect the deter3ination of the Joard on appea. 3ay 5e p.aced -pon any 5-i.ding per3it ordered or a-thori/ed 5y the Joard p-rs-ant to Section )2.2*0:10*1E+ ,isconsin Stat-tes. Lariances and per3its granted 5y the Joard sha.. e4pire (ithin 12 3onths -n.ess s-5stantia. (or8 has co33enced p-rs-ant to s-ch grant. %rior to e4piration of the 12 3onth period+ the &pp.icant 3ay re7-est an e4tension of this period. Said re7-est sha.. re7-ire for3a. appro2a. 5y the Zoning Joard of &ppea.s and sha.. 5e 5ased -pon a sho(ing of accepta5.e ;-stification 0as deter3ined the Zoning Joard of &ppea.s1. 0101 Re,ie; b" Cou!t o2 Reco!': &ny person or persons aggrie2ed 5y any decision of the Joard of &ppea.s 3ay present to a co-rt of record a petition d-.y 2erified setting forth that s-ch decision is i..ega. and specifying the gro-nds of i..ega.ity. S-ch petition sha.. 5e presented to the co-rt (ithin *0 days after the of the decision in the office of the City &d3inistrator. 0111 Notice to t e DNR: The Zoning Joard of &ppea.s sha.. trans3it a copy of each app.ication for a 2ariance to conser2ancy reg-.ations in the Shore.and=,et.and+ F.ood(ay+ F.oodp.ain+ or F.oodfringe O2er.ay Zoning Districts+ and a copy of a.. Shore.and f.ood.and appea.s+ to the ,isconsin Depart3ent of "at-ra. !eso-rces 0D"!1 for re2ie( and co33ent at .east 10 days prior to any p-5.ic hearings. & copy of a.. decisions re.ating to 2ariances to shore.and=(et.and conser2ancy reg-.ations or to f.ood.and reg-.ations+ and a copy of a.. decisions to shore.and=(et.and conser2ancy and f.ood.and appea.s+ sha.. 5e trans3itted to the D"! (ithin 10 days of the date of s-ch decision. 0121 0ee: & fee is re7-ired for this proced-re. !efer to S-5section 22.21E.

Subsection 22.212: A##e&-s o2 Zonin% Inte!#!et&tions

114 Zonin% Inte!#!et&tions 1 & 4 Pu!#ose The p-rpose of this S-5section is to assign responsi5i.ity for the officia. interpretation of the pro2isions of this Chapter+ and to descri5e the re7-ired proced-re for sec-ring s-ch interpretation. 1 b 4 Initi&tion o2 ReAuest 2o! &n Inte!#!et&tion %roceedings for an interpretation 3ay 5e initiated 5y any of the fo..o(ing fo-r 3ethods: 1. app.ication of the o(ner0s1 of the s-5;ect property6 2. reco33endation of the Co33ission6 *. action of the City Co-nci.+ or A. re7-est 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator. 1 c 4 A##-ic&tion ReAui!e7ents &.. app.ications for interpretations+ regard.ess of the party of their initiation per 051 a5o2e+ sha.. 5e appro2ed as co3p.ete 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator prior to the initiation of this proced-re. The ite3 3ay 5e p.aced on any agenda as a disc-ssion=on.y ite3+ (ith the per3ission of the Zoning &d3inistrator+ (itho-t an app.ication. Said co3p.ete app.ication sha.. 5e co3prised of a.. of the fo..o(ing -n.ess the Zoning &d3inistrator deter3ines a specific re7-ire3ent is not app.ica5.e to the petition and (ai2es the re7-ire3ent.. 1. &.. re7-ests for interpretations sha.. c.ear.y indicate the part of the te4t of this Chapter for (hich

Section 22.200 &d3inistration and %roced-res

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

the interpretation is re7-ested and the specific 7-estions the &pp.icant has regarding said te4t. 2. If the re7-ested interpretation re.ates to the app.ication of this Chapter to a specific property+ the additiona. fo..o(ing infor3ation sha.. 5e re7-ired: a. & 3ap of the s-5;ect property sho(ing a.. .ands for (hich the interpretation is re7-ested+ and a.. other .ands (ithin 200 feet of the 5o-ndaries of the s-5;ect property+ together (ith the na3es and addresses of the o(ners of a.. .ands on said 3ap as the sa3e appear on the c-rrent records of the !egister of Deeds of Dane or !oc8 Co-nty as pro2ided 5y the City of Edgerton. Said 3ap sha.. c.ear.y indicate the c-rrent /oning of the s-5;ect property and its en2irons+ and the ;-risdiction0s1 (hich 3aintains that contro.. Said 3ap and a.. its parts and attach3ents sha.. 5e s-53itted in a for3 (hich is c.ear.y reprod-ci5.e (ith a photocopier+ and sha.. 5e at a sca.e (hich is not .ess than one inch e7-a.s E00 feet. &.. .ot di3ensions of the s-5;ect property+ a graphic sca.e+ and a north arro( sha.. 5e pro2ided 0"ote: this 3ap 3ay 5e pro2ided 5y the City+ at the discretion of the Zoning &d3inistrator16 5. & 3ap+ s-ch as the 'and $se #ap+ of the genera.i/ed .ocation of the s-5;ect property in re.ation to the City as a (ho.e 0"ote: this 3ap 3ay 5e pro2ided 5y the City+ at the discretion of the Zoning &d3inistrator16 c. & (ritten description of the reason for the re7-ested interpretation and ho( the proposed interpretation re.ates to type of acti2ities+ 5-i.dings+ and str-ct-res c-rrent.y .ocated on+ and proposed for+ the s-5;ect property6 and+ d. & site of the s-5;ect property as proposed for de2e.op3ent. Said site sha.. confor3 to any and a.. the re7-ire3ents of S-5section 22.21*. *. If the re7-ested interpretation re.ates to the c.assification or treat3ent of a .and -se -nder the pro2isions of this Chapter+ a series of (ritten responses to the fo..o(ing 7-estions: a. <o( is the s-5;ect .and -se 0in genera.1 in har3ony (ith the p-rposes+ goa.s+ o5;ecti2es+ po.icies and standards of the City of Edgerton@s Co3prehensi2e this Chapter+ and any other progra3+ or ordinance adopted+ or -nder consideration p-rs-ant to officia. notice 5y the CityK 5. <o( is the s-5;ect .and -se in har3ony (ith the p-rposes+ goa.s+ o5;ecti2es+ po.icies and standards of the pertinent /oning district for (hich the interpretation is 5eing so-ghtK c. Do the potentia. p-5.ic 5enefits of the proposed interpretation o-t(eigh any and a.. potentia. ad2erse i3pacts of the proposed interpretationK 1 ' 4 Re,ie; b" Zonin% A'7inist!&to! 1. The Zoning &d3inistrator sha.. deter3ine (hether the app.ication is co3p.ete and the re7-ire3ents of this Chapter. If the Zoning &d3inistrator deter3ines that the app.ication is not co3p.ete or does not the re7-ire3ents of this Chapter+ he sha.. ret-rn the app.ication to the &pp.icant. 2. ,hen the app.ication is co3p.ete+ and (ithin *0 days of s-ch the Zoning &d3inistrator sha.. re2ie( the app.ication and sha.. e2a.-ate and co33ent on the (ritten ;-stification for the proposed interpretation pro2ided in the app.ication per S-5section 0c1+ a5o2e. This re2ie( sha.. ta8e into consideration the standards for re2ie( presented in S-5section 0d1+ 5e.o(. The Zoning &d3inistrator sha.. e2a.-ate the app.ication to deter3ine (hether the re7-ested is in har3ony (ith the reco33endations of the City of Edgerton@s Co3prehensi2e *. The Zoning &d3inistrator sha.. for(ard a report to the &pp.icant indicating the interpretation of the Zoning &d3inistrator. If the Zoning &d3inistrator deter3ines that the proposa. 3ay 5e in conf.ict (ith the pro2isions of the City@s Co3prehensi2e the Zoning &d3inistrator sha.. note this deter3ination in the report.

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1 e 4 St&n'&!'s 2o! Re,ie; o2 ReAueste' Inte!#!et&tions This S-5section sha.. 5e interpreted in a 3anner that is consistent (ith the p-rposes intended 5y the City Co-nci. as noted in this Chapter and the Co3prehensi2e The intent of the standards and s-pporting definitions of this Chapter is to protect 5oth indi2id-a. property o(ners and the genera. p-5.ic fro3 ad2erse i3pacts that 3ay res-.t fro3 a proposed+ 3odified+ or e4isting .and -se. To this end+ those ca..ed -pon to interpret this S-5section sha.. proceed as fo..o(s: 1. &rtic-.ate certain p-5.ic p-rpose0s1 -nder.ying the standard0s1 for (hich an interpretation is re7-ired. !ationa.e: Jefore any /oning interpretation is 3ade+ there 3-st 5e an e4p.icit disc-ssion of certain p-rpose0s1 for (hich the reg-.ation (as initia..y i3posed. Each /oning reg-.ation is intended to protect the interests of 5oth present and f-t-re neigh5ors and the genera. p-5.ic. Each standard is de2e.oped as a reg-.atory response to an identifia5.e potentia. negati2e i3pact. & so-nd interpretation of any standard cannot 5e ens-red (itho-t caref-. ana.ysis of the reg-.ation and the end to(ard (hich it is directed. It is -nderstood that there 3ay 5e other p-5.ic p-rposes -nder.ying the interpretation that are not e4p.icit.y artic-.ated. 2. &rtic-.ate the act-a. i3pact of 2ario-s proposed interpretations+ per3itting f.e4i5i.ity in design and prohi5iting any interpretation that .o(ers the protection afforded to the p-5.ic. !ationa.e: There is a critica. distinction 5et(een an interpretation (hich pro2ides a greater degree of design freedo3 to achie2e a per3itted .and -se+ and an interpretation (hich per3its a ne( or not pre2io-s.y per3itted -se+ or (hich a..o(s a -se to 5e en.arged+ or ha2e its intensity increased 5eyond the degree specified in the Chapter. Design freedo3 is to 5e enco-raged (hi.e a .o(ering of the standards of this Chapter is to 5e prohi5ited. *. Deter3ine (hether the proposed interpretation (i.. ens-re a ;-st 5a.ance 5et(een the rights of the .ando(ner and a.. others (ho (i.. 5e affected 5y that person@s .and -se proposa.. !ationa.e: If an interpretation (o-.d 3ere.y a..o( a design so.-tion that is s.ight.y different fro3 the one e4press.y stated or per3itted+ and if it (o-.d res-.t in a sa3e or greater degree of protection to any affected party 0either the ad;oining .ando(ners+ the p-5.ic at .arge+ andDor a f-t-re property o(ner or renter1+ s-ch an interpretation 3ay 5e appropriate.y 3ade. &ny interpretation that (o-.d res-.t in any identifia5.e .oss of protection for one gro-p to the 5enefit of others is contrary to the spirit of this Chapter. any interpretation that (o-.d either increase the n-isance potentia. of any -se or a.ter the p-rpose for (hich the reg-.ation (as adopted sha.. 5e considered co-nter to the .egis.ati2e intent of this Chapter. &ny interpretation (hich (i.. res-.t in any .oss of protection or increase in intensity 5eyond that a.ready per3itted sha.. on.y 5e 3ade if the party interpreting this Chapter has the po(er to i3pose additiona. restrictions or re7-ire3ents A. This Chapter has 5een caref-..y designed 5y the City Co-nci. to co35ine 3a4i3-3 achie2e3ent of p-5.ic goa.s+ and the protection of ad;oining property o(ners (hi.e pro2iding f.e4i5i.ity for property o(ners to -se their .and for a 2ariety of -ses consistent (ith the goa.s and o5;ecti2es of the Co3prehensi2e of the City of Edgerton. reat care has 5een ta8en to 5a.ance the rights of co3peting gro-ps (hi.e achie2ing 3a4i3-3 protection (ith f.e4i5i.ity and a range of -se options. %ersons interpreting this Chapter sho-.d not s-5stit-te their o(n ;-dg3ents for the .egis.ati2e acts of the City Co-nci.. 9. In addition to the &pp.icant@s response to the 7-estions re7-ired 5y S-5section 0c1 a5o2e+ the fo..o(ing standards sha.. go2ern the decision on the re7-ested interpretation on .and -se interpretation 3atters: a . "o interpretation sha.. a..o( the esta5.ish3ent of any .and -se (hich (as pre2io-s.y considered and re;ected 5y the City Co-nci. on an app.ication for an a3end3ent to the Zoning Ordinance+ the Officia. Zoning #ap+ or a pre2io-s.y app.ied for appea. fro3 a re7-ested interpretation.


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5. "o interpretation sha.. per3it a .and -se .isted as a -se per3itted 5y right+ a specia. -se+ or a conditiona. -se in another /oning district if the -se is not .isted as per3itted in the /oning district of the s-5;ect property 0see S-5section 22.*0A1. c. "o interpretation sha.. per3it a .and -se in a /oning district -n.ess e2idence is presented (hich de3onstrates that the .and -se (i.. co3p.y (ith any and a.. reg-.ations app.ica5.e to de2e.op3ent in the s-5;ect property@s /oning district 0see S-5section 22.*0A1. d. "o interpretation sha.. per3it a .and -se in a /oning district -n.ess s-ch -se is s-5stantia..y to other -ses per3itted in that sa3e district and is 3ore to s-ch other -ses than to -ses either not per3itted in said district+ or per3itted in a 3ore intensi2e district in the sa3e /oning district category 0see S-5section 22.*0A1. e . If the proposed .and -se is 3ore to a .and -se per3itted on.y as a conditiona. -se in the s-5;ect property@s district than to a -se per3itted 5y right+ then an interpretation per3itting s-ch -se sha.. 5e conditioned -pon the appro2a. of a conditiona. -se p-rs-ant to S-5section 22.20). 1 2 4 E22ect o2 & 0&,o!&b-e L&n' Ese Inte!#!et&tion "o interpretation finding a .and -se to 5e per3itted or conditiona..y per3itted in a specific /oning district sha.. a-thori/e either the esta5.ish3ent of s-ch -se or the de2e.op3ent+ constr-ction+ reconstr-ction+ a.teration or 3o2ing of any 5-i.ding or str-ct-re. & fa2ora5.e interpretation 3ere.y a-thori/es the preparation+ and processing of app.ications for any per3its and appro2a.s that 3ay 5e re7-ired 5y this Chapter. These per3its and appro2a.s inc.-de+ 5-t are not .i3ited to re7-ired site p.ans+ specia. -se per3its+ conditiona. -ses+ and Certificates of Occ-pancy. 1 % 4 Li7it&tions on 0&,o!&b-e L&n' Ese Inte!#!et&tion 1. "o interpretation finding a .and -se to 5e per3itted or conditiona..y per3itted in a specified /oning district sha.. 5e for a period of 3ore than *)9 days fro3 the date of iss-ance of the interpretation+ -n.ess a J-i.ding %er3it is iss-ed and de2e.op3ent is act-a..y 5eg-n (ithin that period+ and is thereafter di.igent.y p-rs-ed to co3p.etion+ or a Certificate of Occ-pancy is o5tained and a -se co33enced (ithin that period. 2. &n interpretation finding a .and -se to 5e per3itted or conditiona..y per3itted in a specified /oning district sha.. 5e dee3ed to a-thori/e on.y that -se at that .ocation for (hich the interpretation (as iss-ed. The interpretation sha.. not 5e dee3ed to a-thori/e any a..eged.y -se for (hich a separate interpretation has not 5een iss-ed. & fa2ora5.e interpretation sha.. a-to3atica..y e4pire and cease to 5e of any force or effect if the -se for (hich it (as iss-ed sha..+ for any reason+ 5e discontin-ed for a period of *)9 consec-ti2e days or 3ore. 1 4 0ee & fe e is r e 7 -ir e d for t hi s pr oc e d -r e . !ef er t o S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2. 2 1 E. 124 A##e&-s o2 Zonin% Inte!#!et&tions 1&4 Pu!#ose: The p-rpose of this S-5section is to pro2ide reg-.ations (hich ena5.e the City to hear and decide re7-ests for appea.s fro3 the interpretations of the Zoning &d3inistrator as pro2ided for 5y s. )2.2*0:10e10:1. 1b4 Initi&tion o2 ReAuest 2o! Re,ie; o2 Zonin% Inte!#!et&tion: %roceedings for the re2ie( of an appea. 3ay 5e initiated 5y any person aggrie2ed+ or 5y any officer+ depart3ent+ 5oard+ or 5-rea- of the City affected 5y any decision of the Zoning &d3inistrator. 1c4 Ti7e Li7it 2o! 0i-in% An A##e&-: &ny appea. of an interpretation -nder the pro2isions of this S-5section sha.. 5e 3ade per the

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re7-ire3ents of 22.2120A1+ 5e.o(+ (ithin a period not e4ceeding A9 days fro3 the date of iss-ance of the interpretation 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator. Fai.-re to initiate this appea. proced-re (ithin this A9 day period sha.. constit-te a fina. and 5inding (ai2er of the right to appea. said interpretation. 1'4 A##-ic&tion ReAui!e7ents: &.. app.ications for re2ie( of an interpretation+ regard.ess of the party of their initiation per 22.212021 a5o2e+ sha.. 5e fi.ed in the office of the Zoning &d3inistrator+ and sha.. 5e appro2ed as co3p.ete 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator prior to the initiation of this proced-re. The Zoning &d3inistrator sha.. for(ard copies of said co3p.ete app.ication to the office of the City C.er8+ and to the Zoning Joard of &ppea.s. Said co3p.ete app.ication sha.. 5e acco3panied 5y a.. of the fo..o(ing: 1. & copy of pertinent ite3s in the fi.e on the 3atter at hand 3aintained 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator+ as identified 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator andDor the &pp.icant. 2. & (ritten state3ent fro3 the &pp.icant indicating the reasons (hy an appea. is ;-stified+ 5ased -pon an ana.ysis of the Zoning &d3inistratorCs interpretation. This state3ent sha.. 5e dated and signed 5y the &pp.icant. 1e4 Re,ie; b" t e Zonin% A'7inist!&to!: The s-53itted appea. sha.. 5e re2ie(ed 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator in the fo..o(ing steps: 1. The Zoning &d3inistrator sha.. deter3ine (hether the app.ication is co3p.ete and the re7-ire3ents of this Ordinance. If the Zoning &d3inistrator deter3ines that the app.ication is not co3p.ete or does not the re7-ire3ents of this Ordinance+ he sha.. ret-rn the app.ication to the &pp.icant. 2. $pon notifying &pp.icant that the app.ication is co3p.ete+ the Zoning &d3inistrator sha.. re2ie( the app.ication and sha.. e2a.-ate and co33ent on the (ritten ;-stification for the appea. to the Zoning Joard of &ppea.s as s-53itted 5y the &pp.icant. The Zoning &d3inistrator sha.. e2a.-ate the app.ication to deter3ine (hether the re7-ested is in har3ony (ith the reco33endations of the #aster *. The Zoning &d3inistrator sha.. for(ard a report to the Zoning Joard of &ppea.s for re2ie( and action. If the Zoning &d3inistrator deter3ines that the proposa. 3ay 5e in conf.ict (ith the pro2isions of the #aster or Zoning Ordinance+ the Zoning &d3inistrator sha.. note this deter3ination in the report. 124 Re,ie; &n' Action b" t e Zonin% 8o&!' o2 A##e&-s: 1. ,ithin a reasona5.e ti3e after the of the co3p.ete app.ication as deter3ined 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator+ the Zoning Joard of &ppea.s sha.. sched-.e a reasona5.e ti3e and p.ace for a p-5.ic hearing to consider the app.ication. "otice of the appea. and said p-5.ic hearing sha.. confor3 to s. )*.2*0:10d1 of the ,isconsin Stat-tes. Said notice sha.. contain a description of the iss-e per 22.2120A1051+ a5o2e. &t .east ten days 5efore said p-5.ic hearing+ the City C.er8 sha.. 3ai. an identica. notice to the &pp.icant6 to the C.er8 of any 3-nicipa.ity (hose 5o-ndaries are (ithin 1+000 feet of any portion of the ;-risdiction of this Ordinance6 and to any property o(ner (ithin 290 feet of the s-5;ect property. Fai.-re to 3ai. said notice+ pro2ided it is -nintentiona.+ sha.. not in2a.idate proceedings -nder this S-5section. 2. ,ithin )0 days after the of the co3p.ete app.ication as deter3ined 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator 0or+ (ithin an e4tension of said period re7-ested in (riting 5y the &pp.icant and granted 5y the Zoning Joard of &ppea.s1+ the Zoning Joard of &ppea.s 3a8e its findings per 22.2120*1+ a5o2e. The Zoning Joard of &ppea.s 3ay re7-est f-rther infor3ation andDor additiona. reports fro3 The Zoning &d3inistrator andDor the &pp.icant. The Zoning Joard of &ppea.s 3ay ta8e fina. action on the app.ication for appea. at the ti3e of its initia. 3eeting+ or 3ay contin-e the proceedings at &pp.icantCs re7-est. Said fina. action sha.. 5e fo..o(ed 5y a (ritten report (hich sha.. inc.-de a for3a. finding of facts de2e.oped and appro2ed 5y the

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City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Zoning Joard of &ppea.s concerning the re7-est. *. If the Zoning Joard of &ppea.s fai.s to 3a8e a deter3ination (ithin )0 days after the of said co3p.ete app.ication+ then the re7-est for the appea. sha.. 5e considered denied. 1%4 E22ect o2 Deni&-: "o app.ication for an appea. (hich has 5een denied 0either (ho..y or in part1 sha.. 5e res-53itted for a period of ) 3onths fro3 the date of said order of denia.+ e4cept on gro-nds of ne( e2idence or proof of change of factors fo-nd 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator. 1 4 Li7ite' E22ect o2 & 0&,o!&b-e Ru-in% on &n A##e&-: 1. "o 5y the Zoning Joard of &ppea.s on an appea. finding a .and -se to 5e per3itted or conditiona..y per3itted in a specified /oning district sha.. 5e for a period of 3ore than *)9 days fro3 the date of iss-ance of the on the appea.+ -n.ess a 5-i.ding per3it is iss-ed and de2e.op3ent is act-a..y 5eg-n (ithin that period+ and is thereafter di.igent.y p-rs-ed to co3p.etion+ or a Certificate of Occ-pancy is o5tained and a -se co33enced (ithin that period. 2. & 5y the Zoning Joard of &ppea.s on an appea. finding a .and -se to 5e per3itted or conditiona..y per3itted in a specified /oning district sha.. 5e dee3ed to a-thori/e on.y that -se at that .ocation for (hich the (as iss-ed. The sha.. not 5e dee3ed to a-thori/e any a..eged.y -se for (hich a separate has not 5een iss-ed. & fa2ora5.e sha.. a-to3atica..y e4pire and cease to 5e of any force or effect if the -se for (hich it (as iss-ed sha..+ for any reason+ 5e discontin-ed for a period of *)9 consec-ti2e days or 3ore. 1i4 0ee: & fee is re7-ired for this proced-re. !efer to S-5section 22.21E.

Subsection 22.21$ Site P-&n Re,ie; &n' A##!o,&011 Pu!#ose: The p-rpose of this S-5section is to specify the re7-ire3ents and proced-res for the re2ie( and appro2a. of site app.ications. The pro2isions of this S-5section are designed to ens-re that a.. proposed .and -se and de2e.op3ent acti2ity co3p.ies (ith the re7-ire3ents of this &rtic.e. Specifica..y+ this S-5section re7-ires that the initiation of a.. de2e.op3ent acti2ity 0inc.-ding 5-i.ding per3its+ occ-pancy per3its for a change of -se of an e4isting .ot or str-ct-re (here there is conte3p.ated a site re2ision+ c.ear c-tting+ grading or fi..ing1 re7-ire the appro2a. of site+ 5-i.ding and operationa. p.ans 5y the City Co33ission 5efore the 5-i.ding+ occ-pancy+ and /oning per3its can 5e iss-ed == e4cept+ ho(e2er+ that de2e.op3ent acti2ity associated (ith an appro2ed fina. of s-5di2ision or certified s-r2ey 3ap for sing.e=fa3i.y andDor d-p.e4Dt(in ho3e d( -nits+ and de2e.op3ent acti2ity associated (ith the f-.. and co3p.ete i3p.e3entation of a pro;ect appro2ed (ithin the %I% phase of the %.anned $nit De2e.op3ent District G%$DH is e4e3pt fro3 this re7-ire3ent. 021 P!oce'u!e 0a1 Initiation of !e7-est for &ppro2a. of a Site %roceedings for appro2a. of a site sha.. 5e initiated 5y the o(ner0s1 of the s-5;ect property+ or their .ega..y a-thori/ed representati2e0s1. 051 %re=&pp.ication #eeting The petitioner sha.. first 3eet (ith the Zoning &d3inistrator and other app.ica5.e City Staff to disc-ss pre.i3inary concepts and p.ans for the de2e.op3ent. -idance (i.. 5e pro2ided to the %etitioner on technica. re7-ire3ents and proced-res+ and a ti3eta5.e for pro;ect re2ie( 3ay 5e disc-ssed. 0c1 &pp.ication for Site !e2ie( and !e2ie( 5y Zoning &d3inistrator The petitioner sha.. app.y to the Zoning &d3inistrator for the of an appearance 5efore the Co33ission. The Zoning &d3inistrator sha.. notify the petitioner of the date


City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.200 &d3inistration and %roced-res

and ti3e of the app.ica5.e Co33ission 3eeting. The appearance 5efore the Co33ission sha.. not 5e sched-.ed -n.ess the app.ication is appro2ed as co3p.ete 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator per the re7-ire3ents of S-5section 0*1+ 5e.o(. Once the app.ication is appro2ed as co3p.ete+ the Zoning &d3inistrator sha.. sched-.e an appearance 5efore the Co33ission a 3ini3-3 of fo-r (ee8s fro3 the date of co3p.ete app.ication acceptance. 0*1 A##-ic&tion ReAui!e7ents: &.. app.ications for proposed site p.ans sha.. 5e appro2ed as co3p.ete 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator prior to the for3a. initiation of this proced-re. The ite3 3ay 5e p.aced on any agenda as a disc-ssion=on.y ite3+ (ith the per3ission of the Zoning &d3inistrator+ (itho-t an app.ication. Said co3p.ete app.ication sha.. 5e co3prised of a.. of the fo..o(ing -n.ess the Zoning &d3inistrator deter3ines a specific re7-ire3ent is not app.ica5.e to the petition. 0a1 ,ritten Description of the intended -se descri5ing in reasona5.e detai. the: 1. e4isting /oning district0s1 0and proposed /oning district0s1 if different16 2. "at-ra. !eso-rces Site E2a.-ation ,or8sheet 0per the Zoning &d3inistrator16 *. c-rrent .and -ses present on the s-5;ect property6 A. proposed .and -ses for the s-5;ect property6 9. pro;ected n-35er of residents+ e3p.oyees+ and dai.y c-sto3ers6 ). proposed a3o-nt of d( -nits+ f.oor area+ i3per2io-s s-rface area+ and .andscape s-rface area+ and res-.ting site density+ f.oor area ratio+ i3per2io-s s-rface area ratio+ and .andscape s-rface area ratio6 :. operationa. considerations re.ating to ho-rs of operation+ pro;ected nor3a. and pea8 (ater -sage 0optiona.1+ sanitary se(er or septic .oadings 0optiona.1+ and traffic generation6 E. operationa. considerations re.ating to potentia. n-isance creation pertaining to nonco3p.iance (ith the perfor3ance standards addressed in Section 22.A0 inc.-ding+ street access+ traffic 2isi5i.ity+ par8ing+ .oading+ e4terior storage+ e4terior .ighting+ 2i5ration+ noise+ air po..-tion+ odor+ e.ectro3agnetic radiation+ g.are and heat+ fire and e4p.osion+ to4ic or no4io-s 3ateria.s+ (aste 3ateria.s+ drainage+ and ha/ardo-s 3ateria.s. If no s-ch n-isances (i.. 5e created 0as indicated 5y co3p.ete and contin-o-s co3p.iance (ith the pro2isions of Section 22.A01+ then the state3ent BThe proposed de2e.op3ent sha.. co3p.y (ith a.. re7-ire3ents of Section 22.A0.B sha.. 5e pro2ided6 F. e4terior 5-i.ding and fencing 3ateria.s 0S-5sections 22.A1E and 22.A2016 10. possi5.e f-t-re e4pansion and re.ated i3p.ications for 1=10+ a5o2e+ and: 11. any other infor3ation pertinent to ade7-ate -nderstanding 5y the Co33ission of the intended -se and its re.ation to near5y properties. 051 & %roperty Site dra(ing 0and red-ction at 11B 4 1:B1 (hich inc.-des: 1. & tit.e 5.oc8 (hich indicates the na3e+ address and phoneDfa4 n-35er0s1 of the c-rrent property o(ner andDor agent0s1 0de2e.oper+ architect+ engineer+ p.anner1 for pro;ect6 2. The date of the origina. and the .atest date of re2ision to the p.an6 *. & north arro( and a sca.e. Said sca.e sha.. not 5e than one inch e7-a.s 100 feet6 A. & parce. n-35er of the s-5;ect property6 9. &.. property .ines and e4isting and proposed right=of=(ay .ines (ith 5earings and di3ensions c.ear.y .a5e.ed6 ). &.. e4isting and proposed ease3ent .ines and di3ensions (ith a 8ey pro2ided and e4p.ained on the 3argins of the as to o(nership and p-rpose6 :. &.. re7-ired 5-i.ding set5ac8 .ines6 E. &.. e4isting and proposed 5-i.dings+ str-ct-res+ and pa2ed areas+ inc.-ding 5-i.ding entrances+ (a.8s+ dri2es+ dec8s+ patios+ fences+ -ti.ity drainage faci.ities+ and (a..s6 F. The .ocation and di3ension 0cross=section and entry throat1 of a.. access points onto

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City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance





p-5.ic streets6 10. The .ocation and di3ension of a.. on=site par8ing 0and off=site par8ing pro2isions if they are to 5e e3p.oyed1+ inc.-ding a s-33ary of the n-35er of par8ing sta..s pro2ided 2ers-s re7-ired 5y this Chapter6 11. The .ocation and di3ension of a.. .oading and ser2ice areas on the s-5;ect property and .a5e.s indicating the di3ension of s-ch areas6 12. The .ocation of a.. o-tdoor storage areas and the design of a.. screening de2ices6 1*. The .ocation+ type+ height+ si/e and .ighting of a.. signage on the s-5;ect property6 1A. The .ocation+ height+ designDtype+ i..-3ination po(er and orientation of a.. e4terior .ighting on the s-5;ect property == inc.-ding the c.ear de3onstration of co3p.iance (ith S-5section 22.A0:6 19. The .ocation and type of any per3anent.y protected green space areas6 1). The .ocation of e4isting and proposed drainage faci.ities6 and 1:. In the .egend+ data for the s-5;ect property: a. 'ot &rea6 5. F.oor &rea6 c. F.oor &rea !atio 05Da16 d. I3per2io-s S-rface &rea6 e. I3per2io-s S-rface !atio 0dDa16 and f. J-i.ding <eight. & Detai.ed 'andscaping of the s-5;ect property+ at the sa3e sca.e as the 3ain 0and red-ction at 11B 4 1:B1+ sho(ing the .ocation of a.. re7-ired 5-fferyard and .andscaping areas+ and e4isting and proposed 'andscape %oint fencing and 5er3 options for 3eeting said re7-ire3ents. The 'andscaping sha.. de3onstrate co3p.ete co3p.iance (ith the re7-ire3ents of Section 22.)0. 0"OTE: the indi2id-a. p.ant .ocations and species+ fencing types and heights+ and 5er3 heights need to 5e pro2ided.1 & rading and Erosion Contro. at the sa3e sca.e as the 3ain 0and red-ction at 11B 4 1:B1 sho(ing e4isting and proposed grades+ inc.-ding retention (a..s and re.ated de2ices+ and erosion contro. 3eas-res per the fo..o(ing detai.ed re7-ire3ents of the City of Edgerton #-nicipa. Code. E.e2ation Dra(ings of proposed 5-i.dings or proposed of e4isting 5-i.dings sho(ing finished e4terior treat3ent sha.. 5e s-53itted+ (ith ade7-ate .a5e.s pro2ided to c.ear.y depict e4terior 3ateria.s+ te4t-re+ co.or and o2era.. appearance. %erspecti2e renderings of the proposed pro;ect andDor photos of str-ct-res 3ay 5e s-53itted+ 5-t not in .ie- of ade7-ate dra(ings sho(ing the act-a. intended appearance of the 5-i.dings. Detai.ed Site &na.ysis: 1. %-rpose The detai.ed site ana.ysis re7-ired 5y this S-5section is designed to pro2ide the c.ear identification of protected nat-ra. reso-rces areas on a site that is proposed for de2e.op3ent. %rotected nat-ra. reso-rces areas are areas inc.-ded in a "at-ra. !eso-rce %rotection O2er.ay Zoning District. The detai.ed s-r2ey (or8 re7-ired to identify these areas acc-rate.y on a 3ap is not re7-ired prior to the initiation of de2e.op3ent concept p.ans for an area. & detai.ed site ana.ysis sha.. 5e perfor3ed in con;-nction (ith re7-ired .and di2ision doc-3ents or de2e.op3ent site p.ans for any and a.. properties inc.-ded in a "at-ra. !eso-rce %rotection O2er.ay Zoning District. 2. Description The detai.ed site ana.ysis sha.. 5e sho(n on a 3ap of the s-5;ect property that depicts the


City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.200 &d3inistration and %roced-res

.ocation of a.. protected nat-ra. reso-rce areas+ as defined 5y the pro2isions of this &rtic.e. The detai.ed site ana.ysis sha.. 3eet the fo..o(ing re7-ire3ents: a. Sca.e & 3ini3-3 sca.e of one=inch e7-a.s 200 feet sha.. 5e -sed. 5. Topography Topographic infor3ation is not re7-ired for any property that does not contain steep s.opes 0as designated on the Officia. Zoning #ap1. For s-ch properties+ topographic infor3ation (ith a 3ini3-3 conto-r inter2a. of t(o feet is re7-ired. c. Specific "at-ra. !eso-rces &reas &.. protected nat-ra. reso-rces areas+ (hich re7-ire protection -nder the pro2isions of this Chapter+ sha.. 5e acc-rate.y o-t.ined and c.ear.y .a5e.ed. care as to c.arity sha.. 5e ta8en in areas (here different reso-rce types o2er.ap (ith one another. d. De2e.op3ent %ads &.. site disr-ption 0inc.-ding se.ecti2e c-tting1 proposed to occ-r (ithin per3anent.y protected nat-ra. reso-rce areas sha.. 5e .i3ited to de2e.op3ent pads. De2e.op3ent pads sha.. 5e depicted on the detai.ed site ana.ysis 3ap+ site p.ans re7-ired for de2e.op3ent per3its+ and the recorded of S-5di2ision or Certified S-r2ey #ap. Jeyond 2isi5.e da3age to nat-ra. reso-rces+ 2egetation+ soi.+ and drainage patterns+ site disr-ption acti2ities sha.. not co3pact soi. co2ering tree roots+ or other(ise da3age trees 5eyond the area fro3 (hich trees are to 5e re3o2ed. &.. trees (ith ca.ipers e4ceeding three 0*1 inches+ (hose canopies are .ocated ad;acent to dist-r5ed areas+ (hich die (ithin a period of fi2e years fo..o(ing site disr-ption sha.. 5e rep.aced 5y the o(ner (ith a three 0*1 inch ca.iper tree of the sa3e type 0canopy or -nderstory1. Therefore+ care sha.. 5e ta8en to ens-re that e7-ip3ent and actions associated (ith per3itted site disr-ption acti2ities are .i3ited to the area in (hich they are per3itted. The -se of sno( fences and other 5arriers to o-t.ine de2e.op3ent pads d-ring disr-ption acti2ity is strong.y reco33ended to .i3it the e4tent of inad2ertent co3paction or other dist-r5ance of earth+ and co..ision da3age to 2egetation intended for protection. S-ch 5arriers sho-.d 5e p.aced no c.oser to protected trees than a point on the gro-nd direct.y -nder their o-ter canopy edge. *. !e7-ired %roced-re for S-53ission and !e2ie( a. !e7-ired Ti3ing of S-53ission The detai.ed site ana.ysis 3ap sha.. 5e s-53itted to the Zoning &d3inistrator for initia. re2ie( prior to+ or conc-rrent.y (ith+ the s-53ission of the %re.i3inary of S-5di2ision or the Certified S-r2ey #ap6 or if the proposed de2e.op3ent does not in2o.2e a .and di2ision then s-53itta. is re7-ired as an attach3ent to a re7-ired site & concept of the proposed de2e.op3ent 3ay 5e s-53itted prior to the s-53ission of the detai.ed site ana.ysis 3ap6 ho(e2er+ in no (ay does the acceptance andDor genera. appro2a. of a concept indicate the appro2a. of nat-ra. reso-rce feat-re .ocations. & detai.ed site ana.ysis 3ap prepared for the s-5;ect property+ (hich has 5een pre2io-s.y appro2ed 5y City Staff+ 3ay 5e s-53itted for any s-5se7-ent de2e.op3ent acti2ity on the site. <o(e2er+ 3odifications to s-ch a pre2io-s.y appro2ed 3ap (i.. 5e re7-ired if the ana.ysis is no .onger acc-rate for the s-5;ect property. 5. !e2ie( 5y City Staff City Staff sha.. re2ie( the s-53itted detai.ed site ana.ysis 3ap for genera. co3p.iance (ith the fo..o(ing data so-rces:

Section 22.200 &d3inistration and %roced-res

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

i. The Officia. Zoning #ap6 &pp.ica5.e $S S :.9 3in-te topographic 3aps for the City of Edgerton and its en2irons6 &ir photos of the s-5;ect property6 $S S M-ads and other so-rces of topographic infor3ation6 &pp.ica5.e FE#& and re.ated f.oodp.ain 3aps6 &pp.ica5.e Federa. and State ,et.and In2entory #aps6 The City of Edgerton Co3prehensi2e #aster %.an6 and Site 2isits. The Zoning &d3inistrator sha.. pro2ide the petitioner (ith an e2a.-ation of the s-53itted detai.ed site ana.ysis 3ap (hich sha.. indicate the acceptance 5y City Staff6 or the need for f-rther ana.ysis (or8+ disc-ssion (ith the petitioner andDor Staff=recogni/ed e4perts+ or a ;oint site 2isit. c. #odification of Detai.ed Site &na.ysis #ap If necessary+ as deter3ined 5y City Staff+ re2ised detai.ed site ana.ysis 3aps sha.. 5e prepared and s-53itted for re2ie( 5y City Staff+ -nti. a 2ersion is dee3ed accepta5.e. Staff re2ie( of the detai.ed site ana.ysis 3ay 5e appea.ed to the Joard of Zoning &ppea.s as a 3atter of Ordinance interpretation. d. &cceptance of Detai.ed Site &na.ysis #ap $pon notification of acceptance 5y City Staff 0or+ in case of appea.+ 5y deter3ination of the Joard of Zoning &ppea.s1+ the petitioner 3ay proceed (ith the s-53itta. of necessary de2e.op3ent doc-3ents. A. Integration of Detai.ed Site &na.ysis Infor3ation (ith !e7-ired De2e.op3ent andDor 'and Di2ision Infor3ation contained on the detai.ed site ana.ysis 3ap re.ating to the 5o-ndaries of per3anent.y protected green space areas 0inc.-ding nat-ra. reso-rce protection areas and other per3anent.y protected green space areas1+ sha.. 5e c.ear.y depicted on any and a.. site p.ans re7-ired as a precondition for app.ication for any de2e.op3ent per3it 0s-ch as a J-i.ding %er3it1 and on any proposed of S-5di2ision or Certified S-r2ey #ap. 0g1 Three f-.. si/e copies of 0*10c1 thro-gh 0f1+ a5o2e 0A1 Re,ie; b" t e P-&n Co77ission: The Co33ission+ in its consideration of the s-53itted co3p.ete app.ication+ sha.. ta8e into acco-nt the 5asic intent of the Zoning Chapter to ens-re attracti2e+ efficient+ and appropriate de2e.op3ent of .and in the co33-nity+ e4terior architect-ra. design+ constr-ction 3ateria.s+ signage+ co.or+ and 5-i.ding for3+ and to ens-re that e2ery reasona5.e step has 5een ta8en to a2oid depreciating effects on s-rro-nding property and the nat-ra. en2iron3ent. The Co33ission+ in re2ie(ing the app.ication 3ay re7-ire s-ch additiona. 3eas-res andDor 3odifications as it dee3s necessary to acco3p.ish this o5;ecti2e. If s-ch additiona. 3eas-res andDor 3odifications are re7-ired+ the Co33ission 3ay (ithho.d appro2a. of the Site -nti. a re2isions depicting s-ch additiona. 3eas-res andDor 3odifications are s-53itted to the satisfaction of the Co33ission+ or 3ay appro2e the app.ication s-5;ect to the pro2ision of a re2ised app.ication ref.ecting the direction of the Co33ission to the satisfaction of the Zoning &d3inistrator. S-ch a3ended p.ans and conditions app.ica5.e to the proposed -se sha.. 5e 3ade a part of the officia. record+ and de2e.op3ent acti2ity on the s-5;ect property 3ay not proceed -nti. the re2ised app.ication has 5een appro2ed 5y one of the t(o a5o2e proced-res as directed 5y the Co33ission. 091 Initi&tion o2 L&n' Ese o! De,e-o#7ent Acti,it": &5so.-te.y no .and -se or de2e.op3ent acti2ity+ inc.-ding site c.earing+ gr-55ing+ or grading sha.. occ-r on the s-5;ect property prior to the appro2a. of the re7-ired site &ny s-ch acti2ity prior to s-ch appro2a. sha.. 5e a 2io.ation of this &rtic.e and sha.. 5e s-5;ect to a.. app.ica5.e enforce3ent 3echanis3s and pena.ties.


City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.200 &d3inistration and %roced-res

0)1 ?o'i2ic&tion o2 &n A##!o,e' Site P-&n: &ny and a.. 2ariation 5et(een de2e.op3ent andDor .and -se acti2ity on the s-5;ect property and the appro2ed site is a 2io.ation of this &rtic.e. &n appro2ed site sha.. 5e re2ised and appro2ed 2ia the proced-res of S-5sections 021 and 0A1+ a5o2e+ so as to c.ear.y and co3p.ete.y depict any and a.. proposed 3odifications to the pre2io-s.y appro2ed site prior to the initiation of said 3odifications. 0:1 0ee: & fee is re7-ired for this proced-re. !efer to S-5section 22.21E. Subsection 22.21( P-&nne' De,e-o#7ent Zonin% Dist!ict P!oce'u!es 0Ord. 01=111 011 Pu!#ose 0a1 The p-rpose of this S-5section is to pro2ide reg-.ations (hich go2ern the proced-re and re7-ire3ents for the re2ie( and appro2a.+ or denia.+ of proposed %.anned De2e.op3ents+ and to pro2ide for the possi5.e re.a4ation of certain de2e.op3ent standards. 051 %.anned De2e.op3ents are intended to pro2ide 3ore incenti2es for infi.. de2e.op3ent and rede2e.op3ent in areas of the co33-nity (hich are e4periencing a .ac8 of significant rein2est3ent. F-rther3ore+ %.anned De2e.op3ents are designed to for(ard 5oth the aesthetic and econo3ic de2e.op3ent o5;ecti2es of the City 5y the site design and the appearance+ density or intensity of de2e.op3ent in ter3s of 3ore f.e4i5.e re7-ire3ents for .and -ses+ density+ intensity+ 5-.8+ .andscaping+ and par8ing re7-ire3ents. In e=c &n%e 2o! suc 2-e=ibi-it"3 t e P-&nne' De,e-o#7ent s &-- #!o,i'e & 7uc i% e! -e,e- o2 site 'esi%n3 &!c itectu!&- cont!o- &n' ot e! &s#ects o2 &est etic &n' 2unction&- e=ce--ence t &n no!7&--" !eAui!e' 2o! ot e! 'e,e-o#7ents. 0c1 %.anned De2e.op3ents ha2e the potentia. to create -ndesira5.e i3pacts on near5y properties if a..o(ed to de2e.op si3p.y -nder the genera. re7-ire3ents of this Chapter. In addition to s-ch potentia.+ %.anned De2e.op3ents ha2e the potentia. to create -ndesira5.e i3pacts on near5y properties (hich potentia..y cannot 5e deter3ined e4cept (ith a 5inding site .andscape and architect-ra. and on a case 5y case 5asis. In order to pre2ent this fro3 occ-rring+ a.. %.anned De2e.op3ents are re7-ired to 3eet certain proced-ra. re7-ire3ents app.ica5.e on.y to %.anned De2e.op3ents+ in addition to the genera. re7-ire3ents of this Chapter. & p-5.ic hearing process is re7-ired to re2ie( a re7-est for a %.anned De2e.op3ent. This process sha.. essentia..y co35ine the process for a /oning 3ap a3end3ent (ith that re7-ired for a conditiona. -se+ (ith se2era. additiona. re7-ire3ents. 021 P!o,ision o2 0-e=ib-e De,e-o#7ent St&n'&!'s 2o! P-&nne' De,e-o#7ents 0a1 Pe!7itte' Loc&tion: %.anned De2e.op3ents sha.. 5e per3itted (ith the appro2a. of a %.anned De2e.op3ent District+ specific to the appro2ed %.anned De2e.op3ent+ (ithin a.. Zoning Districts. 051 0-e=ib-e De,e-o#7ent St&n'&!'s: The fo..o(ing e4e3ptions to the de2e.op3ent standards of the -nder.ying /oning district 3ay 5e pro2ided (ith the appro2a. of a %.anned De2e.op3ent: 1. L&n' Ese ReAui!e7ents: &.. .and -ses .isted as B!esidentia.B+ BInstit-tiona.B+ or BCo33ercia.B 3ay 5e per3itted (ithin a %.anned De2e.op3ent. 2. Densit" &n' Intensit" ReAui!e7ents: &.. re7-ire3ents for residentia. density and nonresidentia. intensity 3ay 5e (ai2ed (ithin a %.anned De2e.op3ent. *. 8u-9 ReAui!e7ents: &.. 5-.8 re7-ire3ents 3ay 5e (ai2ed (ithin a %.anned De2e.op3ent. A. L&n'sc&#in% ReAui!e7ents: &.. .andscaping re7-ire3ents 3ay 5e (ai2ed (ithin a %.anned De2e.op3ent. 9. P&!9in% &n' Lo&'in% ReAui!e7ents: &.. par8ing and .oading re7-ire3ents 3ay 5e (ai2ed (ithin a %.anned De2e.op3ent. 0c1 ReAui!e7ents to De#ict A-- As#ects o2 De,e-o#7ent: On.y de2e.op3ent (hich is e4p.icit.y depicted on the re7-ired site appro2ed 5y the City Co-nci. as part of the appro2ed %.anned De2e.op3ent+ sha.. 5e per3itted+ e2en if s-ch de2e.op3ent 0inc.-ding a.. aspects of .and -se+ density and intensity+ 5-.8+ .andscaping+ and par8ing and .oading1+ is other(ise .isted

Section 22.200 &d3inistration and %roced-res

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

as per3itted. !e7-ested e4e3ptions fro3 these standards sha.. 5e 3ade e4p.icit 5y the &pp.icant in the app.ication+ and sha.. 5e reco33ended 5y the Co33ission and appro2ed e4p.icit.y 5y the City Co-nci.. If not so re7-ested and appro2ed+ s-ch e4e3ptions sha.. not 5e per3itted. 0*1 Initi&tion o2 ReAuest 2o! A##!o,&- o2 & P-&nne' De,e-o#7ent: %roceedings for appro2a. of a %.anned De2e.op3ent sha.. 5e initiated 5y: 0a1 an app.ication of the o(ner0s1 of the s-5;ect property6 051 a reco33endation of the Co33ission6 or 0c1 5y action of the City Co-nci.. 0A1 A##-ic&tion ReAui!e7ents: &.. app.ications for proposed %.anned De2e.op3ents+ regard.ess of the party of their initiation per 0*1 a5o2e+ sha.. 5e appro2ed as co3p.ete 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator. Said app.ication sha.. app.y to each of the process steps in 091 thro-gh 0E1 5e.o(. 091 PD P!ocess Ste# 1: P!e>A##-ic&tion Con2e!ence 0a1 The &pp.icant sha.. contact the Zoning &d3inistrator to p.ace an infor3a. disc-ssion ite3 for the %D on the Co33ission agenda. 051 "o detai.s 5eyond the na3e of the &pp.icant and the identification of the disc-ssion ite3 as a %D is re7-ired to 5e gi2en in the agenda. 0c1 &t the Co33ission 3eeting+ the &pp.icant sha.. engage in an infor3a. disc-ssion (ith the Co33ission regarding the potentia. %D. &ppropriate topics for disc-ssion 3ay inc.-de the .ocation of the %D+ genera. pro;ect the3es and i3ages+ the genera. 3i4 of d( -nit types andDor .and -ses 5eing considered+ appro4i3ate residentia. densities and non=residentia. intensities+ the genera. treat3ent of nat-ra. feat-res+ the genera. re.ationship to near5y properties and p-5.ic streets+ and re.ationship to the #aster 0d1 %oints of disc-ssion and conc.-sions reached in this stage of the process sha.. 5e in no (ay 5e 5inding -pon the &pp.icant or the City+ 5-t sho-.d 5e considered as the infor3a.+ non=5inding 5asis for proceeding to the ne4t step. 0)1 PD P!ocess Ste# 2: Conce#t P-&n 0a1 The &pp.icant sha.. pro2ide the Zoning &d3inistrator (ith a draft %D Concept S-53itta. %ac8et for a deter3ination of co3p.eteness prior to p.acing the proposed %D on the Co33ission agenda for Concept re2ie(. This s-53itta. pac8et sha.. contain a.. of the fo..o(ing ite3s+ prior to its acceptance 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator and p.ace3ent of the ite3 on a Co33ission agenda for Concept re2ie( -n.ess the Zoning &d3inistrator deter3ines a specific re7-ire3ent is not app.ica5.e to the petition. 1. & .ocation 3ap of the s-5;ect property and its 2icinity at 11B 4 1:B+ as depicted on a copy of the City of Edgerton 'and $se #ap6 2. & genera. (ritten description of proposed %D inc.-ding: a. genera. pro;ect the3es and i3ages6 5. the genera. 3i4 of d( -nit types andDor .and -ses6 c. appro4i3ate residentia. densities and non=residentia. intensities as descri5ed 5y d( -nits per acre+ f.oor area ratio and i3per2io-s s-rface area ratio6 d. the genera. treat3ent of nat-ra. feat-res6 e. the genera. re.ationship to near5y properties and p-5.ic streets6 f. the genera. re.ationship of the pro;ect to the #aster %.an6 g. an initia. draft .ist of /oning standards (hich (i.. not 5e 3et 5y the proposed %D and the .ocation0s1 in (hich they app.y and+ a co3p.ete .ist of /oning standards (hich (i.. 5e 3ore than 3et 5y the proposed %D and the .ocation0s1 in (hich they app.y. Essentia..y+ the p-rpose of this .isting sha.. 5e to pro2ide the Co33ission (ith infor3ation necessary to deter3ine the re.ati2e 3erits of the pro;ect in regard to pri2ate 5enefit 2ers-s p-5.ic 5enefit+ and in regard to the

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

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3itigation of potentia. ad2erse i3pacts created 5y design f.e4i5i.ity6 and+ *. & (ritten description of potentia..y re7-ested e4e3ption fro3 the re7-ire3ents of /oning reg-.ations+ in the fo..o(ing order: a. 'and $se E4e3ptions6 5. Density and Intensity E4e3ptions6 c. J-.8 E4e3ptions6 d. 'andscaping E4ceptions6 e. %ar8ing and 'oading !e7-ire3ents E4ceptions6 A. & concept-a. dra(ing 0at 11B 4 1:B1 of the genera. .and -se .ayo-t and the genera. .ocation of 3a;or p-5.ic streets andDor pri2ate dri2es. The &pp.icant 3ay s-53it copies of a .arger 2ersion of the concept-a. in addition to the 11B 4 1:B red-ction. 051 Once the Zoning &d3inistrator has recei2ed a co3p.ete pac8et+ the proposed %D Concept sha.. 5e p.aced on the Co33ission agenda. 0c1 &t the Co33ission 3eeting+ the &pp.icant sha.. engage in an infor3a. disc-ssion (ith the Co33ission regarding the concept-a. %D. &ppropriate topics for disc-ssion 3ay inc.-de any of the infor3ation pro2ided in the %D Concept S-53itta. %ac8et+ or other ite3s as deter3ined 5y the Co33ission. 0d1 %oints of disc-ssion and conc.-sions reached in this stage of the process sha.. 5e in no (ay 5e 5inding -pon the &pp.icant or the City+ 5-t sho-.d 5e considered as the infor3a.+ non=5inding 5asis for proceeding to the ne4t step. The preferred proced-re is for one or 3ore iterations of Co33ission re2ie( of the Concept to occ-r prior to introd-ction of the for3a. petition for re/oning (hich acco3panies the D% app.ication. 0:1 PD P!ocess Ste# $: Gene!&- De,e-o#7ent P-&n 1GDP4 0a1 The &pp.icant sha.. pro2ide the Zoning &d3inistrator (ith a draft D% S-53itta. %ac8et for a deter3ination of co3p.eteness prior to p.acing the proposed D% on the Co33ission agenda for D% re2ie(. This s-53itta. pac8et sha.. contain a.. of the fo..o(ing ite3s+ prior to its acceptance 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator and p.ace3ent of the ite3 on a Co33ission agenda for D% re2ie( -n.ess the Zoning &d3inistrator deter3ines a specific re7-ire3ent is not app.ica5.e to the petition. 1. & .ocation 3ap of the s-5;ect property and its 2icinity at 11B 4 1:B+ as depicted on a copy of the City of Edgerton 'and $se #ap6 2. & 3ap of the s-5;ect property sho(ing a.. .ands for (hich the p.anned -nit de2e.op3ent is proposed+ and a.. other .ands (ithin 290 feet of the 5o-ndaries of the s-5;ect property+ together (ith the na3es and addresses of the o(ners of a.. .ands on said 3ap as the sa3e appear on the c-rrent records of the !egister of Deeds of !oc8 or Dane Co-nty 0as pro2ided 5y the City of Edgerton1. Said 3ap sha.. c.ear.y indicate the c-rrent /oning of the s-5;ect property and its en2irons+ and the ;-risdiction0s1 (hich 3aintains that contro.. Said 3ap and a.. its parts and attach3ents sha.. 5e s-53itted in a for3 (hich is c.ear.y reprod-ci5.e (ith a photocopier+ and sha.. 5e at a sca.e (hich is not .ess than one inch e7-a.s )00 feet. &.. .ot di3ensions of the s-5;ect property+ a graphic sca.e+ and a north arro( sha.. 5e pro2ided6 *. & genera. (ritten description of proposed %D inc.-ding: a. genera. pro;ect the3es and i3ages6 5. the genera. 3i4 of d( -nit types andDor .and -ses6 c. appro4i3ate residentia. densities and non=residentia. intensities as descri5ed 5y d( -nits per acre+ f.oor area ratio and i3per2io-s s-rface area ratio6 d. the genera. treat3ent of nat-ra. feat-res6 e. the genera. re.ationship to near5y properties and p-5.ic streets6 f. the genera. re.ationship of the pro;ect to the #aster g. a State3ent of !ationa.e as to (hy %D /oning is proposed. This sha.. identify 5arriers that the &pp.icant percei2es in the for3 of re7-ire3ents of standard /oning


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districts and opport-nities for co33-nity 5etter3ent the &pp.icant s-ggests are a2ai.a5.e thro-gh the proposed %D /oning. h. a co3p.ete .ist of /oning standards (hich (i.. not 5e 3et 5y the proposed %D and the .ocation0s1 in (hich they app.y and a co3p.ete .ist of /oning standards (hich (i.. 5e 3ore than 3et 5y the proposed %D and the .ocation0s1 in (hich they app.y sha.. 5e identified. Essentia..y+ the p-rpose of this .isting sha.. 5e to pro2ide the Co33ission (ith infor3ation necessary to deter3ine the re.ati2e 3erits of the pro;ect in regard to pri2ate 5enefit 2ers-s p-5.ic 5enefit+ and in regard to the 3itigation of potentia. ad2erse i3pacts created 5y design f.e4i5i.ity. i. & (ritten description of potentia..y re7-ested e4e3ption fro3 the re7-ire3ents of /oning reg-.ations+ in the fo..o(ing order: i. 'and $se E4e3ptions6 ii. Density and Intensity E4e3ptions6 iii. J-.8 E4e3ptions6 i2. 'andscaping E4ceptions6 2. %ar8ing and 'oading !e7-ire3ents E4ceptions. & enera. De2e.op3ent Dra(ing at a 3ini3-3 sca.e of 1BN100C 011B 4 1:B red-ction sha.. 5e pro2ided 5y &pp.icant1 of the proposed pro;ect sho(ing at .east the fo..o(ing infor3ation in s-fficient detai. to 3a8e an e2a.-ation against criteria for appro2a.: a. & concept-a. dra(ing 0at 11B 4 1:B1 of the genera. .and -se .ayo-t and the genera. .ocation of 3a;or p-5.ic streets andDor pri2ate dri2es. The &pp.icant 3ay s-53it copies of a .arger 2ersion of the concept-a. in addition to the 11B 4 1:B red-ction6 5. .ocation of recreationa. and open space areas and faci.ities and specifica..y descri5ing those that are to 5e reser2ed or dedicated for p-5.ic ac7-isition and -se6 c. statistica. data on 3ini3-3 .ot si/es in the de2e.op3ent+ the appro4i3ate areas of .arge de2e.op3ent .ots and pads+ densityDintensity of 2ario-s parts of the de2e.op3ent+ f.oor area ratio+ i3per2io-s s-rface area ratio and .andscape s-rface area ratio of 2ario-s .and -ses+ e4pected staging+ and any other p.ans re7-ired 5y the Co33ission or City Co-nci.6 and d. notations re.ating the (ritten infor3ation pro2ided in 0:10a1*.a.=f.+ a5o2e to specific areas on the D% Dra(ing. & genera. concept-a. .andscaping for s-5;ect property+ noting appro4i3ate .ocations of fo-ndation+ street+ yard and pa2ing+ .andscaping+ and the co3p.iance of de2e.op3ent (ith a.. .andscaping re7-ire3ents of this Chapter 0e4cept as noted in the .isting of e4ceptions1 and the -se of e4tra .andscaping and 5-fferyards. & genera. signage for the pro;ect+ inc.-ding a.. pro;ect identification signs and concepts for p-5.ic fi4t-res and signs 0s-ch as street .ight fi4t-res andDor or street sign faces andDor po.es1 (hich are proposed to 2ary fro3 City standards or co33on practices. ,ritten ;-stification for the proposed %.anned De2e.op3ent. 0The &pp.icant is ad2ised to -se the re7-ire3ents of the conditiona. -se proced-re to de2e.op said (ritten ;-stification.1 The process for re2ie( and appro2a. of the D% sha.. 5e identica. to that for an a3end3ent to the officia. /oning 3ap per S-5section 22.210 of this Chapter and 0if .and is to 5e di2ided1 to that for pre.i3inary and fina. p.ats of s-5di2ision per the #-nicipa. Code. The appro2a. of a D% sha.. esta5.ish a %DD D% o2er.ay that is depicted as s-ch on the officia. /oning 3ap. The e4isting /oning+ ho(e2er+ sha.. contro. de2e.op3ent (ithin the area of the D% -nti. a.. or portions of the D% are appro2ed as a %I%. &.. portions of an appro2ed %DD D% not f-..y de2e.oped (ithin fi2e years of fina. City Co-nci. appro2a. sha.. e4pire+ and no additiona. %D=5ased de2e.op3ent sha.. 5e


City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.200 &d3inistration and %roced-res

per3itted. The City Co-nci. 3ay e4tend this fi2e years period 5y -p to fi2e additiona. years 2ia a 3a;ority 2ote fo..o(ing a p-5.ic hearing. 0E1 PD P!ocess Ste# (: P!ecise I7#-e7ent&tion P-&n 1PIP4 0a1 &fter the effecti2e date of the re/oning to %DD D%+ the &pp.icant 3ay fi.e an app.ication for a proposed %recise I3p.e3entation 0%I%1 (ith the Co33ission. This s-53itta. pac8et sha.. contain a.. of the fo..o(ing ite3s+ prior to its acceptance 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator and p.ace3ent of the ite3 on a Co33ission agenda for %D re2ie( -n.ess the Zoning &d3inistrator deter3ines a specific re7-ire3ent is not app.ica5.e to the petition. 1. & .ocation 3ap of the s-5;ect property and its 2icinity at 11B 4 1:B+ as depicted on a copy of the City of Edgerton 'and $se #ap6 2. & 3ap of the s-5;ect property sho(ing a.. .ands for (hich the p.anned -nit de2e.op3ent is proposed+ and a.. other .ands (ithin 290 feet of the 5o-ndaries of the s-5;ect property+ together (ith the na3es and addresses of the o(ners of a.. .ands on said 3ap as the sa3e appear on the c-rrent records of the !egister of Deeds of !oc8 or Dane Co-nty 0as pro2ided 5y the City of Edgerton1. Said 3ap sha.. c.ear.y indicate the c-rrent /oning of the s-5;ect property and its en2irons+ and the ;-risdiction0s1 (hich 3aintains that contro.. Said 3ap and a.. its parts and attach3ents sha.. 5e s-53itted in a for3 (hich is c.ear.y reprod-ci5.e (ith a photocopier+ and sha.. 5e at a sca.e (hich is not .ess than one inch e7-a.s )00 feet. &.. .ot di3ensions of the s-5;ect property+ a graphic sca.e+ and a north arro( sha.. 5e pro2ided6 *. & genera. (ritten description of proposed %I% inc.-ding: a. specific pro;ect the3es and i3ages6 5. the specific 3i4 of d( -nit types andDor .and -ses6 c. specific residentia. densities and non=residentia. intensities as descri5ed 5y d( -nits per acre+ f.oor area ratio and i3per2io-s s-rface area ratio6 d. the specific treat3ent of nat-ra. feat-res6 e. the specific re.ationship to near5y properties and p-5.ic streets. f. a State3ent of !ationa.e as to (hy %D /oning is proposed. This sha.. identify 5arriers that the &pp.icant percei2es in the for3 of re7-ire3ents of standard /oning districts and opport-nities for co33-nity 5etter3ent the &pp.icant s-ggests are a2ai.a5.e thro-gh the proposed %D /oning. g. a co3p.ete .ist of /oning standards (hich (i.. not 5e 3et 5y the proposed %I% and the .ocation0s1 in (hich they app.y and a co3p.ete .ist of /oning standards (hich (i.. 5e 3ore than 3et 5y the proposed %I% and the .ocation0s1 in (hich they app.y sha.. 5e identified. Essentia..y+ the p-rpose of this .isting sha.. 5e to pro2ide the Co33ission (ith infor3ation necessary to deter3ine the re.ati2e 3erits of the pro;ect in regard to pri2ate 5enefit 2ers-s p-5.ic 5enefit+ and in regard to the 3itigation of potentia. ad2erse i3pacts created 5y design f.e4i5i.ity. A. & %recise I3p.e3entation Dra(ing at a 3ini3-3 sca.e of 1BN100C 011B 4 1:B red-ction sha.. 5e pro2ided 5y &pp.icant1 of the proposed pro;ect sho(ing at .east the fo..o(ing infor3ation in s-fficient detai. to 3a8e an e2a.-ation against criteria for appro2a.: a. & %I% site confor3ing to any and a.. the re7-ire3ents of S-5section 22.21*0*1. If the proposed %.anned De2e.op3ent is a gro-p de2e.op3ent+ a proposed pre.i3inary or concept-a. sha.. 5e pro2ided in addition to the re7-ired site 5. .ocation of recreationa. and open space areas and faci.ities and specifica..y descri5ing those that are to 5e reser2ed or dedicated for p-5.ic ac7-isition and -se6 c. statistica. data on 3ini3-3 .ot si/es in the de2e.op3ent+ the precise areas of a.. de2e.op3ent .ots and pads+ densityDintensity of 2ario-s parts of the de2e.op3ent+ f.oor area ratio+ i3per2io-s s-rface area ratio and .andscape s-rface area ratio of 2ario-s .and -ses+ e4pected staging+ and any other p.ans re7-ired 5y the

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Co33ission or City Co-nci.6 and d. notations re.ating the (ritten infor3ation pro2ided in 0E10a1*.a.=f.+ a5o2e to specific areas on the D% Dra(ing. & .andscaping for s-5;ect property+ specifying the .ocation+ species+ and insta..ed si/e of a.. trees and shr-5s. This sha.. inc.-de a chart (hich pro2ides a c-3-.ati2e tota. for each species+ type and re7-ired .ocation 0fo-ndation+ yard+ street+ pa2ed area or 5-fferyard1 of a.. trees and shr-5s. & series of 5-i.ding e.e2ations for the entire e4terior of a.. 5-i.dings in the %.anned De2e.op3ent+ inc.-ding detai.ed notes as to the 3ateria.s and co.ors proposed. & genera. signage for the pro;ect+ inc.-ding a.. pro;ect identification signs+ concepts for p-5.ic fi4t-res and signs 0s-ch as street .ight fi4t-res andDor or street sign faces andDor po.es1+ and gro-p de2e.op3ent signage the3es (hich are proposed to 2ary fro3 City standards or co33on practices. & genera. o-t.ine of the intended organi/ationa. str-ct-re for a property o(ners association+ if any6 deed restrictions and pro2isions for pri2ate pro2ision of co33on ser2ices+ if any. & (ritten description (hich de3onstrates the f-.. consistency of the proposed %I% (ith the appro2ed D%. &ny and a.. 2ariations 5et(een the re7-ire3ents of the app.ica5.e %DD D% /oning district and the proposed %I% de2e.op3ent6 and The &pp.icant sha.. s-53it proof of financing capa5i.ity pertaining to constr-ction and 3aintenance and operation of p-5.ic (or8s e.e3ents of the proposed de2e.op3ent. The area inc.-ded in a %recise I3p.e3entation 3ay 5e on.y a portion of the area inc.-ded in a pre2io-s.y appro2ed enera. I3p.e3entation The %recise I3p.e3entation 0%I%1 s-53ission 3ay inc.-de site and design infor3ation+ a..o(ing the Co33ission to co35ine design re2ie( and re2ie( of the %I%. Design re2ie( 3ay+ at the choice of the &pp.icant+ 5e deferred -nti. a .ater ti3e (hen specific site and 5-i.ding de2e.op3ents (i.. 5e 5ro-ght forth. The Co33ission or City Co-nci. 3ay specify other p.ans+ doc-3ents or that 3-st 5e s-53itted prior to consideration or appro2a. of the %I%+ as s-ch 3ay 5e re.e2ant to re2ie(. The process for re2ie( and appro2a. of the %D sha.. 5e identica. to that for conditiona. -se per3its per S-5section 22.20) of this Chapter and 0if .and is to 5e di2ided1 to that for pre.i3inary and fina. p.ats of s-5di2ision per the #-nicipa. Code. The appro2a. of a %DD%I% sha.. for3a..y esta5.ish the %DD%I% /oning district and any s-ch .and -ses and site p.ans inc.-ded in the appro2ed %I%s. &.. portions of an appro2ed %DD%I% not f-..y de2e.oped (ithin fi2e years of fina. appro2a. sha.. e4pire+ and no additiona. %D=5ased de2e.op3ent sha.. 5e per3itted. The City Co-nci. 3ay e4tend this fi2e years period 5y -p to fi2e additiona. years 2ia a 3a;ority 2ote fo..o(ing a p-5.ic hearing.

Subsection 22.21) Vio-&tions &n' Pen&-ties

011 Vio-&tions: "o person sha.. constr-ct or -se any str-ct-re+ .and+ or (ater in 2io.ation of any of the pro2isions of this chapter. In case of any 2io.ation+ the City Co-nci.+ the J-i.ding Inspector+ the City Co33ission+ or any neigh5oring property o(ner (ho (o-.d 5e specifica..y da3aged 5y s-ch 2io.ation 3ay instit-te appropriate action or proceeding to en;oin a 2io.ation of this chapter or ca-se a str-ct-re to 5e 2acated or re3o2ed. 021 Pen&-ties: &ny person+ fir3 or corporation (ho fai.s to co3p.y (ith the pro2isions of this Ordinance sha..+ -pon con2iction thereof+ forfeit not .ess than O29 nor 3ore than O900 and costs of prosec-tion for each 2io.ation and in defa-.t of pay3ent of s-ch forfeit-re and costs 3ay 5e i3prisoned in the Co-nty Pai. -nti. pay3ent thereof+ 5-t not e4ceeding thirty 0*01 days+ or 3ay ha2e their dri2ers

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.200 &d3inistration and %roced-res

.icense s-spended or the co-rt 3ay i3pose any other pena.ty as pro2ided 5y State Stat-te. Each day a 2io.ation e4ists or contin-es sha.. constit-te a separate offense. 0*1 Ci,i- En2o!ce7ent: &ppropriate actions and proceedings 3ay 5e ta8en 5y .a( or in e7-ity to pre2ent any 2io.ation of these reg-.ations+ to pre2ent -n.a(f-. constr-ction+ to reco2er da3ages+ to restrain+ correct+ or a5ate a 2io.ation+ to pre2ent i..ega. occ-pancy of a 5-i.ding or pre3ises+ and these re3edies sha.. 5e in addition to the pena.ties descri5ed a5o2e.

Subsection 22.21+ Co7#-i&nce

"o str-ct-re+ .and+ or (ater sha.. hereafter 5e -sed (itho-t co3p.iance (ith this Chapter and a.. other app.ica5.e .oca.+ co-nty+ and state reg-.ations. The J-i.ding Inspector+ (ith the aid of the Depart3ent+ sha.. in2estigate a.. co3p.aints+ gi2e notice of 2io.ations+ and enforce this Chapter. The J-i.ding Inspector 3ay enter+ at any reasona5.e ti3e as per3itted 5y the property o(ner+ onto any p-5.ic or pri2ate .ands or (aters to 3a8e inspection. If the J-i.ding Inspector is ref-sed entry+ he 3ay app.y for+ o5tain+ and e4ec-te a specia. inspection (arrant for pre3ises p-rs-ant to s. )).122 and )).12*+ ,isconsin Stat-tes. The J-i.ding Inspector 3ay set ti3e .i3its and conditions for the correction of 2io.ations.

Subsection 22.21. Anne=&tion

011 On .and hereafter anne4ed to the City+ no 5-i.ding or str-ct-re sha.. 5e erected+ en.arged or 3o2ed+ and no change in the -se of .and or e4isting 5-i.ding or str-ct-res sha.. 5e 3ade -nti. an ordinance designating the /oning district c.assification of s-ch anne4ed .and is d-.y adopted 5y the City Co-nci.. ,ithin )0 days of the anne4ation+ the Co33ission sha.. reco33end an a3end3ent to esta5.ish the /oning district c.assification of s-ch .and. &ction sha.. 5e ta8en 5y the Co-nci. regarding the c.assification of anne4ed .and (ithin F0 days of its receipt of the reco33endation fro3 the Co33ission. 021 Designation of the appropriate /oning district for anne4ed .and sha.. fo..o( the proced-res fo-nd in Sec. 22.210 of this chapter. 0*1 The /oning c.assification for s-ch anne4ed .and 3ay 5e te3porari.y designated 5y the &nne4ation Ordinance -nti. the Co-nci. adopts a per3anent /oning district c.assification. 0Ord F)=201

Subsection 22.21/: 0ees

011 0ees 2o! P!oce'u!es ReAueste' b" & P!i,&te P&!t" The fo..o(ing fees are here5y esta5.ished and re7-ired: 0a1 Ce!ti2ic&te o2 Occu#&nc" 0per S-5section 22.2091: O29.00Q 051 Con'ition&- Ese 0per S-5section 22.20)1: O1)9.00Q 0c1 Te=t A7en'7ent 0per S-5section 22.20F1: O1)0.00Q 0d1 Zonin% ?&# A7en'7ent 0S-5section 22.2101: O1)0.00Q 0e1 V&!i&nce 0per S-5section 22.2111: O1)0.00Q 0f1 Zonin% Inte!#!et&tion o! A##e&- o2 Zonin% Inte!#!et&tion 0per S-5section 22.2121: O1)0.00Q 0g1 Site P-&n 0per S-5section 22.21*1: O110.00Q 0h1 Si%n Pe!7it 0per S-5section 22.9011: OA0.00Q 0i1 0i-in% o! Reco!'in% 0ee ;it Cit" C-e!9: O10.00 R act-a. recording fee 0;1 Eses Pe!7itte' b" Ri% t ;it S#eci&- ReAui!e7ents O20.00 0per S-5section 22.20:1: 081 Te7#o!&!" Eses 0per S-5section 22.20E1: O20.00 Q Jase fee 3ay 5e 3odified 5y S-5section 0A1+ 5e.o(. 0.1 Anne=&tion 0per S-5section 22.21:1 the o(ner of the anne4ed property sha.. pay the shortfa.. in property ta4es if the .oca. ta4 re2en-e co..ected 5y the City fro3 the anne4ed property is .ess than the .oca. ta4es co..ected 5y the To(n for the .ast year the property (as .ocated in the To(n.

Section 22.200 &d3inistration and %roced-res

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

If app.ica5.e+ the property o(ner sha.. pay the fee each year for fi2e years after the effecti2e date of the anne4ation. 021 0ees 2o! P!oce'u!es ReAueste' b" t e Cit" o2 E'%e!ton There sha.. 5e no fee in the case of app.ications fi.ed in the p-5.ic interest 5y the City Co-nci. or the Co33ission+ other agency+ or officia. of the City of Edgerton. 0*1 P&"7ent o2 0ees Fees sha.. 5e paya5.e at the ti3e app.ications are fi.ed (ith the appropriate officer of the City 0per the re7-ire3ents of this Chapter1+ and are not ref-nda5.e. 0A1 P!o2ession&- Consu-t&nt Re,ie; Se!,ices The City 3ay retain the ser2ices of professiona. cons-.tants 0inc.-ding p.anners+ engineers+ 5-i.ding inspectors+ architects+ attorneys+ en2iron3enta. specia.ists+ recreation specia.ists+ and other e4perts1 to assist in the CityCs re2ie( of a proposa. co3ing 5efore the Co33ission. The City 3ay app.y the charges for these ser2ices to the %etitioner. The City 3ay de.ay acceptance of the app.ication or petition as co3p.ete+ or 3ay de.ay fina. appro2a. of the proposa.+ -nti. s-ch fees are paid 5y the %etitioner. The s-53itta. of a de2e.op3ent proposa. app.ication or petition 5y a %etitioner sha.. 5e constr-ed as an agree3ent to pay for s-ch professiona. re2ie( ser2ices app.ica5.e to the proposa.. !e2ie( fees (hich are app.ied to a %etitioner+ 5-t (hich are not paid+ 3ay 5e assigned 5y the City as a specia. assess3ent to the s-5;ect property.

Subsection 22.21B N&tu!&- Resou!ces Site E,&-u&tion Do!9s eet

011 Dete!7ine t e G!oss Site A!e& 1GSA4 o2 t e Site: 0a1 Tota. Site &rea as deter3ined 5y act-a. on=site s-r2ey: SSSSS acres 051 S-5tract area .ocated (ithin proposed rights=of=(ays of roads and (ithin proposed 5o-ndaries of p-5.ic faci.ities (hich are designated (ithin the CityCs Co3prehensi2e #aster andDor re7-ired for dedication per S-5di2ision reg-.ations: = SSSSS acres 0c1 S-5tract .and (hich a.tho-gh part of the sa3e parce. is not contig-o-s to+ or is not accessi5.e fro3+ the proposed road net(or8 ser2ing the pro;ect: = SSSSS acres 0d1 S-5tract .and (hich is proposed for a different option or a different /oning district: = SSSSS acres 0e1 S-5tract area of na2iga5.e (aters 0.a8es T strea3s1: = SSSSS acres 0f1 EAu&-s G!oss Site A!e& 1GSA4: G HHHHH &c!es 021 Dete!7ine t e ReAui!e' Resou!ce P!otection A!e& 1RPA4 o2 t e Site: 0a1 %ortion of ross Site &rea containing F.ood(ays: SSSSS acres 051 &dd portion of ross Site &rea containing F.oodp.ain &reas: R SSSSS acres 0c1 &dd portion of ross Site &rea containing F.oodfringes: R SSSSS acres 0d1 &dd portion of ross Site &rea containing ,et.ands: R SSSSS acres 0e1 &dd portion of ross Site &rea containing Drainage(ays: R SSSSS acres 0f1 &dd portion of ross Site &rea containing 'a8eshores: R SSSSS acres 0g1 &dd portion of ross Site &rea containing ,ood.ands: R SSSSS acres 0h1 &dd portion of ross Site &rea containing Steep S.opes: R SSSSS acres 0i1 S-5tract portions of nat-ra. reso-rce areas 0021a. = 021h.1 3ade de2e.opa5.e 5y -sing appro2ed en2iron3enta. 3itigation techni7-es: = SSSSS acres 0;1 EAu&-s ReAui!e' Resou!ce P!otection A!e& 1RPA4: G HHHHH &c!es 0*1 Dete!7ine t e Net De,e-o#&b-e A!e& 1NDA4 o2 t e Site:


City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.200 &d3inistration and %roced-res

0a1 Enter ross Site &rea 0 S&1 Ufro3 011f.+ a5o2eV: SSSSS acres 051 S-5tract !e7-ired !eso-rce %rotection &rea 0!%&1 Ufro3 021;.+ a5o2eV: = SSSSS acres 0c1 EAu&-s Net De,e-o#&b-e A!e& 1NDA4: G HHHHH &c!es


Section 22.* 0 0 Edgert o n en er a. %ro2isions

City of Chapt e r 22: Zoning Ordina n c e

SECTION 22.$00: GENERAL PROVISIONS Subsection 22.$01 Ese Rest!ictions

The fo..o(ing -se restrictions and reg-.ations sha.. app.y: 011 L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' b" Ri% t 'and -ses .isted as per3itted 5y right are per3itted per the genera. .and -se re7-ire3ents of this Chapter6 per the genera. re7-ire3ents of the specific /oning district in (hich they are .ocated6 per any additiona. re7-ire3ents i3posed 5y app.ica5.e o2er.ay /oning districts as designated on the Officia. Zoning #ap6 per the genera. re7-ire3ents of this Chapter inc.-ding Section 22.21*6 and per any and a.. other app.ica5.e City+ Co-nty+ State+ and Federa. reg-.ations. 021 Accesso!" Eses &ccessory -ses and str-ct-res are per3itted in any district 5-t not -nti. their principa. str-ct-re is present or -nder constr-ction. See Section 22.*0A091. 0*1 L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' &s & Con'ition&- Ese This category of .and -ses is s-5;ect to certain additiona. contro.s than app.y to .and -ses per3itted 5y right+ and re7-ire p-5.ic hearing+ appro2a. 5y the Co33ission+ and iss-ance of a conditiona. -se per3it in accordance (ith S-5section 22.20). 0a1 'and -ses .isted as per3itted as a conditiona. -se are per3itted s-5;ect to a.. the re7-ire3ents app.ica5.e to -ses per3itted 5y right as .isted in S-5section 011+ a5o2e+ p.-s any additiona. re7-ire3ents app.ica5.e to that .and -se as contained in Section 22.*0A 0Detai.ed 'and $se Descriptions and !eg-.ations1+ inc.-ding any additiona. re7-ire3ents i3posed as part of the conditiona. -se re2ie( process. Each app.ication for+ and instance of+ a conditiona. -se sha.. 5e considered a -ni7-e sit-ation and sha.. not 5e constr-ed as precedence for re7-ests. 051 Conditiona. -se re7-ire3ents app.y to proposed -ses per3itted 5y right (ith additiona. specia. re7-ire3ents (hen one of the specia. -se re7-ire3ents cannot 5e 3et. 0See S-5section 0F1051+ 5e.o(.1 "o 3ore than one specia. -se re7-ire3ent sha.. 5e (ai2ed in this 3anner. 0A1 Enc-&ssi2ie' o! Ens#eci2ie' Eses #ay 5e per3itted 5y the City %.anning Co33ission pro2ided s-ch -ses are in character to the principa. -ses per3itted in the district. 091 L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' &s & Te7#o!&!" Ese 'and $ses .isted as per3itted as a te3porary -se are per3itted s-5;ect to a.. the re7-ire3ents app.ica5.e to -ses per3itted 5y right as .isted in S-5section 011 a5o2e+ p.-s any additiona. re7-ire3ents app.ica5.e to that .and -se specified in Section 22.*0A. 'and $ses per3itted as te3porary -ses are s-5;ect to the re2ie( and appro2a. proced-res o-t.ined in Section 22.20E. 0)1 Pe!2o!7&nce St&n'&!'s &s .isted in this Chapter sha.. 5e co3p.ied (ith 5y a.. -ses in a.. districts. 0:1 Soi- Rest!ictions Certain soi. types in the City as sho(n on the operationa. soi. s-r2ey 3aps prepared 5y the $.S. Depart3ent of &gric-.t-re+ Soi. Conser2ation Ser2ice+ ha2e se2ere or 2ery se2ere .i3itations for on=site soi. a5sorption se(age disposa. faci.ities 5eca-se of one or 3ore of the fo..o(ing reasons: high or f.-ct-ating (ater ta5.e+ f.ooding+ gro-nd(ater conta3ination+ si.ting+ s.o( per3ea5i.ity+ steep s.opes+ or pro4i3ity to 5edroc8. The !oc8 Co-nty Standard Soi.s S-r2ey prepared 5y the $.S. Soi. Conser2ation Ser2ice is adopted 5y reference as a deter3ining factor in .and -se decisions. ,hen a 7-estion arises as to the acc-racy of a soi. 3apping -nit+ an intensi2e soi. s-r2ey of the site in 7-estion sha.. 5e re7-ested fro3 the !oc8 Co-nty Sanitarian andDor a soi. scientist fro3 the Soi. Conser2ation Ser2ice 5y either the City or the app.icant. 0E1 P!inci#&- o! Accesso!" 8ui-'in% St!uctu!e Rest!ictions &.. storage containers+ tr-c8s+ tra2e. trai.ers+ 3o5i.e ho3es+ and intended for Bo2er the road ha-.ingB (hich are either on or off of the fra3e+ sha.. not 5e per3itted in any district -n.ess the container is .ess than

Section 22.*00

Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

en er a. %ro2ision s &3en d e d 12D12

29 s7-are feet and .ess than 190 c-5ic feet+ and is -sed for pri2ate+ non=co33ercia. storage. Said or containers sha.. not 5e -sed for or con2erted for office+ 3ercanti.e+ residentia.+ or storage p-rposes+ e4cept as pro2ided in the #o5i.e <o3e %ar8 District. &.. storage containers+ tr-c8+ tra2e. trai.ers+ 3o5i.e ho3es+ and intended for Bo2er the road ha-.ingB 3ay 5e per3itted as a Te3porary 'and $se in accordance (ith section 22.*0A0)1. 0F1 L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' b" Ri% t ;it A''ition&- S#eci&- ReAui!e7ents This category of .and -ses is s-5;ect to certain additiona. contro.s than app.y to .and -ses per3itted 5y right+ (hi.e a2oiding the p-5.ic hearing process re7-ired of .and -ses per3itted as conditiona. -ses. 'and -ses per per3itted 5y right (ith additiona. specia. re7-ire3ents are s-5;ect to the proced-res o-t.ined in Section 22.20:. 0a1 'and -ses .isted as per3itted 5y right (ith additiona. specia. re7-ire3ents are per3itted s-5;ect to a.. of the genera. /oning re7-ire3ents app.ica5.e to .and -ses per3itted 5y right 0S-5section 011+ a5o2e1+ p.-s certain additiona. specia. -se re7-ire3ents app.ica5.e to that .and -se specified in Section 22.*0A. 051 If a proposed .and -se+ .isted as a per3itted 5y right (ith additiona. specia. re7-ire3ents+ cannot 3eet one of the specia. -se re7-ire3ents of Section 22.*0A for reasons direct.y re.ated to the nat-re of the s-5;ect property+ the %etitioner of said .and -se 3ay re7-est Co33ission re2ie( for appro2a. as a conditiona. -se+ per the re7-ire3ents of Section 22.20). "o 3ore than one specia. -se re7-ire3ent sha.. 5e (ai2ed in this 3anner for any gi2en .and -se or property. See S-5section 0*1051+ a5o2e.

Subsection 22.$02 Gene!&- Dist!ict Re%u-&tions

The fo..o(ing reg-.ations set forth re7-ire3ents that -s-a..y do not app.y -nifor3.y thro-gho-t the City+ 5-t rather co2er things that are app.ica5.e to one or 3ore districts. 011 E!ection o2 ?o!e T &n One P!inci#&- St!uctu!e on & Lot E4cept in the case of a %.anned $nit De2e.op3ent or a gro-p de2e.op3ent+ not 3ore than one principa. detached residentia. 5-i.ding sha.. 5e .ocated on a .ot+ nor sha.. a principa. detached residentia. 5-i.ding 5e .ocated on the sa3e /oning .ot (ith any other principa. 5-i.ding. ,hen 3ore than one principa. str-ct-re is a..o(ed on a .ot it sha.. re7-ire a conditiona. -se per3it. 0Ord. F9=2:1 021 E=ce#tions to Hei% t Re%u-&tions The height .i3itations contained in the re7-ire3ents for per3itted and conditiona. -ses do not app.y to spires+ 5e.fries+ antennas+ (ater tan8s+ fire to(ers+ (ind3i..s+ 2enti.ators+ chi3neys+ or other app-rtenances -s-a..y re7-ired to 5e p.aced a5o2e the roof .e2e. and not intended for h-3an occ-pancy. 0*1 St!uctu!es to &,e Access E2ery residentia. 5-i.ding hereafter erected or 3o2ed sha.. 5e on a .ot ad;acent to a p-5.ic street and a.. str-ct-res sha.. 5e so .ocated on .ots as to pro2ide safe and con2enient access for ser2icing+ fire protection+ and re7-ire off street par8ing. 0A1 P&!9in% &n' Sto!&%e o2 Ce!t&in Ve ic-es %assenger or trai.ers of any 8ind or type (itho-t c-rrent .icense p.ates sha.. not 5e par8ed or stored on any residentia..y /oned property other than in co3p.ete.y enc.osed 5-i.dings. 0See Chapter 1:.0:1 091 Setb&c9 E=ce#tions & set5ac8 .ess than the set5ac8 re7-ired 5y this chapter 3ay 5e per3itted 5y the Co33ission (itho-t a 2ariance (hen 3ore than 90I of the principa. str-ct-res (ithin 290 feet of the proposed str-ct-re are 5-i.t to .ess than the re7-ired set5ac8. The 290 feet inc.-des on.y those str-ct-res that are in the sa3e street corridor and on the sa3e side of the street as the proposed str-ct-re. On.y 5-i.dings that are of the sa3e type of principa. str-ct-re as the proposed str-ct-re sha.. 5e co-nted. 0If a residentia. 5-i.ding is proposed+ any co33ercia. str-ct-res (ithin the 290 feet sha.. not 5e co-nted in deter3ining the set5ac8 of the proposed str-ct-re.1 The 3ini3-3 set5ac8 of the proposed str-ct-re sha.. 5e the a2erage set5ac8 of those e4isting str-ct-res that are the sa3e type of principa. str-ct-re6 that are on the sa3e side of the street6 and that are (ithin the 290 feet of the proposed str-ct-re.

Section 22.* 0 0 Edgert o n en er a. %ro2isions

City of Chapt e r 22: Zoning Ordina n c e

0)1 Lo&'in% &n' En-o&'in% S#&ce S-fficient space for .oading or -n.oading of sha.. 5e pro2ided off the street so that the street sha.. at a.. ti3es 5e free and -no5str-cted to the passage of traffic in accordance (ith Section 22.A09. 0:1 V&c&tion o2 St!eet &n' A--e" Lacation of p-5.ic streets+ a..eys and right=of=(ays sha.. ca-se the .and 2acated to 5e a-to3atica..y p.aced in the sa3e district as the a5-tting side to (hich the 2acated .and re2erts. 0E1 Eti-it" Lines $ti.ity .ines (hich (i.. ser2e indi2id-a. .ots to inc.-de e.ectric .ines -nder 12+000 2o.ts+ ca5.e T.L.+ te.ephone+ nat-ra. gas+ etc. sha.. 5e insta..ed -ndergro-nd (ithin the -ti.ity ease3ents sho(n on the 3ap re7-ired 5y the 5-i.ding per3it. 0F1 O,e! e&' Eti-it" Lines "o o2erhead po(er+ te.ephone or te.egraph .ines sha.. 5e erected (ithin 1D2 3i.e of any 5o-ndary of the site of any airport+ .anding fie.d+ or .anding and ta8eoff strip. 0101 Soi- Desi%n&tions Soi. designations -sed in this chapter are fro3 the Soi. s-r2ey for !oc8 Co-nty+ ,isconsin+ 5y the $.S. Depart3ent of &gric-.t-re+ Soi. Conser2ation Ser2ice. 0111 Int!usions into ReAui!e' F&!'s The 3ini3-3 set5ac8 re7-ire3ents of Chapter esta5.ish the 3ini3-3 re7-ired yards for a.. -ses+ e4cept those e4e3pted 5y the pro2isions of this Section. 0a1 "o yard sha.. 5e red-ced in area or di3ension so as to 3a8e s-ch yard .ess than the 3ini3-3 re7-ired 5y this Chapter. If an e4isting yard is .ess than the 3ini3-3 re7-ired+ it sha.. not 5e red-ced f-rther+ e4cept (here e4e3pted 5y the pro2isions of this Section. 051 "o re7-ired yard or .ot area a..ocated to satisfy the 3ini3-3 yard or .ot area re7-ire3ents for one 5-i.ding or str-ct-re sha.. 5e -sed to satisfy the 3ini3-3 yard or .ot area re7-ire3ent for another 5-i.ding or str-ct-re. 0c1 In instances (here the re7-ired 5-fferyard (idth 0per Section 22.)101 e4ceeds the 3ini3-3 re7-ired set5ac8 (idth+ the 3ini3-3 re7-ired 5-fferyard (idth sha.. pre2ai.. &5so.-te.y no intr-sions of a 5-i.ding or str-ct-re 5eyond the re7-ired fence or 5er3 are per3itted (ithin the re7-ired 5-fferyard. 0d1 Pe!7itte' Int!usions Into ReAui!e' F&!'s: The fo..o(ing intr-sions 5y 5-i.dings and str-ct-res are per3itted into the specified re7-ired yards: 1. %er3itted Intr-sions Into !e7-ired Front or Street Yards: a. Chi3neys+ f.-es+ si..s+ pi.asters+ .inte.s+ orna3enta. feat-res+ cornices+ ea2es+ 5ay (indo(s+ and g-tters for residentia. 5-i.dings6 pro2ided they do not e4tend 3ore than t(o and one=ha.f feet into the re7-ired yard. 5. Yard .ights+ orna3enta. .ights+ and na3ep.ate signs for residentia. .ots+ pro2ided that they co3p.y (ith the i..-3ination re7-ire3ents of section 22.A0: and pro2ided they do not .ocate c.oser than fi2e feet fro3 the front or street property .ine. c. Terraces+ steps+ -nco2ered porches+ dec8s+ stoops+ or app-rtenances to residentia. 5-i.dings (hich do not e4tend a5o2e the f.oor .e2e. of the ad;acent 5-i.ding entrance6 pro2ided they do not intr-de 3ore than si4 feet into any re7-ired street yard and front yard. d. Fences on residentia. or nonresidentia. .ots (hich do not e4ceed fo-r feet in height6 pro2ided they do not .ocate c.oser than one foot to any street right=of=(ay. %er3itted fence types sha.. co3p.y (ith the pro2isions of Section 22.A200*1. e. 'andscape ponds that are .ess than 1 W feet deep and .ess than 19 feet in any di3ension pro2ided that it is .ocated at .east ten 010@1 feet fro3 a front or street yard property .ine. 2. %er3itted Intr-sions Into !e7-ired Side Yards: a. Chi3neys+ f.-es+ si..s+ pi.asters+ .inte.s+ orna3enta. feat-res+ cornices+ ea2es+ 5ay (indo(s+ and g-tters for residentia. 5-i.dings6 pro2ided they do not e4tend 3ore than t(o and one=ha.f feet into the re7-ired yard.

Section 22.*00

Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

en er a. %ro2ision s &3en d e d 12D12


5. Fences 3ay .ocate on the property .ine. %er3itted fence types sha.. co3p.y (ith the pro2isions of Section 22.A20. c. Fire escapes 0on residentia. 5-i.dings1 (hich do not e4tend 3ore than fo-r feet into the re7-ired yard. d. Terraces+ steps+ -nco2ered porches+ dec8s+ stoops+ or app-rtenances to residentia. 5-i.dings (hich do not e4tend a5o2e the f.oor .e2e. of the ad;acent 5-i.ding entrance6 pro2ided they do not intr-de 3ore than fo-r feet fro3 any side .ot .ine. e. <ot t-5 not .ocated (ithin a str-ct-re pro2ided it is .ocated at .east 9 feet fro3 the side .ot .ine. f. %.aygro-nd str-ct-res that are not readi.y 3o2a5.e pro2ided they are .ocated at .east 9 feet fro3 the side .ot .ine. *. %er3itted Intr-sions Into !e7-ired !ear Yards: a. Chi3neys+ f.-es+ si..s+ pi.asters+ .inte.s+ orna3enta. feat-res+ cornices+ ea2es+ 5ay (indo(s+ and g-tters for residentia. 5-i.dings6 pro2ided they do not e4tend 3ore than t(o and one=ha.f feet into the re7-ired yard. 5. Fences 3ay .ocate on the property .ine. %er3itted fence types sha.. co3p.y (ith the pro2isions of Section 22.A20. c. Fire escapes 0on residentia. 5-i.dings1 (hich do not e4tend 3ore than fo-r feet into the re7-ired yard. d. Terraces+ steps+ -nco2ered porches+ dec8s+ stoops+ or app-rtenances to residentia. 5-i.dings (hich do not e4tend a5o2e the f.oor .e2e. of the ad;acent 5-i.ding entrance6 pro2ided they do not intr-de 3ore than si4 feet into any re7-ired rear yard. e. Ja.conies or app-rtenances to residentia. 5-i.dings (hich e4tend 3ore than three feet a5o2e grade6 pro2ided they do not e4tend 3ore than si4 feet into the re7-ired rear yard. f. 'andscape ponds and s(i33ing poo.s pro2ided they are .ocated at .east ten feet 010@1 fro3 the rear property .ine and co3p.y (ith section 22.A2*. g. <ot t-5 not .ocated (ithin a str-ct-re pro2ided it is .ocated at .east 9 feet fro3 the rear .ot .ine. h. %.aygro-nd str-ct-res that are not readi.y 3o2a5.e pro2ided they are .ocated at .east 9 feet fro3 the rear .ot .ine. &.. Front Yard and Street Yard &reas: ,ith the e4ception of fences+ no accessory str-ct-res sha.. 5e per3itted (ithin any portion of a front yard or street yard.

0121 Poo- Loc&tion: See S-5section 22.A2*.

Subsection 22.$0$ Noncon2o!7in% uses3 st!uctu!es3 -ots

011 Noncon2o!7in% Ese Re%u-&tion 0a1 De2inition: & nonconfor3ing -se is an acti2e and act-a. -se of .and or str-ct-res+ or 5oth6 .ega..y esta5.ished prior to the effecti2e date of this Chapter or s-5se7-ent app.ica5.e a3end3ent thereto (hich has contin-ed the sa3e -se to the present+ and (hich (o-.d not 5e per3itted -nder the c-rrent ter3s of this Chapter. 051 Continu&nce o2 & Noncon2o!7in% Ese: &ny nonconfor3ing -se .a(f-..y e4isting -pon the effecti2e date of this Chapter 3ay 5e contin-ed at the si/e and in a 3anner of operation e4isting -pon s-ch date+ e4cept as specified in this Section. 0c1 ?o'i2ic&tion o2 & Noncon2o!7in% Ese: & nonconfor3ing -se sha.. not 5e e4panded+ or changed to another nonconfor3ing -se6 -n.ess s-ch 3odification (o-.d 3a8e the nonconfor3ing -se ha2e a 3ore desira5.e effect in ter3s of i3p.e3enting the p-rpose of this Chapter 0as deter3ined 5y the Co33ission1. If s-ch a 3odification occ-rs+ said -se sha.. not 5e 3odified 5ac8 to the origina. nonconfor3ing -se+ or to any other nonconfor3ing -se (hich does not 5etter acco3p.ish the p-rpose

Section 22.* 0 0 Edgert o n en er a. %ro2isions

City of Chapt e r 22: Zoning Ordina n c e

of this Chapter. 0d1 Discontinu&nce o2 & Noncon2o!7in% Ese: ,hen any nonconfor3ing -se of any str-ct-re or .and is discontin-ed for a period of 12 3onths+ or is changed into a confor3ing -se+ any f-t-re -se of said str-ct-re or .and sha.. 5e in co3p.ete confor3ity (ith the pro2isions of this Chapter. 0e1 ?&inten&nce o2 & Noncon2o!7in% Ese: 1. The nor3a. 3aintenance of a str-ct-re or .and containing or re.ated to a nonconfor3ing -se is per3itted+ inc.-ding necessary repairs and incidenta. a.terations (hich do not e4acer5ate the ad2erse i3pacts of the nonconfor3ing -se in re.ation to the p-rpose of this Chapter. In no instance sha.. said repairs e4ceed o2er the .ife of the str-ct-re+ 90I of the present e7-a.i/ed assessed 2a.-e of said str-ct-re or property prior to said repairs. 2. ,hene2er a .ega. nonconfor3ing -se is .ocated in a str-ct-re or 5-i.ding (hich has 5een da3aged 5y fire+ f.ood+ (ind+ e4p.osion+ earth7-a8e+ (ar+ riot+ -n.a(f-. act+ or act of od+ it 3ay 5e reconstr-cted if it 5e reconstr-cted (ithin one year after s-ch ca.a3ity+ -n.ess the da3age to said str-ct-re or 5-i.ding e7-a.s or e4ceeds 90I of its assessed 2a.-e. In s-ch cases+ the reconstr-ction sha.. 5e .i3ited to -ses per3itted 5y the pro2isions of this Chapter+ -n.ess the a5i.ity to re=esta5.ish a nonconfor3ing -se is specifica..y granted 5y the City Co-nci. fo..o(ing a p-5.ic hearing. It sho-.d 5e noted that the reesta5.ishing of a nonconfor3ing -se 5y the Co-nci. is on.y per3itted -nder these circ-3stances. 0f1 Noncon2o!7in% Lots3 St!uctu!es3 I 8ui-'in%s: See Sections 22.*0*021 and 22.*0*0*1. 0g1 Det-&n' Noncon2o!7in% Eses: "ot(ithstanding s. )2.2*0:10h1+ the repair+ reconstr-ction+ reno2ating+ or e4pansion of a .ega. nonconfor3ing str-ct-re in e4istence at the ti3e of adoption or s-5se7-ent a3end3ent of this ordinance adopted p-rs-ant to s. )2.2*1+ or of an en2iron3enta. contro. faci.ity in e4istence on #ay : 1FE2+ re.ated to that str-ct-re+ is per3itted p-rs-ant to s. )2.2*1091. Ss. )2.2*0:10h1+ ho(e2er+ app.ies to any en2iron3enta. contro. faci.ity that (as not in e4istence on #ay :+ 1FE2+ 5-t (as in e4istence on the effecti2e date of this ordinance or a3end3ent. 021 Noncon2o!7in% St!uctu!e &n' 8ui-'in% Re%u-&tions 0a1 &ny str-ct-re or 5-i.ding .a(f-..y e4isting -pon the effecti2e date of this Chapter 3ay 5e contin-ed at the si/e and in a 3anner of operation e4isting -pon s-ch date+ e4cept as hereafter specified6 ho(e2er+ it sha.. not 5e e4tended+ en.arged+ reconstr-cted+ 3o2ed or str-ct-ra..y a.tered e4cept (hen re7-ired to do so 5y .a( or order+ or if s-ch 5-i.ding addition sha.. not e4tend 5eyond the c-rrent /oning code set5ac8 .ines for confor3ing str-ct-res. 051 "othing in this Chapter sha.. prec.-de the J-i.ding Inspector fro3 re3edia. or enforce3ent actions (hen said str-ct-re or 5-i.ding is dec.ared -nsafe. 0c1 ,hen any .a(f-. nonconfor3ing str-ct-re or 5-i.ding in any district is 3odified so as to 5e in confor3ance (ith the pro2isions of this Chapter+ any f-t-re 3odification of said str-ct-re or 5-i.ding sha.. 5e in confor3ance (ith the pro2isions of this Chapter. 0d1 ,hene2er a .a(f-. nonconfor3ing str-ct-re or 5-i.ding has 5een da3aged 5y fire+ f.ood+ (ind+ e4p.osion+ earth7-a8e+ (ar+ riot+ -n.a(f-. act+ or act of od+ it 3ay 5e reconstr-cted as 5efore if it 5e reconstr-cted (ithin one year after s-ch ca.a3ity+ -n.ess the da3age to said str-ct-re or 5-i.ding e7-a.s or e4ceeds 90I of its assessed 2a.-e. In s-ch cases+ the reconstr-ction sha.. co3p.y (ith the .ot (idth+ .ot area+ yard+ height+ .ot set5ac8s+ par8ing and .oading access pro2isions of this Chapter. 0e1 "or3a. 3aintenance of a nonconfor3ing str-ct-re or 5-i.ding is per3itted+ inc.-ding necessary nonstr-ct-ra. repairs and incidenta. a.terations (hich do not e4tend+ en.arge+ or intensify the nonconfor3ing str-ct-re or 5-i.ding. 0f1 &.terations 3ay 5e 3ade to a 5-i.ding containing .a(f-. nonconfor3ing residentia. -nits+ pro2ided s-ch a.terations andDor additions do not increase the n-35er of d( -nits in the 5-i.ding+ e4cept that a confor3ing garage 3ay 5e added if none pre2io-s.y e4isted. 0g1 & .ega.+ nonconfor3ing detached garage 3ay 5e en.arged pro2ided the fo..o(ing re7-ire3ents are 3et: 1. That the proposed garage addition co3p.ies (ith the re7-ired set5ac80s1. 2. &nd that preca-tions 0deter3ined on a case=5y=case 5asis 5y the J-i.ding Inspector1 are ta8en to red-ce the possi5i.ity of fire da3age to near5y str-ct-res.

Section 22.*00

Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

en er a. %ro2ision s &3en d e d 12D12

0h1 &.. garage rep.ace3ents sha.. co3p.y (ith a.. set5ac8 re7-ire3ents. 0i1 &ny str-ct-re or 5-i.ding for (hich a 5-i.ding per3it has 5een .a(f-..y granted prior to the effecti2e date of this Chapter+ (hich (i.. 5eco3e nonconfor3ing -nder the pro2isions of this Chapter or a3end3ents thereto+ 3ay 5e co3p.eted in accordance (ith the appro2ed p.ans+ pro2ided constr-ction is started (ithin :*0 ca.endar days of the effecti2e date of this Chapter+ and pro2ided that constr-ction is co3p.eted (ithin :*0 ca.endar days of the effecti2e date of this Chapter or a3end3ents thereto. Said str-ct-re or 5-i.ding sha.. thereafter 5e a .ega. nonconfor3ing str-ct-re or 5-i.ding. 0*1 Subst&n'&!' Lot Re%u-&tions 0a1 $pon and after the effecti2e Date of this Chapter+ no .ot sha.. 5e created (hich does not 3eet the #ini3-3 'ot &rea 0#'&1 re7-ire3ents or (hich does not 3eet the .ot di3ension re7-ire3ents of Section 22.:00. 051 & .ot of record e4isting -pon the effecti2e date of this Ordinance in a !esidentia. District (hich does not 3eet the #ini3-3 'ot &rea 0#'&1 re7-ire3ents or (hich does not 3eet the .ot di3ension re7-ire3ents of Section 22.:00 3ay 5e -ti.i/ed for a detached sing.e=fa3i.y d( -nit+ pro2ided the 3eas-re3ents of s-ch area and di3ensions are e7-a. to or greater than :0I of the re7-ire3ents of this Chapter. Said .ot sha.. not 5e 3ore intensi2e.y de2e.oped 0(ith 3-.ti=fa3i.y or nonresidentia. -ses1 -n.ess co35ined (ith one of 3ore a5-tting .ots 0or portions thereof1 so as to create a .ot (hich 3eets the re7-ire3ents of this Chapter.

Subsection 22.$0( Det&i-e' L&n' Ese Desc!i#tions &n' Re%u-&tions

The .and -se categories e3p.oyed 5y this Chapter are defined in this S-5section. 'and -ses that are not .isted in this S-5section are not necessari.y e4c.-ded fro3 .ocating (ithin any gi2en /oning district. S-5section 22.202 e3po(ers the Zoning &d3inistrator to 3a8e interpretations on 3atters regarding specific .and -se proposa.s not addressed 5y this Chapter. 011 Resi'enti&- L&n' Eses 0a1 Institution&- Resi'enti&- De,e-o#7ent Description: This .and -se is a for3 of residentia. de2e.op3ent designed to acco33odate instit-tiona. residentia. .and -ses+ s-ch as retire3ent ho3es+ n-rsing ho3es+ con2ents+ dor3itories+ co33-nity 5ased residentia. faci.ities 0CJ!F1+ and ad-.t day care faci.ities 0see S-5section 22.*0A0*10f1. "o indi2id-a. .ots are re7-ired+ a.tho-gh the de2e.op3ent sha.. contain a 3ini3-3 of E00 s7-are feet of gross site area for each occ-pant of the de2e.op3ent. & 3ini3-3 of *0I of the de2e.op3entCs ross Site &rea 0 S&1 sha.. 5e he.d as per3anent.y protected green space. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: UJ=2+ J=*+ J=A+ <#$+ O=1V a. The proposed site sha.. 5e .ocated so as to a2oid disr-ption of an esta5.ished or de2e.oping office area. Instit-tiona. residentia. de2e.op3ents sha.. 5e designed so as to 3aintain the character of the ad;acent properties. 5. Sha.. 5e .ocated (ith pri3ary access on a co..ector or arteria. street. c. "o access sha.. 5e per3itted to a .oca. residentia. street. d. &pp.icant sha.. pro2ide off=street passenger .oading area at a 3ini3-3 of one .ocation (ithin the de2e.op3ent. e. &.. str-ct-res sha.. 5e .ocated a 3ini3-3 of 90 feet fro3 any residentia..y /oned property (hich does not contain an instit-tiona. residentia. .and -se. f. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. A. %ar8ing !e7-ire3ents: See 22.*0A0*10f1. 051 Con,ention&- Resi'enti&- De,e-o#7ent Description: This .and -se inc.-des+ 5-t is not .i3ited to+ a.. residentia. de2e.op3ents that do not pro2ide per3anent.y protected green space areas. %roperty (hich is -nder co33on o(nership of a property o(nersC association is per3itted+ 5-t is not a re7-ired co3ponent of this type of de2e.op3ent.

Section 22.* 0 0 Edgert o n en er a. %ro2isions

City of Chapt e r 22: Zoning Ordina n c e

$p to 10I of a Con2entiona. !esidentia. De2e.op3entCs ross Site &rea 0 S&1 can contain nat-ra. reso-rce areas (hich 3-st 5e protected 0or other per3anent.y protected green space areas1+ (itho-t a red-ction in #a4i3-3 ross Density 0# D1. 1. Sing.e Fa3i.y Detached 0Site=5-i.t1 Description: & d( designed for and occ-pied 5y not 3ore than one fa3i.y and ha2ing no roof+ (a..+ or f.oor in co33on (ith any other d( -nit. This d( -nit type consists of a f-..y detached sing.e=fa3i.y residence (hich is .ocated on an indi2id-a. .ot or (ithin a gro-p de2e.op3ent. The d( -nit 3-st 5e a site 5-i.t str-ct-re 5-i.t in co3p.iance (ith the State of ,isconsin $nifor3 D( Code 0$DC1. & per3anent+ contin-o-s $DC fo-ndation is re7-ired. This d( -nit type 3ay not 5e into t(o or 3ore residences. a. %er3itted 5y !ight: U!=1+ !=2+ !=*+ !=A+ &=1 X *9 acresV 5. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: U&=1 Y *9 acresV i. Sha.. co3p.y (ith s-5section 22.20: standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. -ses per3itted 5y right (ith specia. re7-ire3ents. c. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: "ot &pp.ica5.e d. #ini3-3 "-35er of Off=Street %ar8ing Spaces !e7-ired on the 'ot 0Inc.-des garage+ dri2es T a.. designated par8ing s-rfaces: 2 per d( -nit 2. D-p.e4 Description: These d( -nit types consist of a sing.e=fa3i.y d( (hich is attached on one side to another sing.e=fa3i.y residence. & 3ini3-3 5-i.ding code re7-ired fire rated (a.. asse35.y di2ision+ separating .i2ing areas fro3 the .o(est .e2e. to f.-sh against the -nderside of the roof+ co33on (a.. constr-ction 3-st 3eet a.. 5-i.ding code standards for t(in ho-se constr-ction and indi2id-a. sanitary se(er and p-5.ic (ater .atera.s are re7-ired 5et(een each d( -nit. The t(o residences sha.. 5e .ocated on the sa3e .ot+ and in fact+ the T(in <o-se is disting-ished fro3 the D-p.e4 <o-se 3ere.y 5y ha2ing each -nit .ocated on an indi2id-a. .ot. These d( -nit types 3ay not 5e into additiona. residences. a. %er3itted 5y !ight: U!=*+ !=AV 5. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e c. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: U!=2V i. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. d. #ini3-3 "-35er of Off=Street %ar8ing Spaces !e7-ired on the 'ot 0Inc.-des garage+ dri2es T a.. designated par8ing s-rfaces1: 2 per d( -nit. *. T(in <o-se Description: These d( -nit types consist of a sing.e=fa3i.y d( (hich is attached on one side to another sing.e=fa3i.y residence. & 3ini3-3 5-i.ding code re7-ired fire rated (a.. asse35.y di2ision+ separating .i2ing areas fro3 the .o(est .e2e. to f.-sh against the -nderside of the roof+ and indi2id-a. sanitary se(er and p-5.ic (ater .atera.s+ are re7-ired 5et(een each d( -nit. The t(o residences sha.. 5e .ocated on indi2id-a. .ots+ and in fact+ the T(in <o-se is disting-ished fro3 the D-p.e4 <o-se 3ere.y 5y ha2ing each -nit .ocated on an indi2id-a. .ot. These d( -nit types 3ay not 5e into additiona. residences. a. %er3itted 5y !ight: U!=*+ !=AV 5. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e c. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: U!=2V i. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. d. #ini3-3 "-35er of Off=Street %ar8ing Spaces !e7-ired on the 'ot 0Inc.-des garage+ dri2es T a.. designated par8ing s-rfaces1: 2 per d( -nit

Section 22.*00

Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

en er a. %ro2ision s &3en d e d 12D12

A. T( <o-se Description: This d( -nit type consists of a t(o=fa3i.y residence+ (hich is in co3p.ete co3p.iance (ith the State of ,isconsin One= and T(o=Fa3i.y D( Code 0s. 101.)0=.))1+ (hich has indi2id-a. d( -nits on 3-.tip.e .e2e.s 0rather than side=5y=side as for a d-p.e4 or t(in=ho-se1. This d( -nit type inc.-des any sing.e=fa3i.y residence that has 5een con2erted into a t(o=fa3i.y residence. The t(o residences are 5oth .ocated on the sa3e .ot or (ithin the sa3e gro-p de2e.op3ent. This d( -nit type 3ay not 5e into additiona. residences. ,here per3itted+ this -se is a conditiona. -se and 3-st 5e appro2ed thro-gh the proced-res of S-5section 22.20). a. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot app.ica5.e 5. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e c. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: U!=2+ !=*+ !=AV i. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. d. #ini3-3 "-35er of Off=Street %ar8ing Spaces !e7-ired on the 'ot 0Inc.-des garage+ dri2es T a.. designated par8ing s-rfaces1: 2 per d( -nit 9. To(nho-se Description: This d( -nit type consists of attached+ t(o=story+ sing.e=fa3i.y residences+ each ha2ing a pri2ate+ indi2id-a. access. This d( -nit type is .ocated on its o(n .ot or (ithin a gro-p de2e.op3ent and 3ay not 5e into additiona. residences. & 3ini3-3 5-i.ding code re7-ired fire rated (a.. asse35.y di2ision+ separating .i2ing areas fro3 the .o(est .e2e. thro-gh the roof+ and indi2id-a. sanitary se(er and p-5.ic (ater .atera.s+ are re7-ired 5et(een each d( -nit. "o 3ore than E and no .ess than * to(nho-se d( -nits 3ay 5e attached per gro-p. &.. to(nho-se -nits (ithin a de2e.op3ent sha.. 5e .ocated a 3ini3-3 of *0 feet fro3 the 5o-ndary of the de2e.op3ent. a. %er3itted 5y !ight: U!=AV i. $p to A attached d( -nits 5. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e c. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: U!=*+ !=A+ <#$+ O=1+ J=2V i. $p to A attached d( -nits in !=* ii. 9 to E attached d( -nits in !=A iii. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. d. #ini3-3 "-35er of Off=Street %ar8ing Spaces !e7-ired on the 'ot 0Inc.-des garage+ dri2es T a.. designated par8ing s-rfaces1: 2 per d( -nit ). #-.tip.e4 Description: This d( -nit type consists of an attached+ 3-.ti=fa3i.y residence (hich has a pri2ate+ indi2id-a. e4terior entrance. & 3ini3-3 5-i.ding code re7-ired fire rated (a.. asse35.y di2ision+ separating .i2ing areas fro3 the .o(est .e2e. thro-gh the roof+ is re7-ired 5et(een each d( -nit. "o 3ore than ) and no .ess than * 3-.tip.e4 d( -nits 3ay 5e attached per gro-p. &.. 3-.tip.e4 -nits (ithin a de2e.op3ent sha.. 5e .ocated a 3ini3-3 of *0 feet fro3 the 5o-ndary of the de2e.op3ent. a. %er3itted 5y !ight: U!=AV i. $p to A attached d( -nits 5. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e c. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: U!=*+ !=A+ <#$+ O=1+ J=2V

Section 22.* 0 0 Edgert o n en er a. %ro2isions

City of Chapt e r 22: Zoning Ordina n c e

i. $p to A attached d( -nits in !=* ii. 9 to ) -nits attached d( -nits in !=A iii. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. d. #ini3-3 "-35er of Off=Street %ar8ing Spaces !e7-ired on the 'ot 0Inc.-des garage+ dri2es T a.. designated par8ing s-rfaces1: 2 per d( -nit :. &part3ent Description: This d( -nit type consists of an attached+ 3-.ti=fa3i.y residence (hich ta8es access fro3 a shared entrance or ha..(ay. & 3ini3-3 5-i.ding code re7-ired fire rated (a.. asse35.y di2ision+ separating .i2ing areas fro3 the .o(est .e2e. to the -nderside of the roof+ is re7-ired 5et(een each d( -nit. "o 3ore than 1: d( -nits+ and no .ess than *+ 3ay 5e .ocated in a 5-i.ding. 0J-i.dings (ith 3ore than 1: d( -nits 3ay 5e considered as part of a %.anned $nit De2e.op3ent.1 &s part of the conditiona. -se re7-ire3ents for gro-p de2e.op3ents+ any de2e.op3ent co3prised of one or 3ore 5-i.dings (hich contain A or 3ore d( -nits sha.. pro2ide additiona. site design feat-res (hich 3ay inc.-de: -ndergro-nd par8ing+ architect-ra. e.e3ents+ .andscaping+ andDor on=site recreationa. faci.ities. &.. apart3ent -nits (ithin a de2e.op3ent sha.. 5e .ocated a 3ini3-3 of *0 feet fro3 the 5o-ndary of the de2e.op3ent a. %er3itted 5y !ight: U!=AV i. $p to A d( -nits per 5-i.ding 5. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e c. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: U!=*+ !=A+ <#$+ O=1+ J=2V i. $p to A d( -nits per 5-i.ding in !=* ii. 9 to 1: -nits per 5-i.ding in !=A ii. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. d. #ini3-3 "-35er of Off=Street %ar8ing Spaces !e7-ired on the 'ot 0Inc.-des garage+ dri2es T a.. designated par8ing s-rfaces1: 2 per d( -nit E. #o5i.e <o3e & transporta5.e factory 5-i.t str-ct-re as is defined in the ,is. Stats. Z 101.F10281+ designed for .ong ter3 occ-pancy 5-i.t prior to P-ne 19+ 1F:)+ the effecti2e date of the Federa. #an-fact-red <o-sing Constr-ction and Safety Standards &ct. & str-ct-re 3an-fact-red after P-ne 19+ 1F:)+ (hich is certified and .a5e.ed as a #an-fact-red <o3e -nder A2. $.S.C. ZZ9A01 to 9A2) 5-t is not set on an enc.osed fo-ndation sha.. 5e dee3ed to 5e a 3o5i.e ho3e -nder this chapter. a. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 5. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: U!=* (ithin a #o5i.e <o3e %ar8 or S-5di2isionV i. This d( -nit type 3ay not 5e into 2 or 3ore residences. ii. ,ithin *0 days of occ-pancy+ the o(ner sha.. re3o2e the a4.e and insta.. s8irting per the re7-ire3ents of the Co33ission c. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: "ot &pp.ica5.e d. #ini3-3 "-35er of Off=Street %ar8ing Spaces !e7-ired on the 'ot 0Inc.-des garage+ dri2es T a.. designated par8ing s-rfaces1: 2 per d( -nit F. #an-fact-red <o3e & sing.e=fa3i.y d( str-ct-re or co3ponent thereof as is defined in the ,is. Stats. Z

Section 22.*00

Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

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101.F1021+ fa5ricated in an off=site 3an-fact-ring faci.ity for insta..ation or asse35.y at the 5-i.ding site on an enc.osed+ contin-o-s+ d-st=free cra(. space or 5ase3ent 5earing a <$D .a5e. or insignia certifying that it is 5-i.t in co3p.iance (ith the Federa. #an-fact-red <o-sing Constr-ction Standards -nder A2. $.S.C. ZZ9A01 to 9A2). & str-ct-re 3an-fact-red after P-ne 19+ 1F:)+ (hich is certified and .a5e.ed as a #an-fact-red <o3e -nder A2. $.S.C. ZZ9A01 to 9A2) 5-t is not set on an enc.osed contin-o-s+ d-st=free cra(. space or 5ase3ent sha.. 5e dee3ed to 5e a 3o5i.e ho3e -nder this chapter. a. %er3itted 5y !ight: U!=1+ !=2+ !=*+ !=AV 5. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e c. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: "ot &pp.ica5.e d. #ini3-3 "-35er of Off=Street %ar8ing Spaces !e7-ired on the 'ot 0Inc.-des garage+ dri2es T a.. designated par8ing s-rfaces1: 2 per d( -nit 10. #an-fact-red D( 0#od-.ar1 & d( str-ct-re or co3ponent thereof as is defined in the ,is. Stats. Z22.0:09210a1+ (hich 5ears the ,isconsin $nifor3 D( Code insignia certifying that it has 5een inspected an fo-nd to 5e in co3p.iance (ith S-5=chapter L of said $nifor3 D( Code and is set on an enc.osed+ contin-o-s+ d-st=free cra(. space or 5ase3ent. a. %er3itted 5y !ight: U!=1+ !=2+ !=*+ !=AV 5. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e c. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: "ot &pp.ica5.e d. #ini3-3 "-35er of Off=Street %ar8ing Spaces !e7-ired on the 'ot 0Inc.-des garage+ dri2es T a.. designated par8ing s-rfaces1: 2 per d( -nit 0c1 ?obi-e Ho7e Sub'i,ision Resi'enti&- De,e-o#7ent Description: This .and -se is a for3 of residentia. de2e.op3ent (hich is e4c.-si2e.y reser2ed for indi2id-a..y so.d .ots containing 3o5i.e ho3e -nits. Each of the .ots and 3o5i.e ho3e -nits 3-st 3eet the re7-ire3ents for 3o5i.e ho3es .isted in S-5section 22.*0A011051E. of this Chapter. $nder this de2e.op3ent option+ appro4i3ate.y 10I of a de2e.op3entCs ross Site &rea 0 S&1 can contain nat-ra. reso-rce areas (hich 3-st 5e protected 0or other per3anent.y protected green space areas1+ (itho-t a red-ction in #a4i3-3 ross Density 0# D1. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: U!=*V a. The 3ini3-3 si/e of the #o5i.e <o3e De2e.op3ent sha.. 5e fi2e acres6 5. The 3ini3-3 .ot si/e sha.. co3p.y (ith the 3ini3-3 di3ensiona. re7-ire3ents for sing.e= fa3i.y detached 0site=5-i.t1 .ots (ithin the /oning district. c. The #o5i.e <o3e De2e.op3ent sha.. 5e .ocated so as to 5.end (ith ad;acent residentia..y /oned areas6 d. "o direct access fro3 the de2e.op3ent sha.. 5e 3ade a2ai.a5.e to .oca. residentia. streets de2e.oped (ith con2entiona. one=fa3i.y or t(o=fa3i.y ho-sing6 e. & *0 foot (ide .andscaped 5-ffer (hich pro2ides contin-o-s year=ro-nd screening to a 3ini3-3 height of eight feet sha.. 5e re7-ired a.. property .ines a5-tting residentia..y= /oned property+ and 3ay 5e re7-ired aro-nd the entire peri3eter of the s-5;ect property6 f. & co33-nity roo3 sha.. 5e pro2ided (ithin the De2e.op3ent (hich 3-st pro2ide an e3ergency p-5.ic she.ter (ith capacity designed to ser2e the residents of the De2e.op3ent+ at an ass-3ed pop-.ation of 2.9 residents per d( -nit6

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City of Chapt e r 22: Zoning Ordina n c e

g. Each d( -nit sha.. pro2ide t(o off=street par8ing spaces6 h. Each d( -nit sha.. ha2e a garage+ either attached or detached+ if )0I of other d(e..ings (ithin 900 feet ha2e a garage. i. Each d( -nit sha.. 5e p.aced on a contin-o-s+ d-st=free cra(. space or 5ase3ent and sec-red (ith a tie=do(n techni7-e appro2ed 5y the J-i.ding Inspector. !esidentia. 3asonry or residentia. siding 3ateria.s sha.. 5e re7-ired for s8irting aro-nd the entire peri3eter of each -nit6 ;. Each d( -nit sha.. ha2e a 3ini3-3 (idth of 22 feet+ e4c.-si2e of attached garage+ carport or open dec8+ if )0I of the d(e..ings (ithin 900 feet ha2e a (idth of 22 feet. 8. #ini3-3 d( core di3ensions for the /oning district sha.. not app.y (ithin this type of de2e.op3ent+ ho(e2er+ each d( -nit sha.. ha2e siding and roofing 3ateria.s co3para5.e (ith )0I of the d(e..ings (ithin 900 feet of the d( in 7-estion. 0d1 ?obi-e Ho7e P&!9 Resi'enti&- De,e-o#7ent Description: This .and -se is a for3 of con2entiona. residentia. de2e.op3ent (hich is e4c.-si2e.y reser2ed for indi2id-a..y so.d or rented air right pads containing 3o5i.e ho3e -nits. Each of the pads and 3o5i.e ho3e -nits 3-st 3eet the re7-ire3ents for 3o5i.e ho3es .isted in S-5section 22.*0A011 051E. of this Chapter. $nder this de2e.op3ent option+ appro4i3ate.y 10I of a de2e.op3entCs ross Site &rea 0 S&1 can contain nat-ra. reso-rce areas (hich 3-st 5e protected 0or other per3anent.y protected green space areas1+ (itho-t a red-ction in #a4i3-3 ross Density 0# D1. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: U!=*V a. The #o5i.e <o3e %ar8 !esidentia. De2e.op3ent sha.. co3p.y (ith the re7-ire3ents of the 3ini3-3 si/e of the #o5i.e <o3e De2e.op3ent sha.. 5e fi2e acres6 5. The 3ini3-3 air pad si/e sha.. co3p.y (ith the 3ini3-3 di3ensiona. re7-ire3ents for sing.e=fa3i.y detached 0site=5-i.t1 .ots (ithin the /oning district. c. The #o5i.e <o3e De2e.op3ent sha.. 5e .ocated so as to 5.end (ith ad;acent residentia..y /oned areas6 d. "o direct access fro3 the de2e.op3ent sha.. 5e 3ade a2ai.a5.e to .oca. residentia. streets de2e.oped (ith con2entiona. one=fa3i.y or t(o=fa3i.y ho-sing6 e. & *0 foot (ide .andscaped 5-ffer (hich pro2ides contin-o-s year=ro-nd screening to a 3ini3-3 height of eight feet sha.. 5e re7-ired a.. property .ines a5-tting residentia..y= /oned property+ and 3ay 5e re7-ired aro-nd the entire peri3eter of the s-5;ect property6 f. & co33-nity roo3 sha.. 5e pro2ided (ithin the De2e.op3ent (hich 3-st pro2ide an e3ergency p-5.ic she.ter (ith capacity designed to ser2e the residents of the De2e.op3ent+ at an ass-3ed pop-.ation of 2.9 residents per d( -nit6 g. Each d( -nit sha.. pro2ide t(o off=street par8ing spaces6 h. Each d( -nit sha.. ha2e a garage+ either attached or detached+ if )0I of other d(e..ings (ithin 900 feet ha2e a garage. i. Each d( -nit sha.. 5e p.aced on a contin-o-s+ d-st=free cra(. space or 5ase3ent and sec-red (ith a tie=do(n techni7-e appro2ed 5y the J-i.ding Inspector. !esidentia. 3asonry or residentia. siding 3ateria.s sha.. 5e re7-ired for s8irting aro-nd the entire peri3eter of each -nit6 ;. Each d( -nit sha.. ha2e a 3ini3-3 (idth of 22 feet+ e4c.-si2e of attached garage+ carport or open dec8+ if )0I of the d(e..ings (ithin 900 feet ha2e a (idth of 22 feet. 8. #ini3-3 d( core di3ensions for the /oning district sha.. not app.y (ithin this type of de2e.op3ent+ ho(e2er+ each d( -nit sha.. ha2e siding and roofing 3ateria.s co3para5.e

Section 22.*00

Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

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0e1 1. 2. *. A.

(ith )0I of the d(e..ings (ithin 900 feet of the d( in 7-estion. Re%u-&tion o2 ?obi-e Ho7e P&!9 o! Sub'i,ision Le%&--" Est&b-is e' 8e2o!e Inse!t D&te3 2002 &.. s-ch 3o5i.e ho3e par8s or s-5di2isions are considered a .ega. confor3ing .and -se. &.. s-ch d( -nits (ithin s-ch par8s are e4e3pt fro3 the re7-ire3ents of S-5sections 22.*0A 0110c1 and 22.*0A0110d1. "e( or rep.ace3ent d( -nits (ithin s-ch par8s are e4e3pt fro3 the sa3e re7-ire3ents. 'ega..y esta5.ished par8s sha.. 5e 3ade e4e3pt fro3 the .ot si/e and p-5.ic i3pro2e3ent re7-ire3ents of the #< district -pon the granting of a conditiona. -se per3it per S-5section 22.20) that appro2es a site per S-5section 22.21* and conditions of operation for said #o5i.e <o3e %ar8.

021 A%!icu-tu!&- L&n' Eses 0a1 Cu-ti,&tion Description: C-.ti2ation .and -ses inc.-de a.. operations pri3ari.y oriented to the on=site+ o-tdoor raising of p.ants. This .and -se inc.-des trees that are raised as a crop to 5e rep.aced (ith 3ore trees after har2esting+ s-ch as in n-rsery or Christ3as tree operations. The raising of p.ants for cons-3ption 5y far3 ani3a.s is considered c-.ti2ation if said p.ants are cons-3ed 5y ani3a.s that are .ocated off=site. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: U&=1V 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: U&.. Districts e4cept &=1V a. #ini3-3 .ot si/e of 1 acre. 5. C-.ti2ation areas sha.. not 5e .ocated (ithin the re7-ired front yard or street yard of any p.atted or de2e.oped .ot. c. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20:+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. -ses per3itted 5y right (ith specia. re7-ire3ents. *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: &.. Districts e4cept &=1 a. 'ots of .ess than 1 acre in si/e. 5. C-.ti2ation areas sha.. not 5e .ocated (ithin the re7-ired front yard or street yard of any p.atted or de2e.oped .ot. c. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: One space per e3p.oyee on the .argest (or8 shift. 0"ote: &gric-.t-ra. .and -ses are here5y 3ade e4e3pt fro3 the s-rfacing re7-ire3ents of S-5section 22.A0A0)10a1.1 051 Se-ecti,e Cuttin% Description: Se.ecti2e c-tting .and -ses inc.-de any operation associated (ith the one=ti3e+ contin-ing+ or c-3-.ati2e c.earing+ c-tting+ har2esting+ or other destr-ction of trees 0inc.-ding 5y fire1 (here the e4tent of s-ch acti2ity is .i3ited to an area 0or co35ined areas1 of .ess than or e7-a. to A0I of the (ood.ands on the property 0or -p to 100I for de2e.op3ents appro2ed prior to the effecti2e date of this Ordinance1. Se.ecti2e c-tting acti2ity sha.. 5e .i3ited to areas .ocated (ithin de2e.op3ent pads that are designated on recorded %.ats or Certified S-r2ey #aps. The destr-ction of trees in an area in e4cess of this a3o-nt of the (ood.ands on the property sha.. 5e considered c.ear c-tting+ 0see 0210c1+ 5e.o(1. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight U&.. DistrictsV 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: "ot &pp.ica5.e 0c1 C-e&! Cuttin% Description: C.ear c-tting .and -ses inc.-de the one=ti3e+ contin-ing+ or c-3-.ati2e c.earing+ c-tting+ har2esting+ or other destr-ction 0inc.-ding 5y fire1 of trees in an area 0or co35ined areas1 of 3ore than A0I of the (ood.ands on a property 0or -p to 100I for de2e.op3ents appro2ed prior to the effecti2e date of this Ordinance1. C.ear c-tting is per3itted on.y as a conditiona. -se (ithin the ;-risdiction of this Chapter. &reas (hich ha2e 5een c.ear c-t as a res-.t of intentiona. action fo..o(ing the effecti2e

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City of Chapt e r 22: Zoning Ordina n c e

date of this Chapter (itho-t the granting of a conditiona. -se per3it are in 2io.ation of this Chapter and the property o(ner sha.. 5e fined for s-ch 2io.ation 0in accordance (ith the pro2isions of S-5section 22.2191 and sha.. 5e re7-ired to i3p.e3ent the 3itigation standards re7-ired for the destr-ction of (ood.ands so.e.y at hisDher e4pense+ inc.-ding costs associated (ith site inspection to confir3 the satisfaction of 3itigation re7-ire3ents. &reas (hich ha2e 5een c.ear c-t -nintentiona..y as a res-.t of fire sha.. not s-5;ect the o(ner of the property to fines associated (ith the 2io.ation of this Chapter+ 5-t sha.. re7-ire the satisfaction of 3itigation re7-ire3ents at the o(nerCs e4pense+ inc.-ding cost associated (ith site inspection to confir3 the satisfaction of 3itigation re7-ire3ents. 0See S-5section 22.)0F.1 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: U&.. Districts V a. &pp.icant sha.. de3onstrate that c.ear c-tting (i.. i3pro2e the .e2e. of en2iron3enta. protection on the s-5;ect property. 5. &reas of the s-5;ect property (hich are c.ear c-t 5eyond the .i3itations esta5.ished a5o2e+ sha.. re7-ire the rep.anting of trees in other portions of the s-5;ect property+ there5y freeing the c-rrent.y (ooded area for de2e.op3ent (hi.e ens-ring that the a3o-nt of re7-ired (ooded area on the s-5;ect property re3ains constant. c. C.ear c-tting sha.. not 5e per3itted (ithin a re7-ired 5-fferyard or .andscaped area 0see S-5section 22.)101+ or (ithin an area designated as per3anent.y protected green space 0see S-5section 22.)01. d. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. 0d1 A%!icu-tu!&- Se!,ice Description: &gric-.t-ra. ser2ice .and -ses inc.-de a.. operations pertaining to the sa.e+ transport+ pac8aging+ storage+ or disposa. of agric-.t-ra. e7-ip3ent+ prod-cts+ 5y=prod-cts+ or 3ateria.s pri3ari.y -sed 5y agric-.t-ra. operations. of s-ch .and -ses inc.-de agric-.t-ra. i3p.e3ent storage+ or repair operations6 feed and seed stores6 agric-.t-ra. che3ica. dea.ers andDor storage faci.ities6 ani3a. feed storage faci.ities6 co33ercia. dairies6 food processing faci.ities6 canning and other pac8aging faci.ities6 and agric-.t-ra. (aste disposa. faci.ities 0e4cept co33ercia. co3posting -ses+ see S-5section 22.*0A0:10f11. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: U&=1+ #=*V a. Sha.. not 5e .ocated in+ or ad;acent to+ an e4isting or p.atted residentia. s-5di2ision. 5. &.. 5-i.dings+ str-ct-res+ o-tdoor storage areas+ and o-tdoor ani3a. contain3ents sha.. 5e .ocated a 3ini3-3 of 100 feet fro3 a.. .ot .ines. c. If (ithin the &=1 District+ sha.. 5e .ocated in an area that is p.anned to re3ain co33ercia..y 2ia5.e for agric-.t-ra. .and -ses. d. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: One space per e3p.oyee on the .argest (or8 shift. 0e1 Husb&n'!" Description: <-s5andry .and -ses inc.-de a.. operations pri3ari.y oriented to the on=site raising andDor -se of ani3a.s at an intensity of .ess than 1 ani3a. -nit 0as defined in S-5section 22.1021 per acre. &piaries are considered h-s5andry .and -ses. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: U&=1V a. &ny 5-i.ding ho-sing ani3a.s sha.. 5e .ocated a 3ini3-3 of *00 feet fro3 any residentia..y /oned property+ and 100 feet fro3 a.. other .ot .ines.

Section 22.*00

Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

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5. &.. o-tdoor ani3a. contain3ents 0past-res+ pens+ and areas1 sha.. 5e .ocated a 3ini3-3 of 10 feet fro3 any residentia..y /oned property. c. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: One space per e3p.oyee on the .argest (or8 shift. 0f1 Intensi,e A%!icu-tu!e Description: Intensi2e agric-.t-ra. .and -ses inc.-de a.. operations pri3ari.y oriented to the on=site raising andDor -se of ani3a.s at an intensity e7-a. to or e4ceeding 1 ani3a. -nit 0as defined in S-5section 22.1021 per acre andDor agric-.t-ra. acti2ities re7-iring .arge in2est3ents in str-ct-res. of s-ch .and -ses inc.-de feed .ots+ hog far3s+ po-.try operations+ fish far3s+ co33ercia. greenho-se operations and certain other operations 3eeting this criterion. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: U&=1V a. Sha.. not 5e .ocated in+ or ad;acent to+ an e4isting or p.atted residentia. s-5di2ision. 5. Sha.. 5e co3p.ete.y s-rro-nded 5y a 5-fferyard (ith a 3ini3-3 intensity of 1.00. 0See S-5section 22.)10.1 c. &.. 5-i.dings+ str-ct-res+ o-tdoor storage areas+ and o-tdoor ani3a. contain3ents 0past-res+ pens and areas1 sha.. 5e .ocated a 3ini3-3 of *00 feet fro3 a.. residentia..y /oned property and 100 feet fro3 a.. other .ot .ines. d. Sha.. 5e .ocated in an area that is p.anned to re3ain co33ercia..y 2ia5.e for agric-.t-ra. .and -ses. c. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: One space per e3p.oyee on the .argest (or8 shift. 0g1 On>Site A%!icu-tu!&- Ret&iDescription: On=site agric-.t-ra. retai. .and -ses inc.-de .and -ses so.e.y associated (ith the sa.e of agric-.t-ra. prod-cts gro(n e4c.-si2e.y on the site. The sa.e of prod-cts gro(n or other(ise prod-ced off=site sha.. not 5e per3itted (ithin on=site agric-.t-ra. retai. operations and s-ch acti2ity constit-tes retai. as a co33ercia. .and -se. %ac8aging and e7-ip3ent -sed to store+ disp.ay+ pac8age or carry prod-cts for the con2enience of the operation or its c-sto3ers 0s-ch as egg cartons+ 5as8ets+ containers+ and 5ags1 sha.. 5e prod-ced off=site. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: U&=1V a. "o str-ct-re or gro-p of str-ct-res sha.. e4ceed 900 s7-are feet in f.oor area. 5. "o str-ct-re sha.. e4ceed 12 feet in height. c. &.. str-ct-res sha.. 3eet a.. re7-ired set5ac8s for nonresidentia. .and -ses. d. Signage sha.. 5e .i3ited to 1 on=site sign (hich sha.. not e4ceed *0 s7-are feet in area. e. S-ch .and -se sha.. 5e ser2ed 5y no 3ore than 1 dri2e(ay. Said dri2e(ay sha.. re7-ire a dri2e(ay per3it. f. The sa.e of prod-cts+ (hich are gro(n or other(ise prod-ced on non=ad;acent property -nder the sa3e o(nership or on property -nder different o(nership+ sha.. 5e prohi5ited. g. Said str-ct-re and fencing sha.. 5e .ocated a 3ini3-3 of *00 feet fro3 any residentia..y /oned property.

Section 22.* 0 0 Edgert o n en er a. %ro2isions

City of Chapt e r 22: Zoning Ordina n c e

h. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20:+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. -ses per3itted 5y right (ith specia. re7-ire3ents. *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: "ot &pp.ica5.e A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: One space per e3p.oyee on the .argest (or8 shift p.-s a 3ini3-3 of one par8ing space for e2ery 200 s7-are feet of prod-ct disp.ay area. 0h1 Co77unit" G&!'en Description: &n area for c-.ti2ation and re.ated acti2ities di2ided into one or 3ore p.ots to 5e c-.ti2ated 5y 3ore than one operator or 3e35er. These areas 3ay 5e on p-5.ic or pri2ate .ands. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: U&.. districtsV a. &.. acti2ity areas and str-ct-res sha.. co3p.y (ith the re7-ired set5ac8s and height reg-.ations for principa. str-ct-res (ithin the /oning district. 5. Site s-53itta. sha.. inc.-de the property o(ner+ esta5.ished sponsoring organi/ation+ and garden 3anager. c. Site (hich de3onstrates considerations for and indicates .ocations of str-ct-res+ 3ateria.s storage+ e7-ip3ent storage+ access for de.i2eries and pic8-ps+ (ater a2ai.a5i.ity+ shaded rest area+ and a2ai.a5i.ity of p-5.ic par8ing. d. The fo..o(ing str-ct-res are per3itted: too. sheds+ shade pa2i.ions+ 5arns+ restroo3 faci.ities (ith co3posting toi.ets+ and p.anting preparation ho-ses+ 5enches+ 5i8e rac8s+ raisedDaccessi5.e p.anting 5eds+ co3post 5ins+ picnic seasona. far3 stands+ fences+ garden art+ rain 5arre. syste3s+ 5eehi2es+ and chi.dren@s p.ay areas. e. Signs sha.. 5e .i3ited to identification+ infor3ation and directiona. signs+ inc.-ding sponsorship infor3ation (here the sponsorship infor3ation is c.ear.y secondary to other per3itted infor3ation on any sign and sha.. not e4ceed a tota. aggregate area of AE s7-are feet. f. Fences sha.. co3p.y (ith the reg-.ations in section :E=:1E+ e4cept that chic8en (ire+ (o2en (ire+ and re.ated garden fencing sha.. 5e per3itted (itho-t restriction aro-nd and (ithin c-.ti2ated areas.

2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: "ot &pp.ica5.e 0h1 ?&!9et G&!'en Description: &n area for c-.ti2ating and re.ated acti2ities di2ided into one or 3ore p.ots to 5e c-.ti2ated 5y 3ore than one operator or 3e35er. These areas 3ay 5e on p-5.ic or pri2ate .ands+ (ith onsite of crops gro(n onsite. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. !eg-.ations: U&.. districtsV a. &.. acti2ity areas and str-ct-res sha.. co3p.y (ith the re7-ired set5ac8s and height reg-.ations for principa. str-ct-res (ithin the /oning district. 5. Site s-53itta. sha.. inc.-de the property o(ner+ esta5.ished sponsoring organi/ation+ and garden 3anager. c. Site (hich de3onstrates considerations for and indicates .ocations of str-ct-res+ 3ateria.s storage+ e7-ip3ent storage+ access for de.i2eries and pic8-ps+ (ater a2ai.a5i.ity+ shaded rest area+ and a2ai.a5i.ity of p-5.ic par8ing+

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d. The fo..o(ing str-ct-res are per3itted: too. sheds+ shade pa2i.ions+ 5arns+ restroo3 faci.ities (ith co3posting toi.ets+ and p.anting preparation ho-ses+ 5enches+ 5i8e rac8s+ raisedDaccessi5.e p.anting 5eds+ co3post 5ins+ picnic seasona. far3 stands+ fences+ garden art+ rain 5arre. syste3s+ 5eehi2es+ and chi.dren@s p.ay areas. e. Seasona. far3 stands sha.. 5e re3o2ed fro3 the pre3ises or stored inside a 5-i.ding on the pre3ises d-ring that ti3e of the year (hen the garden is not open for p-5.ic -se. f. Signs sha.. 5e .i3ited to identification+ infor3ation and directiona. signs+ inc.-ding sponsorship infor3ation (here the sponsorship infor3ation is c.ear.y secondary to other per3itted infor3ation on any sign and sha.. not e4ceed a tota. aggregate area of AE s7-are feet.

g. Fences sha.. co3p.y (ith the reg-.ations in section 22.A20+ e4cept that chic8en (ire+ (o2en (ire+ and re.ated garden fencing sha.. 5e per3itted (itho-t restriction aro-nd and (ithin c-.ti2ated areas. 0*1 Institution&- L&n' Eses 0a1 P&ssi,e Out'oo! Pub-ic Rec!e&tion Description: %assi2e o-tdoor p-5.ic recreationa. .and -ses inc.-de a.. recreationa. .and -ses .ocated on p-5.ic property that in2o.2e passi2e recreationa. acti2ities. S-ch .and -ses inc.-de ar5oret-3s+ nat-ra. areas+ (i.d.ife areas+ hi8ing trai.s+ 5i8e trai.s+ cross co-ntry s8i trai.s+ horse trai.s+ open grassed areas not associated (ith any acti2e recreationa. .and -se 0see S-5section 0*1051+ 5e.o(1+ picnic areas+ picnic she.ters+ gardens+ fishing areas+ and .and -ses. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight U&.. DistrictsV 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: "ot &pp.ica5.e A. %ar8ing !e7-ire3ents: One space per fo-r e4pected patrons at 3a4i3-3 capacity for any -se re7-iring o2er fi2e spaces. 051 Acti,e Out'oo! Pub-ic Rec!e&tion Description: &cti2e o-tdoor p-5.ic recreationa. .and -ses inc.-de a.. recreationa. .and -ses .ocated on p-5.ic property that in2o.2e acti2e recreationa. acti2ities. S-ch .and -ses inc.-de p.ayco-rts 0s-ch as tennis co-rts and 5as8et5a.. co-rts1+ p.ayfie.ds 0s-ch as 5a.. dia3onds+ foot5a.. fie.ds+ and soccer fie.ds1+ tot .ots+ o-tdoor s(i33ing poo.s+ s(i33ing 5each areas+ fitness co-rses+ p-5.ic go.f co-rses+ and .and -ses. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: U&.. Districts+ e4cept #=2 and #=*V a. Faci.ities -sing night .ighting and ad;oining a residentia..y /oned property sha.. insta.. and contin-a..y 3aintain a 5-fferyard (ith a 3ini3-3 opacity of 0.)0 0see S-5section 22.)101. Said 5-fferyard sha.. 5e .ocated at the property .ine ad;acent to said residentia..y /oned property. 5. &.. str-ct-res and acti2e recreationa. areas sha.. 5e .ocated a 3ini3-3 of 90 feet fro3 any residentia..y /oned property. c. Faci.ities that ser2e a co33-nity=(ide f-nction sha.. 5e .ocated (ith pri3ary access on a co..ector or arteria. street. d. Faci.ities that ser2e a regiona. or co33-nity=(ide f-nction sha.. pro2ide off=street passenger .oading area if the 3a;ority of the -sers (i.. 5e chi.dren. e. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20:+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. -ses per3itted 5y right (ith specia. re7-ire3ents. *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: "ot &pp.ica5.e A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: &cti2e O-tdoor %-5.ic !ecreation: one space per fo-r e4pected patrons at

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City of Chapt e r 22: Zoning Ordina n c e

3a4i3-3 capacity for any -se re7-iring o2er fi2e spaces. 0c1 In'oo! Institution&Description: Indoor instit-tiona. .and -ses inc.-de a.. indoor p-5.ic and not for profit recreationa. faci.ities 0s-ch as gy3s+ s(i33ing poo.s+ .i5raries+ 3-se-3s+ and co33-nity centers1+ schoo.s+ ch-rches+ nonprofit c.-5s+ nonprofit fraterna. organi/ations+ con2ention centers+ hospita.s+ ;ai.s+ prisons+ and .and -ses. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: UJ=1+ J=2+ J=*+ J=A+ #=1+ <#$+ O=1V a. Sha.. 5e .ocated (ith pri3ary access on a co..ector or arteria. street. 5. Sha.. pro2ide off=street passenger .oading area if the 3a;ority of the -sers (i.. 5e chi.dren 0as in the case of a schoo.+ ch-rch+ .i5rary+ or .and -se. c. &.. str-ct-res sha.. 5e .ocated a 3ini3-3 of 90 feet fro3 any residentia..y /oned property. d. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20:+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. -ses per3itted 5y right (ith specia. re7-ire3ents. *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: U&=1+ !=1+ !=2+ !=*+ !=AV a. Sha.. co3p.y (ith reg-.ations in 2.+ a5o2e. 5. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: enera..y+ one space per three e4pected patrons at 3a4i3-3 capacity. <o(e2er+ see additiona. specific re7-ire3ents 5e.o(: a. C u!c : one space per fi2e seats at the 3a4i3-3 capacity. 5. Co77unit" o! Rec!e&tion Cente!: One space per 290 s7-are feet of gross f.oor area+ or one space per fo-r patrons to the 3a4i3-3 capacity+ (hiche2er is greater+ p.-s one space per e3p.oyee on the .argest (or8 shift. c. 0une!&- Ho7e: one space per three patron seats at the 3a4i3-3 capacity+ p.-s one space per e3p.oyee on the .argest (or8 shift. d. Hos#it&-: t(o spaces per three patient 5eds+ p.-s one space per staff doctor and each other e3p.oyee on the .argest (or8 shift. e. Lib!&!" o! ?useu7: one space per 290 s7-are feet of gross f.oor area or one space per fo-r seats to the 3a4i3-3 capacity+ (hiche2er is greater+ p.-s one space per e3p.oyee on the .argest (or8 shift. f. E-e7ent&!" &n' *unio! Hi% : one space per teacher and per staff 3e35er+ p.-s one space per t(o c.assroo3s. g. Senio! Hi% : one space per teacher and staff 3e35er+ p.-s one space per fi2e non=5-sed st-dents. h. Co--e%e o! T!&'e Sc oo-: one space per staff 3e35er on the .argest (or8 shift+ p.-s one space per t(o st-dents of the .argest c.ass attendance period. 0d1 Out'oo! Institution&Description: O-tdoor instit-tiona. .and -ses inc.-de p-5.ic and pri2ate ce3eteries+ pri2ate.y he.d per3anent.y protected green space areas+ co-ntry c.-5s+ non=p-5.ic go.f co-rses+ and .and -ses. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: U&.. Districts+ e4cept #=2 and #=*V a. Sha.. 5e .ocated (ith pri3ary access on a co..ector or arteria. street. 5. Sha.. pro2ide off=street passenger .oading area if a significant proportion of the -sers (i.. 5e chi.dren. c. &.. str-ct-res and acti2e.y -sed o-tdoor recreationa. areas sha.. 5e .ocated a 3ini3-3 of 90

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feet fro3 any residentia..y /oned property. d. Faci.ities -sing night .ighting and ad;oining a residentia..y /oned property sha.. insta.. and contin-a..y 3aintain a 5-fferyard (ith a 3ini3-3 opacity of 0.)0 0see S-5section 22.)101. Said 5-fferyard sha.. 5e .ocated at the property .ine ad;acent to said residentia..y /oned property. e. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: enera..y+ one space per three e4pected patrons at 3a4i3-3 capacity. <o(e2er+ see additiona. specific re7-ire3ents 5e.o(: a. Ce7ete!": one space per e3p.oyee+ p.-s one space per three patrons to the 3a4i3-3 capacity of a.. indoor asse35.y areas. 5. Go-2 Cou!se: *) spaces per nine p.-s one space per e3p.oyee on the .argest (or8 shift+ p.-s 90 percent of spaces other(ise re7-ired for any accessory -ses 0e.g.+ 5ars+ resta-rant1. c. S;i77in% Poo-: one space per :9 s7-are feet of gross (ater area. d. Tennis Cou!t: three spaces per co-rt. 0e1 Pub-ic Se!,ice &n' Eti-ities Description: %-5.ic ser2ice and -ti.ities .and -ses inc.-de a.. To(n+ Co-nty+ State and Federa. faci.ities 0e4cept those other(ise treated in this S-5section1+ e3ergency ser2ice faci.ities s-ch as fire depart3ents and resc-e operations+ (aste(ater treat3ent p.ants+ p-5.ic andDor pri2ate -ti.ity s-5stations+ (ater to(ers+ -ti.ity and p-5.ic ser2ice re.ated distri5-tion faci.ities+ and .and -ses 5-t not inc.-ding Co35-stion %o(er eneration Faci.ities and "on=Co35-stion %o(er enerating Faci.ities. 0Ord 01=111 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: U&.. DistrictsV a. O-tdoor storage areas sha.. 5e .ocated a 3ini3-3 of 90 feet fro3 any residentia..y /oned property. 5. &.. o-tdoor storage areas ad;oining a residentia..y /oned property sha.. insta.. and contin-a..y 3aintain a 5-fferyard (ith a 3ini3-3 opacity of 0.)0 0see S-5section 22.)101. Said 5-fferyard sha.. 5e .ocated at the property .ine ad;acent to said residentia..y /oned property. c. &.. str-ct-res sha.. 5e .ocated a 3ini3-3 of 20 feet fro3 any residentia..y /oned property. d. The e4terior of a.. 5-i.dings sha.. 5e co3pati5.e (ith the e4teriors of s-rro-nding 5-i.dings. e. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20:+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. -ses per3itted 5y right (ith specia. re7-ire3ents. *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: "ot &pp.ica5.e A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: One space per e3p.oyee on the .argest (or8 shift+ p.-s one space per co3pany 2ehic.e nor3a..y stored or par8ed on the pre3ises+ p.-s one space per 900 s7-are feet of gross s7-are feet of office area. 0f1 Institution&- Resi'enti&Description: Instit-tiona. residentia. .and -ses inc.-de gro-p ho3es+ con2ents+ 3onasteries+ n-rsing ho3es+ con2a.escent ho3es+ .i3ited care faci.ities+ reha5i.itation centers+ and .and -ses not considered to 5e co33-nity .i2ing arrange3ents -nder the pro2isions of ,isconsin Stat-tes )2.2*. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: U!=A+ J=1+ J=2+ J=*+ J=A+ <#$+ O=1V. See .isting for Instit-tiona. !esidentia. $ses+ S-5section 0110a1+ a5o2e. A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: a. ?on&ste!" o! Con,ent: one space per si4 residents+ p.-s one space per e3p.oyee on the

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City of Chapt e r 22: Zoning Ordina n c e

.argest (or8 shift+ p.-s one space per fi2e chape. seats if the p-5.ic 3ay attend. 5. Nu!sin%6Reti!e7ent Ho7e o! C8R0: one space per si4 patient 5eds+ p.-s one space per e3p.oyee on the .argest (or8 shift+ p.-s one space per staff 3e35er and per 2isiting doctor. 0g1 Co77unit" Li,in% A!!&n%e7ent 11>/ !esi'ents4 Description: Co33-nity .i2ing arrange3ent .and -ses inc.-de a.. faci.ities pro2ided for in ,isconsin Stat-tes A).0*0221+ inc.-ding chi.d (e.fare agencies+ gro-p ho3es for chi.dren+ and co33-nity 5ased residentia. faci.ities. Co33-nity .i2ing arrange3ents do not inc.-de day care centers 0see separate .isting16 n-rsing ho3es 0an instit-tiona. residentia. .and -se16 genera. hospita.s+ specia. hospita.s+ prisons+ or ;ai.s 0a.. indoor instit-tiona. .and -ses1. Co33-nity .i2ing arrange3ent faci.ities are reg-.ated depending -pon their capacity as pro2ided for in ,isconsin Stat-tes )2.2*. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !eg-.ations: U!=1+ !=2+ !=*+ !=A+ <#$+ O=1V a. "o co33-nity .i2ing arrange3ent sha.. 5e esta5.ished (ithin 2+900 feet of any other s-ch faci.ity regard.ess of its capacity. 5. The app.icant sha.. de3onstrate that the tota. capacity of a.. co33-nity .i2ing arrange3ents 0of a.. capacities1 in the City sha.. not e4ceed 1 percent of the CityCs pop-.ation 0-n.ess specifica..y a-thori/ed 5y the Co33on Co-nci. fo..o(ing a p-5.ic hearing1. c. Foster ho3es ho-sing A or fe(er chi.dren and .icensed -nder ,isconsin Stat-tes AE.)2 sha.. not 5e s-5;ect to a.+ a5o2e6 and sha.. not 5e s-5;ect to+ or co-nt to(ard+ the tota. arri2ed at in 5.+ a5o2e. d. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20:+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. per3itted 5y -se (ith specia. re7-ire3ents. e. State 'a( !eference: Section )2.2*+ ,isconsin Stat-tes *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: "ot &pp.ica5.e A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: Three Spaces 0h1 Co77unit" Li,in% A!!&n%e7ent 1B>1) Resi'ents4 Description: See 0g1+ a5o2e. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !eg-.ations: U!=*+ !=AV a. "o co33-nity .i2ing arrange3ent sha.. 5e esta5.ished (ithin 2+900 feet of any other s-ch faci.ity regard.ess of its capacity. 5. The app.icant sha.. de3onstrate that the tota. capacity of a.. co33-nity .i2ing arrange3ents 0of a.. capacities1 in the City sha.. not e4ceed 1 percent of the CityCs pop-.ation 0-n.ess specifica..y a-thori/ed 5y the Co33on Co-nci. fo..o(ing a p-5.ic hearing1. c. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20:+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. per3itted 5y -se (ith specia. re7-ire3ents. d. State 'a( !eference: Section )2.2*+ ,isconsin Stat-tes *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: U!=1+ !=2+ <#$+ O=1V a. Sha.. 3eet a.. additiona. specia. reg-.ations in 2.+ a5o2e. 5. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: Fo-r Spaces 1i4 Co77unit" Li,in% A!!&n%e7ent 11+C !esi'ents4 Description: See 0g1+ a5o2e. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !eg-.ations: "ot &pp.ica5.e

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*. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: U!=A+ <#$+ O=1V a. "o co33-nity .i2ing arrange3ent sha.. 5e esta5.ished (ithin 2+900 feet of any other s-ch faci.ity regard.ess of its capacity. 5. The app.icant sha.. de3onstrate that the tota. capacity of a.. co33-nity .i2ing arrange3ents 0of a.. capacities1 in the City sha.. not e4ceed 1 percent of the CityCs pop-.ation 0-n.ess specifica..y a-thori/ed 5y the Co33on Co-nci. fo..o(ing a p-5.ic hearing1. c. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. d. State 'a( !eference: Section )2.2*+ ,isconsin Stat-tes A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: One space per e2ery three residents. 0A1 Co77e!ci&- L&n' Eses 1&4 O22ice Description: Office .and -ses inc.-de a.. e4c.-si2e.y indoor .and -ses (hose pri3ary f-nctions are the of infor3ation or ad3inistrati2e ser2ices. S-ch .and -ses do not typica..y pro2ide ser2ices direct.y to c-sto3ers on a (a.8=in or on=appoint3ent 5asis. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: UJ=1+ J=2+ J=*+ J=A+ #=1+ #=2+ #=*+ <#$+ O=1V 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: "ot &pp.ica5.e A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: One space per *00 s7-are feet of gross f.oor area. 1b4 Pe!son&- o! P!o2ession&- Se!,ice Description: %ersona. ser2ice and professiona. ser2ice .and -ses inc.-de a.. e4c.-si2e.y indoor .and -ses (hose pri3ary f-nction is the pro2ision of ser2ices direct.y to an indi2id-a. on a (a.8=in or on= appoint3ent 5asis. of s-ch .and -ses inc.-de professiona. ser2ices+ ins-rance ser2ices+ rea.ty offices+ financia. ser2ices+ 3edica. offices and c.inics+ 2eterinary c.inics+ 5ar5ershops+ 5ea-ty shops+ and re.ated .and -ses. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: UJ=1+ J=2+ J=*+ J=A+ <#$+ O=1V 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: U#=1V a. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: One space per *00 s7-are feet of gross f.oor area. 1c4 In'oo! S&-es o! Se!,ice Description: Indoor and ser2ice .and -ses inc.-de a.. .and -ses (hich cond-ct or disp.ay or renta. 3erchandise or e7-ip3ent+ or non=persona. or non=professiona. ser2ices+ entire.y (ithin an enc.osed 5-i.ding. This inc.-des se.f=ser2ice faci.ities s-ch as coin=operated .a-ndro3ats and retai. of food and 5e2erages that do not re7-ire a < Depart3ent %er3it or .i7-or .icense. Depending on the /oning district+ s-ch .and -ses 3ay or 3ay not disp.ay prod-cts o-tside of an enc.osed 5-i.ding. S-ch acti2ities are .isted as BO-tdoor Disp.ay Incidenta. to Indoor Sa.esB -nder B&ccessory $sesB in S-5section 22.*0A0910h1. & .and -se that contains 5oth indoor and o-tdoor (here o-tdoor area e4ceeds 19I of the tota. area of the 5-i.ding0s1 on the property+ sha.. 5e considered as an o-tdoor .and -se+ 0See 0A10d1+ 5e.o(.1. &rtisan craft prod-ction s-ch as cons-3er cera3ics+ c-sto3 (ood(or8ing+ or other prod-ction acti2ities direct.y associated (ith retai. are reg-.ated as B.ight ind-stria. -ses incidenta. to retai. sa.esB 0see S-5section 22.*0A0910;1. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight UJ=1+ J=2+ J=*+ J=A+ <#$V 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: U#=1V

Section 22.* 0 0 Edgert o n en er a. %ro2isions

City of Chapt e r 22: Zoning Ordina n c e

a. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards ad proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: One space per *00 s7-are feet of gross f.oor area. 1'4 Out'oo! Dis#-&" Description: O-tdoor disp.ay .and -ses inc.-de a.. .and -ses (hich cond-ct disp.ay or renta. 3erchandise or e7-ip3ent o-tside of an enc.osed 5-i.ding. of s-ch .and -ses inc.-de 2ehic.e 2ehic.e renta.+ 3o5i.e and 3an-fact-red ho-sing and 3on-3ent The area of o-tdoor sha.. 5e ca.c-.ated as the area that (o-.d 5e enc.osed 5y a fence insta..ed and contin-a..y 3aintained in the 3ost efficient 3anner that co3p.ete.y enc.oses a.. 3ateria.s disp.ayed o-tdoors. S-ch .and -ses do not inc.-de the storage or disp.ay of inoperati2e or e7-ip3ent+ or other 3ateria.s typica..y associated (ith a ;-n8yard or sa.2age yard. 0'and -ses that cond-ct or disp.ay on.y a .i3ited a3o-nt of prod-ct o-tside of an enc.osed 5-i.ding+ are .isted separate.y in S-5section 22.*0A0910h1 as BO-tdoor Disp.ay Incidenta. to Indoor Sa.esB.1 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: UJ=*+ J=A+ <#$+ #=2V a. The disp.ay of ite3s sha.. not 5e per3itted in per3anent.y protected green space areas+ re7-ired .andscaped areas+ or re7-ired 5-fferyards. 5. The disp.ay of ite3s sha.. not 5e per3itted (ithin re7-ired set5ac8 areas for the principa. str-ct-re. c. In no e2ent sha.. the disp.ay of ite3s red-ce or inhi5it the -se or n-35er of par8ing sta..s pro2ided on the property 5e.o( the re7-ire3ent esta5.ished 5y the pro2isions of S-5section 22.A0A. If the n-35er of pro2ided par8ing sta..s on the property is a.ready .ess than the re7-ire3ent+ s-ch disp.ay area sha.. not f-rther red-ce the n-35er of par8ing sta..s a.ready present. d. Disp.ay areas sha.. 5e separated fro3 any par8ing or circ-.ation area 5y a 3ini3-3 of 10 feet. This separation sha.. 5e c.ear.y de.i3ited 5y a physica. separation s-ch as a green(ay+ c-r5+ fence+ or .ine of p.anters+ or 5y a c.ear.y 3ar8ed pa2ed area. e. Signs+ screenage+ enc.os-res+ .andscaping+ or 3ateria.s 5eing disp.ayed sha.. not interfere in any 3anner (ith either on=site or off=site traffic 2isi5i.ity+ inc.-ding potentia. trafficDtraffic and trafficDpedestrian conf.icts. f. O-tdoor disp.ay sha.. 5e per3itted d-ring the entire ca.endar year+ ho(e2er+ if goods are re3o2ed fro3 the disp.ay area a.. s-pport fi4t-res -sed to disp.ay the goods sha.. 5e re3o2ed (ithin 10 ca.endar days of the goodsC re3o2a.. g. Inoperati2e or e7-ip3ent+ or other ite3s typica..y stored or disp.ayed in a ;-n8 or sa.2age yard+ sha.. not 5e disp.ayed for this .and -se. h. Faci.ity sha.. pro2ide a 5-fferyard (ith a 3ini3-3 opacity of 0.)0 a.. 5orders of the disp.ay area a5-tting residentia..y /oned property+ e4cept per e.+ a5o2e 0See S-5section 22.)10.1. i. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards ad proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: a. In front of re7-ired principa. 5-i.ding set5ac8: one space per *00 s7-are feet of gross f.oor area. 5. Jehind re7-ired principa. 5-i.ding set5ac8: one space per *00 s7-are feet of gross f.oor area. 1e4 In'oo! ?&inten&nce Se!,ice Description: Indoor 3aintenance ser2ices inc.-de a.. .and -ses that perfor3 3aintenance ser2ices 0inc.-ding repair1 and contain a.. operations 0e4cept .oading1 entire.y (ithin an enc.osed 5-i.ding. Jeca-se of o-tdoor 2ehic.e storage re7-ire3ents+ 2ehic.e repair and 3aintenance is considered a

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Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

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2ehic.e repair and 3aintenance -se == see S-5section 22.*0A0A10p1. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: UJ=1+ J=2+ J=*+ J=A+ #=1+ #=2+ #=*V 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: U<#$V a. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: One space per *00 s7-are feet of gross f.oor area.

124 In>Ve ic-e S&-es o! Se!,ice Description: In=2ehic.e and ser2ice .and -ses inc.-de a.. .and -ses (hich perfor3 andDor ser2ices to persons in or to (hich 3ay or 3ay not 5e occ-pied at the ti3e of s-ch acti2ity 0e4cept 2ehic.e repair and 3aintenance -ses [ see S-5section 22.*0A0A1 0p11. S-ch .and -ses often ha2e traffic 2o.-3es that e4hi5it their highest .e2e.s conc-rrent (ith pea8 traffic f.o(s on ad;acent roads. of s-ch .and -ses inc.-de f-e. stations and a.. for3s of car (ashes. This .and -se does not inc.-de dri2e=in+ dri2e=-p or dri2e=thro-gh .and -ses+ (hich are considered a separate .and -se category 0see S-5section 22.*0A0A10r11. If perfor3ed in con;-nction (ith a principa. .and -se 0for e4a3p.e an &T# 3achine1+ in=2ehic.e and ser2ice .and -ses sha.. 5e considered an accessory -se 0see S-5section 22.*0A0910i11. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: UJ=1+ J=*+ J=A+ <#$V a. C.ear.y 3ar8ed pedestrian cross(a.8s sha.. 5e pro2ided for each (a.8=in c-sto3er access to the faci.ity ad;acent to the dri2e=thro-gh .ane0s1. 5.The dri2e=thro-gh faci.ity sha.. 5e designed so as to not i3pede or i3pair and pedestrian traffic 3o2e3ent+ or e4acer5ate the potentia. for conf.icts. c. In no instance sha.. a dri2e=thro-gh faci.ity 5e per3itted to operate (hich endangers the p-5.ic safety+ e2en if s-ch .and -se has 5een per3itted -nder the pro2isions of this S-5section. d. The set5ac8 of any o2erhead canopy or str-ct-re sha.. 5e a 3ini3-3 of 10 feet fro3 a.. street rights=of=(ay .ines+ a 3ini3-3 of 20 feet fro3 a.. residentia..y=/oned property .ines+ and sha.. 5e a 3ini3-3 of 9 feet fro3 a.. other property .ines. The tota. height of any o2erhead canopy of str-ct-re sha.. not e4ceed 20 feet as 3eas-red to the highest part of the str-ct-re. e. &.. areas of the faci.ity sha.. pro2ide a s-rface pa2ed (ith concrete or 5it-3ino-s 3ateria. that is designed to 3eet the re7-ire3ents of a 3ini3-3 A ton a4.e .oad. f. Faci.ity sha.. pro2ide a 5-fferyard (ith a 3ini3-3 opacity of 0.)0 5orders of the property a5-tting residentia..y /oned property 0S-5section 22.)101. g. Interior c-r5s sha.. 5e -sed to separate dri2ing areas fro3 e4terior fi4t-res s-ch as f-e. p-3ps+ 2ac--3s+ 3en- 5oards+ canopy s-pports and .andscaped is.ands. Said c-r5s sha.. 5e a 3ini3-3 of ) inches high and 5e of a non=3o-nta5.e design. "o e4terior fi4t-re+ s-ch as a f-e. p-3p+ 2ac--3 stand or 3en- 5oard+ sha.. 5e .ocated c.oser than 29 feet to a.. property .ines.

Section 22.* 0 0 Edgert o n en er a. %ro2isions

City of Chapt e r 22: Zoning Ordina n c e

h. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: One space per 290 s7-are feet of gross f.oor area. Each dri2e=-p .ane sha.. ha2e a 3ini3-3 stac8ing .ength of 100 feet 5ehind the pass thro-gh (indo( and A0 feet 5eyond the pass thro-gh (indo(.
1%4 In'oo! Co77e!ci&- Ente!t&in7ent Description: Indoor co33ercia. entertain3ent .and -ses inc.-de a.. .and -ses that pro2ide entertain3ent ser2ices entire.y (ithin an enc.osed 5-i.ding. S-ch acti2ities often ha2e operating ho-rs that e4tend significant.y .ater than 3ost other co33ercia. .and -ses. of s-ch .and -ses inc.-de resta-rants+ ta2erns+ theaters+ or fitness centers+ a.. for3s of training st-dios 0dance+ art+ 3artia. arts+ etc.1 5o(.ing a..eys+ arcades+ rin8s+ and poo. ha..s. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: UJ=2V a. "o c-sto3er entrance of any 8ind sha.. 5e per3itted (ithin 100 feet of a residentia..y /oned property if the entrance is .ocated on the sa3e side of the 5-i.ding as a5-tting residentia..y /oned property. 5. Faci.ity sha.. pro2ide a 5-fferyard (ith a 3ini3-3 opacity of 0.)0 a.. 5orders of the property a5-tting residentia..y /oned property 0see S-5section 22.)101. c. & par8ing (ai2er is re7-ired 5y the Co33ission for any ne( str-ct-res constr-cted for an Indoor Co33ercia. Entertain3ent $se in the J=2 District. d. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20: standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: UJ=1+ J=*+ J=A+ <#$+ O=1V a. "o c-sto3er entrance of any 8ind sha.. 5e per3itted (ithin 100 feed of a residentia..y /oned property if the entrance is .ocated on the sa3e side of the 5-i.ding as a5-tting residentia..y /oned property. 5. Faci.ity sha.. pro2ide a 5-fferyard (ith a 3ini3-3 opacity of 0.)0 a.. 5orders of the property a5-tting residentia..y /oned property 0see S-5section 22.)101. c. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: One space per e2ery three patron seats or .oc8ers 0(hiche2er is greater16 or one space per three persons at the 3a4i3-3 capacity of the esta5.ish3ent6 0(hiche2er is greater1. 1 4 Co77e!ci&- Ani7&- 8o&!'in% Description: Co33ercia. ani3a. 5oarding faci.ity .and -ses inc.-de .and -ses that pro2ide short=ter3 andDor .ong=ter3 5oarding for ani3a.s. of these .and -ses inc.-de co33ercia. 8enne.s and co33ercia. E4ercise yards+ fie.ds+ training areas+ and trai.s associated (ith s-ch .and -ses are considered accessory to s-ch .and -ses and do not re7-ire separate consideration. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: U&=1+ J=*+ J=AV a. & 3a4i3-3 of 1 ani3a. -nit per acre of f-..y enc.osed fenced o-tdoor area 0and a 3a4i3-3 of 9 dogs+ cats or ani3a.s1 sha.. 5e per3itted. 5. The 3ini3-3 per3itted si/e of horse or ani3a. sta.. sha.. 5e 100 s7-are feet. c. The fo..o(ing set5ac8s sha.. 5e re7-ired in addition to those of the /oning district: i. "o acti2ity area+ inc.-ding past-res or r-ns+ sha.. 5e .ocated c.oser than 10 feet to any property .ine.

Section 22.*00

Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

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ii. &ny 5-i.ding ho-sing ani3a.s sha.. 5e .ocated a 3ini3-3 of *00 feet fro3 any residentia..y /oned property. iii. & 2egetati2e strip at .east 100 feet (ide sha.. 5e 3aintained 5et(een any corra.+ 3an-re pi.e+ or 3an-re app.ication area and any s-rface (ater or (e.. in order to 3ini3i/e r-noff+ pre2ent erosion+ and pro3ote nitrogen a5sorption. d. Specia. e2ents s-ch as sho(s+ e4hi5itions+ and contests sha.. on.y 5e per3itted (hen a te3porary -se has 5een sec-red. 0See S-5section 22.20E1 e. &.. acti2ities+ e4cept 2ehic.e par8ing+ sha.. 5e co3p.ete.y and contin-o-s.y contained indoors == inc.-ding ani3a. e4ercising and disp.ay areas. f. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: One space per e2ery 1+000 s7-are feet of gross f.oor area. 1i4 Co77e!ci&- In'oo! Lo'%in% Description: Co33ercia. indoor .odging faci.ities inc.-de .and -ses (hich pro2ide o2ernight ho-sing in indi2id-a. roo3s or s-ites of roo3s+ each roo3 or s-ite ha2ing a pri2ate 5athroo3. S-ch .and -ses 3ay pro2ide in=roo3 or in=s-ite 8itchens+ and 3ay pro2ide indoor recreationa. faci.ities for the e4c.-si2e -se of their c-sto3ers. !esta-rant+ arcades+ fitness centers+ and other on=site faci.ities a2ai.a5.e to non=.odgers are not considered accessory -ses and therefore re7-ire re2ie( as a separate .and -se. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: UJ=2+ J=*+ J=A+ <#$V a. If .ocated on the sa3e side of a 5-i.ding as a5-tting residentia..y /oned property+ no c-sto3er entrance of any 8ind sha.. 5e per3itted (ithin 100 feet of a residentia..y /oned property. 5. Faci.ity sha.. pro2ide a 5-fferyard (ith a 3ini3-3 opacity of 0.)0 a.. 5orders of the property a5-tting residentia..y /oned property 0see S-5section 22.)101. c. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: One space per 5edroo3+ p.-s one space for each e3p.oyee on the .argest (or8 shift. 154 8e' &n' 8!e&92&st Est&b-is 7ent Description: Jed and 5rea8fast esta5.ish3ents are e4c.-si2e.y indoor .odging faci.ities that pro2ide 3ea.s on.y to paying .odgers. S-ch .and -ses 3ay pro2ide indoor recreationa. faci.ities for the e4c.-si2e -se of their c-sto3ers. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: U&.. Districts+ e4cept #=1+ #=2 and #=*V a. &.. s-ch faci.ities sha.. 5e re7-ired to o5tain a per3it to ser2e food and 5e2erages. They sha.. 5e inspected ann-a..y at a fee as esta5.ished 5y a separate ordinance+ to 2erify that the .and -se contin-es to 3eet a.. app.ica5.e reg-.ations. 5. 1 sign+ (ith a 3a4i3-3 area of 20 s7-are feet+ sha.. 5e per3itted on the property. c. Faci.ity sha.. pro2ide a 5-fferyard (ith a 3ini3-3 opacity of 0.)0 a.. 5orders of the property a5-tting residentia..y /oned property 0see S-5section 22.)101. d. "o pre3ises sha.. 5e -ti.i/ed for a 5ed and 5rea8fast operation -n.ess there are at .east t(o 021 e4its to the o-tdoors fro3 s-ch pre3ises. !oo3s -ti.i/ed for s.eeping sha.. ha2e a 3ini3-3 si/e of one h-ndred s7-are feet for t(o occ-pants (ith an additiona. thirty s7-are feet for each additiona. occ-pant to a 3a4i3-3 of fo-r occ-pants per roo3. Each s.eeping roo3 -sed for

Section 22.* 0 0 Edgert o n en er a. %ro2isions

City of Chapt e r 22: Zoning Ordina n c e

the 5ed and 5rea8fast operation sha.. ha2e a separate operationa. s3o8e detector a.ar3+ as re7-ired in the Edgerton J-i.ding Code. One .a2atory and 5athing faci.ity sha.. 5e re7-ired for e2ery 10 occ-pants+ in addition to the o(nerDocc-pants persona. faci.ities. e. The d( -nit in (hich the 5ed and 5rea8fast ta8es p.ace sha.. 5e the principa. residence of the operatorDo(ner and said operatorDo(ner sha.. .i2e on the pre3ises (hen the 5ed and 5rea8fast operation is acti2e. f. On.y the 3ea. of 5rea8fast sha.. 5e ser2ed to g-ests (ho ha2e stayed o2ernight. g. Each operator sha.. 8eep a .ist of na3es of a.. persons staying at the 5ed and 5rea8fast operation. This .ist sha.. 5e 8ept on fi.e for a period of one year. S-ch .ist sha.. 5e a2ai.a5.e for inspection 5y City officia.s at any ti3e. h. The 3a4i3-3 stay for any occ-pants of a 5ed and 5rea8fast operations sha.. 5e fo-rteen days per year. i. %-5.ic "-isance Lio.ations. Jed and 5rea8fast operations sha.. not 5e per3itted (hene2er the operation endangers+ or offends+ or interferes (ith the safety or rights of others so as to constit-te a n-isance. ;. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: One space per each 5edroo3. 194 D&" C&!e Cente! 1Nine o! ?o!e C i-'!en4 Description: Day care centers are .and -ses in (hich 7-a.ified persons pro2ide chi.d care ser2ices for nine or 3ore chi.dren. of s-ch .and -ses inc.-de day care centers and n-rsery schoo.s. S-ch .and -ses sha.. not 5e .ocated (ithin a residentia. 5-i.ding. S-ch .and -ses 3ay 5e operated on a for profit or a not for profit 5asis. S-ch .and -ses 3ay 5e operated in con;-nction (ith another principa. .and -se on the sa3e en2irons+ s-ch as a ch-rch+ schoo.+ 5-siness+ or ci2ic organi/ation. In s-ch instances+ day care centers are not considered as accessory -ses and therefore re7-ire re2ie( as a separate .and -se. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: U!=1+ !=2+ !=*+ !=A+ J=1+ J=2+ J=*+ J=A+ <#$+ O=1+ #=1+ #=2V a. Faci.ity sha.. pro2ide a 5-fferyard (ith a 3ini3-3 opacity of 0.90 a.. 5orders of the property a5-tting residentia..y /oned property 0see S-5section 22.)101. 5. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. c. %roperty o(nerCs per3ission is re7-ired as part of the conditiona. -se per3it app.ication. A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: One space per fi2e st-dents+ p.-s one space for each e3p.oyee on the .argest (or8 shift. 1-4 Out'oo! ?&inten&nce Se!,ice Description: O-tdoor 3aintenance ser2ices inc.-de a.. .and -ses (hich perfor3 3aintenance ser2ices+ inc.-ding repair+ and ha2e a..+ or any portion+ of their operations .ocated o-tside of an enc.osed 5-i.ding. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: U<#$+ #=2+ #=*V a. &.. o-tdoor acti2ity areas sha.. 5e co3p.ete.y enc.osed 5y a 3ini3-3 ) feet high fence. S-ch enc.os-re sha.. 5e .ocated a 3ini3-3 of 90 feet fro3 any residentia..y /oned property and sha.. 5e screened fro3 s-ch property 5y a 5-fferyard (ith a 3ini3-3 opacity of 0.)0 0see S-5section 22.)101. 5. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona.

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Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

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-ses. A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: One space per *00 s7-are feet of gross f.oor area. 174 Out'oo! Co77e!ci&- Ente!t&in7ent Description: O-tdoor co33ercia. entertain3ent .and -ses inc.-de a.. .and -ses that pro2ide entertain3ent ser2ices partia..y or (ho..y o-tside of an enc.osed 5-i.ding. S-ch acti2ities often ha2e the potentia. to 5e associated (ith n-isances re.ated to noise+ .ighting+ d-st+ trash and .ate operating ho-rs. of s-ch .and -ses inc.-de o-tdoor co33ercia. s(i33ing poo.s+ dri2ing ranges+ 3iniat-re go.f faci.ities+ a3-se3ent par8s+ dri2e=in theaters+ go=cart trac8s+ and racetrac8s. Q"ote: O-tdoor Co33ercia. Entertain3ent $ses do not inc.-de o-tdoor eating areas or 5eer gardens. 0See S-5section 22.*0A 0910y11 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: U&=1+ J=2+ J=*+ <#$+ #=2V a. &cti2ity areas sha.. not 5e .ocated c.oser than *00 feet to a residentia..y /oned property. 5. Faci.ity sha.. pro2ide 5-fferyard (ith 3ini3-3 opacity of 0.E0 a.. 5orders of the property a5-tting residentia..y /oned property 0S-5section 22.)101. c. &cti2ity areas 0inc.-ding dri2e=in 3o2ie screens1 sha.. not 5e 2isi5.e fro3 any residentia..y=/oned property. d. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: One space for e2ery three patron seats at the 3a4i3-3 capacity of the esta5.ish3ent. 1n4 8o&!'in% House Description: Joarding <o3es inc.-de any residentia. -se renting roo3s that do not contain pri2ate 5athroo3 faci.ities 0(ith the e4ception of appro2ed 5ed and 5rea8fast faci.ities1. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: U!=A+ J=2+ J=*+ <#$V a. Faci.ity sha.. pro2ide a 5-fferyard (ith a 3ini3-3 opacity of 0.)0 a.. property 5orders a5-tting residentia..y /oned property 0see S-5section 22.)101. 5. Sha.. pro2ide a 3ini3-3 of one on=site par8ing space for each roo3 for rent. c. Sha.. 5e .ocated in an area of transition fro3 residentia. .and -ses to nonresidentia. .and -ses. d. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: One space per roo3 for rent+ p.-s one space per each e3p.oyee on the .argest (or8 shift. These re7-ire3ents 3ay 5e (ai2ed 5y the Co33ission for 5-sinesses in the J=2 District+ fo..o(ing a re7-est fro3 the &pp.icant. 1o4 Se=u&--">O!iente' L&n' Eses Description: Se4-a..y=oriented .and -ses inc.-de any faci.ity oriented to the disp.ay of se4-a..y=oriented 3ateria.s s-ch as 2ideos+ 3o2ies+ s.ides+ photos+ 5oo8s+ or 3aga/ines6 or act-a. persons disp.aying andDor to-ching se4-a..y specified areas. For the p-rpose of this Chapter+ Bse4-a..y specified areasB inc.-des any one or 3ore of the fo..o(ing: genita.s+ ana. area+ fe3a.e areo.a or nipp.e6 and Bse4-a..y=oriented 3ateria.B inc.-des any 3edia (hich disp.ays se4-a..y specified area0s1. "OTE: The incorporation of this S-5section into this Chapter is designed to ref.ect the City Co-nci.Cs officia. finding that se4-a..y=oriented co33ercia. -ses ha2e a predo3inant tendency to prod-ce certain -ndesira5.e secondary effects on the s-rro-nding co33-nity+ as has 5een de3onstrated in other+ ;-risdictions. Specifica..y+ the City Co-nci. is concerned (ith the potentia. for s-ch -ses to

Section 22.* 0 0 Edgert o n en er a. %ro2isions

City of Chapt e r 22: Zoning Ordina n c e

.i3it: the attracti2eness of near5y .ocations for ne( de2e.op3ent+ the a5i.ity to attract andDor retain c-sto3ers+ and the a5i.ity to 3ar8et and se.. near5y properties at a .e2e. consistent (ith properties not .ocated near s-ch faci.ities. It is e4p.icit.y not the intent of this S-5section to s-ppress free e4pression 5y -nreasona5.y .i3iting a.ternati2e a2en-es of co33-nication+ 5-t rather to 5a.ance the need to protect free e4pression opport-nities (ith the need to i3p.e3ent the CityCs Co3prehensi2e #aster and protect the character and integrity of its co33ercia. and residentia. neigh5orhoods. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: U#=*V a. Sha.. 5e .ocated a 3ini3-3 of 1+000 feet fro3 any agric-.t-ra..y /oned property or residentia..y /oned property6 and sha.. 5e .ocated a 3ini3-3 of 1+000 feet fro3 any schoo.+ ch-rch+ or o-tdoor recreationa. faci.ity. 5. E4terior 5-i.ding appearance and signage sha.. 5e designed to ens-re that -se does not detract fro3 the a5i.ity of 5-sinesses in the 2icinity to attract c-sto3ers+ nor affect the 3ar8eta5i.ity of properties in the 2icinity for sa.e at their assessed 2a.-es. c. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: One space per *00 s7-are feet of gross f.oor area+ or one space per person at the 3a4i3-3 capacity of the esta5.ish3ent 0(hiche2er is greater1. 1#4 Ve ic-e Re#&i! &n' ?&inten&nce Description: Lehic.e repair and 3aintenance ser2ices inc.-de a.. .and -ses that perfor3 3aintenance ser2ices 0inc.-ding repair1 to 3otori/ed and contain a.. operations 0e4cept 2ehic.e storage1 (ithin an enc.osed 5-i.ding. The on.y !epair and #aintenance -ses a..o(ed in the J=2 District inc.-de a-to -pho.stery and e.ectronics insta..ation. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: U#=2 and #=*V 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: UJ=* and <#$V a. Storage of a5andoned sha.. 5e prohi5ited. 5. Faci.ity sha.. pro2ide a 5-fferyard (ith a 3ini3-3 opacity of 0.)0 a.. property 5orders a5-tting residentia..y /oned property 0See S-5section 22.)101. c. "o or parts of can 5e stored on a p-5.ic street+ in a p-5.ic par8ing .ot+ or on a side(a.8. d. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. A. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: UJ=2V a. Storage of a5andoned sha.. 5e prohi5ited. 5. &.. repair and 3ainenance act2ities 3-st ta8e p.ace in an enc.osed 5-i.ding. c. "o 2ehic.e or parts of can 5e stored on a p-5.ic street+ in a p-5.ic par8ing .ot+ or on a side(a.8. d. no or parts of can 5e stored o-tside of a principa. or accessory str-ct-re inc.-ding on pri2ate property. e. "o containers of a-to f.-ids or a-to parts can 5e stored o-tside of a principa. or accessory str-ct-re. f. "o 2enting or e4ha-st fans sha.. 5e .ocated on the e4terior of the 5-i.ding a5-tting residentia..y /oned property or facing the street frontage. g. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona.

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-ses. 9. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: One space per *00 s7-are feet of gross f.oor area. &de7-ate on=site par8ing is re7-ired for a.. c-sto3er and e3p.oyee 1A4 G!ou# De,e-o#7ent Description: & gro-p de2e.op3ent is any de2e.op3ent containing: T(o or 3ore str-ct-res containing principa. .and -ses on the sa3e .ot6 &ny sing.e str-ct-re on a sing.e .ot (hich contains 9 or 3ore d( -nits or 2 or 3ore non= residentia. -ses6 andDor &ny sing.e str-ct-re de2oted to instit-tiona.. Co33ercia. or 3i4ed -se .and -ses containing 3ore than 10+000 gross s7-iare feet of f.oor area+ or any sing.e st-rct-re de2oted to office .and -ses containing 3ore than 20+000 s7-are feet of f.oor area.

Co33on of gro-p de2e.op3ents inc.-de )=-nit apart3ent 5-i.dings+ apart3ent co3p.e4es+ condo3ini-3 co3p.e4es+ strip centers+ shopping centers+ and office centers. 0One tenant=co33ercia. 5-i.dings containing .ess than 10+000 s7-are feet of gross f.oor area+ one tenant office 5-i.dings containing .ess than 20+000 s7-are feet of gross f.oor area+ ind-stria. 5-i.dings+ A=-nit apart3ent 5-i.dings+ and other .and -ses in (hich each non=residentia. 5-i.ding contains on.y one tenant+ or (here the .ot contains on.y one str-ct-re+ or (here each residentia. 5-i.ding contains A or fe(er d( -nits+ are not gro-p de2e.op3ents e2en tho-gh s-ch de2e.op3ents 3ay contain parce.s -nder co33on o(nership.1 The fo..o(ing standards sha.. app.y to a.. ne( instit-tiona.+ co33ercia.+ and 3-.ti=-se 5-i.dings in e4cess of 10+000 gross s7-are feet+ and to a.. 3-.ti=5-i.ding de2e.op3ents in (hich the co35ined tota. of a.. str-ct-res on a site+ regard.ess of di2erse o(nership+ -se or tenancy+ co35ine to e4ceed 10+000 gross s7-are feet. These conditions sha.. 5e app.ied to the addition to the 5-i.ding and area of the site re7-iring i3pro2e3ents 5eca-se of the addition in instances (here 5-i.ding additions 5ring the tota. 5-i.ding si/e to o2er 10+000 gross s7-are feet. S-ch conditions sha.. app.y to the 5-i.ding additions on.y+ and the site that is changed 5eca-se of the addition. This 10+000 gross s7-are foot .i3it sha.. app.y to indi2id-a. free=standing 5-i.dings and to ro-p De2e.op3ents in (hich the co35ined tota. of a.. str-ct-res on a site+ regard.ess of di2erse -se or tenancy+ co35ine to 3ore than 10+000 gross s7-are feet. For 5-i.dings containing on.y office .and -ses+ the trigger si/e sha.. 5e 20+000 gross s7-are feet. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: U&.. DistrictsV &ny .and -se that is per3itted as a %er3itted 5y !ight .and -se+ a %er3itted 5y !ight (ith Specia. !e7-ire3ents+ or as a Conditiona. .and -se (ithin the app.ica5.e /oning district0s1 is per3itted to .ocate (ithin a gro-p de2e.op3ent. The detai.ed .and -se reg-.ations of this S-5section that pertain to indi2id-a. .and -ses sha.. app.y to indi2id-a. .and -ses (ithin a ro-p De2e.op3ent+ as (i.. a.. other app.ica5.e pro2isions of this Ordinance. Therefore+ .and -ses per3itted 5y right in the Zoning District sha.. 5e per3itted 5y right (ithin an appro2ed ro-p De2e.op3ent 0-n.ess other(ise restricted 5y the conditions of appro2a. i3posed d-ring the conditiona. -se appro2a. for the ro-p De2e.op3ent as a (ho.e1+ and .and -ses per3itted as a conditiona. -se in the Zoning District sha.. 5e per3itted (ithin the ro-p De2e.op3ent on.y (ith conditiona. -se appro2a. for the specific -se. a. Ru-es A##-ic&b-e to A-- G!ou# De,e-o#7ents: In a.. cases+ the fo..o(ing conditiona. -se conditions sha.. 5e app.ied to the ro-p

Section 22.* 0 0 Edgert o n en er a. %ro2isions

City of Chapt e r 22: Zoning Ordina n c e

De2e.op3ent as a (ho.e+ as (e.. as to indi2id-a. -ses (ithin the ro-p De2e.op3ent: 1. Sub5ect to Con'ition&- Ese &n' Desi%n Re,ie; P!ocesses. &.. ro-p De2e.op3ents sha.. 5e s-5;ect to Section 22.21*. The app.ication sha.. de3onstrate ho( the proposed de2e.op3ent re.ates to each of the fo..o(ing criteria: a. Is consistent (ith the reco33endations+ and for(ards the o5;ecti2es+ of adopted p.anning doc-3ents 5. Is co3p.e3entary (ith the design and .ayo-t of near5y 5-i.dings and de2e.op3ents c. Enhances+ rather than detracts fro3+ the desired City character of Edgerton. 2. Gene!&- L&"out &n' 0utu!e Di,isibi-it". $n.ess a deed restriction is recorded (ith !egister of Deeds prohi5iting the di2ision of the parce.+ a.. de2e.op3ent .ocated (ithin a gro-p de2e.op3ent sha.. 5e .ocated so as to co3p.y (ith the intent of the /oning Ordinance regarding set5ac8s of str-ct-res and 5-i.dings fro3 .ot .ines. &s s-ch+ indi2id-a. principa. and accessory str-ct-res and 5-i.dings .ocated (ithin gro-p de2e.op3ents sha.. 5e sit-ated (ithin 5-i.ding en2e.opes that ser2e to de3onstrate co3p.ete co3p.iance (ith said intent. Said 5-i.ding en2e.opes sha.. 5e depicted on the site re7-ired for re2ie( of gro-p de2e.op3ents. The -se of this approach to designing gro-p de2e.op3ents (i.. aso ens-re the faci.itation of s-5di2iding gro-p de2e.op3ents in the f-t-re+ 0if s-ch action is so desired1. Str-ct-res created as part of a gro-p de2e.op3ent cannot 5e separated 5y a .and di2ision -n.ess the str-ct-re co3p.ies (ith the 5-.8 re7-ire3ents of the district. *. 8ui-'in% ?&te!i&-s. E4terior 5-i.ding 3ateria.s sha.. 5e of co3para5.e aesthetic 7-a.ity on a.. sides. J-i.ding 3ateria.s s-ch as g.ass+ 5ric8+ tinted and decorati2e concrete 5.oc8+ stone+ (ood+ st-cco+ and e4terior ins-.ation and finish syste3s 0EIFS1 sha.. 5e -sed+ as 3ay 2iny. on a portion of residentia. str-ct-res+ as deter3inied appropriate 5y the Co33ission. Decorati2e architect-ra. 3eta. (ith concea.ed fasteners or decorati2e ti.t=-p concrete pane.s 3ay 5e appro2ed if incorporated into the o2era.. disign of the 5-i.ding. The Co33ission 3ay consider 3eta. e4terior 5-i.ding on 5-i.dings ho-sing ind-stria. .and -ses. A. O,e!&-- 8ui-'in% Desi%n. J-i.ding design sha.. 5e s-5;ect to Co33ission appro2a.+ and sha.. for(ard the aesthetic o5;ecti2es of the City for the co33-nity+ the 2icinity and the s-5;ect property. 9. 8ui-'in% Ent!&nces. %-5.ic 5-i.ding entry(ays sha.. 5e c.ear.y defined and high.y 2isi5.e on the 5-i.ding@s e4terior design+ and sha.. 5e e3phasi/ed 5y on=site traffic f.o( patterns. T(o 021 or 3ore of the fo..o(ing design feat-res sha.. 5e incorporated into a.. p-5.ic 5-i.ding entry(ays: canopies or porticos+ o2erhangs+ pro;ections+ arcades+ pea8ed roof for3s+ arches+ o-tdoor patios+ disp.ay (indo(s+ distinct architect-ra. detai.s. ,here additiona. stores (i.. 5e .ocated in the principa. 5-i.ding+ each s-ch store sha.. ha2e at .east one e4terior c-sto3er entrance that sha.. confor3 to the a5o2e re7-ire3ents. ). 8ui-'in% Co-o!. J-i.ding fa\ade co.ors sha.. 5e non=ref.ecti2e+ s-5t.e+ ne-tra.+ or earth tone. The -se of high intensity co.ors+ 3eta..ic co.ors+ f.-orescent co.ors or 5.ac8 on facades sha.. 5e prohi5ited. J-i.ding tri3 and architect-ra. accent e.e3ents 3ay feat-re 5right co.ors or 5.ac8+ 5-t s-ch co.ors sha.. 5e 3-ted+ not 3eta..ic+ not f.-orescent+ and not specific to -ses or tenants. Standard corporate and trade3ar8 co.ors sha.. 5e per3itted on.y on signage+ s-5;ect to te .i3itations in Section 22.900 of the Zoning Ordinance+ the Sign Ordinance. :. Sc!eenin%. a. &.. gro-nd=3o-nted and (a..=3o-nted 3echanica. e7-ip3ent+ ref-se containers and any per3itted o-tdoor storage sha.. 5e f-..y concea.ed fro3 on=site and off= site gro-nd .e2e. 2ie(s+ (ith 3ateria.s identica. to those -sed on the 5-i.ding

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e4terior. 5. &.. rooftop 3echanica. e7-ip3ent sha.. 5e screened 5y parapets+ -pper stories+ or other areas of e4terior (a..s or roofs so as to not 5e 2isi5.e fro3 p-5.ic streets ad;acent or (ithin one tho-sand 01+0001 feet of the s-5;ect property. Fences or rooftop screening de2ices 3ay not 5e -sed to 3eet this re7-ire3ent. c. 'oading doc8s sha.. 5e co3p.ete.y screened fro3 s-rro-nding roads and properties. Said screening 3ay 5e acco3p.ished thro-gh .oading areas interna. to 5-i.dings+ screen (a..s+ (hich 3atch the 5-i.ding e4terior in 3ateria.s and design+ f-..y opa7-e .andscaping at ti3e of p.anting+ or con5inations of the a5o2e. d. ates and fencing 3ay 5e -sed for sec-rity and access+ 5-t not for screening+ and they sha.. 5e of high aesthetic 7-a.ity. Decorati2e 3eta. pic8et fencing and screening is accepta5.e. Chain .in8+ (ire 3esh or (ood fencing is -naccepta5.e+ e4cept as appro2ed 5y the Co33ission for ind-stria. .and -ses. Decorati2e+ hea2y=d-ty (ood gates 3ay 5e -sed. E. Ro&';&" Connections. a. &.. nonresidentia. pro;ects sha.. ha2e direct access to an arteria. street+ or to a co..ector .e2e. street dee3ed appropriate 5y the Co33ission. 5. Lehic.e access sha.. 5e designed to acco33odate pea8 on=site traffic 2o.-3es (itho-t disr-pting traffic on p-5.ic streets or i3pairing pedestrian safety. This sha.. 5e acco3p.ished thro-gh ade7-ate par8ing .ot design and capacity6 access dri2e entry throat .ength+ (idth+ design+ .ocation+ and n-35er6 and traffic contro. de2ices6 and side(a.8s. c. The site design sha.. pro2ide direct connections to ad;acent .and -ses if re7-ired 5y the City. F. P&!9in%. a. %ar8ing .ot designs in (hich the n-35er of spaces e4ceeds the 3ini3-3 n-35er of par8ing spaces re7-ired in Section 22.*0A of this Ordinance 5y fifty 0901 percent sha.. 5e a..o(ed on.y (ith specific and reasona5.e ;-stification. 5. %ar8ing .ot design sha.. e3p.oy interior+ c-r5ed .andscaped is.ands at a.. par8ing ais.e ends. In addition+ the pro;ect sha.. pro2ide .andscaped is.ands (ithin each par8ing ais.e spaced at inter2ia.s no greater than one is.and per e2ery t(e.2e 0121 spaces in that ais.e. Is.ands at the ends of sha.. co-nt to(ard 3eeting this re7-ire3ent. Each re7-ired .andscaped is.and sha.. 5e a 3ini3-3 of three h-ndred si4ty 0*)01 s7-are feet in .andscaped area. c. 'andscaped and c-r5ed 3edians+ a 3ini3-3 of ten 0101 feet in (idth fro3 5ac8= of=c-r5 to 5ac8=of=c-r5+ sha.. 5e -sed to create distinct par8ing areas of no 3ore than 120 par8ing sta..s. 10. 8ic"c-e &n' Pe'est!i&n 0&ci-ities. a. The entire de2e.op3ent sha.. pro2ide for safe pedestrian and 5icyc.e access to a.. -ses (ithin the de2e.op3ent+ connections to e4isting and p.anned p-5.ic pedestrian and 5icyc.e faci.ites+ and connections to ad;acent properties. 5. %edestrian (a.8(ays sha.. 5e pro2ided fro3 a.. 5-i.ding entrances to e4isting or p.anned p-5.ic side(a.8s or pedestrianD5i8e faci.ities. The 3ini3-3 (idth for side(a.8s ad;acent to 5-i.dings sha.. 5e ten 0101 feet6 and the 3ini3-3 (idth for side(a.8s in the de2e.op3ent sha.. 5e fi2e 091 feet. c. Side(a.8s other than street side(a.8s or 5-i.ding aprons sha.. ha2e ad;oining .andscaping at .east fifty 0901 percent of their .ength. S-ch .andscape sha.. 3atch the .andscaping -sed for the street frontages. d. Cross(a.8s sha.. 5e disting-ished fro3 dri2ing s-rfaces to enhance pedestrian

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City of Chapt e r 22: Zoning Ordina n c e






safety 5y -sing different pa2e3ent 3ateria.s+ pa2e3ent co.or+ pa2e3ent te4t-res+ and signage. e. The de2e.op3ent sha.. pro2ide sec-re+ integrated 5icyc.e par8ing at a rate of one 5icyc.e rac8 space for e2ery fifty 0901 2ehic.e par8ing spaces. f. The de2e.op3ent sha.. pro2ide e4terior pedestrian f-nit-re in appropriate .ocations at a 3ini3-3 rate of one seat for e2ery 10+000 s7-are feet of gross f.oor area. g. The de2e.op3ent sha.. pro2ide interior pedestrian f-rnit-re in appropriate .ocations at a 3ini3-3 rate of one 011 5ench seat for e2ery 10+000 s7-are feet of gross f.oor area. Seating in foodser2ice areas+ or other areas (here food or 3erchandise p-rchasing acti2ites occ-r sha.. not co-nt to(ard this re7-ire3ent. & 3ini3-3 of fo-r 0A1 seats sha.. 5e .ocated (ithin the store+ (ith a c.ear 2ie( thro-gh e4it doors to a passenger pic8=-p or drop=off area. Cent!&- A!e&s &n' 0e&tu!es. Each non ind-stria. de2e.op3ents e4ceeding t(enty tho-sand 020+0001 s7-are feet in tota. gross f.oor area sha.. pro2ide centra. area0s1 or feat-re0s1 s-ch as a patioDseating area+ pedestrian p.a/a (ith 5enches+ o-tdoor p.aygro-nd area+ (ater feat-re+ andDor other s-ch de.i5erate.y designated areas or foca. points that ade7-ate.y enhance the de2e.op3ent or co33-nity. &.. s-ch areas sha.. 5e open.y accessi5.e to the p-5.ic+ connected to the p-5.ic and pri2ate sid(a.8 syste3+ designed (ith 3ateria.s co3pati5.e (ith the 5-i.ding and re3ainder of the site+ and sha.. 5e 3aintained o2er the .ife of the 5-i.ding pro;ect. C&!t Retu!n. E4cept for ind-stria. .and -ses+ a 3ini3-3 of one 011 t(o h-ndred 02001 s7-are foot cart ret-rn area sha.. 5e pro2ided for e2ery one h-ndred 01001 par8ing spaces. Cart corra.s sha.. 5e of d-ra5.e+ non=r-sting+ a.. season constr-ction+ and sha.. 5e designed and co.ored to 5e co3pati5.e (ith the 5-i.ding and par8ing .ot .ight standards. There sha.. 5e no e4terior cart ret-rn or cart storage areas .ocated (ithin t(enty=fi2e 0291 feet of the 5-i.ding. Out'oo! Dis#-&" A!e&s. E4terior disp.ay areas sha.. 5e per3itted on.y (here c.ear.y depicted on the appro2ed site &.. e4terior disp.ay areas sha.. 5e separated fro3 3otor 2ehic.e ro-tes 5y a physica. 5arrier 2isi5.e to dri2ers and pedestrians+ and 5y a 3ini3-3 of ten 0101 feet. Disp.ay areas on 5-i.ding aprons 3-st 3aintain a 3ini3-3 (a.8(ay (idth of ten 0101 feet 5et(een the disp.ay ite3s and any 2ehic.e dri2es. Out'oo! Sto!&%e Eses &n' A!e&s. E4terior storage str-ct-res or -ses+ inc.-ding the par8ing or storage of trai.ers+ e7-ip3ent+ containers+ crates+ pa..ets+ 3erchandise+ 3ateria.s+ for8 .ifts+ trash+ and a.. other ite3s sha.. 5e per3itted on.y (here c.ear.y depicted and .a5e.ed on the appro2ed site L&n'sc&#in%. On=site .andscaping sha.. 5e pro2ided at ti3e of 5-i.ding occ-pancy and 3aintained per fo..o(ing .andscaping re7-ire3ents: a. 'andscaping sha.. 5e s-53itted to the %.anning Co33ission for appro2a.+ as part of the site 5. J-i.ding fo-ndation .andscaping is re7-ired for a.. 5-i.ding frontages in order to pro2ide 2is-a. 5rea8s in the 3ass of the 5-i.ding. S-ch fo-ndation .andscaping sha.. 5e p.aced thirty 0*01 percent of the 5-i.ding@s tota. peri3eter+ predo3inate.y near and c-sto3er facades and entrances facing p-5.ic streets. One 011 orna3enta. tree (ith a 3ini3-3 1.9?ca.iper or one 011 3ini3-3 )=foot ta.. tree 0>(hips? not per3itted1+ and fo-r 0A1 shr-5s at a 3ini3-3 height of 1E? ta.. sha.. 5e p.anted for e2ery 10 .inear feet of 5-i.ding fo-ndation p.anter area. &ppropriate trees and shr-5s inc.-de cra5app.e+ 5irch+ cherry+ ha(thorne+ ser2ice5erry+ ar5or2itae+ dog(ood+ 2i5ern-3+ cotoneaster+ forsythia+ ha/e.n-t+ 5ar5erry+ spirea+ ;-niper+ ye(+ or species and 2areties appro2ed 5y the City. c. One 011 street tree at a 3ini3-3 of 2.0? ca.iper sha.. 5e p.anted at fifty 0901 feet


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Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

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centers and (ithin ten 0101 feet of+ a.. p-5.ic and pri2ate streets and dri2es+ inc.-ding par8ing .ot connections and circ-.ation dri2es+ and .oading areas. S-ch tree p.antings sha.. 5e p.anted in tree (e..s the circ-.ation dri2es ad;acent to the sides of the store that face a p-5.ic or pri2ate street+ 5oth sides of interna. dri2es+ and the o-tside edge of .oading areas. &ppropriate trees inc.-de s-gar 3ap.e+ pin oa8+ gin8go+ or species and 2arieties appro2ed 5y the City. d. One 011 shade tree at a 3ini3-3 of 2.0? ca.iper sha.. 5e p.anted on each par8ing .ot penins-.a and is.and. &ppropriate trees inc.-de honey .oc-st+ green or (hite ash+ .inden+ s-gar 3ap.e+ red 3ap.e+ or species and 2arieties appro2e 5y the City. e. &.. .andscaped areas sha.. 5e at .east ten 0101 feet (ide in their s3a..est di3ension. Tree (e..s 3ay 5e a 3ini3-3 of thirty=si4 0*)1 s7-are feet. Li% tin%. On=site e4terior .ighting sha.. 3eet a.. the standards of Section 22.A0: of the Zoning Ordinance+ e4cept that in addition: a. Tota. c-t=off .-3inaries (ith of .ess than ninety 0F01 degrees sha.. 5e re7-ired for a.. po.e and 5-i.ding sec-rity .ighting to ens-re no f-giti2e -p .ighting occ-rs. 5. &t a 3ini3-3+ as 3eas-red o2er a35ient .ighting conditions on a c.ear night+ e4terior .ighting sha.. not e4ceed 3ore that 0.9 foot a5o2e a35ient .e2e.s a.. property .ines+ and sha.. not e4ceed an a2erage i..-3ination .e2e. of 2.A foot nor pro2ide 5e.o( a 3ini3-3 of 0.2 foot in p-5.ic par8ing and pedestrian areas. c. The co.or and design of po.e .ighting standards sha.. 5e co3pati5.e (ith the 5-i.ding and the City@s p-5.ic .ighting in the area+ and sha.. 5e -nifor3 thro-gho-t the entire de2e.op3ent site. The 3a4i3-3 height for a.. sha.. 5e t(enty 0201 feet. Si%n&%e. The for e4terior signage sha.. pro2ide for 3odest+ coordinated+ and co3p.i3entary e4terior sign .ocations+ config-rations+ and co.or thro-gho-t the de2e.op3ent+ inc.-ding o-t.ots. &.. freestanding signage (ithin the de2e.op3ent sha.. co3p.i3ent on=5-i.ding signage. #on-3ent sty.e gro-nd signs are re7-ired+ and sha.. not e4ceed a height of eight 0E1 feet. Conso.idated signs for 3-.tip.e -sers 3ay 5e re7-ired instead of 3-.tip.e indi2id-a. signs. The City 3ay re7-ire the -se of 3-ted corporate co.ors on signage if proposed co.ors are not co3pati5.e (ith the City@s design o5;ecti2es for the area. The -se of .ogos+ s.ogans+ sy35o.s+ patterns+ striping and other 3ar8ings+ and co.ors associated (ith a franchise or chain is per3itted+ and sha.. 5e considered as contri5-ting to the n-35er and area of per3itted signs. Noise. "oise associated (ith acti2ites at the site sha.. not create a n-isance to near5y properties+ and sha.. co3p.y (ith app.ica5.e City noise re7-ire3ents in Section 22.A0F of the Zoning Ordinance. N&tu!&- Resou!ces P!otection. E4isting nat-ra. feat-res sha.. 5e integrated into the site design as a site and co33-nity a3enity. #aintenance of any stor3 (ater detention or con2eyance feat-res are so.e.y 5orne 5y the de2e.operDo(ner -n.ess dedicated and accepted 5y the City. Po-ic" on V&c&tion o2 E=istin% Sites. ,here s-ch a 5-i.ding is proposed as a rep.ace3ent .ocation for a 5-siness a.ready .ocated (ithin the City+ the City sha.. prohi5it any pri2ate.y i3posed .i3its on the type or re-se of the pre2io-s.y occ-pied 5-i.ding thro-gh conditions of sa.e or .ease. If the 5-i.ding re3ains 2acant of a per3anent occ-pant for 3ore than *) 3onths+ the property o(ner sha.. de3o.ish the 5-i.ding and restore the site to >greenfie.d? stat-s+ as defined 5y the re3o2a. of a..

Section 22.* 0 0 Edgert o n en er a. %ro2isions

City of Chapt e r 22: Zoning Ordina n c e

5-i.dings+ fo-ndations+ pa2e3ent+ concrete+ .ight fi4t-res+ signage+ and 3ateria.s and inc.-ding the esta5.ish3ent of per3anent t-rf on the site. Te3porary occ-pancy of the 5-i.ding andDor the e4terior gro-nds sha.. not 5e considered a >per3anent occ-pant?. b. A''ition&- Ru-es 8e"on' T ose ReAu!e' in Section &3 A##-ic&b-e to L&!%e G!ou# De,e-o#7ents 0e4ceeding 20+000 gross s7-are feet1: 1. Co7#&tibi-it" Re#o!t is ReAui!e'. The app.icant sha.. pro2ide+ thro-gh a (ritten Co3pati5i.ity !eport s-53itted (ith the petition for a Conditiona. $se %er3it or re/oning app.ication for the %$D Districts+ ade7-ate e2idence that the proposed 5-i.ding and o2era.. de2e.op3ent pro;ect sha.. 5e co3pati5.e (ith the City@s Co3prehensi2e and any Detai.ed "eigh5orhood for the area. The Co3pati5i.ity !eport sha.. specifica..y address the fo..o(ing ite3s: a. & description of ho( the proposed de2e.op3ent is co3pati5.e (ith adopted City %.ans+ inc.-ding the Co3prehensi2e Detai.ed "eigh5orhiood %.ans+ and other p.ans officia..y adopted 5y the City6 5. & co3p.eted Transportation and Traffic I3pact &na.ysis in a for3at accepta5.e to the State of ,isconsin ,ISDOT District 1. The app.icant sha.. pro2ide ade7-ate f-nding to the City to hire a traffic engineer of the City@s choice to co3p.ete and present a Traffic I3pact ana.ysis fo..o(ing ,isconsin Depart3ent of Transportation District One g-ide.ines. The Traffic I3pact &na.ysis sha.. consider the par8ing .ot 100I f-.. for .e2e. of ser2ice ana.ysis. ,here the pro;ect (i.. ca-se off=site p-5.ic roads+ intersections+ or interchanges to f-nction 5e.o( 'e2e. of Ser2ice C+ as defined 5y the Instit-te of Transportation Engineers+ the City 3ay deny the app.ication+ re7-ire a si/e red-ction in the proposed de2e.op3ent+ or re7-ire that the de2e.oper constr-ct andDor pay for re7-ired off= site i3pro2e3ents. 2. 8ui-'in% Loc&tion is Co7#&tib-e ;it Det&i-e' Nei% bo! oo' P-&n. ,here 5-i.dings are proposed to 5e distant fro3 a p-5.ic street+ as deter3ined 5y the Co33ission+ the o2era.. de2e.op3ent design sha.. inc.-de 5-i.dings on pads or o-t .ots c.oser to the street. %.ace3ent and orientation 3-st faci.itate appropriate .and -se transitions and appropriate traffic f.o( to ad;oining roads and neigh5oring co33ercia. areas+ and neigh5orhoods+ and 3-st for(ard co33-nity character o5;ecti2es as descri5ed in the City@s Co3prehensi2e In the a5sence of an adopted Detai.ed "eigh5orhood or %re.i3inary for the s-5;ect property+ the conditiona. -se or p.anned -nit de2e.op3ent app.ication for de2e.op3ent e4ceeding 20+000 s7-are feet in tota. gross f.oor area of a.. co35ined 5-i.dings (ithin the de2e.op3ent sha.. 5e acco3panied or preceded 5y a ne( City=appro2ed Detai.ed "eigh5orhood or %re.i3inary for a.. areas (ithin one tho-sand fi2e h-ndred 01+9001 feet of the s-5;ect property+ as 3eas-red fro3 the o-ter peri3eter of the s-5;ect property or gro-p of properties proposed for de2e.op3ent+ and other near5y .ands as deter3ined 5y the Co33ission and City Joard to 5e part of the neigh5orhood. The Detai.ed "eigh5orhood or %re.i3inary sha.. c.ear.y de3onstrate the pro2ision of .and -se+ 3-.ti=3oda. transportation+ -ti.ity+ stor3(ater 3anage3ent and co33-nity character co3ponents+ and patterns that c.ear.y for(ard the o5;ecti2es of the City@s Co3prehensi2e as deter3ined 5y the Co33ission. The Detai.ed "eigh5orhood or %re.i3inary sha.. contain the fo..o(ing specific e.e3ents at a sca.e of not .ess than 1 inch e7-a.s A00 feet: a. 'and $se (ith specific 4oning districts andDor .and -ses6 5. Transitiona. treat3ents s-ch as 5er3s andDor .andscaping 5et(een areas (ith differing .and -ses or character6 c. Co3p.ete p-5.ic road net(or86 d. %edestrian and 5icyc.e net(or86

Section 22.*00

Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

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e. Transit ro-tes and stops+ (here app.ica5.e6 f. Concept-a. stor3(ater 3anage3ent net(or86 g. %-5.ic faci.ity sites inc.-ding par8s+ schoo.s+ conser2ation areas+ p-5.ic safety faci.ities and p-5.ic -ti.ity faci.ities6 h. !eco33endations for co33-nity character the3es inc.-ding 5-i.ding 3ateria.s+ .andscaping+ streetscaping and signage. *. O,e!&-- 8ui-'in% Desi%n. The 5-i.ding e4terior sha.. co3p.e3ent other 5-i.dings in the 2icinty+ and sha.. 5e of a design deter3ined appropriate 5y the Co33ission: a. The 5-i.ding sha.. e3p.oy 2arying set5ac8s+ heights+ roof treat3ents+ door(ays+ (indo( openings+ and other str-ct-ra. or decorati2e e.e3ents to red-ce apparent si/e and sca.e of the 5-i.ding. 5. & 3ini3-3 of t(enty 0201 percent of the str-ct-re@s facades that are 2isi5.e fro3 a p-5.ic street sha.. e3p.oy act-a. protr-sions or recesses (ith a depth of at .east si4 feet. "o -ninterr-pted fa\ade sha.. e4tend 3ore than 100 feet. c. & 3ini3-3 of t(enty 0201 percent of a.. of the co35ined .inear roof ea2e or parapet .ines of the str-ct-re sha.. e3p.oy differences in height+ (ith s-ch differences 5eing si4 0)1 feet or 3ore as 3eas-red ea2e to ea2e or parapet to parapet. d. !oofs (ith s.opes 3ay 5e re7-ired 5y the City to co3p.e3ent e4isting 5-i.dings or other(ise esta5.ish a aesthetic o5;ecti2e. e. ro-nd f.oor facades that face p-5.ic streets sha.. ha2e arcades 0a series of o-tdoor spaces .ocated -nder a roof or o2erhang and s-pported 5y co.-3ns or arches1+ disp.ay (indo(s+ entry areas+ a(nings+ or other s-ch feat-res no .ess than si4ty 0)01 percent of their hori/onta. .ength. The integration of (indo(s into 5-i.ding design is re7-ired+ and sha.. 5e transparent+ c.ear g.ass 0not tinted1 5et(een three 0*1 to eight 0E1 feet a5o2e the (a.8(ay any facades facing a p-5.ic street. The -se of 5.inds sha.. 5e accepta5.e (here there is a desire for opacity. f. J-i.ding facades sha.. inc.-de a repeating pattern that inc.-des no .ess than three 0*1 of the fo..o(ing e.e3ents: 0i1 co.or change+ 0ii1 te4t-re change+ 0iii1 3ateria. change+ 0i21 e4pression of architect-ra. or str-ct-ra. 5ay thro-gh a change in p.ane no .ess than t(enty fo-r 02A1 inches in (idth+ s-ch as an offset+ re2ea. or pro;ecting ri5. &t .east one of these e.e3ents sha.. repeat hori/onta..y. &.. e.e3ents sha.. repeat at inter2a.s of no 3ore than thirty 0*01 feet+ either hori/onta..y or 2ertica..y. A. L&n'sc&#e' 8e!7. For de2e.op3ent e4ceeding t(enty tho-sand 020+0001 s7-are feet in tota. gross f.oor area+ and (here the s-5;ect property a5-ts an area /oned or p.anned for residentia.+ instit-tiona.+ or office -se+ a 3ini3-3 si4 0)1 foot high 5er3 sha.. 5e pro2ided. The 5er3 sha.. 5e p.anted (ith a do-5.e ro( of (hite+ green or 5.-e spr-ce p.antings+ or species and 2arieties appro2ed 5y the City+ spaced fifteen 0191 feet on center. 9. Abso-ute 8ui-'in% A!e& C&#. "o indi2id-a. 5-i.ding de2oted to retai.+ entertain3ent+ or a co35ination of retai. and entertain3ent .and -ses+ sha.. e4ceed a tota. of )0+000 s7-are feet in gross f.oor area for the co35ined gross f.oor area of a.. retai. and entertain3ent .and -ses. Office+ instit-tiona.+ persona. or professiona. ser2ice+ st-dio and residentia. -ses 3ay 5e .ocated in the sa3e 5-i.ding as said retai. andDor entertain3ent .and -ses and 3ay 5ring the tota. gross f.oor area o2er the )0+000 s7-are foot cap. This cap 3ay not 5e e4ceeded 5y the granting of a %.anned De2e.op3ent per3it. This cap sha.. not app.y to 5-i.dings -sed so.e.y for office+ instit-tiona.+ persona. or professiona. ser2ice+ or st-dio -ses+ or to 5-i.dings co3prised

Section 22.* 0 0 Edgert o n en er a. %ro2isions

City of Chapt e r 22: Zoning Ordina n c e

so.e.y of a co35ination of said those -ses. ). 8ui-'in% &n' P&!9in% P-&ce7ent. & 3a4i3-3 of fifty 0901 percent of a.. par8ing spaces .ocated any(here on the site sha.. 5e .ocated 5et(een the pri3ary street frontage right=of=(ay .ine and .ine of e7-a. set5ac8 to the 3ost distant front (a.. of the 5-i.ding. The re3ainder of par8ing on the site sha.. 5e set 5ac8 a greater distance fro3 this set5ac8 .ine.

1!4 D!i,e>In3 D!i,e>u# o! D!i,e>t !ou% L&n' Ese Description: Dri2e=In .and -ses inc.-de a.. -ses that ha2e a dri2e=in or dri2e=-p ser2ice as the principa. .and -se. S-ch .and -ses often ha2e traffic 2o.-3es that e4hi5it their highest .e2e.s conc-rrent (ith pea8 traffic f.o(s on ad;acent roads. If perfor3ed in con;-nction (ith a principa. .and -se 0for e4a3p.e+ a dri2e=-p (indo(+ an &T# 3achine1+ dri2e=in .and -ses sha.. 5e considered an accessory -se 0see S-5section 22.*0A0910411. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: UJ=1+ J=*+ J=A+ <#$V a. C.ear.y 3ar8ed pedestrian cross(a.8s sha.. 5e pro2ided for each (a.8=in c-sto3er access to the faci.ity ad;acent to the dri2e=thro-gh .ane0s1. 5. The dri2e=thro-gh faci.ity sha.. 5e designed so as to not i3pede or i3pair and pedestrian traffic 3o2e3ent+ or e4acer5ate the potentia. for conf.icts. c. In no instance sha.. a dri2e=thro-gh faci.ity 5e per3itted to operate (hich endangers the p-5.ic safety+ e2en if s-ch .and -se has 5een per3itted -nder the pro2isions of this Section. d. The set5ac8 of any o2erhead canopy or str-ct-re sha.. 5e a 3ini3-3 of 10 feet fro3 a.. street rights=of=(ay .ines+ a 3ini3-3 of 20 feet fro3 a.. residentia..y=/oned property .ines+ and sha.. 5e a 3ini3-3 of 9 feet fro3 a.. other property .ines. The tota. height of any o2erhead canopy of str-ct-re sha.. not e4ceed 20 feet as 3eas-red to the highest part of the str-ct-re. e. &.. areas of the faci.ity sha.. pro2ide a s-rface pa2ed (ith concrete or 5it-3ino-s 3ateria. that is designed to 3eet the re7-ire3ents of a 3ini3-3 A ton a4.e .oad. f. Faci.ity sha.. pro2ide a 5-fferyard (ith a 3ini3-3 opacity of 0.)0 a.. property 5orders a5-tting residentia..y /oned property 0Section 22.)101. g. Interior c-r5s sha.. 5e -sed to separate dri2ing areas fro3 e4terior fi4t-res s-ch as canopy s-pports and .andscaped is.ands. Said c-r5s sha.. 5e a 3ini3-3 of ) inches high and 5e of a non=3o-nta5.e design. "o c-r5 protecting an e4terior fi4t-re sha.. 5e .ocated c.oser than 29 feet to a.. property .ines. h. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: One space per 90 s7-are feet of gross f.oor area. Each dri2e=-p .ane sha.. ha2e a 3ini3-3 stac8ing .ength of 100 feet 5ehind the pass thro-gh (indo( and A0 feet 5eyond the pass thro-gh (indo(. These re7-ire3ents 3ay 5e (ai2ed 5y the Co33ission for 5-sinesses in the J=2 District+ fo..o(ing a re7-est fro3 the &pp.icant.
1s4 C&7#%!oun'

Section 22.*00

Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

en er a. %ro2ision s &3en d e d 12D12

Description: Ca3pgro-nds inc.-de any faci.ities designed for o2ernight acco33odation of persons in tents+ tra2e. trai.ers+ or other 3o5i.e or porta5.e she.ters or 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: U&=1V a. Faci.ity sha.. pro2ide a 5-fferyard (ith a 3ini3-3 opacity of .0: a.. property 5orders a5-tting residentia..y /oned property 0see S-5section 2*.)101. 5. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: One and one=ha.f 01.91 spaces per ca3psite. 1t4 A!tis&n Stu'io6P!o'uction S o# Description: & 5-i.ding or portion thereof -sed for the preparation+ disp.ay and sa.e of indi2id-a..y crafted art(or8+ ;e(e.ry+ f-rnit-re+ pottery+ .eathercraft+ hand=(o2en and re.ated ite3s+ as either a principa. -se or accessory -se. & st-dio is -sed 5y no 3ore than three artists or artisans. &n artisan prod-ction shop is an artisan st-dio -sed 5y 3ore than three artists or artisans. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: UJ=1+ J=2+ J=*+ J=A+ <#$+ #=1+ #=2V a. &rtisan %rod-ction Shop is not a..o(ed in the 'oca. J-siness District 0J=11. 5. Faci.ity sha.. pro2ide a 5-fferyard (ith a 3ini3-3 opacity of .)0 a.. property 5orders a5-tting residentia..y /oned property 0S-5section 2*.)101. c. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20:+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. -ses per3itted 5y right (ith specia. re7-ire3ents. *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: "ot &pp.ica5.e A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: One space per *00 s7-are feet of gross f.oor area. &de7-ate on=site par8ing is re7-ired for a.. c-sto3er and e3p.oyee 1)4 Accesso!" L&n' Eses &ccessory -ses are .and -ses incidenta. to the principa. acti2ity cond-cted on the s-5;ect property. On.y those accessory -ses .isted 5e.o( sha.. 5e per3itted (ithin the ;-risdiction of this Chapter. ,ith the e4ception of a co33ercia. apart3ent 0see S-5section 0910a1+ 5e.o(1+ or a far3 residence 0see S-5section 0910c1+ 5e.o(1+ in no instance sha.. an accessory -se+ 5ase3ent+ tent or recreationa. 5e -sed as a residence. ,ith the e4ception of far3 5-i.dings+ accessory 5-i.dings .ocated (ithin a residentia. district sha.. 5e constr-cted or finished in a co3p.i3entary architect-ra. sty.e and (ith co3p.i3entary 3ateria.s to the principa. residentia. 5-i.dings in the neigh5orhood. &ccessory -ses sha.. not 5e .ocated 5et(een a principa. 5-i.ding and a street frontage on the sa3e .ot+ nor (ithin any re7-ired front yard or street side yard. 1&4 Co77e!ci&- A#&!t7ent Description: Co33ercia. apart3ents are d( -nits (hich are .ocated a5o2e the gro-nd f.oor of a 5-i.ding -sed for a co33ercia. .and -se 0as designated in S-5section 0A1+ a5o2e1 == 3ost typica..y an office or retai. esta5.ish3ent. The pri3ary ad2antage of co33ercia. apart3ents is that they are a5.e to share re7-ired par8ing spaces (ith nonresidentia. -ses. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: UJ=1+ J=2+ J=*+ J=A+ <#$V a. The gross f.oor area de2oted to co33ercia. apart3ents sha.. 5e co-nted to(ard the f.oor area of a nonresidentia. de2e.op3ent. 5. & 3ini3-3 of 1 off=street par8ing space sha.. 5e pro2ided for each 5edroo3 (ithin a

Section 22.* 0 0 Edgert o n en er a. %ro2isions

City of Chapt e r 22: Zoning Ordina n c e

co33ercia. apart3ent. %ar8ing spaces pro2ided 5y nonresidentia. .and -ses on the site 3ay 5e co-nted for this re7-ire3ent (ith the appro2a. of the Zoning &d3inistrator. c. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. 1b4 On>Site P&!9in% Lot Description: On=site par8ing .ots are any areas .ocated on the sa3e site as the principa. .and -se that are -sed for the te3porary par8ing of (hich are f-..y registered+ .icensed and operati2e. !efer to S-5section 22.A0A. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: U&.. DistrictsV a. &ccess to an on=site par8ing .ot sha.. on.y 5e per3itted to a co..ector or arteria. street. 5. &ccess and circ-.ation sha.. 5e designed so as to disco-rage c-t=thro-gh traffic. c. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20:+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. -ses per3itted 5y right (ith specia. re7-ire3ents. *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: "ot &pp.ica5.e 1c4 0&!7 Resi'ence Description: & far3 residence is a sing.e=fa3i.y detached d( -nit .ocated on the sa3e property as any of the principa. agric-.t-ra. .and -ses .isted in S-5section 021+ a5o2e. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight U&.. DistrictsV 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: "ot &pp.ica5.e 1'4 Det&c e' P!i,&te G&!&%e3 C&!#o!t3 o! Eti-it"6Sto!&%e S e' Description: & detached pri2ate garage or carport is a str-ct-re that pri3ari.y acco33odates the she.tered par8ing of a passenger 2ehic.e. & -ti.ityDstorage shed is an accessory str-ct-re that acco33odates the storage of residentia. 3aintenance e7-ip3ent and sha.. not 5e -sed to store cars+ tr-c8s or re.ated non=recreationa. & p.ayho-se is an accessory str-ct-re that is intended for -se as a s3a.. recreationa. str-ct-re. & ga/e5o is an accessory str-ct-re intended for -se as a te3porary she.ter. These str-ct-res 3-st 5e .ocated so as to 5e accessory to a principa. .and -se on the sa3e or ad;acent .ot. If .ocated on an ad;acent .ot+ the o(ner 3-st record a deed restriction prohi5iting the sa.e of the t(o parce.s separate.y. & po.ystr-ct-re is not: a garage6 a carport if it is attached to another str-ct-re6 a -ti.ity shed6 a p.ayho-se6 or a ga/e5o. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: U&.. DistrictV 0a1 & parce. 3ay ha2e one of the fo..o(ing: EITHER One detached pri2ate residentia. garage or carport sha.. 5e per3itted 5y right -p to F00 s7-are feet or *0I of the rear .ot area+ (hiche2er is .ess+ and one -ti.ityDstorage shed or one p.ayho-se or one ga/e5o -p to 190 s7-are feet sha.. 5e per3itted 5y right. &.. portions of the -pper f.oor of a garage that has at .east ) feet of space 5et(een the f.oor and sha.. co-nt as part of the tota. area in the garage. OR &ny co35ination of t(o of the fo..o(ing: one -ti.ityDstorage shed+ one p.ayho-se or one ga/e5o -p to 190 s7-are feet each sha.. 5e per3itted 5y right. "ote: & parce. cannot ha2e one detached garage and t(o of the s3a.. accessory str-ct-res .isted a5o2e (itho-t a conditiona. -se per3it. 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: U!=*+ !=A+ &=1+ J=1+ J=2+ J=*+ J=A+ #=1+ #=2+ #=*+ <#$+ O=1V 0a1 Detached pri2ate garage or carport .arger than F00 s7-are feet or 3ore than *0I of the rear .ot

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area+ 5-t than the f.oor area of the first f.oor of the principa. -se str-ct-re on the .ot. If the garage or carport is .arger than the principa. -se str-ct-re and -sed for 2ehic.e storage+ it sha.. 5e reg-.ated as Indoor Lehic.e Storage -nder Section 22.*0A0E10e1. &.. portions of the -pper f.oor of a garage that has at .east ) feet of space 5et(een the f.oor and sha.. co-nt as part of the tota. area in the garage. 051 One detached pri2ate residentia. garage or carport in co35ination (ith any t(o of the fo..o(ing: a -ti.ity shed+ a p.ayho-se+ or a ga/e5o -p to 190 s7-are feet each if the co35ined area of a.. accessory str-ct-res does not e4ceed *0I of the rear .ot area. 0c1 Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. 1e4 P!i,&te Resi'enti&- Rec!e&tion&- 0&ci-it" Description: This .and -se inc.-des a.. acti2e o-tdoor recreationa. faci.ities .ocated on a pri2ate residentia. .ot that are not other(ise .isted in S-5section 22.*0A. #ateria.s and .ighting sha.. .i3it .ight .e2e.s at said property .ine are to 5e e7-a. to or .ess than 0.9 foot 0see S-5section 22.A0:1. &.. pri2ate residentia. recreation faci.ities and their attendant str-ct-res sha.. co3p.y (ith the 5-.8 re7-ire3ents for accessory str-ct-res. Co33on of these accessory -ses inc.-de 5as8et5a.. co-rts+ tennis co-rts+ s(i33ing poo.s+ and recreation=type e7-ip3ent. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: 0&.. accessory -ses e4cept s(i33ing poo.s1 U&.. DistrictsV 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents 0for s(i33ing poo.s1: U&.. DistrictV a. S(i33ing poo.s sha.. 5e enc.osed per the re7-ire3ents of the #ode. Jarrier Code for S(i33ing %oo.s and Spas fro3 the "ationa. Spa and %oo. Instit-te 0"S%I1+ a2ai.a5.e fro3 the Zoning &d3inistrator. 124 Co7#&n" C&2ete!i& Description: & co3pany cafeteria is a food ser2ice operation that pro2ides food on.y to co3pany e3p.oyees and their g-ests+ (hich 3eets State food ser2ice re7-ire3ents+ and is .ocated on the sa3e property as a principa. .and -se engaged in an operation other than food ser2ice. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight UJ=2+ J=*+ J=A+ <#$+ O=1+ #=1+ #=2+ #=*V 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: "ot &pp.ica5.e 1%4 Co7#&n" P!o,i'e' On>Site Rec!e&tion Description: & co3pany pro2ided on=site recreationa. faci.ity is any acti2e or passi2e recreationa. faci.ity .ocated on the sa3e site as a principa. .and -se+ and (hich is reser2ed so.e.y for the -se of co3pany e3p.oyees and their g-ests. Faci.ities -sing acti2ity night .ighting sha.. 5e a conditiona. -se. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: UJ=2+ J=*+ J=A+ <#$+ O=1+ #=1+ #=2+ #=*V a. &.. str-ct-res and acti2e.y -sed o-tdoor areas sha.. 5e .ocated a 3ini3-3 of 90 feet fro3 any residentia..y /oned property. 5. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20:+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. -ses per3itted 5y right (ith specia. re7-ire3ents. *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: UJ=2+ J=*+ J=A+ <#$+ O=1+ #=1+ #=2+ #=*V a. O-tdoor recreation faci.ities -sing night .ighting and ad;oining a residentia..y /oned property sha.. insta.. and contin-a..y 3aintain a 5-fferyard (ith a 3ini3-3 opacity of 0.)0 0see S-5section 22.)101. Said 5-fferyard sha.. 5e .ocated at the property .ine ad;acent to said residentia..y /oned property. 5. &.. str-ct-res and acti2e.y -sed o-tdoor areas sha.. 5e .ocated a 3ini3-3 of 90 feet fro3 any residentia..y /oned property.

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City of Chapt e r 22: Zoning Ordina n c e

c. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. 1 4 Out'oo! Dis#-&" Inci'ent&- to In'oo! S&-es &n' Se!,ice 17o!e t &n 12 '&"s4 Description: See S-5section 22.*0A0A10d1. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: UJ=*+ J=A+ <#$V a. Sha.. co3p.y (ith a.. conditions of S-5section 0A10d1+ a5o2e. 5. Disp.ay area sha.. not e4ceed 29I of gross f.oor area of principa. 5-i.ding on the site. c. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses.

1i4 In>Ve ic-e S&-es &n' Se!,ices Inci'ent&- to On>Site P!inci#&- L&n' Ese Description: See S-5section 22.*0A0A10f1+ a5o2e. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations UJ=1+ J=*+ J=A+ <#$+ O=1V a. Sha.. co3p.y (ith a.. conditions of S-5section 0A10f1+ a5o2e. 5. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses.
154 Li% t In'ust!i&- Acti,ities Inci'ent&- to In'oo! S&-es o! Se!,ice L&n' Ese Description: These .and -ses inc.-de any .ight ind-stria.+ indoor storage+ or ( acti2ity cond-cted e4c.-si2e.y indoors (hich is incidenta. to a principa. .and -se s-ch as indoor or ser2ice+ on the sa3e site. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e. *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: UJ=1+ J=2+ J=*+ J=A+ <#$V a. The tota. area de2oted to .ight ind-stria. acti2ity sha.. not e4ceed 19I of the tota. area of the 5-i.dings on the property+ or 9+000 s7-are feet+ (hiche2er is .ess. 5. %rod-ction area sha.. 5e physica..y separated 5y a (a.. fro3 the other acti2ity areas and sha.. 5e so-ndproofed to the .e2e. re7-ired 5y S-5section 22.A0F for a.. ad;acent properties. c. If the tota. area of indoor storage de2oted to 2ehic.e storage e4ceeds 90I of the principa. 5-i.ding on the property+ the indoor storage area is defined and reg-.ated as Indoor Lehic.e Storage -nder S-5section 22.*0A0:10e1. d. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ proced-res app.ica.5e to a.. conditiona. -ses. 194 D!&in&%e St!uctu!e Description: These inc.-de a.. i3pro2e3ents inc.-ding+ 5-t not .i3ited to s( ditches+ c-.2erts+ drains+ g-tters+ .e2ees+ 5asins+ detention or retention faci.ities+ i3po-nd3ents+ and da3s intended to effect the direction+ rate andDor 2o.-3e of stor3(ater r-noff+ sno( 3e.t+ andDor channe.i/ed f.o(s across+ (ithin andDor a(ay fro3 a site. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: U&.. DistrictsV a. &ny drainage i3pro2e3ent sha.. not increase the rate of discharge fro3 the s-5;ect property onto any ad;acent properties+ e4cept (here regiona. stor3(ater 3anage3ent faci.ities s-ch as stor3 se(ers and retention or detention faci.ities are in p.ace to ser2e the s-5;ect property. 5. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20:+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. -ses

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per3itted 5y right (ith specia. re7-ire3ents. *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: "ot &pp.ica5.e 1-4 0i--in% Description: inc.-des any acti2ity in an area o2er A+000 s7-are feet or greater than 900 c-5ic yards of fi..+ in2o.2ing the 3odification of the earthCs s-rface a5o2e that in its -ndist-r5ed state. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: U&.. DistrictsV a. Sha.. co3p.y (ith a.. reg-.ations regarding protection 3eas-res for nat-ra. reso-rces. 5. Sha.. not create drainage onto other properties. c. Sha.. not i3pede on=site drainage. d. Sha.. co3p.y (ith pro2isions of the S-5di2ision and %.atting Ordinance. e. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20:+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. -ses per3itted 5y right (ith specia. re7-ire3ents. *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: "ot &pp.ica5.e 174 E=te!io! Co77unic&tion De,ices Description: E4terior co33-nication de2ices inc.-de -ses s-ch as sate..ite dishes+ ha3 radio to(ers+ t.2. antennas+ etc. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: U&.. DistrictsV a. E4terior co33-nication de2ices sha.. not 5e .ocated in the e4cess front or street yards. 5. De2ices 3-st 5e sited an e7-a. or greater n-35er of feet fro3 any property .ines as their 3a4i3-3 height. c. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20:+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. -ses per3itted 5y right (ith specia. re7-ire3ents. *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: U&.. DistrictsV a. De2ices that do not 3eet the specia. re7-ire3ents .isted a5o2e. 5. The &pp.icant 3-st de3onstrate that a.. reasona5.e 3echanis3s ha2e 5een -sed to 3itigate safety ha/ards and the 2is-a. inp-ts of the de2ice. c. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. 1n4 Ho7e Occu#&tion Description: <o3e occ-pations are econo3ic acti2ities perfor3ed (ithin any sing.e=fa3i.y detached residence that co3p.y (ith the fo..o(ing re7-ire3ents. inc.-de persona. and professiona. ser2ices+ and handicrafts+ (hich co3p.y (ith a.. of the fo..o(ing re7-ire3ents: 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents 0Sing.e=fa3i.y !esidences in !esidentia. Districts1: a. The ho3e occ-pation sha.. 5e cond-cted on.y co3p.ete.y (ithin the d( -nit+ or accessory 5-i.ding or str-ct-re (ith a per3anent f.oor+ and not on any porch+ dec8+ patio or other -nenc.osed or partia..y=enc.osed portion of the d( -nit. 5. The ho3e occ-pation sha.. 5e cond-cted 5y a resident of the d( -nit+ and no 3ore than 1 other person sha.. 5e e3p.oyed+ on either a part=ti3e or f-..=ti3e 5asis+ in the 5-siness. c. "o 3ore than 29I of the tota. .i2ing area of the d( 0e4c.-si2e of garage and porch areas1 sha.. 5e -sed for the ho3e occ-pation. d. The d( -nit -sed for the ho3e occ-pation sha.. not ser2e as a storage faci.ity for a

Section 22.* 0 0 Edgert o n en er a. %ro2isions

City of Chapt e r 22: Zoning Ordina n c e

5-siness cond-cted e. "o acti2ity+ 3ateria.s+ goods+ or e7-ip3ent incidenta. to the ho3e occ-pation sha.. 5e e4terna..y 2isi5.e. f. On.y 1 sign+ not to e4ceed 2 s7-are feet+ non=i..-3inated and (a.. 3o-nted on.y+ 3ay 5e -sed to ad2ertise a ho3e occ-pation. Said sign sha.. not 5e .ocated (ithin a right=of=(ay+ and sha.. 5e of an appearance that is har3onio-s (ith near5y residentia. areas. g. The -se of the d( -nit for a ho3e occ-pation sha.. in no (ay 5e inco3pati5.e (ith the character of near5y residentia. areas. h. & 3ini3-3 of 2 off=street par8ing spaces reser2ed for 5-siness -se sha.. 5e pro2ided on=site. i. In no instance sha.. a ho3e occ-pation create a n-isance for neigh5oring properties. ;. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20:+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. -ses per3itted 5y right (ith specia. re7-ire3ents. *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations 0T(o=fa3i.y and #-.ti=fa3i.y !esidences in !esidentia. Districts+ and !esidences in J=1+ J=2+ J=*+ J=A+ <#$+ and O=11: a. Sha.. 3eet a.. additiona. speica. reg-.ations in 2.+ a5o2e. 5. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. 1o4 On>Site Co7#ostin% &n' Doo' Pi-es Description: Inc.-des a.. co..ection+ storage+ and processing of 2egetation (astes andDor (ood 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: U&.. DistrictsV a. &.. faci.ities .ess than 9 c-5ic yards of co3post or 9 f-.. cords of (ood. 5. Sha.. not 5e .ocated (ithin the re7-ired front yard set5ac8 or street yard of the .ot. 2. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: U&.. DistrictsV a. &.. faci.ities .arger than 9 c-5ic yards of tota. co..ection+ storage and processing area+ andDor .arger than 9 f-.. cords of tota. co..ection and storage area. &.. s-ch areas sha.. 5e .ocated a 3ini3-3 of 9 feet fro3 a.. property .ines. 5. Sha.. not in2o.2e food scraps+ other 2er3in=attracting 3ateria.s+ or rotted (ood and sha.. 5e 3aintained in an attracti2e 3anner. c. Sha.. not 5e .ocated (ithin the re7-ired front yard set5ac8 or street yard of the .ot. d. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. 1#4 In'oo! S&-es Inci'ent&- to Sto!&%e o! Li% t In'ust!i&- L&n' Ese Description: These .and -ses inc.-de any retai. acti2ity cond-cted e4c.-si2e.y indoors (hich is incidenta. to a principa. .and -se s-ch as (areho-sing+ ( or any .ight ind-stria. .and -se+ on the sa3e site. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: U<#$+ #=1+ #=2+ #=*V a. &de7-ate par8ing sha.. 5e pro2ided for c-sto3ers. Said par8ing sha.. 5e in addition to that re7-ired for c-sto3ary .ight ind-stria. acti2ities. 5. The tota. area de2oted to acti2ity sha.. not e4ceed 29I of the tota. area of the 5-i.dings on the property. c. Sha.. pro2ide restroo3 faci.ities direct.y accessi5.e fro3 retai. area. d. !etai. area sha.. 5y physica..y separated 5y a (a.. fro3 other acti2ity areas. e. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20:+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. -ses per3itted 5y right (ith specia. re7-ire3ents. *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: "ot &pp.ica5.e

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1A4 ?i%!&nt L&bo! C&7# Description: These .and -ses inc.-de any faci.ity s-5;ect to the reg-.ation of ,isconsin Stat-tes 10*.F0. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: U&=1+ #=*V a. Sha.. 5e s-rro-nded 5y a 5-fferyard (ith a 3ini3-3 opacity of 0.E0 a.. property .ines ad;acent to a.. properties in residentia. or co33ercia. /oning districts. 5. #igrant .a5or ca3ps sha.. 5e an accessory -se to an acti2e principa. -se+ -nder the sa3e o(nership+ (hich is .ocated (ithin the City of Edgerton. c. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20) standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. 1!4 Li% t In'ust!i&- Acti,ities Inci'ent&- to O22ice Description: These .and -ses inc.-de any .ight ind-stria.+ indoor storage+ or ( acti2ity cond-cted e4c.-si2e.y indoors (hich is incidenta. to a principa. .and -se s-ch as office -ses+ on the sa3e site. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: UO=1V a. The tota. area de2oted to .ight ind-stria. acti2ity sha.. not e4ceed 19I of the tota. area of the 5-i.dings on the property+ or 9+000 s7-are feet+ (hiche2er is .ess. 5. %rod-ction area sha.. 5e physica..y separated 5y a (a.. fro3 other acti2ity areas and sha.. 5e so-ndproofed to the .e2e. re7-ired 5y S-5section 22.A0F for a.. ad;acent properties. c. If the tota. area of indoor storage de2oted to 2ehic.e storage e4ceeds 90I of the principa. 5-i.ding on the property+ the indoor storage area is defined and reg-.ated as Indoor Lehic.e Storage -nder S-5section 22.*0A0:10e1. d. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ proced-res app.ica.5e to a.. conditiona. -ses. 1 s 4 Li % t In ' u s t !i &- Ac ti ,i ti e s Inci ' e n t & - t o P e ! s o n & - & n ' P! o 2 e s s i o n & - S e ! ,i c e L& n ' E s e . Description : Thes e .and -se s inc.-de any .ight ind-stria.+ indoor stor a g e + or ( acti2ity cond-c t e d e4c.-si2e.y indoors (hich is incide nt a. to a principa. .and -se s-ch as pers on a. and profe s sion a. ser2ice+ on the sa 3 e site. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith Specia. !e7-ire3ents UJ=1+ J=2+ J=*+ J=A+ <#$V a. The tota. area de2oted to .ight ind-stria. acti2ity sha.. not e4ceed 90I of the tota. area of the 5-i.dings on the property+ or 9+000 s7-are feet+ (hiche2er is .ess. 5. %rod-ction area sha.. 5e physica..y separated 5y a (a.. fro3 the other acti2ity areas. c. The .ight ind-stria. -se sha.. co3p.y (ith the perfor3ance standards of this chapter and sha.. 5e so-nd proofed to the .e2e. re7-ired 5y S-5section 22.A0F for a.. ad;acent properties. d. The prod-cts prod-ced 5y the .ight ind-stria. -se are so.d on the pre3ises and not so.d in any other .ocation. e. &pp.icant sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20:+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. -ses %er3itted 5y !ight (ith Specia. !e7-ire3ents. *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: UJ=1+ J=2+ J=*+ J=A+ <#$V a. The tota. area de2oted to .ight ind-stria. acti2ity sha.. not e4ceed 90I of the tota. area of the 5-i.dings on the property+ or 9+000 s7-are feet+ (hiche2er is .ess.

Section 22.* 0 0 Edgert o n en er a. %ro2isions

City of Chapt e r 22: Zoning Ordina n c e

5.%rod-ction area sha.. 5e physica..y separated fro3 the other acti2ity areas (ithin the 5-i.ding. If the .ight ind-stria. -se is intended to 5e 2ie(ed 5y patrons+ the -ses sha.. 5e separated to ade7-ate.y protect patrons. c.'ight ind-stria. -ses sha.. co3p.y (ith the perfor3ance standards of this chapter and in sha.. 5e so-nd proofed to the .e2e. re7-ired 5y S-5section 22.A0F for a.. ad;acent properties. d.&pp.icant sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. 1t4 0&7i-" D&" C&!e Ho7e 10ou! to Ei% t c i-'!en4 Description: Fa3i.y day care ho3es are occ-pied residences in (hich a 7-a.ified person or persons pro2ide chi.d care for A to E chi.dren. The care of .ess than A chi.dren is not s-5;ect to the reg-.ations of this Chapter. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: U!=1+ !=2+ !=*+ !=AV 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !eg-.ations: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: "ot &pp.ica5.e a. State 'a( !eference: Section )).101:+ ,isconsin Stat-tes 1u4 Inte!7e'i&te D&" C&!e Ho7e 1Nine to 0i2teen c i-'!en4 Description: Inter3ediate day care ho3es are occ-pied residences in (hich a 7-a.ified person or persons pro2ide chi.d care for F to 19 chi.dren. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !eg-.ations: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: U!=1+ !=2+ !=*+ !=AV a. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. 5. State 'a( !eference: Section )).*0A051021+ ,isconsin Stat-tes 1,4 P!i,&te Resi'enti&- St&b-e Description: & pri2ate residentia. sta5.e is a str-ct-re faci.itating the 8eeping of horses 0or ani3a.s1 on the sa3e site as a residentia. d( 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !eg-.ations: U&=1V a. & 3ini3-3 .ot area of 1:9+000 s7-are feet 0A acres1 is re7-ired for a pri2ate residentia. sta5.e. 5. & 3a4i3-3 of one horse per fi2e acres of f-..y enc.osed 05y fencing andDor str-ct-res1 area is per3itted. c. O-tdoor contain3ents for ani3a.s sha.. 5e .ocated a 3ini3-3 of 29 feet fro3 any residentia..y /oned property. d. The 3ini3-3 per3itted si/e of horse or ani3a. sta.. sha.. 5e 100 s7-are feet. e. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20:+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. -ses per3itted 5y right (ith specia. re7-ire3ents. *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: "ot &pp.ica5.e 1;4 Po;e! Gene!&tin% De,ice Inci'ent&- to On>Site P!inci#&- L&n' Ese Discription: %o(er enerating De2ice prod-cing 1 #, or .ess or e3ergency generators prod-cing .ess than * #, that 3eet the e4e3ption standards .isted "! A0).0A0(1. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: Ua.. districtsV. 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: not app.ica5.e. *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: not app.ica5.e. 1=4 D!i,e>In3 D!i,e>u# o! D!i,e>t !ou% L&n' Ese Inci'ent&- to On>Site P!inci#&- L&n' Ese

Section 22.*00

Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

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Description: See S-5section 22.*0A0A10r1+ a5o2e. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations UJ=1+ J=2+ J=*+ J=A+ <#$+ O=1V a. Sha.. co3p.y (ith a.. conditions of S-5section 0A10r1+ a5o2e. 5. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. 1"4 Out'oo! P!e7ise68ee! G&!'ens Description: O-tdoor pre3iseD5eer gardens sha.. 3ean an o-tdoor area on pri2ate property for the p-rpose of cond-cting o-tdoor and cons-3ption of food and 5e2erages. O-tdoor %re3isisDJeer ardens are direct.y attached to the principa. -se str-ct-re and -sed dai.y or on a seasona. 5asis as part of the nor3a. operations of the principa. -se. O-tdoor pre3iseD5eer gardens do not inc.-de s3o8ing area in (hich no food or 5e2erage is so.d or cons-3ed. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: UJ=1+ J=2+ J=*+ J=A+ and <#$V a. "o per3it sha.. 5e iss-ed for an o-tdoor pre3iseD5eer garden if any part of the o-tdoor ser2ice area is (ithin 100 feet of a residentia..y /oned property. 5. O-tdoor %re3isesD Jeer ardens cannot 5e .ocated in a right of (ay. c. "o per3it sha.. 5e iss-ed for an o-tdoor pre3iseD5eer garden if the area is greater than 90I of the gross f.oor area of the principa. -se str-ct-re. The Co33on Co-nci. -pon reco33endation of the Co33ission 3ay (ai2e si/e re7-ire3ents. d. The o-tdoor pre3iseD5eer garden sha.. 5e attached to the principa. -se str-ct-re and access to the o-tdoor pre3iseD5eer garden sha.. on.y 5e a..o(ed thro-gh the 3ain 5-i.ding entrance and e4it+ e4c.-si2e of e3ergency e4its not genera..y -sed for entrance and e4it+ and thro-gh a fenced and contro..ed entrance and e4it. The Co33ission sha.. define a contro..ed entrance or e4it for each conditiona. -se per3it 5ased on the site conditions. &.. o-tdoor pre3iseD5eer garden areas sha.. co3p.y (ith 5-i.ding and fire codes inc.-ding e4iting reg-.ations. e. E2ery o-tdoor pre3iseD5eer garden sha.. 5e co3p.ete.y s-rro-nded 5y a (e..=3aintained (a..+ fence or 5arrier at .east fo-r 0A1 feet in height. It is the nat-re of fencing as (e.. as other 3eas-res and 5arriers to pro2ide contro. o2er the operation of the o-tdoor pre3iseD5eer garden 5y prohi5iting or significant.y restricting the ease in (hich a.coho.ic 5e2erages 3ay 5e passed fro3 (ithin the o-tdoor pre3iseD5eer garden to anyone o-tside the o-tdoor pre3iseD5eer garden. Fencing re7-ire3ents 3ay 5e (ai2ed at the discretion of the Co33on Co-nci. -pon reco33endation of the Co33ission. f. The f.ooring of the o-tdoor pre3iseD5eer garden sha.. 5e constr-cted (ith a hard s-rface+ s-ch as dec8ing 3ateria.+ concrete or pa2er 5ric8. g. It sha.. 5e the responsi5i.ity of the operator to dai.y c.ean -p ad;oining property of a.. de5ris that originates fro3 the o-tdoor pre3iseD5eer garden. h. The o-tdoor pre3iseD5eer garden sha.. on.y 5e -sed for the p-rpose of ser2ing food and 5e2erages and no part of said area sha.. 5e -sed for recreationa. acti2ities+ inc.-ding+ 5-t not .i3ited to+ 2o..ey5a..+ horseshoes. i. "oise fro3 any so-rce that is e3itted fro3 the o-tdoor area sha.. not e4ceed .i3itations pro2ided in the City of Edgerton Code of enera. Ordinances. &3p.ified so-nd or .i2e 3-sic is not per3itted after F:00 p.3. in the J=1+ J=*+ and J=A Zoning Districts and not after 10:00 p.3. in the J=2 and <#$ Districts. This section sha.. not 5e constr-ed to .i3it the a-thority of the Depart3ent to respond to n-isance noise co3p.aints and to ta8e appropriate action in response thereto d-ring any ho-rs. ;. Three or 3ore noise co3p.aints fi.ed and 2erified 5y the Edgerton Depart3ent

Section 22.* 0 0 Edgert o n en er a. %ro2isions

City of Chapt e r 22: Zoning Ordina n c e

against the o(ner of an o-tdoor pre3iseD5eer garden d-ring any 12 3onth period+ sha.. constit-te s-fficient gro-nds to re2o8e the o-tdoor pre3iseD5eer garden per3it granted -nder this section+ s-5;ect to a p-5.ic hearing cond-cted in accordance (ith this Chapter. 8. &.. o-tdoor pre3isesD5eer gardens sha.. 5e s-fficient.y .ighted to ens-re the safety of patrons at a.. ti3es (hen any patrons sha.. 5e therein+ and at a.. ti3es (hen the o-tdoor pre3iseD5eer garden is open to the p-5.ic. 'ighting of the area 3-st 5e shie.ded and not 5e of intensity or 5ri..iance to create g.are (hich is distracting to ad;oining property o(ners or can 5eco3e a ha/ard or danger to traffic. .. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: "o additiona. spaces are re7-ired for an o-tdoor pre3iseD5eer gardens. 1:4 Husb&n'!" Description: <-s5andry .and -ses inc.-de the on=site raising andDor -se of ani3a.s 0as defined in S-5section 22.1021 .ocated on the sa3e site as a principa. .and -se. &piaries are considered h-s5andry .and -ses. 1. Pe!7itte' b" Ri% t: Not A##-ic&b-e 2. Pe!7itte' b" Ri% t ;it A''ition&- S#eci&- ReAui!e7ents: Not A##-ic&b-e $. Con'ition&- Ese Re%u-&tions: JA>1K 5. &ny 5-i.ding ho-sing ani3a.s sha.. 5e .ocated a 3ini3-3 of *00 feet fro3 any residentia..y /oned property+ and 100 feet fro3 a.. other .ot .ines. c. &.. o-tdoor ani3a. contain3ents 0past-res+ pens+ and areas1 sha.. 5e .ocated a 3ini3-3 of 10 feet fro3 any residentia..y /oned property. d. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. a. $se cannot e4ceed an intensity of 1 ani3a. -nit 0as defined in S-5section 22.1021 per acre.

1+4 Te7#o!&!" L&n' Eses 1&4 Cont!&cto!<s P!o5ect O22ice Description: Inc.-des any str-ct-re containing an on=site constr-ction 3anage3ent office for an acti2e constr-ction pro;ect. 1. Te3porary $se !eg-.ations: U&.. DistrictsV a. Str-ct-re sha.. not e4ceed 2+000 s7-are feet in gross f.oor area. 5. Faci.ity sha.. 5e re3o2ed (ithin 10 days of iss-ance of occ-pancy per3it. c. Sha.. not 5e -sed for acti2ity. 0See s-5section 0)10d1+ 5e.o(.1 d. %ro;ects re7-iring said .and -se to 5e in p.ace for 3ore than *)9 days sha.. re7-ire a Conditiona. $se %er3it. e. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20E+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. te3porary -ses. 1b4 Cont!&cto!<s On>Site EAui#7ent Sto!&%e 0&ci-it" Description: Inc.-des any str-ct-re or o-tdoor storage area designed for the on=site storage of constr-ction e7-ip3ent andDor 3ateria.s for an acti2e constr-ction pro;ect. 1. Te3porary $se !eg-.ations: U&.. DistrictsV a. Faci.ity sha.. 5e re3o2ed (ithin 10 days of iss-ance of occ-pancy per3it. 5. %ro;ects re7-iring said .and -se to 5e in p.ace for 3ore than *)9 days sha.. re7-ire a

Section 22.*00

Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

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Conditiona. $se %er3it. c. Sha.. 5e .i3ited to a 3a4i3-3 area not e4ceeding 10I of the propertyCs ross Site &rea. d. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20E+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. te3porary -ses. Re-oc&t&b-e 8ui-'in% Description: Inc.-des any 3an-fact-red 5-i.ding (hich ser2es as a te3porary 5-i.ding for .ess than ) 3onths. 0Faci.ities ser2ing for 3ore than ) 3onths sha.. 5e considered conditiona. -ses and s-5;ect to the genera. standards and proced-res presented in S-5section 22.20).1 1. Te3porary $se !eg-.ations: UJ=1+ J=2+ J=*+ J=A+ #=1+ #=2+ #=*+ <#$+ O=1V a. Sha.. confor3 to a.. set5ac8 reg-.ations. 5. Sha.. confor3 to a.. 5-i.ding code reg-.ations. c. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20E+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. te3porary -ses. On>Site Re&- Est&te S&-es O22ice Description: Inc.-des any 5-i.ding that ser2es as an on=site office for a de2e.op3ent pro;ect. 1. Te3porary $se !eg-.ations: U&.. DistrictsV a. Str-ct-re sha.. not e4ceed 9+000 s7-are feet in gross f.oor area. 5. Faci.ity sha.. 5e re3o2ed or con2erted to a per3itted .and -se (ithin 10 days of the co3p.etion of acti2ity. c. Signage sha.. co3p.y (ith the re7-ire3ents for te3porary signs in S-5section 22.90). d. %ro;ects re7-iring said .and -se to 5e in p.ace for 3ore than *)9 days sha.. re7-ire a Conditiona. $se %er3it. e. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20E+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. te3porary -ses. Gene!&- Te7#o!&!" Out'oo! S&-es Description: Inc.-des the disp.ay of any ite3s o-tside the confines of a 5-i.ding (hich is not other(ise per3itted as a per3itted+ specia.+ or conditiona. -se+ or a specia. e2ent other(ise reg-.ated 5y the City of Edgerton #-nicipa. Code. of this .and -se inc.-de 5-t are not .i3ited to: tent and 5rat(-rst stands. arage are e4e3pt fro3 the pro2isions of this Chapter+ 5-t sha.. co3p.y (ith the re7-ire3ents of the City of Edgerton #-nicipa. Code. 1. Te3porary $se !eg-.ations: UJ=1+ J=2+ J=*+ J=A+ <#$V a. Disp.ay sha.. 5e .i3ited to a 3a4i3-3 of 1A days in any ca.endar year. 5. Disp.ay sha.. not o5str-ct pedestrian or circ-.ation+ inc.-ding sight distances. c. Signage sha.. co3p.y (ith the re7-ire3ents for te3porary signs in S-5section 22.90). d. &de7-ate par8ing sha.. 5e pro2ided. e. If s-5;ect property is .ocated ad;acent to a residentia. area+ and disp.ay acti2ities sha.. 5e .i3ited to day.ight ho-rs. f. The app.icant has (ritten per3ission of the property o(ner or tenant. g. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20E+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. te3porary -ses. Se&son&- Out'oo! S&-es o2 P!o'ucts Description: Inc.-des any o-tdoor disp.ay of prod-cts not other(ise reg-.ated 5y the City of Edgerton Code of Ordinances. of this .and -se inc.-de 5-t are not .i3ited to: seasona. garden shops and the disp.ay of far3 prod-cts. 1. Te3porary $se !eg-.ations: U&=1+ J=1+ J=2+ J=*+ J=A+ <#$+ #=1+ #=2V

Section 22.* 0 0 Edgert o n en er a. %ro2isions

City of Chapt e r 22: Zoning Ordina n c e

a. Disp.ay sha.. 5e .i3ited to a 3a4i3-3 of 120 days in any ca.endar year. 5. Disp.ay sha.. not o5str-ct pedestrian or circ-.ation+ inc.-ding sight distances. c. Signage sha.. co3p.y (ith the re7-ire3ents for te3porary signs in S-5section 22.90). d. &de7-ate par8ing sha.. 5e pro2ided. e. If s-5;ect property is .ocated ad;acent to a residentia. area+ and disp.ay acti2ities sha.. 5e .i3ited to day.ight ho-rs. f. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20E+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. te3porary -ses. 1%4 Out'oo! Asse7b-" Description: Inc.-des any organi/ed o-tdoor asse35.y of 3ore than 100 persons. 1. Te3porary $se !eg-.ations: U&.. DistrictsV a. &cti2ities sha.. not o5str-ct pedestrian or circ-.ation+ inc.-ding sight distances. 5. Signage sha.. co3p.y (ith the re7-ire3ents for te3porary signs. c. &de7-ate par8ing+ drin8ing (ater+ and faci.ities sha.. 5e pro2ided+ and sha.. 5e descri5ed in the app.ication. d. If s-5;ect property is .ocated ad;acent to a residentia. area+ acti2ities sha.. 5e .i3ited to day.ight ho-rs. e. &de7-ate pro2isions for cro(d contro. sha.. 5e 3ade+ and sha.. 5e descri5ed (ithin the app.ication. f. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20E+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. te3porary -ses. 1.4 Sto!&%e o! Dis#os&- L&n' Eses 1&4 In'oo! Sto!&%e o! D o-es&-in% Description: Indoor storage and ( .and -ses are pri3ari.y oriented to the recei2ing+ ho.ding+ and shipping of pac8aged 3ateria.s for a sing.e 5-siness or a sing.e gro-p of 5-sinesses. ,ith the e4ception of .oading and par8ing faci.ities+ s-ch .and -ses are contained entire.y (ithin an enc.osed 5-i.ding. of this .and -se inc.-de con2entiona. (areho-se faci.ities+ .ong=ter3 indoor storage faci.ities+ and ;oint (areho-se and storage faci.ities. !etai. o-t.ets associated (ith this -se sha.. 5e considered accessory -ses per S-5section 22.*0A0910p1+ a5o2e. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: U#=1+ #=2+ #=*V 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: U<#$V a. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20:+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. -ses per3itted 5y right (ith specia. re7-ire3ents. *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: UJ=*V a. sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20) standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: One space per 2+000 sf of gross f.oor area. 1b4 Out'oo! Sto!&%e o! D o-es&-in% Description: O-tdoor storage and ( .and -ses are pri3ari.y oriented to the recei2ing+ ho.ding+ and shipping of pac8aged 3ateria.s for a sing.e 5-siness or a sing.e gro-p of 5-sinesses. S-ch a .and -se+ in (hich any acti2ity 5eyond .oading and par8ing is .ocated o-tdoors+ is considered an o-tdoor storage and ( .and -se. of this .and -se inc.-de contractorsC storage yards+ e7-ip3ent yards+ .-35er yards+ coa. yards+ .andscaping 3ateria.s yard+ constr-ction 3ateria.s yards+ and shipping 3ateria.s yards. S-ch .and -ses do not inc.-de the storage of inoperati2e or e7-ip3ent+ or other 3ateria.s typica..y associated (ith a ;-n8yard or sa.2age yard. 0See S-5section 0:1

Section 22.*00

Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

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0d1+ 5e.o(.1 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e. 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: U#=2+ #=*+ <#$V a. &.. o-tdoor storage that is ad;acent to residentia. areas sha.. 5e co3p.ete.y enc.osed 5y any per3ited co35ination of 5-i.dings+ str-ct-res+ (a..s and fencing. S-ch (a..s and fencing sha. 5e designed to screen a.. stored 3ateria.s fro3 2ie( fro3 residentia. areas at an e.e2ation of 9 feet a5o2e the grade of the residentia. properties pro2iding a 5-fferyard (ith a 3ini3-3 opacity of .)0 0see Section 22.)101. 5. The storage of ite3s sha.. not 5e per3itted in per3anent.y protected green space areas 0see Section 22.)0E1. c. The storage of ite3s sha.. not 5e per3itted in re7-ired frontage .andscaping of 5-fferyard areas. d. In no e2ent sha.. the storage of ite3s red-ce or inhi5it the -se or n-35er of par8ing sta..s pro2ided on the property 5e.o( the re7-ire3ent esta5.ished 5y the pro2isions of Section 22.A0A. If the n-35er of pro2ided par8ing sta..s on the property is a.ready .ess than the re7-ire3ent+ s-ch storage area sha.. not f-rther red-ce the n-35er of par8ing sta..s a.ready present. e. O-tdoor storage areas sha.. 5e pa2ed (ith a hard+ a..=(eather s-rface s-ch as aspha.t+ concrete or sta5i.i/ed .i3estone e4cept in the <#$ Ditrict (here o-tside areas in the <#$ district cannot 5e s-rfaced (ith sta5i.i/ed .i3estone+ gra2e. or other 3ateria.. f. #ateria.s 5eing stored sha.. not interfere in any 3anner (ith either on= or off= site traffic 2isi5i.ity+ inc.-ding potentia. trafficDtraffic and trafficDpedestrian conf.icts. g. Inoperati2e or e7-ip3ent+ or other ite3s typica..y stored in a ;-n8yard or sa.2age yard+ sha.. not 5e stored -nder the pro2isions of this .and -se. h. &.. o-tdoor storage areas sha.. 5e .ocated no c.oser to a residentia..y /oned property than the re7-ired 3ini3-3 set5ac8 for 5-i.dings on the s-5;ect property. i. See Section 22.A0)0)1 for recreationa. e7-ip3ent standards. ;. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20:+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. -ses per3itted 5y right (ith specia. re7-ire3ents. *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: not &pp.ica5.e A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: One space for e2ery 10+000 s7-are feet of gross storage area+ p.-s one space per each e3p.oyee on the .argest (or8 shift. 1c4 Pe!son&- Sto!&%e 0&ci-it" Description: %ersona. storage faci.ities are .and -ses oriented to the indoor storage of ite3s entire.y (ithin partitioned 5-i.dings ha2ing an indi2id-a. access to each partitioned area. S-ch storage areas 3ay 5e a2ai.a5.e on either a condo3ini-3 or renta. 5asis. &.so 8no(n as B3ini=(areho-sesB. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: UJ=*+ <#$+ #=2V a. Faci.ity sha.. 5e designed so as to 3ini3i/e ad2erse 2is-a. i3pacts on near5y de2e.op3ents. The co.or+ e4terior 3ateria.s+ and orientation of proposed 5-i.dings and str-ct-res sha.. co3p.e3ent s-rro-nding de2e.op3ent. 5. Faci.ity sha.. pro2ide a 5-fferyard (ith a 3ini3-3 opacity of 0.E0 a.. property 5orders a5-tting residentia..y /oned property 0see S-5section 22.)101. c. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. d. "o e.ectrica. po(er sha.. 5e r-n to the storage faci.ities.

Section 22.* 0 0 Edgert o n en er a. %ro2isions

City of Chapt e r 22: Zoning Ordina n c e

A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: One space for each e3p.oyee on the .argest (or8 shift. 1'4 *un9"&!' o! S&-,&%e F&!' Description: P-n8yard or sa.2age yard faci.ities are any .and or str-ct-re -sed for a sa.2aging operation inc.-ding 5-t not .i3ited to: the a5o2e=gro-nd+ o-tdoor storage andDor sa.e of (aste paper+ rags+ scrap 3eta.+ and any other discarded 3ateria.s intended for sa.e or recyc.ing6 andDor the co..ection+ dis3ant.e3ent+ storage+ or sa.2age of 2 or 3ore -n.icensed andDor inoperati2e ! faci.ities in2o.2ing on=site o-tdoor storage of sa.2age 3ateria.s are inc.-ded in this .and -se. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: U#=*V a. Faci.ity sha.. pro2ide a 5-fferyard (ith a 3ini3-3 opacity of 1.00 a.. property 5orders a5-tting residentia..y /oned property 0see S-5section 22.)101. 5. &.. 5-i.dings+ str-ct-res+ o-tdoor storage areas+ and any other acti2ity areas sha.. 5e .ocated a 3ini3-3 of 100 feet fro3 a.. .ot .ines. c. In no instance sha.. acti2ity areas 5e .ocated (ithin a re7-ired frontage .andscaping or 5-fferyard areas. d. Sha.. not in2o.2e the storage+ or co..ection of ha/ardo-s 3ateria.s. e. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: One space for e2ery 20+000 s7-are feet of gross storage area+ p.-s one space for each e3p.oyee on the .argest (or8 shift. 1e4 D&ste Dis#os&- 0&ci-it" Description: ,aste disposa. faci.ities are any areas -sed for the disposa. of (astes inc.-ding those defined 5y ,isconsin Stat-tes 1AA.010191+ 5-t not inc.-ding co3posting operations 0see S-5section 0:1 0f1+ 5e.o(1. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: U#=*V a. Sha.. co3p.y (ith a.. Co-nty+ State and Federa. reg-.ations. 5. Faci.ity sha.. pro2ide a 5-fferyard (ith a 3ini3-3 opacity of 1.00 a.. 5orders of the property 0see S-5section 22.)101. c. &.. 5-i.dings+ str-ct-res+ and acti2ity areas sha.. 5e .ocated a 3ini3-3 of *00 feet fro3 a.. .ot .ines. d. Operations sha.. not in2o.2e the on=site ho.ding+ storage or disposa. of ha/ardo-s 3ateria.s in any 3anner. e. !e7-ired site p.ans sha.. inc.-de detai.ed site restoration p.ans+ (hich sha.. inc.-de at 3ini3-3+ detai.ed grading and re2egetation p.ans+ and a detai.ed (ritten state3ent indicating the ti3eta5.e for s-ch restoration. & s-rety 5ond+ in an a3o-nt e7-i2a.ent to 110I of the costs deter3ined to 5e associated (ith said restoration 0as deter3ined 5y a third party se.ected 5y the City1+ sha.. 5e fi.ed (ith the City 5y the %etitioner 0s-5;ect to appro2a. 5y the City &d3inistrator1+ and sha.. 5e he.d 5y the City for the p-rpose of ens-ring that the site is restored to its proposed condition. 0The re7-ire3ent for said s-rety is (ai2ed for (aste disposa. faci.ities o(ned 5y p-5.ic agencies.1 State Law Reference: Section 144, Subc a!ter "#, Wisconsin Statutes f. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: One space for each e3p.oyee on the .argest (or8 shift. 124 Co7#ostin% O#e!&tion

Section 22.*00

Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

en er a. %ro2ision s &3en d e d 12D12

Description: Co3posting operations are any .and -ses de2oted to the co..ection+ storage+ processing and or disposa. of 2egetation. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: U#=*V a. Sha.. co3p.y (ith a.. Co-nty+ State and Federa. reg-.ations. 5. Faci.ity sha.. pro2ide a 5-fferyard (ith a 3ini3-3 opacity of 1.00 a.. 5orders of the property occ-pied 5y non=agric-.t-ra. .and -ses 0see S-5section 22.)101. c. &.. 5-i.dings+ str-ct-res+ and acti2ity areas sha.. 5e .ocated a 3ini3-3 of 100 feet fro3 a.. .ot .ines. d. "o food scraps or other 2er3in=attracting 3ateria.s sha.. 5e processed+ stored or disposed of on=site. e. Operations sha.. not in2o.2e the on=site ho.ding+ storage or disposa. of ha/ardo-s (astes as defined 5y State Stat-tes in any 3anner. f. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: One space for each e3p.oyee on the .argest (or8 shift. 1%4 Po-"st!uctu!e Description: & po.ystr-ct-re is a freestanding enc.os-re not reg-.ated 5y the 5-i.ding codes intended for storage ha2ing a fra3e of stee. or other 3ateria. that is co2ered (ith p.astic+ po.y-rethane+ 2iny.+ can2as+ other f.e4i5.e sheeting 3ateria.+ or sheet 3eta.+ (hich 3ay or 3ay not ha2e sides. %o.ystr-ct-res do not inc.-de -ti.ity sheds or screen ho-ses that are not -sed for storage. 1. Te3porary $se !eg-.ations: U!=1+ !=2+ !=*+ !=AV a. Sha.. 5e .i3ited to a 3a4i3-3 of 10 days in any ca.endar year. 5. Sha.. confor3 (ith the accessory 5-i.ding set5ac8 re7-ire3ents. c. #ateria. co2ering the po.ystr-ct-re sha.. 5e (e.. sec-red so as to not 5e free to f.-tter and sha.. 5e free of tears. d. Cannot 5e .ocated in a front or street side yard. e. %o.ystr-ct-res -ti.i/ed for 3ore than 10 days 5-t .ess than ) 3onths in a t(e.2e=3onth period sha.. 5e considered a Specia. $se and sha.. 5e s-5;ect to the genera. standards and proced-res presented in S-5section 22.20:. f. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20E+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. te3porary -ses. 2. Te3porary $se !eg-.ations: U&=1+ J=1+ J=2+ J=*+ J=A+ O=1+ <#$+ #=1+ #=2+ #=*V a. Sha.. 5e considered a Conditiona. $se and sha.. 5e s-5;ect to the genera. standards and proced-res presented in S-5section 22.20). 5. Sha.. confor3 (ith the accessory 5-i.ding set5ac8 re7-ire3ents. c. #ateria. co2ering the po.ystr-ct-re sha.. 5e (e.. sec-red so as to not 5e free to f.-tter and sha.. 5e free of tears. d. Cannot 5e .ocated in a front or street side yard. e. Sha.. not 5e rented as a storage faci.ity or any other -se. f. Sha.. not 5e insta..ed for 3ore than 12 3onths in any *=year period. g. "o 3ore than 9 po.ystr-ct-res sha.. 5e .ocated on a property at one ti3e. 1/4 T!&ns#o!t&tion L&n' Eses 1&4 O22>Site P&!9in% Lot

Section 22.* 0 0 Edgert o n en er a. %ro2isions

City of Chapt e r 22: Zoning Ordina n c e

Description: Off=site par8ing .ots are any areas -sed for the te3porary par8ing of (hich are f-..y registered+ .icensed and operati2e. 1. %er3itted $se !eg-.ations: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: UJ=2+ J=*+ <#$+ #=2+ #=*V a. &ccess to an off=site par8ing .ot sha.. on.y 5e per3itted to a co..ector or arteria. street. 5. &ccess and circ-.ation sha.. 5e designed so as to disco-rage c-t=thro-gh traffic. c. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20:+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. -ses per3itted 5y right (ith specia. re7-ire3ents. *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: "ot app.ica5.e. a. &ccess to an off=site par8ing .ot sha.. 5e fro3 a co..ector or arteria. street (hene2er possi5.e. 5. &ccess and circ-.ation sha.. 5e designed so as to disco-rage c-t=thro-gh traffic. c. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20:+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. -ses per3itted 5y right (ith specia. re7-ire3ents. A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: "o re7-ire3ent. 1b4 Ai!#o!t6He-i#o!t Description: &irports and he.iports are transportation faci.ities pro2iding ta8eoff+ .anding+ ser2icing+ storage and other ser2ices to any type of air transportation. The operation of any type of air 2ehic.e 0inc.-ding -.tra.ight aircraft+ hang g.iders+ parasai.s+ and re.ated e7-ip3ent+ 5-t e4cepting 3ode. aircraft1 (ithin the ;-risdiction of this Chapter sha.. occ-r on.y in con;-nction (ith an appro2ed airport or he.iport. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: U#=1+ #=2+ #=*V a. &.. 5-i.dings+ str-ct-res+ o-tdoor airp.ane or he.icopter storage areas+ and any other acti2ity areas sha.. 5e .ocated a 3ini3-3 of 100 feet fro3 a.. .ot .ines. 5. Faci.ity sha.. pro2ide a 5-fferyard (ith a 3ini3-3 opacity of 1.00 a.. 5orders of the property not other(ise co3p.ete.y screened fro3 acti2ity areas 5y 5-i.dings or str-ct-res 0see S-5section 22.)101. c. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: One space per each e3p.oyee on the .argest (or8 shift+ p.-s one space per e2ery 9 passengers 5ased on a2erage dai.y ridership. 1c4 0!ei% t Te!7in&Description: Freight ter3ina.s are defined as .and and 5-i.dings representing either end of one or 3ore tr-c8 carrier .ine0s1 (hich 3ay ha2e so3e or a.. of the fo..o(ing faci.ities: yards+ doc8s+ 3anage3ent offices+ storage sheds+ 5-i.dings andDor o-tdoor storage areas+ freight stations+ and tr-c8 3aintenance and repair faci.ities+ principa..y ser2ing se2era. or 3any 5-sinesses and a.(ays re7-iring transship3ent. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: U#=*V a. Faci.ity sha.. pro2ide a 5-fferyard (ith a 3ini3-3 opacity of 1.00 a.. property 5orders a5-tting residentia..y /oned property 0see S-5section 22.)101. 5. &.. 5-i.dings+ str-ct-res+ o-tdoor storage areas+ and any other acti2ity areas sha.. 5e .ocated a 3ini3-3 of 100 feet fro3 a.. .ot .ines a5-tting residentia..y /oned property. c. In no instance sha.. acti2ity areas 5e .ocated (ithin a re7-ired frontage .andscaping or 5-fferyard areas.

Section 22.*00

Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

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d. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: One space per each e3p.oyee on the .argest (or8 shift. 1'4 Dist!ibution Cente! Description: Distri5-tion centers are faci.ities oriented to the short=ter3 indoor storage and possi5.e repac8aging and reship3ent of 3ateria.s in2o.2ing the acti2ities and prod-cts of a sing.e -ser. !etai. o-t.ets associated (ith this -se sha.. 5e considered accessory -ses per S-5section 1:.:00E1031+ 5e.o(. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: U#=1+ #=2+ #=*V a. Faci.ity sha.. pro2ide a 5-fferyard (ith a 3ini3-3 opacity of 1.00 a.. property 5orders a5-tting residentia..y /oned property 0see S-5section 22.)101. 5. &.. 5-i.dings+ str-ct-res+ o-tdoor storage areas+ and any other acti2ity areas sha.. 5e .ocated a 3ini3-3 of 100 feet fro3 a.. .ot .ines a5-tting residentia..y /oned property. c. In no instance sha.. acti2ity areas 5e .ocated (ithin a re7-ired frontage .andscaping or 5-fferyard areas. d. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: One space per each e3p.oyee on the .argest (or8 shift. 1e4 In'oo! Ve ic-e Sto!&%e Description: Indoor 2ehic.e storage faci.ities are detached 2ehic.e storage 5-i.dings for non=residentia. p-rposes and sha.. 5e considered a principa. -se 5-i.ding if it is the on.y str-ct-re .ocated on the .ot. It sha.. 5e considered a principa. -se 5-i.ding and reg-.ated as a conditiona. -se if it is .arger than and .ocated on the sa3e .ot as another principa. -se str-ct-re. If the indoor 2ehic.e storage faci.ity than and .ocated on the sa3e .ot as another principa. -se+ it sha.. 5e reg-.ated as Detached %ri2ate arage+ Carport+ or $ti.ityDStorage Shed -nder Section 22.*0A0910d1. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: UJ=*+ #=2+ #=*V 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: UJ=1+ J=2+ J=A+ #=1+ <#$+ &=1V a. Indoor Lehic.e Storage Faci.ities .arger than the f.oor area of the first f.oor of the principa. -se str-ct-re on the .ot and .ocated on the sa3e .ot as another principa. -se 5-i.ding. 5. &.. acti2ities sha.. 5e cond-cted entire.y (ithin the confines of the 5-i.ding. c. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. 1B4 In'ust!i&- L&n' Eses 1&4 Li% t In'ust!i&- L&n' Ese Description: 'ight ind-stria. .and -ses are ind-stria. faci.ities at (hich a.. operations 0(ith the e4ception of .oading operations1: 11 are cond-cted entire.y (ithin an enc.osed 5-i.ding6 21 are not potentia..y associated (ith n-isances s-ch as odor+ noise+ heat+ 2i5ration+ and radiation (hich are detecta5.e at the property .ine6 *1 do not pose a significant safety ha/ard 0s-ch as danger of e4p.osion16 and A1 co3p.y (ith a.. of the perfor3ance standards .isted for potentia. n-isances. 'ight ind-stria. .and -ses 3ay cond-ct retai. acti2ity as an accessory -se pro2ided that the re7-ire3ents of S-5section 0E10h1+ 5e.o(+ are co3p.ied (ith. $%% acti&ities, e'ce!t %oadin( and un%oadin(, s a%% be conducted entire%) wit in t e confines of a bui%din(. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: U#=1+ #=2+ #=*V 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: U<#$V

Section 22.* 0 0 Edgert o n en er a. %ro2isions

City of Chapt e r 22: Zoning Ordina n c e

a. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: One space per each e3p.oyee on the .argest (or8 shift. 1b4 He&," In'ust!i&- L&n' Ese Description: <ea2y ind-stria. .and -ses are ind-stria. faci.ities (hich do not co3p.y (ith 1 or 3ore of the fo..o(ing criteria: 11 are cond-cted entire.y (ithin an enc.osed 5-i.ding6 21 are not potentia..y associated (ith n-isances s-ch as odor+ noise+ heat+ 2i5ration+ and radiation (hich are detecta5.e at the property .ine6 and *1 do not pose a significant safety ha/ard 0s-ch as danger of e4p.osion1. #ore specifica..y+ hea2y ind-stria. .and -ses are ind-stria. .and -ses that 3ay 5e (ho..y or partia..y .ocated o-tside of an enc.osed 5-i.ding6 3ay ha2e the potentia. to create certain n-isances (hich are detecta5.e at the property .ine6 and 3ay in2o.2e 3ateria.s (hich pose a significant safety ha/ard. of hea2y ind-stria. .and -ses inc.-de 3eat prod-ct prod-cers6 a.coho.ic 5e2erage prod-cers6 paper+ p-.p or paper5oard prod-cers6 che3ica. and a..ied prod-ct prod-cers 0e4cept dr-g prod-cers1 inc.-ding poison or ferti.i/er prod-cers6 petro.e-3 and coa. prod-ct prod-cers6 aspha.t+ concrete or ce3ent prod-cers6 tanneries6 stone+ c.ay or g.ass prod-ct prod-cers6 pri3ary 3eta. prod-cers6 hea2y 3achinery prod-cers6 e.ectrica. distri5-tion e7-ip3ent prod-cers6 e.ectrica. ind-stria. apparat-s prod-cers6 transportation 2ehic.e prod-cers6 co33ercia. sanitary se(age treat3ent p.ants6 rai.road s(itching yards6 and faci.ities not in2o.2ing the on=site storage of sa.2age 3ateria.s. <ea2y Ind-stria. does not inc.-de Co35-stion %o(er eneration Faci.ities and "on=Co35-stion %o(er enerating Faci.ities. 0Ord. 01=111 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: U#=*V a. Faci.ity sha.. pro2ide a 5-fferyard (ith a 3ini3-3 opacity of 1.00 a.. 5orders of the property a5-tting properties that are not /oned #an-fact-ring 0see S-5section 22.)101. 5. &.. o-tdoor acti2ity areas sha.. 5e .ocated a 3ini3-3 of 100 feet fro3 residentia..y /oned property. "o 3ateria.s sha.. 5e stac8ed or other(ise stored so as to 5e 2isi5.e o2er 5-fferyard screening e.e3ents. c. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20:+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. -ses per3itted 5y right (ith specia. re7-ire3ents. *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: U#=2V a. Faci.ity sha.. pro2ide a 5-fferyard (ith a 3ini3-3 opacity of 1.00 a.. 5orders of the property a5-tting properties that are not /oned #an-fact-ring 0see S-5section 22.)101. 5. &.. o-tdoor acti2ity areas sha.. 5e .ocated a 3ini3-3 of 100 feet fro3 residentia..y /oned property. "o 3ateria.s sha.. 5e stac8ed or other(ise stored so as to 5e 2isi5.e fro3 residentia..y /oned properties o2er 5-fferyard screening e.e3ents. c. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: One space per each e3p.oyee on the .argest (or8 shift. 1c4 Co77unic&tion To;e! Description: Co33-nication to(ers inc.-de a.. free=standing 5roadcasting+ recei2ing+ or re.ay str-ct-res+ and principa. .and -ses6 and any office+ st-dio or other .and -ses direct.y re.ated to the f-nction of the to(er. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !e7-ire3ents: U#=2+ #=*+ &=1V a. To(er sha.. 5e .ocated so that there is s-fficient radi-s of c.ear .and aro-nd the to(er so that its co..apse sha.. 5e co3p.ete.y contained on the property. 5. The insta..ation and contin-ed 3aintenance of a 5-fferyard (ith a 3ini3-3 opacity of 0.E0 property 5orders a5-tting residentia..y /oned property 0see S-5section 22.)101.

Section 22.*00

Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

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c. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: One space per e3p.oyee on the .argest (or8 shift. 1'4 E=t!&ction Ese Description: E4traction -ses inc.-de and .and -ses in2o.2ing the re3o2a. of soi.+ c.ay+ sand+ gra2e.+ roc8+ 3inera.s+ peat+ or other 3ateria. in e4cess of that re7-ired for appro2ed on=site de2e.op3ent or agric-.t-ra. acti2ities. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: "ot &pp.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: U#=*V a. Sha.. recei2e appro2a. fro3 !oc8 Co-nty prior to action 5y the City of Edgerton+ and sha.. co3p.y (ith a.. Co-nty+ State and Federa. reg-.ations. 5. Faci.ity sha.. pro2ide a 5-fferyard (ith a 3ini3-3 opacity of 1.00 a.. 5orders of the property 0see S-5section 22.)101. c. &.. 5-i.dings+ str-ct-res+ and acti2ity areas sha.. 5e .ocated a 3ini3-3 of *00 feet fro3 a.. .ot .ines. d. !e7-ired site p.ans sha.. inc.-de detai.ed site restoration p.ans+ (hich sha.. inc.-de at 3ini3-3+ detai.ed grading and re2egetation p.ans+ and a detai.ed (ritten state3ent indicating the ti3eta5.e for s-ch restoration. & s-rety 5ond+ in an a3o-nt e7-i2a.ent to 110I of the costs deter3ined to 5e associated (ith said restoration 0as deter3ined 5y a third party se.ected 5y the City1+ sha.. 5e fi.ed (ith the City 5y the %etitioner 0s-5;ect to appro2a. 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator1+ and sha.. 5e he.d 5y the City for the p-rpose of ens-ring that the site is restored to its proposed condition. 0The re7-ire3ent for said s-rety is (ai2ed for (aste disposa. faci.ities o(ned 5y p-5.ic agencies.1 e. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. A. %ar8ing !eg-.ations: One space per each e3p.oyee on the .argest (or8 shift. 1e4 Co7bustion Po;e! Gene!&tin% 0&ci-it" un'e! 100 ?D Discription: Co35-stion %o(er enerating Faci.ity -nder 100 #, .and -ses inc.-de any faci.ity+ p.ant+ factory+ 3achinery+ e7-ip3ent or de2ice that is capa5.e of generating .ess than 100 #, of e.ectric po(er or se2era. s-ch de2ices in one de2e.op3ent that in tota. are capa5.e of generating .ess than 100 #, of e.ectrica. po(er 5y -sing a co35-stion process. of co35-stion processes inc.-de the 5-rning of gas+ coa.+ ethano.+ (ood+ n-c.ear+ etc to prod-ce e.ectricity. "OTE: the adoption of this ordinance ref.ects the for3a. finding of fact on the part of the City of Edgerton Co33ission and Edgerton Co33on Co-nci. that reg-.ation of Co35-stion %o(er enerating Faci.ities thro-gh the %.anned De2e.op3ent process f-rthers go2ern3enta. interests 5y re7-iring a thoro-gh re2ie( of this intensi2e and 2ery co3p.e4 .and -se to ens-re the -se is in har3ony (ith the goa.s of the City of Edgerton #aster Co35-stion %o(er enerating Faci.ities capa5.e of generating 100 #, or 3ore are reg-.ated in S-5section 22.*0A0F10f1. %o(er generating de2ices prod-cing 1 #, or .ess or e3ergency generators prod-cing .ess than * #, that 3eet the e4e3ption standards .osted "! A0).0A0(1 are reg-.ated as >%o(er enerating De2ice Incidenta. to On=Site %rincipa. 'and $se? 0see S-5section 22.*0A0910s1. 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: not app.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: not app.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: not app.ica5.e A. %.anned De2e.op3ent reg-.ations: a. &pp.icant 3-st co3p.y (ith a.. 5-i.ding codes regarding noise+ 2i5ration+ 2enting+ etc. 5. City 3-st co3p.ete a cost 5enefit ana.ysis to inc.-de s-ch things as ;o5 creation+

Section 22.* 0 0 Edgert o n en er a. %ro2isions

City of Chapt e r 22: Zoning Ordina n c e

en2iron3enta. i3pacts+ and i3pacts on ta4+ (ater rates and se(er rates. c. City 3-st e2a.-ate the esthetics of the proposed po(er generating faci.ity. $pon co3p.etion of the e2a.-ation of the aesthetics+ the City 3-st conc.-de that the potentia. p-5.ic 5enefit of the proposed -se o-t(eighs any and a.. potentia. ad2erse i3pacts of the proposed -se+ as identified in 220A10c1 1=) of the City of Edgerton Code of enera. Ordinances. d. City 3-st e2a.-ate i3pacts on s-rface and gro-nd(ater 7-a.ity and 7-antity and the app.icant 3-st o5tain the fo..o(ing per3its if re7-ired 5y the appro2ing agency: .oca. erosion contro. appro2a.+ constr-ction site stor3 (ater discharge per3it6 (aste(ater discharge per3it6 ind-stria. stor3 (ater discharge per3it. &pp.ica5.e SS inc.-de 5-t are not .i3ited to SS Chapters 2*E+ 2E1+ and 1)0. &pp.ica5.e &d3inistrati2e Codes inc.-de 5-t are not .i3ited to "! 102=10)+ "! 1A0+ "! 200=21F+ "! 2F0. $pon co3p.etion of the e2a.-ation of the gro-nd (ater i3pacts+ the City 3-st conc.-de that the potentia. p-5.ic 5enefit of the proposed -se o-t(eigh any and a.. potentia. ad2erse i3pacts of the proposed -se+ as identified in 220A1 0c1 1=) of the City of Edgerton Code of enera. Ordinances. e. City 3-st e2a.-ate i3pacts on air 7-a.ity. & co35-stion po(er generating de2ice cannot prod-ce 3ore than 290 ton per year of any criteria po..-tant as defined in ,isconsin &d3inistrati2e codes and 3-st co3p.y (ith a.. aspects of &d3inistrati2e Code Chapters A00= AF0. $pon co3petion of the e2a.-ation of the air 7-a.ity+ the City 3-st conc.-de that the potentia. p-5.ic 5enefit of the proposed -se o-t(eigh any and a.. potentia. ad2erse i3pacts of the proposed -se+ as identified in 220A10c1 1=) of the City of Edgerton Code of enera. Ordinances. f. %etitioner 3-st de3onstrate that the de2e.op3ent (i.. not ad2erse.y i3pact the (ater and se(er -ti.ities. Petitione! 7ust si%n & se#&!&te ;&te! &n' se;e! &%!ee7ent i2 #ub-ic uti-ities &!e in,o-,e'. E#on co7#-etion o2 t e e,&-u&tion o2 t e i7#&ctson #ub-ic uti-ties3 t e Cit" 7ust conc-u'e t &t t e #otenti&- #ub-ic bene2it o2 t e #!o#ose' use out;ei% &n" &n' &-- #otenti&- &',e!se i7#&cts o2 t e #!o#ose' use3 &s i'enti2ie' in 221(41c4 10+ o2 t e Cit" o2 E'%e!ton Co'e o2 Gene!&- O!'in&nces. g. %etitioner 3-st de2e.op an ade7-ate safety to ens-re ade7-ate safety ser2ices a2ai.a5.e. h. %etitioner 3-st sign an agree3ent regarding deco33issioning. i. %etitioner 3-st sign an agree3ent to pay the City at .east the .e2e. of State re2en-es 5ased on .a( at the ti3e of appro2a. e2en if changes in State .a( red-ce the econo3ic 5enefits to the co33-nity. ;. &ppro2a. of a po(er generating faci.ity re7-ires 2D* 3a;ority 2ote of co-nci.. 8. &pp.icant 3-st pay the City@s professiona. ser2ices fees associated (ith e2a.-ation of the pro;ect. .. The City 3ay re.y on the a-thority granted in SS )).092 to reg-.ate po(er generation faci.ities. 3. &pp.icant sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.A00 %erfor3ance Standards. n. &pp.icant sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20) standards and proced-res app.ica.5e to a.. conditiona. -ses. 124 Co7bustion Po;e! Gene!&tion 0&ci-it" 100 ?D o! 7o!e Discription: Co35-stion %o(er enerating Faci.ity .and -ses inc.-de any faci.ity+ p.ant+ factory+ 3achinery+ e7-ip3ent or de2ice that is capa5.e of generating 100 #, or 3ore of e.ectric po(er 5y -sing a co35-stion process or se2era. s-ch de2ices .ocated in one de2e.op3ent that in tota. are capa5.e of generating 100 #, or 3ore of e.ectrica. po(er 5y -sing a co35-stion process. of co3-stion processes inc.-de the 5-rning of gas+ coa.+ ethano.+ (ood+ n-c.ear+ etc to prod-ce e.ectricity. "ot (ithstanding any other pro2ision of .a( or ordinance and p-s-ant to Section )2.2*+ ,isconsin Stat-tes+ the constr-ction+ operation+ and 3aintenance of a Co3-stion %o(er enerating Faci.ity 100 #, or 3ore is prohi5ited in a.. /oning distr9ict of+ and any(here (ithin the corporate .i3its of the

Section 22.*00

Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

en er a. %ro2ision s &3en d e d 12D12

City of Edgerton+ and on any property o(ned+ .eased 5y or contro..ed 5y the City of Edgerton. &dditiona..y+ the City of Edgerton 3ay not 5y e4traterritoria. /oning -nder Section )2.2*+ ,isconsin Stat-tes+ a-thori/e the constr-ction+ operation+ or 3aintenance of a po(er generation faci.ity in any -nincorporated area (hich .ies (ithin the City of Edgerton@s e4traterritoria. ;-risdiction. "OTE: The incorporation of this s-5section into this chapter is designed to ref.ect the City Co-nci.@s officia. finding that Co35-stion %o(er enerating Faci.ities 100 #, or 3ore are contrary to the o5;ecti2es of the #aster d-e to the significant en2iron3enta. i3pact a faci.ity of this si/e (o-.d ha2e. Specifica..y+ the Co-nci. is concerned (ith the air 7-a.ity degradation for the fo..o(ing reasons: the diffic-.ty in esta5.ishing a site for a faci.ity (ith s-fficient distrance fro3 residences+ par8s+ schoo.s+ the hospita. and 5eca-se !oc8 Co-nty is a non=attain3ent area for o/one. The Co-nci. has concern for the i3pact this type of faci.ity (o-.d ha2e a (ater reso-rces 5eca-se the City cannot pro2ide eno-gh (aste(ater o-tf.o( for d-e to the si/e of the ,,T% as co-.d 5e done in .arger co33-nities. D-e to the .ac8 of a .arge ind-stria. section in the Co33-nity+ the aesthetics of a faci.ity (o-.d 5e detri3enta. to preser2ation of property 2a.-es. The Co-nci. has f-rther concern for the a5i.ity of the co33-nity to pro2ide s-ita5.e e3ergency ser2ices for a faci.ity of this type. It is e4p.icit.y not the intent of this s-5cestion to prohi5it po(er prod-ction in the City. The City has adopted ordinances that pro2ide for appropriate.y si/ed co3-stion po(er generating faci.ities and a.ternati2e for3s of po(er prod-ction 5eca-se these for3s of po(er generation are 3ore appropriated for the City of Edgerton in regards to reso-rce de3ands and i3pacts on a co33-nity the si/e of Edgerton. The o5;ecti2e of this s-5section is to 5a.ance the need for po(er prod-ction (ith the need to i3p.e3ent the City@s #aster and protect the character and integrity of co33ercia. and residentia. neigh5orhoods. T e Co77on Counci- !eco%ni:es t &t c &n%es suc &s si%ni2ic&nt tec no-o%ic&&',&nces &!e #ossib-e in t e #o;e! #!o'uction in'ust!". To &''!ess t ese c &n%es3 t e Co77on Counci- e!eb" !eco%ni:es its e=istin% &'o#te' #!ocess in t e Zonin% O!'in&nce to !ee,&-u&te3 &n' &7en' i2 &##!o#!i&te3 t e :onin% #!o,isions &s nee'e' to bette! #!otect co77unit" e&-t 3 s&2et" &n' ;e-2&!e. P!io! to &'o#tin% & Zonin% O!'in&nce &7en'7ent3 t e P-&n Co77ission &n' Co77on Counci- 7ust e,&-u&te &n' conc-u'e t &t t e #otenti&- #ub-ic bene2its o2 t e #!o#ose' &7en'7ent out;ei% &n" &n' &-- #otenti&- &',e!se i7#&cts o2 t e #!o#ose' te=t &7en'7ent. Co35-stion %o(er enerating Faci.ities capa5.e of generating .ess than 100 #, are reg-.ating in S-5section 22.*0A0F10e1. %o(er generating de2ices prod-cing 1 #, or .ess or e3ergency generators prod-cing .ess than * #, that 3eet the e4e3ption standards .isted "! A0).0A0(1 are reg-.ated as >%o(er enerating De2ice Incidenta. to On=Site %rincipa. 'and $se? Gsee S-5section 22.*0A0910s1H. 1%4 Non>Co7bustion Po;e! Gene!&tin% 0&ci-ities Description: "on=Co35-stion %o(er enerating .and -ses inc.-de any faci.ity+ p.ant+ factory+ 3achinery or e7-ip3ent or de2ice that is capa.5e of generating e.ectric po(er 5y -sing non= co35-sti5.e processes. of non=co35-sti5.e po(er generating process are (ind+ geother3a.+ and so.arDphoto2o.taic. %o(er generating de2ices prod-cing 1 #, or .ess or e3ergency generators prod-cing .ess than * #, that 3eet the e4e3ption standards .isted "! A0).0A0(1 are reg-.ated as >%o(er enerating De2ice Incidentia. to On=Site %rincipa. 'and $ses?. GSee S-5section 22.*0A0910s1H 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: not app.ica5.e 2. %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: not app.ica5.e *. Conditiona. $se reg-.ations: U#=1+ #=2+ #=*V a. "on=co35-stion po(er generating de2ice prod-cing 3ore than 1 #, 5. &pp.icant 3-st co3p.y (ith a.. 5-i.ding codes regarding noise+ 2i5ration+ 2enting+ etc. c. City 3s-t co3p.ete a cost 5enefit ana.ysis to inc.-de s-ch things as ;o5 creation+

Section 22.* 0 0 Edgert o n en er a. %ro2isions

City of Chapt e r 22: Zoning Ordina n c e





h. i. ;. 8. ..

en2iron3enta. i3pacts+ and i3pacts on ta4es+ (ater rates and se(er rates. City 3-st e2a.-ate esthetics of the proposed po(er geneating faci.ity. $pon co3p.etion of the e2a.-ation of the aesthetics+ the City 3-st conc.-de that the potentia. p-5.ic 5enefit of the proposed conditiona. -se o-t(eigh any and a.. potentia. ad2erse i3pacts of the proposed conditiona. -se+ as identified in 220A10c1 1=) of the City of Edgerton Code of enera. Ordinances. City 3-st e2a.-ate i3pacts on s-rface and gro-nd(ater 7-a.ity and 7-antity and the app.icant 3s-t o5tain the fo..o(ing per3its at a 3ini3-3 if re7-ired 5y the appro2ing agency: .oca. erosion contro. appro2a.+ constr-ction site stor3 (ater discharge per3it6 (aste(ater discharge per3it6ind-stria. stor3 (ater discharge per3it. &pp.ica5.e SS inc.-de 5-t are not .i3ited to Chapters 2*E+ 2E1+1)0 &d3inistrati2e Codes "! 102=10)+ "! 1A0+"! 200=21F+ "! 2F0. $pon co3p.etion of the e2a.-ation of the gro-nd (ater i3pacts+ the City 3-st conc.-de that the potentia. p-5.ic 5enefit of the proposed conditiona. -se o-t(eigh any and a.. potentia. ad2erse i3pacts of the proposed conditiona. -se+ as identified in 220A1] 1=) of the City of Edgerton Code of enera. Ordinances. City 3-st e2a.-ate i3pacts on air 7-a.ity. & non=co35-stion po(er generating de2ice cannot prod-ce 3ore than 290 ton per year of any criteria po..-tant as defined 5y SS and ,isconsin &d3inistrato2e codes. $pon co3p.etion of the e2a.-ation of the air 7-a.ity+ the City 3-st conc.-de that the potentia. p-5.ic 5enefit of the proposed conditiona. -se o-t(eigh any and a.. potentia. ad2erse i3pacts of the proposed conditiona. -se+ as identified in 220A10c11=) of the City of Edgerton Code of enera. Ordinances. %etitioner 3-st de3onstrate that the de2e.op3ent (i.. not ad2erse.y i3pact the (ater and se(er -ti.ities. Petitione! 7ust si%n & se#&!&te ;&te! &n' se;e! &%!ee7ent i2 #ub-ic uti-ities &!e in,o-,e'. E#on co7#-etion o2 t e e,&-u&tion o2 t e i7#&cts on #ub-ic uti-ities3 t e Cit" 7ust conc-u'e t &t t e #otenti&- #ub-ic bene2it o2 t e #!o#ose' con'ition&- use out;ei% &n" &n' &-- #otenti&- &',e!se i7#&cts o2 t e #!o#ose' con'ition&- use3 &s i'enti2ie' in 221(41c4 1>+ o2 t e Cit" o2 E'%e!ton Co'e o2 Gene!&- O!'in&nces. %etitioner 3-st de2e.op an ade7-ate safety to ens-re ade7-ate safety ser2ices a2ai.a5.e. &pp.icant 3-st pay the City@s professiona. ser2ices fees associated (ith e2a.-ation of the pro;ect. The City 3ay re.y on the a-thority granted to SS )).092 to reg-.ate po(er generation faci.ites. &pp.icant sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.A00 %erfor3ance Standards. &pp.icant sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20) standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses.

1104 N&tu!&- Resou!ce Dis!u#tion &n' ReAui!e' ?iti%&tion St&n'&!'s: In a.. de2e.op3ents+ certain areas 3ay 5e re7-ired to 5e set=aside as per3anent.y protected green space. %er3anent.y protected green space areas are protected nat-ra. reso-rce areas and .and needed to 3eet the #ini3-3 'andscape S-rface !atio 0'S!1 re7-ire3ent. %rotected nat-ra. reso-rces areas are areas inc.-ded in a "at-ra. !eso-rce %rotection O2er.ay Zoning District. ,here s-ch per3anent.y protected green space or protected nat-ra. reso-rces areas e4ist+ and (here the .and -se is per3itted per the .and -se reg-.ations of the app.ica5.e con2entiona. /oning district+ the fo..o(ing reg-.ations sha.. 5e e3p.oyed to esta5.ish .and -se reg-.ations. &.. .and -ses .isted in S-5section 22.*0A011 thro-gh 0F1 are prohi5ited in per3anent.y protected green spaces and protected nat-ra. reso-rces areas -n.ess they are .isted here. For a.. .and -ses+ disr-ption to nat-ra. reso-rce areas sha.. co3p.y (ith the re7-ire3ents of the S-5di2ision Ordinance pertaining to drainage+ grading and erosion contro.. &.. .and -ses .ocated (ithin %er3anent.y %rotected reen Space &reas and %rotected nat-ra. reso-rces areas sha.. co3p.y (ith the fo..o(ing:


Section 22.*00

Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

en er a. %ro2ision s &3en d e d 12D12

1 & 4 Cu-ti,&tion 1. %er3itted as a Conditiona. $se: U%er3anent.y protected green space areas o-tside "at-ra. !eso-rce %rotection O2er.ay Zoning DistrictV: a. %er3itted on.y if designated on the s-53itted site andDor the recorded or Certified S-r2ey as an B&rea that 3ay 5e -sed for c-.ti2ationB. 1 b 4 P&ssi,e Out'oo! Pub-ic Rec!e&tion&- A!e& 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: U&.. per3anent.y protected green space areasV: a. 'i3ited to a 20=foot (ide area in per3anent.y protected nat-ra. reso-rce areas. %er3itted in other per3anent.y protected green space areas (itho-t restriction. 5. "on=nati2e 2egetation sha.. not 5e per3itted to spread into per3anent.y protected nat-ra. reso-rce areas 5eyond said 20=foot (ide area. 1 c 4 Acti,e Out'oo! Pub-ic Rec!e&tion&- A!e& 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: U%er3anent.y protected green space areas o-tside "at-ra. !eso-rce %rotection O2er.ay Zoning DistrictV: a. "on=nati2e 2egetation sha.. not 5e per3itted to spread into per3anent.y protected nat-ra. reso-rce areas. 2. %er3itted as a Conditiona. $se: UC=1V 1 ' 4 Out'oo! Institution&1. %er3itted 5y !ight: U%er3anent.y protected green space areas o-tside "at-ra. !eso-rce %rotection O2er.ay Zoning DistrictV: a. "on=nati2e 2egetation sha.. not 5e per3itted to spread into per3anent.y protected nat-ra. reso-rce areas. 1 e 4 Go-2 Cou!se 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: U%er3anent.y protected green space areas o-tside "at-ra. !eso-rce %rotection O2er.ay Zoning DistrictV: a. "on=nati2e 2egetation sha.. not 5e per3itted to spread into per3anent.y protected nat-ra. reso-rce areas. 2. %er3itted as a Conditiona. $se U&.. per3anent.y protected nat-ra. reso-rce areasV: a. On.y dist-r5ance associated (ith the care of nati2e 2egetation is per3itted. "at-ra. reso-rce areas that are .ocated (ithin or ad;acent to go.f p.ay areas sha.. 5e incorporated into the co-rse design as o-t=of=5o-nds p.ay ha/ards+ and sha.. 5e 3aintained in their nat-ra. state. 1 2 4 An" Pe!7itte' Te7#o!&!" Ese 1. %er3itted 5y !ight: U%er3anent.y protected green space areas o-tside "at-ra. !eso-rce %rotection O2er.ay Zoning DistrictV a. &cti2ity sha.. in no 3anner encroach -pon per3anent.y protected nat-ra. reso-rces areas. %arty sec-ring the te3porary -se per3it sha.. 5e responsi5.e for restoring a.. s-ch nat-ra. reso-rce areas to an -nda3aged state+ or sha.. 5e considered in 2io.ation of the pro2isions of this S-5section. 1 % 4 D!&in&%e St!uctu!e 1. %er3itted as a Conditiona. $se U&.. per3anent.y protected green space areasV: a. Str-ct-re sha.. 5e dee3ed necessary 5y the City Engineer 5. "at-ra. 2egetation sha.. 5e restored in dist-r5ed areas. 1 4 0i--in% 1. %er3itted as a Conditiona. $se U&.. per3anent.y protected green space areasV: a. in the C=1 O2er.ay District sha.. 5e done on.y as re7-ired 5y a necessary road+ 5ridge+

Section 22.* 0 0 Edgert o n en er a. %ro2isions

City of Chapt e r 22: Zoning Ordina n c e

-ti.ity+ or other infrastr-ct-re faci.ity (hich has 5een dee3ed necessary 5y the Depart3ent of %-5.ic ,or8s and in accordance (ith Chapter 2A of the Code of enera. Ordinances. 5. "at-ra. 2egetation sha.. 5e restored in dist-r5ed areas. c. In no instance sha.. raise the 5ase f.ood e.e2ation. 1i4 In'i,i'u&- Se#tic Dis#os&- S"ste7 1. %er3itted as a Conditiona. $se U%er3anent.y protected green space areas o-tside "at-ra. !eso-rce %rotection O2er.ay Zoning DistrictV: a. Sha.. not .ocate c.oser than *0 feet to any other per3anent.y protected nat-ra. reso-rce area. 154 Ro&' &n'6o! 8!i'%e 1. %er3itted as a Conditiona. $se U&.. per3anent.y protected green space areasV: a. #ay .ocate in or across a per3anent.y protected nat-ra. reso-rce areas on.y in con;-nction (ith a 5oat .anding+ or (hen dee3ed essentia. 5y the Depart3ent of %-5.ic ,or8s. 5. #ay .ocate in other per3anent.y protected green space areas if designed to pro2ide an essentia. ser2ice to an acti2ity area .ocated (ithin the green space area that cannot 5e efficient.y reached fro3 another point. c. !oad net(or8s sha.. 5e designed to circ-32ent per3anent.y protected green space areas+ there5y e.i3inating the need for intr-sions and crossings. 1 9 4 Eti-it" Lines &n' Re-&te' 0&ci-ities 1. %er 3itt e d as a Condition a. $se U&.. per 3 a n e n t . y prot e c t e d gre e n spac e are a s V : a. #ay .ocat e in or acros s a per 3 a n e n t . y prot e c t e d nat -r a. reso-r c e are a on.y (he n dee 3 e d ess e n ti a. 5y the Depart 3 e n t of %-5.ic ,or8s. 5. #ay .ocate in other per3anent.y protected green space areas if designed to pro2ide an essentia. ser2ice to an acti2ity area .ocated (ithin the green space area that cannot 5e efficient.y reached fro3 another point. c. In genera.+ -ti.ity .ines sha.. 5e designed to circ-32ent per3anent.y protected green space areas+ there5y e.i3inating the need for intr-sions and crossings. 1-4 Pie!s &n' D &!2s 1. %er3itted as a Conditiona. $se U&.. per3anent.y protected green space areasV: & site sha.. 5e re7-ired per S-5section 22.21* for constr-ction+ erection+ p.ace3ent or e4tension of a pier or (harf+ (ith specific infor3ation pro2ided regarding: its .ocation in re.ation to the shore.ine and a5-tting riparian property .ines+ and regarding di3ensions and 5-i.ding 3ateria.s.


Section 22.*00

Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

en er a. %ro2ision s &3en d e d 12D12

T&b-es o2 L&n' Eses 114

'arge Sca.e Co33ercia. District 0J=*1 S-5-r5an Co33ercia. District 0J=A1 <istoric #i4ed $se District 0<#$1 &gric-.t-ra. District One 0&=11 !esidentia. District Three 0!=*1 !esidentia. District Fo-r 0!=A1 'oca. J-siness District 0J=11 enera. #an-fact-ring District 0#=21 <ea2y #an-fact-ring District 0#=*1 !esidentia. District One 0!=11 !esidentia. District T(o 0!=21 Centra. J-siness District 0J=21 Office District 0O=11 'ight #an-fact-ring District 0#=11

L T"#e o2 L&n' Ese L

D;e--in% Enit T"#es 1See 22.$0( 1141b4HH4M


% C C C

% % % C C C C #

% % % C

011 Sing.e=Fa3i.y Detached 0Site=5-i.t1 021 D-p.e4 0*1 T(in <o-se 0A1 T( C C C C C C C C C C C C 091 To(nho-se 0)1 #-.tip.e4 0:1 &part3ent *=A 0:1 &part3ent 9=1: 0E1 #o5i.e <o3e 0F1 #an-fact-red <o3e 0101 #an-fact-red D( 0#od-.ar1

% C

% %

% %


% %

P N %er3itted 5y !ight in a Con2entiona. De2e.op3ent S N %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents C N %er3itted 5y a Conditiona. $se ? N %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents (ithin a #o5i.e <o3e De2e.op3ent or %ar8

Detai.ed pertaining to the design and constr-ction of each d( -nit type are fo-nd in S-5section 22.*0A011 Detai.ed 'and $se Descriptions and !eg-.ations for !esidentia. 'and $ses and Section 22.:00 Zoning Districts. &.. d( -nits 3-st 3eet a.. app.ica5.e reg-.ations of this /oning ordinance.


Section 22.* 0 0 Edgert o n en er a. %ro2isions

City of Chapt e r 22: Zoning Ordina n c e

T&b-es o2 L&n' Eses 124 I 1$4

<istoric #i4ed $se District 0<#$1 Centra. J-siness District 0J=21 &gric-.t-ra. District One 0&=11 !esidentia. District One 0!=11 !esidentia. District T(o 0!=21 !esidentia. District Three 0!=*1 !esidentia. District Fo-r 0!=A1 'oca. J-siness District 0J=11 'arge Sca.e Co33ercia. District 0J=*1 S-5-r5an Co33ercia. District 0J=A1 Office District 0O=11 'ight #an-fact-ring District 0#=11 enera. #an-fact-ring District 0#=21 <ea2y #an-fact-ring District 0#=*1

L T"#e o2 L&n' Ese L

A%!icu-tu!&- Eses 122.$0(1241H44 % % C C C C S


0a1 C-.ti2ation 051 Se.ecti2e C-tting 0c1 C.ear C-tting 0d1 &gric-.t-ra. Ser2ices 0e1 <-s5andry 0f1 Intensi2e &gric-.t-re 0g1 On=Site &gric-.t-ra. !etai. Institution&- Eses 122.$0(1$41H44

% C

% C

% C

% C

% C

% C

% C

% C

% C

% C

% C

% C

% C C

% S C C S S

% S C C S S C

% S C C S S C

% S C C S S S

% S C C S C S S C

% S S C S C

% S S C S C

% S S C S C

% S S C S C

% S S C S C S C C

% S S C S C S C C

% S S C S

0a1 %assi2e O-tdoor %-5.ic !ecreationa. 051 &cti2e O-tdoor %-5.ic !ecreationa. 0c1 Indoor Instit-tiona. 0d1 O-tdoor Instit-tiona.

0e1 %-5.ic Ser2ices and $ti.ities 0f1 Instit-tiona. !esidentia. 0g1 Co33-nity 'i2ing &rrange3ent 01=E res.1 0h1 Co33-nity 'i2ing &rrange3ent 0F=19 res.1 0i1 Co33-nity 'i2ing &rrange3ent 01)R res.1

P N %er3itted 5y !ight in a Con2entiona. De2e.op3ent S N %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents C N %er3itted 5y a Conditiona. $se


Section 22.*00

Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

en er a. %ro2ision s &3en d e d 12D12

T&b-es o2 L&n' Eses 1(4

'arge Sca.e Co33ercia. District 0J=*1 <istoric #i4ed $se District 0<#$1 !esidentia. District Three 0!=*1 !esidentia. District Fo-r 0!=A1 'oca. J-siness District 0J=11 S-5-r5an Co33ercia. District 0J=A1 <ea2y #an-fact-ring District 0#=*1 &gric-.t-ra. District One 0&=11 !esidentia. District One 0!=11 !esidentia. District T(o 0!=21 Centra. J-siness District 0J=21 Office District 0O=11 'ight #an-fact-ring District 0#=11 enera. #an-fact-ring District 0#=21

L T"#e o2 L&n' Ese L

Co77e!ci&- Eses 122.$0(1(41H44 % % % % C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C S % % % % % % % C % C C C C C C C C C C C S S S S S S S

P N %er3itted 5y !ight in a Con2entiona. De2e.op3ent S N %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents C N %er3itted 5y a Conditiona. $se

% % % C % C C C C C C

% % % C C C C C C C C C C

% %

% C C

0a1 Office 051 %ersona. or %rofessiona. Ser2ice 0c1 Indoor or Ser2ice

C % C % %

0d1 O-tdoor Disp.ay 0e1 Indoor #aintenance Ser2ice 0f1 In=Lehic.e or Ser2ice 0g1 Indoor Co33ercia. Entertain3ent 0h1 Co33ercia. &ni3a. Joarding 0i1 Co33ercia. Indoor 'odging


0;1 Jed and Jrea8fast Esta5.ish3ents 081 Day Care Center 0FR chi.dren1 0.1 O-tdoor #aintenance Ser2ice 031 O-tdoor Co33ercia. Entertain3ent 0n1 Joarding <o-se 0o1 Se4-a..y=Oriented 'and $se 0p1 Lehic.e !epair and #aintenance 071 ro-p De2e.op3ent 0r1 Dri2e=In Financia. Instit-tion 0s1 Ca3pgro-nd 0t1 &rtisan St-dioD%rod-ction Shop % % C






Section 22.* 0 0 Edgert o n en er a. %ro2isions S-5-r5an Co33ercia. District 0J=A1 <istoric #i4ed $se District 0<#$1 &gric-.t-ra. District One 0&=11 !esidentia. District One 0!=11 !esidentia. District T(o 0!=21 'ight #an-fact-ring District 0#=11 enera. #an-fact-ring District 0#=21 !esidentia. District Three 0!=*1 !esidentia. District Fo-r 0!=A1 'oca. J-siness District 0J=11 Centra. J-siness District 0J=21 'arge Sca.e Co33ercia. Dist 0J=*1 Office District 0O=11 <ea2y #an-fact-ring District 0#=*1

City of Chapt e r 22: Zoning Ordina n c e

T&b-es o2 L&n' Eses 1)4 ...continues to ne't !a(e

L T"#e o2 L&n' Ese L

Accesso!" Eses 122.$0(1)41H44 C S % %D C %D C S % % %D C S % % %D C S % %D C %D C S % %D C %D C S % %D C %D C C S % %D C %D C % SD C C C S S SD C S %D S C C SD C SD C SD C SD C SD C S S SD C SD C %D S S S SD C SD C %D S S S SD C SD C %D S S S SD C SD C %D S S S SD C C %D S C S S SD C C %D S C S % %D C %D C % SD C C C C S S SD C C %D S C S % %D C %D C % SD C C C C S S SD C C %D S C S % %D C %D C % SD C C C C S S SD C C %D S S S S SD C C %D S %D S S %D S S %D S S C S S SD C S S SD C S S SD C C S % %D C %D C % SD C S % %D C %D C % SD C S % %D C %D C % SD C S % %D C %D C % SD C 0a1 Co33ercia. &part3ent 051 On=Site %ar8ing 'ot 0c1 Far3 !esidence 0d1 Detached %ri2ate arage+ Carport+ or $ti.ity Shed 0e1 %ri2ate !esidentia. !ecreationa. Faci.ity 0f1 Co3pany Cafeteria 0g1 Co3pany=%ro2ided On=Site !ecreation 0h1 O-tdoor Disp.ay Incidenta. 0i1 In=Lehic.e and Ser2ice 0;1 'ight Ind. Incident to Indoor 081 Drainage Str-ct-re 0.1 031 E4terior Co33-nication De2ices 0n1 <o3e Occ-pation 0o1 On=site Co3postingD,ood 0p1 Indoor Incident to 'ight Ind. $se 071 #igrant 'a5or Ca3p 0r1 Indoor Incidenta. to Office 0s1 'ight Ind-stria. Incidenta. to %ersona. and %rofessiona. $ses

. . . continues to ne't !a(e

P N %er3itted 5y !ight in a Con2entiona. De2e.op3ent C N %er3itted 5y a Conditiona. $se S N %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents


Section 22.*00

Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

en er a. %ro2ision s &3en d e d 12D12

T&b-es o2 L&n' Eses 1)4 . . . continued fro* !re&ious !a(e

S-5-r5an Co33ercia. District 0J=A1 <istoric #i4ed $se District 0<#$1 &gric-.t-ra. District One 0&=11 !esidentia. District One 0!=11 !esidentia. District T(o 0!=21 !esidentia. District Three 0!=*1 !esidentia. District Fo-r 0!=A1 'oca. J-siness District 0J=11 'arge Sca.e Co33ercia. Dist 0J=*1 'ight #an-fact-ring District 0#=11 enera. #an-fact-ring District 0#=21 <ea2y #an-fact-ring District 0#=*1 Centra. J-siness District 0J=21 Office District 0O=11

L T"#e o2 L&n' Ese L

% C S % %

% C %

% C %

% C % % C C % C C % C C % C C % C c % C % % %

0t1 Fa3i.y Day Care <o3e 0-1 Inter3ediate Day Care <o3e 021 %ri2ate !esidentia. Sta5.e 0(1 %o(er enerating De2ice Incidenta. to on= site principa. -se 0.ess than 1 3(1 041 Dri2e=In+ Dri2e=$p or Dri2e=Thro-gh $se Incidenta. to On=Site %rincipa. $se
0y1 O-tdoor %re3iseDJeer arden

% N %er3itted 5y !ight in a Con2entiona. De2e.op3ent Specia. !e7-ire3ents

C N %er3itted 5y a Conditiona. $se S N %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona.


Section 22.* 0 0 Edgert o n en er a. %ro2isions

City of Chapt e r 22: Zoning Ordina n c e

T&b-es o2 L&n' Eses 1+4

<istoric #i4ed $se District 0<#$1 Centra. J-siness District 0J=21 &gric-.t-ra. District One 0&=11 !esidentia. District One 0!=11 !esidentia. District T(o 0!=21 !esidentia. District Three 0!=*1 !esidentia. District Fo-r 0!=A1 'oca. J-siness District 0J=11 'arge Sca.e Co33ercia. District 0J=*1 S-5-r5an Co33ercia. District 0J=A1 Office District 0O=11 'ight #an-fact-ring District 0#=11 enera. #an-fact-ring District 0#=21 <ea2y #an-fact-ring District 0#=*1

L T"#e o2 L&n' Ese L

Te7#o!&!" Eses 122.$0(1+41H44 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T 0a1 Contractor@s %ro;ect Office 051 Contractor@s On=Site E7-ip3ent Storage 0c1 !e.ocata5.e J-i.ding 0d1 On=Site !ea. Estate Office 0e1 enera. Te3porary O-tdoor 0f1 Seasona. O-tdoor of %rod-cts 0g1 O-tdoor &sse35.y 0h1 %o.ystr-ct-res

T N %er3itted as Te3porary $se


Section 22.*00

Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

en er a. %ro2ision s &3en d e d 12D12

T&b-es o2 L&n' Eses 1.43 1/43 I 1B4

S-5-r5an Co33ercia. District 0J=A1 <istoric #i4ed $se District 0<#$1 &gric-.t-ra. District One 0&=11 !esidentia. District T(o 0!=21 'ight #an-fact-ring District 0#=11 'arge Sca.e Co33ercia. District 0J=*1 enera. #an-fact-ring District 0#=21 !esidentia. District One 0!=11 !esidentia. District Three 0!=*1 !esidentia. District Fo-r 0!=A1 'oca. J-siness District 0J=11 Centra. J-siness District 0J=21 Office District 0O=11 <ea2y #an-fact-ring District 0#=*1 %.anned De2e.op3ent

L T"#e o2 L&n' Ese L

Sto!&%e6Dis#os&- 122.$0(1.41H44 C C S S C % % S C C C C % S 0a1 Indoor Storage or , 051 O-tdoor Storage or , 0c1 %ersona. Storage Faci.ity 0d1 P-n8yard or Sa.2age Yard 0e1 ,aste Disposa. Faci.ity 0f1 Co3posting Operation T!&ns#o!t&tion Eses 122.$0(1/41H44 S C S S C C C C C % C C C S C C % S C C C % 0a1 Off=Site %ar8ing 'ot 051 &irportD<e.iport 0c1 Freight Ter3ina. 0d1 Distri5-tion Center 0e1 Indoor Lehic.e Storage In'ust!i&- Eses 122.$0(1B41H44 C C % % C C % S C C

0a1 'ight Ind-stria. 051 <ea2y Ind-stria. 0c1 Co33-nication To(er 0d1 E4traction $se 0e1 Co35-stion %o(er enerating Faci.ity -nder 100 3( 0f1 Co35-stion %o(er enerating faci.ity o2er 100 3( %rohi5ited

P N %er3itted 5y !ight in a Con2entiona. De2e.op3ent C N %er3itted 5y a Conditiona. $se S N %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents PD N %.anned De2e.op3ent


Section 22.A00 %erfor3ance Standards

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

SECTION 22.(00: PER0OR?ANCE STANDARDS Subsection 22.(01 Pu!#ose

The p-rpose of this Section is to indicate the re7-ire3ents for access+ 2isi5i.ity+ off=street par8ing+ off=street .oading+ e4terior storage+ e4terior .ighting+ 2i5ration+ noise+ air po..-tion+ odors+ e.ectro3agnetic radiation+ g.are and heat+ fire and e4p.osion+ to4ic and no4io-s 3ateria.s+ (aste 3ateria.s+ drainage+ e4terior constr-ction 3ateria.s+ and ha/ardo-s 3ateria.s for a.. de2e.op3ent occ-rring (ithin the ;-risdiction of this Ordinance.

Subsection 22.(02 Access St&n'&!'s

011 Pu!#ose The p-rpose of this S-5section is to a..e2iate or pre2ent congestion of p-5.ic rights=of=(ay so as to pro3ote the safety and genera. (e.fare of the p-5.ic 5y esta5.ishing 3ini3-3 re7-ire3ents for the pro2ision of access to p-5.ic rights=of=(ay in accordance (ith the -ti.i/ation of 2ario-s sites. 021 Pe!7it ReAui!e' Each access point onto a p-5.ic street or right=of=(ay sha.. ha2e a per3it iss-ed 5y the Director of %-5.ic ,or8s per ,isconsin Stat-tes E).0:021. 0*1 Nu7be! o2 Access Points 0a1 "o 3ore than one access point sha.. 5e per3itted for a .ot containing one sing.e fa3i.y residentia. -nit. 051 "o 3ore than t(o access points sha.. 5e per3itted for a residentia. .ot containing 3ore than one sing.e fa3i.y residentia. -nit. 0c1 "onresidentia. .ots 3ay ha2e one access point for the first 100 feet of street frontage 03eas-red the right=of=(ay .ine1. If a nonresidentia. .ot has 3ore than 100 feet of street frontage any one street+ the .ot 3ay ha2e t(o access points. 0d1 On arteria. streets and in certain areas e4periencing+ or e4pected to e4perience+ congestion andDor safety pro5.e3s+ access to a .ot 3ay 5e re7-ired to 5e .ocated 2ia an access point .ocated on an ad;acent property or another street frontage. 0e1 &ccess sha.. re7-ire appro2a. of the Zoning &d3inistrator or the Director of %-5.ic ,or8s. &dditiona. access points 3ay 5e per3itted as a conditiona. -se (here dee3ed necessary and feasi5.e (itho-t -nd-e i3pair3ent of safety+ con2enience and -ti.ity of the street. 0A1 Resi'enti&- Eses !esidentia. -ses sha.. not ha2e access points onto a nonresidentia. co..ector or arteria. street -n.ess s-ch street has the on.y a2ai.a5.e frontage or if it (o-.d 5e -nsafe to access the residentia. street. 091 Non!esi'enti&- Eses "onresidentia. -ses sha.. not ha2e access points onto a residentia. street -n.ess s-ch street has the on.y a2ai.a5.e frontage or if it (o-.d 5e -nsafe to access a nonresidentia. street. 0)1 Access Ne&! St!eet Inte!sections &t its intersection (ith the street right=of=(ay .ine on an arteria. or nonresidentia. co..ector street+ no access point sha.. 5e .ocated c.oser than 100 feet fro3 the intersection of any t(o street rights=of=(ay -n.ess s-ch street is the on.y a2ai.a5.e frontage on the s-5;ect property. In a.. cases+ access points sha.. 5e .ocated as far fro3 an intersection as the .ot si/e per3its. In no case sha.. an access point 5e per3itted direct.y on a street intersection and sha.. not occ-py areas necessary for traffic contro. or high(ay signs or signa.s. 0:1 Dist&nce 8et;een Access D!i,es The 3ini3-3 distance 5et(een access dri2es ser2ing the sa3e property sha.. 5e 29 feet 0edge to edge1+

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.A00 %erfor3ance Standards

as 3eas-red at the property .ine. & distance in e4cess of said 29 feet 3ay 5e re7-ired if+ in the opinion of the Zoning &d3inistrator or the Director of %-5.ic ,or8s+ present or pro;ected traffic factors (arrant a greater distance. 0E1 An%-e o2 Inte!section ;it Pub-ic Ri% t>o2>D&" &.. access dri2es sha.. intersect (ith any p-5.ic right=of=(ay at an ang.e of not .ess than :9 degrees+ and sha.. intersect at an ang.e of F0 degrees (here2er possi5.e. 0F1 Dist&nce 2!o7 P!o#e!t" Line The distance fro3 an access dri2e to the property .ine of an ad;acent property sha.. not 5e .ess than fi2e feet+ as 3eas-red the right=of=(ay .ine+ e4cept for co33on dri2e(ays 0ser2ing t(o or 3ore .ots typica..y .ocated o2er or ad;acent to a property .ine1 and /ero .ot .ine sit-ations. 0101 Di't o2 D!i,e;&"s &.. access dri2es for residentia. properties sha.. ha2e a 3ini3-3 (idth of 10 feet and a 3a4i3-3 (idth of the of either 2A feet or 90I of the street frontage of the .ot as 3eas-red at the property .ine. Shared dri2e(ays and dri2e(ays for t(in ho-ses sha.. ha2e a 3a4i3-3 (idth of 2A feet tota.. &.. access dri2es for nonresidentia. properties sha.. ha2e a 3ini3-3 (idth of 1E feet and a 3a4i3-3 (idth of *9 feet as 3eas-red at the property .ine. &ccess dri2es 3ay 5e f.ared 5et(een the right=of=(ay .ine and the road(ay -p to a 3a4i3-3 of three additiona. feet. &ccess dri2es for nonresidentia. properties that fai. to co3p.y (ith the (idth restrictions can 5e re2ie(ed as a conditiona. per3it per section 22.20). 0111 T!&22ic Cont!oThe traffic generated 5y any -se sha.. 5e channe.i/ed and contro..ed in a 3anner (hich a2oids congestion on p-5.ic streets and other safety ha/ards. Traffic into and o-t of a.. off=street par8ing+ .oading and traffic circ-.ation areas ser2ing si4 or 3ore par8ing spaces sha.. 5e for(ard 3o2ing+ (ith no 5ac8ing into streets or pedestrian (ays. !e7-ired traffic contro. de2ices sha.. 5e deter3ined 5y the %-5.ic ,or8s Director. 0121 De#iction on ReAui!e' Site P-&n &ny and a.. proposed access dri2es on the s-5;ect property sha.. 5e depicted as to their .ocation and config-ration on the site re7-ired for the de2e.op3ent of the s-5;ect property. 0!efer to S-5section 22.21*1. 01*1 P&,in% o2 Access &.. access approach areas .ocated (ithin a street right=of=(ay sha.. 5e pa2ed to the satisfaction of the Director of %-5.ic ,or8s (ith a hard+ a..=(eather s-rface+ and sha.. 5e 3aintained so as to pre2ent the transport of gra2e.+ dirt+ or other eroded 3ateria. fro3 the s-5;ect property into the right=of=(ay. &.. access approach areas sha.. 5e pa2ed (ithin one year of the iss-ance of an occ-pancy per3it.

Subsection 22.(0$ Visibi-it" St&n'&!'s

011 Pu!#ose The p-rpose of this S-5section is to a..e2iate or pre2ent congestion of p-5.ic rights=of=(ay so as to pro3ote the safety and genera. (e.fare of the p-5.ic 5y esta5.ishing 3ini3-3 re7-ire3ents for the pro2ision of 2isi5i.ity. 021 ReAui!e7ent In order to pro2ide a c.ear 2ie( of intersecting streets to 3otorists there sha.. 5e a area of c.ear 2ision for3ed 5y the t(o intersecting streets and a chord connecting ad;acent right=of=(ay .ines+ as deter3ined 5y the Director of %-5.ic ,or8s. The fo..o(ing are prohi5ited (ithin said area: signs other than traffic contro. signs and signs ha2ing a post0s1 12 inches in dia3eter or .ess and ha2ing the 5otto3 edge of the sign at .east E feet high6 par8ing spaces6 str-ct-res or earth(or8 in e4cess of *0 inches6 and no 2egetation+ fencing+ nor other s-ch o5str-ctions 5et(een *0 inches and E feet in height (hich e4ceeds an opacity of 0.2 0see S-5section 22.)100A10511. <eight sha.. 5e 3eas-red

Section 22.A00 %erfor3ance Standards

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

a5o2e either of the center.ine e.e2ations of said t(o streets. enera..y+ the standards (ithin Ta5.e 22.A0* and i..-strated in the acco3panying graphic+ on the fo..o(ing page+ sha.. app.y.


1A4 Ri% t>o2>D&" Di't .ess than 90 feet 90 feet 91=)0 feet )1=)) feet ): feet=E2.9 feet greater than E2.9 feet 184 Dist&nce &;&" 2!o7 R>O>D Inte!section3 &s 7e&su!e' &-on% R>O>D -ine 90 feet 90 feet A0 feet *A feet 19 feet 19 feet

0*1 De#iction on ReAui!e' Site P-&n &ny and a.. 2isi5i.ity .ocated on the s-5;ect property sha.. 5e depicted as to their .ocation and config-ration on the site re7-ired for the de2e.op3ent of the s-5;ect property. 0!efer to S-5section 22.21*.1

Subsection 22.(0( O22>St!eet P&!9in% &n' T!&22ic Ci!cu-&tion St&n'&!'s

011 Pu!#ose The p-rpose of this S-5section is to a..e2iate or pre2ent congestion of p-5.ic rights=of=(ay so as to pro3ote the safety and genera. (e.fare of the p-5.ic 5y esta5.ishing 3ini3-3 re7-ire3ents for the pro2ision of off=street par8ing and circ-.ation in accordance (ith the -ti.i/ation of 2ario-s sites. 021 De#iction on ReAui!e' Site P-&n &ny and a.. par8ing and traffic circ-.ation areas proposed to 5e .ocated on the s-5;ect property sha.. 5e

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.A00 %erfor3ance Standards

depicted as to their .ocation and config-ration on the site re7-ired for the de2e.op3ent of the s-5;ect property. 0!efer to S-5section 22.21*.1 Each and e2ery par8ing space designed to ser2e as re7-ired par8ing sha.. not 5e .ocated farther than 900 feet of shortest (a.8ing distance fro3 the access to a.. of the 2ario-s areas it is designated to ser2e. & garage sta..+ 3eeting the access re7-ire3ents of S-5section 0)10d1+ 5e.o(+ sha.. 5e considered a par8ing space. %ar8ing spaces for any and a.. e4ceeding 1E feet in .ength+ sha.. 5e c.ear.y indicated on said site 0*1 Ese o2 O22>St!eet P&!9in% A!e&s The -se of a.. re7-ired off=street par8ing areas sha.. 5e .i3ited to the par8ing of opera5.e not for .ease+ rent+ or sa.e. !e7-ired par8ing spaces sha.. on.y 5e -sed 5y opera5.e cars+ tr-c8s+ and 0A1 T!&22ic Ci!cu-&tion &n' T!&22ic Cont!oSite circ-.ation sha.. 5e designed to pro2ide for the safe and efficient 3o2e3ent of a.. traffic entering+ e4iting+ and on the site. Circ-.ation sha.. 5e pro2ided to 3eet the indi2id-a. needs of the site (ith specific 3i4ing of access and thro-gh 3o2e3ents+ and (here re7-ired+ sha.. 5e depicted on the re7-ired site Circ-.ation patterns sha.. confor3 (ith the genera. of the road and a.. traffic contro. 3eas-res sha.. 3eet the re7-ire3ents of the #an-a. of $nifor3 Traffic Contro. De2ices. 091 ?&inten&nce o2 O22>St!eet P&!9in% &n' T!&22ic Ci!cu-&tion A!e&s &.. off=street par8ing and traffic circ-.ation areas sha.. 5e 3aintained to faci.itate safe traffic f.o(. In no instance or 3anner sha.. any off=street par8ing or traffic circ-.ation area 5e -sed as a storage area+ e4cept as pro2ided for 5y S-5section 22.A0)0*1. 0)1 O22>St!eet P&!9in% &n' T!&22ic Ci!cu-&tion Desi%n St&n'&!'s 0a1 Su!2&cin% &n' ?&!9in%: &.. off=street par8ing and traffic circ-.ation areas 0inc.-ding a.. residentia. dri2e(ays == e4cept those (ithin the &=1 District1 sha.. 5e pa2ed (ith a hard+ a..= (eather s-rface+ to the satisfaction of the Director of %-5.ic ,or8s. Said s-rfaces intended for ) or 3ore par8ing sta..s sha.. 5e 3ar8ed in a 3anner (hich c.ear.y indicates re7-ired par8ing spaces. &.. residentia. dri2e(ays sha.. 5e pa2ed (ithin one year of the iss-ance of an occ-pancy per3it. 051 Cu!bin%: &.. off=street par8ing areas designed to ha2e head=in par8ing (ithin ) 1D2 feet of any .ot .ine sha.. pro2ide a tire 5-3per or c-r5 of ade7-ate height and (hich is proper.y .ocated to ens-re that no part of any 2ehic.e (i.. pro;ect 5eyond the re7-ired set5ac8s of this Ordinance. C-r5ing or contin-o-s 5-3pers (ithin off=street par8ing areas sha.. 5e re7-ired to f-..y separate a.. re7-ired .andscaped is.ands andDor .andscaped 0c1 Li% tin%: &.. off=street par8ing and traffic circ-.ation areas ser2ing ) or 3ore cars sha.. 5e .it so as to ens-re the safe and efficient -se of said areas d-ring the ho-rs of -se. &n i..-3ination .e2e. of 5et(een 0.A and 1.0 is reco33ended for said areas. Said i..-3ination .e2e. sha.. not e4ceed the standards of S-5section 22.A0:. 0d1 Access: ,ith the e4ception of sing.e=fa3i.y and t(o=fa3i.y residentia. d( -nits+ each re7-ired off=street par8ing space sha.. open direct.y -pon an ais.e or dri2e(ay that is (ide eno-gh and designed to pro2ide a safe and efficient 3eans of access to the par8ing space (itho-t direct.y 5ac8ing or 3ane-2ering a 2ehic.e into a p-5.ic right=of=(ay. &.. off=street par8ing .ots ha2ing fo-r or 3ore spaces sha.. 5e designed to pro2ide ade7-ate area for interna. 3o2e3ent to pre2ent the direct 5ac8ing or 3ane-2ering of a 2ehic.e into a p-5.ic right=of=(ay. "o dri2e(ay across p-5.ic property+ or re7-iring a c-r5 c-t+ sha.. e4ceed a (idth of *9 feet for co33ercia. and ind-stria. .and -ses+ or 2A feet for residentia. .and -ses. 0See Ta5.e 22.A0A0)10;1.1 Off=street par8ing spaces for residentia. -ses 3ay 5e stac8ed or in front of one= another for the sa3e 5-i.ding -nit. %ar8ing spaces .ocated (ithin andDor 5ehind an enc.osed garage+ and .ocated direct.y off a thro-gh ais.e+ sha.. 5e .ocated on a thro-gh ais.e a 3ini3-3 of *0 feet deep. 0e1 0i!e L&nes: & fire .ane sha.. 5e re7-ired to pro2ide access to any portion of any str-ct-re e7-a. to or .ess than A0 feet ta.. (hich is 3ore than 190 feet fro3 the nearest street right=of=(ay+ and

Section 22.A00 %erfor3ance Standards

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

to any portion of any str-ct-re greater than A0 feet ta.. (hich is 3ore than 90 feet fro3 the nearest street right=of=(ay. The Zoning &d3inistrator 3ay re7-ire the pro2ision of a fire .ane or .anes to any part of any str-ct-re -pon a deter3ination that the distance of the str-ct-re fro3 the nearest hydrant+ the config-ration of de2e.op3ent on the site+ or other specia. characteristics of the site other(ise inhi5it effecti2e fire e4ting-ish3ent. &.. fire .anes sha..: pro2ide c.ear+ -no5str-cted access for and apparat-s at a.. ti3es thro-gh a co35ination of pa2e3ent 3ar8ing and signage6 sha.. 5e a 3ini3-3 of 1E feet (ide6 and sha.. 5e s-rfaced as an a..=(eather road(ay. 0f1 Si%n&%e: &.. signage .ocated (ithin+ or re.ated to+ re7-ired off=street par8ing or traffic circ-.ation sha.. co3p.y (ith the re7-ire3ents of Section 22.90. 0g1 H&n'ic&##e' P&!9in% S#&ces: %ar8ing for the handicapped sha.. 5e pro2ided at a si/e+ n-35er+ .ocation+ and (ith signage as specified 5y State and Federa. reg-.ations. 0h1 P&!9in% S#&ce Desi%n St&n'&!'s: Other than par8ing re7-ired to ser2e the handicapped+ e2ery and a.. pro2ided off=street par8ing space sha.. co3p.y (ith the 3ini3-3 re7-ire3ents of Ta5.e 22.A0A0)10;1. The 3ini3-3 re7-ired .ength of par8ing spaces sha.. 5e 1:.0 feet+ p.-s an additiona. 1.9 foot 2ehic.e o2erhang area at the end of the sta... &.. par8ing spaces sha.. ha2e a 3ini3-3 2ertica. c.earance of at .east se2en feet. 0i1 Sno; Sto!&%e: !e7-ired off=street par8ing and traffic circ-.ation areas sha.. not 5e -sed for sno( storage. In instances (here 3ore par8ing is a2ai.a5.e than re7-ired 5y this ordinance+ sno( storage is per3itted. 0;1 P&!9in% Lot Desi%n St&n'&!'s: <ori/onta. (idths for par8ing ro(s+ and sha.. 5e pro2ided at (idths no .ess than .isted in Ta5.e 22.A0A0)10;1 and sho(n in Diagra3 22.A0A0)1 0;1 on the fo..o(ing page. 0:1 C&-cu-&tion o2 ?ini7u7 ReAui!e' P&!9in% S#&ces 0a1 Gene!&- Gui'e-ines 2o! C&-cu-&tin% ReAui!e' P&!9in% S#&ces: The re7-ire3ents of S-5section 0c1+ 5e.o(+ sha.. 5e -sed to deter3ine the 3ini3-3 re7-ired n-35er of off=site par8ing spaces (hich 3-st 5e pro2ided on the s-5;ect property. !e7-ire3ents are genera..y tied to the capacity of the -se6 the gross f.oor area of the -se6 or the n-35er of e3p.oyees (hich (or8 at the s-5;ect property d-ring the .argest (or8 shift. The ter3 BcapacityB as -sed herein 3eans the 3a4i3-3 n-35er of persons that 3ay 5e acco33odated 5y the -se as deter3ined 5y its design or 5y State J-i.ding Code reg-.ations+ (hiche2er n-35er is greater. !eferences herein to Be3p.oyee0s1 on the .argest (or8 shiftB 3eans the 3a4i3-3 n-35er of e3p.oyees (or8ing at the faci.ity d-ring a sing.e gi2en day+ regard.ess of the ti3e period d-ring (hich this occ-rs+ and regard.ess of (hether any s-ch person is a f-..=ti3e e3p.oyee. The .argest (or8 shift 3ay occ-r on any day of the (ee8 or d-ring a .-nch or dinner period in the case of a resta-rant. In a.. cases+ one reser2ed par8ing space sha.. 5e pro2ided for each 2ehic.e -sed 5y the operation d-ring 5-siness ho-rs. Said spaces sha.. 5e in addition to those re7-ired 5y S-5section 0c1+ 5e.o(. ,here said par8ing needs of any .and -se e4ceed the 3ini3-3 re7-ire3ents of this Ordinance+ additiona. par8ing spaces s-fficient to 3eet the a2erage 3a4i3-3 (ee8.y pea8=ho-r par8ing space de3and sha.. 5e pro2ided 5y said .and -se. 051 *oint P&!9in% 0&ci-ities 1. %ar8ing faci.ities (hich ha2e 5een appro2ed 5y the Director of %-5.ic ,or8s to pro2ide re7-ired par8ing for one or 3ore -ses+ sha.. pro2ide a tota. n-35er of par8ing spaces (hich sha.. not 5e .ess than the s-3 tota. of the separate par8ing needs for each -se d-ring any pea8 ho-r par8ing period (hen said ;oint par8ing faci.ity is -ti.i/ed at the sa3e ti3e 5y said -ses. 2. Each par8ing space designed to ser2e as ;oint par8ing sha.. not 5e .ocated farther than 900 feet fro3 the access to a.. of the 2ario-s areas it is designated to ser2e. *. The app.icant0s1 for appro2a. of a ;oint par8ing faci.ity sha.. de3onstrate to the Director of %-5.ic ,or8@s satisfaction that there is no s-5stantia. conf.ict in the de3and for par8ing d-ring the principa. operating ho-rs of the t(o of 3ore -ses for (hich the ;oint par8ing

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.A00 %erfor3ance Standards

faci.ity is proposed to ser2e. A. & .ega..y 5inding instr-3ent+ appro2ed 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator+ sha.. 5e e4ec-ted 5y any and a.. parties to 5e ser2ed 5y said ;oint par8ing faci.ity. This instr-3ent sha.. 5e recorded (ith the !egister of Deeds Office+ and fi.ed (ith the C.er8. & fee sha.. 5e re7-ired to fi.e this instr-3ent 0see S-5section 22.21E1. 0c1 ?ini7u7 O22>St!eet P&!9in% ReAui!e7ents 2o! L&n' Eses: The off=street par8ing re7-ire3ents for each .and -se are .isted (ithin Section 22.:0 and S-5section 22.*0A. 0d1 P!o,ision o2 0ee>in>Lieu o2 P&!9in% S#&ces De,e-o#7ent: ,ithin the Centra. J-siness 0J=21 District+ the par8ing re7-ire3ents of this Ordinance are here5y (ai2ed. 0e1 Loc&tion&- P!o ibitions 2o! O22>St!eet P&!9in% A!e&s 0a1 Off=street par8ing sha.. not 5e .ocated 5et(een the principa. str-ct-re on a residentia. .ot and a street right=of=(ay+ e4cept (ithin residentia. dri2e(ays and par8ing .ots designated on the appro2ed site 0see S-5section 22.21*1. 051 "o pri2ate par8ing sha.. occ-r on street terraces+ dri2e(ays+ or any other areas .ocated (ithin a p-5.ic right=of=(ay not e4p.icit.y designated 5y the Director of %-5.ic ,or8s. 0f1 Co77e!ci&- &n' In'ust!i&- Ve ic-e &n' EAui#7ent P&!9in%: %ar8ing spaces c.ear.y 2isi5.e fro3 p-5.ic streets sha.. on.y 5e -sed for c-sto3er or e3p.oyee "o co33ercia. and ind-stria. 2ehic.e sha.. 5e par8ed in re7-ired off street par8ing spaces -n.ess s-ch spaces are designate for 5-siness -se on a City appro2ed site This restriction sha.. pre2ent non= e3p.oyee or c-sto3er par8ing in re7-ired off street par8ing spaces.


Section 22.A00 %erfor3ance Standards

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance


?ini7u7 Pe!7itte' Di7ensions Sta.. ,idth at %ar8ing &ng.e (SW) Sta.. ,idth %ara..e. to &is.e (W+) Sta.. Depth to ,a.. (,) Sta.. Depth to Inter.oc8 (,") Sta.. 'ength 0inc.-ding 1.9C c-r5 o2erhang1 (SL) &is.e ,idth ($W) Throat 'ength 0right=of=(ay to par8ing area1 (-) %ar8ing #od-.e ,idth (+.W): ,a.. to ,a.. 0Sing.e='oaded1 (W1) ,a.. to ,a.. 0Do-5.e 'oaded1 (W2) ,a.. to Inter.oc8 0Do-5.e 'oaded1 (W3) Inter.oc8 to Inter.oc8 0Do-5.e 'oaded1 (W4)

P&!9in% An%-e 1'e%!ees4 0 A9 )0 :9 F0 0para..e.1 F.0C F.0C F.0C F.0C F.0C 1:.F0C 12.:C 10.AC F.*C F.0C 1 1 1 F.0C 1:.9C 1F.0C 1F.9C 1E.9C1 == 19.*C 1:.9C 1E.EC == 1E.9C 1E.9C 1E.9C 1E.9C 1E.9C 12.0C2 12.0C2 1).0C2 1:.20C2 2).0C2 !efer to !e7-ire3ents in Ta5.e 22.A0A0:10f1. 21.0C *0.0C == == 2F.9C A:.0C AA.EC A2.)C *9.0C 9A.0C 92.9C 91.0C A2.9C )2.0C )1.*C )0.)C AA.9C )*.0C == ==

%ar8ing spaces .ocated 5ehind an enc.osed garage T .ocated direct.y off a thro-gh ais.e sha.. 5e at .east *0 feet deep. This di3ension represents 0&,1 for one=(ay traffic. For t(o=(ay traffic+ add E.0 feet to a 3a4i3-3 0&,1 of 2).0 feet.

0g1 ?ini7u7 Pe!7itte' T !o&t Len%t : Ta5.e 22.A0A0:10f1 5e.o(+ sha.. 5e -sed to deter3ine the 3ini3-3 per3itted throat .ength of access dri2es ser2ing par8ing .ots+ as 3eas-red fro3 the right=of=(ay .ine the center.ine of the access dri2e.

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.A00 %erfor3ance Standards

TA8LE 22.(0(1.4124: ?INI?E? PER?ITTED THROAT LENGTH L&n' Ese

!esidentia. Co33ercia.

&ny !esidentia. Office

Sc&-e o2 De,e-o#7ent
0=100 d( -nits 101=200 d( -nits 201R d( -nits 0=90+000 gross s7. ft. 90+000=100+000 gross s7. ft. 100+001=200+000 gross s7. ft. 200+001R gross s7. ft. 0=2+000 gross s7. ft. 2+001R gross s7. ft. 0= 19+000 gross s7. ft. 19+001R gross s7. ft. 0=190 roo3s 191R roo3s 0= 29+000 gross s7. ft. 29+001=100+000 gross s7. ft. 100+001=900+000 gross s7. ft. 900+001R gross s7. ft. 0=100+000 gross s7. ft. 100+001=900+000 gross s7. ft. 901+001R gross s7. ft.

T"#e o2 Access St!eet Co--ecto! A!te!i&29 feet 90 feet :9 feet 29 feet 29 feet 90 feet 100 feet 29 feet 90 feet 29 feet 29 feet 29 feet 29 feet 29 feet 29 feet 90 feet :9 feet 29 feet 90 feet 90 feet 29 feet :9 feet 129 feet 90 feet :9 feet 100 feet 190 feet :9 feet 100 feet 90 feet :9 feet :9 feet 100 feet 90 feet :9 feet 100 feet 200 feet 90 feet 100 feet 200 feet 90 feet

In=Lehic.e Indoor Entertain3ent Co33ercia. 'odging Other Co33ercia. $ses

Ind-stria. &.. other -ses

&.. Ind-stria. $ses )R par8ing spaces

Subsection 22.(0) O22>St!eet Lo&'in% St&n'&!'s

011 Pu!#ose The p-rpose of this S-5section is to pre2ent congestion of p-5.ic rights=of=(ay and pri2ate .ots so as to pro3ote the safety and genera. (e.fare of the p-5.ic 5y esta5.ishing 3ini3-3 re7-ire3ents for the pro2ision of .oading faci.ities on 2ario-s sites. 021 A##-ic&bi-it" &ny -se (hich has a gross f.oor area of )+000 s7-are feet or 3ore+ and (hich re7-ires de.i2eries or 3a8es ship3ents+ sha.. pro2ide off=street .oading faci.ities in accordance (ith the reg-.ations of this S-5section. 0*1 Loc&tion &.. .oading 5erths sha.. 5e .ocated 29 feet or 3ore fro3 the intersection of t(o street right=of=(ay .ines. 'oading 5erths sha.. not 5e .ocated (ithin any re7-ired front yard or street yard set5ac8 area. &ccess to the .oading 5erth sha.. 5e .ocated in confor3ance (ith S-5section 22.A02. &.. .oading areas sha.. 5e .ocated on the pri2ate .ot and sha.. not 5e .ocated (ithin+ or so as to interfere (ith+ any p-5.ic right=of=(ay. 0A1 Si:e o2 Lo&'in% A!e& The first re7-ired .oading 5erth sha.. 5e designed in accordance (ith Ta5.e 22.A090A1. &.. re3aining re7-ired .oading 5erths sha.. 5e a 3ini3-3 of 29 feet in .ength. &.. re7-ired .oading 5erths sha.. ha2e a 3ini3-3 2ertica. c.earance of 1A feet. The fo..o(ing standards sha.. 5e the 3ini3-3 -sed to design .oading areas:

Section 22.A00 %erfor3ance Standards

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance


Desi%n Ve ic-e ,J=A0 Len%t in 0eet 1L4 90 Doc9 An%-e 14 F0 C-e&!&nce in 0eet 1D4 90 8e!t Di't in 0eet 1D4 10 12 1A 10 12 1A 10 12 1A 10 12 1A 10 12 1A 10 12 1A A#!on S#&ce in 0eet 1A4 )* 9) 92 A) A0 *9 *: *2 2F :: :2 ): 99 91 A) A9 A0 *: Tot&O22set in 0eet 1T4 11* 10) 102 F0 EA :F :* )E )9 1*2 12: 122 10* FF FA EA :F :)













091 Access to Lo&'in% A!e& Each .oading 5erth sha.. 5e .ocated so as to faci.itate access to a p-5.ic street or a..ey+ and sha.. not interfere (ith other or pedestrian traffic per S-5section 22.A0A+ and sha.. not interfere (ith the f-nction of par8ing areas. In no instance sha.. .oading areas re.y on 5ac8ing 3o2e3ents into p-5.ic rights=of=(ay.


City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.A00 %erfor3ance Standards

0)1 Su!2&cin% &n' ?&!9in% &.. re7-ired .oading areas sha.. 5e pa2ed and 3aintained in a d-st=free condition at a.. ti3es. Said s-rface sha.. 5e 3ar8ed in a 3anner (hich c.ear.y indicates re7-ired .oading areas. 0:1 Ese o2 ReAui!e' Lo&'in% A!e&s The -se of a.. re7-ired .oading areas sha.. 5e .i3ited to the .oading and -n.oading of Said area sha.. not 5e -sed to pro2ide 3ini3-3 re7-ired par8ing spaces. 0E1 Li% tin% &.. .oading areas sha.. 5e .it so as to not e4ceed standards of Section 22.A0:. 0F1 Si%n&%e &.. signage .ocated (ithin+ or re.ated to+ .oading areas sha.. co3p.y (ith the re7-ire3ents of Section 22.90. 0101 De#iction on ReAui!e' Site P-&n &ny and a.. re7-ired .oading areas proposed to 5e .ocated on the s-5;ect property sha.. 5e depicted as to their .ocation and config-ration on the site re7-ired for the de2e.op3ent of the s-5;ect property. 0!efer to S-5section 22.21*.1 0111 C&-cu-&tion o2 ReAui!e' Lo&'in% S#&ces 0a1 In'oo! Institution&- L&n' Eses: One .oading 5erth sha.. 5e re7-ired for each 5-i.ding ha2ing a gross f.oor area of )+000 s7-are feet to 2F+FFF s7-are feet. For s-ch -ses .ocated in 5-i.dings ha2ing a gross f.oor area of *0+000 s7-are feet or greater+ t(o .oading 5erths sha.. 5e re7-ired. 051 Co77e!ci&-3 Sto!&%e6Dis#os&-3 T!&ns#o!t&tion3 &n' In'ust!i&- L&n' Eses: One .oading 5erth sha.. 5e re7-ired for each 5-i.ding ha2ing a gross f.oor area of )+000 s7-are feet to 2F+FFF s7-are feet. For s-ch -ses .ocated in 5-i.dings ha2ing a gross f.oor area of *0+000 s7-are feet or greater+ an additiona. .oading 5erth sha.. 5e re7-ired for any portion of each 90+000 s7-are feet of gross f.oor area in addition to the origina. 2F+FFF s7-are feet. 0c1 O22ice L&n' Eses: One .oading 5erth sha.. 5e re7-ired for each 5-i.ding ha2ing a gross f.oor area of )+000 s7-are feet to FF+FFF s7-are feet. For s-ch -ses .ocated in 5-i.dings ha2ing a gross f.oor area of 100+000 s7-are feet or greater+ an additiona. .oading 5erth sha.. 5e re7-ired for any portion of each 100+000 s7-are feet of gross f.oor area in addition to the origina. FF+FFF s7-are feet.

Subsection 22.(0+ E=te!io! Sto!&%e St&n'&!'s

011 Pu!#ose The p-rpose of this S-5section is to contro. the -se of property for e4terior storage so as to pro3ote the safety and genera. (e.fare of the p-5.ic. 021 ReAui!e7ents 2o! E=te!io! Sto!&%e in Resi'enti&- Zonin% Dist!icts In a.. residentia. /oning districts+ a.. 3ateria.s and e7-ip3ent sha.. 5e stored (ithin a co3p.ete.y enc.osed 5-i.ding e4cept for the fo..o(ing. These ite3s sha.. not 5e .ocated (ithin any front yard or street yard 0re7-ired or e4cess yard == the area 5et(een the 5-i.ding and the re7-ired set5ac8 .ine1 and sha.. 5e stored a 3ini3-3 of fi2e 091 feet fro3 any and a.. property .ines: fire(ood+ constr-ction 3ateria.s+ .andscaping 3ateria.s storage and re.ated e7-ip3ent connected (ith on=site constr-ction+ off=street par8ing of in designated par8ing spaces+ and recreationa. e7-ip3ent as descri5ed in Section 22.A0)0)1. 0*1 ReAui!e7ents 2o! E=te!io! Sto!&%e in Co77e!ci&- &n' O22ice Dist!icts In a.. co33ercia. and office /oning districts+ a.. 3ateria.s and e7-ip3ent sha.. 5e stored (ithin a co3p.ete.y enc.osed 5-i.ding e4cept for the fo..o(ing (hich sha.. not 5e .ocated (ithin any front yard or re7-ired street yard 0e4cept for in designated par8ing spaces1 and sha.. 5e stored a 3ini3-3 of fi2e 091 feet fro3 any and a.. property .ines: screened ref-se containers6 constr-ction 3ateria.s+ .andscape 3ateria.s and re.ated e7-ip3ent connected (ithin on=site constr-ction6 and off=

Section 22.A00 %erfor3ance Standards

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

street par8ing. See o-tdoor disp.ay standards in Section 22.*0A. recreationa. e7-ip3ent standards.

See Section 22.A0)0)1 for

0A1 ReAui!e7ents 2o! E=te!io! Sto!&%e in In'ust!i&- &n' Histo!ic ?i=e' Ese Dist!icts 0See Section *0A0:1051 for o-tdoor storage reg-.ations in ind-stria. and <istoric #i4ed $se District1 091 Ino#e!&ti,e ?oto! Ve ic-es &n' *un9 !efer to the City Code of Ordinances. 0)1 Rec!e&tion&- EAui#7ent 0a1 The fo..o(ing reg-.ations app.y to the e4terior storage of receationa. e7-ip3ent in a.. /oning districts. 011 !ecreationa. e7-ip3ent sha.. inc.-de+ 5-t not 5e .i3ited to+ 5oats+ sno( a.. terrain tra2e. trai.ers+ pop=-p ca3pers+ and 3otor ho3es. 021 Te3porary -ti.ity hoo8=-ps sha.. 5e per3itted for a period not to e4ceed se2enty=t(o ho-rs for .oading and -n.oading p-rposes6 and an aggregate of fo-rteen days in any thirty day period for s.eeping 7-arters if the recreationa. 2ehic.e is o(ned 5y the occ-pant or a g-est of the occ-pant of the residence+ s-5;ect to the conditions of this section. Te3porary -ti.ity hoo8=-ps sha.. not cross p-5.ic .and s-ch as a side(a.8 or terrace. 0*1 &t no ti3e sha.. a recreationa. 2ehic.e 5e -sed for per3anent .i2ing+ s.eeping+ 3ateria.s storage or other p-rpose. "o recreationa. 2ehic.e sha.. 5e per3anent.y connected to (ater+ gas+ e.ectric+ or sanitary se(er ser2ice. Eff.-ent fro3 recreationa. sha.. 5e disposed of at the se(age treat3ent p.ant on.y. 0A1 O-tside storage of recreationa. e7-ip3ent that is not o(ned 5y the resident+ or property o(ner if there is no resident+ is prohi5itted. 091 !ecreationa. e7-ip3ent that is o-tside of an enc.osed 5-i.ding 3-st 5e in opera5.e condition (ith respect to its intended -se. 051 E4terior Storage of recreationa. e7-ip3ent in !esidentia.+ &gric-.t-ra. and Conser2ation Districts for parce.s (ith an e4isting principa. str-ct-re 011 !ecreationa. e7-ip3ent that is o(ned 5y the resident of the property sha.. 5e per3itted if said e7-ip3ent is stored or par8ed a 3ini3-3 of fi2e 091 feet fro3 any and a.. property .ines -n.ess the e7-ip3ent is screened (ith a 5-fferyard (ith a 3ini3-3 of 0.*0 opacity. !ecreationa. e7-ip3ent sha.. not 5e .ocated (ithin any front yard or any re7-ired street yard 0e4cept for designated par8ing spaces1 for 3ore than AE ho-rs. 021 Said e7-ip3ent storage sha.. not 5e .ocated in a 3ini3-3 re7-ired par8ing space d-ring said e7-ip3entCs off=season. #otor ho3es (hich are -sed on a year=ro-nd 5asis sha.. 5e per3itted in said areas on a year=ro-nd 5asis. 0c1 E4terior Storage of recreationa. e7-ip3ent in !esidentia.+ &gric-.t-ra. and Conser2ation Districts for parce.s (itho-t an e4isting principa. str-ct-re 011 !ecreationa. e7-ip3ent that is o(ned 5y the property o(ner cannot 5e .ocated on any parce. prior to constr-ction of a principa. str-ct-re for 3ore than either fo-rteen days in any thirty day period or )0 days per year. $nder this condition+ the recreationa. e7-ip3ent 3ay 5e -sed for s.eeping 7-arters 5y the property o(ner on.y. 0d1 E4terior storage of recreationa. e7-ip3ent is prohi5itted in Ind-stria.+ Co33ercia. Office and <istoric #i4ed $se districts e4cept for 5-sinesses that se..+ 3an-fact-re+ repair+ or other(ise has 5-siness dea.ings (ith recreationa. e7-ip3ent.

Subsection 22.(0. E=te!io! Li% tin% St&n'&!'s

011 Pu!#ose The p-rpose of this S-5section is to reg-.ate the spi..=o2er of .ight and g.are on operators of 3otor pedestrians+ and .and -ses in the 2icinity of a .ight so-rce in order to pro3ote traffic safety and to pre2ent the creation of n-isances.


City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.A00 %erfor3ance Standards

021 A##-ic&bi-it" The re7-ire3ents of this S-5section app.y to a.. pri2ate e4terior .ighting (ithin the ;-risdiction of this Ordinance+ e4cept for .ighting (ithin p-5.ic rights=of=(ay andDor .ighting .ocated on p-5.ic property. 0*1 De#iction on ReAui!e' Site P-&n &ny and a.. e4terior .ighting sha.. 5e depicted as to its .ocation+ orientation and config-ration on the site re7-ired for the de2e.op3ent of the s-5;ect property. 0!efer to S-5section 22.21*.1 0A1 ReAui!e7ents 0a1 O!ient&tion o2 0i=tu!e: In no instance sha.. an e4terior .ighting fi4t-re 5e oriented so that the .ighting e.e3ent 0or a transparent shie.d1 is 2isi5.e fro3 a property .ocated (ithin a residentia. /oning district. The -se of shie.ded .-3inaries and caref-. fi4t-re p.ace3ent is enco-raged so as to faci.itate co3p.iance (ith this re7-ire3ent. 051 Intensit" o2 I--u7in&tion: In no instance sha.. the a3o-nt of i..-3ination attri5-ta5.e to e4terior .ighting+ as 3eas-red at the property .ine+ e4ceed 0.90 a5o2e a35ient .ighting conditions on a c.o-d.ess night. 0c1 Loc&tion: 'ight fi4t-res sha.. not 5e .ocated (ithin re7-ired 5-fferyards. 0d1 0-&s in%3 0-ic9e!in% &n' ot e! Dist!&ctin% Li% tin%: F.ashing+ f.ic8ering andDor other .ighting (hich 3ay distract 3otorists are prohi5ited. 0!efer to S-5section 22.90A0110c1. 0e1 ?ini7u7 Li% tin% St&n'&!'s: &.. areas designated on re7-ired site p.ans for par8ing+ .oading+ or circ-.ation and -sed for any s-ch p-rpose after s-nset sha.. pro2ide artificia. i..-3ination in s-ch areas at a 3ini3-3 intensity of 0.A 0f1 Noncon2o!7in% Li% tin%: &.. .ighting fi4t-res e4isting prior to the effecti2e date of this Ordinance sha.. 5e considered as .ega. confor3ing -ses. 0g1 S#eci&- E,ents Li% tin%: &ny te3porary -se -sing e4terior .ighting (hich is not in co3p.ete co3p.iance (ith the re7-ire3ents of this S-5section sha.. sec-re a te3porary -se per3it.

Subsection 22.(0/ Vib!&tion St&n'&!'s

011 Pu!#ose The p-rpose of this S-5section is to reg-.ate the creation of 2i5ration (hich ad2erse.y effects ad;oining properties in order to pre2ent the creation of n-isances and to pro3ote the genera. (e.fare of the p-5.ic. 021 A##-ic&bi-it" The re7-ire3ents of this S-5section app.y to a.. -ses and acti2ities (hich create detecta5.e 2i5rations+ e4cept that these standards sha.. not app.y to 2i5rations created d-ring the constr-ction of the principa. -se on the s-5;ect property. 0*1 De#iction on ReAui!e' Site P-&n &ny acti2ity or e7-ip3ent (hich create detecta5.e 2i5rations o-tside the confines of a 5-i.ding sha.. 5e depicted as to its .ocation on the site re7-ired for the de2e.op3ent of the s-5;ect property. 0See S-5section 22.21*.1 0A1 ReAui!e7ents "o acti2ity or operation sha.. ca-se or create earth5one 2i5rations in e4cess of the disp.ace3ent 2a.-es gi2en 5e.o(. 091 ?et o' o2 ?e&su!e7ent #eas-re3ents sha.. 5e 3ade at or 5eyond the ad;acent .ot .ine or the nearest residence district 5o-ndary .ine+ as descri5ed 5e.o(. Li5ration disp.ace3ents sha.. 5e 3eas-red (ith an instr-3ent capa5.e of si3-.taneo-s.y 3eas-ring in three 3-t-a..y directions. The 3a4i3-3 per3itted disp.ace3ents sha.. 5e deter3ined in each /oning district 5y the fo..o(ing for3-.a: D G N62+ (here D N disp.ace3ent in inches+ ^ N a constant to 5e deter3ined 5y reference to the 5e.o(+ f N the fre7-ency of 2i5ration trans3itted thro-gh the gro-nd+ per second

Section 22.A00 %erfor3ance Standards

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

0)1 St&n'&!'s in t e Li% t In'ust!i&- 1?>14 Dist!ict In the #=1 District+ the 3a4i3-3 earth disp.ace3ent per3itted at the points descri5ed 5e.o( sha.. 5e deter3ined 5y -se of the for3-.a a5o2e and the appropriate ^ constant sho(n in the ta5.e 5e.o(.

LOCATION /n or be)ond an) residence district boundar) %ine Contin-o-s I3p-.si2e 'ess than E per 2A=ho-r period

N 0.00* 0.00) 0.019

0:1 St&n'&!'s in t e Gene!&- In'ust!i&- 1?>24 Dist!ict In the #=2 District+ the 3a4i3-3 earth disp.ace3ent per3itted at the points descri5ed 5e.o( sha.. 5e deter3ined 5y -se of the for3-.a a5o2e and the appropriate ^ constant sho(n in the ta5.e 5e.o(.
LOCATION /n or be)ond t e an) ad0acent %ot %ine Contin-o-s I3p-.si2e 'ess than E per 2A=ho-r period /n or be)ond an) residence district boundar) %ine Contin-o-s I3p-.si2e 'ess than E per 2A=ho-r period N 0.019 0.0*0 0.0:9 0.00* 0.00) 0.019

0E1 St&n'&!'s in t e He&," In'ust!i&- 1?>$4 Dist!ict In the #=* District+ the 3a4i3-3 earth disp.ace3ent per3itted at the points descri5ed 5e.o( sha.. 5e deter3ined 5y -se of the for3-.a a5o2e and the appropriate ^ constant sho(n in the ta5.e 5e.o(.
LOCATION /n or be)ond t e an) ad0acent %ot %ine Contin-o-s I3p-.si2e 'ess than E per 2A=ho-r period /n or be)ond an) residence district boundar) %ine Contin-o-s I3p-.si2e 'ess than E per 2A=ho-r period N 0.0*0 0.0)0 0.190 0.00* 0.00) 0.019


City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.A00 %erfor3ance Standards

Subsection 22.(0B Noise St&n'&!'s

011 Pu!#ose The p-rpose of this S-5section is to reg-.ate the creation of noise (hich ad2erse.y effects ad;oining properties in order to pre2ent the creation of n-isances and to pro3ote the genera. (e.fare of the p-5.ic. 021 A##-ic&bi-it" The re7-ire3ents of this S-5section app.y to a.. -ses and acti2ities (hich create detecta5.e noise+ e4cept that these standards sha.. not app.y to noise created d-ring the constr-ction of the principa. -se on the s-5;ect property+ or 5y incidenta. traffic+ par8ing+ .oading+ 3aintenance or agric-.t-ra. operations. 0*1 ReAui!e7ents &.. noise sha.. 5e 3-ff.ed so as not 5e o5;ectiona5.e d-e to inter3ittence+ 5eat fre7-ency or shri..ness. In no e2ent sha.. the so-nd=press-re .e2e. of noise radiated contin-o-s.y fro3 a faci.ity e4ceed at the .ot .ine of the s-5;ect property the 2a.-es gi2en in Ta5.e 22.A0F0*10a1 0set o-t hereafter1 as 3eas-red 5y+ at the 3ini3-3+ a Type 2 so-nd 3eter that is in co3p.iance (ith &"SI standard S1.A=1FE*+ (here said .ot a5-ts property (ithin any residentia.+ co33ercia. or ind-stria. /oning district.

T&b-e 22.(0B1$41&4: ?&=i7u7 Pe!7itte' Noise Le,e- &t Lot Line 0o! Noise R&'i&te' Continuous-"M
Inc!e&se in Noise Le,eZonin% Dist!ict o,e! A7bient Le,e- 1'8A4 &=1+ &=2+ C=1+ C=2+ !=1+ !=2+ !=*+ !=A p.-s * dJ& J=1+ J=2+ J=*+ J=A+ <#$+ O=1+ #=1 p.-s 9 dJ& #=2+ #=* p.-s E dJ& Q If the noise is not s3ooth and contin-o-s or is present on.y d-ring day ti3e ho-rs+ one or 3ore of the corrections+ in Ta5.e 22.A0F0*1051 5e.o(+ sha.. 5e added to or s-5tracted fro3 each of the deci5e. .e2e.s gi2en a5o2e in Ta5.e 22.A0F0*10a1.

T&b-e 22.(0B1$41b4: A'5ust7ent 0&cto!s 2o! ?&=i7u7 Noise Le,e-s

T"#e o2 O#e!&tion in C &!&cte! o2 Noise Co!!ection in Decibe-s Dayti3e operation on.y p.-s 9 "oise so-rce operates .ess than 20I of any one=ho-r period p.-s 9Q "oise so-rce operates .ess than 9I of any one=ho-r period p.-s 10Q "oise so-rce operates .ess than 1I of any one=ho-r period p.-s 19Q "oise of i3p-.si2e character 0<a33ering+ etc.1 3in-s 9 "oise of periodic character 0h-3+ speech+ etc.1 3in-s 9 Q &pp.y one of these corrections on.y.

Subsection 22.(10 Ai! Po--ution St&n'&!'s

011 Pu!#ose


Section 22.A00 %erfor3ance Standards

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

The p-rpose of this S-5section is to reg-.ate the creation of air po..-tion (hich ad2erse.y effects ad;oining properties in order to pre2ent the creation of n-isances and to pro3ote the genera. (e.fare of the p-5.ic. 021 A##-ic&bi-it" The re7-ire3ents of this S-5section app.y to a.. .and -ses and acti2ities+ e4cept that these standards sha.. not app.y to air po..-tion created d-ring the constr-ction of the principa. -se on the s-5;ect property+ or 5y incidenta. traffic+ par8ing+ .oading+ or 3aintenance operations. 0*1 St&n'&!'s 0a1 The e3ission+ fro3 a.. so-rces (ithin any .ot+ of partic-.ate 3atter containing a partic.e dia3eter .arger than AA 3icrons is prohi5ited. 051 E3ission of s3o8e or partic-.ate 3atter of density e7-a. to+ or greater than "-35er 2 on the !inge.3ann Chart 0$S J-rea- of #ines1 is prohi5ited at a.. ti3es. 0c1 D-st and other types of air po..-tion 5orne 5y the (ind fro3 s-ch so-rces as storage areas+ yards+ and roads (ithin the 5o-ndaries of any .ot sha.. 5e 8ept to a 3ini3-3 5y appropriate .andscaping+ pa2ing+ or other accepta5.e 3eans. 0d1 &.. app.ica5.e state and federa. standards.

Subsection 22.(11 O'o! St&n'&!'s

011 Pu!#ose The p-rpose of this S-5section is to reg-.ate the creation of odor (hich ad2erse.y effects ad;oining properties in order to pre2ent the creation of n-isances and to pro3ote the genera. (e.fare of the p-5.ic. 021 A##-ic&bi-it" The re7-ire3ents of this S-5section app.y to a.. .and -ses and acti2ities+ e4cept that these standards sha.. not app.y to odors created d-ring the constr-ction of the principa. -se on the s-5;ect property+ or 5y incidenta. traffic+ par8ing+ .oading+ or 3aintenance operations. %-5.ic .andfi..s and p-5.ic sanitary se(age treat3ent p.ants sha.. 5e e4e3pted fro3 the re7-ire3ents of this S-5section as essentia. p-5.ic ser2ices. 0*1 St&n'&!'s E4cept for food preparation and coo8ing odors e3anating fro3 .ega..y esta5.ished agric-.t-ra. and residentia. .and -ses+ and odors associated (ith property de2e.op3ent and 3aintenance 0s-ch as constr-ction+ .a(n care+ and the painting and roofing of str-ct-res1+ no odor sha.. 5e created for periods e4ceeding a tota. of 19 3in-tes per any day (hich are detecta5.e 05y a hea.thy o5ser2er s-ch as the Zoning &d3inistrator or a designee (ho is -naffected 5y 5ac8gro-nd odors s-ch as to5acco or food1 at the 5o-ndary of the s-5;ect property+ (here said .ot a5-ts property (ithin any residentia.+ co33ercia. or ind-stria. /oning district.

Subsection 22.(12 E-ect!o7&%netic Inte!2e!ence St&n'&!'s

011 Pu!#ose The p-rpose of this S-5section is to reg-.ate the creation of e.ectro3agnetic interference (hich ad2erse.y effects ad;oining properties in order to pre2ent the creation of n-isances and to pro3ote the genera. (e.fare of the p-5.ic. 021 A##-ic&bi-it" The re7-ire3ents of this S-5section app.y to a.. .and -ses and acti2ities. 0*1 St&n'&!'s It sha.. 5e -n.a(f-. to operate or ca-se to 5e operated any p.anned or intentiona. so-rce of e.ectro3agnetic interference for s-ch p-rposes as co33-nication+ e4peri3entation+ entertain3ent+

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.A00 %erfor3ance Standards

5roadcasting+ heating+ na2igation+ therapy+ 2ehic.e 2e.ocity 3eas-re3ent+ (eather s-r2ey+ aircraft detection+ topographica. s-r2ey+ persona. p.eas-re+ or any other -se direct.y or indirect.y associated (ith these p-rposes (hich does not co3p.y (ith the then c-rrent reg-.ations of the Federa. Co33-nications Co33ission regarding s-ch so-rces of e.ectro3agnetic interference. F-rther+ said operation in co3p.iance (ith the Federa. Co33-nications Co33ission sha.. 5e -n.a(f-. if s-ch interference ca-ses an a5nor3a. degradation in perfor3ance of other e.ectro3agnetic radiators or e.ectro3agnetic receptors of 7-a.ity and proper design 5eca-se of pro4i3ity+ pri3ary fie.d+ 5.an8eting+ sp-rio-s radiation+ har3onic content+ 3od-.ation or energy cond-cted 5y po(er or te.ephone .ines. The deter3ination of Ba5nor3a. degradation in perfor3anceB and Bof 7-a.ity and proper designB sha.. 5e 3ade in accordance (ith good engineering practices as defined in the .atest and standards of the &3erican Instit-te of E.ectrica. Engineers+ the Instit-te of !adio Engineers+ and the E.ectronic Ind-stries &ssociation. In case of any conf.ict 5et(een the .atest standards and of the a5o2e gro-ps+ the fo..o(ing precedence in the interpretation of the standards and sha.. app.y: 011 &3erican Instit-te of E.ectrica. Engineers+ 021 Instit-te of !adio Engineers+ and 0*1 E.ectronic Ind-stries &ssociation.

Subsection 22.(1$ G-&!e &n' He&t St&n'&!'s

011 Pu!#ose The p-rpose of this S-5section is to reg-.ate the creation of g.are or heat (hich ad2erse.y effects ad;oining properties in order to pre2ent the creation of n-isances and to pro3ote the genera. (e.fare of the p-5.ic. 021 A##-ic&bi-it" The re7-ire3ents of this S-5section app.y to a.. .and -ses and acti2ities+ e4cept that these standards sha.. not app.y to g.are created d-ring the constr-ction of the principa. -se on the s-5;ect property+ or 5y incidenta. traffic+ par8ing+ .oading+ or 3aintenance operations. 0*1 St&n'&!'s "o direct or s8y=ref.ected g.are+ (hether fro3 f.ood.ights or fro3 te3perat-re processes s-ch as co35-stion or (e.ding or other(ise+ so as to 5e 3eas-ra5.e 5y a .ight 3eter at the .ot .ine of the s-5;ect property sha.. 5e per3itted. 0See S-5section 22.A0:.1 F-rther3ore+ there sha.. 5e no trans3ission of heat or heated air so as to 5e discerni5.e 05y a hea.thy o5ser2er s-ch as the Zoning &d3inistrator or a designee1 at the .ot .ine. syste3s reg-.ated 5y s. )).0* sha.. 5e entit.ed to the protection of its pro2isions.

Subsection 22.(1( 0i!e &n' E=#-osion St&n'&!'s

011 Pu!#ose The p-rpose of this S-5section is to reg-.ate the creation of fire andDor e4p.osion ha/ards (hich ad2erse.y effect ad;oining properties in order to pre2ent the creation of n-isances and to pro3ote the genera. (e.fare of the p-5.ic. 021 A##-ic&bi-it" The re7-ire3ents of this S-5section app.y to a.. .and -ses and acti2ities. 0*1 St&n'&!'s &ny 3ateria.s (hich co-.d deco3pose 5y detonation sha.. 5e .ocated a 3ini3-3 of A00 feet fro3 any residentia. or office /oning district+ e4cept that this standard sha.. not app.y to the storage or -sage of .i7-efied petro.e-3 or nat-ra. gas for nor3a. residentia. or 5-siness p-rposes. &.. acti2ities and storage of f.a33a5.e and e4p.osi2e 3ateria.s at any point sha.. 5e pro2ided (ith ade7-ate safety and fire fighting de2ices in accordance (ith a.. fire pre2ention codes of the State of ,isconsin.


Section 22.A00 %erfor3ance Standards

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Subsection 22.(1) To=ic o! No=ious ?&te!i&- St&n'&!'s

011 Pu!#ose The p-rpose of this S-5section is to reg-.ate the of to4ic or no4io-s 3ateria. (hich ad2erse.y effects ad;oining properties in order to pre2ent the creation of n-isances and to pro3ote the genera. (e.fare of the p-5.ic. 021 A##-ic&bi-it" The re7-ire3ents of this S-5section app.y to a.. .and -ses and acti2ities. 0*1 St&n'&!'s 0a1 "o -se sha.. discharge across the 5o-ndaries of the s-5;ect property+ or thro-gh perco.ation into the s-5soi.+ to4ic or no4io-s 3ateria. in s-ch concentration as to 5e detri3enta. to+ or endanger+ the p-5.ic safety+ co3fort+ or (e.fare+ or ca-se in;-ry or da3age to the property or 5-siness. 051 "o -se sha.. discharge at any point into any p-5.ic or pri2ate se(age disposa. syste3 or strea3+ or into the gro-nd+ any .i7-id or 3ateria.s e4cept in accordance (ith the reg-.ations of the ,isconsin Depart3ent of %-5.ic <

Subsection 22.(1+ D&ste ?&te!i&- St&n'&!'s

011 Pu!#ose The p-rpose of this S-5section is to reg-.ate the of (aste 3ateria. (hich ad2erse.y effects ad;oining properties in order to pre2ent the creation of n-isances and to pro3ote the genera. (e.fare of the p-5.ic. 021 A##-ic&bi-it" The re7-ire3ents of this S-5section app.y to a.. .and -ses and acti2ities. 0*1 St&n'&!'s 0a1 "o -se sha.. discharge across the 5o-ndaries of the s-5;ect property+ or thro-gh perco.ation into the s-5soi.+ to4ic or no4io-s 3ateria. in s-ch concentration as to 5e detri3enta. to+ or endanger+ the p-5.ic safety+ co3fort+ or (e.fare+ or ca-se in;-ry or da3age to the property or 5-siness. 051 "o -se sha.. discharge at any point into any p-5.ic or pri2ate se(age disposa. syste3 or strea3+ or into the gro-nd+ any .i7-id or 3ateria.s e4cept in accordance (ith the reg-.ations of the ,isconsin Depart3ent of "at-ra. !eso-rces.

Subsection 22.(1. D!&in&%e St&n'&!'s

011 Pu!#ose The p-rpose of this S-5section is to reg-.ate the creation of drainage (hich ad2erse.y effects ad;oining properties in order to pre2ent the creation of n-isances and to pro3ote the genera. (e.fare of the p-5.ic. 021 A##-ic&bi-it" The re7-ire3ents of this S-5section app.y to a.. .and -ses and acti2ities. 0*1 St&n'&!'s "o .and sha.. 5e de2e.oped and no -se sha.. 5e per3itted that res-.ts in (ater r-noff (hich ca-ses property da3age+ a n-isance+ andDor erosion on ad;acent properties. S-ch r-noff sha.. 5e proper.y con2eyed to a p-5.ic stor3 drain+ drainage(ay or other s-ch p-5.ic drainage faci.ity per the appro2a. of the Director of %-5.ic ,or8s.


City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.A00 %erfor3ance Standards

Subsection 22.(1/ E=te!io! Const!uction ?&te!i&- St&n'&!'s

011 Pu!#ose The p-rpose of this S-5section is to reg-.ate the -se of certain e4terior constr-ction 3ateria.s so as to attain a degree of -nifor3ity in e4terior appearance+ and th-s 3aintain and enhance the attracti2eness and property 2a.-e of certain /oning districts. 021 A##-ic&bi-it" The re7-ire3ents of this S-5section app.y to a.. .and -ses and acti2ities. 0*1 St&n'&!'s 2o! &-- Resi'enti&-3 Co77e!ci&-3 &n' t e ?>1 Zonin% Dist!icts E4posed fo-ndations greater than three feet in height fro3 the ad;acent grade+ in a.. 3-.ti=fa3i.y+ instit-tiona.+ co33ercia. and ind-stria. de2e.op3ent sha.. re7-ire additiona. decorati2e e4terior treat3ent s-5;ect to site re2ie( appro2a. 5y the Co33ission per S-5section 22.21*.

Subsection 22.(1B H&:&!'ous ?&te!i&-s St&n'&!'s

011 Pu!#ose The p-rpose of this S-5section is to pro2ide infor3ation to the City regarding the nat-re of .and -ses (hich in2o.2e research+ prod-ction+ storage+ disposa.+ andDor ship3ent of ha/ardo-s 3ateria.s. 021 A##-ic&bi-it" The re7-ire3ents of this S-5section app.y to a.. .and -ses and acti2ities in2o.2ing any one or 3ore of the fo..o(ing: 0a1 ?ic!o>O!%&nis7 Cu-tu!es s-5;ect to ,isconsin Stat-tes FA.)96 051 Pestici'es s-5;ect to ,isconsin Stat-tes FA.):02916 0c1 8io-o%ic&- P!o'ucts s-5;ect to ,isconsin Stat-tes F9.*F6 0d1 H&:&!'ous Subst&nces s-5;ect to ,isconsin Stat-tes 100.*:0110c16 0e1 To=ic Subst&nces s-5;ect to ,isconsin Stat-tes 101.9E0210;16 0f1 In2ectious A%ents s-5;ect to ,isconsin Stat-tes 101.9E0210f1 or6 0g1 &ny 3ateria. for (hich the State re7-ires notification of a .oca. fire depart3ent. 0h1 &ny other -ses+ acti2ities+ or 3ateria.s (hich are s-5;ect to Co-nty+ State+ or Federa. ha/ardo-s+ or re.ated+ 3ateria.s reg-.ations. 0*1 St&n'&!'s &.. .and -ses in2o.2ing s-ch ha/ardo-s 3ateria.s sha.. s-53it a (ritten description of s-ch 3ateria.s and the operations in2o.2ing s-ch 3ateria.s cond-cted on their property as part of the re7-ired site s-53itta.. 0See S-5section 22.21*.1

Subsection 22.(20 0encin% St&n'&!'s

011 Pu!#ose The p-rpose of this S-5section is to reg-.ate the 3ateria.s+ .ocation+ height+ and 3aintenance of fencing+ .andscaping (a..s 0nonstr-ct-ra. decorati2e (a..s+ typica..y 3ade of stone or 5ric81+ and decorati2e posts in order to pre2ent the creation of n-isances and to pro3ote the genera. (e.fare of the p-5.ic. 021 A##-ic&bi-it" The re7-ire3ents of this S-5section app.y to a.. fencing+ .andscape (a..s and decorati2e posts e7-a. to+ or e4ceeding+ *0 inches in height+ for a.. .and -ses and acti2ities. 0*1 St&n'&!'s 0a1 ?&te!i&-s: 1. Resi'enti&- Dist!icts: &ccepta5.e 3ateria.s for constr-cting fencing+ .andscape (a..s+ and

Section 22.A00 %erfor3ance Standards

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

decorati2e posts inc.-de (ood+ stone+ 5ric8+ (ro-ght iron+ chain .in8+ and (ire 3esh+ e4cept that (ire 3esh fencing is not per3itted (ithin re7-ired front yard or street yard areas. &ny fence (ithin a street yard+ inc.-ding property .ines (hich intersect a right=of=(ay+ sha.. 5e a 3a4i3-3 of 90I opa7-e. 2. Non!esi'enti&- Dist!icts: &ccepta5.e 3ateria.s for constr-cting fencing+ .andscape (a..s+ and decorati2e posts inc.-de (ood+ stone+ 5ric8+ (ro-ght iron+ chain .in8+ and (ire 3esh. Jar5ed (ire fencing is per3itted on sec-rity fences at heights e7-a. to or greater than se2en and one=ha.f feet 0F0B1. This height re7-ire3ent 3ay 5e e4ceeded (ith the granting of a Conditiona. $se %er3it 0per S-5section 22.20).1 &ny fence (ithin a street yard+ inc.-ding property .ines (hich intersect a right=of=(ay+ sha.. re7-ire site appro2a.. *. Te7#o!&!" 0encin%: Te3porary fencing+ inc.-ding the -se of (ood or p.astic sno( fences for the p-rposes of .i3iting sno( drifting 5et(een "o2e35er 1 and &pri. 1+ protection of e4ca2ation and constr-ction sites+ and the protection of p.ants d-ring grading and constr-ction is per3itted for -p to 1E0 consec-ti2e days and no 3ore than 1E0 consec-ti2e days per ca.endar year. A. Sno; 0ences: Sno( fences constr-cted of (ood and (ire+ andDor p.astic sha.. 5e per3itted on.y as te3porary fences. 051 Loc&tion: On a.. properties+ no fence+ .andscape (a.. or decorati2e post sha.. 5e .ocated c.oser than 1 foot to the front yard or street yard property .ine. Fences 3ay 5e re7-ired to 5e 3ore than 1 foot fro3 a front or street yard property .ine if it creates a 2is-a. o5str-ction. Fences 3ay 5e .ocated on a property .ine a5-tting a side or rear yard. 0c1 ?&=i7u7 Hei% t: The 3a4i3-3 height of any fence+ .andscape (a..+ or decorati2e post sha.. 5e the fo..o(ing: 1. A feet (hen .ocated (ithin a re7-ired front yard or re7-ired street yard on any property+ -n.ess it is deter3ined to 5e a 2is-a. o5str-ction6 2. ) feet (hen .ocated on any residentia..y /oned property+ 5-t not (ithin a re7-ired front yard or a re7-ired street yard6 and *. E feet (hen .ocated on any non=residentia..y /oned property+ 5-t not (ithin a re7-ired front yard or a re7-ired street yard+ e4cept that sec-rity fences 3ay e4ceed this height. A. The 3a4i3-3 heights .isted for S-5sections 0*10c11.=*.+ a5o2e+ 3ay 5e e4ceeded (ith the appro2a. of a conditiona. -se per S-5section 22.20). The fo..o(ing conditions 0at a 3ini3-31 sha.. 5e esta5.ished for s-ch re7-ests: a. The increase in height sha.. in no (ay f-rther o5str-ct 2ision for intersecting streets+ dri2e(ays+ side(a.8s or other traffic areas6 5. The fence sha.. 5e screened on its e4terna. side (ith ade7-ate p.ants so as to 3aintain an attracti2e appearance to said side. c. The fence sha.. 5e set5ac8 fro3 the property .ine 5eyond the re7-ire3ent of S-5section 0*1051+ a5o2e+ s-ch distance as appropriate to contain ade7-ate .andscaping per 0*10c1A.5.+ a5o2e+ and so as to 3aintain an attracti2e re.ationship to fenceCs e4terna. side. 0d1 O!ient&tion: &ny and a.. fences+ .andscape (a..s+ or decorati2e posts 5et(een different .and -ses+ sha.. 5e erected so as to .ocate 2isi5.e s-pports and other str-ct-ra. co3ponents to(ard the 3ost intensi2e .and -se as deter3ined 5y the J-i.ding Inspector andDor Zoning &d3inistrator. &ny and a.. fences+ .andscape (a..s+ or decorati2e posts 5et(een .and -ses of .i8e intensity or ad;acent to p-5.ic right=of=(ay+ sha.. 5e erected so as to .ocate 2isi5.e s-pports and other str-ct-ra. co3ponents to(ard the fence o(ner@s property. 0e1 ?&inten&nce: &ny and a.. fences+ .andscape (a..s+ or decorati2e posts sha.. 5e 3aintained in a str-ct-ra..y so-nd and attracti2e 3anner. 0f1 S;i77in% Poo-s: See S-5section 22.A2* S(i33ing %oo. Standards.


City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.A00 %erfor3ance Standards

Subsection 22.(21 Din' Ene!%"

011 Re%u-&tion This section is to reg-.ate the p.ace3ent of and access to (ind energy syste3s 0,ES1 for the p-rposes of protecting the and safety of indi2id-a.s on ad;acent properties as (e.. as the genera. p-5.ic. 021 Pe!7its ReAui!e' 0a1 & /oning per3it sha.. 5e o5tained fro3 the Co33ission to a..o( constr-ction of a (ind energy con2ersion syste3 0,ECS1. 051 & ,ECS per3it sha.. 5e o5tained fro3 the J-i.ding Inspector for the constr-ction of a.. (ind energy con2ersion syste3s. 0*1 P-&ns to be Sub7itte' &pp.ication for the per3it sha.. inc.-de the fo..o(ing: 0a1 %roperty .ines6 051 %roposed .ocation of ,ECS6 0c1 'ocation of a.. e4isting str-ct-re on sites6 0d1 &.. a5o2e=gro-nd -ti.ity .ines (ithin a radi-s e7-a. to the height of the ,ECS6 0e1 Sche3atic of e.ectrica. syste3 associated (ith the ,ECS inc.-ding a.. e4isting and proposed e.ectrica. interconnections6 0f1 &.. -ndergro-nd -ti.ity .ines on the site6 0g1 Di3ensiona. representation of the str-ct-ra. co3ponents of the to(er constr-ction inc.-ding the 5ase and footings6 0h1 #an-fact-rerCs specifications and insta..ation and operation instr-ctions or specific ,ECS design data6 and 0i1 Certification 5y a registered professiona. engineer or 3an-fact-rerCs certification that the to(er design is s-fficient to (ithstand (ind .oad re7-ire3ents for str-ct-re as defined 5y the $nifor3 J-i.ding Code. 0;1 "o ,ES sha.. 5e .ocated in the re7-ired front set5ac8. "o ,ES sha.. 5e .ocated in any dedicated ease3ent. 0A1 Din' Access ,ind access specifications are s-5;ect to state stat-tes. 091 8-&'e C-e&!&nce The 3ini3-3 distance 5et(een the gro-nd and any protr-ding 5.ade0s1 -ti.i/ed on a ,ECS sha.. 5e fifteen 0191 feet+ as 3eas-red at the .o(est point of the arc of the 5.ades. The 3ini3-3 distance sha.. 5e increased as necessary to pro2ide for 2ehic.e c.earance in .ocations (here o2er=si/ed 3ight tra2e.. 0)1 C-i7bin% To;e!s3 To;e! Access &ccess to to(ers sha.. 5e contro..ed 5y fences si4 0)1 feet in height aro-nd the to(er and antic.i35ing de2ices. E4isting .oca. reg-.ations regarding attracti2e n-isances sha.. co2er (ind syste3s as (e... & sign indicating e.ectrica. shoc8 ha/ard sha.. 5e p.aced on the to(er. ,ording of sign: B,arning E.ectrica. shoc8 ha/ard. "o -na-thori/ed persons on to(er. "o trespassing.B ropes+ or (ires -sed to sec-re the ,ECS sha.. 5e appropriate.y 3ar8ed to pre2ent accidenta. 5odi.y har3. 0:1 To;e! Const!uction Constr-ction: To(er constr-ction sha.. 5e in accordance (ith a.. app.ica5.e sections of the ,isconsin State J-i.ding Code inc.-ding 5-t not .i3ited to sections 90.12+ 9*.10+ 9*.12+ )2.*:+ )2.*E+)2.*F. )2.A0+ )2.A1+ and any f-t-re a3end3ents andDor re2ision to sa3e. 0E1 Eti-it" Inte!connection The ,ECS+ if interconnected to a -ti.ity syste3+ sha.. 3eet the re7-ire3ents for interconnection and

Section 22.A00 %erfor3ance Standards

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

operate as set forth in the e.ectric -ti.ityCs then c-rrent ser2ice reg-.ations app.ica5.e to ,ECS. These standards are s-5;ect to re2ie( 5y the %-5.ic Ser2ice Co33ission of ,isconsin. There is no need for additiona. .oca. reg-.ation of the e.ectrica. interconnection of a (ind syste3 (ith the e.ectric -ti.ity. 0F1 Setb&c9 ReAui!e7ents The insta..ation 3ay 5e erected not .ess than one rotor radi-s p.-s fi2e feet fro3 any property .ine of right=of=(ay for o2erhead e.ectrica. trans3ission or distri5-tion .ines. If the ,ECS co3p.ies (ith a.. the other para3eters of this ordinance+ e4cept that it cannot 5e certified 5y the 3an-fact-rer or certified engineer to confor3 (ith app.ica5.e sections of the -nifor3 5-i.ding code of ,isconsin State J-i.ding Code as defined pre2io-s.y+ then insta..ation sha.. not 5e erected nearer to any .ot .ine than the tota. height of the str-ct-re. Contig-o-s property o(ners 3ay constr-ct a ,ECS for -se in co33on+ pro2ided that the re7-ired set5ac8 is 3aintained re.ati2e to the property .ines of nonparticipating o(ners. 0101 ReAui!e' S&2et" 0e&tu!es The design of a proposed ,ECS sha.. operate safe.y+ (itho-t .oss of str-ct-ra. integrity+ -nder the fo..o(ing conditions: 0a1 'oss of -ti.ity po(er 0sha.. not s-pp.y e.ectric po(er to a de=energi/ed e.ectric distri5-tion syste31. 051 <igh (ind speed 0sha.. 5ra8e or feather 5e.o( s-r2i2a. (ind speed1. 0c1 O-t of 5a.ance condition. 0111 Noise D-ring a.. operations+ fro3 co33ence3ent thro-gh a5andon3ent+ a.. noise and 2i5ration sha.. confor3 (ith the re7-ire3ents of the Code of the City of Edgerton. 0121 Inte!2e!ence Dit N&,i%&tion&- S"ste7s "o ,ECS sha.. 5e insta..ed or operated in s-ch a 3anner that is not in co3p.iance (ith the Federa. &2iation &d3inistration reg-.ations. 01*1 E-ect!ic&- Dist!ibution Lines &.. e.ectrica. distri5-tion .ines 3-st 5e .ocated -ndergro-nd -n.ess the ,ECS co3p.ies (ith Section 22.*0A0F10g1. 01A1 DES S&2et" P!o,isions 1&4 Auto7&tic O,e!s#en' Cont!o-: &.. ,ECS sha.. 5e designed (ith an a-to3atic o2erspend contro. to render the syste3 inopera5.e (hen (inds are 5.o(ing in e4cess of the speeds for (hich the 3achine (as designed. 1b4 ?&nu&- S ut>Do;n: &.. ,ECS sha.. ha2e a 3an-a..y opera5.e 3ethod to render the syste3 inopera5.e in the e2ent of str-ct-ra. or 3echanica. fai.-re of any part of the syste3 inc.-ding the a-to3atic o2erspeed contro.. 1c4 Ens&2e DECS: &ny ,ECS or part thereof dec.ared to 5e -nsafe 5y the J-i.ding Inspector 5y reason of inade7-ate 3aintenance+ di.apidation+ o5so.escence+ fire ha/ard+ disaster+ da3age+ or a5andon3ent+ are here5y dec.ared to 5e p-5.ic n-isances and sha.. 5e a5ated 5y repair+ reha5i.itation+ de3o.ition+ or re3o2a. in accordance (ith the proced-res set forth in the Code of the City of Edgerton. 0191 Co77e!ci&- S&-e o2 Con,e!te' Din' Ene!%" The res-.tant energy generated 5y the ,ECS sha.. not 5e -sed as co33ercia. enterprise -n.ess the ,ECS co3p.ies (ith Section 22.*0A0F10g1. 01)1 ?&inten&nce The J-i.ding Inspector and his or her representati2e sha.. ha2e the right+ at any reasona5.e ti3e+ to enter+ in the co3pany of the o(ner of his agent+ the pre3ises on (hich a ,ECS has 5een constr-cted to inspect a.. parts of said ,ECS insta..ation and re7-ire that repairs or a.terations 5e 3ade (ithin *0 days if in his ;-dg3ent there e4ists a deficiency in the str-ct-re sta5i.ity of the syste3.

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.A00 %erfor3ance Standards

0a1 & year.y inspection 0at a fee to the app.icant of O10.001 sha.. 5e 3ade 5y the J-i.ding Inspector to certify the safety and 3aintenance of the ,ECS and accessory str-ct-res.

Subsection 22.(22 So-&! Ene!%"

011 So-&! Access Pe!7its 0a1 Pe!7it P!oce'u!e: The Co33ission is herein de.egated the responsi5i.ity to iss-e &ccess %er3its. The Co33ission sha.. deter3ine if an app.ication is satisfactori.y co3p.eted and sha.. notify the app.icant of its deter3ination. If an app.icant recei2es notice that an app.ication has 5een satisfactori.y co3p.eted+ the app.icant sha.. de.i2er 5y certified 3ai. or 5y hand a notice to the o(ner of any property (hich the app.icant proposes to 5e restricted 5y the per3it -nder s-5. 22.A220110e11. The app.icant sha.. s-53it to the agency a copy of a signed receipt for e2ery notice de.i2ered -nder this paragraph. The agency sha.. s-pp.y the notice for3. The infor3ation of the for3 3ay inc.-de+ (itho-t .i3itation 5eca-se of en-3eration: 1. The na3e and address of the app.icant+ and the address of the .and -pon (hich the co..ector is or (i.. 5e .ocated. 2. That an app.ication has 5een fi.ed 5y the app.icant. *. That the per3it+ if granted+ 3ay affect the rights of the notified o(ner to de2e.op his or her property and to p.ant 2egetation. A. The te.ephone n-35er+ address and office ho-rs of the Co33ission. 9. That any person 3ay re7-est a hearing -nder s-5. 22.A22011051 (ithin *0 days after receipt of the notice+ and the address and proced-res for the re7-est. 051 He&!in%: ,ithin *0 days after receipt of the notice -nder s-5. 22.A220110a1+ any person (ho has recei2ed a notice 3ay fi.e a re7-est for a hearing on the granting of a per3it. The Co33ission 3ay deter3ine that a hearing is necessary e2en if no s-ch re7-est if fi.ed. If a re7-est is fi.ed or if the agency deter3ines that a hearing is necessary+ the Co33ission sha.. cond-ct a hearing on the app.ication (ithin F0 days after the .ast notice is de.i2ered. &t .east *0 days prior to the hearing date+ the Co33ission sha.. notify the app.icant+ a.. o(ners notified -nder s-5. 22.A220110a1 and any other persons a re7-est of the ti3e and p.ace of the hearing. 0c1 Pe!7it G!&nt: The %.anning Co33ission sha.. grant a per3it if the agency deter3ines that: 1. The granting of a per3it (i.. not -nreasona5.y interfere (ith the order.y .and -se and de2e.op3ent p.ans of the City6 2. "o person has de3onstrated that she or he has present p.ans to 5-i.d a str-ct-re that (o-.d create an i3per3issi5.e interference 5y sho(ing that she or he has app.ied for a 5-i.ding per3it prior to receipt of a notice -nder s-5. 22.A220110a1+ has e4pended at .east O900 on p.anning or designing s-ch a str-ct-re or 5y s-53itting any other credi5.e e2idence that she or he has 3ade s-5stantia. progress to(ard p.anning or constr-cting a str-ct-re that (o-.d create an i3per3issi5.e interference6 and *. The 5enefits to the app.icant and the p-5.ic (i.. e4ceed any 5-rdens. 0d1 E=e7#tions: The %.anning Co33ission 3ay grant a per3it s-5;ect to any condition or e4e3ption the %.anning Co33ission dee3s necessary to 3ini3i/e the possi5i.ity that the f-t-re de2e.op3ent of near5y property (i.. create an i3per3issi5.e interference or to 3ini3i/e any other 5-rden on any person affected 5y granting the per3it. S-ch conditions or e4e3ptions inc.-de 5-t are not .i3ited to restrictions of the .ocation of the co..ector and re7-ire3ents for the co3pensation of persons affected 5y the granting of the per3it. 0e1 Reco!' o2 Pe!7it: If the Co33ission grants a per3it. 1. The Co33ission sha.. specify the property restricted 5y the per3it -nder 22.A22011 and sha.. prepare notice of the granting of the per3it. The notice sha.. inc.-de the identification re7-ired -nder 22.A22011 for the o(ner and the property -pon (hich the co..ector is or (i.. 5e .ocated and for any o(ner and property restricted 5y the per3it -nder 22.A22011+ and sha.. indicate that the property 3ay not 5e de2e.oped and 2egetation 3ay not

Section 22.A00 %erfor3ance Standards

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

5e p.anted on the property so as to create an i3per3issi5.e interference (ith the co..ector (hich is the s-5;ect of the per3it -n.ess the per3it affecting the property is ter3inated -nder 22.A22091 or -n.ess an agree3ent affecting the property is fi.ed -nder 22.A220)1. 2. The app.icant sha.. record (ith the register of deeds of the co-nty in (hich the property is .ocated the notice -nder para. 22.A220110a1 for each property specified -nder para. 0a1 and for the property -pon (hich the co..ector is or (i.. 5e .ocated. 021 Re7e'ies 2o! I7#e!7issib-e Inte!2e!ence 0a1 &ny person (ho -ses property (hich he or she o(ns or per3its any other person to -se the property in a (ay (hich creates an i3per3issi5.e interference -nder a per3it (hich has 5een granted or (hich is the s-5;ect of an app.ication sha.. 5e .ia5.e to the per3it ho.der or app.icant for da3ages+ e4cept as pro2ided -nder S-5section 22.A220210a11+ for any .oss d-e to the i3per3issi5.e interference+ co-rt costs and reasona5.e attorney fees -n.ess: 1. The 5-i.ding per3it (as app.ied for prior to receipt of a notice -nder 22.A22 0110a1 or the agency deter3ines not to grant a per3it -nder a hearing -nder 22.A22011051. 2. & per3it affecting the property is ter3inated -nder 22.A22091. *. &gree3ent affecting the property is fi.ed -nder 22.A220)1. 0*1 Pe!7it Ho-'e! & per3it ho.der is entit.ed to an in;-nction to re7-ire the tri33ing of any 2egetation+ (hich creates or (o-.d create an i3per3issi5.e interference as defined. If the co-rt finds on 5eha.f of the per3it ho.der+ the per3it ho.der sha.. 5e entit.ed to a per3anent in;-nction+ da3ages+ co-rt costs and reasona5.e attorneys fees. 0A1 A##e&-s &ny person aggrie2ed 5y a deter3ination 5y a 3-nicipa.ity -nder this section 3ay appea. the deter3ination to the circ-it co-rt for a re2ie(. 091 Te!7in&tion o2 So-&! Access Ri% ts 0a1 &ny right protected 5y a per3it -nder this section sha.. ter3inate if the %.anning Co33ission deter3ines that the co..ector (hich is the s-5;ect of the per3it is: 1. %er3anent.y re3o2ed or is not -sed for 2 consec-ti2e years+ e4c.-ding ti3e spent on repairs or i3pro2e3ents. 2. "ot insta..ed and f-nctioning (ithin 2 years after the date of iss-ance of the per3it. 051 The %.anning Co33ission sha.. gi2e the per3it ho.der (ritten notice and an opport-nity for a hearing on a proposed ter3ination -nder section 22.A220910a1 0c1 If the %.anning Co33ission ter3inates a per3it+ the Co33ission 3ay charge the per3it ho.der for the cost of recording and record a notice of ter3ination (ith the register of deeds+ (ho sha.. record the notice (ith the notice recorded -nder section 22.A220110e12. or indicate on any notice recorded -nder section 22.A220110e12. that the per3it has 5een ter3inated. 0)1 D&i,e! & per3it ho.der 5y (ritten agree3ent 3ay (ai2e a.. or part of any right protected 5y a per3it. & copy of s-ch agree3ent sha.. 5e recorded (ith the register of deeds+ (ho sha.. record s-ch copy (ith the notice recorder -nder 22.A220110e12. 0:1 P!ese!,&tion o2 Ri% ts The transfer of tit.e to any property sha.. not change the rights and d-ties -nder this section. 0E1 Const!uction 0a1 This section 3ay not 5e constr-ed to re7-ire that an o(ner o5tain a per3it prior to a co..ector. 051 This section 3ay not 5e constr-ed to 3ean that ac7-isition of a rene(a5.e energy ease3ent -nder s. :00.*9 is in any (ay contingent -pon the granting of a per3it -nder this section.

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.A00 %erfor3ance Standards

0F1 Cont!o- o2 Ve%et&tion 8-oc9in% So-&! Ene!%" S"ste7s The City 3ay pro2ide for the tri33ing of 2egetation (hich 5.oc8s energy fro3 a co..ector s-rface. This ordinance inc.-des the designation of co..ector o(ner as the person responsi5.e for the cost of re3o2ing the 2egetation. 0101 ?&inten&nce The J-i.ding Inspector and his or her representati2e sha.. ha2e the right+ at any reasona5.e ti3e+ to enter+ in the co3pany of the o(ner of his agent+ the pre3ises on (hich a Energy Syste3 has 5een constr-cted to inspect a.. parts of said Energy Syste3 insta..ation and re7-ire that repairs or a.terations 5e 3ade (ithin *0 days if in his ;-dg3ent there e4ists a deficiency in the str-ct-ra. sta5i.ity of the syste3. SECTION 22.(2$: SDI??ING POOL AND LANDSCAPE POND STANDARDS 011 De2initions S;i77in% Poo-: & S(i33ing %oo. is a 5ody of (ater or an o-tdoor str-ct-re containing a 5ody of (ater in a receptac.e or other container .ocated a5o2e or 5e.o( the s-rface of gro-nd e.e2ation+ insta..ed in s-ch a 3anner that the poo. (i.. re3ain in p.ace as a fi4t-re thro-gho-t the f-.. year and (i.. 5e considered as a per3anent or se3i=per3anent str-ct-re on the .and. & S(i33ing %oo. is -sed or intended to 5e -sed for s(i33ing so.e.y 5y the o(ner+ operator+ or .essee thereof and his fa3i.y+ and 5y friends in2ited to -se it. The ter3 inc.-des a.. str-ct-ra. faci.ities+ app.iances and app-rtenances+ e7-ip3ent and other ite3s -sed and intended to 5e -sed for the operation and 3aintenance of the S(i33ing %oo. Te7#o!&!" S;i77in% Poo-: & Te3porary S(i33ing %oo. is a 5ody of (ater or an o-tdoor str-ct-re containing a 5ody of (ater in a receptac.e or other container ha2ing a depth for (ater at any point greater than one and one=ha.f 01=1D21 feet .ocated a5o2e or 5e.o( the s-rface of gro-nd e.e2ation+ (hich is constr-cted so that it 3ay 5e readi.y disasse35.ed for storage and reasse35.ed to its origina. integrity. & Te3porary S(i33ing %oo. is -sed or intended to 5e -sed for s(i33ing so.e.y 5y the o(ner+ operator+ or .essee thereof and his fa3i.y+ and 5y friends in2ited to -se it. The ter3 inc.-des a.. str-ct-ra. faci.ities+ app.iances and app-rtenances+ e7-ip3ent and other ite3s -sed and intended to 5e -sed for the operation and 3aintenance of the Te3porary S(i33ing %oo.. D&'in% Poo-: & ,ading %oo. is a stora5.e chi.drenCs poo. (hich is 1 and one=ha.f 01 W1 feet deep or .ess and is constr-cted so that it 3ay 5e readi.y disasse35.ed for storage and reasse35.ed to its origina. integrity. & ,ading %oo. is -sed or intended to 5e -sed for s(i33ing or (ading so.e.y 5y the o(ner+ operator+ or .essee thereof and his fa3i.y+ and 5y friends in2ited to -se it. L&n'sc&#e Pon': & 'andscape %ond is a 5ody of (ater or an o-tdoor str-ct-re containing a 5ody of (ater -sed or intended to 5e -sed as a .andscape feat-re not for s(i33ing. The ter3 inc.-des a.. str-ct-ra. faci.ities+ app.iances and app-rtenances+ e7-ip3ent and other ite3s -sed and intended to 5e -sed for the operation and 3aintenance of a 'andscape %ond. 021 E=e7#t Poo-s $n.ess other(ise reg-.ated+ (ading poo.s are e4e3pt fro3 the pro2isions of this Section. <ot t-5s .ocated o-tside a str-ct-re are e4e3pt fro3 the pro2isions of this Section e4cept for the fo..o(ing: hot t-5s cannot 5e .ocated in a front or street side yard6 hot t-5s 3-st 5e 10 feet fro3 a property .ine6 hot t-5s 3-st 5e co2ered (hen not in -se6 and a.. e.ectrica. insta..ations+ sha.. 5e in confor3ance (ith the state .a(s and City ordinances reg-.ating e.ectrica. insta..ations. 0*1 S;i77in% Poo- Const!uction ReAui!e7ents 0a1 Pe! 7i t ReA ui! e ' Jefore (or8 is co3 3 e n c e d on the constr -c tion or erection of S(i33i n g %oo. or on any a.ter a tion s + additions+ re 3o d e .ing or other i3pro2e 3 e n t s + an

Section 22.A00 %erfor3ance Standards

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

app.ica tion for a S(i33i n g %oo. 5-i.ding per 3it to constr -c t + erec t+ a.ter+ re 3o d e . or add 3-s t 5e s-5 3i t t e d in (riting to the J-i.ding Inspe c t or. %.ans and specifications and pertine n t e4p.a n a t or y dat a sho-.d 5e s-5 3i tt e d to the J-i.ding Inspec t or at the ti3e of app.ica tion. "o (or8 or any part of the (or8 sha.. 5e co3 3 e n c e d -nti. a (ritte n per 3it for s-ch (or8 is o5taine d 5y the app.ica n t. The re7-ire d 5-i.ding per 3it fee p-rs- a n t to the City J-i.ding Code sha.. acco 3 p a n y s-ch app.ica tion. In addition to s-ch other re7-ire3ents as 3ay 5e reasona5.y i3posed 5y the J-i.ding Inspector+ the J-i.ding Inspector sha.. not iss-e a per3it for constr-ction of a S(i33ing %oo. as pro2ided for in s-5section 011+ a5o2e+ -n.ess the fo..o(ing constr-ction re7-ire3ents are o5ser2ed: 051 A##!o,e' ?&te!i&-s &.. 3ateria.s and 3ethods of constr-ction in the constr-ction+ a.teration+ addition+ or other i3pro2e3ents and insta..ation sha.. 5e in accord (ith a.. state reg-.ations and code and (ith any and a.. ordinances of the City no( in effect or hereafter enacted. 0c1 P-u7bin% &.. p.-35ing (or8 sha.. 5e in accordance (ith a.. app.ica5.e ordinances of the City and a.. state codes. E2ery S(i33ing %oo. sha.. 5e pro2ided (ith a s-ita5.e draining 3ethod+ and in no case sha.. (aters fro3 any poo. 5e drained into the sanitary se(er syste3+ onto .ands of other property o(ners ad;acent to that on (hich the poo. is .ocated or in the genera. 2icinity. %ro2isions 3ay 5e 3ade for draining the contents of any S(i33ing %oo. into a stor3 se(er+ 5-t s-ch insta..ation sha.. 5e s-5;ect to prior appro2a. 5y the %-5.ic ,or8s Director. 0d1 E-ect!ic&- Inst&--&tions &.. e.ectrica. insta..ations+ inc.-ding .ighting and heating 5-t not .i3ited thereto+ (hich are pro2ided for+ insta..ed and -sed in con;-nction (ith a pri2ate s(i33ing poo.+ sha.. 5e in confor3ance (ith the state .a(s and City ordinances reg-.ating e.ectrica. insta..ations. 0e1 Setb&c9s &n' Ot e! ReAui!e7ents 1. "o portion of a S(i33ing %oo. or any poo. e7-ip3ent .ocated o-tside a 5-i.ding sha.. 5e erected or constr-cted in any front or street yard. "o S(i33ing %oo. sha.. 5e erected or constr-cted on an other(ise 2acant .ot. & .ot sha.. not 5e considered 2acant if the o(ner o(ns the contig-o-s .ot and said .ot is occ-pied 5y a principa. 5-i.ding. 2. &.. S(i33ing %oo.s sha.. 5e at .east ten 0101 feet fro3 any .ot .ine or 5-i.ding -n.ess designed and appro2ed as an addition to a 5-i.ding. 0f1 Enc-osu!e 1. 0enceO In>G!oun' #oo-s a. &.. o-tdoor+ in=gro-nd S(i33ing %oo.s sha.. ha2e a fence or other str-ct-re not .ess than fo-r 0A1 feet in height co3p.ete.y enc.osing the poo. or yard in (hich the poo. is .ocated. The fence or str-ct-re sha.. co3p.y (ith 3ini3-3 5-i.ding codes for dec8 rai.ings regarding spacing of or opacity. &.. gates or doors opening thro-gh the enc.os-re sha.. 5e 8ept sec-re.y c.osed and .oc8ed at a.. ti3es (hen not in act-a. -se and sha.. 5e e7-ipped (ith a se.f= c.osing and se.f=.atching de2ice designed to 8eep and 5e capa5.e of 8eeping s-ch door or gate sec-re.y .oc8ed at a.. ti3es (hen not in act-a. -se. 2. Abo,e>G!oun' S;i77in% Poo-sO S;i77in% Poo- D&-- 8&!!ie! a. &n appro2ed 5arrier sha.. consist of a (a.. or fence that co3p.ies (ith 3ini3-3 5-i.ding codes for dec8 rai.ings regarding spacing of or opacity and sha.. 5e insta..ed direct.y a5o2e the 2ertica. (ater=enc.osing (a.. of the poo.. S-ch 5arrier sha.. e4tend 3ore than three 0*1 feet a5o2e the top ri3 of the poo.. S-ch a 5arrier sha.. not 5e .ocated (ithin si4 0)1 feet of any other (a.. or fence or other str-ct-re (hich can 5e readi.y c.i35ed 5y chi.dren. E2ery entrance to a poo.+ s-ch as a .adder+ 3-st 5e sec-red or ade7-ate.y safeg-arded to pre2ent -na-thori/ed entry into the poo.. 5. The 5arrier insta..ed direct.y a5o2e the (ater=enc.osing (a.. of the poo. descri5ed in 0*1 0f12.a. a5o2e 3ay 5e o3itted in the fo..o(ing instances:

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.A00 %erfor3ance Standards

1. ,here the yard in (hich the poo. is .ocated is co3p.ete.y enc.osed 5y a 3ini3-3 fo-r 0A1 foot ta.. fence or other str-ct-re6 or *. The a5o2e gro-nd S(i33ing %oo. has a raised dec8 aro-nd the entire poo. peri3eter (ith an attached+ 3ini3-3 of thirty=si4 0*)1 inches high fence or str-ct-re. The fence or str-ct-re sha.. co3p.y (ith 3ini3-3 5-i.ding codes for dec8 rai.ings regarding spacing of or opacity. 1(4 Te7#o!&!" S;i77in% Poo- Const!uction ReAui!e7ents 0a1 Pe!7it "o per3it is re7-ired for Te3porary S(i33ing %oo.s. 051 A##!o,e' ?&te!i&-s &.. 3ateria.s and 3ethods of constr-ction in the constr-ction+ a.teration+ addition+ or other i3pro2e3ents and insta..ation sha.. 5e in accord (ith a.. state reg-.ations and code and (ith any and a.. ordinances of the City no( in effect or hereafter enacted. 0c1 P-u7bin% &.. p.-35ing (or8 sha.. 5e in accordance (ith a.. app.ica5.e ordinances of the City and a.. state codes. E2ery Te3porary S(i33ing %oo. sha.. 5e pro2ided (ith a s-ita5.e draining 3ethod+ and in no case sha.. (aters fro3 any poo. 5e drained into the sanitary se(er syste3+ onto .ands of other property o(ners ad;acent to that on (hich the poo. is .ocated or in the genera. 2icinity. %ro2isions 3ay 5e 3ade for draining the contents of any Te3porary S(i33ing %oo. into a stor3 se(er+ 5-t s-ch insta..ation sha.. 5e s-5;ect to prior appro2a. 5y the %-5.ic ,or8s Director. 0d1 E-ect!ic&- Inst&--&tions &.. e.ectrica. insta..ations+ inc.-ding .ighting and heating 5-t not .i3ited thereto+ (hich are pro2ided for+ insta..ed and -sed in con;-nction (ith a pri2ate s(i33ing poo.+ sha.. 5e in confor3ance (ith the state .a(s and City ordinances reg-.ating e.ectrica. insta..ations. 0e1 Setb&c9s &n' Ot e! ReAui!e7ents 1. "o portion of a Te3porary S(i33ing %oo. or any poo. e7-ip3ent .ocated o-tside a 5-i.ding sha.. 5e erected or constr-cted in any front or street yard. "o Te3porary S(i33ing %oo. sha.. 5e erected or constr-cted on an other(ise 2acant .ot. & .ot sha.. not 5e considered 2acant if the o(ner o(ns the contig-o-s .ot and said .ot is occ-pied 5y a principa. 5-i.ding. 2. &.. Te3porary S(i33ing %oo.s sha.. 5e at .east ten 0101 feet fro3 any .ot .ine. 0f1 Access E2ery entrance to a poo.+ s-ch as a .adder+ 3-st 5e sec-red or ade7-ate.y safeg-arded to pre2ent -na-thori/ed entry into the poo.. 1)4 L&n'sc&#e Pon' Const!uction ReAui!e7ents 0a1 Pe!7it "o per3it is re7-ired for 'andscape %onds. 051 Si:e "o 'andscape %ond sha.. 5e deeper than t(o and one=ha.f feet 02 1D2@1. If a 'andscape %ond is deeper than one and one=ha.f feet 01 W@1 it sha.. ha2e an eighteen inches 01E?1 (ide .edge aro-nd the entire edge inside 0in the (ater1 of the 'andscape %ond that is .ess than one and one=ha.f 01 W@1 feet deep. "o 'andscape %ond can ha2e a s-rface area greater than 229 s7-are feet+ -n.ess the Co33ission grants a conditiona. -se in accordance (ith the standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses. 0c1 P-u7bin% &.. p.-35ing (or8 sha.. 5e in accordance (ith a.. app.ica5.e ordinances of the City and a.. state codes. E2ery 'andscape %ond sha.. 5e pro2ided (ith a s-ita5.e draining 3ethod+ and in no case sha.. (aters fro3 any 'andscape %ond 5e drained into the sanitary se(er syste3+ onto .ands of other property o(ners ad;acent to that on (hich the 'andscape %ond is .ocated or in the genera. 2icinity. %ro2isions 3ay 5e 3ade for draining the contents of any 'andscape %ond into a stor3 se(er+ 5-t s-ch insta..ation sha.. 5e s-5;ect to prior appro2a. 5y the %-5.ic ,or8s Director.


Section 22.A00 %erfor3ance Standards

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

0d1 E-ect!ic&- Inst&--&tions &.. e.ectrica. insta..ations+ inc.-ding .ighting and heating 5-t not .i3ited thereto+ (hich are pro2ided for+ insta..ed and -sed in con;-nction (ith a 'andscape %ond+ sha.. 5e in confor3ance (ith the state .a(s and City ordinances reg-.ating e.ectrica. insta..ations. 0e1 Setb&c9s &n' Ot e! ReAui!e7ents 1. "o 'andscape %ond sha.. 5e erected or constr-cted on an other(ise 2acant .ot. & .ot sha.. not 5e considered 2acant if the o(ner o(ns the contig-o-s .ot and said .ot is occ-pied 5y a principa. 5-i.ding. 2. &.. 'andscape %onds sha.. 5e at .east ten 0101 feet fro3 any .ot .ine. 0)1 Co7#-i&nce &.. S(i33ing %oo.s e4isting at the ti3e of passage of this Chapter not satisfactori.y fenced sha.. co3p.y (ith the fencing re7-ire3ents of this Section or (hen (ater is p.aced in the poo.. Lariations in enc.os-re re7-ire3ents that do not ad2erse.y affect the safety of the p-5.ic 3ay 5e appro2ed. 0:1 0i-te! S"ste7 ReAui!e' &.. S(i33ing %oo.s and Te3porary S(i33ing %oo.s (ithin the 3eaning of this Chapter 3-st ha2e+ in connection there(ith+ so3e fi.tration syste3 to ass-re proper circ-.ation of the (ater therein and 3aintenance of the proper 5acteria. 7-a.ity thereof. 0E1 Di!t 8otto7s P!o ibite' &.. S(i33ing %oo.s+ Te3porary S(i33ing %oo.s+ 'andscape %onds+ and (ading poo.s sha.. 5e contained 5y a non=draina5.e 3ateria. s-ch as p.astic+ concrete+ r-55er+ etc. "o sand or dirt 5otto3s sha.. 5e per3itted.

Subsection 22.(2( A'7inist!&tion I En2o!ce7ent o2 Pe!2o!7&nce St&n'&!'s

011 Dete!7in&tion: Deter3inations necessary for ad3inistration and enforce3ent of perfor3ance standards set forth herein range fro3 those (hich can 5e 3ade (ith satisfactory acc-racy 5y a reasona5.e person -sing nor3a. senses and no 3echanica. e7-ip3ent+ to those re7-iring great technica. co3petence and co3p.e4 e7-ip3ent for precise 3eas-re3ent. It is the intent of this Ordinance that: 0a1 ,here deter3inations can 5e 3ade 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator or J-i.ding Inspector -sing e7-ip3ent nor3a..y a2ai.a5.e to the City or o5taina5.e (itho-t e4traordinary e4pense+ s-ch deter3inations sha.. 5e so 3ade 5efore notice of 2io.ations is iss-ed. 051 ,here technica. co3p.e4ity or e4traordinary e4pense 3a8es it -nreasona5.e for the City to 3aintain the personne. or e7-ip3ent necessary for 3a8ing diffic-.t or -n-s-a. deter3inations+ proced-res sha.. 5e a2ai.a5.e for ca-sing corrections of apparent 2io.ations of perfor3ance standards+ for protecting indi2id-a.s fro3 ar5itrary+ capricio-s+ and -nreasona5.e ad3inistration and enforce3ent of perfor3ance standard reg-.ations+ and for protecting the genera. p-5.ic fro3 -nnecessary costs for ad3inistration and enforce3ent. 1. The Zoning &d3inistrator sha.. gi2e (ritten notice+ 5y Certified 3ai. or other 3eans+ ens-ring a signed receipt for s-ch notice to the person or persons responsi5.e for the a..eged 2io.ations. The notice sha.. descri5e the partic-.ars of the a..eged 2io.ation and the reasons (hy the Zoning &d3inistrator 5e.ie2es there is a 2io.ation in fact+ and sha.. re7-ire an ans(er or correction of the a..eged 2io.ation to the satisfaction of the Zoning &d3inistrator. 2. The notice sha.. state+ and it is here5y dec.ared+ that fai.-re to rep.y or to correct the a..eged 2io.ation to the satisfaction of the ad3inistrati2e officia. (ithin the ti3e .i3it set constit-tes ad3ission of 2io.ation of the ter3s of this Ordinance. The notice sha.. f-rther state that -pon re7-est of those to (ho3 it is directed+ technica. deter3ination as descri5ed in this Ordinance (i.. 5e 3ade+ and that if 2io.ations as a..eged are fo-nd+ costs of s-ch deter3inations sha.. 5e charged against those responsi5.e for the 2io.ation+ in addition to s-ch other pena.ties as 3ay 5e


City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.A00 %erfor3ance Standards

appropriate+ 5-t that if it is deter3ined that no 2io.ation e4ists+ the cost of the deter3ination (i.. 5e paid 5y the City. 021 En2o!ce7ent: Enforce3ent of the pro2isions of this Section sha.. 5e per S-5section 22.219.


Section 22.900 Signage !eg-.ations

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

SECTION 22.)00: SIGNAGE REGELATIONS Subsection 22.)00 Pu!#ose

The p-rpose of this Ordinance is to esta5.ish standards for the fa5rication+ erection+ and -se of signs and signage for a.. properties (ithin the City of Edgerton. This Ordinance reg-.ates the .ocation+ type+ si/e+ and height of signage in order to protect and pro3ote the p-5.ic (e.fare+ and safety of persons (ithin the co33-nity6 to aid in the de2e.op3ent and pro3otion of 5-siness and ind-stry6 and to ens-re i3p.e3entation of the Co3prehensi2e of the City of Edgerton (ithin the CityCs /oning districts. The adoption of this Ordinance ref.ects the for3a. finding of fact on the part of the City of Edgerton Co33ission and the Edgerton Co33on Co-nci. that reg-.ation of signage f-rthers fo-r go2ern3enta. interests: 011 To pro3ote the p-5.ic (e.fare+ and safety of a.. persons -sing the p-5.ic thoro-ghfares and right=of=(ays (ithin the City of Edgerton as to the signage disp.ayed thereon+ or o2erhanging+ or pro;ecting into s-ch p-5.ic spaces6 021 To ad2ance the aesthetic goa.s of the City thro-gho-t the co33-nity+ and to ens-re the effecti2eness and f.e4i5i.ity in the design of+ and the creati2ity of+ the -se of s-ch de2ices (itho-t creating detri3ent to the genera. p-5.ic6 0*1 To red-ce the 2is-a. c.-tter ca-sed 5y ad2ertising signage (hich the City has deter3ined is a significant ca-se of -nsafe traffic and 2isi5i.ity conditions6 and 0A1 To .i3it the spread of strip co33ercia. de2e.op3ent+ of (hich signs are a pri3ary contri5-tor+ so as to 5e respectf-. of the reasona5.e rights of other ad2ertisers and 5-siness entities (hose 3essages are disp.ayed in s-ch areas. F-rther3ore+ the City of Edgerton ad2ocates that this reg-.ation .ea2es a3p.e and ade7-ate a.ternati2e channe.s of co33ercia. speech co33-nication for the 3essages portrayed on s-ch ad2ertising signage+ na3e.y+ print 3edia+ 5roadcast 3edia+ and point=of=p-rchase disp.ay+ and is narro(.y defined so as to .i3it any prohi5itions on co33ercia. speech on e4terior signage.

Subsection 22.)01 Si%n Pe!7its

011 Pe!7it ReAui!e': E4cept as other(ise pro2ided in S-5section 021 5e.o(+ it sha.. 5e -n.a(f-. for any person to erect+ constr-ct+ en.arge+ a.ter+ 3o2e+ or con2ert any sign in the City+ or ca-se the sa3e to 5e done+ (itho-t first o5taining a sign per3it for each sign fro3 the City of Edgerton J-i.ding Inspector as re7-ired -nder this Ordinance. This S-5section sha.. app.y and 5e constr-ed to re7-ire a per3it for a change of copy on any sign or for any con2ersions or changes in the sign str-ct-re for (hich a per3it has 5een pre2io-s.y iss-ed. This S-5section sha.. not app.y for a repainting (ith the sa3e sign copy+ c.eaning+ repair+ or other nor3a. 3aintenance of the sign or sign str-ct-re. "o ne( per3it is re7-ired for signs (hich ha2e per3its on the effecti2e date of this Ordinance -n.ess and -nti. the sign is a.tered or re.ocated in any (ay. 021 Pe!7itte' Si%ns: The fo..o(ing sign -ses and p-rposes are per3itted in a.. /oning districts (itho-t the need for a sign per3it. S-ch signs sha.. not co-nt as part of the 3a4i3-3 per3itted sign area as reg-.ated 5y S-5section 22.90A or 22.909. 0a1 &ddress n-3era.s and identification signs not e4ceeding fo-r s7-are feet in area. 051 'ega. notices and other signs esta5.ished+ or ordered+ 5y any go2ern3enta. agency. 0c1 #e3oria. signs and ta5.ets disp.ayed in ce3eteries. 0d1 On=pre3ise directiona. signs (hich 5ear no ad2ertising if -nder fo-r s7-are feet+ and if .i3ited to 5-siness site or 5-siness na3e or .ogo. 0e1 %o.itica. signs and f.ags of go2ern3ent+ re.igio-s+ fraterna.+ or ci2ic organi/ations. 0f1 &-4i.iary signs per S-5section 22.902011051+ if -nder fo-r s7-are feet.

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.900 Signage !eg-.ations

0*1 Co77unit" in2o!7&tion si%ns sha.. 5e per3itted on.y as a conditiona. -se (ithin a.. /oning districts and -pon any property (ithin the ;-risdiction of the City of Edgerton Zoning Code. &s s-ch+ the re2ie( of a re7-est for the erection of a co33-nity infor3ation sign sha.. co3p.y (ith the re7-ire3ents of S-5section 22.20) of the City of Edgerton Zoning Code. The proposed si/e+ config-ration+ and design of the sign sha.. 5e descri5ed as part of the conditiona. -se re7-ire3ents. &s a conditiona. -se+ the City of Edgerton 3ay re2o8e the designation of an appro2ed co33-nity infor3ation sign if s-ch sign fai.s to co3p.y (ith the re7-ire3ents of this Ordinance. S-ch action sha.. proceed per the re7-ire3ents of S-5section 22.9010E1. $pon re2ocation+ the o(ner of said sign sha.. ha2e *0 days to re3o2e the sign at the o(nerCs e4pense. 0a1 S-ch sign sha.. on.y disp.ay infor3ation regarding e2ents and infor3ation of genera. interest to the residents of Edgerton. Copy (hich 3ay 5e considered as ad2ertising a prod-ct+ pri2ate or restricted participation e2ent+ or acti2ity for pri2ate profit sha.. 5e prohi5ited. 051 S-ch sign sha.. confor3 to the 2isi5i.ity re7-ire3ents of S-5section 22.90*0110i1. 0c1 S-ch sign sha.. not 5e co-nted as adding to the area of signage on the s-5;ect property for the p-rposes of reg-.ating sign area per S-5section 22.9090*1. 0A1 Pe!7it ReAui!e7ents 0a1 The sign per3it fee sha.. 5e re7-ired for a.. ne( signs and any 3odifications of any e4isting sign face or sign str-ct-re per Section 22.21E. 051 &ny sign per3it fee granted here-nder 3ay not 5e assigned or transferred to any other sign or 3odified sign face or sign str-ct-re. 0c1 On.y those per3anent or te3porary signs (hich ha2e 5een granted a per3it fro3 the J-i.ding Inspector in accordance (ith the pro2isions of this S-5section 3ay 5e erected+ insta..ed+ constr-cted or 3aintained. 0d1 Each free=standing sign sha.. re7-ire a separate sign per3it and each per3it 3ay on.y 5e iss-ed to and he.d 5y the sign o(ner in accordance (ith the pro2isions of S-5section 22.901091. 0e1 For a.. other signs 0e4c.-ding free=standing signs1 the o(ner or tenant 3ay inc.-de a.. s-ch signs at one pre3ise -nder one per3it if pro2isions of S-5section 22.901091 are co3p.ied (ith. 0f1 &.. signs (hich are .ocated o2er a p-5.ic right=of=(ay sha.. re7-ire the app.icant to proc-re ade7-ate p-5.ic .ia5i.ity ins-rance in a co3pany .icensed to transact 5-siness in ,isconsin. S-ch po.icy sha.. f-rther ha2e an endorse3ent protecting the City of Edgerton or its interest as the res-.t of any accident or in;-ry for (hich the City 3ight 5eco3e .ia5.e. 091 A##-ic&tion P!oce'u!e Each initia. app.ication for a sign per3it sha.. 5e fi.ed (ith the J-i.ding Inspector on for3s to 5e pro2ided 5y that office+ prior to insta..ation of a ne( sign or 3odification of an e4isting sign face or sign str-ct-re. &pp.ication sha.. inc.-de: 0a1 The na3e and address of the per3it app.icant. 051 & .egi5.e sca.ed dra(ing (ith description and di3ensions of the sign0s1 to 5e erected or 3aintained -nder that per3it and the signCs proposed .ocation on the 5-i.ding or site. 0c1 ,ritten proof of consent fro3 the property o(ner -pon (hich the sign0s1 are to 5e erected and 3aintained. 0d1 %roof of pay3ent of the appropriate sign per3it fee+ (hen re7-ired. 0e1 E2idence of .ia5i.ity+ ins-rance po.icy+ or 5ond as re7-ired herein for signs .ocated o2er a p-5.ic right=of=(ay per S-5section 22.9010A1+ a5o2e. 0f1 &ny other ite3 of infor3ation that 3ay 5e reasona5.y re7-ired 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator or Co33ission for the p-rpose of app.ication e2a.-ation. 0)1 G!&ntin% &n' Issu&nce 0a1 &.. sign per3it app.ications sha.. 5e re2ie(ed 5y the J-i.ding Inspector andDor Zoning


Section 22.900 Signage !eg-.ations

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

&d3inistrator+ (ho sha.. deny or grant s-ch app.ications+ (ithin ten 5-siness days of receipt of the co3p.ete app.ication and pay3ent of fee per 011=091+ a5o2e. $pon granting+ the J-i.ding Inspector sha.. iss-e the sign per3it. 051 "o per3it for a sign iss-ed here-nder sha.. 5e dee3ed to constit-te per3ission or a-thori/ation to 3aintain an -n.a(f-. sign nor sha.. any per3it iss-ed here-nder constit-te a defense in an action to a5ate an -n.a(f-. sign. 0:1 8&sis 2o! G!&ntin% In re2ie(ing a sign per3it app.ication+ the City staff 3ay consider the fo..o(ing factors in deciding (hether or not to grant the iss-ance of a sign per3it. 0a1 ,hether the sign is co3pati5.e (ith the s-rro-ndings+ p-rs-ant to the o5;ecti2es of proper design and /oning criteria. 051 ,hether the sign is designed+ insta..ed+ and 3aintained to 3eet the sign -sers needs (hi.e at the sa3e ti3e pro3oting the s-rro-nding en2iron3ent desired 5y the genera. p-5.ic. 0c1 If the sign per3it app.ication is for a pro;ecting sign in the historic centra. 5-siness district+ (hether the sign is sign is designed to 5e consistent architect-ra. design+ the3e+ and character of the 5-i.ding to (hich it is affi4ed andDor the ad;acent 5-i.dings (ithin the district+ (ith reco33endations of historic preser2ation co33ission+ (hen a2ai.a5.e. 0d1 ,hether the sign is designed+ constr-cted+ insta..ed+ or 3aintained in s-ch a 3anner that it does not endanger p-5.ic safety or traffic safety. 0e1 ,hether the sign is .egi5.e+ reada5.e+ and 2isi5.e in the circ-3stances in (hich it is to 5e -sed. 0f1 ,hether the sign+ inc.-ding si/e+ height+ i..-3ination and .ocation+ is respectf-. of reasona5.e rights of other ad2ertisers (hose 3essages are disp.ayed in the area. 0g1 ,hether the sign is in co3p.iance (ith the pro2isions of this Ordinance. 0h1 ,hether the sign is in co3p.iance (ith the pro2isions of the City of Edgerton enera. Ordinances re.ating to traffic safety+ traffic 2isi5i.ity set5ac8s+ and the Zoning Ordinance. 0E1 Re,oc&tion 0a1 &ny per3it 3ay 5e re2o8ed or not rene(ed 5y the J-i.ding Inspector in the e2ent that the app.icant has fai.ed to co3p.y (ith the pro2isions of these reg-.ations or any conditions that 3ay ha2e acco3panied the per3it at the ti3e of granting. 051 &ny sign per3it iss-ed 5y the J-i.ding Inspector sha.. 5e n-.. and 2oid and a-to3atica..y re2o8ed in the e2ent that constr-ction+ insta..ation+ or 3an-fact-re of the sign has not 5een co33enced (ithin 1E0 days fro3 the date of the iss-ance of s-ch per3it. If (or8 a-thori/ed 5y s-ch per3it is s-spended or a5andoned for a period of F0 days any ti3e after the (or8 is co33enced+ the origina. per3it sha.. 5eco3e n-.. and 2oid. & ne( per3it sha.. first 5e o5tained to co3p.ete the (or8+ and a ne( per3it fee sha.. 5e re7-ired. 0c1 $pon any re2ocation or non=rene(a.+ the sign0s1 s-5;ect to s-ch re2o8ed or non=rene(ed per3its+ (hether free=standing+ o2erhanging+ or pro;ecting sha.. 5e and re3o2ed 5y the .icensee or their agent (ithin F0 days of s-ch re2ocation or non=rene(a.. 0d1 !e2ocation or non=rene(a. sha.. not gi2e ca-se to a right of tota. or partia. rei35-rse3ent of .icense fees paid. 0F1 A##e&-s &ny per3it app.ication re2ie(ed 5y the City staff+ (hich is denied+ sha.. 5e s-5;ect to appea. to the Zoning Joard of &ppea.s. 0101 Si%ns in Histo!ic &n' S#eci&- Dist!icts In addition to these sign reg-.ations+ a.. signs (ithin any historic or specia. district sha.. 5e s-5;ect to the pro2isions of Chapter 20: <istoric %reser2ation of the City of Edgerton #-nicipa. Code. 0111 En2o!ce7ent $pon (ritten notice to the sign o(ner+ if 8no(n+ or the o(ner of the property -pon (hich the sign is

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.900 Signage !eg-.ations

.ocated or affi4ed+ the J-i.ding Inspector sha.. ha2e the a-thority to order the repair or re3o2a. of any sign (hich is defecti2e+ (hich is an i..ega. nonconfor3ing sign+ or (hich has 5een erected+ insta..ed+ constr-cted+ or 3aintained in 2io.ation of this Ordinance so as to 5e dangero-s to the p-5.ic and safety. In the e2ent the person so notified sho-.d fai. to co3p.y (ith s-ch an order (ithin *0 days of the date of s-ch notice+ that person (i.. 5e s-5;ect to the iss-ance of a citation -nder this S-5section. 0a1 Pen&-t": &ny person+ fir3+ or corporation 2io.ating any pro2ision of this Ordinance sha.. 5e s-5;ect to a pena.ty+ -pon con2iction thereof+ 5y forfeit-re -nder S-5section 22.219+ together (ith the costs of prosec-tion. Each separate offense and each day a 2io.ation contin-es or occ-rs+ sha.. constit-te a separate offense. 051 Ot e! Re7e'ies in L&; o! EAuit": "othing -nder this S-5section sha.. pre2ent the City of Edgerton fro3 e4ercising any other re3edies+ in .a( or e7-ity+ and the pena.ties o-t.ined herein are c-3-.ati2e and in addition to any other s-ch re3edies. 0c1 Re7o,&- o2 De2ecti,e o! D&n%e!ous Si%ns b" t e Cit": The J-i.ding Inspector sha.. ca-se to 5e re3o2ed any sign that endangers the p-5.ic safety or and e4tends or pro;ects into any p-5.ic thoro-ghfare or right=of=(ay (ithin the City s-ch as a5andoned+ dangero-s+ or 3ateria..y defecti2e signs or signs for (hich no per3it has 5een iss-ed. Said re3o2a. sha.. on.y 5e acco3p.ished after at .east a fi2e=day (ritten notice has 5een gi2en stating the reasons for said e3ergency 2io.ation or re3o2a.. Said notice sha.. state that if the sign is not re3o2ed or the 2io.ation is not corrected (ithin said e3ergency fi2e=day ti3e period+ that the sign sha.. 5e re3o2ed in accordance (ith the pro2isions of this S-5section. &.. notices 3ai.ed 5y the J-i.ding Inspector sha.. 5e 3ai.ed to the o(ner of the property on (hich the sign is .ocated+ to the o(ner of the sign+ and to the occ-pant of the property+ if the identity and (herea5o-ts of s-ch persons can 5e deter3ined. Other(ise+ notice sho-.d 5e 3ai.ed to s-ch persons at the .ast 8no(n address and posted on the sign or on the pre3ises.

Subsection 22.)02 Si%n&%e De2initions &n' Gene!&- Si%n&%e St&n'&!'s

The fo..o(ing definitions sha.. 5e -sed 5y this Ordinance to assist in the esta5.ish3ent of c.ear c-t signage reg-.ations. In genera.+ Sign %-rposes refers to (here or ho( a sign is -sed. Sign Types refers to the sty.e of the sign+ and Sign #eas-re3ent e4p.ains ho( the di3ensions of a sign are deter3ined. Si%n: &ny o5;ect+ de2ice+ disp.ay+ str-ct-re+ or part thereof+ sit-ated o-tdoors and in 2ie( of the genera. p-5.ic+ (hich is -sed to ad2ertise+ identify+ disp.ay+ direct or attract attention to an o5;ect+ person+ instit-tion+ organi/ation+ 5-siness+ prod-ct+ ser2ice+ e2ent+ or .ocation 5y any 3eans+ inc.-ding (ords+ .etters+ fig-res+ .ogos+ sy35o.s+ fi4t-res+ or pro;ected i3ages. Signs do not inc.-de the or e35.e3 of any nation+ organi/ation of nations+ state+ city+ re.igio-s+ fraterna.+ or ci2ic organi/ation6 3erchandise and pict-res or 3ode.s of prod-cts or ser2ices incorporated in a (indo( disp.ay+ (or8s of art (hich in no (ay identify a prod-ct+ or score5oards .ocated on ath.etic fie.ds. J-i.ding co.ors and o-t.ine .ighting (hich do not con2ey a .ogo or 3essage specific to the -se 0as deter3ined 5y the J-i.ding Inspector andDor Zoning &d3inistrator1 are not considered signs. Definitions of f-nctiona.+ .ocationa.+ and str-ct-ra. types of signs are .isted in this S-5section. 0Traffic contro. and other p-5.ic agency signs .ocated (ithin a right=of=(ay are not inc.-ded (ithin this definition and are not reg-.ated 5y the pro2isions of this Ordinance.1 011 Si%n Pu!#oses 0a1 A',e!tisin% si%n 1O22>#!e7ise si%n4: & sign (hich directs attention to a 5-siness+ co33odity+ ser2ice+ or entertain3ent cond-cted+ so.d+ or offered than -pon the pre3ises (here the sign is disp.ayed. Off=pre3ise ad2ertising signs inc.-de 5i..5oards. 0!efer to S-5section 22.90*0110;1.1 "o ne( off=pre3ise ad2ertising signs sha.. 5e per3itted (ithin the City. 051 Au=i-i&!" si%n: & sign (hich pro2ides specia. infor3ation s-ch as price+ ho-rs of operation+ or (arning and (hich does not inc.-de 5rand na3es+ or infor3ation regarding prod-ct .ines or ser2ices. It 3ay contain a 5-siness .ogo if the .ogo is -nder one s7-are foot in area. of s-ch signs inc.-de Bno trespassing? signs (hich .ist prices of gaso.ine+ -p to one price

Section 22.900 Signage !eg-.ations

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

.isting sign per type of f-e.. !efer to S-5sections 22.90A021051 and 22.9090*1051. 0c1 8usiness si%n 1On>#!e7ise si%n4: & sign (hich directs attention to a 5-siness+ co33odity+ ser2ice+ or entertain3ent cond-cted+ so.d+ offered+ or 3an-fact-red -pon the pre3ises (here the sign is .ocated. !efer to S-5section 22.909. 0d1 Co77unit" in2o!7&tion si%n: & per3anent sign appro2ed (ith a conditiona. -se per3it per S-5section 22.9010*1 (hich 3ay ha2e changea5.e copy and (hich is .i3ited to the disp.ay of infor3ation of interest to the genera. co33-nity regarding sched-.ed p-5.ic e2ents and p-5.ic acti2ities. 0e1 Di!ection&- si%n3 O22>#!e7ise: & sign (hich indicates on.y the na3e+ direction+ andDor distance of a go2ern3enta. faci.ity. !efer to S-5section 22.90*0110f1. This definition does not pertain to off=pre3ise ad2ertising signs. !efer to S-5section 22.9020110a1. 0f1 Di!ection&- si%n3 On>#!e7ise: & sign (hich indicates on.y the na3e+ .ogo 0if -nder one s7-are foot1+ and or direction of a pedestrian or traffic faci.ity+ or a 5-i.ding (ithin a co3p.e4 of str-ct-res+ on the property on (hich said faci.ity or 5-i.ding is .ocated. 0g1 G!ou# si%n: & sign disp.aying the co..ecti2e na3e of a gro-p of -ses s-ch as the tit.e of a shopping center+ office par8+ or ind-stria. par8 and its tenants. "o or price infor3ation sha.. 5e per3itted. %ortions of the sign containing na3es of indi2id-a. tenants sha.. 5e considered as part of the area of a gro-p sign. ro-p signs sha.. on.y 5e per3itted (ithin de2e.op3ents ser2ing t(o or 3ore non=residentia. tenants+ and are per3itted on any for3 of per3itted 5-siness or identification signage. 0h1 I'enti2ic&tion si%n: & sign indicating the na3e andDor address of the pro;ect+ property o(ner+ tenant andDor 3anager of the property+ address+ and na3e and phone n-35er of the property 3anger. 0i1 Te7#o!&!" si%n: & sign or ad2ertising disp.ay 0inc.-ding festoons+ pennants+ 5anners+ pin(hee.s and de2ices1 intended to 5e disp.ayed for a certain period of ti3e 0as per3itted 5y S-5section 22.90)1. If a sign disp.ay area is per3anent 5-t the 3essage disp.ayed is s-5;ect to periodic changes+ that sign sha.. not 5e considered as te3porary. & 3o5i.e or porta5.e sign sha.. not 5e considered a te3porary sign or -sed for s-ch a p-rpose. !efer to S-5section 22.90). 021 Si%n T"#es 0a1 A;nin% si%n: & type of on=5-i.ding sign 0see 0g1+ 5e.o(1 consisting of a fa5ric or fa5ric=.i8e sheathing 3ateria.. 051 0!eest&n'in% si%n: & se.f=s-pporting sign resting on or s-pported 5y 3eans of standards+ or any other type of 5ase on the gro-nd. This type of sign inc.-des 3on-3ent signs and py.on signs. 0!efer to S-5sections 0e1 and 0h1+ 5e.o(.1 The 5ase and s-pport0s1 of any and a.. freestanding signs sha.. 5e concea.ed and sha.. co3p.y (ith the State J-i.ding Code. The height of a freestanding sign sha.. 5e 3eas-red per S-5section 22.9020*1+ 5e.o(. 0c1 ?&!Auee si%n: & type of pro;ecting+ on=5-i.ding sign 0see 0g1+ 5e.o(1 she.tering the entrance andDor entrance approaches of a theater+ a-ditori-3+ fairgro-nd+ 3-se-3 or other -se+ (hich ad2ertises present and sched-.ed e2ents. 0d1 ?obi-e si%n: & sign 3o-nted on a fra3e or chassis designed to 5e easi.y re.ocated+ inc.-ding andDor trai.ers (hose principa. co33ercia. -se is for signage. !efer to S-5section 22.90*0*1051. 0e1 ?onu7ent si%n: & type of freestanding sign 0See 021051+ a5o2e1 (hose 5otto3 edge is .ocated (ithin one foot of a gro-nd=3o-nted pedesta. and (hose top edge is .ocated no 3ore than eight feet high. !efer to S-5sections 22.90*0110i1 and 0210a1. 0f1 P&inte' on>;&-- si%n: & type of on=5-i.ding sign painted on an e4terior side of a 5-i.ding (a.. or other 2ertica. 5-i.ding s-rface. !efer to S-5section 22.90*011031. 0g1 P!o5ectin% si%n: & type of on=5-i.ding sign+ other than a (a.. sign (hich is attached to and pro;ects 3ore than one foot+ genera..y fro3 a str-ct-re or 5-i.ding face. !efer to

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.900 Signage !eg-.ations

0h1 0i1 0;1 081 0.1

S-5section 22.90*0*10c1. P"-on si%n: & type of freestanding sign 0See 021051+ a5o2e1 (hose 5otto3 edge is .ocated 3ore than one foot a5o2e a gro-nd=3o-nted pedesta. or (hose top edge is .ocated 3ore than eight feet high 0see 3on-3ent sign1. D&-- si%n: & type of on=5-i.ding sign 3o-nted on an e4terior side of a 5-i.ding (a.. para..e. to a 5-i.ding facade. !efer to S-5section 22.90*0*10d1. Din'o; si%n: & type of on=5-i.ding sign (hich is affi4ed to the (indo( s-rface. ,indo( signs 3ay 5e painted direct.y on g.ass or 3ay 5e te3porary paper signs. !efer to 22.90*011081. Pe!son&- %!eetin% &n' con%!&tu-&to!" si%n: & te3porary sign (hich is .i3ited to thirty=t(o 0*21 s7-are feet+ and (hich is .i3ited to a non=co33ercia.+ persona. greeting or 3essage -sed to anno-nce+ congrat-.ate+ or greet 3e35ers of a fa3i.y or (or8 staff. C&no#" si%n: & canopy sign is a sign .ocated on a canopy or other free standing accessory str-ct-re s-ch as a gas station canopy. & canopy sign is considered either a freestanding or on= 5-i.ding sign and co-nts as one of those sign types in deter3ining sign 7-antities and area.

0*1 Si%n ?e&su!e7ent 0a1 Si%n ei% t &n' %!oun' -e,e-: The a2erage e.e2ation of the gro-nd -pon (hich the sign s-pports are p.aced+ e4cept (hen the sign s-pports rest -pon a 5er3 or other area e.e2ated a5o2e the s-rro-nding gro-nd. In s-ch cases+ the a2erage e.e2ation of the 5ase of s-ch 5er3 or other area sha.. 5e considered as the gro-nd .e2e.. The i..-stration on the fo..o(ing page de3onstrates ho( sign height is 3eas-red. 051 Si%n &!e& sha.. 5e 3eas-red in the fo..o(ing 3anner: 1. In the case of a sign p.aced (ithin a fra3e+ a 3ar7-ee sign+ or other str-ct-re+ sign area consists of the entire s-rface area of the sign on (hich copy co-.d 5e p.aced. The s-pporting str-ct-re or 5racing of a sign+ inc.-ding the s-pports of 3on-3ent signs not -sed for copy+ sha.. not 5e co-nted as a part of the sign face area -n.ess s-ch str-ct-re or 5racing is 3ade a part of the signCs 3essage. ,here a freestanding on=pre3ise sign 03on-3ent or py.on1 has t(o or 3ore disp.ay faces+ the tota. area of a.. of the disp.ay faces sha.. 5e considered the sign face area. 2. In the case of a sign (hose 3essage is fa5ricated together (ith the 5ac8gro-nd (hich 5orders or fra3es that 3essage+ sign face area sha.. 5e the tota. area of the entire 5ac8gro-nd. *. In the case of a sign (hose 3essage is app.ied to a 5ac8gro-nd (hich pro2ides no 5order or fra3e 0s-ch as indi2id-a. .etters to a 5-i.ding face or a(ning1+ sign face area sha.. 5e the co35ined areas of the s3a..est (hich can enco3pass each (ord+ .etter+ fig-re+ e35.e3+ and other e.e3ent of the sign 3essage per a sca.ed+ f-..y di3ensioned dra(ing appro2ed 5y the J-i.ding Inspector. ,here s-ch dra(ing is not pro2ided+ said area sha.. 5e the s3a..est area enc.osed in a sing.e rectang.e. A. Signs .ess than one s7-are foot in area are not reg-.ated 5y this Ordinance. 9. The i..-stration 5e.o( de3onstrates ho( sign face area is 3eas-red.

Subsection 22.)0$ Gene!&- Si%n&%e Re%u-&tions

The reg-.ations contained in this S-5section app.y to signs in a.. districts. 011 Si%n P!o ibitions &n' Li7it&tions 0a1 No si%n sha.. -se any (ord+ phrase+ sy35o.+ shape+ for3+ or character in s-ch 3anner as to interfere (ith 3o2ing traffic+ inc.-ding signs (hich incorporate typica. street=type andDor traffic contro.=type signage designs and co.ors. 051 E4cept for se7-in=.i8e eye=catcher de2ices and te3porary signs+ no 2-utte!in%3 un'u-&tin%3 s;in%in%3 !ot&tin%3 o! ot e!;ise 7o,in% si%ns o! ot e! 'eco!&tions sha.. 5e per3itted. 0c1 No i--u7in&te' 2-&s in% si%ns o! c &sin% -i% ts sha.. 5e per3itted. F.ashing signs are those that change their appearance 3ore than once e2ery )0 seconds. E.ectronic 3essage center signs are


Section 22.900 Signage !eg-.ations

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

per3itted in the J=1 'oca. J-siness District (ith a conditiona. -se per3it and in the J=* .arge Sca.e Co33ercia. District and the J=A S-5-r5an co33ercia. District as a specia. -se -nder the fo..o(ing conditions: the sign does not change its appearance 3ore than once e2ery )0 or 3ore seconds6 the sign 3essage area contains no graphics6 the sign contains no chasing .ights6 and the sign is 'ED not incandescent 5-.5s or rotating .o-2ers. E.ectronic 3essage center signs sha.. 5e considered part the tota. sign area a..o(ed. 0d1 No i--u7in&te' si%n sha.. 5e per3itted -n.ess the i..-3ination of the sign is so designed that the .ighting e.e3ent 0e4cept neon signs1 is not 2isi5.e fro3 any property (ithin a residentia. /oning district. &.. i..-3inated signs sha.. co3p.y (ith the State E.ectrica. Code. 0e1 No 7obi-e si%ns sha.. 5e per3itted. 0f1 O22>#!e7ise 'i!ection&- si%ns sha.. 5e per3itted on.y for go2ern3enta. -ses. 0g1 No in2-&t&b-e si%ns sha.. 5e per3itted+ e4cept as te3porary signs. 0h1 No &',e!tisin% ,e ic-e si%ns sha.. 5e per3itted+ e4cept as te3porary signs. !efer to S-5section 22.90*0*10e1. 0i1 No si%n sha.. 5e p.aced so as to o5str-ct or interfere (ith traffic 2isi5i.ity. 154 No o22>#!e7ise &',e!tisin% si%ns sha.. 5e per3itted (ithin the City e4cept as pro2ided 5e.o(. The adoption of this S-5section ref.ects a for3a. finding of fact on the part of the Co33ission and Co33on Co-nci. that the prohi5ition of ad2ertising signage f-rthers the genera. p-5.ic interest of red-cing 2is-a. c.-tter ca-sed 5y ad2ertising signage (hich the City has deter3ined is a significant ca-se of -nsafe traffic conditions. F-rther3ore+ the City ad2ocates that this reg-.ation .ea2es a3p.e and ade7-ate a.ternati2e channe.s of co33ercia. speech co33-nication for the 3essages portraya5.e on s-ch ad2ertising signs == na3e.y distri5-ted print 3edia+ 5roadcast 3edia+ and point=of=p-rchase disp.ay+ and is narro(.y defined so as to .i3it said prohi5ition to co33ercia. speech on e4terior signage. For te3porary signs anno-ncing an e2ent of co33-nity (ide interest s-ch as a festi2a.+ one sign+ not o2er A s7 ft 0E s7 ft if t(o=sided1 3ay 5e .ocated on pri2ate property not necessari.y on the site of the e2ent. S-ch sign sha.. 5e erected so as to not o5str-ct or interfere (ith 2isi5i.ity and the sign sha.. 5e erected no 3ore than 1A days 5efore the e2ent and sha.. 5e re3o2ed i33ediate.y after the e2ent. S-ch sign sha.. 5e reg-.ated and per3itted as a te3porary sign in accordance (ith Section 22.90). 081 Din'o; obst!uction 5y interior signs sha.. not e4ceed 3ore than t(enty=fi2e percent for any one (indo(+ nor 3ore than ten percent of a.. co35ined (indo( areas on the sa3e facade of the str-ct-re. &rea de2oted to signage (ithin (indo(s sha.. not co-nt to(ard the sign area 3a4i3-3 per3itted for the -se. 0.1 No ne; #!o5ectin% si%ns sha.. 5e per3itted+ e4cept (ithin the historic centra. 5-siness district per the re2ie( of the <istoric %reser2ation Co33ission. %ro;ecting signs .ocated (ithin the historic centra. 5-siness district as of the effecti2e date of this ordinance (hich do not co3p.y (ith Sections 22.90*0*10c1+ 22.90*0*10a12. and 22.9010A10f1 sha.. 5e per3itted to contin-e as .ega.+ nonconfor3ing str-ct-res. %ro;ecting signs .ocated (ithin the historic centra. 5-siness district as of the effecti2e date of this ordinance (hich co3p.y (ith Section 22.90*0*10c1+ 22.90*0*10a12. &nd 22.9010A10f1 sha.. 5e per3itted to contin-e as .ega.+ confor3ing str-ct-res. 031 No ne; #&inte' on>;&-- si%ns sha.. 5e per3itted. %ainted on=(a.. signs+ characteri/ed as historica..y significant str-ct-res 5y the <istoric %reser2ation Co33ission and .ocated in and aro-nd the historic centra. 5-siness district+ (hich ha2e 5een 3ade nonconfor3ing 5y this ordinance sha.. 5e per3itted to contin-e as .ega.+ nonconfor3ing str-ct-res. These .ega. nonconfor3ing painted on=(a.. signs inc.-de the fo..o(ing .ist: 1. To3 Dic8enson ,areho-se at 1 ,est F-.ton Street: sign on so-th end of the 5-i.ding: B%ro3eroy Dea.ers in 'eaf To5acco: 2. Liro7-a 'eaf To5acco Co at A01 ,est F-.ton Street: sign on (est end of (areho-se _*9: B#ai. %o-ch To5acco: *. Liro7-a 'eaf To5acco Co at A01 ,est F-.ton Street: sign on (est end of (areho-se _9*:

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.900 Signage !eg-.ations

BChe( #ai. %o-ch To5acco+ Treat yo-rse.f to the 5estB A. Liro7-a 'eaf To5acco Co at A01 ,est F-.ton Street: sign on the f-.. .ength of the 5ac8 (a.. of (areho-se _*) the rai.road trac8s 9. Liro7-a 'eaf To5acco Co+ ,hite E.ephant+ So-th #ain: BJ.oc8 Jros. To5accoB ). ,i8-3 Ja8ery at 210 ,est F-.ton Street: sign on side of the 5-i.ding facing S(ift Street: B,i8-3 Ja8eryB 021 Si%n Loc&tion ReAui!e7ents 0a1 No si%n sha.. 5e erected or 3aintained at any .ocation (here 5y reason of its position+ (ording+ i..-3ination+ si/e+ shape+ or co.or it 3ay o5str-ct+ i3pair+ o5sc-re+ interfere (ith the 2ie( of+ or 5e conf-sed (ith+ any &ut o!i:e' t!&22ic cont!o- si%n3 si%n&- o! 'e,ice. Freestanding signs 3ay not .ocate (ithin 2ision nor other(ise i3pede traffic or pedestrian 2isi5i.ity. Freestanding sign set5ac8s fro3 right=of=(ay .ines 2ary 5y /oning district == refer to S-5sections 22.90A and 22.909. 051 No si%n sha.. 5e .ocated (ithin a !eAui!e' bu22e!"&!' or (ithin a per3anent.y protected green space area. 0c1 No si%n sha.. 5e 3o-nted on a !oo2. "o sign sha.. e4tend a5o2e the roof .ine+ e4cept (ith a conditiona. -se per3it. 0d1 No si%n+ te3porary or other(ise+ sha.. 5e affi4ed to a t!ee o! uti-it" #o-e -n.ess other(ise a-thori/ed 5y the Director of %-5.ic ,or8s. 0e1 P!i,&te si%ns sha.. not 5e a..o(ed (ithin road !i% t>o2>;&" .ines e4cept per 90*0210f1 and for te3porary signs anno-ncing an e2ent of co33-nity (ide interest s-ch as a festi2a. at the fo..o(ing .ocations: 011 at the intersection of <(y 9F and "e(2i..e Street and 021 at the intersection of <(y 9F and #enha.. Dri2e. Signs for an e2ent of co33-nity (ide interest re7-ires a te3porary sign per3it in accordance (ith Section 22.90)+ cannot 5e o2er thirty=t(o 0*21 s7-are feet in area+ cannot 5e erected 3ore than *0 days 5efore the e2ent+ and 3-st 5e re3o2ed (ithin AE ho-rs after the e2ent. 0f1 P!o5ectin% si%ns sha.. 5e a 3ini3-3 of ten feet o2er the e.e2ation of a pedestrian (ay. 0g1 0!eest&n'in% si%ns sha.. 5e .ocated a 3ini3-3 of t(e.2e feet fro3 property .ines 0other than right=of=(ay .ines1 or e7-i2a.ent to their 3a4i3-3 height+ (hiche2er is greater+ e4cept that on= pre3ise directiona. signs .ess than *) inches ta.. sha.. 5e .ocated a 3ini3-3 of one foot fro3 a property .ine. 0h1 A;nin%s sha.. 5e .ocated a 3ini3-3 of se2en and one=ha.f feet for the fa5ric+ and eight feet for the fra3e+ o2er pedestrian (ays. 0i1 "o person sha.. erect+ constr-ct+ or 3aintain any sign -pon any property or 5-i.ding (itho-t the e4press consent of the o(ner or person entit.ed to possession of the property or 5-i.ding or their a-thori/ed representati2e. 0*1 Si%n Con2i%u!&tion ReAui!e7ents 0a1 0!eest&n'in% si%n con2i%u!&tion: & freestanding sign sha.. not 5e erected so that it i3pedes 2isi5i.ity for safe pedestrian andDor circ-.ation. The footing and re.ated s-pporting str-ct-re of a freestanding sign inc.-ding 5o.ts+ f.anges+ 5rac8ets+ etc.+ sha.. 5e concea.ed 5y the sign e4terior+ 3asonry co2ering+ earth and per3anent gro-ndco2er+ or thro-gh the -se of e2ergreen shr-5s. !efer to S-5section 22.902021051. 051 ?obi-e si%n con2i%u!&tion: E4isting 3o5i.e signs (hich ha2e e4posed e.ectrica. cords or (iring+ and do not ha2e FI protection+ or do not 3eet J-i.ding Code reg-.ations are not in co3p.iance (ith 5asic safety standards and 3-st 5e re3o2ed -pon the effecti2e date of this Ordinance. !efer to S-5section 22.9020210d1. 0c1 P!o5ectin% si%n con2i%u!&tion: The 5otto3 edge of a pro;ecting sign sha.. 5e .ocated a 3ini3-3 of ten feet fro3 the gro-nd .e2e. direct.y -nder the sign. S-ch sign sha.. 5e 3o-nted direct.y to a 5-i.ding. In no instance sha.. s-ch sign 5e pro;ecting 3ore than fo-r feet into and o2er a p-5.ic


Section 22.900 Signage !eg-.ations

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

right=of=(ay or pri2ate street+ dri2e+ or par8ing area and 3-st 5e at .east 2 feet 5ehind the face of the c-r5. !efer to S-5section 22.90*0210f1. 0d1 D&-- si%n con2i%u!&tion: & (a.. sign sha.. not e4tend 5eyond the edge of any (a.. or other s-rface to (hich it is 3o-nted+ nor sha.. it pro;ect 3ore than t(e.2e 0121 inches fro3 its s-rface. The height of a (a.. sign sha.. 5e 3eas-red fro3 the 5ase of the 5-i.ding 5e.o( the sign to the top of the sign face. The top of the sign sha.. 5e no higher than the nearest portion of the 5-i.ding to (hich it is 3o-nted. Signs painted direct.y on an e4terior (a.. or other portion of a 5-i.ding are not per3itted+ other than (indo(s+ per Section 90*011081. !efer to S-5section 22.9020210i1. 0e1 A',e!tisin% ,e ic-e si%n con2i%u!&tion: "o persons sha.. par8 any 2ehic.e or on a p-5.ic right=of=(ay or on pri2ate properties so as to 5e seen fro3 a p-5.ic right=of=(ay+ (hich has attached thereto or .ocated thereon any sign or ad2ertising de2ice for the 5asic p-rpose of pro2iding ad2ertise3ent of prod-cts or directing peop.e to a 5-siness acti2ity .ocated on the sa3e or near5y property or any other pre3ise. 'icensed 5-siness containing typica. 5-siness signage and (hich are acti2e.y -sed on a dai.y 5asis for 5-siness p-rposes+ are e4e3pt fro3 this prohi5ition. !efer to S-5section 22.90*0110h1.

Subsection 22.)0( Si%n Re%u-&tions A##-ic&b-e to Resi'enti&- Zonin% Dist!icts

011 Ru-es 2o! &-- Si%ns 0a1 Signs sha.. co3p.y (ith a.. pro2isions of the #-nicipa. Code+ inc.-ding S-5section 22.902 and S-5section 22.90* for genera. signage definitions and reg-.ations. 051 Signage on a .ot sha.. 5e .i3ited to the co35ined tota. of a.. signs .isted -nder S-5section 021+ 5e.o(+ or as other(ise 3odified 5y conditiona. -se+ p.anned de2e.op3ent+ deed restriction or other site specific reg-.ation+ restriction or re7-ire3ent. The o(ner of a property containing 3ore than one tenant sha.. a..ocate signs to the tenants+ -p to the a..o(ed 3a4i3-3 for the entire property. This pro2ision (i.. a..o( the property o(ner to a..ocate a.. of the a..o(ed signage to one tenant and none to another tenant if they sa( fit to do so. 021 Ru-es 2o! P&!ticu-&! Si%n Pu!#oses 0a1 I'enti2ic&tion Si%n 1. For one=fa3i.y+ t(o=fa3i.y+ three=fa3i.y or fo-r=fa3i.y d( a. %er3itted Sign Type: ,a.. sign 5. #a4i3-3 %er3itted "-35er per 'ot: One c. #a4i3-3 %er3itted &rea per Sign: T(o s7-are feet 2. For 3-.ti=fa3i.y d( of fi2e or 3ore -nits+ or instit-tiona. -se: a. %er3itted Sign Type: ,a.. sign+ canopy sign or 3on-3ent sign 5. #a4i3-3 %er3itted "-35er per 'ot: One 3on-3ent+ p.-s one (a.. or canopy c. #a4i3-3 %er3itted &rea per Sign: T(enty=Fo-r s7-are feet d. #ini3-3 %er3itted Sign Set5ac8: 5-i.ding set5ac8 .ine *. For gro-p de2e.op3ent or s-5di2ision: a. %er3itted Sign Type: ,a.. sign+ canopy sign or 3on-3ent sign 5. #a4i3-3 %er3itted "-35er per De2e.op3ent: %er or conditiona. -se for gro-p de2e.op3ent c. #a4i3-3 %er3itted &rea per Sign: Thirty=T(o s7-are feet d. #a4i3-3 Co35ined %er3itted &rea of &.. Signs: %er or conditiona. -se for gro-p de2e.op3ent e. #ini3-3 %er3itted Sign Set5ac8: 5-i.ding set5ac8 .ine 051 Au=i-i&!" Si%n 0s-ch as BJe(are of DogB or B"o TrespassingB for a.. .and -ses1: 1. %er3itted Sign Type: ,a.. sign or 3on-3ent sign 2. #a4i3-3 %er3itted "-35er per 'ot: T(o *. #a4i3-3 %er3itted &rea per Sign: T(o s7-are feet 0c1 On>P!e7ise Di!ection&- Si%n 0for 3-.ti=fa3i.y+ gro-p de2e.op3ent or instit-tiona. -se1:

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.900 Signage !eg-.ations

0d1 0e1 0f1


1. %er3itted Sign Type: ,a.. sign or 3on-3ent sign 2. #a4i3-3 %er3itted "-35er per 'ot: One sign for each entrance+ one sign for each e4it+ one sign for reg-.ations .isting par8ing .ot Instit-tiona. -ses 3ay -se any additiona. n-35er of signs as needed. *. #a4i3-3 %er3itted &rea per Sign: "ine s7-are feet Te7#o!&!" Si%n 0per S-5section 22.90)1 On>P!e7ise 8usiness Si%n 0for .ega.+ non=confor3ing 5-siness on.y1: Sha.. co3p.y (ith pro2isions of S-5section 22.909 for J=1 District. O22>P!e7ise Di!ection&- Si%n 0for go2ern3enta. faci.ity on.y1: 1. %er3itted Sign Type: ,a.. sign or 3on-3ent sign 2. #a4i3-3 %er3itted "-35er per De2e.op3ent: Ena5.ed per conditiona. -se per3it *. #a4i3-3 %er3itted &rea per Sign: Fo-r s7-are feet A. #a4i3-3 %er3itted &rea of &.. Signs: Ena5.ed per conditiona. -se per3it Co77unit" In2o!7&tion Si%n 0per S-5section 22.9010*11

Subsection 22.)0) Si%n Re%u-&tions A##-ic&b-e to Non!esi'enti&- Zonin% Dist!icts

011 Ru-es 2o! &-- Si%ns 0a1 Signs sha.. co3p.y (ith a.. pro2isions of the #-nicipa. Code+ inc.-ding S-5section 22.902 and S-5section 22.90* for genera. signage definitions and reg-.ations. 051 Signage on a .ot sha.. 5e .i3ited to the co35ined tota. of a.. signs .isted -nder S-5section 0*1+ 5e.o(+ or as other(ise 3odified 5y conditiona. -se+ p.anned de2e.op3ent+ deed restriction or other site specific reg-.ation+ restriction or re7-ire3ent. The o(ner of a property containing 3ore than one tenant sha.. a..ocate signs to the tenants+ -p to the a..o(ed 3a4i3-3 for the entire property. This pro2ision (i.. a..o( the property o(ner to a..ocate a.. of the a..o(ed signage to one tenant and none to another tenant if they sa( fit to do so. 021 Ru-es 2o! P&!ticu-&! Si%n Pu!#oses 0&.. !esidentia. and Instit-tiona. 'and $ses1 Sha.. co3p.y (ith pro2isions of S-5section 22.90A. 0*1 Ru-es 2o! P&!ticu-&! Si%n Pu!#oses 0&.. Office+ Co33ercia. and Ind-stria. 'and $ses1 0a1 8usiness Si%ns: 1. For A>13 A>23 8>(3 H?E3 O>1 &n' ?>1 Zoning Districts: a. %er3itted Sign Type: On=5-i.ding 0(a.. or a(ning1 sign: i. #a4i3-3 %er3itted "-35er per 'ot: T(o on=5-i.ding signs per each 5-siness . Signs cannot 5e p.aced on a (a.. direct.y ad;acent to a residentia..y /oned property. ii. #a4i3-3 %er3itted &rea per Sign: One s7-are foot of signage for e2ery .inear foot of e4posed e4terior (a.. .ength on that s-pporting (a.. for a.. signs on that s-pporting (a... 5. %er3itted Sign Type: Freestanding 03on-3ent or py.on1 sign: i. #a4i3-3 %er3itted "-35er per 'ot: One freestanding sign per .ot+ for any .ot containing 3ore than fo-r p-5.ic par8ing spaces. ii. #a4i3-3 %er3itted &rea per Sign: One s7-are foot of signage for e2ery .inear foot of p-5.ic street == -p to a 3a4i3-3 sign area of 190 s7-are feet for a.. co35ined sign faces. 0Sign area for corner .ots 3ay 5e 5ased on the .ength of either one of the street frontages.1 iii. #a4i3-3 %er3itted Sign <eight: 10 feet i2. #ini3-3 %er3itted Sign Set5ac8 fro3 the right=of=(ay: 12 feet 2. For 8>1 Zoning District: a. %er3itted Sign Type: On=5-i.ding 0(a.. or a(ning1 sign: i. #a4i3-3 %er3itted "-35er per 'ot: T(o on=5-i.ding signs per each 5-siness . Signs cannot 5e p.aced on a (a.. direct.y ad;acent to a residentia..y /oned property.


Section 22.900 Signage !eg-.ations

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

ii. #a4i3-3 %er3itted &rea per Sign: One s7-are foot of signage for e2ery .inear foot of e4posed e4terior (a.. .ength on that s-pporting (a.. for a.. signs on that s-pporting (a... 5. %er3itted Sign Type: Freestanding 03on-3ent or py.on1 sign: i. #a4i3-3 %er3itted "-35er per 'ot: One freestanding sign per .ot+ for any .ot containing 3ore than fo-r p-5.ic par8ing spaces. ii. #a4i3-3 %er3itted &rea per Sign: One s7-are foot of signage for e2ery .inear foot of p-5.ic street frontage on any chosen p-5.ic street se.ected for the .ot == -p to a 3a4i3-3 sign area of 190 s7-are feet for a.. co35ined sign faces. 0Sign area for corner .ots 3ay 5e 5ased on the .ength of either one of the street frontages.1 iii. #a4i3-3 %er3itted Sign <eight: 19 feet i2. #ini3-3 %er3itted Sign Set5ac8 fro3 the right=of=(ay: 9 feet *. For 8>2 Zoning District: a. %er3itted Sign Type: On=5-i.ding 0(a..+ a(ning+ or pro;ecting == in historic centra. 5-siness district1 sign: i. #a4i3-3 %er3itted "-35er per 'ot: T(o on=5-i.ding signs for each 5-siness . Signs cannot 5e p.aced on a (a.. direct.y a5-tting residentia..y /oned property. If a 5-i.ding has a p-5.ic entrance that is not on a p-5.ic street+ one additiona. on=5-i.ding sign is a..o(ed. ii. #a4i3-3 %er3itted &rea per Sign: T(o s7-are feet of signage for e2ery .inear foot of e4posed e4terior (a.. .ength on that s-pporting (a..+ -p to a 3a4i3-3 sign area of 90 s7-are feet for a.. co35ined sign faces on a.. (a..s 0Sign area on corner .ots 3ay 5e 5ased on the .ength of either one of the street frontages.1 If a 5-i.ding has a p-5.ic entrance not .ocated on a p-5.ic street+ 10 additiona. s7-are feet of sign area is a..o(ed for that entrance on.y. 5. %er3itted Sign Type: Freestanding 03on-3ent or py.on1 sign: i. #a4i3-3 %er3itted "-35er per 'ot: One freestanding sign per on=site par8ing .ot containing 3ore than fo-r p-5.ic par8ing spaces. ii. #a4i3-3 %er3itted &rea per Sign: One s7-are foot of signage for e2ery .inear foot of p-5.ic street == -p to a 3a4i3-3 sign area of 100 s7-are feet for a.. co35ined sign faces. 0Sign area for corner .ots 3ay 5e 5ased on the .ength of either one of the street frontages.1 iii. #a4i3-3 %er3itted Sign <eight: 19 feet. i2. #ini3-3 %er3itted Sign Set5ac8: 9 feet fro3 the right=of=(ay .ine. A. For 8>$3 ?>2 and ?>$ Zoning District: a. %er3itted Sign Type: On=5-i.ding 0(a.. or a(ning1 sign: i. #a4i3-3 %er3itted "-35er per 'ot: T(o on=5-i.ding signs for each 5-siness. Signs cannot 5e p.aced on a (a.. direct.y a5-tting residentia..y /oned property. ii. #a4i3-3 %er3itted &rea per Sign: One and 1D2 s7. feet of signage for e2ery .inear foot of e4posed e4terior (a.. .ength on that s-pporting (a.. for a.. signs on that s-pporting (a... 5. %er3itted Sign Type: Freestanding 03on-3ent or py.on1 sign: i. #a4i3-3 %er3itted "-35er per 'ot: One freestanding sign per .ot+ for any .ot containing 3ore than fo-r p-5.ic par8ing spaces. ii. #a4i3-3 %er3itted &rea per Sign: One and 1D2 s7-are feet of signage for e2ery foot of p-5.ic street frontage on any chosen p-5.ic street == -p to a 3a4i3-3 sign area of A00 s7-are feet for a.. co35ined sign faces. 0Sign area for corner .ots 3ay 5e 5ased on the .ength of either one of the street frontages.1 iii. #a4i3-3 %er3itted Sign <eight and #ini3-3 %er3itted Sign Set5ac8: a 19 feet ta.. sign can ha2e a 0 foot set5ac8 fro3 the right=of=(ay+ or if greater than 19 feet ta.. and .ess than or e7-a. to 29 feet ta..+ the sign 3-st ha2e a 10 foot set5ac8 fro3 the right=


City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.900 Signage !eg-.ations



0d1 0e1


of=(ay. Au=i-i&!" Si%n 0s-ch as re7-ired as %rice Signs or B"o TrespassingB sign1: 1. %er3itted Sign Type: ,a.. sign and freestanding sign 2. #a4i3-3 %er3itted "-35er per 'ot: %er appro2ed site *. #a4i3-3 %er3itted &rea per Sign: Co35ined area of a.. a-4i.iary (a.. signs sha.. not e4ceed an area e7-i2a.ent to 90I of the per3itted freestanding or on=5-i.ding sign area+ (hiche2er is greater. The area of a-4i.iary freestanding signs sha.. 5e considered as a part of the tota. area a..o(ed for 5-siness signs. On>P!e7ise Di!ection&- Si%n: 1. %er3itted Sign Type: ,a.. sign or 3on-3ent sign 2. #a4i3-3 %er3itted "-35er per 'ot: One sign for each entrance+ one sign for each e4it+ one sign for each par8ing area conditions .ist. *. #a4i3-3 %er3itted &rea per Sign: "ine s7-are feet Te7#o!&!" Si%n 0per S-5section 22.90)1 O22>P!e7ise Di!ection&- Si%n 0for go2ern3enta. faci.ity on.y1: 1. %er3itted Sign Type: ,a.. sign or 3on-3ent sign 2. #a4i3-3 %er3itted "-35er per De2e.op3ent: %er conditiona. -se per3it *. #a4i3-3 %er3itted &rea per Sign: Fo-r s7-are feet A. #a4i3-3 %er3itted &rea of &.. Signs: %er conditiona. -se per3it Co77unit" In2o!7&tion Si%n 0per S-5section 22.9010*11

Subsection 22.)0+ Te7#o!&!" Si%ns

For a.. te3porary signs+ the o(ner or tenant 3-st contact the Zoning &d3inistrator and pro2ide the na3e and address of the app.icant+ and the description and .ocation of the sign to 5e erected prior to act-a. insta..ation+ for re2ie( and appro2a. 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator. The Zoning &d3inistrator or the &pp.icant 3ay re7-est the Co33ission deter3ine if an app.ication for a te3porary sign per3it sha.. 5e appro2ed or denied. & per3it fee for a te3porary sign sha.. 5e O20.00. &ny one .ot is per3itted to disp.ay a te3porary sign for a 3a4i3-3 of thirty 0*01 days (ithin any t(e.2e 0121 3onth period. F-rther3ore+ any one .ot is .i3ited to a 3a4i3-3 of t(o te3porary signs in any t(e.2e 0121 3onth period 0po.itica. signs are e4e3pt fro3 this restriction1. & porta5.e sign is not a te3porary sign. The fo..o(ing signs are e4e3pt fro3 reg-.ation and do not re7-ire a per3it: 011 For each .ot: one BFor Sa.e+B BFor !ent+B or B arage Sa.eB sign+ not 3ore than t(e.2e 0121 s7-are feet in area. 021 For constr-ction on or de2e.op3ent of a .ot+ one sign not 3ore than thirty=t(o 0*21 s7-are feet in area+ indicating the na3e of the contractors+ engineers or architect+ or prod-cts 5eing -sed in the constr-ction of a 5-i.ding 5-t on.y d-ring the ti3e that constr-ction or de2e.op3ent is acti2e.y -nder (ay. 0*1 For a te3porary e2ent of p-5.ic interest s-ch as a neigh5orhood garage sa.e or ch-rch fair+ one sign+ not o2er thirty=t(o 0*21 s7-are feet in area .ocated -pon the site of the e2ent. S-ch sign sha.. not 5e erected 3ore than *0 days 5efore the e2ent and sha.. 5e re3o2ed i33ediate.y after the e2ent. 0A1 Te3porary po.itica. signs are per3itted (itho-t restriction so .ong as they do not .ocate on p-5.ic property inc.-ding right=of=(ays+ do not i3pair 2ision+ or do not other(ise create a p-5.ic n-isance. Signs sha.. not 5e erected 3ore than *0 days prior to an e.ection and 3-st 5e re3o2ed i33ediate.y after the e.ection. 091 For each rea. estate s-5di2ision that has 5een appro2ed in accordance (ith the City of Edgerton 'and Di2ision !eg-.ations+ t(o te3porary de2e.op3ent pro;ect identification signs are per3itted to 5e .ocated on so3e portion of the s-5;ect s-5di2ision. Each s-ch sign sha.. 5e not 3ore than thirty=t(o 0*21 s7-are feet in area. These signs sha.. co3p.y (ith the 2isi5i.ity standards of S-5section 22.90*011

Section 22.900 Signage !eg-.ations

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

0i1. These signs sha.. 5e per3itted to re3ain (ithin the s-5;ect s-5di2ision -nti. a ti3e at (hich 5-i.ding per3its ha2e 5een iss-ed for E0 percent or 3ore of the .ots in the s-5di2ision. 0)1 One persona. greetingDcongrat-.atory sign per pre3ises sha.. 5e per3itted for -p to se2en days+ (hich is .i3ited to eight feet in height and thirty=t(o 0*21 s7-are feet in di3ension and (hich is not intended for co33ercia. p-rposes. 0:1 Te3porary (indo( signs sha.. not re7-ire a sign per3it6 ho(e2er+ the tota. co35ined area of a.. te3porary and per3anent (indo( signs sha.. not e4ceed the 3a4i3-3 per3itted sign area for (indo(s per Section 22.90*011081.

Subsection 22.)0. A##e&!&nce3 Const!uction3 &n' ?&inten&nce o2 Si%n&%e

011 &.. signage (ithin the ;-risdiction of this Ordinance sha.. re3ain in a state of proper 3aintenance. !efer to S-5section 22.90:021+ 5e.o(. 021 %roper 3aintenance sha.. 5e the a5sence of .oose 3ateria.s 0inc.-ding paint+ paper or other 3ateria.1+ the .ac8 of e4cessi2e r-st+ the .ac8 of e4cessi2e 2i5ration or sha8ing+ and the presence of the origina. str-ct-ra. integrity of the sign+ its fra3e and other s-pports+ its 3o-nting+ and a.. co3ponents thereof. 0*1 The repainting+ changing of parts+ and pre2enti2e 3aintenance of signs (hich co3p.ete.y confor3 to the re7-ire3ents of this Ordinance+ and res-.t in a5so.-te.y no change in the appearance of the sign fro3 that origina..y appro2ed+ sha.. not 5e dee3ed a.terations re7-iring a sign per3it. 0A1 The o(ner+ .essee+ or 3anager of a sign+ and the o(ner of the .and on (hich the sa3e is .ocated+ sha.. 8eep grass or (eeds and other gro(th c-t and de5ris and r-55ish c.eaned -p and re3o2ed fro3 the .ot on (hich the sign is .ocated. 091 &ny signs (hich 3ay 5e+ or 3ay hereafter 5eco3e rotted+ -nsafe+ or in a state (hich is not proper.y 3aintained sha.. 5e repaired or re3o2ed 5y the .icensee or o(ner of the sign+ or o(ner of the property -pon (hich the sign stands -pon notice of the J-i.ding Inspector. 0)1 &.. signs sha.. 5e constr-cted and 3o-nted so as to co3p.y (ith State J-i.ding Codes. 0:1 &.. signs sha.. 5e constr-cted and 3aintained to confor3 (ith State E.ectrica. Codes. 0E1 The 5ase of signs sha.. 5e .andscaped so as to concea. footings+ 3o-ntings+ 5rac8ets+ and re.ated str-ct-ra. e.e3ents. 0F1 &.. signs sha.. in no instance create a traffic 2isi5i.ity or other safety ha/ard. 0101 Signage fo-nd to 5e in 2io.ation of the pro2isions of this Section sha.. 5e s-5;ect to the pro2isions of S-5section 22.219.

Subsection 22.)0/ Noncon2o!7in% Si%ns

011 Noncon2o!7in% Si%ns 0a1 Signs e4isting as of the effecti2e date of this Ordinance (hich do not confor3 to the pro2isions of this Ordinance+ sha.. 5e nonconfor3ing signs and sha.. 5e s-5;ect to the pro2isions of S-5section 22.90E021. "onconfor3ing signs 3ay 5e 3aintained. E4cept as pro2ided in S-5section 22.90E021. "o nonconfor3ing sign sha.. 5e a.tered or 3o2ed to a ne( .ocation (itho-t 5eing 5ro-ght into co3p.iance (ith the re7-ire3ents of this Ordinance. !efer to S-5section 22.90E021 0a1+ 5e.o(. 051 J-siness signs on the pre3ises of a nonconfor3ing -se or 5-i.ding 3ay 5e contin-ed per S-5section 22.90E021+ 5-t ne( signs for s-ch -ses sha.. not 5e a..o(ed+ nor sha.. e4pand in n-35er+ area+ height+ or i..-3ination. "e( signs+ not to e4ceed the 3a4i3-3 a..o(a5.e aggregate sign area 3ay 5e erected on.y -pon the co3p.ete re3o2a. of a.. other signs e4isting at the ti3e of

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.900 Signage !eg-.ations

adoption of this Ordinance. 0c1 Signage not in co3p.iance (ith the pro2isions of this S-5section sha.. 5e s-5;ect to the pro2isions of S-5section 22.90E021. 0d1 "o ne( sign per3it is re7-ired (hene2er there is a change in the sign -ser 0e4c.-ding off=pre3ise signs1+ o(ner+ or o(ner of the property on (hich the sign is .ocated+ -n.ess there is 3odification of the sign face or sign str-ct-re. 021 Re7o,&- o2 Noncon2o!7in% Si%ns 0a1 &.teration of Signs 1. For the p-rpose of this Ordinance+ a.teration of a sign is considered to 5e any change to the e4terior appearance of any part of the sign+ its fra3e+ its s-pporting str-ct-re+ or its .ighting inc.-ding: changing the 3essage 0e4cept for 3ar7-ee or off=pre3ise ad2ertising signs1+ sy35o.s+ co.or+ 3ateria.+ height+ .ocation+ or any other a.terations as deter3ined 5y the Zoning &d3inistrator. 2. &.tering a sign does not inc.-de 3aintaining the e4isting appearance of the sign6 rep.acing the sign face or the s-pporting str-ct-re (ith identica. 3ateria.s+ co.ors+ and 3essages6 changing the 3essage of a 3ar7-ee sign6 or changing the face of an off=pre3ise ad2ertising sign. *. & non confor3ing sign 3ay 5e a.tered as defined a5o2e -nder the fo..o(ing conditions: the a.teration creates a 3ore confor3ing sign than the e4isting sign and the cost of the a.teration is .ess than the rep.ace3ent 2a.-e of the e4isting sign. 051 &.. on=pre3ise signs fo-nd not to 5e in co3p.iance (ith the pro2isions of this Ordinance sha.. 5e re3o2ed (ithin *0 days of recei2ing (ritten notice of nonco3p.iance and re3o2a. fro3 the Zoning &d3inistrator. 0c1 The pena.ties of S-5section 22.219 sha.. 5e app.ica5.e to 2io.ations of the pro2isions of this Section


Section 22.900 Signage !eg-.ations

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance


The p-rpose of this Section is to indicate the 3ini3-3 re7-ire3ents for the .andscaping of fo-ndations+ de2e.oped .ots+ street frontages+ pa2ed areas+ per3anent.y protected green space areas+ reforestation areas+ and 5-fferyards.

Subsection 22.+02 Ho; to Ese t is Section

011 This Section contains the standards (hich go2ern the a3o-nt+ si/e+ type+ insta..ation and 3aintenance of re7-ired .andscaping. This Section recogni/es the i3portant and di2erse 5enefits (hich .andscaping pro2ides in ter3s of protecting the safety+ and genera. (e.fare of the co33-nity+ and i3p.e3enting the #aster 021 Each section of this Section is oriented to a specific category of re7-ired .andscaping. These inc.-de 'andscaping !e7-ire3ents for Fo-ndations 0S-5section 22.)0A1+ 'andscaping !e7-ire3ents for De2e.oped 'ots 0S-5section 22.)091 'andscaping !e7-ire3ents for Street Frontages 0S-5section 22.)0)1+ 'andscaping !e7-ire3ents for %a2ed &reas 0S-5section 22.)0:1+ 'andscaping !e7-ire3ents for %er3anent.y %rotected reen Space &reas 0S-5section 22.)0E1+ 'andscaping !e7-ire3ents for !eforestation 0S-5section 22.)0F1+ and 'andscaping !e7-ire3ents for J-fferyards 0S-5section 22.)101. 0*1 In each instance+ a B.andscaping pointB concept is -sed to pro2ide a 3a4i3-3 a3o-nt of f.e4i5i.ity in ter3s of the se.ection of p.ant 3ateria.s. S-5section 22.)0* presents sa3p.e .andscape point co35ination a.ternati2es -sed 5y this Chapter. &t the end of this Section 0and in 3ore detai. in the &ppendi4 on pages &=* thro-gh &=2E1+ S-5section 22.)11 pro2ides a .isting of p.ant species fitting into the Bc.i3a4 treeB+ Bta.. decid-o-s treeB+ B3edi-3 decid-o-s treeB+ B.o( decid-o-s treeB+ Bta.. e2ergreen treeB+ B3edi-3 e2ergreen treeB+ B.o( e2ergreen treeB+ Bta.. decid-o-s shr-5B+ B3edi-3 decid-o-s shr-5B+ B.o( decid-o-s shr-5B+ B3edi-3 e2ergreen shr-5B+ B.o( e2ergreen shr-5B+ and Bnon= contri5-tory p.antsB -sed 5y this Chapter. S-5section 22.)12 pro2ides re7-ire3ents for the insta..ation and 3aintenance of re7-ired .andscaping+ and S-5section 22.)1* descri5es the proced-re for ca.c-.ating .andscaping re7-ire3ents for this Section.

Subsection 22.+0$ L&n'sc&#in% Points3 S&7#-e L&n'sc&#in% Sc e7es &n' ?e&su!e7ent 2o! L&n'sc&#in% ReAui!e7ents
011 &.. .andscaping re7-ire3ents are stated in ter3s of the n-35er of .andscaping points re7-ired. The re7-ired n-35er of .andscaping points is dependent -pon the type of .and -se+ the /oning district+ and the si/e of the de2e.op3ent. & different n-35er of points is a(arded for each p.ant+ depending -pon its typica. gro(th rate+ its 3at-re height+ and (hether it is a decid-o-s or e2ergreen species. & 3ini3-3 insta..ation si/e is re7-ired for each of these p.ant categories. These re7-ire3ents are as fo..o(s:


City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.)00 'andscaping and J-fferyard !eg-.ations

TA8LE 22.+0$: LANDSCAPING POINTS AND ?INI?E? INSTALLATION SIZES P-&nt C&te%o!" C.i3a4 Tree Ta.. Decid-o-s Tree #edi-3 Decid-o-s Tree 'o( Decid-o-s Tree Ta.. E2ergreen Tree #edi-3 E2ergreen Tree 'o( E2ergreen Tree Ta.. Decid-o-s Shr-5 #edi-3 Decid-o-s Shr-5 'o( Decid-o-s Shr-5 #edi-3 E2ergreen Shr-5 'o( E2ergreen Shr-5 "on=Contri5-tory %.ants L&n'sc&#in% Points Pe! P-&nt :9 *0 19 10 A0 20 12 9 * 1 9 * 0 ?ini7u7 Pe!7itte' Inst&--&tion Si:e 2B Ca.iper 1B Ca.iper )C Ta.. AC Ta.. 9C Ta.. AC Ta.. *C Ta.. *)B Ta.. 2AB Ta.. 1EB Ta.. 1EB Ta..D,ide 12B Ta..D,ide nDa

Source: $ 1uide to Se%ectin( Landsca!e +%ants for Wisconsin, 2.R. 3asse%4us, 5W62'tension +ub%ication: $2765.

021 De#iction o2 S&7#-e L&n'sc&#in% Sc e7es I..-stration 22.)0*+ sho(n on the fo..o(ing three pages+ depicts sa3p.e .andscaping sche3es that 3ay 5e -sed for 5-i.ding fo-ndations+ de2e.oped .ots+ street frontages+ pa2ed areas+ reforestation+ and 5-fferyards. In genera.+ .andscaping sche3es to &.ternati2e & are 5est for 5-i.ding fo-ndations+ .andscaping sche3es to &.ternati2e J are 5est for de2e.oped .ots+ .andscaping sche3es to &.ternati2e C are 5est for street frontages+ .andscaping sche3es to &.ternati2e D are 5est for pa2ed areas 0inc.-ding par8ing .ots+ (a.8(ays and p.a/as1+ .andscaping sche3es to &.ternati2e E are 5est for reforestation+ and .andscaping sche3es to &.ternati2e F are 5est for 5-fferyards. & detai.ed .isting of (hich p.ant species fit each p.ant type is pro2ided in S-5section 22.)11.


Section 22.900 Signage !eg-.ations

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

A-te!n&ti,e A: 8est Suite' 2o! 8ui-'in% 0oun'&tions

:90 'andscaping %oints: 20 3edi-3 trees 19 s3a.. trees )0 shr-5s

A-te!n&ti,e 8: 8est Suite' 2o! De,e-o#e' Lots

1290 'andscaping %oints: ) c.i3a4 trees E ta.. trees 20 3edi-3 trees A1 e2ergreen p.antings


City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Section 22.)00 'andscaping and J-fferyard !eg-.ations

A-te!n&ti,e C: 8est Suite' 2o! St!eet 0!ont&%es

O#tion 1 2E0 'andscaping %oints: 2 c.i3a4 trees 2 ta.. trees E s3a.. trees O#tion 2 2E0 'andscaping %oints: 2 c.i3a4 trees 2 ta.. trees A s3a.. trees E e2ergreen shr-5s

A-te!n&ti,e D: 8est Suite' 2o! P&,e' A!e&s

O#tion 1 EE0 'andscaping %oints: 2 c.i3a4 trees 1* ta.. trees )E e2ergreen shr-5s O#tion 2 EE0 'andscaping %oints: 9 c.i3a4 trees ) ta.. trees )E e2ergreen shr-5s

A-te!n&ti,e E: 8est Suite' 2o! Re2o!est&tion


Section 22.900 Signage !eg-.ations

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

A-te!n&ti,e 0: 8est Suite' 2o! 8u22e!"&!'s


City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

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0*1 ?e&su!e7ent 2o! L&n'sc&#in% ReAui!e7ents & 3ini3-3 a3o-nt of .andscaping points+ 5ased -pon the /oning district+ is re7-ired for the .inear feet J-i.ding Fo-ndations+ the gross f.oor area of 5-i.dings on De2e.oped 'ots+ the .inear feet of Street Frontage+ and the tota. co35ined area of %a2ed &reas. The fo..o(ing diagra3 i..-strates the 3eas-re3ent techni7-es -sed to deter3ine these re7-ire3ents:

'andscaping Ca.c-.ation E7-ations: %a2ed &rea N 0%1 4 %21 R 0%* 4 %A1 R 0%9 4 %)1 R 0%: 4 %E1 R 0%F 4 %101

&ppendi4 &

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Street Frontage N S1 R S2 J-i.ding %eri3eter N F1 R F2 R F* R FA R F9 R F) R F: R FE J-i.ding F.oor &rea N 0J1 4 J21 R 0J* 4 JA1 R 0J9 4 J)1

Subsection 22.+0( L&n'sc&#in% ReAui!e7ents 2o! 8ui-'in% 0oun'&tions

011 This S-5section re7-ires that certain 5-i.dings+ or 5-i.ding additions+ constr-cted after the effecti2e date of this Chapter 5e accented 5y a 3ini3-3 a3o-nt of .andscaping p.aced near the 5-i.ding fo-ndation. 021 'andscaping re7-ired 5y this S-5section sha.. 5e p.aced so that at 3at-rity+ the p.antCs drip .ine is .ocated (ithin 10 feet of the 5-i.ding fo-ndation. S-ch .andscaping sha.. not 5e .ocated in those areas re7-ired for .andscaping as street frontages+ pa2ed areas+ protected green space areas+ reforestation areas+ or 5-fferyards+ -nder S-5sections 22.)09=22.)0F+ of this Section. See 22.)0*0210&1 for a s-ggested sche3e. 0*1 For each 100 feet of 5-i.ding fo-ndation peri3eter+ the fo..o(ing n-35er of .andscaping points 0per S-5section 22.)0*1 sha.. 5e pro2ided on a prorated 5asis+ and insta..ed and per3anent.y 3aintained per the re7-ire3ents of S-5section 22.)12. 0A1 C.i3a4 trees and ta.. trees sha.. not 5e -sed to 3eet this re7-ire3ent. The intent of this S-5section is to re7-ire a 2is-a. 5rea8 in the 3ass of 5-i.dings and to re7-ire a 2is-a. screen of a 3ini3-3 of ) feet in height for a.. e4terior peri3eter app-rtenances 0s-ch as <L&CD-ti.ity 5o4es+ standpipes+ stor3(ater discharge pipes and other pipes.1 091 ,here the officia..y appro2ed site depicts a f-t-re 5-i.ding e4tension+ the fo-ndation .andscaping re7-ire3ent sha.. 5e ca.c-.ated 5y 3eas-ring the .ength of the tota. peri3eter. <o(e2er+ fo-ndation p.antings need on.y 5e insta..ed 5ased on the .andscape points ca.c-.ated fro3 the portions of the 5-i.ding peri3eter that (i.. not 5e affected 5y 5-i.ding e4tension. If this res-.ts in point re7-ire3ents (hich are not 3et thro-gh the initia. p.anting+ then said re7-ire3ent sha.. 5e 3et (ithin fi2e years of 5-i.ding per3it iss-ance+ or as e4tended in (riting 5y the Co33ission.

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

&ppendi4 &


#ini3-3 !e7-ired 'andscaping %oints per 100 .inear feet of J-i.ding Fo-ndation
L&n' Ese Zonin% Dist!ict &gric-.t-ra. Districts 0&=1+ &=21 !esidentia. District One 0!=11 !esidentia. District T(o 0!=21 !esidentia. District Three 0!=*1 !esidentia. District Fo-r 0!=A1 Office District 0O=11 <istoric #i4ed $se District 0<#$1 'oca. J-siness District 0J=11 Centra. J-siness District 0J=21 'arge Sca.e Co33ercia. District 0J=*1 S-5-r5an Co33ercia. District 0J=A1 'ight Ind-stria. District 0#=11 enera. Ind-stria. District 0#=21 <ea2y Ind-stria. District 0#=*1 -wo6fa*i%) Residentia% and $%% /t er Land 5ses 20 A0 A0 A9 90 A9 A0 A0 0 20 A0 A0 20 20 Sin(%e68a*i%) Residentia% and $(ricu%tura% 5ses 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

&ppendi4 &

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Subsection 22.+0) L&n'sc&#in% ReAui!e7ents 2o! De,e-o#e' Lots

011 This S-5section re7-ires that certain .ots de2e.oped after the effecti2e date of this Chapter contain a 3ini3-3 a3o-nt of .andscaping. 021 'andscaping re7-ired 5y this S-5section is 3ost effecti2e if .ocated a(ay fro3 those areas re7-ired for .andscaping as 5-i.ding fo-ndations+ street frontages+ pa2ed areas+ protected green space areas+ reforestation areas+ or 5-fferyards+ -nder S-5sections 22.)09 thro-gh 22.)10+ of this Section. See S-5section 22.)0*0210J1 for a s-ggest .andscaping sche3e. 0*1 The fo..o(ing n-35er of .andscaping points 0as descri5ed in S-5section 22.)0*1 sha.. 5e pro2ided on a prorated 5asis for e2ery 1+000 s7-are feet of gross f.oor area+ and insta..ed and 3aintained per the re7-ire3ents of S-5section 22.)12. 0A1 The intent of this S-5section is to pro2ide yard shade and to re7-ire a 2is-a. screen of a 3ini3-3 of ) feet in height for a.. detached e4terior app-rtenances 0s-ch as <L&C+ -ti.ity 5o4es+ standpipes+ stor3(ater discharge pipes and other pipes.1


#ini3-3 !e7-ired 'andscaping %oints per 1+000 S7-are Feet of ross F.oor &rea
L&n' Ese Zonin% Dist!ict &gric-.t-ra. Districts 0&=1+ &=21 !esidentia. District One 0!=11 !esidentia. District T(o 0!=21 !esidentia. District Three 0!=*1 !esidentia. District Fo-r 0!=A1 Office District 0O=11 <istoric #i4ed $se District 0<#$1 'oca. J-siness District 0J=11 Centra. J-siness District 0J=21 'arge Sca.e Co33ercia. District 0J=*1 S-5-r5an Co33ercia. District 0J=A1 'ight Ind-stria. District 0#=11 enera. Ind-stria. District 0#=21 <ea2y Ind-stria. District 0#=*1 -wo6fa*i%) Residentia% and $%% /t er Land 5ses 20 A0 A0 A9 90 A9 A0 A0 0 20 A0 A0 20 20 Sin(%e68a*i%) Residentia% and $(ricu%tura% 5ses 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Subsection 22.+0+ L&n'sc&#in% ReAui!e7ents 2o! St!eet 0!ont&%es

011 This S-5section re7-ires that street frontages on certain .ots de2e.oped after the effecti2e date of this Chapter contain a 3ini3-3 a3o-nt of .andscaping in those areas (hich a5-t the right=of=(ay of a p-5.ic street. 021 &.. .andscaping -sed to 3eet this re7-ire3ent sha.. 5e .ocated (ithin 10 feet of the p-5.ic right=of=(ay.

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

&ppendi4 &

The Co33ission 3ay consider a..o(ing s-ch .andscaping in the p-5.ic right=of=(ay. See S-5section 22.)0*0210C1 for a s-ggested .andscaping sche3e. 'andscaping sha.. not i3pede 2ehic.e or pedestrian 2isi5i.ity. 0*1 For e2ery 100 .inear feet of street frontage (here a de2e.oped .ot a5-ts a p-5.ic street right=of=(ay+ the fo..o(ing n-35er of .andscaping points 0as descri5ed in S-5section 22.)0*1 sha.. 5e pro2ided on a prorated 5asis+ and insta..ed and 3aintained per the re7-ire3ents of S-5section 22.)12. 0A1 Shr-5s sha.. not 5e -sed to 3eet this re7-ire3ent. & 3ini3-3 of 90I of a.. points sha.. 5e de2oted to c.i3a4 andDor ta.. trees and a 3ini3-3 of *0I of a.. points sha.. 5e de2oted to 3edi-3 trees.


#ini3-3 !e7-ired 'andscaping %oints per 100 .inear feet of Street Frontage
L&n' Ese Zonin% Dist!ict &gric-.t-ra. Districts 0&=1+ &=21 !esidentia. District One 0!=11 !esidentia. District T(o 0!=21 !esidentia. District Three 0!=*1 !esidentia. District Fo-r 0!=A1 Office District 0O=11 <istoric #i4ed $se District 0<#$1 'oca. J-siness District 0J=11 Centra. J-siness District 0J=21 'arge Sca.e Co33ercia. District 0J=*1 S-5-r5an Co33ercia. District 0J=A1 'ight Ind-stria. District 0#=11 enera. Ind-stria. District 0#=21 <ea2y Ind-stria. District 0#=*1 -wo6fa*i%) Residentia% and $%% /t er Land 5ses 20 Sin(%e68a*i%) Residentia% $(ricu%tura% 5ses and

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

A0 A0 A9 90 A9 A0 A0 0 20 A0 A0 20 20

Subsection 22.+0. L&n'sc&#in% ReAui!e7ents 2o! P&,e' A!e&s

011 This S-5section re7-ires that pa2ed areas on certain .ots de2e.oped after the effecti2e date of this Chapter contain a 3ini3-3 a3o-nt of .andscaping (ithin+ or (ithin 10 feet of+ the pa2ed area. The intent is to re7-ire a contin-o-s 2is-a. screen of par8ing areas fro3 p-5.ic rights=of=(ay at a 3ini3-3 height of A0 inches. 021 & 3ini3-3 of *)0 s7-are feet of .andscaped area+ (hich sha.. 5e .ocated (ithin 10 feet of the pa2ed area+ is re7-ired for the p.ace3ent of e2ery 100 .andscaping points. Said area does not ha2e to 5e pro2ided in one contig-o-s area. Sa3p.e config-rations are depicted in S-5section 22.)0*+ a5o2e. %.ants -sed to this re7-ire3ent sha.. 2is-a..y screen par8ing+ .oading and circ-.ation areas fro3 2ie( fro3 p-5.ic streets. 0*1 For e2ery 20 off=street par8ing sta..s or 10+000 s7-are feet of pa2e3ent 0(hiche2er yie.ds the greater .andscaping re7-ire3ent1 .ocated in a de2e.op3ent+ the fo..o(ing n-35er of .andscaping points 0as

&ppendi4 &

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

descri5ed in S-5section 22.)0*1 sha.. 5e pro2ided on a prorated 5asis+ and insta..ed and 3aintained per the re7-ire3ents of S-5section 22.)12. & 3ini3-3 of *0I of a.. points sha.. 5e de2oted to c.i3a4 andDor ta.. trees and a 3ini3-3 of A0I of a.. points sha.. 5e de2oted to shr-5s.


#ini3-3 !e7-ired 'andscaping %oints per 10+000 s7-are feet of %a2ed &rea or 20 %ar8ing Sta..s
L&n' Ese Zonin% Dist!ict &gric-.t-ra. Districts 0&=1+ &=21 !esidentia. District One 0!=11 !esidentia. District T(o 0!=21 !esidentia. District Three 0!=*1 !esidentia. District Fo-r 0!=A1 Office District 0O=11 <istoric #i4ed $se District 0<#$1 'oca. J-siness District 0J=11 Centra. J-siness District 0J=21 'arge Sca.e Co33ercia. District 0J=*1 S-5-r5an Co33ercia. District 0J=A1 'ight Ind-stria. District 0#=11 enera. Ind-stria. District 0#=21 <ea2y Ind-stria. District 0#=*1 -wo6fa*i%) Residentia% and $%% /t er Land 5ses A0 E0 E0 F0 100 F9 E0 E0 20 A0 E0 E0 A0 A0 Sin(%e68a*i%) Residentia% and $(ricu%tura% 5ses 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Su b s e c t i o n 22. + 0 / L&n' s c & # i n % Pe! 7 & n e n t - " P!ot e c t e ' G!e e n S# & c e s

ReA u i! e 7 e n t s


Ot e !

011 This S-5section re7-ires that each acre of other per3anent.y protected green space after the effecti2e date of this Chapter 5e p.anted (ith a 3ini3-3 a3o-nt of .andscaping. 021 For e2ery one acre of other per3anent.y protected green space in a de2e.op3ent+ t(o h-ndred .andscaping points 0as descri5ed in S-5section 22.)0*1 sha.. 5e pro2ided. In addition+ ade7-ate gro-nd co2er sha.. 5e pro2ided to sta5i.i/e the soi..

Subsection 22.+0B L&n'sc&#in% ReAui!e7ents 2o! ReAui!e' Re2o!est&tion

011 This S-5section re7-ires that each area re7-ired to 5e reforested+ 5e reforested and 3aintained in a

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

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3anner appropriate to site conditions. 021 & detai.ed reforestation sha.. 5e s-53itted 5y the property o(ner and appro2ed 5y the City prior to c.ear c-tting. This sha.. 5e re2ie(ed 5y a reforestation cons-.tant chosen 5y the City+ (ith f-nding for cons-.ting ser2ices pro2ided 5y the %etitioner to the City. !ationa.e: The pro2isions of this S-5section are designed to ens-re that reforestation efforts re7-ired as part of (ood.and disr-ption 3itigation standards res-.t in the thoro-gh and reasona5.y rapid rep.ace3ent of the i3portant and 2aried en2iron3enta. f-nctions (hich (ood.ands pro2ide. 0See S-5section 22.*0A0210c1.1

Subsection 22.+10 L&n'sc&#in% ReAui!e7ents 2o! 8u22e!"&!'s

114 Pu!#ose This S-5section pro2ides the .andscaping and (idth re7-ire3ents for 5-fferyards on .ots de2e.oped after the effecti2e date of this Chapter. & 5-fferyard is a co35ination of distance and a 2is-a. 5-ffer or 5arrier. It inc.-des an area+ together (ith the co35ination of p.antings+ 5er3s and fencing+ that are re7-ired to e.i3inate or red-ce e4isting or potentia. n-isances. These n-isances can often occ-r 5et(een ad;acent /oning districts. S-ch n-isances are dirt+ .itter+ noise+ g.are of .ights+ signs+ and inco3pati5.e .and -ses+ 5-i.dings or par8ing areas. !ationa.e: One of /oningCs 3ost i3portant f-nctions is the separation of .and -ses into districts (hich ha2e character and contain co3pati5.e -ses. The .ocation of districts is s-pposed to pro2ide protection+ 5-t in the City of Edgerton+ this is not the case since /oning districts per3itting -ses as di2erse as sing.e=fa3i.y residentia. and ind-stria. -ses (ere .ocated ne4t to one another .ong 5efore the effecti2e date of this Chapter. J-fferyards (i.. operate to 3ini3i/e the negati2e i3pact of any f-t-re -se on neigh5oring -ses. 124 ReAui!e' Loc&tions 2o! 8u22e!"&!'s J-fferyards sha.. 5e .ocated 0and (ithin1 the o-ter peri3eter of a .ot (here2er t(o different /oning districts a5-t one another. J-fferyards sha.. not 5e re7-ired in front yards. 1$4 Dete!7in&tion o2 ReAui!e' 8u22e!"&!' The deter3ination of 5-fferyard re7-ire3ents is a t(o=staged process. First+ the re7-ired .e2e. of 5-fferyard opacity is deter3ined -sing Ta5.e 22.)100A10a1. Opacity is a 7-antitati2e.y=deri2ed 3eas-re (hich indicates the degree to (hich a 5-fferyard screens the ad;oining property. The re7-ired .e2e. of opacity indicated 5y Ta5.e 22.)100A10a1 is direct.y re.ated to the degree to (hich the potentia. character of de2e.op3ent differs 5et(een different /oning districts. The pro2isions of this S-5section indicate the 3ini3-3 re7-ire3ents for 5-fferyards .ocated /oning district 5o-ndaries. 0a1 I'enti2ic&tion o2 ReAui!e' Le,e- o2 O#&cit": Ta5.e 22.)100A10a1 sha.. 5e -sed to deter3ine the 3ini3-3 .e2e. of opacity for the re7-ired 5-fferyard. The re7-ired .e2e. of opacity is deter3ined 5y the 2a.-e gi2en in the ce.. of the ta5.e at (hich the co.-3n heading the top ro( of the ta5.e 0representing the s-5;ect propertyCs /oning district1 intersects (ith the ro( heading the .eft hand side of the ta5.e 0representing the ad;acent propertyCs /oning district1. The 2a.-e .isted is the re7-ired .e2e. of opacity for the 5-fferyard on the s-5;ect property. 051 I'enti2ic&tion o2 Det&i-e' 8u22e!"&!' ReAui!e7ents 1. If a proposed -se ad;oins a parce. for (hich a 5-fferyard is re7-ired 5y the presence of a /oning district 5o-ndary+ that -se sha.. pro2ide a 5-fferyard (ith the .e2e. of the opacity indicated in Ta5.e 22.)100A10a1. 2. For each .e2e. of opacity .isted in Ta5.e 22.)100A10a1+ a (ide 2ariety of (idth+ .andscaping point+ 5er3+ and str-ct-re co35inations are possi5.e. These are .isted in Ta5.e 22.)100A1051.

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City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

The re7-ire3ents .isted in Ta5.e 22.)100A1051 pertain to the n-35er of .andscaping points+ the 3ini3-3 5-fferyard (idth+ and the type of 5er3 or fencing re7-ired (ithin e2ery 100 feet of re7-ired 5-fferyard. & 2ariety of .andscaping point options are a2ai.a5.e and 3ay 5e 3i4ed (ithin distinct portions of the sa3e 5-fferyard. S-5section 22.)0* descri5es the 2ario-s a2ai.a5.e .andscaping point a.ternati2es. S-5section 22.)11 pro2ides a .isting of tree and shr-5 species (hich correspond the .andscaping point descriptions. 0A1 T&b-es 2o! ReAui!e' 8u22e!"&!'s See fo..o(ing pages for 22.)100A10a1 and 051. Notes 2o! T&b-e 22.+101(41&4: For properties /oned in the &gric-.t-ra. District 0&=11+ refer to the #aster %.anCs 'and $se #ap to deter3ine the proposed /oning district for said property. J-fferyard re7-ire3ents sha.. 5e ta8en fro3 this proposa..

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

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A'5&cent P!o#e!t"<s Zonin% Dist!ict &=1 !=1 !=2 !=* !=A O=1 J=A J=1 J=2 <# $ #=1 #=2 #=*

Sub5ect P!o#e!t"<s Zonin% Dist!ict &=1 !=1










<# $




.21 .21

.*1 .*1 .21

.A .A .* .2

.A .A .* .2 .2

.A .A .* .2 .2 .1

.9 .9 .A .* .* .2 .1

.) .) .9 .A .A .* .2

.) .) .9 .A .A .* .2 .1

.A .A .* .2 .2 .1 .1

.9 .9 .A .* .* .2 .1 .1 .1 .2

1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 .) .) .) .) .) .) .9

For any non=residentia. -se 0s-ch as a ch-rch or a schoo.1 (ithin this Zoning District+ pro2ide an additiona. 0.1 .e2e. of opacity to the 3ini3-3 re7-ired opacity .e2e. .isted 5e.o( for any and a.. 5orders shared (ith a residentia. .and -se. For properties /oned in the &gric-.t-ra.D<o.ding District 0&=11+ refer to the #aster %.anCs F-t-re 'and $se #ap to deter3ine the proposed /oning district for said property. J-fferyard re7-ire3ents sha.. 5e ta8en fro3 this proposa..

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City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance


O#&cit" .09 L&n'sc&#in% Points #e! 100 2eet Di't ReAui!e' St!uctu!e 3in. AAB pic8et fenceQ 3in. AC (ood rai. fenceQ = = = = = 3in. AAB pic8et fenceQ 3in. AC (ood rai. fenceQ = = = = = = 3in. AC 5er3 3in. )C fenceQ 3in. AAB pic8et fenceQ 3in. AC (ood rai. fenceQ = = = = = 3in. AC 5er3 = 3in. 9C 5er3



00 10CR 00 10CR A0 10C *) 19C ** 20C *1 29C 2F *0CR 00 10CR *E 10CR F1 10C E0 19C :* 20C )E 29C )9 *0C )2 *9CR 00 *9CR 00 10CR EA 10CR 1** 19CR 1FE 19C 1:* 20C 19E 29C 1AF *0C 1A0 *9C 10 *9CR 1*9 A0CR 00 A0CR Contin-ed on the ne4t page.

Fenc e s contri5-ti n g to .ands c a pi n g re7-ir e 3 e n t s are not per 3itt e d a.on g stre e t front a g e s for nonr e si d e n ti a. -ses. ,her e -se d in co3 5i n a ti o n (ith p.ant 3at e ri a.s to 3e e t 5-fferya r d re7-ire 3 e n t s + a 3ini3 - 3 of 90I of a.. p.ant 3 at e ri a. s sha.. 5e .ocat e d on the e4t erior side 0the side a(a y fro3 the cent e r of the s-5;ect prop e rt y1 of the fenc e. & 5-i.ding (a.. (hich doe s not cont ai n doors 0e4ce p t thos e -se d for e3 e r g e n c y e4it1 3 ay 5e -se d to satisfy the re7-ir e d fenc e portion s of the 5-fferya r d re7-ir e 3 e n t s .

"OTE: Opacity standards pro2ided co-rtesy of 'ane ^endig+ Inc.

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

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TA8LE 22.+101(41b4: DETAILED 8E00ERFARD REPEIRE?ENTS 1continue'4

O#&cit" 0.*0 L&n'sc&#in% Points #e! 100 2eet 00 1FE *20 2A0 2:) 292 2*9 10A 22* AA 219 20F 00 .A0 9* **0 AA0 *)2 *E9 *AF 20E *2: 1AE *10 2FF 9) Di't 10CR 19CR 20C 20CR 29C *0C *9C *9CR A0C A0CR A9C 90CR 90CR 10CR 20CR 29C 29CR *0C *9C *9CR A0C A0CR A9C 90CR 90CR 3in 9C 5er3 = = 3in. )C 5er3 ReAui!e' St!uctu!e 3in. )C fenceQ 3in. AAB pic8et fenceQ = 3in. AC (ood rai. fenceQ = = = 3in. AC 5er3 = 3in. 9C 5er3 = = 3in. )C 5er3 3in. )C fenceQ 3in. AAB pic8et fenceQ = 3in. AC (ood rai. fenceQ = = 3in. AC 5er3 =

Contin-ed on the ne4t page.

Q Fenc e s contri5-ti n g to .ands c a pi n g re7-ir e 3 e n t s are not per 3itt e d a.on g stre e t front a g e s for nonr e si d e n ti a. -ses. ,her e -se d in co3 5i n a ti o n (ith p.ant 3at e ri a.s to 3 e e t 5-fferya r d re7-ir e 3 e n t s + a 3ini 3 - 3 of 90I of a.. p.ant 3at e ri a.s sha.. 5e .ocat e d on the e4t erior side 0the side a(a y fro3 the cent e r of the s-5;ect prop er t y1 of the fenc e. & 5-i.ding (a.. (hich doe s not cont ai n doors 0e4ce p t thos e -se d for e3 e r g e n c y e4it1 3a y 5e -se d to satisfy the re7-ire d fenc e portion s of the 5-fferya r d re7-ire 3 e n t s .


Opacity standards pro2ided co-rtesy of 'ane ^endig+ Inc.

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City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

TA8LE 22.+101(41b4: DETAILED 8E00ERFARD REPEIRE?ENTS 1continue'4

O#&cit" 0.90 L&n'sc&#in% Points #e! 100 2eet 1*9 9)A A09 AF2 AFF *1F A9A 2)1 A22 A09 1)0 *EE *:A 0.)0 221 A** 9A1 )*0 )2) *:F 9:0 929 2:0 900 AE0

Di't 19CR *0C *0CR *0CR *9C *9CR A0C A0CR A9C 90C 90CR 99C )0CR 20CR *9CR *9CR *9CR A0C A0CR A9C 90C 90CR 99C )0CR

ReAui!e' St!uctu!e 3in. )C fenceQ = 3in. AAB pic8et fenceQ 3in. AC (ood rai. fenceQ = 3in. AC 5er3 = 3in. 9C 5er3 = = 3in. )C 5er3 = = 3in. )C fenceQ 3in. AC 5er3 3in. AAB pic8et fenceQ 3in. AC (ood rai. fenceQ = 3in. 9C 5er3 = = 3in )C 5er3 = =

Contin-ed on the ne4t page.

Fenc e s contri5-ti n g to .ands c a pi n g re7-ir e 3 e n t s are not per 3itt e d a.on g stre e t front a g e s for nonr e si d e n ti a. -ses. ,her e -se d in co3 5i n a ti o n (ith p.ant 3at e ri a.s to 3e e t 5-fferya r d re7-ire 3 e n t s + a 3ini3 - 3 of 90I of a.. p.ant 3 at e ri a. s sha.. 5e .ocat e d on the e4t erior side 0the side a(a y fro3 the cent e r of the s-5;ect prop e rt y1 of the fenc e. & 5-i.ding (a.. (hich doe s not cont ai n doors 0e4ce p t thos e -se d for e3 e r g e n c y e4it1 3 ay 5e -se d to satisfy the re7-ir e d fenc e portion s of the 5-fferya r d re7-ir e 3 e n t s .


Opacity standards pro2ided co-rtesy of 'ane ^endig+ Inc.

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

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TA8LE 22.+101(41b4: DETAILED 8E00ERFARD REPEIRE?ENTS 1continue'4

O#&cit" 0.E0 L&n'sc&#in% Points #e! 100 2eet A19 )99 )2: E:* F10 909 E0F E0A :AA :10 ):: 1.00 )*) :*2 :91 E): 10F1 11*) 10E* FFA F*A EF2

Di't *0@R A0@R A9CR A9CR 90C 90CR 90@R 99@ )0@ )9@ :0CR A0CR 90CR 90CR 99CR )0@R )0CR )9C :0C :9@ E0@R

ReAui!e' St!uctu!e 3in. )C fenceQ 3in. A@ 5er3 3in. 9@ 5er3 3in. AA? pic8et fenceQ = 3in. )C 5er3 3in. A@ (ood rai. fenceQ = = = = 3in. )C fenceQ 3in. )C 5er3 3in. 9@ 5er3 3in. AC 5er3 3in. AA? pic8et fenceQ 3in. A@ (ood rai. fenceQ = = = =

Fenc e s contri5-ti n g to .ands c a pi n g re7-ir e 3 e n t s are not per 3itt e d a.on g stre e t front a g e s for nonr e si d e n ti a. -ses. ,her e -se d in co3 5i n a ti o n (ith p.ant 3at e ri a.s to 3e e t 5-fferya r d re7-ire 3 e n t s + a 3ini3 - 3 of 90I of a.. p.ant 3 at e ri a. s sha.. 5e .ocat e d on the e4t erior side 0the side a(a y fro3 the cent e r of the s-5;ect prop e rt y1 of the fenc e. & 5-i.ding (a.. (hich doe s not cont ai n doors 0e4ce p t thos e -se d for e3 e r g e n c y e4it1 3 ay 5e -se d to satisfy the re7-ir e d fenc e portion s of the 5-fferya r d re7-ir e 3 e n t s .


Opacity standards pro2ided co-rtesy of 'ane ^endig+ Inc.

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City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Subsection 22.+11 C-&ssi2ic&tion o2 P-&nt S#ecies

For the p-rpose of this Chapter+ p.ant 3ateria.s are c.assified into thirteen 01*1 gro-pings: Bc.i3a4 treeB+ Bta.. decid-o-s treeB+ B3edi-3 decid-o-s treeB+ B.o( decid-o-s treeB+ Bta.. e2ergreen treeB+ B3edi-3 e2ergreen treeB+ B.o( e2ergreen treeB+ Bta.. decid-o-s shr-5B+ B3edi-3 decid-o-s shr-5B+ B.o( decid-o-s shr-5B+ B3edi-3 e2ergreen shr-5B+ B.o( e2ergreen shr-5B+ and non=contri5-tory p.ants. Species s-ita5.e for .andscaping -se and co3pati5.e (ith ,a-8esha Co-nty c.i3ate and soi. factors are .isted in Ta5.e 22.)11+ 5e.o(. The Zoning &d3inistrator sha.. re2ie( proposa.s for+ and the app.ica5i.ity of+ species not contained in this .ist and is a-thori/ed to appro2e appropriate species.

T&J'E 22.)1 1: C'&SSIFIC&TIO" OF %'&"TS

9otanica% :a* e Co3 3 o n "a3 e C-i7& = T!e e s 0:9 .ands c a pi n g point s1 $cer sacc aru * S-gar #ap.e 1in4(o bi%oba in8o ;uercus s! Oa8: !ed+ ,hite+ %in T&-- Deci ' u o u s T!e e s 0*0 .ands c a pi n g points1 $cer s!. #ap.e: !ed+ Si.2er+ "or(ay 8ra'inu s s!. &sh: ,hite+ ree n 1%editsia triancan t o s <oney.oc - s t +o!u%us (randid e n t a t a Jigtoot h &spe n -itia s!. 'inde n: Jass(oo d+ 'itt.e.e af+ !ed3 o n d ?e'i u 7 Deci ' u o u s T!e e s 019 .ands c a pi n g point s1 9et u%a s!. Jirch: !i2er+ %ap er +runus s!. Cherry: Cho8e+ %in Sa%i' s!. ,i..o( Lo; Deci ' u o u s T!e e s 010 .and sc a pi n g points1 $* e%a n c i er s!. Ser2ice 5 e rr y <ratae ( u s s!. <a(thor n: Coc8sp -r+ Do(ny+ ,ashin gt o n .a%us s!. Cra5 a p p. e sp.

9otanica% :a* e Co33o n "a3e

Lo; E,e! % ! e e n T!e e s 012 .ands c a pi n g points1 =uni!eru s s!. P-niper: #o-nt 5 a t t e n + !edc e d a r - u0a s!. &r5or2it a e: %yra 3i d a.+ Techn y T&-- Deci ' u o u s S !u b s 09 .and sc a pi n g points1 <ornus s!. Dog(oo d: rey+ %agod a S)in( a s!. ' Chine s e + <yacint h #iburnu * s!. Li5-rn- 3 : &rro((oo d+ ,ayfaringt r e e + "anny5 e rr y ?e'i u 7 Deci ' u o u s S !u b s 0* .and sc a pi n g points1 <or)%us $* erican a &3erica n Fi.5ert+ <a/e.n -t <oton e a s t er s!. Coton e a s t e r 8ors)nt ia s!. Forsyt hi a: Jorder+ Ear.y+ ,ee pin g Rosa s!. Lirgina+ !-gos a !ose:

Lo; Deci ' u o u s S !u b s 01 .and sc a pi n g point1 9erberis t un ( er (ii

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

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T&-- E,e! % ! e e n T!e e s 0A0 .and sc a pi n g points1 $bies conco%or ,hite Fir +inus s!. %ine: !ed+ ,hite+ Scots -su(a <anad e n si s Cana d a <e3.oc8 ?e'i u 7 E,e! % ! e e n T!e e s 020 .ands c a pi n g point s1 - u0a occide n t a%is &3erica n &r5or2it a e

Papan e s e Jar5erry S!irae a s!. Spire a: Froe5 e.+ Sno( 3 o - n d T&-- to ?e'i u 7 E,e! % ! e e n S !u b s 09 .and sc a pi n g points1 =uni!eru s c ine n si s P-niper: %fit/er -a'us s!. Ye(: Papan e s e Lo; E,e! % ! e e n S !u b s 0* .and sc a pi n g points1 =uni!eru s s!. P-niper: Sarge n t + Creepi n g+ &ndorra

Subsection 22.+12 ReAui!e7ents 2o! t e Inst&--&tion3 ?&inten&nce &n' Ese o2 L&n'sc&#e' &n' 8u22e!"&!' A!e&s
011 Inst&--&tion 0a1 &ny and a.. .andscaping and 5-fferyard 3ateria. re7-ired 5y the pro2isions of this Chapter sha.. 5e insta..ed on the s-5;ect property+ in accordance (ith the appro2ed site 0see S-5section 22.2191 (ithin :*0 days of the iss-ance of an occ-pancy per3it for any 5-i.ding on the s-5;ect property. (b) Su!et": If the s-5;ect property is to 5e occ-pied prior to the insta..ation of a.. re7-ired .andscaping and 5-fferyard 3ateria.+ the property o(ner sha.. sign an agree3ent stating the intent to insta.. the .andscaping (ith0in the :*0 day period. This agree3ent sha.. contain a state3ent indicating that there are fines associated (ith not co3p.ying (ith this agree3ent. (c) E4isting p.ant 3ateria. (hich 3eets the re7-ire3ents of S-5section 22.)0* and (hich (i.. 5e preser2ed on the s-5;ect property fo..o(ing the co3p.etion of de2e.op3ent+ 3ay 5e co-nted as contri5-ting to the .andscaping re7-ire3ents. (d) &.. .andscaping and 5-fferyard areas sha.. 5e seeded (ith .a(n or nati2e gro-nd co2er -n.ess s-ch 2egetation is a.ready f-..y esta5.ished.

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City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance


The e4act p.ace3ent of re7-ired p.ants and str-ct-res sha.. 5e depicted on the re7-ired detai.ed .andscaping sha.. 5e the decision of each property o(ner (ithin the re7-ire3ents of this Section+ e4cept that the fo..o(ing re7-ire3ents sha.. 5e 3et: 1. E2ergreen shr-5s sha.. 5e p.anted in c.-sters in order to 3a4i3i/e their chance for s-r2i2a.. 2. ,here a co35ination of p.ant 3ateria.s+ andDor 5er3ing andDor fencing is -sed in a 5-fferyard+ the fence andDor 5er3 sha.. 5e .ocated to(ard the interior of the s-5;ect property and the p.ant 3ateria. sha.. 5e .ocated to(ard the e4terior of the s-5;ect property. *. & property o(ner 3ay esta5.ish thro-gh a (ritten agree3ent+ recorded (ith the !egister of Deeds Office+ that an ad;acent property o(ner sha.. agree to pro2ide a partia. or f-.. portion of the re7-ired 5-fferyard on an i33ediate.y ad;acent portion of their .and+ there5y e4e3pting the de2e.oper fro3 pro2iding a.. or a portion of the re7-ired 5-fferyard on his property. A. In no 3anner sha.. .andscaping or 5-fferyard 3ateria.s 5e se.ected andDor .ocated in a 3anner (hich res-.ts in the creation of a safety or 2isi5i.ity ha/ard. 0See S-5section 22.A0*.1 9. The restrictions on types of p.ants .isted in S-5sections 22.)0A=22.)0: sha.. app.y.

(2) ?&inten&nce

The contin-ed and contin-a. 3aintenance of a.. re7-ired .andscaping and 5-fferyard 3ateria.s sha.. 5e a re7-ire3ent of this Chapter and sha.. 5e the responsi5i.ity of the o(ner of the property on (hich said 3ateria.s are re7-ired. This re7-ire3ent sha.. r-n (ith the property and is 5inding -pon a.. f-t-re property o(ners. De2e.op3ent of any and a.. property fo..o(ing the effecti2e date of this Chapter sha.. constit-te an agree3ent 5y the property o(ner to co3p.y (ith the pro2isions of this S-5section. $pon fai.-re to co3p.y (ith these pro2isions+ the City 3ay enter -pon the property for the p-rpose of e2a.-ating and 3aintaining a.. re7-ired .andscaping and 5-fferyard 3ateria.s+ and 3ay specia..y assess the costs thereof against the property. Fai.-re to co3p.y (ith this re7-ire3ent sha.. 5e considered a 2io.ation of this Chapter+ and sha.. 5e s-5;ect to any and a.. app.ica5.e enforce3ent proced-res and pena.ties. 0See S-5section 22.219.1
(3) Ese o2 ReAui!e' 8u22e!"&!' &n' L&n'sc&#e' A!e&s

&ny and a.. re7-ired 5-fferyards or .andscaped areas 3ay 5e -sed for passi2e recreation acti2ities. Said areas 3ay contain pedestrian+ 5i8e or e7-estrian trai.s pro2ided that: no re7-ired 3ateria. is e.i3inated6 the tota. (idth of the re7-ired 5-fferyard+ or the tota. area of re7-ired .andscaping+ is 3aintained6 and a.. other reg-.ations of this Chapter are 3et. In no e2ent+ ho(e2er+ sha.. s(i33ing poo.s+ tennis co-rts+ sports fie.ds+ go.f co-rses+ or other s-ch acti2e recreation -sed 5e per3itted in s-ch areas. F-rther3ore+ in no instance sha.. any par8ing 5e per3itted in s-ch areas+ nor sha.. any o-tdoor disp.ay of storage of 3ateria.s 5e per3itted in s-ch areas. %a2ing in s-ch areas sha.. 5e .i3ited to that re7-ired for necessary access to+ thro-gh+ or across the s-5;ect property.
(4) Eti-it" E&se7ents

'andscaping 3ateria.s+ fences and 5er3s (hich are .ocated (ithin a d-.y recorded -ti.ity ease3ent andDor a pedestrian ease3ent sha.. not co-nt to(ard 3eeting a .andscaping re7-ire3ent. <o(e2er+ the (idth of s-ch areas 3ay 5e co-nted as part of a .andscaping re7-ire3ent.

Subsection 22.+1$ C&-cu-&tin% L&n'sc&#in% &n' 8u22e!"&!' ReAui!e7ents

In ca.c-.ating the n-35er of re7-ired .andscaping points -nder the pro2isions of this Section+ a.. areas and distances on (hich re7-ired ca.c-.ations are 5ased sha.. 5e ro-nded -p to the nearest (ho.e n-35er of s7-are feet or .inear feet. &ny partia. p.ant deri2ed fro3 the re7-ired ca.c-.ations of this Section 0for e4a3p.e 2*.* canopy trees1 sha.. 5e ro-nded -p to the nearest (ho.e p.ant 02A canopy trees1.

Subsection 22.+1( De#iction on ReAui!e' Site P-&n

&ny and a.. proposed .andscaping on the s-5;ect property+ re7-ired to 3eet the standards of this Chapter+ sha.. 5e c.ear.y depicted and .a5e.ed as to its .ocation and 3a8e=-p on the site re7-ired for the de2e.op3ent of the s-5;ect property. !efer to S-5section 22.21*0*10c1.

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

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Subsection 22..01 Zonin% ?&#
The .ocation and 5o-ndaries of the /oning districts are esta5.ished as sho(n on the 3ap entit.ed BOfficia. Zoning #ap+ City of Edgerton+ ,isconsin+B dated as a3ended+ (hich acco3panies and is 3ade part of this chapter. &.. notations and references sho(n on the /oning 3ap are as 3-ch a part of this Chapter as tho-gh specifica..y descri5ed herein.

Subsection 22..02 Dist!ict 8oun'&!ies

The fo..o(ing sha.. app.y (ith resp e c t to the 5o-n d a ri e s of the /oning district s as sho(n on the /oning 3a p s. 011 ,here /oning district 5o-n d a r y .ines are indicat e d as fo..o(ing a stre e t + a..ey or e4t e n si o n ther e of+ s-ch 5o-n d a r y .ines sha.. 5e const r- e d to 5e the cent e of said stre e t + a..ey or e4t e n si o n ther e of s c.ear.y sho(n to the contr ar y.

021 ,here a 5o-ndary .ine coincides appro4i3ate.y 5-t not e4act.y (ith a .ot .ine (hich e4isted on the effecti2e date of incorporation of s-ch 5o-ndary .ine into the /oning 3ap+ the 5o-ndary .ine sha.. 5e constr-ed to 5e the .ot .ine at that .ocation. 0*1 For -ns-5di2ided property+ the .ocation of the district 5o-ndary .ines sho(n on the district 3ap sha.. 5e deter3ined 5y the -se of the sca.e sho(n on s-ch 3ap. (5) ,here any -ncertainty e4ists as to the e4act .ocation of /oning district 5o-ndary .ines+ the Zoning Joard of &ppea.s+ -pon (ritten app.ication+ sha.. deter3ine the .ocation of s-ch 5o-ndary .ines.

Subsection 22..10 Resi'enti&- Dist!ict One 1R>14.

011 Pu!#ose &n' Intent This district is intended to per3it de2e.op3ent that has a 3oderate density+ co33-nity character. Density and intensity standards for this district are designed to ens-re that the !=1 District sha.. ser2e as a designation (hich preser2es and protects the residentia. co33-nity character of its area. !esidentia. de2e.op3ent (ith a #a4i3-3 ross Density 0# D1 of A d( -nits per gross acre is a2ai.a5.e (ithin this district. !ationa.e: This district is -sed to pro2ide for the per3anent protection of a 3oderate density residentia. area for those (ho (ant to .i2e in an s-5-r5an residentia. en2iron3ent and (ho retain eno-gh .and (ith their residence+ or in their de2e.op3ent+ to ens-re that the co33-nity character is 3aintained as .ong as the !=1 District designation is retained+ regard.ess of ho( 3-ch de2e.op3ent occ-rs (ithin that area. 021 List o2 A--o;&b-e P!inci#&- L&n' Eses 0a1 P!inci#&- L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' b" Ri% t: Sing.e=Fa3i.y Detached 0Site=5-i.t1 [ 10+000 sf .ot 0per S-5section 22.*0A0110511.1 #an-fact-red <o3e [ 10+000 sf .ot 0per S-5section 22.*0A011051F.1 #an-fact-red D( 0#od-.ar1 [ 10+000 sf .ot 0per S-5section 22.*0A01105110.1 Se.ecti2e C-tting 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210511 %assi2e O-tdoor %-5.ic !ecreation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10a11 %o(er enerated De2ices Incidenta. to On=site %rincipa. $se. 022.*0A10910(1 051 P!inci#&- L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' b" Ri% t ;it A''ition&- S#eci&- ReAui!e7ents: C-.ti2ation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210a11 &cti2e O-tdoor %-5.ic !ecreation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10511 %-5.ic Ser2ices and $ti.ities 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10e11 Co33-nity 'i2ing &rrange3ent 01=E residents1 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10g11 0c1 P!inci#&- L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' &s Con'ition&- Ese: C.ear C-tting 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210c11 Indoor Instit-tiona. 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10c11 O-tdoor Instit-tiona. 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10d11 Co33-nity 'i2ing &rrange3ent 0F=19 residents1 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10h11

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City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Jed and Jrea8fast Esta5.ish3ents 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10;11 0d1 List o2 A--o;&b-e Accesso!" Eses: 1. Accesso!" L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' b" Ri% t: Far3 !esidence 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910c11 Detached arage+ Carport or Shed 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910d11 Fa3i.y Day Care <o3e 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910s11 %o(er enerated De2ices Incidenta. to On=site %rincipa. $se. 022.*0A10910(1 2. Accesso!" L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' b" Ri% t ;it A''ition&- S#eci&- ReAui!e7ents: On=Site %ar8ing 'ot 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910511 %ri2ate !esidentia. !ecreationa. Faci.ity 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910e11 Drainage Str-ct-re 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910811 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910.11 E4terior Co33-nication De2ices 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910311 <o3e Occ-pation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910n11 On=Site Co3postingD,ood 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910o11 *. Accesso!" L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' &s Con'ition&- Ese: Inter3ediate Day Care <o3e 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910t11 0e1 List o2 A--o;&b-e Te7#o!&!" Eses: ContractorCs %ro;ect Office 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10a11 ContractorCs On=Site E7-ip3ent Storage 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10511 On=Site !ea. Estate Office 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10d11 O-tdoor &sse35.y 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10g11 %o.ystr-ct-re 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10h11 0*1 Re%u-&tions A##-ic&b-e to Resi'enti&- Eses 0a1 Resi'enti&- Densit" ReAui!e7ents: 1. #ini3-3 Zoning District &rea: 10+000 sf 2. #a4i3-3 ross Density 0# D1: A d-Dacre *. #ini3-3 'andscape S-rface !atio 0'S!1: 90I A. #a4i3-3 J-i.ding Co2erage: A0I 9. #a4i3-3 &ccessory J-i.ding Co2erage: 10I 051 Resi'enti&- 8u-9 ReAui!e7ents: 1. #ini3-3 'ot &rea: 10+000 sf 2. #ini3-3 'ot ,idth: :9 feet *. #ini3-3 Street Frontage: A0 feet A. Front or Street Side 'ot 'ine Set5ac8: %rincipa. Str-ct-re: 29 feet+ A0 feet for a .ot ad;acent to a street (ith an Officia..y #apped right=of=(ay e7-a. to or e4ceeding 100 feet &ccessory Str-ct-re: e7-a. to or greater than the act-a. set5ac8 of the principa. str-ct-re 9. Side 'ot 'ine Set5ac8: %rincipa. Str-ct-re: 10 feet &ccessory Str-ct-re: 9 feet ). !ear 'ot 'ine Set5ac8 %rincipa. Str-ct-re: 29 feet &ccessory Str-ct-re: 9 feet :. !e7-ired J-fferyard: See 22.)100A1 /oning district 5o-ndary E. #ini3-3 %a2ed S-rface Set5ac8: 9 feet fro3 side or rear+ 10 feet fro3 street F. #ini3-3 D( $nit Separation: 12 feet 10. #a4i3-3 <eight: %rincipa. Str-ct-re: *9 feet &ccessory Str-ct-re: 19 feet or -p to 20 feet (ith a conditiona. -se per3it

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

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11. #ini3-3 "-35er of Off=Street %ar8ing Spaces !e7-ired on the 'ot 0Inc.-des garage+ dri2es+ T a.. designated par8ing s-rfaces1: 2 12. #ini3-3 D( Core Di3ensions: 2A feet 5y A0 feet 1*. #ini3-3 Ea2e ,idth: 1E inches 0c1 L&n'sc&#in% Re%u-&tions 1See Section 22.+004 0d1 Pe!2o!7&nce St&n'&!'s 1See Section 22.(004 0e1 Si%n&%e Re%u-&tions 1See Section 22.)004 0A1 Re%u-&tions A##-ic&b-e to Non!esi'enti&- Eses 0a1 Non!esi'enti&- Intensit" ReAui!e7ents: 1. #a4i3-3 "-35er of F.oors 0F1: 2 2. #ini3-3 'andscape S-rface !atio 0'S!1: 90I *. #a4i3-3 F.oor &rea !atio 0F&!1: .19 A. #ini3-3 'ot &rea 0#'&1: 1A+000 sf 9. #a4i3-3 J-i.ding Si/e 0#JS1: na 051 Non!esi'enti&- 8u-9 ReAui!e7ents: 1. #ini3-3 'ot &rea: 1A+000 sf 2. #ini3-3 'ot ,idth: 100 feet *. #ini3-3 Street Frontage: 90 feet A. Front and Street Side 'ot 'ine Set5ac8s: %rincipa. Str-ct-re: 29 feet+ A0 feet for a .ot ad;acent to a street (ith an Officia..y #apped right=of=(ay e7-a. to or e4ceeding 100 feet &ccessory Str-ct-re: E7-a. or greater than the act-a. set5ac8 of the principa. str-ct-re 9. Side 'ot 'ine Set5ac8: %rincipa. Str-ct-re to !esidentia. Side 'ot 'ine: 1A feet %rincipa. Str-ct-re to "onresidentia. Side 'ot 'ine: 12 feet &ccessory Str-ct-re: 9 ). !ear 'ot 'ine: %rincipa. Str-ct-re to !esidentia. 'ot 'ine: A0 feet %rincipa. Str-ct-re to "onresidentia. 'ot 'ine: A0 feet &ccessory Str-ct-re: 9 :. !e7-ired J-fferyard: See 22.)100A1 /oning district 5o-ndary E. #ini3-3 %a2ed S-rface Set5ac8: 9 feet fro3 side or rear6 10 feet fro3 street #ini3-3 J-i.ding Separation: 12 feet #a4i3-3 J-i.ding <eight: %rincipa. Str-ct-re: *9 feet &ccessory Str-ct-re: 19 feet or -p to 20 feet (ith a conditiona. -se per3it #ini3-3 "-35er of Off=Street %ar8ing Spaces !e7-ired on the 'ot: See par8ing .ot re7-ire3ents per specific .and -se in S-5section 22.*0A 0c1 L&n'sc&#in% Re%u-&tions 1See Section 22.+004 0d1 Pe!2o!7&nce St&n'&!'s 1See Section 22.(004 0e1 Si%n&%e Re%u-&tions 1See Section 22.)004 0f1 E=te!io! Sto!&%e 1See Subsection 22.(0+4 0g1 Lo&'in% ReAui!e7ents 1See Subsection 22.(0)4

Subsection 22..11 Resi'enti&- Dist!ict T;o 1R>24

114 Desc!i#tion &n' Pu!#ose: This district is intended to per3it de2e.op3ent that has a 3oderate density co33-nity character. The .and -se standards for this district per3it sing.e=fa3i.y detached residentia. de2e.op3ent 5y right and t(in ho-seDd-p.e4es+ t(o 3o5i.e ho3e par8s+ and 3o5i.e ho3e s-5di2isions 5y conditiona. -se. Density and intensity standards for this district are designed to ens-re that the !=2 District sha.. ser2e

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City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

as a designation (hich preser2es and protects the 3oderate density residentia. co33-nity character of its area. Lario-s residentia. de2e.op3ent options are a2ai.a5.e in this district+ (ith a #a4i3-3 ross Density 0# D1 of E d( -nits per gross acre. !ationa.e: This district is -sed to pro2ide for the per3anent protection of an area for those (ho (ant to .i2e in a 3oderate density residentia. en2iron3ent and (ho retain eno-gh .and (ith their residence+ or in their de2e.op3ent+ to ens-re that the desired co33-nity character is 3aintained as .ong as the !=2 District designation is retained+ regard.ess of ho( 3-ch de2e.op3ent occ-rs (ithin that area. &s s-ch+ this district is intended to pro2ide the principa. .ocation for a (ide range of sing.e=fa3i.y attached d( types+ inc.-ding sing.e=fa3i.y+ d-p.e4es+ t(in ho-ses+ and t(o f.ats. 124 List o2 A--o;&b-e P!inci#&- L&n' Eses 0a1 P!inci#&- L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' b" Ri% t: Sing.e=Fa3i.y Detached 0Site=5-i.t1 [ E+000 sf .ot 0per S-5section 22.*0A0110a111 #an-fact-red <o3e [ E+000 sf .ot 0per S-5section 22.*0A011051F.1 #an-fact-red D( 0#od-.ar1 [ E+000 sf .ot 0per S-5section 22.*0A01105110.1 Se.ecti2e C-tting 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210511 %assi2e O-tdoor %-5.ic !ecreation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10a11 051 P!inci#&- L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' b" Ri% t ;it A''ition&- S#eci&- ReAui!e7ents: C-.ti2ation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210a11 &cti2e O-tdoor %-5.ic !ecreation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10511 %-5.ic Ser2ices and $ti.ities 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10e11 Co33-nity 'i2ing &rrange3ent 01=E residents1 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10g11 0c1 P!inci#&- L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' &s Con'ition&- Ese: D-p.e4DT(in <o-se [ 9+000 sf per d- 0per S-5section 22.*0A0110a12 or *1 T( [ 10+000 sf .ot 0per S-5section 22.*0A0110a1A1 C.ear C-tting 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210c11 Indoor Instit-tiona. 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10c11 O-tdoor Instit-tiona. 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10d11 Co33-nity 'i2ing &rrange3ent 0F=19 residents1 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10h11 Jed and Jrea8fast Esta5.ish3ents 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10;11 0d1 List o2 A--o;&b-e Accesso!" Eses: 1. Accesso!" L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' b" Ri% t: Far3 !esidence 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910c11 Detached arage+ Carport or Shed 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910d11 Fa3i.y Day Care <o3e 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910s11 %o(er enerated De2ices Incidenta. to On=site %rincipa. $se. 022.*0A10910(1 2. Accesso!" L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' b" Ri% t ;it A''ition&- S#eci&- ReAui!e7ents: On=Site %ar8ing 'ot 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910n11 %ri2ate !esidentia. !ecreationa. Faci.ity 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910e11 Drainage Str-ct-re 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910811 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910.11 E4terior Co33-nication De2ices 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910311 <o3e Occ-pation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910n11 On=Site Co3postingD,ood 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910o11 *. Accesso!" L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' &s Con'ition&- Ese: Inter3ediate Day Care <o3e 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910t11 0e1 List o2 A--o;&b-e Te7#o!&!" Eses: ContractorCs %ro;ect Office 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10a11 ContractorCs On=Site E7-ip3ent Storage 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10511 On=Site !ea. Estate Office 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10d11 O-tdoor &sse35.y 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10g11

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%o.ystr-ct-re 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10h11 1$4 Re%u-&tions A##-ic&b-e to Resi'enti&- Eses 0a1 Resi'enti&- Densit" ReAui!e7ents: 1. #ini3-3 Zoning District &rea: E+000 sf 2. #a4i3-3 ross Density 0# D1: E d-Dacre *. #ini3-3 'andscape S-rface !atio 0'S!1: 90I A. #a4i3-3 J-i.ding Co2erage: A0I 9. #a4i3-3 &ccessory J-i.ding Co2erage: 10I 051 Resi'enti&- 8u-9 ReAui!e7ents: 1. #ini3-3 'ot &rea: E+000 sf for Sing.e=Fa3i.y D(e..ings 10+000 sf for T(o=Fa3i.y D(e..ings 9+000 sf for T(in <o-se 2. #ini3-3 'ot ,idth: Sing.e=Fa3i.y and T(o=Fa3i.y: :0 feet T(in <o-se: *9 feet 'ots p.atted 5efore "o2e35er 20+ 1FF9 for Sing.e[Fa3i.y on.y: )) feet 'ots p.atted 5efore "o2e35er 20+ 1FF9 (hich contained t(o -nit residentia. str-ct-res at that ti3e are .ega. confor3ing -ses as .ong as the t(o=-nit -se contin-es. *. #ini3-3 Street Frontage: Sing.e=Fa3i.y and T(o=Fa3i.y: 90 feet T(in <o-se: 29 feet A. Front and Street Side 'ot 'ine Set5ac8: %rincipa. Str-ct-re: 29 feet+ A0 feet for a .ot ad;acent to a street (ith an Officia..y #apped right=of=(ay e7-a. to or e4ceeding 100 feet &ccessory Str-ct-re: E7-a. or greater than the act-a. set5ac8 of the principa. str-ct-re 9. Side 'ot 'ine Set5ac8: %rincipa. Str-ct-re: E feet Tota. of Joth Sides+ 'ot 'ines to %rincipa. Str-ct-re: 1) feet &ccessory Str-ct-re: * ft ). !ear 'ot 'ine Set5ac8s: %rincipa. Str-ct-re: 29 feet &ccessory Str-ct-re: 9 ft :. !e7-ired J-fferyard: See 22.)100A1 /oning district 5o-ndary E. #ini3-3 %a2ed S-rface Set5ac8: * feet fro3 side e4cept the pa2ed s-rface 3-st ha2e a 9 foot set5ac8 at a.. street property .ines6 9 feet fro3 rear+ 10 feet fro3 street F. #ini3-3 D( $nit Separation: 12 feet or 0 co33on (a.. 10. #a4i3-3 J-i.ding <eight: %rincipa. Str-ct-re: *9 feet &ccessory Str-ct-re: 19 feet or -p to 20 feet (ith a conditiona. -se per3it 11. #ini3-3 "-35er of Off=Street %ar8ing Spaces !e7-ired on the 'ot 0Inc.-des garage+ dri2es+ T a.. designated par8ing s-rfaces1: 2 12. #ini3-3 D( Core Di3ensions: 2A feet 5y A0 feet 1*. #ini3-3 Ea2e ,idth: 1E inches 0c1 L&n'sc&#in% Re%u-&tions 1See Section 22.+004 0d1 Pe!2o!7&nce St&n'&!'s 1See Section 22.(004 0e1 Si%n&%e Re%u-&tions 1See Section 22.)004 1(4 Re%u-&tions A##-ic&b-e to Non!esi'enti&- Eses 0a1 Non!esi'enti&- Intensit" ReAui!e7ents: 1. #a4i3-3 "-35er of F.oors 0F1: 2

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City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

2. #ini3-3 'andscape S-rface !atio 0'S!1: *0I *. #a4i3-3 F.oor &rea !atio 0F&!1: .22 A. #ini3-3 'ot &rea 0#'&1: 1A+000 sf 9. #a4i3-3 J-i.ding Si/e 0#JS1: na 051 Non!esi'enti&- 8u-9 ReAui!e7ents: 1. #ini3-3 'ot &rea: 1A+000 sf 2. #ini3-3 'ot ,idth: 100 feet *. #ini3-3 Street Frontage: 90 feet A. Front or Street Side 'ot 'ine Set5ac8s: %rincipa. Str-ct-re: 29 feet+ A0 feet for a .ot ad;acent to a street (ith an Officia..y #apped right=of=(ay e7-a. to or e4ceeding 100 feet &ccessory Str-ct-re: E7-a. or greater than the act-a. set5ac8 of the principa. str-ct-re 9. Side 'ot 'ine Set5ac8s: %rincipa. Str-ct-re to !esidentia. Side 'ot 'ine: 12 feet %rincipa. Str-ct-re to "onresidentia. Side 'ot 'ine: 12 feet Side 'ot 'ine to &ccessory Str-ct-re: 9 ). !ear 'ot 'ine Set5ac8s: %rincipa. Str-ct-re to !esidentia. !ear 'ot 'ine: A0 feet %rincipa. Str-ct-re to "onresidentia. !ear 'ot 'ine: A0 feet &ccessory Str-ct-re: 9 :. !e7-ired J-fferyard: See 22.)100A1 /oning district 5o-ndary E. #ini3-3 %a2ed S-rface Set5ac8: 9 feet fro3 side or rear6 10 feet fro3 street F. #ini3-3 J-i.ding Separation: 12 feet or 0 co33on (a.. 10. #a4i3-3 J-i.ding <eight: %rincipa. Str-ct-re: *9 feet &ccessory Str-ct-re: 19 feet or -p to 20 feet (ith a conditiona. -se per3it 11. #ini3-3 "-35er of Off=Street %ar8ing Spaces !e7-ired on the 'ot: See par8ing .ot re7-ire3ents per specific .and -se in S-5section 22.*0A 0c1 L&n'sc&#in% Re%u-&tions 1See Section 22.+004 0d1 Pe!2o!7&nce St&n'&!'s 1See Section 22.(004 0e1 Si%n&%e Re%u-&tions 1See Section 22.)004 0f1 E=te!io! Sto!&%e 1See Subsection 22.(0+4 0g1 Lo&'in% ReAui!e7ents 1See Subsection 22.(0)4

Subsection 22..12 Resi'enti&- Dist!ict T !ee 1R>$4.

011 Desc!i#tion &n' Pu!#ose: This district is intended to per3it de2e.op3ent that has a higher density co33-nity character. The .and -se standards for this district per3it sing.e=fa3i.y detached+ t(in ho-seDd-p.e4+ t(o f.ats+ to(nho-ses+ and 3-.tip.e4es per3itted 5y right and re.ated instit-tiona. .and -ses. Density and intensity standards for this district are designed to ens-re that the !=* District sha.. ser2e as a designation (hich preser2es and protects the co33-nity character of its area. & 2ariety of residentia. de2e.op3ent options are a2ai.a5.e in this district+ (ith a #a4i3-3 ross Density 0# D1 of 1A d( -nits per gross acre. !ationa.e: This district is -sed to pro2ide for the per3anent protection of an area for those (ho (ant to .i2e in a higher density residentia. en2iron3ent and (ho retain eno-gh .and (ith their residence+ or in their de2e.op3ent+ to ens-re that the -r5an co33-nity character is 3aintained as .ong as the !=* District designation is retained+ regard.ess of ho( 3-ch de2e.op3ent occ-rs (ithin that area. &s s-ch+ it is intended to pro2ide the principa. .ocation for 3i4ed residentia. de2e.op3ent. 021 List o2 A--o;&b-e P!inci#&- L&n' Eses (a) P!inci#&- L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' b" Ri% t:

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

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Sing.e=Fa3i.y Detached 0Site=5-i.t1 [ )+000 sf .ot 0per S-5section 22.*0A0110a111 D-p.e4DT(in <o-se [ A+000 sf per d- 0per S-5section 22.*0A0110a12 or *1 T( [ E+000 sf .ot 0per S-5section 22.*0A0110a1A1 #o5i.e <o3e [ )+000 sf .otDair pad (ithin a #o5i.e <o3e S-5di2ision or %ar8 0per S-5section 22.*0A011 051E1 #an-fact-red <o3e [ )+000 sf .otDair pad 0per S-5section 22.*0A011051F1 #an-fact-red D( 0#od-.ar1 [ )+000 sf .ot 0per S-5section 22.*0A011051101 Se.ecti2e C-tting 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210511 %assi2e O-tdoor %-5.ic !ecreation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10a11 051 P!inci#&- L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' b" Ri% t ;it A''ition&- S#eci&- ReAui!e7ents: C-.ti2ation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210a11 &cti2e O-tdoor %-5.ic !ecreation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10511 %-5.ic Ser2ices and $ti.ities 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10e11 Co33-nity 'i2ing &rrange3ent 01=E residents1 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10g11 Co33-nity 'i2ing &rrange3ent 0F=19 residents1 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10h11 0c1 P!inci#&- L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' &s Con'ition&- Ese: To(nho-se 0*=A -nit6 10+900 [ 12+000 sf .ot1 0per S-5section 22.*0A01105191 #-.tip.e4 0*=A -nit6 10+900 [ 12+000 sf .ot1 0per S-5section 22.*0A011051)1 &part3ent 0*=A -nit6 10+900 [ 12+000 sf .ot1 0per S-5section 22.*0A011051:1 #o5i.e <o3e S-5di2ision or %ar8 0per S-5sections 22.*0A 0110c1 or 0d11 C.ear C-tting 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210c11 Indoor Instit-tiona. 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10c11 O-tdoor Instit-tiona. 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10d11 Co33-nity 'i2ing &rrange3ent 01)R residents1 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10i11 Jed and Jrea8fast Esta5.ish3ents 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10;11 Day Care Center 0FR chi.dren1 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10811 0d1 List o2 A--o;&b-e Accesso!" Eses: 1. Accesso!" L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' b" Ri% t: Far3 !esidence 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910c11 Detached arage+ Carport or Shed 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910d11 Fa3i.y Day Care <o3e 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910s11 %o(er enerated De2ices Incidenta. to On=site %rincipa. $se. 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910(11 2. Accesso!" L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' b" Ri% t ;it A''ition&- S#eci&- ReAui!e7ents: On=Site %ar8ing 'ot 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910511 %ri2ate !esidentia. !ecreationa. Faci.ity 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910e11 Drainage Str-ct-re 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910811 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910.11 E4terior Co33-nication De2ices 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910311 <o3e Occ-pation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910n11 On=Site Co3postingD,ood %i.es0per S-5section 22.*0A0910o11 *. Accesso!" L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' &s Con'ition&- Ese: Inter3ediate Day Care <o3e 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910t11 0e1 List o2 A--o;&b-e Te7#o!&!" Eses: ContractorCs %ro;ect Office 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10a11 ContractorCs On=Site E7-ip3ent Storage 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10511 On=Site !ea. Estate Office 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10d11 O-tdoor &sse35.y 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10g11 %o.ystr-ct-re 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10h11 1$4 Re%u-&tions A##-ic&b-e to Resi'enti&- Eses 0a1 Resi'enti&- Densit" ReAui!e7ents: #ini3-3 Zoning District &rea: )+000 sf

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City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

#a4i3-3 ross Density 0# D1: 1A d-Dacre #ini3-3 'andscape S-rface !atio 0'S!1: 90I #a4i3-3 J-i.ding Co2erage: A0I #a4i3-3 &ccessory J-i.ding Co2erage: 10I 051 Resi'enti&- 8u-9 ReAui!e7ents: 1. #ini3-3 'ot &rea: )+000 sf for Sing.e=Fa3i.y d( E+000 sf for T(o=Fa3i.y d( 10+900 sf for Three=Fa3i.y d( 12+000 sf for Fo-r=Fa3i.y d( 2. #ini3-3 'ot ,idth: Sing.e and T(o=Fa3i.y: )0 feet Three and Fo-r=Fa3i.y: :0 feet T(in <o-se: *0 feet *. #ini3-3 Street Frontage: Sing.e and T(o=Fa3i.y: 90 feet Three and Fo-r=Fa3i.y: 90 feet T(in <o-se: 29 feet A. Front or Street Side 'ot 'ine Set5ac8s: %rincipa. Str-ct-re: 29 feet+ A0 feet for a .ot ad;acent to a street (ith an Officia..y #apped right=of=(ay e7-a. to or e4ceeding 100 feet &ccessory Str-ct-re: E7-a. or greater than the act-a. set5ac8 of the principa. str-ct-re 9. Side 'ot 'ine Set5ac8: %rincipa. Str-ct-re: E feet Tota. of Joth Sides+ 'ot 'ines to %rincipa. Str-ct-re: 1) feet &ccessory Str-ct-re: 9 ft ). !ear 'ot 'ine Set5ac8s: <o-seD arage: 29 feet &ccessory Str-ct-re: 9 ft :. !e7-ired J-fferyard: See 22.)100A1 /oning district 5o-ndary E. #ini3-3 %a2ed S-rface Set5ac8: 9 feet fro3 side or rear+ 10 feet fro3 street F. #ini3-3 D( $nit Separation: 20 feet or 0 co33on (a.. 10. #a4i3-3 J-i.ding <eight: %rincipa. Str-ct-re: *9 feet+ or greater (ith a conditiona. -se per3it &ccessory Str-ct-re: 19 feet or -p to 20 feet (ith a conditiona. -se per3it 11. #ini3-3 "-35er of Off=Street %ar8ing Spaces !e7-ired on the 'ot 0Inc.-des garage+ dri2es+ T a.. designated par8ing s-rfaces1: 2 per d( -nit 12. #ini3-3 D( Core Di3ensions: 2A feet 5y A0 feet 1*. #ini3-3 Ea2e ,idth: 1E inches 0c1 L&n'sc&#in% Re%u-&tions 1See Section 22.+004 0d1 Pe!2o!7&nce St&n'&!'s 1See Section 22.(004 0e1 Si%n&%e Re%u-&tions 1See Section 22.)004 1(4 Re%u-&tions A##-ic&b-e to Non!esi'enti&- Eses 0a1 Non!esi'enti&- Intensit" ReAui!e7ents: 1. #a4i3-3 "-35er of F.oors 0F1: 2 2. #ini3-3 'andscape S-rface !atio 0'S!1: 29I *. #a4i3-3 F.oor &rea !atio 0F&!1: .2:9 A. #ini3-3 'ot &rea 0#'&1: 1A+000 sf 9. #a4i3-3 J-i.ding Si/e 0#JS1: na 051 Non!esi'enti&- 8u-9 ReAui!e7ents: 1. #ini3-3 'ot &rea: 1A+000 sf

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

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2. #ini3-3 'ot ,idth: 100 feet6 *. #ini3-3 Street Frontage: 90 feet A. Front or Street Side 'ot 'ine Set5ac8s: %rincipa. Str-ct-re: 29 feet+ A0 feet for a .ot ad;acent to a street (ith an Officia..y #apped right=of=(ay e7-a. to or e4ceeding 100 feet &ccessory Str-ct-re: E7-a. or greater than the act-a. set5ac8 of the principa. str-ct-re 9. Side 'ot 'ine Set5ac8s: %rincipa. Str-ct-re to !esidentia. Side 'ot 'ine: 12 feet %rincipa. Str-ct-re to "onresidentia. Side 'ot 'ine: 12 feet &ccessory Str-ct-re: 9 ). !ear 'ot 'ine Set5ac8s: %rincipa. Str-ct-re to !esidentia. !ear 'ot 'ine: A0 feet %rincipa. Str-ct-re to "onresidentia. !ear 'ot 'ine: A0 feet !ear 'ot 'ine to &ccessory Str-ct-re: 9 :. !e7-ired J-fferyard: See 22.)100A1 /oning district 5o-ndary E. #ini3-3 %a2ed S-rface Set5ac8: 9 feet fro3 side or rear6 10 feet fro3 street F. #ini3-3 J-i.ding Separation: 20 feet or 0 co33on (a.. 10. #a4i3-3 J-i.ding <eight: %rincipa. Str-ct-re: *9 feet &ccessory Str-ct-re: 19 feet or -p to 20 feet (ith a conditiona. -se per3it 11. #ini3-3 "-35er of Off=Street %ar8ing Spaces !e7-ired on the 'ot: See par8ing .ot re7-ire3ents per specific .and -se in S-5section 22.*0A 0c1 0d1 0e1 0f1 0g1 L&n'sc&#in% Re%u-&tions 1See Section 22.+004 Pe!2o!7&nce St&n'&!'s 1See Section 22.(004 Si%n&%e Re%u-&tions 1See Section 22.)004 E=te!io! Sto!&%e 1See Subsection 22.(0+4 Lo&'in% ReAui!e7ents 1See Subsection 22.(0)4

Subsection 22..1$ Resi'enti&- Dist!ict 0ou! 1R>(4

114 Desc!i#tion &n' Pu!#ose This district is intended to per3it de2e.op3ent that has a higher density co33-nity character. The .and -se standards for this district per3it sing.e=fa3i.y detached+ t(in ho-seDd-p.e4+ t(o f.ats+ to(nho-ses+ 3-.tip.e4es+ and apart3ents per3itted 5y right and re.ated instit-tiona. .and -ses. Density and intensity standards for this district are designed to ens-re that the !=A District sha.. ser2e as a designation (hich preser2es and protects the co33-nity character of its area. & 2ariety of residentia. de2e.op3ent options are a2ai.a5.e in this district+ (ith a #a4i3-3 ross Density 0# D1 of 20 d( -nits per gross acre. !ationa.e: This district is -sed to pro2ide for the per3anent protection of an area for those (ho (ant to .i2e in a higher density residentia. en2iron3ent and (ho retain eno-gh .and (ith their residence+ or in their de2e.op3ent+ to ens-re that the -r5an co33-nity character is 3aintained as .ong as the !=A District designation is retained+ regard.ess of ho( 3-ch de2e.op3ent occ-rs (ithin that area. &s s-ch+ it is intended to pro2ide the principa. .ocation for 3i4ed residentia. de2e.op3ent. 024 List o2 A--o;&b-e P!inci#&- L&n' Eses 0a1 P!inci#&- L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' b" Ri% t: Sing.e=Fa3i.y Detached 0Site=5-i.t1 [ )+000 sf .ot 0per S-5section 22.*0A0110a111 D-p.e4DT(in <o-se [ 9+000 sf per d- 0per S-5section 22.*0A0110a12 or *1 T( [ 10+000 sf .ot 0per S-5section 22.*0A0110a1A1 To(nho-se 0*=A -nit6 11+000 [ 12+000 sf .ot1 0per S-5section 22.*0A0110a191 #-.tip.e4 0*=A -nit6 11+000 [ 12+000 sf .ot1 0per S-5section 22.*0A0110a1)1

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City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

&part3ent 0*=A -nit6 11+000 [ 12+000 sf .ot1 0per S-5section 22.*0A0110a1:1 #an-fact-red <o3e [ )+000 sf .ot 0per S-5section 22.*0A011051F1 #an-fact-red D( 0#od-.ar1 [ )+000 sf .ot 0per S-5section 22.*0A011051101 Se.ecti2e C-tting 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210511 %assi2e O-tdoor %-5.ic !ecreation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10a11 051 P!inci#&- L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' b" Ri% t ;it A''ition&- S#eci&- ReAui!e7ents: C-.ti2ation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210a11 &cti2e O-tdoor %-5.ic !ecreation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10511 %-5.ic Ser2ices and $ti.ities 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10e11 Co33-nity 'i2ing &rrange3ent 01=E residents1 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10g11 Co33-nity 'i2ing &rrange3ent 0F=19 residents1 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10h11 0c1 P!inci#&- L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' &s Con'ition&- Ese: To(nho-se 09=1) -nit6 1*+000 [ *A+000 sf .ot1 0per S-5section 22.*0A0110a191 #-.tip.e4 09=1) -nit6 1*+000 [ *A+000 sf .ot1 0per S-5section 22.*0A0110a1)1 &part3ent 09=1) -nit6 1*+000 [ *A+000 sf .ot1 0per S-5section 22.*0A0110a1:1 Instit-tiona. !esidentia. 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10f11 C.ear C-tting 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210c11 Indoor Instit-tiona. 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10c11 O-tdoor Instit-tiona. 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10d11 Co33-nity 'i2ing &rrange3ent 01)R residents1 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10i11 Jed and Jrea8fast Esta5.ish3ents 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10;11 Day Care Center 0FR chi.dren1 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10811 Joarding <o-se 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10n11 0d1 List o2 A--o;&b-e Accesso!" Eses: 1. Accesso!" L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' b" Ri% t: Far3 !esidence 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910c11 Detached arage+ Carport or Shed 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910d11 Fa3i.y Day Care <o3e 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910s11 %o(er enerated De2ices Incidenta. to On=site %rincipa. $se. 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910(11 2. Accesso!" L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' b" Ri% t ;it A''ition&- S#eci&- ReAui!e7ents: On=Site %ar8ing 'ot 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910511 %ri2ate !esidentia. !ecreationa. Faci.ity 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910e11 Drainage Str-ct-re 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910811 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910.11 E4terior Co33-nication De2ices 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910311 <o3e Occ-pation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910n11 On=Site Co3postingD,ood 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910o11 *. Accesso!" L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' &s Con'ition&- Ese: Inter3ediate Day Care <o3e 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910t11 0e1 List o2 A--o;&b-e Te7#o!&!" Eses: ContractorCs %ro;ect Office 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10a11 ContractorCs On=Site E7-ip3ent Storage 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10511 On=Site !ea. Estate Office 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10d11 O-tdoor &sse35.y 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10g11 %o.ystr-ct-re 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10h11 1$4 Re%u-&tions A##-ic&b-e to Resi'enti&- Eses 0a1 Resi'enti&- Densit" ReAui!e7ents:

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

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1. 2. *. A. 9.

#ini3-3 Zoning District &rea: E+000 sf #a4i3-3 ross Density 0# D1: 20 d-Dacre #ini3-3 'andscape S-rface !atio 0'S!1: 90I #a4i3-3 J-i.ding Co2erage: A0I #a4i3-3 &ccessory J-i.ding Co2erage: 10I

051 Resi'enti&- 8u-9 ReAui!e7ents: 1. #ini3-3 'ot &rea: E+000 sf for Sing.e=Fa3i.y d(e..ings 10+000 sf for T(o=Fa3i.y d(e..ings 11+000 sf p.-s 1+000 sf for each additiona. -nit o2er three for Three= to Eight=Fa3i.y D(e..ings 1E+000 sf p.-s 2+000 sf for each additiona. -nit o2er nine for "ine= to Se2enteen=Fa3i.y D(e..ings 2. #ini3-3 'ot ,idth: Sing.e+ T(o=Fa3i.y+ and #-.tip.e=Fa3i.y: :0 feet T(in <o-se: *9 feet *. #ini3-3 Street Frontage: Sing.e+ T(o=Fa3i.y+ and #-.tip.e=Fa3i.y: 90 feet T(in <o-se: 29 feet A. Front or Street Side 'ot 'ine Set5ac8s: %rincipa. Str-ct-re: 29 feet+ A0 feet for a .ot ad;acent to a street (ith an Officia..y #apped right=of=(ay e7-a. to or e4ceeding 100 feet &ccessory Str-ct-re: E7-a. or greater than the act-a. set5ac8 of the principa. str-ct-re 9. Side 'ot 'ine Set5ac8s: %rincipa. Str-ct-re: 10 feet Tota. of Joth Sides+ 'ot 'ines to %rincipa. Str-ct-re: 29 feet &ccessory Str-ct-re: 9 ft ). !ear 'ot 'ine Set5ac8s: %rincipa. Str-ct-re: 29 feet &ccessory Str-ct-re: 9 ft :. !e7-ired J-fferyard: See 22.)100A1 /oning district 5o-ndary E. #ini3-3 %a2ed S-rface Set5ac8: 9 feet fro3 side or rear+ 10 feet fro3 street F. #ini3-3 D( $nit Separation: 20 feet or 0 co33on (a.. 10. #a4i3-3 J-i.ding <eight: %rincipa. Str-ct-re: *9 feet+ or greater (ith conditiona. -se per3it &ccessory Str-ct-re: 19 feet or -p to 20 feet (ith a conditiona. -se per3it 11. #ini3-3 "-35er of Off=Street %ar8ing Spaces !e7-ired on the 'ot 0Inc.-des garage+ dri2es+ T a.. designated par8ing s-rfaces1: 2 per -nit 12. #ini3-3 D( Core Di3ensions: 2A feet 5y A0 feet 1*. #ini3-3 Ea2e ,idth: 1E inches 0c1 L&n'sc&#in% Re%u-&tions 1See Section 22.+004 0d1 Pe!2o!7&nce St&n'&!'s 1See Section 22.(004 0e1 Si%n&%e Re%u-&tions 1See Section 22.)004 1(4 Re%u-&tions A##-ic&b-e to Non!esi'enti&- Eses 0a1 Non!esi'enti&- Intensit" ReAui!e7ents: 1. #a4i3-3 "-35er of F.oors 0F1: 2 2. #ini3-3 'andscape S-rface !atio 0'S!1: 29I *. #a4i3-3 F.oor &rea !atio 0F&!1: .2:9 A. #ini3-3 'ot &rea 0#'&1: 1A+000 sf 9. #a4i3-3 J-i.ding Si/e 0#JS1: na

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City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

051 Non!esi'enti&- 8u-9 ReAui!e7ents: 1. #ini3-3 'ot &rea: 1A+000 sf 2. #ini3-3 'ot ,idth: 100 feet *. #ini3-3 Street Frontage: 90 feet A. Front or Street Side 'ot 'ine Set5ac8s: %rincipa. Str-ct-re: 29 feet+ A0 feet for a .ot ad;acent to a street (ith an Officia..y #apped right=of=(ay e7-a. to or e4ceeding 100 feet &ccessory Str-ct-re: E7-a. or greater than the act-a. set5ac8 of the principa. str-ct-re 9. Side 'ot 'ine Set5ac8s: %rincipa. Str-ct-re to !esidentia. Side 'ot 'ine: 12 feet %rincipa. Str-ct-re to "onresidentia. Side 'ot 'ine: 12 feet &ccessory Str-ct-re: 9 ). !ear 'ot 'ine Set5ac8s: %rincipa. Str-ct-re to !esidentia. !ear 'ot 'ine: A0 feet %rincipa. Str-ct-re to "onresidentia. !ear 'ot 'ine: A0 feet &ccessory Str-ct-re: 9 :. !e7-ired J-fferyard: See 22.)100A1 /oning district 5o-ndary E. #ini3-3 %a2ed S-rface Set5ac8: 9 feet fro3 side or rear6 10 feet fro3 street F. #ini3-3 J-i.ding Separation: 20 feet or 0 co33on (a.. 10. #a4i3-3 J-i.ding <eight: *9 feet 11. #ini3-3 "-35er of Off=Street %ar8ing Spaces !e7-ired on the 'ot: See par8ing .ot re7-ire3ents per specific .and -se in S-5section 22.*0A 0c1 L&n'sc&#in% Re%u-&tions 1See Section 22.+004 0d1 Pe!2o!7&nce St&n'&!'s 1See Section 22.(004 0e1 Si%n&%e Re%u-&tions 1See Section 22.)004 0d1 E=te!io! Sto!&%e 1See Subsection 22.(0+4 0e1 Lo&'in% ReAui!e7ents 1See Subsection 22.(0)4

Subsection 22..20: Loc&- 8usiness Dist!ict 18>14

011 De s c ! i # t i o n &n' Pu!# o s e : This di s trict is int e n d e d t o p e r 3it s 3 a..=s c a. e n ei g h 5 or h o o d c o 3 3 e r ci a. d e 2 e.o p 3 e n t ( hic h is c o 3 p a ti 5. e (it h t h e d e sir e d o2 e r a.. n ei g h 5 or h o o d c o 3 3 - ni t y c h a r a c t e r of t h e a r e a in g e n e r a.+ a n d (it h a d; a c e n t r e si d e n ti a. d e 2 e.o p 3 e n t in p a r tic -. ar. Th e d e sir e d n ei g h 5 or h o o d c o 3 3 - nit y c h a r a c t e r of t h e d e 2 e.o p 3 e n t is a t t ai n e d t hr o - g h 'an d s c a p e S-rf a c e &re a !a tio 0'S!1 r e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s + a n d 5 y r e s t ric tin g t h e #a4i 3 - 3 J-i.din g Si/ e 0#JS1 of a.. 5 -i.din g s (it hin e a c h ins t a n c e of t his di s trict t o 9+ 0 0 0 s 7 - a r e fe e t. Sig nific a n t a r e a s of .a n d s c a pi n g a r e r e 7 -ir e d in t his di s tric t t o e n s -r e t h a t t hi s eff e c t is a c hi e 2 e d . In or d e r t o e n s -r e a 3i ni 3 - 3 of di sr - p tio n t o r e si d e n ti a. d e 2 e.o p 3 e n t + n o d e 2 e.o p 3 e n t (it hi n t his di s trict s h a.. t a8 e dir e c t a c c e s s t o a .oc a. r e si d e n ti a. s tr e e t . If a p a r c e. is / o n e d J=1 a s of t h e d a t e of a d o p tio n of t hi s or di n a n c e a n d t h e p a r c e. or i 3pr o2 e 3 e n t s d o n o t c o 3 p. y (it h o n e or 3 o r e of t h e 'oc a. J- sin e s s Dis trict !e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s .ist e d 5 e.o (+ t h e p a r c e. or i 3pr o2 e 3 e n t s is n o t n o n c o nfor 3i n g. If h o ( e 2 e r+ a n y c h a n g e s a r e 3 a d e t o t h e pr o p e r t y aft e r t h e a d o p tio n of t h e or di n a n c e + t h e c h a n g e s t h e 3 s e.2 e s 3 - s t c o 3 p. y (it h t h e di s trict r e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s . If t h e pr o p e r t y is r e d e 2 e.o p e d a n d t h e r e c o n s t r - c tio n or d e 2 e.o p 3 e n t is e 7 - a. t o or gr e a t e r t h a n 9 0 I of t h e 2 a. - e of t h e e 7 - a.i/ e d 2 a.- e of t h e pr o p e r t y+ a.. of t h e pr o p e r t y i 3pr o2 e 3 e n t s 3 - s t c o 3 p. y (it h t h e 'oc a. J- sin e s s Dis trict !e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s . !a tio n a. e : This di s trict is - s e d t o pr o2id e 5 o t h c o n 2 e ni e n c e ori e n t e d g o o d s a n d

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

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s e r 2ic e s a n d for t h e p e r 3 a n e n t pr o t e c tio n of a d; a c e n t r e si d e n ti a. a r e a s 5 y p e r 3i t tin g o n. y a .i 3it e d r a n g e of c o 3 3 e r ci a. a c ti2iti e s. Tog e t h e r+ t h e s e r e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s e n s -r e t h a t t h e d e sir e d c h a r a c t e r is 3 a i n t ai n e d a s .on g a s t h e J=1 Dis trict d e si g n a tio n is r e t ai n e d+ r e g a r d. e s s of h o ( 3 - c h d e 2 e.o p 3 e n t oc c -r s (it hi n t h a t a r e a . 'oc a. J- sin e s s Dis trict !e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s : 0 a1 #a4i 3 - 3 Zo ni n g Dis trict: 2 a cr e s of c o n ti g - o - s J=1 pr o p e r ti e s e 4c.- din g rig h t s=of=( a y 0 51 #a4i 3 - 3 J-i.din g Si/ e: 9+ 0 0 0 s 7 - a r e fe e t . J-i.din g s e 4i s tin g a s of t h e a d o p tio n of t his or di n a n c e ( hic h d o n o t c o 3 p. y (it h t hi s r e g -. a tio n c a n n o t 5 e e n. a rg e d t o incr e a s e t h e s 7 - a r e foot a g e . 0c1 "o n e ( p a r 8i n g in r e 7 -ir e d s e t 5 a c 8 s for princip a. 5 -i.din g s 0 d1 !e sid e n ti a. a r c hit e c t -r a. a n d .a n d s c a pi n g r e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s inc.- d e : fo- n d a tio n p. a n ti n g+ pit c h e d roof+ 2 9 I (in d o ( c o2 e rin g 0s e e si g n a g e r e g -. a tio n s1+ n a t - r a. 3 a t e ri a. s 0 5ric8+ ( o o d+ s t o n e 1 0 e1 #ini 3 - 3 'a n d s c a p e S -rf a c e !a tio: 2 9 I . I 3pr o2 e d p a r c e. s e 4is tin g a s of t h e a d o p tio n of t his or di n a n c e ( hic h d o n o t c o 3 p. y (it h t hi s r e g -. a tio n c a n n o t 5 e c h a n g e d if t h e c h a n g e (i.. f-rt h e r r e d - c e t h e .a n d s c a p e s - rf a c e r a tio. 0f1 Op e r a tin g <o -r s: "o e a r.i er t h a n ): 0 0 a 3 n or .at e r t h a n 1 1 : 0 0 p 3 0 g1 S h a.. pr o2id e a n ei g h 5 or h o o d=ori e n t e d a 3 e ni t y+ p e r %. a n Co 3 3i s sio n dir e c tio n 0i. e.+ o - t d o or n ei g h 5 or h o o d g a t h e rin g a r e a + p - 5.ic a r t + e t c1 021 List o2 A--o ; & b - e L&n' Es e s : 0a1 'and $ses %er 3itt e d 5y !ight. Se.ecti2e C-tting 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210511 %assi2e O-tdoor %-5.ic !ecreation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10a11 Office 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10a11 %ersona. or %rofessiona. Ser2ices 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10511 Indoor or Ser2ice 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10c11 Indoor #aintenance Ser2ice 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10e11 0 51 'an d $s e s %er 3it t e d 5 y !igh t (it h &ddition a. S p e ci a. !e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s : C-.ti2ation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210a11 &cti2e O-tdoor %-5.ic !ecreation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10511 Indoor Instit-tiona. 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10c11 %-5.ic Ser2ices and $ti.ities 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10e11 &rtisan St-dioD%rod-ction Shop 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10t11 0c1 'an d $s e s %er 3it t e d a s Con ditio n a. $s e: C.ear C-tting 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210c11 O-tdoor Instit-tiona. 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10d11 In=Lehic.e or Ser2ice 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10f11 Indoor Co33ercia. Entertain3ent 0per 22.*0A0A10g11 Jed and Jrea8fast Esta5.ish3ents 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10;11 Day Care Center 0FR chi.dren1 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10811 ro-p De2e.op3ent 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10711 Dri2e=In+ Dri2e=-p+ Dri2e=thro-gh 'and $se 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10r11 Indoor Lehic.e Storage 0per s-5section 22.*0A0910e11 0 d1 'an d $s e s %er 3it t e d a s &cc e s s or y $s e s: 1. 'an d $s e s %er 3it t e d 5 y !igh t: Far 3 !e si d e n c e 0p e r S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 910c11 On=Sit e Co 3 p o s ti n gD,oo d %i.e s 0 p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2 . * 0 A0 910o11

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City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

%o(er ener a tin g De2ice Incident a. to On= Site %rincipa. 'and $se 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 910(11 %ri2at e ara g e or Shed 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 910 d11 2. 'an d $s e s %er 3it t e d 5 y !igh t (it h &ddition a. S p e ci a. !e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s : On=Sit e %ar8in g 'ot 0p e r S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 910 511 'ight Ind-stria. Incide nt a. to Indoor or Ser2ice 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0A0 910;11 Dr ain a g e Str -c t -r e 0p e r S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 910811 0 p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2 . * 0 A0 910.11 E4t e rior Co 3 3 - nic a tio n D e2ic e s 0 p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2 . * 0 A0 910 311 On=Sit e Co 3 p o s ti n gD ,oo d %i.e s 0 p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2 . * 0 A0 910o11 'ight Ind-stria. Incide nt a. to %erson a. or %rofes sion a. Ser2ice s 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 910 s11 *. 'an d $s e s %er 3it t e d a s Con ditio n a. $s e: Co 3 3 e r ci a. &p ar t 3 e n t 0 p e r S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 910 a11 In=Le hic. e S a. e s a n d S e r2ic e 0p e r S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 910i11 'igh t Ind - s t ri a. Incid e n t a. t o Indo or S a. e s 0p e r S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 910;11 <o 3 e Occ - p a tio n 0p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 910 n11 'ight Ind-stria. Incide nt a. to %erson a. or %rofes sion a. Ser2ice s 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 910 s11 Dri2e=In+ Dri2e=-p+ Dri2e=thro-gh 'and $se Incidenta. to Onsite %rincipa. 'and $se 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910411 0 e1 'an d $s e s %er 3it t e d a s Te 3 p or a r y $s e s : Con tr a c t or C s %ro; e c t Offic e 0p e r S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 )10 a11 Con tr a c t or C s On=Sit e E7 -ip 3 e n t St or a g e 0p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 )10 511 !e.oc a t a 5. e J-i.din g 0 p e r S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 )10c11 On=Sit e !e a. Es t a t e S a. e s Offic e 0 p e r S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 )10 d11 e n e r a. Te 3 p or a r y O-t d o or S a. e s 0 p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2 . * 0 A0 )10 e11 S e a s o n a. O- t d o or S a. e s of Far 3 %rod - c t s 0p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 )10f11 O- t d o or &ss e 3 5. y 0 p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2 . * 0 A0 )10 g11 %o.ystr -c t -r e 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0A0 )10h11 0*1 Re % u- & t i o n s A##-ic & b - e to Re si ' e n t i & - Es e s : "ot &pp.ica5.e

0A1 Re % u- & t i o n s A##-ic & b - e to No n! e s i ' e n t i & - Es e s : 0 a1 "onr e sid e n ti a. Int e n sit y !e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s : #a4i 3 - 3 "- 3 5 e r of F.oor s: 2 #ini 3 - 3 'a n d s c a p e S -rf a c e !a tio 0'S!1: 0. 2 9 #a4i 3 - 3 F.oor &re a !a tio 0F&!1: 0. 2 9 #a4i 3 - 3 J-i.din g Si/ e 0#JS1: 9+ 0 0 0 s 7 - a r e fe e t 0 51 "onr e sid e n ti a. J-.8 !e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s : #ini3-3 'ot &rea: )+000 s7-are feet #ini3-3 'ot ,idth: )0 feet #ini3-3 Street Frontage: 90 feet #ini3-3 Set5ac8s: %rincip a. a n d &cc e s s or y J-i.din g t o Front or Str e e t Sid e 'ot 'in e: 2 9 fe e t+ A 0 fe e t for a .ot a d; a c e n t t o a s tr e e t (it h a n Offici a..y #a p p e d rig h t=of=( a y e 7 - a. t o or e 4c e e di n g 1 0 0 fe e t %rincip a. a n d &cc e s s or y J-i.din g t o "onr e sid e n ti a. !e a r 'ot 'in e: 1 2 fe e t %rincip a. a n d &cc e s s or y J-i.din g t o !e sid e n ti a. !e a r 'ot 'in e: * 0 fe e t %rincip a. a n d &cc e s s or y J-i.din g t o "onr e sid e n ti a. Sid e 'ot 'in e: 1 0 fe e t

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

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%rincip a. a n d &cc e s s or y J-i.din g t o !e sid e n ti a. Sid e 'ot 'in e: 1 0 fe e t %a2 e d S -rf a c e S e t 5 a c 8: 9 fe e t fro 3 si d e or r e a r6 1 0 fe e t fro 3 s tr e e t #a4i 3 - 3 J-i.din g <eig h t: * 9 fe e t #a4i 3 - 3 &cc e s s or y J-i.din g < eig h t: 1 E fe e t 0- p t o 2 0 fe e t (it h a c o n dition a. - s e p e r 3it t o a c c o 3 3 o d a t e roof pit c h e s1 #ini 3 - 3 "- 3 5 e r of Off=Str e e t %ar8in g S p a c e s !e 7 -ir e d o n t h e 'ot: S e e p a r 8in g .ot r e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s p e r s p e cific .a n d - s e in S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A. 0c1 "onr e sid e n ti a. 'an d s c a pi n g !e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s : 1. A 0 .a n d s c a pi n g p oin t s p e r 1 0 0 .in e a r fe e t of 5 -i.din g fo- n d a tio n 2. 1 9 .a n d s c a pi n g p oin t s p e r 1+ 0 0 0 s 7 - a r e fe e t of gr o s s f.oor a r e a *. A 0 .a n d s c a pi n g p oin t s p e r 1 0 0 .in e a r fe e t of s tr e e t fro nt a g e A. E 0 .a n d s c a pi n g p oin t s p e r 1 0+ 0 0 0 s 7 - a r e fe e t p a 2 e d a r e a D 2 0 s t a..s 0 d1 "onr e sid e n ti a. %erfor 3 a n c e St a n d a r d s: 0S e e S e c tio n 2 2. A 01 0 e1 "onr e sid e n ti a. Sig n a g e !e g -. a tio n s : 0S e e S e c tio n 2 2. 9 01 0f1 E4t e rior St or a g e St a n d a r d s : 0S e e S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. A 0 )1 0 g1 'oa din g !e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s : 0S e e S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. A 0 91

Subsection 22..21: Cent!&- 8usiness Dist!ict 18>24

011 De s c ! i # t i o n &n' Pu!# o s e : This di s trict is int e n d e d t o p e r 3it 5 o t h .arg e= a n d s 3 a..=s c a. e + p e d e s t ri a n=ori e n t e d > d o ( n t o (n? c o 3 3 e r ci a. d e 2 e.o p 3 e n t a t a n int e n sit y ( hic h pr o2id e s si g nific a n t inc e n ti2 e s for infi.. d e 2 e.o p 3 e n t + r e d e 2 e.o p 3 e n t + a n d t h e c o n tin - e d e c o n o 3ic 2i a 5i.ity of e 4i s tin g d e 2 e.o p 3 e n t . & (i d e r a n g e of offic e+ r e t ai.+ s e r 2ic e+ a n d .od gin g .a n d - s e s a r e p e r 3i t t e d (it hin t his di s tric t. Ins tit - tio n a. r e sid e n ti a. a n d 3 -. ti=fa 3i.y r e sid e n ti a. d e 2 e.o p 3 e n t is a. s o p e r 3i t t e d in t hi s di s trict. In or d e r t o e n s -r e a 3i ni 3 - 3 a 3 o - n t of di sr - p tio n t o n ei g h 5 orin g r e sid e n ti a. d e 2 e.o p 3 e n t + n o d e 2 e.o p 3 e n t (it hin t his di s tric t s h a.. t a8 e dir e c t a c c e s s t o a .oc a. r e si d e n ti a. s tr e e t or a r e si d e n ti a. c o..e c t or s tr e e t . "o r e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s for o n sit e .a n d s c a pi n g or p a r 8i n g a r e r e 7 -ir e d in t his di s tric t+ e 4c e p t t h a t .a n d - s e s p e r 3it t e d a s c o n dition a. - s e s s h a.. r e 7 -ir e a p a r 8in g ( ai2 e r fro 3 t h e %.a n Co 3 3i s sio n fo..o(in g a r e 7 - e s t fro 3 t h e &pp.ic a n t. This di s trict is s t rict.y .i 3it e d t o t h e c e n t r a. cit y .oc a tio n s . If a p a r c e. is / o n e d J=2 a s of t h e d a t e of a d o p tio n of t his or di n a n c e a n d t h e p a r c e. or i 3pr o2 e 3 e n t s d o n o t c o 3 p. y (it h o n e or 3 o r e of t h e Ce n tr a. J- sin e s s District !e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s .ist e d 5 e. o (+ t h e p a r c e. or i 3pr o2 e 3 e n t is n o t n o n c o nfor 3i n g. If h o ( e 2 e r+ a n y c h a n g e s a r e 3 a d e t o t h e pr o p e r t y aft e r t h e a d o p tio n of t h e or di n a n c e + t h e c h a n g e s t h e 3 s e.2 e s 3 - s t c o 3 p. y (it h t h e di s trict r e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s . If t h e pr o p e r t y is r e d e 2 e.o p e d a n d t h e r e c o n s t r - c tio n or d e 2 e.o p 3 e n t is e 7 - a. t o or gr e a t e r t h a n 9 0 I of t h e 2 a. - e of t h e e 7 - a.i/ e d 2 a.- e of t h e pr o p e r t y+ a.. of t h e pr o p e r t y i 3pr o2 e 3 e n t s 3 - s t c o 3 p. y (it h t h e Ce n t r a. J- sin e s s Dis trict !e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s . !a tio n a. e : This di s trict is int e n d e d t o pr o2id e a n a. t e r n a ti2 e d e si g n a tio n == p ri 3 a ri.y infi.. d e 2 e.o p 3 e n t == for c o 3 3 e r ci a. a c ti2it y t o t h e 'oc a. J- si n e s s 0J=11+ t h e 'arg e Sc a. e Co 3 3 e r ci a. 0J=*1+ a n d S - 5 - r 5 a n Co 3 3 e r ci a. 0J=A1 Dis trict s. This di s trict is d e si g n e d t o a s si s t in 3 a i n t ai nin g t h e .on g =t e r 3 2i a y of t h e c e n t r a. city. Ce n t r a. J- sin e s s Dis trict &rchit e c t -r a. !e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s : 0 a1 G e n e ! & -:

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City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

"onr e sid e n ti a. a n d r e sid e n ti a. c o n s t r - c tio n+ inc.- din g n e ( s t r - c t -r e s + 5 -i.din g a d ditio n s + 5 -i.din g a. t e r a tio n s + a n d r e s t or a tio n or r e h a a tio n s h a.. c orr e s p o n d t o t h e d o ( n t o ( n d e si g n g -i d e s a s d e t e r 3i n e d 5 y t h e %.a n Co 3 3i s sio n a n d a s e 2i d e n c e d 5 y c e r t ai n e 4is ti n g s t r - c t -r e s (it hin t h e d o ( n t o ( n a n d 5 y t h e fo..o(in g r e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s for 5 -i.din g s e t 5 a c 86 h ei g h t6 5 -i.din g 3 a s s 6 h ori/o n t a. rh yt h 3 s 0cr e a t e d 5 y t h e p. a c e 3 e n t a n d d e si g n of fa\ a d e o p e ni n g s a n d r e. a t e d e. e 3 e n t s s - c h a s pi e r s + c o.- 3 n s 16 2 e r tic a. r h yt h 3 s 0cr e a t e d 5 y t h e p. a c e 3 e n t a n d d e si g n of fa \ a d e d e t ai.s s - c h a s si..s+ t r a n s o 3 s + c or nic e s a n d si g n 5 a n d s 16 roof for 3 s 6 e 4 t e rior 3 a t e ri a.s6 e 4 t e rior s -rf a c e fe a t -r e s a n d a p p - r t e n a n c e s 6 e 4 t e rior c o.or s6 e 4 t e rior si g n a g e 6 o n=sit e .a n d s c a pi n g6 e 4 t e rior .igh tin g6 p a r 8in g a n d .o a di n g a r e a d e si g n6 a n d t h e - s e of s cr e e ni n g. E4istin g s t r - c t -r e s (it h .e s s t h a n a t e n foot fro nt y a r d s e t 5 a c 8 3 - s t h a 2 e a s t or efro n t c o 3 p o n e n t o n t h e firs t f.oor in t h e fron t of t h e 5 -i.din g. &.. n e ( r e sid e n ti a. c o n s t r - c tio n o n n Str e e t s h a.. 5 e r e 7 -ir e d t o h a 2 e a s t or efro n t c o 3 p o n e n t . Th e firs t f.oor of a.. n e ( c o n s t r - c tio n ( hic h d o e s n o t h a 2 e a s t or efro n t s h a.. pr o2id e p e d e s t ri a n a 3 e niti e s s - c h a s sit tin g a r e a s or s h a.. h a 2 e o t h e r fe a t -r e s t o 3 a 8 e t h e 5 -i.din g int er e s ti n g for p e d e s t ri a n t r affic. (b) 8 ui- 'i n % S e t b & c 9: Thro - g h o - t t h e di s trict+ t h e s e t 5 a c 8 of 5 -i.din g s fro 3 s tr e e t=y a r d a n d si d e=y a r d pr o p e r t y .in e s s h a.. 5 e c o 3 p a ti 5. e (it h e 4is ti n g 5 -i.din g s in t h e i 3 3 e di a t e a r e a ( hic h c o nfor 3 t o t h e g e n e r a. d e si g n t h e 3 e of t h e d o ( n t o ( n. (c) 8 ui- 'i n % H e i % t : Thro - g h o - t t h e di s trict+ t h e h ei g h t of 5 -i.din g s s h a.. 5 e c o 3 p a ti 5. e (it h e 4is tin g 5 -i.din g s in t h e i 3 3 e di a t e a r e a ( hic h c o nfor 3 t o t h e g e n e r a. d e si g n t h e 3 e of t h e d o ( n t o ( n. In n o ins t a n c e s h a.. 5 -i.din g s 5 e 3 o r e t h a n o n e s t or y t a.. er or s h or t e r t h a n t h e h ei g h t of a 5 -i.din g of si 3i. ar - s e o n o n e of t h e i 3 3 e di a t e.y a d; oinin g pr o p e r ti e s + or o n t h e n e a r e s t d e 2 e.o p e d p a r c e. a.o n g t h e s a 3 e s tr e e t fron t a g e + ( hic h e 2 e r a p p.i e s . (d) 8 ui- 'i n % ? & s s : Thro - g h o - t t h e di s trict+ t h e 3 a s s of 5 -i.din g s s h a.. 5 e c o 3 p a ti 5. e (it h e 4i s tin g 5 -i.din g s in t h e i 3 3 e di a t e a r e a ( hic h c o nfor 3 t o t h e g e n e r a. d e si g n t h e 3 e of t h e d o ( n t o ( n. Th e c h a r a c t e ris tic pr o p or tion 0r e. a tio n s hi p 5 e t ( e e n fa\ a d e h ei g h t a n d (i dt h1 of t h e g e n e r a. d e si g n t h e 3 e s h a.. 5 e 3 ai n t ai n e d . J-i.din g 3 a s s for .arg e s t r - c t -r e s s h a.. 5 e di s g -i s e d t hr o - g h t h e - s e of fa \ a d e a r tic -. a tio n s+ or t hr o - g h t h e - s e of e 4 t e rior tr e a t 3 e n t s ( hic h gi2 e t h e i 3pr e s sio n of dir e c t.y a d;oinin g indi2id - a. 5 -i.din g s. (e) H o!i : o n t & - R " t 7 s : Thro - g h o - t t h e di s trict+ t h e h ori/o n t a. p a t t e r n of e 4 t e rior 5 -i.din g e. e 3 e n t s for 3 e d 5 y p a t t e r n s of 5 -i.din g o p e ni n g s for (i n d o ( s a n d d o or s+ a n d r e. a t e d e. e 3 e n t s s - c h a s pi e r s a n d c o.- 3 n s s h a.. 5 e s p a c e d a t r e g -. a r int e r2 a. s a cr o s s a.. 2isi5. e fa \ a d e s of t h e 5 -i.din g+ a n d s h a.. 5 e c o 3 p a ti 5. e (it h t h o s e of e 4is tin g 5 -i.din g s in t h e i 3 3 e di a t e a r e a ( hic h c o nfor 3 t o t h e g e n e r a. d e si g n t h e 3 e of t h e d o ( n t o ( n. (f) Ve ! ti c & - R " t 7 s : Thro - g h o - t t h e di s trict+ t h e f.oor h ei g h t s o n 3 a i n fa\ a d e s s h a.. a p p e a r 2is - a..y in pr o p or tio n t o t h o s e of a d;oinin g 5 -i.din g s . Th e r h yt h 3 of t h e gr o - n d f.oor s h a.. h a r 3 o ni/ e (it h t h e r h yt h 3 of - p p e r f.oor s. Th e 2 e r tic a. p a t t e r n of e 4 t e rior 5 -i.din g e. e 3 e n t s for 3 e d 5 y p a t t e r n s of 5 -i.din g o p e ni n g s for (i n d o ( s a n d d o or s + a n d r e. a t e d e. e 3 e n t s s - c h a s si..s+ h e a d e r s + tr a n s o 3 s + c or nic e s a n d si g n 5 a n d s s h a.. 5 e c o 3 p a ti 5. e in d e si g n a n d e. e 2 a tio n (it h t h o s e of e 4i s tin g 5 -i.din g s in t h e i 3 3 e di a t e

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

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a r e a ( hic h c o nfor 3 t o t h e g e n e r a. d e si g n t h e 3 e of t h e d o ( n t o ( n. (g) R o o 2 0 o! 7 s : Thro - g h o - t t h e di s trict+ f.a t or g e n t.y s.o pin g roof s ( hic h a r e n o t 2isi5. e fro 3 t h e s tr e e t s h a.. 5 e - s e d . #a n s a r d s or o t h e r e 4o tic roof s h a p e s n o t c h a r a c t e ris tic of t h e g e n e r a. d e si g n t h e 3 e of t h e d o ( n t o ( n+ a s d e t e r 3i n e d 5 y t h e %. a n Co 3 3i s sio n s h a.. n o t 5 e - s e d . Thro - g h o - t t h e di s trict+ roof s h a p e s n o t c h a r a c t e ris tic of t h e g e n e r a. d e si g n t h e 3 e of t h e d o ( n t o ( n+ s h a.. n o t 5 e - s e d . (h) S i % n & % e : Thro - g h o - t t h e di s trict+ si g n a g e s h o -. d 5 e d e si g n e d t o 5 e c o n sis t e n t (it h a r c hit e c t -r a. d e si g n+ t h e 3 e + a n d c h a r a c t e r of t h e 5 -i.din g t o ( hic h it is a ffi4 e d a n d D or t h e a d; a c e n t 5 -i.din g s (it hi n t h e di s trict. Sp e ci a. c o n si d e r a tio n s h o -. d 5 e gi2 e n t o t h e d e si g n of pr o; e c tin g a n d a ( ni n g si g n a g e . !ec o 3 3 e n d a tio n s for si g n a g e s h o -. d 5 e s o - g h t fro 3 t h e hi s t oric pr e s e r 2 a tio n c o 3 3i s sio n+ ( h e n a 2 ai. a 5. e. 021 List o2 A--o ; & b - e L&n' Es e s : 0a1 'and $ses %er 3itt e d 5y !ight. Se.ecti2e C-tting 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210511 %assi2e O-tdoor %-5.ic !ecreation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10a11 Office 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10a11 %ersona. or %rofessiona. Ser2ices 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10511 Indoor or Ser2ice 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10c11 Indoor #aintenance Ser2ice 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10e11 0 51 'an d $s e s %er 3it t e d 5 y !igh t (it h &ddition a. S p e ci a. !e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s : C-.ti2ation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210a11 &cti2e O-tdoor %-5.ic !ecreation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10511 Indoor Instit-tiona. 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10c11 %-5.ic Ser2ices and $ti.ities 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10e11 Off=Site %ar8ing 'ot 0per S-5section 22.*0A0E10a11 &rtisan St-dioD%rod-ction Shop 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10t11 Indoor Co33ercia. Entertain3ent 0per 22.*0A0A10g11 0c1 'an d $s e s %er 3it t e d a s Con ditio n a. $s e: Instit-tiona. !esidentia. De2e.op3ent 0per S-5section 22.*0A0110a1 and 0*10f11Q Con2entiona. !esidentia. De2e.op3ent 0per S-5section 22.*0A0110511Q C.ear C-tting 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210c11 O-tdoor Instit-tiona. 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10d11 Co33ercia. Indoor 'odging 0per 22.*0A0A10i11Q Jed and Jrea8fast Esta5.ish3ents 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10;11 Day Care Center 0FR chi.dren1 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10811 O-tdoor Co33ercia. Entertain3ent 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10311QQ Joarding <o-se 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10n11 ro-p De2e.op3ent 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10711 Indoor Lehic.e Storage 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910e11 !epair T #aintenance 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10p11QQQ Q See S-5s e c tion 22.:210 11 a5o2e regar ding gen e r a. archit e c t -r a. re7-ire 3 e n t s for reside n ti a. or .odging -se s in the J=2 District. QQ On.y o - t d o or e a ti n g a r e a s or 5 e e r g a r d e n s a r e a..o( e d a s O- t d o or Co 3 3 e r ci a. Ent e r t ai n 3 e n t $s e s in t h e J=2 District. QQQ On.y a - t o - p h o.s t e r y a n d e. e c tr o nic ins t a.. a tio n a r e a..o( e d a s Le hic -. ar !e p air T #aint e n a n c e - s e s in t h e J=2 District. 0 d1 'an d $s e s %er 3it t e d a s &cc e s s or y $s e s:

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City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

1. 'an d $s e s %er 3it t e d 5 y !igh t: Far 3 !e si d e n c e 0p e r S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 910c11 Co 3 p a n y Caf e t e ri a 0 p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2 . * 0 A0 910f11 On=Sit e Co 3 p o s ti n gD,oo d %i.e s 0 p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2 . * 0 A0 910o11 %o(er ener a tin g De2ice Incident a. to On= Site %rincipa. 'and $se 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 910(11 %ri2at e ara g e or Shed 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 910 d11 2. 'an d $s e s %er 3it t e d 5 y !igh t (it h &ddition a. S p e ci a. !e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s : On=Sit e %ar8in g 'ot 0p e r S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 910 511 Co 3 p a n y %ro2id e On=Sit e !ecr e a tio n 0 p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2 . * 0 A0 910 g11 'ight Ind-stria. Incide nt a. to Indoor and Ser2ice 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 910;1 Dr ain a g e Str -c t -r e 0p e r S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 910811 0 p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2 . * 0 A0 910.11 E4t e rior Co 3 3 - nic a tio n D e2ic e s 0 p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2 . * 0 A0 910 311 On=Sit e Co 3 p o s ti n gD ,oo d %i.e s 0 p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2 . * 0 A0 910o11 'ight Ind-stria. Incide nt a. to %erson a. or %rofes sion a. Ser2ice s 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 910 s11 *. 'an d $s e s %er 3it t e d a s Con ditio n a. $s e: Co 3 3 e r ci a. &p ar t 3 e n t 0 p e r S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 910 a11 Co 3 p a n y %ro2id e On=Sit e !ecr e a tio n 0 p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2 . * 0 A0 910 g11 'igh t Ind - s t ri a. Incid e n t a. t o Indo or S a. e s 0p e r S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 910;11 <o 3 e Occ - p a tio n 0p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 910 n11 'igh t Ind - s t ri a. Incid e n t a. t o %er s o n a. or %rof e s sio n a. S e r 2ic e s 0p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 910 s11 Dri2e=In+ Dri2e=-p+ Dri2e=thro-gh 'and $se Incidenta. to Onsite %rincipa. 'and $se 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910411 0 e1 'an d $s e s %er 3it t e d a s Te 3 p or a r y $s e s : Con tr a c t or C s %ro; e c t Offic e 0p e r S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 )10 a11 Con tr a c t or C s On=Sit e E7 -ip 3 e n t St or a g e 0p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 )10 511 !e.oc a t a 5. e J-i.din g 0 p e r S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 )10c11 On=Sit e !e a. Es t a t e S a. e s Offic e 0 p e r S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 )10 d11 e n e r a. Te 3 p or a r y O-t d o or S a. e s 0 p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2 . * 0 A0 )10 e11 S e a s o n a. O- t d o or S a. e s of Far 3 %rod - c t s 0p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 )10f11 O- t d o or &ss e 3 5. y 0 p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2 . * 0 A0 )10 g11 %o.ystr -c t -r e 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0A0 )10h11 0 *1 R e % u - & t i o n s A # # -i c & b - e t o R e s i ' e n t i & - E s e s : 0 a1 !e sid e n ti a. D e n sit y !e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s : Con2 e n tio n a. !e sid e n ti a. D e2 e.o p 3 e n t : #a4i 3 - 3 ro s s D e n sit y 0# D1 - p t o 2 0. 0 0 p e r .i 3it s of t h e c o n ditio n a. - s e p e r 3i t Ins tit - tio n a. !e sid e n ti a. D e2 e.o p 3 e n t : #a4i 3 - 3 ro s s D e n sit y 0# D1 - p t o A 0. 0 0 p e r .i 3it s of t h e c o n ditio n a. - s e p e r 3i t #a4i 3 - 3 "- 3 5 e r of F.oor s: A 0 51 !e sid e n ti a. J-.8 !e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s : 0S e e t h e "onr e si d e n ti a. J-.8 !e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s pr o2id e d in 0 A10 51+ 5 e.o(.1 0c1 !e sid e n ti a. 'an d s c a pi n g !e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s : 0S e e "onr e si d e n ti a. 'an d s c a pi n g !e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s .1 0 d1 !e sid e n ti a. %erfor 3 a n c e St a n d a r d s : 0S e e S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. A 01 0 e1 !e sid e n ti a. Sig n a g e !e g -. a tio n s: 0S e e S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. 9 01

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

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0 A1 R e % u - & t i o n s A # # -i c & b - e t o N o n ! e s i ' e n t i & - E s e s : 0 a1 "onr e sid e n ti a. Int e n sit y !e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s : #a4i 3 - 3 "- 3 5 e r of F.oor s: A #ini 3 - 3 'a n d s c a p e S -rf a c e !a tio 0'S!1: 0. 0 0 #a4i 3 - 3 F.oor &re a !a tio 0F&!1: *. 0 0 0 51 "onr e sid e n ti a. J-.8 !e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s : #ini 3 - 3 'ot &re a : 2+ 0 0 0 s 7 - a r e fe e t #ini 3 - 3 'ot ,idt h: 2 0 fe e t #ini 3 - 3 Str e e t Front a g e : 2 0 fe e t #ini 3 - 3 S e t 5 a c 8 s: %rincip a. a n d &cc e s s or y t o Front or Str e e t Sid e 'ot 'in e: 0 fe e t Q %rincip a. a n d &cc e s s or y t o "onr e si d e n ti a. !e a r 'ot 'in e: 1 0 fe e t %rincip a. a n d &cc e s s or y t o !e si d e n ti a. !e a r 'ot 'in e: 2 0 fe e t %rincip a. a n d &cc e s s or y t o "onr e si d e n ti a. Sid e 'ot 'in e: 0 fe e t Q %rincip a. a n d &cc e s s or y t o !e si d e n ti a. Sid e 'ot 'in e: 0 fe e t Q #ini 3 - 3 %a2 e d S -rf a c e S e t 5 a c 8: 0 fe e t Q #ini 3 - 3 J-i.din g S e p a r a tio n: 0 fe e t Q #a4i 3 - 3 J-i.din g <eig h t: 9 0 fe e t+ #ini 3 - 3 J-i.din g <eig h t: 2 0 fe e t #ini 3 - 3 "- 3 5 e r of Off=Str e e t %ar8in g Sp a c e s !e 7 -ir e d o n t h e 'ot: "o p a r 8in g .ot r e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s a r e r e 7 -ir e d in t hi s /o nin g di s trict+ e 4 c e p t t h a t .a n d - s e s p e r 3it t e d a s c o n dition a. - s e s a n d ind o or Co 3 3 e r ci a. Ent e r t ai n 3 e n t .a n d - s e s s h a.. r e 7 -ir e a p a r 8in g ( ai2 e r fro 3 t h e %. a n Co 3 3i s sio n. Q #a4i 3 - 3 p e r 3i t t e d s e t 5 a c 8 of 0 ft+ e 4c e p t ( h e r e p e r 3i t t e d 5 y t h e %. a n Co 3 3i s sio n+ a s a n e s s e n ti a. c o 3 p o n e n t of sit e d e si g n t o 3 a i n t ai n t h e c h a r a c t e r of t h e hi s t oric c e n t r a. city. 0c1 "onr e sid e n ti a. 'an d s c a pi n g !e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s 0"onr e si d e n ti a.+ T(o= T #-.ti= fa 3i.y1: 1. 0 .a n d s c a pi n g p oi nt s p e r 1 0 0 .in e a r fe e t of 5 -i.din g fo- n d a tio n 2. 0 .a n d s c a pi n g p oi nt s p e r 1+ 0 0 0 s 7 - a r e fe e t of gr o s s f.oor a r e a *. 0 .a n d s c a pi n g p oi nt s p e r 1 0 0 .in e a r fe e t of s tr e e t fron t a g e A. 2 0 .a n d s c a pi n g p oin t s p e r 1 0+ 0 0 0 s 7 - a r e fe e t p a 2 e d a r e a D 2 0 s t a..s 0 d1 "onr e sid e n ti a. %erfor 3 a n c e St a n d a r d s: 0S e e S e c tio n 2 2. A 01 0 e1 "onr e sid e n ti a. Sig n a g e !e g -. a tio n s : 0S e e S e c tio n 2 2. 9 01 0f1 E4t e rior St or a g e St a n d a r d s : 0S e e S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. A 0 )1 0 g1 'oa din g !e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s : 0S e e S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. A 0 91

Subsection 22..22: L&!%e Sc&-e Co77e!ci&- Dist!ict 18>$4

011 De s c ! i # t i o n &n' Pu!# o s e : This di s trict is int e n d e d t o p e r 3it 5 o t h .arg e a n d s 3 a.. s c a. e+ p e d e s t ri a n= a n d a - t o= ori e n t e d c o 3 3 e r ci a. d e 2 e.o p 3 e n t a t int e n siti e s ( hic h pr o2id e si g nific a n t inc e n ti2 e s for infi.. d e 2 e.o p 3 e n t a n d t h e c o n tin - e d e c o n o 3ic 2i a y of e 4is ti n g d e 2 e.o p 3 e n t . To a c c o 3 h t his e ff e c t+ 3i ni 3 - 3 r e 7 -ir e d 'an d s c a p e S -rf a c e !a tio s 0'S!s1 a r e s - 5 s t a n ti a..y .o( e r t h a n t h o s e r e 7 -ir e d in t h e S - 5 - r 5 a n Co 3 3 e r ci a. 0J=A1 District. & (i d e r a n g e of offic e+ r e t ai.+ a n d .od gin g .a n d - s e s a r e p e r 3i t t e d (it hi n t his di s trict. Th e s e p e r 3i t t e d - s e s inc.- d e s 3 a.. t e n a n t gr o - p d e 2 e.o p 3 e n t s a n d in=2 e hic. e s a. e s a n d s e r 2ic e - s e s . In or d e r t o e n s -r e a 3i ni 3 - 3 of di sr - p tio n t o r e si d e n ti a. d e 2 e.o p 3 e n t + n o d e 2 e.o p 3 e n t (it hi n t his di s trict s h a.. t a8 e dir e c t a c c e s s t o a .oc a. r e sid e n ti a. s tr e e t or a r e sid e n ti a.

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City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

c o..e c t or s tr e e t . !a tio n a. e : Th e 'arg e Sc a. e Co 3 3 e r ci a. District is d e si g n e d t o e n s -r e t h e .on g =t e r 3 e c o n o 3ic h e a.t h of s t rip c o 3 3 e r ci a. d e 2 e.o p 3 e n t a r e a s + e 4is tin g a s of t h e e ff e c ti2 e d a t e of t hi s c h a p t e r+ a n d is d e si g n e d t o pr o2id e si g nific a n t inc e n ti2 e s for infi.. d e 2 e.o p 3 e n t in t his a r e a 5 y .i 3itin g .arg e s c a. e r e gio n a. 5 - si n e s s - s e s ( hic h c a n affor d t h e r e. a ti2 e.y hi g h e r d e 2 e.o p 3 e n t c o s t s a n d r e n t s a s s o ci a t e d (it h d e 2 e.o p 3 e n t in S - 5 - r 5 a n Co 3 3 e r ci a. 0J=A1 Dis trict. 0 21 Li s t o 2 A-- o ; & b - e L& n ' E s e s : 0 a1 'an d $s e s %er 3it t e d 5 y !igh t: Se.ecti2e C-tting 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210511 %assi2e O-tdoor %-5.ic !ecreation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10a11 Office 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10a11 %ersona. or %rofessiona. Ser2ices 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10511 Indoor or Ser2ice 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10c11 Indoor #aintenance Ser2ice 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10e11 Indoor Lehic.e Storage 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910e11 0 51 'an d $s e s %er 3it t e d 5 y !igh t (it h &ddition a. S p e ci a. !e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s : C-.ti2ation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210a11 &cti2e O-tdoor %-5.ic !ecreation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10511 Indoor Instit-tiona. 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10c11 %-5.ic Ser2ices and $ti.ities 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10e11 Off=Site %ar8ing 'ot 0per S-5section 22.*0A0E10a11 &rtisan St-dioD%rod-ction Shop 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10t11 Indoor Co33ercia. Entertain3ent 0per 22.*0A0A10g11 0c1 'an d $s e s %er 3it t e d a s Con ditio n a. $s e: Instit-tiona. !esidentia. De2e.op3ent 0per S-5section 22.*0A0110a1 and 0*10f11 C.ear C-tting 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210c11 O-tdoor Instit-tiona. 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10d11 O-tdoor Disp.ay 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10d11 In=Lehic.e or Ser2ice 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10f11 Co33ercia. &ni3a. Joarding 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10h11 Co33ercia. Indoor 'odging 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10i11 Jed and Jrea8fast Esta5.ish3ents 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10;11 Day Care Center 0FR chi.dren1 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10811 O-tdoor Co33ercia. Entertain3ent 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10311 Joarding <o-se 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10n11 Lehic.e !epair and #aintenance 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10p11 ro-p De2e.op3ent 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10711 Dri2e=In Dri2e=-p+ Dri2e=thro-gh 'and $se 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10r11 Indoor Storage or , 0per S-5section 22.*0A0:10a11 %ersona. Storage Faci.ity 0per S-5section 22.*0A0:10c11 0 d1 'an d $s e s %er 3it t e d a s &cc e s s or y $s e s: 1. 'an d $s e s %er 3it t e d 5 y !igh t: Far 3 !e si d e n c e 0p e r S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 910c11 Co 3 p a n y Caf e t e ri a 0 p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2 . * 0 A0 910f11 %o( e r e n e r a ti n g De 2ic e Incid e n t a. t o On=Sit e %rincip a. 'a n d $s e 0p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 910(11 On=Sit e Co 3 p o s ti n gD,oo d %i.e s 0 p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2 . * 0 A0 910o11 %ri2 a t e ar a g e or S h e d 0 p e r S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 910 d11

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

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2. 'an d $s e s %er 3it t e d 5 y !igh t (it h &ddition a. S p e ci a. !e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s : On=Sit e %ar8in g 'ot 0p e r S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 910 511 Co 3 p a n y %ro2id e d On=Sit e !ecr e a tio n 0p e r S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 910 g11 'ight Ind-stria. Incide nt a. to Indoor and Ser2ice 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 910;11 Dr ain a g e Str -c t -r e 0p e r S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 910811 0 p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2 . * 0 A0 910.11 E4t e rior Co 3 3 - nic a tio n D e2ic e s 0 p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2 . * 0 A0 910 311 On=Sit e Co 3 p o s ti n gD ,oo d %i.e s 0 p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2 . * 0 A0 910o11 'ight Ind-stria. Incide nt a. to %erson a. or %rofes sion a. Ser2ice s 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 910 s11 *. 'an d $s e s %er 3it t e d a s Con ditio n a. $s e: Co 3 3 e r ci a. &p ar t 3 e n t 0 p e r S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 910 a11 Co 3 p a n y %ro2id e d On=Sit e !ecr e a tio n 0p e r S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 910 g11 O- t d o or Dis p. a y Incid e n t a. t o Indo or S a. e s 0p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 91 0 h11 In=Le hic. e S a. e s a n d S e r2ic e 0p e r S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 910i11 'igh t Ind - s t ri a. Incid e n t a. t o Indo or S a. e s 0p e r S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 910;11 <o 3 e Occ - p a tio n 0p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 910 n11 'ight Ind-stria. Incide nt a. to %erson a. or %rofes sion a. Ser2ice s 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 910 s11 Dri2e=In+ Dri2e=-p+ Dri2e=thro-gh 'and $se Incidenta. to Onsite %rincipa. 'and $se 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910411 0 e1 'an d $s e s %er 3it t e d a s Te 3 p or a r y $s e s : ContractorCs %ro;ect Office 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10a11 ContractorCs On=Site E7-ip3ent Storage 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10511 !e.ocata5.e J-i.ding 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10c11 On=Site !ea. Estate Office 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10d11 enera. Te3porary O-tdoor 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10e11 Seasona. O-tdoor of Far3 %rod-cts 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10f11 O-tdoor &sse35.y 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10g11 %o.ystr -c t -r e 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0A0 )10h11 0 *1 R e % u - & t i o n s A # # -i c & b - e t o R e s i ' e n t i & - E s e s : 0 a1 Ins tit - tio n a. !e sid e n ti a. D e n sit y !e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s : #a4i 3 - 3 ro s s D e n sit y 0# D1: - p t o A 0. 0 0 p e r .i 3it s of t h e c o n ditio n a. - s e p e r 3i t #ini 3 - 3 'a n d s c a p e S -rf a c e !a tio 0'S!1: 0. A 0 #a4i 3 - 3 "- 3 5 e r of F.oor s: A 0 51 !e sid e n ti a. J-.8 !e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s : #ini 3 - 3 'ot &re a : 1 2+ 0 0 0 s 7 - a r e fe e t #ini 3 - 3 'ot ,idt h: : 0 fe e t #ini 3 - 3 S e t 5 a c 8 s: %rincip a. J-i.din g t o Front or Str e e t Sid e 'ot 'in e: 2 9 fe e t + a d d 1 0 3 o r e fe e t for a .ot a d; a c e n t t o a s tr e e t (it h a n Officia..y #a p p e d rig h t=of=( a y e 7 - a. t o or e 4c e e di n g 1 0 0 fe e t %rincip a. J-i.din g t o !e a r 'ot 'in e: 2 9 fe e t %rincip a. J-i.din g t o Sid e 'ot 'in e: 1 0 fe e t &cc e s s or y J-i.din g t o !e a r 'ot 'in e: 9 fe e t &cc e s s or y J-i.din g t o Sid e 'ot 'in e: * fe e t

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City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

#ini 3 - 3 D( $nit S e p a r a tio n: 2 0 fe e t or 0 fe e t o n / er o .ot .in e si d e #a4i 3 - 3 <eig h t of J-i.din g: * 9 fe e t 0$p t o 9 0 fe e t (it h a c o n dition a. - s e p e r 3i t1 #a4i 3 - 3 < ei g h t of &cc e s s or y J-i.din g: 1 E fe e t 0$p t o 2 0 fe e t (it h a c o n dition a. - s e p e r 3it t o a c c o 3 3 o d a t e roof pit c h e s1 #ini 3 - 3 %a2 e d S -rf a c e S e t 5 a c 8: 9 fe e t fro 3 si d e or r e a r6 1 0 fe e t fro 3 s tr e e t #ini 3 - 3 "- 3 5 e r of Off=Str e e t %ar8in g S p a c e s !e 7 -ir e d o n t h e 'ot: S e e S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2. A 0 A for d e t ai. e d p a r 8in g r e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s 0c1 !e sid e n ti a. 'an d s c a pi n g !e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s : 0S e e "onr e si d e n ti a. 'an d s c a pi n g !e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s .1 0 A1 R e % u - & t i o n s A # # -i c & b - e t o N o n ! e s i ' e n t i & - E s e s : 0 a1 "onr e sid e n ti a. Int e n sit y !e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s : #a4i 3 - 3 "- 3 5 e r of F.oor s: A #ini 3 - 3 'a n d s c a p e S -rf a c e !a tio 0'S!1: 0. 1 0 #a4i 3 - 3 F.oor &re a !a tio 0F&!1: 0. A 0 0 51 "onr e sid e n ti a. J-.8 !e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s : #ini 3 - 3 'ot &re a : 1 2+ 0 0 0 s 7 - a r e fe e t #ini 3 - 3 'ot ,idt h: : 0 fe e t #ini 3 - 3 Str e e t Front a g e : : 0 fe e t #ini 3 - 3 S e t 5 a c 8 s: %rincip a. a n d &cc e s s or y J-i.din g t o Front or Str e e t Sid e 'ot 'in e: 2 9 fe e t+ * 9 fe e t for a .ot a d; a c e n t t o a s tr e e t (it h a n Offici a..y #a p p e d rig h t=of=( a y e 7 - a. t o or e 4c e e di n g 1 0 0 fe e t %rincip a. a n d &cc e s s or y J-i.din g t o "onr e si d e n ti a. !e a r 'ot 'in e: 2 9 fe e t %rincip a. a n d &cc e s s or y J-i.din g t o !e sid e n ti a. !e a r 'ot 'in e: * 0 fe e t %rincip a. a n d &cc e s s or y J-i.din g t o "onr e sid e n ti a. Sid e 'ot 'in e: 2 0 fe e t or 0 fe e t o n / er o .ot .in e si d e %rincip a. a n d &cc e s s or y J-i.din g t o !e sid e n ti a. Sid e 'ot 'in e: 9 0 fe e t #ini 3 - 3 %a2 e d S -rf a c e S e t 5 a c 8: 9 fe e t fro 3 si d e or r e a r6 1 0 fe e t fro 3 s tr e e t #a4i 3 - 3 %rincip a. a n d &cc e s s or y J-i.din g <eig h t: A 0 fe e t #ini 3 - 3 "- 3 5 e r of Off=Str e e t %ar8in g Sp a c e s !e 7 -ir e d o n t h e 'ot: S e e p a r 8in g .ot r e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s p e r s p e cific .a n d - s e in S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A 0c1 "onr e sid e n ti a. 'an d s c a pi n g !e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s 0"onr e si d e n ti a.+ T(o= T #-.ti= fa 3i.y1: 1. 2 0 .a n d s c a pi n g p oin t s p e r 1 0 0 .in e a r fe e t of 5 -i.din g fo- n d a tio n 2. 9 .a n d s c a pi n g p oi nt s p e r 1+ 0 0 0 s 7 - a r e fe e t of gr o s s f.oor a r e a *. 2 0 .a n d s c a pi n g p oin t s p e r 1 0 0 .in e a r fe e t of s tr e e t fro nt a g e A. A 0 .a n d s c a pi n g p oin t s p e r 1 0+ 0 0 0 s 7 - a r e fe e t p a 2 e d a r e a D 2 0 s t a..s 0 d1 "onr e sid e n ti a. %erfor 3 a n c e St a n d a r d s: 0S e e S e c tio n 2 2. A 01 0 e1 "onr e sid e n ti a. Sig n a g e !e g -. a tio n s : 0S e e S e c tio n 2 2. 9 01 0f1 E4t e rior St or a g e St a n d a r d s : 0S e e S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. A 0 )1 0 g1 'oa din g !e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s : 0S e e S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. A 0 91

Subsection 22..2$: Subu!b&n Co77e!ci&- Dist!ict 18>(4

011 De s c ! i # t i o n &n' Pu!# o s e

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

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This district is inten d e d to per 3it .arge and s3a..= sca.e co3 3 e r ci a. de2e.op 3 e n t (hich is co3p a ti 5. e (ith the desir e d o2er a.. s-5-r 5 a n co3 3 - ni t y char a c t e r of the are a in gen e r a.. This is acco 3 h e d (ith re.ati2e.y .o( 3a4i 3- 3 F.oor &rea !atios 0F&!s1. Significant are a s of .andsc a pi n g are re7-ir e d in this district to ens -r e that this effect is achie2 e d. & (ide rang e of office+ retai.+ and .odging .and -se s are per 3itt e d (ithin this district. In order to ens -r e a 3ini 3- 3 of disr-ption to reside n ti a. de2e.op 3 e n t + no de2e.op 3 e n t (ithin this district sha.. ta8e direct acc e s s to a .oca. reside n ti a. stre e t or a reside n ti a. co..ector stre e t . !ationa. e : This district is intend e d to pro2ide the principa. /oning district for co3 3 e r ci a. de2e.op 3 e n t (hich occ-rs after the adoption of this Chapt e r. The sta nd a r d s of this district are design e d to pro2ide a c.ear distinction fro3 the 'arge Sca.e Co33 e r ci a. 0J=*1 and Centr a. J-sine s s 0J=21 Districts in ter 3s of per 3it t e d inten sity of de2e.op 3 e n t + trea t 3 e n t of o-tdoor and re7-ir e d gre e n spac e are a s . The desire d s-5-r 5 a n co3 3 - ni t y char a c t e r of the de2e.op 3 e n t is att ain e d thro-g h the F.oor &rea !atio 0F&!1 and 'andsc a p e S-rfac e &rea !atio 0'S!1 re7-ire 3 e n t s . Toget h e r + the s e re7-ire 3 e n t s ens -r e that the desire d s-5-r 5 a n co3 3 - ni t y char a c t e r is 3aint ai n e d as .ong as the S-5-r5 a n Co33 e r ci a. 0J=A1 District design a tion is ret ain e d + rega r d. e s s of ho( 3-c h de2e.op 3 e n t occ-rs (ithin that are a . 021 List o2 A--o ; & b - e L&n' Es e s 0a1 L&n' Es e s Pe! 7i t t e ' b" Ri% t : Se.ecti2e C-tting 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210511 %assi2e O-tdoor %-5.ic !ecreation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10a11 Office 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10a11 %ersona. or %rofessiona. Ser2ices 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10511 Indoor or Ser2ice 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10c11 Indoor #aintenance Ser2ice 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10e11 051 L&n' Es e s Pe! 7i t t e ' b" Ri% t ;it A''i ti o n & - S# e c i & - ReA ui! e 7 e n t s : C-.ti2ation 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0A0 210 a11 &cti2e O-tdoor %-5.ic !ecre a tion 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 *10 511 Indoor Instit-tion a. 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 *10c11 %-5.ic Ser2ice s and $ti.ities 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0A0 *10 e11 &rtisa n St-dioD%rod- c tion Shop 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0A0 A10t11 0c1 L&n' Es e s Pe! 7i t t e ' &s Con 'i t i o n & - Es e : Instit-tion a. !eside nti a. 0per S-5s e c tion s 22.*0A0 110 a1 and 22.*0A0 *10f11 C.ear C-tting 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0A0 210c11 O-tdoor Instit-tion a. 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 *10 d11 O-tdoor Disp.ay 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 A10 d11 In=Lehic.e or Ser2ice 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0A0 A10f11 Indoor Co33 e r ci a. Entert ain 3 e n t 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 A10 g11 Co33 e r ci a. &ni3a. Joarding 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 A10h11 Co33 e r ci a. Indoor 'odging 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 A10i11 Jed and Jrea8f a s t Esta 5.ish 3 e n t s 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 A10;11 ro-p Day Care Cent e r 0A R chi.dre n1 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 A10811 ro-p De2e.op 3 e n t 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 A10 711 Dri2 e=In Dri2 e=- p+ Dri2 e=t hr o - g h 'a n d $s e 0p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 A10r11 Co3p a n y= %ro2ide d On= Site !ecre a tion 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 910 g11 Indoor Lehic.e Stora g e 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0A0 910 e11

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City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

0d1 L&n' Es e s Pe! 7i t t e ' &s Acc e s s o ! " Es e s : 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 911 1. 'and $ses %er 3itt e d 5y !ight: Far 3 !eside n c e 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 910c11 %ri2at e ara g e or Shed 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 910 d11 %ri2at e !eside n ti a. !ecre a tion a. Faci.ity 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0A0 910 e11 On= site Co3po s tin gD,oo d 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 910o11 Co3p a n y Cafet e ria 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0A0 910f11 %o(er ener a tin g De2ice Incident a. to On= Site %rincipa. 'and $se 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 910(11 2. 'and $ses %er 3itt e d 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire 3 e n t s : On= Site %ar8ing 'ot 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0A0 910511 'ight Ind-stria. Incide nt a. to Indoor or Ser2ice 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 910;11 Draina g e Str-ct -r e 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0A0 910811 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 910.11 E4terior Co33- ni c a tion De2ice s 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0A0 910 311 <o3e Occ-p a tion for Sing.e= fa3i.y !eside nc e s 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 910 n11 On= Site Co3po s tin gD ,ood 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 910o11 'ight Ind-stria. Incide nt a. to %erson a. or %rofes sion a. Ser2ice s 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 910 s11 *. 'and $ses %er 3itt e d as Condition a. $se: Co33 e r ci a. &part 3 e n t 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 910 a11 Co3p a n y %ro2ide d On= Site !ecre a tion 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 910g11 O-tdoor Disp.ay Incide nt a. 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 910h11 In=Lehic.e and Ser2ice 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 910i11 'ight Ind-stria. Incide nt a. to Indoor 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 910;11 <o3e Occ-p a tion for T(o= fa3i.y and #-.ti= fa3i.y !eside n c e s 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 910 n11 'ight Ind-stria. Incide nt a. to %erson a. or %rofes sion a. Ser2ice s 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 910 s11 Dri2e=In+ Dri2e=-p+ Dri2e=thro-gh 'and $se Incidenta. to Onsite %rincipa. 'and $se 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910411 0e1 L&n' Es e s Pe! 7i t t e ' &s Te 7 # o ! & ! " Es e s : 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 )11 ContractorCs %ro;ect Office 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10a11 ContractorCs On=Site E7-ip3ent Storage 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10511 !e.ocata5.e J-i.ding 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10c11 On=Site !ea. Estate Office 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10d11 enera. Te3porary O-tdoor 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10e11 Seasona. O-tdoor of Far3 %rod-cts 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10f11 O-tdoor &sse35.y 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10g11 %o.ystr -c t -r e 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0A0 )10h11 0*1 Re % u- & t i o n s A##-ic & b - e to Re si ' e n t i & - Es e s 0a1 Re si ' e n t i & - De n s i t " ReA ui! e 7 e n t s : 1. Instit-tion a.: #a4i3- 3 ross Density 0# D1: -p to A0.00 #ini3- 3 'ot &rea 0#'&1: 1 acre #ini3- 3 Site &rea 0#S&1: 1 acre 051 Re si ' e n t i & - 8u-9 ReA ui! e 7 e n t s :

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

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#ini3- 3 'ot &rea: 1 acre #ini3- 3 'ot ,idth: 100 feet #ini3- 3 Set5 a c 8 s : Front or Stre e t Side 'ot 'ine to !eside nc e *0 feet+ add 10 3or e feet for a .ot ad;ac e n t to a stre e t (ith an Officia..y #appe d right= of=(ay e7- a. to or e4c e e di n g 100 feet Front or Stre e t Side 'ot 'ine to &ttach e d ara g e : *0 feet+ add 10 3or e feet for a .ot ad;ac e n t to a stre e t (ith an Officia..y #appe d right= of= (ay e7- a. to or e4c e e di n g 100 feet Side 'ot 'ine to <o-s e or &ttach e d ara g e : 12 feet Tota. of Joth Sides+ 'ot 'ines to <o-s e D&tt a c h e d ara g e : 2A feet !ear 'ot 'ine to <o-s e or &ttach e d ara g e : 29 feet Side 'ot 'ine to &cces s or y J-i.ding: 9 feet !ear 'ot 'ine to &ccess or y J-i.ding: 9 feet #ini3- 3 %a2e d S-rfac e Set5 a c 8: 9 feet fro3 side or rear6 10 feet fro3 stre e t 0e4c e p t acc e s s dri2e s1 #ini3- 3 D( $nit Separ a tion: 2A feet #a4i3- 3 <eight of D( $nit: *9 feet 0Can e4ce e d *9 feet (Dcondition a. -se1 #a4i3- 3 <eight of &cces s or y J-i.ding: 19 feet 0Can e4c e e d 19 feet+ -p to 20 feet (ith a condition a. -se per 3it to acco 3 3 o d a t e roof pitch e s1 #ini3- 3 "-35 e r of Off=Stre e t %ar8ing Spac e s !e7-ire d on the 'ot 0Inc.-de s gar a g e + dri2es+ T a.. design a t e d par8ing s-rfac e s 1: 2aries+ se e S-5s e c tion 22.A0 A for det ai.e d par8ing re7-ire 3 e n t s #ini3- 3 D( Core Di3e n sion s of principa. str-ct -r e : 2A feet 5y A0 feet #ini3- 3 !oof %itch of principa. str-ct -r e : * : 12 #ini3- 3 Ea2e ,idth of principa. str-ct -r e : 1E inche s 0c1 Re si ' e n t i & - 'andsc a pi n g !e7-ire 3 e n t s : 0See "onre sid e n ti a. 'andsc a pi n g !e7-ire 3 e n t s for Instit-tion a. !eside nti a..1 0d1 Re si ' e n t i & - Pe!2 o! 7 & n c e St & n ' & ! ' s : 0See Section 22.A01 0e1 Re si ' e n t i & - Si % n & % e Re % u - & t i o n s : 0See Section 22.901 0A1 Re % u- & t i o n s A##-ic & b - e to No n! e s i ' e n t i & - Es e s 0a1 Non! e s i ' e n t i & - Int e n s i t " ReA ui! e 7 e n t s : #a4i3- 3 "-35 e r of F.oors 0F1: A #ini3- 3 'andsc a p e S-rfac e !atio 0'S!1: .29 #a4i3- 3 F.oor &rea !atio 0F&!1: .*0 #ini3- 3 'ot &rea 0#'&1: 1 acreQ 051 Non! e s i ' e n t i & - 8u-9 ReA ui! e 7 e n t s : #ini3- 3 'ot &rea: 1 acreQ #ini3- 3 'ot ,idth: 100 feet #ini3- 3 Set5 a c 8 s : J-i.ding to Front or Stre e t Side 'ot 'ine: *0 feet J-i.ding to !eside n ti a. Side 'ot 'ine: *0 feet J-i.ding to !eside n ti a. !ear 'ot 'ine: *0 feet J-i.ding to "onre sid e n ti a. Side 'ot 'ine: 10 feet or 0 feet on /ero .ot .ine side J-i.ding to "onre sid e n ti a. !ear 'ot 'ine: 29 feet

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City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

#ini3- 3 %a2e d S-rfac e Set5 a c 8: 9 feet fro3 side or rear6 10 feet fro3 stre e t #a4i3- 3 J-i.ding <eight: 90 feet 0Can e4c e e d 90 feet (Dcondition a. -se per 3it1 #ini3- 3 "-35 e r of Off=Stre e t %ar8ing Spac e s !e7-ire d on the 'ot: See par8ing .ot re7-ire 3 e n t s per specific .and -se in S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A Q20+00 0 sf per 3it t e d (ith a condition a. -se per 3it and site for end -se of prop er t y de 3o n s t r a ti n g f-.. co3p.ia nc e (ith this Ordina nc e . 0c1 Non! e s i ' e n t i & - L&n' s c & # i n % ReA ui! e 7 e n t s 0"onre sid e n ti a. and #-.ti= fa3i.y1: 011 A0 .ands c a pi n g points per 100 .inear feet of 5-i.ding fo-nd a tion 021 10 .ands c a pi n g points per 1+000 s7- ar e feet of gros s f.oor are a 0*1 A0 .ands c a pi n g points per 100 .inear feet of stre e t front a g e 0A1 E0 .ands c a pi n g points per 10+000 s7-a r e feet pa2e d are a D 2 0 sta..s 0d1 Non! e s i ' e n t i & - Pe!2 o! 7 & n c e St & n ' & ! ' s : 0See Section 22.A01 0e1 Non! e s i ' e n t i & - Si % n & % e Re % u- & t i o n s : 0See Section 22.901

Subsection 22..$0: Li% t In'ust!i&- Dist!ict 1?>14

011 Desc!i#tion &n' Pu!#ose This district is intended to per3it 5oth .arge and s3a.. sca.e ind-stria.+ office+ and ser2ice de2e.op3ent at an intensity that is consistent (ith the o2era.. desired character of the co33-nity. %ersona. and professiona. ser2ice -ses in this district sho-.d not 5e pedestrian=oriented+ 5-t rather+ sho-.d 5e associated (ith the office and ind-stria. de2e.op3ent in the district. Jeyond a re.ati2e.y high 3ini3-3 'andscape S-rface !atio 0'S!1+ the pri3ary disting-ishing feat-re of this district is that it is geared to indoor ind-stria. acti2ities (hich are not typica..y associated (ith high .e2e.s of noise+ soot+ odors and other potentia. n-isances for ad;oining properties. In order to ens-re a 3ini3-3 of disr-ption to residentia. de2e.op3ent+ no de2e.op3ent (ithin this district sha.. ta8e direct access to a .oca. residentia. street or a residentia. co..ector street. !ationa.e: This district is intended to pro2ide a .ocation for .ight ind-stria. .and -ses s-ch as asse35.y operations+ storage and (areho-sing faci.ities+ offices+ research and de2e.op3ent faci.ities+ and .ight 3an-fact-ring (hich are protected fro3 potentia. n-isances associated (ith certain de2e.op3ent per3itted (ithin the enera. or <ea2y Ind-stria. Districts. In addition+ .and -ses sha.. co3p.y (ith the 3ini3-3 perfor3ance standards+ and the par8ing and .oading re7-ire3ents presented in this Chapter. 021 List o2 A--o;&b-e L&n' Eses 0a1 L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' b" Ri% t: Se.ecti2e C-tting 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210511 %assi2e O-tdoor %-5.ic !ecreation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10a11 Office 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10a11 Indoor #aintenance Ser2ice 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10e11 Indoor Storage or , 0per S-5section 22.*0A0:10a11 'ight Ind-stria. 0per S-5section 22.*0A0F10a11 051 L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' b" Ri% t ;it A''ition&- S#eci&- ReAui!e7ents: C-.ti2ation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210a11 &cti2e O-tdoor %-5.ic !ecreation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10511 Indoor Instit-tiona. 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10c11 %-5.ic Ser2ices and $ti.ities 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10e11 &rtisan St-dioD%rod-ction Shop 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10t11

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0c1 L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' &s Con'ition&- Ese: C.ear C-tting 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210c11 O-tdoor Instit-tiona. 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10d11 %ersona. or %rofessiona. Ser2ice 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10511 Indoor or Ser2ice 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10c11 Day Care Center 0FR chi.dren1 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10811 ro-p De2e.op3ent 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10711 &irportD<e.iport 0per S-5section 22.*0A0E10511 Distri5-tion Center 0per S-5section 22.*0A0E10d11 "on=Co35-stion %o(er enerating Faci.ity 0per s-5section 22.*A0F10g11 Indoor Lehic.e Storage 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910e11 0d1 L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' &s Accesso!" Eses: 1. 'and $ses %er3itted 5y !ight: Far3 !esidence 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910c11 Co3pany Cafeteria 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910f11 On=Site Co3postingD ,ood 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910o11 %o(er enerating De2ice Incidenta. to On=Site %rincipa. 'and $se 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910(11 %ri2ate arage or Shed 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910d11 2. 'and $ses %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: On=Site %ar8ing 'ot 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910511 Co3pany %ro2ided On=Site !ecreation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910g11 Drainage Str-ct-re 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910811 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910.11 E4terior Co33-nication De2ices 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910311 On=Site Co3postingD ,ood 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910o11 Indoor Incidenta. to 'ight Ind-stria. $se 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910p11 *. 'and $ses %er3itted as Conditiona. $se: Co3pany %ro2ided On=Site !ecreation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910g11 0e1 L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' &s Te7#o!&!" Eses: ContractorCs %ro;ect Office 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10a11 ContractorCs On=Site E7-ip3ent Storage 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10511 !e.ocata5.e J-i.ding 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10c11 On=Site !ea. Estate Office 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10d11 Seasona. O-tdoor of Far3 %rod-cts 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10f11 O-tdoor &sse35.y 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10g11 %o.ystr-ct-re 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10h11 0*1 Re%u-&tions A##-ic&b-e to Resi'enti&- Eses 0"ot &pp.ica5.e1 0A1 Re%u-&tions A##-ic&b-e to Non!esi'enti&- Eses 0a1 Non!esi'enti&- Intensit" ReAui!e7ents: #a4i3-3 "-35er of F.oors: A #ini3-3 'andscape S-rface !atio 0'S!1: 0.20 #a4i3-3 F.oor &rea !atio 0F&!1: 0.:9 051 Non!esi'enti&- 8u-9 ReAui!e7ents: #ini3-3 'ot &rea: 1 acre 020+000 s7-are feet per3itted as a conditiona. -se1 #ini3-3 'ot ,idth: 100 feet #ini3-3 Street Frontage: 100 feet #ini3-3 Set5ac8s: %rincipa. and &ccessory J-i.ding to Front or Street Side 'ot 'ine: A0 feet %rincipa. and &ccessory J-i.ding to "onresidentia. !ear 'ot 'ine: 29 feet

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City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance


0d1 0e1 0f1 0g1

%rincipa. and &ccessory J-i.ding to !esidentia. !ear 'ot 'ine: *0 feet %rincipa. and &ccessory J-i.ding to "onresidentia. Side 'ot 'ine: 29 feet %rincipa. and &ccessory J-i.ding to !esidentia. Side 'ot 'ine: *0 feet #ini3-3 %a2ed S-rface Set5ac8: 19 feet fro3 side or rear6 20 feet fro3 street #a4i3-3 J-i.ding <eight: 90 feet #ini3-3 "-35er of Off=Street %ar8ing Spaces !e7-ired on the 'ot: See par8ing .ot re7-ire3ents per specific .and -se in S-5section 22.*0A Non!esi'enti&- L&n'sc&#in% ReAui!e7ents 1Non!esi'enti&-3 T;o> I ?u-ti>2&7i-"4: 1. A0 .andscaping points per 100 .inear feet of 5-i.ding fo-ndation 2. 10 .andscaping points per 1+000 s7-are feet of gross f.oor area *. A0 .andscaping points per 100 .inear feet of street frontage A. E0 .andscaping points per 10+000 s7-are feet pa2ed areaD20 sta..s Non!esi'enti&- Pe!2o!7&nce St&n'&!'s: 0See Section 22.A01 Non!esi'enti&- Si%n&%e Re%u-&tions: 0See Section 22.901 E=te!io! Sto!&%e St&n'&!'s: 0See S-5section 22.A0)1 Lo&'in% ReAui!e7ents: 0See S-5section 22.A091

Subsection 22..$1: Gene!&- In'ust!i&- Dist!ict 1?>24

011 Desc!i#tion &n' Pu!#ose This district is intended to per3it 5oth .arge and s3a.. sca.e ind-stria. and office de2e.op3ent at an intensity (hich pro2ides a3p.e incenti2e for infi.. de2e.op3ent and rede2e.op3ent of ind-stria. areas e4isting as of the effecti2e date of this Chapter. This district is designed to per3it a 2ery (ide 2ariety of ind-stria. -ses that 3ay occ-r bot indoors and outdoors. In order to ens-re a 3ini3-3 of disr-ption to residentia. de2e.op3ent+ no de2e.op3ent (ithin this district sha.. ta8e direct access to a .oca. residentia. street or a residentia. co..ector street. !ationa.e: This district is intended to pro2ide a .ocation for -r5an intensity hea2y ind-stria. .and -ses (hich 3ay inc.-de o-tdoor storage and disp.ay -ses. In addition+ -ses sha.. co3p.y (ith the 3ini3-3 perfor3ance standards presented in this chapter. 021 List o2 A--o;&b-e L&n' Eses 0a1 L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' b" Ri% t: Se.ecti2e C-tting 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210511 %assi2e O-tdoor %-5.ic !ecreation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10a11 Office 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10a11 Indoor #aintenance Ser2ice 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10e11 Lehic.e !epair and #aintenance 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10p11 Indoor Storage or , 0per S-5section 22.*0A0:10a11 Indoor Lehic.e Storage 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910e11 'ight Ind-stria. 0per S-5section 22.*0A0F10a11 051 L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' b" Ri% t ;it A''ition&- S#eci&- ReAui!e7ents: C-.ti2ation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210a11 %-5.ic Ser2ices and $ti.ities 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10e11 Off=Site %ar8ing 'ot 0per S-5section 22.*0A0E10a11 &rtisan St-dioD%rod-ction Shop 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10t11 O-tdoor Storage or , 0per S-5section 22.*0A0:10511 0c1 L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' &s Con'ition&- Ese: C.ear C-tting 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210c11 O-tdoor Disp.ay 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10d1 Day Care Center 0FR chi.dren1 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10811 O-tdoor #aintenance Ser2ice 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10.11

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O-tdoor Co33ercia. Entertain3ent 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10311 ro-p De2e.op3ent 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10711 %ersona. Storage Faci.ity 0per S-5section 22.*0A0:10c11 &irportD<e.iport 0per S-5section 22.*0A0E10511 Distri5-tion Center 0per S-5section 22.*0A0E10d11 Co33-nication To(er 0per S-5section 22.*0A0F10c11 <ea2y Ind-stria. 0per S-5section 22.*0A0F10511 "on=Co35-stion %o(er enerating Faci.ity -nder 100 #, 0per section 22.*0A0F10g11 0d1 L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' &s Accesso!" Eses: 1. 'and $ses %er3itted 5y !ight: Far3 !esidence 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910c11 Co3pany Cafeteria 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910f11 On=Site Co3postingD ,ood 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910o11 %o(er enerating De2ice Incidenta. to On=Site %rincipa. 'and $se 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910(11 %ri2ate arage or Shed 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910d11 2. 'and $ses %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: On=Site %ar8ing 'ot 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910511 Co3pany %ro2ided On=Site !ecreation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910g11 Drainage Str-ct-re 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910811 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910.11 E4terior Co33-nication De2ices 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910311 On=Site Co3postingD ,ood 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910o11 Indoor Incidenta. to 'ight Ind-stria. $se 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910p11 *. 'and $ses %er3itted as Conditiona. $se: Co3pany %ro2ided On=Site !ecreation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910g11 0e1 L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' &s Te7#o!&!" Eses: ContractorCs %ro;ect Office 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10a11 ContractorCs On=Site E7-ip3ent Storage 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10511 !e.ocata5.e J-i.ding 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10c11 On=Site !ea. Estate Office 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10d11 Seasona. O-tdoor of Far3 %rod-cts 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10f11 O-tdoor &sse35.y 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10g11 %o.ystr-ct-re 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10h11 0*1 Re%u-&tions A##-ic&b-e to Resi'enti&- Eses 0"ot &pp.ica5.e1 0A1 Re%u-&tions A##-ic&b-e to Non!esi'enti&- Eses 0a1 Non!esi'enti&- Intensit" ReAui!e7ents: #a4i3-3 "-35er of F.oors: A #ini3-3 'andscape S-rface !atio 0'S!1: 0.10 #a4i3-3 F.oor &rea !atio 0F&!1: 1.00 051 Non!esi'enti&- 8u-9 ReAui!e7ents: #ini3-3 'ot &rea: 10+000 s7-are feet #ini3-3 'ot ,idth: :9 feet #ini3-3 Street Frontage: 90 feet #ini3-3 Set5ac8s: %rincipa. and &ccessory J-i.ding to Front or Street Side 'ot 'ine: 29 feet+ A0 feet for a .ot ad;acent to a street (ith an Officia..y #apped right=of=(ay e7-a. to or e4ceeding 100 feet %rincipa. and &ccessory J-i.ding to "onresidentia. !ear 'ot 'ine: 29 feet %rincipa. and &ccessory J-i.ding to !esidentia. !ear 'ot 'ine: 29 feet

&ppendi4 &

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance


0d1 0e1 0f1 0g1

%rincipa. and &ccessory J-i.ding to "onresidentia. Side 'ot 'ine: 20 feet %rincipa. and &ccessory J-i.ding to !esidentia. Side 'ot 'ine: 29 feet #ini3-3 %a2ed S-rface Set5ac8: 9 feet fro3 side or rear6 10 feet fro3 street #a4i3-3 J-i.ding <eight: 90 feet #ini3-3 "-35er of Off=Street %ar8ing Spaces !e7-ired on the 'ot: See par8ing .ot re7-ire3ents per specific .and -se in S-5section 22.*0A Non!esi'enti&- L&n'sc&#in% ReAui!e7ents 1Non!esi'enti&-3 T;o> I ?u-ti>2&7i-"4: 1. 20 .andscaping points per 100 .inear feet of 5-i.ding fo-ndation 2. 9 .andscaping points per 1+000 s7-are feet of gross f.oor area *. 20 .andscaping points per 100 .inear feet of street frontage A. A0 .andscaping points per 10+000 s7-are feet pa2ed areaD20 sta..s Non!esi'enti&- Pe!2o!7&nce St&n'&!'s: 0See Section 22.A01 Non!esi'enti&- Si%n&%e Re%u-&tions: 0See Section 22.901 E=te!io! Sto!&%e St&n'&!'s: 0See S-5section 22.A0)1` Lo&'in% ReAui!e7ents: 0See S-5section 22.A091

Subsection 22..$2: He&," In'ust!i&- Dist!ict 1?>$4

011 Desc!i#tion &n' Pu!#ose This district is designed to per3it a 2ery (ide 2ariety of ind-stria. -ses (hich 3ay occ-r 5oth indoors and o-tdoors+ inc.-ding certain .and -ses (hich are per3itted in no other /oning district 5eca-se of their potentia. to create n-isances for ad;oining properties. In order to ens-re a 3ini3-3 of disr-ption to residentia. de2e.op3ent+ no de2e.op3ent (ithin this district sha.. ta8e direct access to a .oca. residentia. street or a residentia. co..ector street. !ationa.e: This district is intended to pro2ide a .ocation for 5oth .ight and hea2y ind-stria. -ses in a /oning district in (hich the potentia. for n-isance co3p.aints fro3 near5y properties is 3ini3i/ed. It 3-st 5e e3phasi/ed that this is not a district (here 2irt-a..y any .and -se is per3itted+ as a.. -ses sha.. co3p.y (ith the 3ini3-3 perfor3ance standards presented in S-5section 22.A0. In addition+ certain .and -ses s-ch as e4traction+ ;-n8yards and sa.2age operations+ and freight ter3ina.s are per3itted (ithin this district on.y -pon the granting of a conditiona. -se per3it. 021 List o2 A--o;&b-e L&n' Eses 0a1 L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' b" Ri% t: Se.ecti2e C-tting 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210511 %assi2e O-tdoor %-5.ic !ecreation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10a11 Office 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10a11 Indoor #aintenance Ser2ice 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10e11 Lehic.e !epair and #aintenance 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10p11 Indoor Storage or , 0per S-5section 22.*0A0:10a11 Indoor Lehic.e Storage 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910e11 'ight Ind-stria. 0per S-5section 22.*0A0F10a11 051 L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' b" Ri% t ;it A''ition&- S#eci&- ReAui!e7ents: C-.ti2ation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210a11 %-5.ic Ser2ices and $ti.ities 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10e11 O-tdoor Storage or , 0per S-5section 22.*0A0:10a11 Off=Site %ar8ing 'ot 0per S-5section 22.*0A0E10a11 <ea2y Ind-stria. 0per S-5section 22.*0A0F10511 0c1 L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' &s Con'ition&- Ese: C.ear C-tting 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210c11 &gric-.t-ra. Ser2ices 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210d11 O-tdoor #aintenance Ser2ice 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10.11

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

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Se4-a..y Oriented 'and $se 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10o11 ro-p De2e.op3ent 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10711 P-n8yard or Sa.2age Yard 0per S-5section 22.*0A0:10d11 ,aste Disposa. Faci.ity 0per S-5section 22.*0A0:10e11 Co3posting Operation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0:0f11 &irportD<e.iport 0per S-5section 22.*0A0E10511 Freight Ter3ina. 0per S-5section 22.*0A0E10c11 Distri5-tion Center 0per S-5section 22.*0A0E10d11 Co33-nication To(er 0per S-5section 22.*0A0F10c11 E4traction $se 0per S-5section 22.*0A0F10d11 "on=Co35-stion %o(er enerating Faci.ity 0per section 22.*0A0F10g11 0d1 L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' &s Accesso!" Eses: 1. 'and $ses %er3itted 5y !ight: Far3 !esidence 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910c11 Co3pany Cafeteria 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910f11 On=Site Co3postingD ,ood 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910o11 %o(er enerating De2ice Incidenta. to On=Site %rincipa. 'and $se 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910(11 %ri2ate arage or Shed 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910d11 2. 'and $ses %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: On=Site %ar8ing 'ot 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910511 Co3pany %ro2ided On=Site !ecreation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910g11 Drainage Str-ct-re 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910811 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910.11 E4terior Co33-nication De2ices 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910311 On=Site Co3postingD ,ood 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910o11 Indoor Incidenta. to 'ight Ind-stria. $se 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910p11 *. 'and $ses %er3itted as Conditiona. $se: Co3pany %ro2ided On=Site !ecreation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910g11 #igrant 'a5or Ca3p 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910711 0e1 L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' &s Te7#o!&!" Eses: ContractorCs %ro;ect Office 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10a11 ContractorCs On=Site E7-ip3ent Storage 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10511 !e.ocata5.e J-i.ding 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10c11 On=Site !ea. Estate Office 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10d11 O-tdoor &sse35.y 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10g11 %o.ystr-ct-re 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10h11 0*1 Re%u-&tions A##-ic&b-e to Resi'enti&- Eses 0"ot &pp.ica5.e1 0A1 Re%u-&tions A##-ic&b-e to Non!esi'enti&- Eses 0a1 Non!esi'enti&- Intensit" ReAui!e7ents: #a4i3-3 "-35er of F.oors: A #ini3-3 'andscape S-rface !atio 0'S!1: 0.00 #a4i3-3 F.oor &rea !atio 0F&!1: 1.00 051 Non!esi'enti&- 8u-9 ReAui!e7ents: #ini3-3 'ot &rea: "& #ini3-3 'ot ,idth: 90 feet #ini3-3 Street Frontage: 90 feet #ini3-3 Set5ac8s: %rincipa. and &ccessory J-i.ding to Front or Street Side 'ot 'ine: 29 feet+ A0 feet for a .ot

&ppendi4 &

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance


0d1 0e1 0f1 0g1

ad;acent to a street (ith an Officia..y #apped right=of=(ay e7-a. to or e4ceeding 100 feet %rincipa. and &ccessory J-i.ding to "onresidentia. !ear 'ot 'ine: 29 feet %rincipa. and &ccessory J-i.ding to !esidentia. !ear 'ot 'ine: 90 feet %rincipa. and &ccessory J-i.ding to "onresidentia. Side 'ot 'ine: 10 feet %rincipa. and &ccessory J-i.ding to !esidentia. Side 'ot 'ine: 90 feet #ini3-3 %a2ed S-rface Set5ac8: 9 feet fro3 side or rear6 10 feet fro3 street #a4i3-3 J-i.ding <eight: A9 feet #ini3-3 "-35er of Off=Street %ar8ing Spaces !e7-ired on the 'ot: See par8ing .ot re7-ire3ents per specific .and -se in S-5section 22.*0A. Non!esi'enti&- L&n'sc&#in% ReAui!e7ents 1Non!esi'enti&-3 T;o> I ?u-ti>2&7i-"4: 1. 20 .andscaping points per 100 .inear feet of 5-i.ding fo-ndation 2. 9 .andscaping points per 1+000 s7-are feet of gross f.oor area *. 20 .andscaping points per 100 .inear feet of street frontage A. A0 .andscaping points per 10+000 s7-are feet pa2ed areaD20 sta..s Non!esi'enti&- Pe!2o!7&nce St&n'&!'s: 0See Section 22.A01 Non!esi'enti&- Si%n&%e Re%u-&tions: 0See Section 22.901 E=te!io! Sto!&%e St&n'&!'s: 0See S-5section 22.A0)1 Lo&'in% ReAui!e7ents: 0See S-5section 22.A091

S u b s e c t i o n 2 2 . . $ $ : Hi s t o !i c ?i = e ' E s e Di s t !i c t 1H?E 4
011 De s c ! i # t i o n &n' Pu!# o s e This di s trict is int e n d e d t o p e r 3i t 5 o t h .arg e= a n d s 3 a..=s c a. e c o 3 3 e r ci a. d e 2 e.o p 3 e n t a t a n int e n sit y t h a t pr o2id e s si g nific a n t inc e n ti2 e s for infi.. d e 2 e.o p 3 e n t + r e d e 2 e.o p 3 e n t + a n d t h e c o n ti n - e d e c o n o 3i c 2i a 5i.ity of e 4i s tin g d e 2 e.o p 3 e n t . It is t h e int e n t of t hi s di s trict t o p e r 3it a 5r o a d 3i 4 of .a n d - s e s t o e n c o -r a g e t hi s infi.. d e 2 e.o p 3 e n t . Th er efor e+ offic e a n d r e t ai. .a n d - s e s a r e p e r 3i t t e d 5 y rig h t in t hi s di s trict. In a d dition+ a r a n g e of s t or a g e + ( h o. e s g+ a n d .igh t ind - s t ri a. .a n d - s e s + ( hic h oc c -r 5 o t h indo or s a n d o - t d o or s + a r e p e r 3i t t e d a s c o n dition a. - s e s in t hi s /o ni n g di s trict. F-rt h e r+ r e sid e n ti a. .a n d - s e s a r e p e r 3it t e d a s c o n ditio n a. - s e s t o a..o( for hi g h d e n sit y a p a r t 3 e n t - s e s a n d ins tit - tio n a. - s e s . <o( e 2 e r+ in or d e r t o e n s -r e a 3i ni 3 - 3 of di sr - p tio n t o n ei g h 5 orin g r e si d e n ti a. d e 2 e.o p 3 e n t + n o d e 2 e.o p 3 e n t (it hin t hi s di s trict s h a.. t a8 e dir e c t a c c e s s t o a .oc a. r e si d e n ti a. s tr e e t or a r e si d e n ti a. c o.. ec t or s tr e e t . In or d e r t o a c c o 3 3 o d a t e e 4i s tin g a n d f-t -r e - s e s + 3i ni 3 a. r e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s for o n sit e .a n d s c a pi n g a n d p a r 8in g a r e r e 7 -ir e d in t his di s trict+ a n d ( h e r e a p pr o pri a t e a p a r 8in g ( ai2 e r fro 3 t h e %.a n Co 3 3i s sio n 3 a y 5 e gr a n t e d for n o nr e si d e n ti a. .a n d - s e s fo..o(in g t h e is s - a n c e of a c o n dition a. - s e . Th e 5 o - n d a r y of t his di s trict is s t rict.y .i 3it e d t o t h e e 4is tin g hi s t oric c e n t r a. cit y t o 5 a c c o ( a r e h o - s e Dr ai. c orridor .oc a tio n. !a tio n a. e : This di s trict is int e n d e d t o pr o2id e a n a. t e r n a ti2 e + pri 3 a ri.y infi.. d e 2 e.o p 3 e n t + d e si g n a tio n for c o 3 3 e r ci a. a c ti2it y t o t h e 'oc a. J- si n e s s 0J=11+ Ce n t r a. J- sin e s s 0J=21+ Co 3 3 - nit y J- si n e s s 0J=*1+ a n d !e gio n a. J- sin e s s 0J=A1 Dis trict s a n d is d e si g n e d t o a s si s t in 3 a i n t ai nin g t h e .on g =t e r 3 2i a y of t h e hi s t oric c e n t r a. city. 021 List o2 A--o ; & b - e L&n' Es e s 0a1 L&n' Es e s Pe! 7i t t e ' b" Ri% t : Se.ecti2e C-tting 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210511 %assi2e O-tdoor %-5.ic !ecreation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10a11

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

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Office 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10a11 %ersona. or %rofessiona. Ser2ices 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10511 Indoor or Ser2ice 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10c11 0 51 L& n ' E s e s P e ! 7 i t t e ' b " Ri % t ; i t A ' ' i t i o n & - S # e c i & - R e A u i! e 7 e n t s : C-.ti2ation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210a11 &cti2e O-tdoor %-5.ic !ecreation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10511 Indoor Instit-tiona. 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10c11 %-5.ic Ser2ices and $ti.ities 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10e11 Off=Site %ar8ing 'ot 0per S-5section 22.*0A0E10a11 Indoor Storage or , 0per S-5section 22.*0A0:10a11 O-tdoor Storage or , 0per S-5section 22.*0A0:10511 &rtisan St-dioD%rod-ction Shop 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10t11 Co33-nity 'i2ing &rrange3ent 01=E residents10per S-5section 22.*0A0*10g11 0c1 L& n ' E s e s P e ! 7 i t t e ' & s C o n ' i t i o n & - E s e : Instit-tiona. !esidentia. De2e.op3ent 0per S-5section 22.*0A0110a1 and 0*10f11 Con2entiona. !esidentia. De2e.op3ent 0per S-5section 22.*0A0110511 C.ear C-tting 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210c11 O-tdoor Instit-tiona. 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10d11 O-tdoor Disp.ay 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10d11 Indoor #aintenance Ser2ice 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10e11 In=Lehic.e or Ser2ice 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10f11 Indoor Co33ercia. Entertain3ent 0per 22.*0A0A10g11 Co33ercia. &ni3a. Joarding 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10h11 Co33ercia. Indoor 'odging 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10i11 Jed and Jrea8fast Esta5.ish3ents 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10;11 Day Care Center 0FR chi.dren1 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10811 O-tdoor #aintenance Ser2ice 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10.11 O-tdoor Co33ercia. Entertain3ent 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10311 Joarding <o-se 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10n11 Lehic.e !epair and #aintenance 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10p11 ro-p De2e.op3ent 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10711 Dri2e=In Dri2e=-p+ Dri2e=thro-gh 'and $se 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10r11 %ersona. Storage Faci.ity 0per S-5section 22.*0A0:10c11 Indoor Lehic.e Storage 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910e11 'ight Ind-stria. 0per S-5section 22.*0A0F10a11 Co33-nity 'i2ing &rrange3ents 0F=19 residents10per S-5section 22.*0A0*10h11 Co33-nity 'i2ing &rrange3ents 01)R residents1 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10i11 0d1 L&n' Es e s Pe! 7i t t e ' &s Acc e s s o ! " Es e s : 1. 'and $ses %er 3itt e d 5y !ight: Far 3 !e si d e n c e 0p e r S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 910c11 Co 3 p a n y Caf e t e ri a 0 p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2 . * 0 A0 910f11 On=Sit e Co 3 p o s ti n gD ,oo d %i.e s 0 p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2 . * 0 A0 910o11 %o( e r e n e r a ti n g De 2ic e Incid e n t a. t o On=Sit e %rincip a. 'an d $s e %ri2at e ara g e or Shed 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 910 d11 2. 'an d $s e s %er 3it t e d 5 y !igh t (it h &ddition a. S p e ci a. !e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s : On=Sit e %ar8in g 'ot 0p e r S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 910 511 Co 3 p a n y %ro2id e d On=Sit e !ecr e a tio n 0p e r S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 910 g11 'ight Ind-stria. Incide nt a. to Indoor or Ser2ice 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 910;11 Dr ain a g e Str -c t -r e 0p e r S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 910811 0 p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2 . * 0 A0 910.11

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City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

E4t e rior Co 3 3 - nic a tio n D e2ic e s 0 p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2 . * 0 A0 910 311 On=Sit e Co 3 p o s ti n gD ,oo d %i.e s 0 p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2 . * 0 A0 910o11 Indoor S a. e s Incid e n t a. t o 'ight Ind - s t ri a. $s e 0p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 910 p11 'ight Ind-stria. Incide nt a. to %erson a. or %rofes sion a. Ser2ice s 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 910 s11 *. 'an d $s e s %er 3it t e d a s Con ditio n a. $s e: Co 3 3 e r ci a. &p ar t 3 e n t 0 p e r S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 910 a11 Co 3 p a n y %ro2id e d On=Sit e !ecr e a tio n 0p e r S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 910 g11 O- t d o or Dis p. a y Incid e n t a. t o Indo or S a. e s 0p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 91 0 h11 In=Le hic. e S a. e s a n d S e r2ic e 0p e r S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 910i11 'igh t Ind - s t ri a. Incid e n t a. t o Indo or S a. e s 0p e r S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 910;11 <o 3 e Occ - p a tio n 0p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 910 n11 'ight Ind-stria. Incide nt a. to %erson a. or %rofes sion a. Ser2ice s 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 910 s11 Dri2e=In+ Dri2e=-p+ Dri2e=thro-gh 'and $se Incidenta. to Onsite %rincipa. 'and $se 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910411 0 e1 L& n ' E s e s P e ! 7 i t t e ' & s Te 7 # o ! &! " E s e s : Con tr a c t or C s %ro; e c t Offic e 0p e r S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 )10 a11 Con tr a c t or C s On=Sit e E7 -ip 3 e n t St or a g e 0p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 )10 511 !e.oc a t a 5. e J-i.din g 0 p e r S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 )10c11 On=Sit e !e a. Es t a t e S a. e s Offic e 0 p e r S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 )10 d11 e n e r a. Te 3 p or a r y O-t d o or S a. e s 0 p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2 . * 0 A0 )10 e11 S e a s o n a. O- t d o or S a. e s of Far 3 %rod - c t s 0p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 )10f11 O- t d o or &ss e 3 5. y 0 p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2 . * 0 A0 )10 g11 %o.ystr -c t -r e 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0A0 )10h11 0 *1 R e % u - & t i o n s A # # -i c & b - e t o R e s i ' e n t i & - E s e s 0 a1 R e s i ' e n t i & - D e n s i t " R e A u i! e 7 e n t s : Con2 e n tio n a. !e sid e n ti a. D e2 e.o p 3 e n t : #a4i 3 - 3 ro s s D e n sit y 0# D1 - p t o 2 0. 0 0 p e r .i 3it s of t h e c o n dition a. - s e p e r 3it Ins tit - tio n a. !e sid e n ti a. D e2 e.o p 3 e n t : #a4i 3 - 3 ro s s D e n sit y 0# D1 - p t o A 0. 0 0 p e r .i 3it s of t h e c o n dition a. - s e p e r 3it #a4i 3 - 3 "- 3 5 e r of F.oor s: A 0 51 R e s i ' e n t i & - 8 u- 9 R e A u i! e 7 e n t s :M #ini 3 - 3 'ot &re a : )+ 0 0 0 s 7 - a r e fe e t #ini 3 - 3 'ot ,idt h: ) 0 fe e t #ini 3 - 3 S e t 5 a c 8 s: %rincip a. J-i.din g t o Fron t or Str e e t Sid e 'ot 'in e: 2 9 fe e t + a d d 1 0 3 o r e fe e t for a .ot a d; a c e n t t o a s tr e e t (it h a n Officia..y #a p p e d rig h t=of= ( a y e 7 - a. t o or e 4c e e di n g 1 0 0 fe e t %rincip a. J-i.din g t o !e a r 'ot 'in e: 2 9 fe e t %rincip a. J-i.din g t o Sid e 'ot 'in e: 1 0 fe e t &cc e s s or y J-i.din g t o !e a r 'ot 'in e: 9 fe e t &cc e s s or y J-i.din g t o Sid e 'ot 'in e: * fe e t #ini 3 - 3 D( g $nit S e p a r a tio n: 2 0 fe e t or 0 fe e t o n / er o .ot .in e si d e #a4i 3 - 3 < ei g h t of J-i.din g: * 9 fe e t 0$p t o 9 0 fe e t (it h a c o n dition a. - s e p e r 3i t1

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

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#a4i 3 - 3 < ei g h t of &cc e s s or y J-i.din g: 1 E fe e t 0$p t o 2 0 fe e t (it h a c o n dition a. - s e p e r 3it t o a c c o 3 3 o d a t e roof pit c h e s1 #ini 3 - 3 %a2 e d S -rf a c e S e t 5 a c 8: 9 fe e t fro 3 si d e or r e a r6 1 0 fe e t fro 3 s tr e e t #ini 3 - 3 "- 3 5 e r of Off=Str e e t %ar8in g Sp a c e s !e 7 -ir e d o n t h e 'ot: S e e S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2. A 0 A for d e t ai. e d p a r 8in g r e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s MTh e J-.8 !e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s for r e si d e n ti a. d e 2 e.o p 3 e n t (it hi n t h e <is t oric #i4e d $s e Dis trict 3 a y 5 e ( ai2 e d 5 y t h e is s - a n c e of a p. a n n e d - nit d e 2 e.o p 3 e n t 5 y t h e %. a n Co 3 3i s sio n. 0c1 R e s i ' e n t i & - L& n ' s c & # i n % R e A u i ! e 7 e n t s : 0S e e "onr e si d e n ti a. 'an d s c a pi n g !e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s .1 0 d1 R e s i ' e n t i & - P e ! 2 o ! 7 & n c e S t & n ' & ! ' s : 0S e e S e c tio n 2 2 . A 01 0 e1 R e s i ' e n t i & - S i % n & % e R e % u - & t i o n s : 0S e e S e c tio n 2 2 . 9 01 0 A1 R e % u - & t i o n s A # # -i c & b - e t o N o n ! e s i ' e n t i & - E s e s 0 a1 N o n ! e s i ' e n t i &- In t e n s i t " R e A u i ! e 7 e n t s : #a4i 3 - 3 "- 3 5 e r of F.oor s: A #ini 3 - 3 'a n d s c a p e S -rf a c e !a tio 0'S!1: 0. 1 0 #a4i 3 - 3 F.oor &re a !a tio 0F&!1: 0. A 0 0 51 N o n ! e s i ' e n t i &- 8 u- 9 R e A u i! e 7 e n t s :M #ini 3 - 3 'ot &re a : )+ 0 0 0 s 7 - a r e fe e t #ini 3 - 3 'ot ,idt h: ) 0 fe e t #ini 3 - 3 S e t 5 a c 8 s: %rincip a. a n d &cc e s s or y J-i.din g t o Front or Str e e t Sid e 'ot 'in e: 2 9 fe e t+ A 0 fe e t for a .ot a d; a c e n t t o a s tr e e t (it h a n Offici a..y #a p p e d rig h t=of=( a y e 7 - a. t o or e 4c e e di n g 1 0 0 fe e t %rincip a. a n d &cc e s s or y J-i.din g t o "onr e si d e n ti a. !e a r 'ot 'in e: 2 9 fe e t %rincip a. a n d &cc e s s or y J-i.din g t o !e sid e n ti a. !e a r 'ot 'in e: * 0 fe e t %rincipa. and &cces s or y J-i.ding to "onre sid e n ti a. Side 'ot 'ine: 20 feet or 0 feet on /ero .ot .ine side %rincip a. a n d &cc e s s or y J-i.din g t o !e sid e n ti a. Sid e 'ot 'in e: 9 0 fe e t #ini 3 - 3 %a2 e d S -rf a c e S e t 5 a c 8: 9 fe e t fro 3 si d e or r e a r6 1 0 fe e t fro 3 s tr e e t #a4i 3 - 3 J-i.din g <eig h t: A 0 fe e t #ini 3 - 3 "- 3 5 e r of Off=Str e e t %ar8in g Sp a c e s !e 7 -ir e d o n t h e 'ot: S e e p a r 8in g .ot r e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s p e r s p e cific .a n d - s e in S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A MTh e J-.8 !e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s for n o nr e si d e n ti a. d e 2 e.o p 3 e n t (it hin t h e <is t oric #i4e d $s e District 3 a y 5 e ( ai2 e d 5 y t h e is s - a n c e of a p. a n n e d - nit d e 2 e.o p 3 e n t 5 y t h e %. a n Co 3 3i s sio n. 0c1 N o n ! e s i ' e n t i &- L& n ' s c & # i n % R e A u i ! e 7 e n t s 1 N o n ! e s i ' e n t i & - 3 T; o > I ? u- ti>2 & 7 i - " 4: 1. A 0 .a n d s c a pi n g p oin t s p e r 1 0 0 .in e a r fe e t of 5 -i.din g fo- n d a tio n 2. 1 0 .a n d s c a pi n g p oin t s p e r 1+ 0 0 0 s 7 - a r e fe e t of gr o s s f.oor a r e a *. A 0 .a n d s c a pi n g p oin t s p e r 1 0 0 .in e a r fe e t of s tr e e t fro nt a g e A. E 0 .a n d s c a pi n g p oin t s p e r 1 0+ 0 0 0 s 7 - a r e fe e t p a 2 e d a r e a D 2 0 s t a..s 0d1 Non! e s i ' e n t i & - Pe!2 o! 7 & n c e St & n ' & ! ' s : 0See Section 22.A01 0e1 Non! e s i ' e n t i & - Si % n & % e Re % u- & t i o n s : 0See Section 22.901 0f1 E=t e!i o! St o! & % e St & n ' & ! ' s : 0See S-5s e c tion 22.A0 )1

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City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

0g1 Lo&'i n % ReA ui! e 7 e n t s : 0See S-5s e c tion 22.A0 91

S u b s e c t i o n 2 2 . . $ ( : O22i c e Di s t!i c t 1 O>1 4

0 11 De s c ! i # t i o n &n' Pu!# o s e This di s trict is int e n d e d t o p e r 3it hi g h 7 - y offic e a n d ins tit - tio n a. .a n d - s e s a t a n int e n sit y c o 3 p a ti 5. e (it h t h e c h a r a c t e r of o.d e r p or tio n s of t h e Cit y pr e d o 3i n a n t.y d e 2 e.o p e d (it h .arg e h o 3 e s ( hic h a r e d e sir a 5. e t o 3 a i n t ai n+ ( h e r e tr affic 2o.- 3 e s a n d a d; a c e n t .a n d - s e s dic t a t e t h e tr a n sition of t h e s e a r e a s t o c e r t ai n n o nr e si d e n ti a. .a n d - s e s . Sig nific a n t a r e a s of .a n d s c a pi n g a r e r e 7 -ir e d in t his di s trict t o e n s -r e t h a t t his eff e c t is a c hi e 2 e d. In c e r t ai n ins t a n c e s 3 -. ti=fa 3i.y h o - si n g - s e s 3 a y 5 e a..o( e d. In or d e r t o e n s -r e a 3i ni 3 - 3 of di sr - p tio n t o a d; a c e n t r e si d e n ti a. d e 2 e.o p 3 e n t + n o n o nr e si d e n ti a. d e 2 e.o p 3 e n t (it hin t hi s di s trict s h a.. t a8 e dir e c t a c c e s s t o a .oc a. r e sid e n ti a. s tr e e t or a r e si d e n ti a. c o..e c t or s tr e e t . !a tio n a. e : This di s trict is - s e d t o pr o2id e for t h e p e r 3 a n e n t pr o t e c tio n of a n a r e a ( hic h pr e s e r 2 e s t h e origin a. e s t a t e r e si d e n ti a. a p p e a r a n c e + y e t p e r 3i t s offic e a n d ins tit - tio n a. .a n d - s e s + a n d ( hic h e n s -r e s t h a t t h e e s t a t e c h a r a c t e r is 3 a i n t ai n e d a s .on g a s t h e Offic e Dis trict 0O=11 d e si g n a tio n is r e t ai n e d r e g a r d. e s s of h o ( 3 - c h d e 2 e.o p 3 e n t oc c -r s (it hin t h a t a r e a .. 021 List o2 A--o ; & b - e L&n' Es e s 0a1 L&n' Es e s Pe! 7i t t e ' b" Ri% t : Se.ecti2e C-tting 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210511 %assi2e O-tdoor %-5.ic !ecreation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10a11 Office 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10a11 %ersona. or %rofessiona. Ser2ices 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10511 0 51 L& n ' E s e s P e ! 7 i t t e ' b " Ri % t ; i t A ' ' i t i o n & - S # e c i & - R e A u i! e 7 e n t s : C-.ti2ation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210a11 &cti2e O-tdoor %-5.ic !ecreation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10511 Indoor Instit-tiona. 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10c11 %-5.ic Ser2ices and $ti.ities 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10e11 Co33-nity 'i2ing &rrange3ent 01=E residents10per S-5section 22.*0A0*10g11 0c1 L& n ' E s e s P e ! 7 i t t e ' & s C o n ' i t i o n & - E s e : Instit-tiona. !esidentia. De2e.op3ent 0per S-5section 22.*0A0110a1 and 0*10f11 Con2entiona. !esidentia. De2e.op3ent 0per S-5section 22.*0A0110511 C.ear C-tting 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210c11 O-tdoor Instit-tiona. 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10d11 Indoor Co33ercia. Entertain3ent 0per 22.*0A0A10g11 Jed and Jrea8fast Esta5.ish3ents 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10;11 Day Care Center 0FR chi.dren1 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10811 ro-p De2e.op3ent 0per S-5section 22.*0A0A10711 Co33-nity 'i2ing &rrange3ent 0F=19 residents10per S-5section 22.*0A0*10h11 Co33-nity 'i2ing &rrange3ent 01)R residents10per S-5section 22.*0A0*10i11 0d1 L&n' Es e s Pe! 7i t t e ' &s Acc e s s o ! " Es e s : 1. 'and $ses %er 3itt e d 5y !ight: Far 3 !e si d e n c e 0p e r S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 910c11 Co 3 p a n y Caf e t e ri a 0 p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2 . * 0 A0 910f11 On=Sit e Co 3 p o s ti n gD ,oo d %i.e s 0 p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2 . * 0 A0 910o11 %o( e r e n e r a ti n g De 2ic e Incid e n t a. t o On=Sit e %rincip a. 'a n d $s e 0p e r

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

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S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 910(11 %ri2at e ara g e or Shed 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 910 d11 2. 'an d $s e s %er 3it t e d 5 y !igh t (it h &ddition a. S p e ci a. !e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s : On=Sit e %ar8in g 'ot 0p e r S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 910 511 Co 3 p a n y %ro2id e d On=Sit e !ecr e a tio n 0p e r S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 910 g11 Dr ain a g e Str -c t -r e 0p e r S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 910811 0 p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2 . * 0 A0 910.11 E4t e rior Co 3 3 - nic a tio n D e2ic e s 0 p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2 . * 0 A0 910 311 On=Sit e Co 3 p o s ti n gD ,oo d %i.e s 0 p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2 . * 0 A0 910o11 *. 'an d $s e s %er 3it t e d a s Con ditio n a. $s e: Co 3 p a n y %ro2id e d On=Sit e !ecr e a tio n 0p e r S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 910 g11 In=Le hic. e S a. e s a n d S e r2ic e 0p e r S- 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 910i11 <o 3 e Occ - p a tio n 0p e r S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A0 910 n11 'ight Ind-stria. Incide nt a. to Office 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0 A0 910s11 Dri2e=In+ Dri2e=-p+ Dri2e=thro-gh 'and $se Incidenta. to Onsite %rincipa. 'and $se 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910411 0 e1 L& n ' E s e s P e ! 7 i t t e ' & s Te 7 # o ! &! " E s e s : ContractorCs %ro;ect Office 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10a11 ContractorCs On=Site E7-ip3ent Storage 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10511 !e.ocata5.e J-i.ding 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10c11 On=Site !ea. Estate Office 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10d11 O-tdoor &sse35.y 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10g11 %o.ystr -c t -r e 0per S-5s e c tion 22.*0A0 )10h11 0 *1 R e % u - & t i o n s A # # -i c & b - e t o R e s i ' e n t i & - E s e s 0 a1 R e s i ' e n t i & - D e n s i t " R e A u i! e 7 e n t s : Con2entiona. !esidentia. De2e.op3ent: #a4i3-3 ross Density 0# D1 -p to 20.00 per .i3its of the conditiona. -se per3it Instit-tiona. !esidentia. De2e.op3ent: #a4i3-3 ross Density 0# D1 -p to A0.00 per .i3its of the conditiona. -se per3it #a4i3-3 "-35er of F.oors: A 0 51 R e s i ' e n t i & - 8 u- 9 R e A u i! e 7 e n t s : #ini 3 - 3 'ot &re a : E+ 0 0 0 s 7 - a r e fe e t #ini 3 - 3 'ot ,idt h: ) 0 fe e t #ini 3 - 3 S e t 5 a c 8 s: %rincip a. J-i.din g t o Fron t or Str e e t Sid e 'ot 'in e: 2 9 fe e t + a d d 1 0 3 o r e fe e t for a .ot a d; a c e n t t o a s tr e e t (it h a n Officia..y #a p p e d rig h t=of= ( a y e 7 - a. t o or e 4c e e di n g 1 0 0 fe e t %rincip a. J-i.din g t o !e a r 'ot 'in e: 2 9 fe e t %rincip a. J-i.din g t o Sid e 'ot 'in e: 1 0 fe e t &cc e s s or y J-i.din g t o !e a r 'ot 'in e: 9 fe e t &cc e s s or y J-i.din g t o Sid e 'ot 'in e: * fe e t #ini 3 - 3 D( g $nit S e p a r a tio n: 2 0 fe e t or 0 fe e t o n / er o .ot .in e si d e #a4i 3 - 3 < ei g h t of J-i.din g: * 9 fe e t 0$p t o 9 0 fe e t (it h a c o n dition a. - s e p e r 3i t1 #a4i 3 - 3 < ei g h t of &cc e s s or y J-i.din g: 1 E fe e t 0$p t o 2 0 fe e t (it h a c o n dition a. - s e p e r 3it t o a c c o 3 3 o d a t e roof pit c h e s1 #ini 3 - 3 %a2 e d S -rf a c e S e t 5 a c 8: 9 fe e t fro 3 si d e or r e a r6 1 0 fe e t fro 3 s tr e e t

&ppendi4 &

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

#ini 3 - 3 "- 3 5 e r of Off=Str e e t %ar8in g Sp a c e s !e 7 -ir e d o n t h e 'ot: S e e S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2. A 0 A for d e t ai. e d p a r 8in g r e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s 0 A1 R e % u - & t i o n s A # # -i c & b - e t o N o n ! e s i ' e n t i & - E s e s 0 a1 N o n ! e s i ' e n t i &- In t e n s i t " R e A u i ! e 7 e n t s : #a4i 3 - 3 "- 3 5 e r of F.oor s: A #ini 3 - 3 'a n d s c a p e S -rf a c e !a tio 0'S!1: 0. 9 0 #a4i 3 - 3 F.oor &re a !a tio 0F&!1: 0. 2 9 0 51 N o n ! e s i ' e n t i &- 8 u- 9 R e A u i! e 7 e n t s :M #ini3-3 'ot &rea: E+000 s7-are feet #ini3-3 'ot ,idth: )0 feet #ini3-3 Street Frontage: 90 feet #ini3-3 Set5ac8s: %rincip a. a n d &cc e s s or y J-i.din g t o Front or Str e e t Sid e 'ot 'in e: 2 9 fe e t+ A 0 fe e t for a .ot a d; a c e n t t o a s tr e e t (it h a n Offici a..y #a p p e d rig h t=of=( a y e 7 - a. t o or e 4c e e di n g 1 0 0 fe e t %rincip a. a n d &cc e s s or y J-i.din g t o "onr e si d e n ti a. !e a r 'ot 'in e: 2 9 fe e t %rincip a. a n d &cc e s s or y J-i.din g t o !e sid e n ti a. !e a r 'ot 'in e: 2 9 fe e t %rincipa. and &cces s or y J-i.ding to "onre sid e n ti a. Side 'ot 'ine: 10 feet %rincip a. a n d &cc e s s or y J-i.din g t o !e sid e n ti a. Sid e 'ot 'in e: 1 0 fe e t #ini 3 - 3 %a2 e d S -rf a c e S e t 5 a c 8: 9 fe e t fro 3 si d e or r e a r6 1 0 fe e t fro 3 s tr e e t #a4i 3 - 3 J-i.din g <eig h t: * 9 fe e t #a4i 3 - 3 < ei g h t of &cc e s s or y J-i.din g: 1 E fe e t 0$p t o 2 0 fe e t (it h a c o n dition a. - s e p e r 3it t o a c c o 3 3 o d a t e roof pit c h e s1 #ini 3 - 3 "- 3 5 e r of Off=Str e e t %ar8in g Sp a c e s !e 7 -ir e d o n t h e 'ot: S e e p a r 8in g .ot r e 7 -ir e 3 e n t s p e r s p e cific .a n d - s e in S - 5 s e c tio n 2 2. * 0 A 0c1 N o n ! e s i ' e n t i &- L& n ' s c & # i n % R e A u i ! e 7 e n t s : 1. A 9 .a n d s c a pi n g p oin t s p e r 1 0 0 .in e a r fe e t of 5 -i.din g fo- n d a tio n 2. 2 0 .a n d s c a pi n g p oin t s p e r 1+ 0 0 0 s 7 - a r e fe e t of gr o s s f.oor a r e a *. A 9 .a n d s c a pi n g p oin t s p e r 1 0 0 .in e a r fe e t of s tr e e t fro nt a g e A. F 9 .a n d s c a pi n g p oin t s p e r 1 0+ 0 0 0 s 7 - a r e fe e t p a 2 e d a r e a D 2 0 s t a..s 0d1 Non! e s i ' e n t i & - Pe!2 o! 7 & n c e St & n ' & ! ' s : 0See Section 22.A01 0e1 Non! e s i ' e n t i & - Si % n & % e Re % u- & t i o n s : 0See Section 22.901 0f1 E=t e!i o! St o! & % e St & n ' & ! ' s : 0See S-5s e c tion 22.A0 )1 0g1 Lo&'i n % ReA ui! e 7 e n t s : 0See S-5s e c tion 22.A0 91

Subsection 22..)0 Ru!&- Ho-'in% Dist!ict 1A>14

011 Desc!i#tion &n' Pu!#ose: This district is intended to per3it de2e.op3ent that is so.e.y of a r-ra. co33-nity character. The .and -se standards for this district per3it 2ery .o(=density sing.e=fa3i.y residentia. de2e.op3ent at a density of 1 d( -nit for e2ery *9 gross acres+ as (e.. as a 2ariety of agric-.t-ra. and agric-.t-ra. s-pport .and -ses. Density and intensity standards for this district are designed to ens-re that de2e.op3ent that re7-ires e2en a 3ini3-3 of -r5an ser2ices does not occ-r -nti. s-ch ser2ices are a2ai.a5.e. &s s-ch+ the !-ra. <o.ding 0&=11 District sha.. either ser2e as a designation (hich preser2es and protects agric-.t-ra. acti2ities+ or as a Bho.ding /oneB (hich pro2ides for an interi3 .and -se 0agric-.t-re1 that (i.. easi.y per3it f-rther de2e.op3ent 0(ith re/oning to another district1 at the appropriate ti3e.

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

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!ationa.e: This district is -sed to pro2ide for the protection of agric-.t-ra. acti2ities+ and a 2ery .o(= density residentia. area for those (ho (ant to .i2e in a r-ra. en2iron3ent and (ho retain eno-gh .and (ith their residence to ens-re that the r-ra. en2iron3ent is 3aintained as .ong as the !-ra. <o.ding 0&= 11 District designation is retained. In this 3anner+ e2en if a.. property (ere de2e.oped in a gi2en area (ith the !-ra. <o.ding 0&=11 District designation+ the r-ra. co33-nity character of that area (o-.d sti.. 5e 3aintained.

021 List o2 A--o;&b-e P!inci#&- L&n' Eses 0a1 P!inci#&- L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' b" Ri% t: Sing.e=Fa3i.y = *9 acre .ot 0per S-5section 22.*0A01105111 C-.ti2ation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210a111 Se.ecti2e C-tting 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210511 %assi2e O-tdoor %-5.ic !ecreation 0per S-5section 22.*0A 0*10a11 051 P!inci#&- L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' b" Ri% t ;it A''ition&- S#eci&- ReAui!e7ents: Sing.e=Fa3i.y = for .ots than *9 acres+ -p to 9 acres can 5e -sed for sing.e fa3i.y residentia. p-rposes and re3aining .and 3-st 5e deed restricted (ith a conser2ation ease3ent prohi5iting s-5se7-ent de2e.op3ent of additiona. principa. str-ct-res -n.ess re/oned for higher density de2e.op3ent1 On=Site &gric-.t-ra. !etai. 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210g11 &cti2e O-tdoor %-5.ic !ecreation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10511 %-5.ic Ser2ices and $ti.ities 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10e11 Co33-nity 'i2ing &rrange3ent 01=E residents1 0per S-5section 22.*0A0*10g11 C-.ti2ation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210a121 0c1 P!inci#&- L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' &s Con'ition&- Ese: C.ear C-tting 0per S-5section 22.*0A 0210c11 &gric-.t-ra. Ser2ices 0per S-5section 22.*0A 0210d11 <-s5andry 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210e11 Intensi2e &gric-.t-re 0per S-5section 22.*0A 0210f11 Indoor Instit-tiona. 0per S-5section 22.*0A 0*10c11 O-tdoor Instit-tiona. 0per S-5section 22.*0A 0*10d11 O-tdoor Co33ercia. Entertain3ent 0per S-5section 22.*0A 0A10g11 C-.ti2ation 0per S-5section 22.*0A0210a1*1 Indoor Storage 0per S-5section 22.*0A0E10e11 Co33ercia. &ni3a. Joarding 0per S-5section 22.*0A 0A10h11 Jed and Jrea8fast Esta5.ish3ents 0per S-5section 22.*0A 0A10;11 Ca3pgro-nd 0per S-5section 22.*0A 0A10s11 Co3posting Operation 0per S-5section 22.*0A 0:10f11 &irportD<e.iport 0per S-5section 22.*0A 0E10511 Co33-nication To(er 0per S-5section 22.*0A 0F10c11 0*1 List o2 A--o;&b-e Accesso!" Eses: 0a1 Accesso!" L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' b" Ri% t: Far3 !esidence 0per S-5section 22.*0A 0910c11 Detached arage+ Carport or Shed 0per S-5section 22.*0A 0910d11 Fa3i.y Day Care <o3e 0per S-5section 22.*0A 0910s11 %o(er enerated De2ice Incidenta. to On=site %rincipa. $se 0per S-5section 22.*0A0910(11 051 Accesso!" L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' b" Ri% t ;it A''ition&- S#eci&- ReAui!e7ents: On=Site %ar8ing 'ot 0per S-5section 22.*0A 0910511 %ri2ate !esidentia. !ecreationa. Faci.ity 0per S-5section 22.*0A 0910e11

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City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

Drainage Str-ct-re 0per S-5section 22.*0A 0910811 0per S-5section 22.*0A 0910.11 E4terior Co33-nication De2ices 0per S-5section 22.*0A 0910311 <o3e Occ-pation 0per S-5section 22.*0A 0910n11 On=Site Co3postingD,ood 0per S-5section 22.*0A 0910o11 %ri2ate !esidentia. Sta5.e 0per S-5section 22.*0A 0910211 0c1 Accesso!" L&n' Eses Pe!7itte' &s Con'ition&- Ese: #igrant 'a5or Ca3p 0per S-5section 22.*0A 0E10711 Inter3ediate Day Care <o3e 0per S-5section 22.*0A 0E10t11 0A1 List o2 A--o;&b-e Te7#o!&!" Eses: ContractorCs %ro;ect Office 0per S-5section 22.*0A 0F10a11 ContractorCs On=Site E7-ip3ent Storage 0per S-5section 22.*0A 0F10511 On=Site !ea. Estate Office 0per S-5section 22.*0A 0F10d11 O-tdoor of Far3 %rod-cts 0per S-5section 22.*0A 0F10f11 O-tdoor &sse35.y 0per S-5section 22.*0A 0F10g11 %o.ystr-ct-re 0per S-5section 22.*0A0)10h11 091 Re%u-&tions A##-ic&b-e to Resi'enti&- Eses 0a1 Resi'enti&- Densit" &n' Intensit" ReAui!e7ents: 1. #ini3-3 Zoning District &rea: *9 acres 2. #a4i3-3 ross Density 0# D1: .0* d-Dacre *. #ini3-3 'andscape S-rface !atio 0'S!1: F0I A. #a4i3-3 J-i.ding Co2erage: 9I 9. #a4i3-3 &ccessory J-i.ding Co2erage: 10I 051 Resi'enti&- 8u-9 ReAui!e7ents 1. #ini3-3 'ot &rea: *9 acres 2. #ini3-3 'ot ,idth: 100 feet *. #ini3-3 Street Frontage: 100 feet A. Front or Street Side 'ot 'ine Set5ac8s %rincipa. Str-ct-re: 90 feet &ccessory Str-ct-re: E7-a. or greater than the act-a. set5ac8 of the principa. str-ct-re 9. Side 'ot 'ine Set5ac8s: %rincipa. Str-ct-re: :0 feet Tota. of Joth Sides+ 'ot 'ines to %rincipa. Str-ct-re: 1A0 feet &gric-.t-re &ccessory Str-ct-re: 100 ft "onagric-.t-ra. &ccessory Str-ct-re: 29 feet ). !ear 'ot 'ine Set5ac8s: %rincipa. Str-ct-re: 90 feet &ccessory Str-ct-re: 100 ft "onagric-.t-ra. &ccessory Str-ct-re: 29 feet :. !e7-ired J-fferyard: See 22.)100A1 /oning district 5o-ndary E. #ini3-3 %a2ed S-rface Set5ac8: 9 feet fro3 side or rear+ 10 feet fro3 street F. #ini3-3 D( $nit Separation: 100 feet 10. #a4i3-3 J-i.ding <eight: D( $nit: *9 feet "onagric-.t-ra. &ccessory Str-ct-re: 19 feet or 20 feet (ith a conditiona. -se per3it &ccessory Str-ct-re $sed E4c.-si2e.y for &gric-.t-ra. %-rposes: 90 feet 11. #ini3-3 "-35er of Off=Street %ar8ing Spaces !e7-ired on the 'ot 0Inc.-des garage+ dri2es+ T a.. designated par8ing s-rfaces1: A spaces if .ocated on street (ith standard pa2e3ent (idth6 E spaces if .ocated on street (ith red-ced pa2e3ent (idth 12. #ini3-3 D( Core Di3ensions: 2A feet 5y A0 feet

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

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1*. #ini3-3 D( $nit Ea2e ,idth: 1E inches 0c1 L&n'sc&#in% Re%u-&tions 0See Section 22.)001 0d1 Pe!2o!7&nce St&n'&!'s 0See Section 22.A001 0e1 Si%n&%e Re%u-&tions 0See Section 22.9001 091 Re%u-&tions A##-ic&b-e to Non!esi'enti&- Eses: 0a1 Non!esi'enti&- Intensit" ReAui!e7ents: #a4i3-3 "-35er of F.oors 0F1: 2 #ini3-3 'andscape S-rface !atio 0'S!1: F0I #a4i3-3 F.oor &rea !atio 0F&!1: .10 #ini3-3 'ot &rea 0#'&1: A0+000 sf #a4i3-3 J-i.ding Si/e 0#JS1: na 051 Non!esi'enti&- 8u-9 ReAui!e7ents: #ini3-3 'ot &rea: A0+000 s7 ft+ 20+000 sf (ith a conditiona. -se per3it #ini3-3 'ot ,idth: 100 feet #ini3-3 Street Frontage: 90 feet #ini3-3 Set5ac8s: %rincipa. Str-ct-re to Front or Street Side 'ot 'ine: 90 feet %rincipa. Str-ct-re to !esidentia. Side 'ot 'ine: :0 feet %rincipa. Str-ct-re to !esidentia. !ear 'ot 'ine: 90 feet %rincipa. Str-ct-re to "onresidentia. Side 'ot 'ine: :0 feet %rincipa. Str-ct-re to "onresidentia. !ear 'ot 'ine: 90 feet Front or Street 'ot 'ine to &ccessory Str-ct-re: E7-a. or greater than the act-a. set5ac8 of the principa. str-ct-re Side 'ot 'ine to &ccessory Str-ct-re: 100 feet !ear 'ot 'ine to &ccessory Str-ct-re: 90 feet !e7-ired J-fferyard: See 22.)100A1 /oning district 5o-ndary #ini3-3 %a2ed S-rface Set5ac8: 9 feet fro3 side or rear6 10 feet fro3 street #a4i3-3 J-i.ding <eight: *9 feet #ini3-3 "-35er of Off=Street %ar8ing Spaces !e7-ired on the 'ot: See par8ing .ot re7-ire3ents per specific .and -se in S-5section 22.*0A 'andscaping !eg-.ations 0See Section 22.)001 0c1 Pe!2o!7&nce St&n'&!'s 0See Section 22.A001 0d1 Si%n&%e Re%u-&tions 0See Section 22.9001 0e1 E=te!io! Sto!&%e 0See S-5section 22.A0)1 0f1 Lo&'in% ReAui!e7ents 0See S-5section 22.A091

Subsection 22..+0 N&tu!&- Resou!ce P!otection Re%u-&tions

011 Desc!i#tion &n' Pu!#ose The p-rpose of this &rtic.e is to set forth the re7-ire3ents for the 3andatory protection of nat-ra. reso-rces and per3anent.y protected green space areas (ithin the ;-risdiction of this Chapter 0see S-5section 22.0091. The pro2isions of this &rtic.e interact c.ose.y (ith the pro2isions of S-5sections 22.21*+ 22.21F+ 22.:)1+ 22.:)2+ 22.:)*+ 22.:)A+ and 22.:)9. In part+ the pro2isions of this S-5section are designed to ens-re the i3p.e3entation of the City of Edgerton Co3prehensi2e #aster and State of ,isconsin Stat-tes )2.2*1 and E:.*0. These S-5sections contain the standards that go2ern the protection+ dist-r5ance+ and 3itigation of disr-ption of a.. nat-ra. reso-rce and other per3anent.y protected green space areas. The pro2isions of these S-5sections are intended to s-pp.e3ent those of the City of Edgerton+ !oc8 Co-nty+ Dane Co-nty+ the State of ,isconsin+ and the Federa. o2ern3ent of the $nited States that pertain to nat-ra. reso-rce protection. %rior to -sing the pro2isions of this &rtic.e to deter3ine the per3itted disr-ption of s-ch areas+ the re7-ire3ents pro2ided 5e.o( sho-.d 5e re2ie(ed. These S-5sections recogni/e the i3portant and di2erse 5enefits that nat-ra. reso-rce feat-res pro2ide in ter3s of

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City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

protecting the safety+ and genera. (e.fare of the co33-nity. Each of the fo..o(ing s-5sections is oriented to each nat-ra. reso-rce type+ and is designed to inc.-de the fo..o(ing infor3ation: 0a1 & definition of the nat-ra. reso-rce 051 The specific p-rposes of the protecti2e reg-.ations go2erning each nat-ra. reso-rce type 0c1 The re7-ired 3ethod of identifying and deter3ining the 5o-ndaries of the nat-ra. reso-rce area 0d1 #andatory protection re7-ire3ent

Subsection 22..+1 0-oo'#-&in &n' Det-&n' O,e!-&" Zonin% Dist!icts 1C>14

See Chapter 2A F.oodp.ain and ,et.and Zoning

Su b s e c t i o n 22 . . + $ Doo ' - & n ' O, e!- & " Zonin % Dis t!ic t 1C> $4
011 De2inition ,ood.ands are areas of trees (hose co35ined canopies co2er a 3ini3-3 of E0I of an area of one acre or 3ore+ as sho(n on air photos for the City of Edgerton and its en2irons. 021 Pu!#ose o2 Doo'-&n' P!otection ReAui!e7ents ,ood.ands pro2ide a (ide 2ariety of en2iron3enta. f-nctions. These inc.-de at3ospheric 5enefits s-ch as re3o2ing air=5orne po..-tants+ car5on dio4ide -pta8e+ o4ygen prod-ction+ and e2apotranspiration ret-rns. ,ater 7-a.ity 5enefits inc.-de s-5stantia. n-trient -pta8e rates for nitrogen and phosphor-s1 and s-rface r-noff red-ction in ter3s of 5oth 2o.-3es and 2e.ocities. ,ood.ands pro2ide -ni7-e (i.d.ife ha5itats and food so-rces. ,ood.ands are e4ce..ent soi. sta5i.i/ers+ great.y red-cing r-noff=re.ated soi. erosion. ,ood.ands ser2e to red-ce (ind 2e.ocities+ (hich f-rther red-ces soi. erosion. Fina..y+ -nder proper 3anage3ent techni7-es+ (ood.ands ser2e as regenerati2e f-e. so-rces. 0*1 Dete!7in&tion o2 Doo'-&n' 8oun'&!ies enera. (ood.and 5o-ndaries are depicted on the Officia. Zoning #ap. $pon the proposa. of de2e.op3ent acti2ity on any property that contains a (ood.and depicted on the Officia. Zoning #ap+ the petitioner sha.. prepare a detai.ed site ana.ysis per the re7-ire3ents of S-5section 22.21*. This ana.ysis sha.. depict the .ocation of a.. (ood.and areas on the s-5;ect property as re.ated to the pro2isions of S-5section 011+ a5o2e. 0A1 ?&n'&to!" Doo'-&n' P!otection ReAui!e7ents ,ood.ands sha.. re3ain in an -ndist-r5ed state e4cept for the .and -ses per3itted in S-5section 22.*0A0101 and areas s-5;ect to the fo..o(ing 3itigation re7-ire3ents. Se.ecti2e c-tting operations are per3itted 5y right in a.. (ood.and areas 0per the re7-ire3ents of S-5section 22.*0A0210511. C.ear c-tting is per3itted as a conditiona. -se in a.. (ood.and areas 0per the re7-ire3ents of S-5section 22.*0A0210c11.

Subsection 22..+( Stee# S-o#e O,e!-&" Zonin% Dist!ict 1C>(4

114 De2inition Steep s.opes are defined as fo..o(s: &reas that are at .east one acre in si/e and contain a gradient of 12I or greater o2er a distance of 3ore than 190 feet do(n the face of the s.ope. 0See graphic diagra3 5e.o(.1 &reas that are at .east one acre in si/e and contain a gradient of 12I or greater o2er a distance of .ess than 190 feet do(n the face of the s.ope if the s.ope is (ithin 29 feet of the high (ater 3ar8 of any ad;acent perennia. strea3 pond or (et.and.

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

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S.ope face 12I or greater Lertica. Distance 190 feet

<ori/onta. Distance

124 Pu!#ose o2 Stee# S-o#e P!otection ReAui!e7ents Steep s.opes are s-scepti5.e to da3age res-.ting fro3 site disr-ption+ pri3ari.y re.ated to soi. erosion. S-ch da3age is .i8e.y to spread to areas that (ere not origina..y dist-r5ed. S-ch erosion red-ces the prod-cti2ity of the soi.+ res-.ts in e4acer5ated erosion do(nhi..+ and res-.ts in increased sedi3entation in drainage(ays+ (et.ands+ strea3s+ ponds and .a8es. Jeyond ad2erse.y affecting the en2iron3enta. f-nctions of these reso-rces areas+ s-ch sedi3entation increases f.ood ha/ards 5y red-cing the f.ood(ater storage capacity of hydro.ogica. syste3 co3ponents+ th-s e.e2ating the f.ood .e2e. of the drainage syste3 in effected areas. Jeyond these threats to the p-5.ic safety+ disr-ption of steep s.opes increases the .i8e.ihood of s.ippage and s.-3ping==-nsta5.e soi. 3o2e3ents+ (hich 3ay threaten ad;acent properties+ 5-i.dings+ and p-5.ic faci.ities s-ch as roads and -ti.ities. 1$4 Dete!7in&tion o2 Stee# S-o#e 8oun'&!ies enera. steep s.ope 5o-ndaries are depicted on the Officia. Zoning #ap. $pon the proposa. of de2e.op3ent acti2ity on any property that contains a steep s.ope depicted on the Officia. Zoning #ap+ the petitioner sha.. prepare a detai.ed site ana.ysis per the re7-ire3ents of S-5section 22.21*. This ana.ysis sha.. depict the .ocation of a.. steep s.ope areas on the s-5;ect property as re.ated to the pro2isions of S-5section 0:10a1+ a5o2e. 1(4 ?&n'&to!" Stee# S-o#e P!otection ReAui!e7ents Steep s.opes sha.. re3ain in an -ndist-r5ed state e4cept for the .and -ses per3itted per the re7-ire3ents of S-5section 22.*0A0101 and as pro2ided 5e.o(: 0a1 %er3itted 5y !ight: "ot &pp.ica5.e %er3itted 5y !ight (ith &dditiona. Specia. !e7-ire3ents: 12=20I s.opes 1. The -se is in co3p.iance (ith the 5ase /oning district reg-.ations fo-nd in S-5sections 22.*0A011 thro-gh 22.*0A0F1. 2. Sha.. pro2ide a :9=foot (ide per3anent 2egetated 5-ffer strip 5et(een the 5ase of the s.ope and the ordinary high (ater 3ar8 of any ad;acent perennia. strea3+ pond or (et.and. *. The steep s.ope area is not in con;-nction (ith another conser2ation o2er.ay district or nat-ra. reso-rce feat-re. A. The soi.s in the steep s.ope area are not high.y erodi5.e. 9. Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20:+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. -ses per3itted 5y right (ith specia. re7-ire3ents. 051 Conditiona. $se !eg-.ations: s.opes 20I or greater 1. The -se is in co3p.iance (ith the 5ase /oning district reg-.ations fo-nd in S-5sections 22.*0A011 thro-gh 22.*0A0F1. 2. Sha.. pro2ide a :9=foot (ide per3anent 2egetated 5-ffer strip 5et(een the 5ase of the s.ope and the ordinary high (ater 3ar8 of any ad;acent perennia. strea3+ pond or (et.and. *. If the steep s.ope area is in con;-nction (ith another conser2ation o2er.ay district or nat-ra. reso-rce feat-re other 3itigation actions as re7-ired 5y the Co33ission. A. De2e.op3ent 3-st co3p.y (ith Chapter *0 reg-.ations of the City of Edgerton Code of enera. Ordinances e2en is .ocated in !oc8 Co-nty.

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City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance


Sha.. co3p.y (ith S-5section 22.20)+ standards and proced-res app.ica5.e to a.. conditiona. -ses.

Subsection 22..+) ?unici#&- De-- Rec &!%e A!e& O,e!-&" Zonin% Dist!ict 1?D4
114 Pu!#ose The City of Edgerton recogni/es that conse7-ences of certain .and -se acti2ities+ (hether intentiona. or accidenta.+ can serio-s.y i3pair gro-nd(ater 7-a.ity. The p-rpose of the #-nicipa. ,e.. !echarge &rea O2er.ay District 0#,1 is to protect 3-nicipa. gro-nd(ater reso-rces fro3 certain .and -se acti2ities 5y i3posing appropriate restrictions -pon .ands .ocated (ithin the appro4i3ate gro-nd(ater recharge area of the City@s 3-nicipa. (e..s+ either e4isting or p.anned. The restrictions i3posed in this S-5section are in addition to those of the -nder.ying /oning district or any other pro2isions of the /oning ordinance. This ordinance is esta5.ished per "! E11.1) of the ,isconsin &d3inistrati2e Code. 124 O,e!-&" Zones The #-nicipa. ,e.. !echarge &rea O2er.ay District is deter3ined 5y contained in the report entit.ed >City of Edgerton ,e.. <ead %rotection for ne( (e..s and is the Conta3inant So-rce In2entory reporting area esta5.ished 5y the ,D"! for e4isting (e..s. These areas are indicated 5y Zone #, on the Officia. Zoning #ap. Zone #, is identified as the pri3ary so-rce of (ater for the 3-nicipa. (e.. a7-ifer and as the 3ost .i8e.y to trans3it gro-nd(ater conta3inants to the 3-nicipa. (e..s 1$4 L&n' Ese Re%u-&tions The fo..o(ing .and -se reg-.ations are in addition to the .and -se reg-.ations esta5.ished for the -nder.ying Zoning District: 1(4 P!o ibite' Eses The fo..o(ing -ses ha2e a high potentia. to conta3inate gro-nd(ater+ or ha2e a.ready ca-sed gro-nd(ater conta3ination+ in ,isconsin and Therefore+ the fo..o(ing principa. or accessory -ses are prohi5ited (ithin the #, District -n.ess Co33ission deter3ines the -se has ade7-ate separation distance. This deter3ination sha.. 5e 3ade thro-gh the conditiona. -se per3it process. &.. -ses 3-st co3p.y (ith the separation distances esta5.ished 5y the ,D"!. a. &gric-.t-ra. -se of pesticides+ insecticides+ or f-ngicides. 5. &reas for d-3ping or disposa. of gar5age+ ref-se+ trash+ or de3o.ition 3ateria.. c. &pp.ication of ferti.i/er to 3anic-red .a(ns or grasses in e4cess of the n-trient re7-ire3ents of the grass. d. &spha.t prod-ct 3an-fact-ring p.ants. e. &-to3o5i.e .a-ndries and car (ashes. f. &-to3o5i.e ser2ice stations. g. J-i.ding 3ateria.s and prod-cts h. Cartage and e4press faci.ities. i. Ce3eteries. ;. Che3ica. storage+ sa.e+ processing+ or 3an-fact-ring. 8. Co33ercia. e4terior storage of any o5;ects containing petro.e-3 or other ha/ardo-s f.-ids. .. Dry c.eaning esta5.ish3ents. 3. E.ectronic circ-it asse35.y p.ant. n. E.ectrop.ating p.ants. o. E4ter3inating shopD5-siness. p. Ferti.i/er 3an-fact-ring p.ants. 7. Fo-ndries and forge p.ants. r. arages for repair and ser2icing of 3otor inc.-ding 5ody repair+ painting+ or engine re5-i.ding. s. <igh(ay sa.t storage areas. t. Ind-stria. .i7-id (aste storage areas. -. Intensi2e agric-.t-re 0i.e.+ .ocations of .i2estoc8 confine3ent e4ceeding * head per acre1. 2. P-n8yards and a-to gra2eyards.

City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

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(. 4. y. /. aa. 55. cc. dd. ee. ff. gg. hh. ii. ;;.

'andfi..s. #eta. red-ction and refine3ent p.ants. #ining operations. #otor and 3achinery ser2ice and asse35.y shops. #otor freight ter3ina.s. #otori/ed trai.s+ s-ch as sno(3o5i.e or !L trai.s. %aint prod-cts 3an-fact-ring. %etro.e-3 prod-cts storage or processing. %hotography st-dios+ inc.-ding the de2e.op3ent of fi.3 and pict-res. %.astics 3an-fact-ring. %rinting and p-5.ishing esta5.ish3ents. %-.p and paper 3an-fact-ring. ! faci.ities. !esidentia. d( -nits on .ots .ess than 19+000 s7-are feet in area. 3owe&er, in an) Residentia% ,istrict, on a %ot of record on t e effecti&e date of t is ordinance, a sin(%e6 fa*i%) dwe%%in( *a) be estab%is ed re(ard%ess of t e %ot si>e, !ro&ided co*!%iance wit a%% ot er re?uire*ents of t e @onin( /rdinance. 88. Se(age disposa. sites. ... Septic (asteDSe(age s.-dge .and=spreading. 33. S.-dge disposa. sites. nn. Storage+ 3an-fact-re+ or disposa. of to4ic or ha/ardo-s 3ateria.s. oo. $ndergro-nd petro.e-3 prod-cts storage tan8s. pp. $nse(ered residentia. de2e.op3ent. 77. ,ood(or8ing and (ood prod-cts 3an-fact-ring. 1)4 Con'ition&- Eses The fo..o(ing -ses 3ay 5e a..o(ed as a Conditiona. $se: a. &ny other 5-siness or ind-stria. -se not .isted as a prohi5ited -se. 5. &ni3a. (aste storage areas and faci.ities. c. Center=pi2ot or other .arge sca.e irrigated agric-.t-ra. operations. 1+4 Se#&!&tion Dist&nces The separation distances for .and -ses esta5.ished 5y "! E11.1)0A10d1 of the ,isconsin &d3inistrati2e Code are here5y esta5.ished. 1.4 A''ition&- L&n' Ese Re%u-&tions: a. Se(ered and -nse(ered residentia. -ses (ith a 3a4i3-3 .ot area of 20+000 s7-are feet are a..o(ed to ha2e an area of 3anic-red .a(n or grass -p to 19+000 s7-are feet. 5. &.. storage (ater sha.. 5e retained on site. Stor3 (ater sha.. 5e discharged to ponds (here it (i.. perco.ate thro-gh at .east si4 inches of topsoi.. $se of dry(e..s or other s-5s-rface drains for stor3(ater is prohi5ited. c. &.. a5o2e gro-nd petro.e-3 prod-ct storage tan8s sha.. pro2ide .ea8=proof contain3ent e7-a. to 129I of the tan8 2o.-3e. d. %esticide+ insecticide+ or f-ngicide storage is per3itted for >on far3? -se 5y the o(ner or far3 operator on.y. e. J-.8 .i7-id pesticide+ insecticide+ f-ngicide+ or ferti.i/er storage in e4cess of 99 ga..ons is prohi5ited e4cept in contain3ent areas not .ess than 129I of the 2o.-3e of the .argest container. Short=ter3 storage of one (ee8 or .ess is per3itted in ICC appro2ed transport containers. f. &ni3a. (aste+ septic+ and se(er s.-dge sha.. not 5e app.ied at rates e4ceeding the n-trient re7-ire3ents of the crop gro(ing on the app.ication site. &pp.ication of these 3ateria.s to fro/en or sno( co2ered gro-nd is prohi5ited. g. &.. co33ercia. and ind-stria. -ses are a..o(ed a 3a4i3-3 of 90I of .ot area to 5e 3aintained in

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City of Edgerton Chapter 22: Zoning Ordinance

3anic-red .a(n or grass. <o(e2er+ the area of the .ot in 3anic-red .a(n or grass sha.. not e4ceed the area of other nat-ra.i/ed per2io-s s-rfaces on the .ot. h. E4cept for e4isting .ots of record on the effecti2e date of this Ordinance or de2e.op3ents that (i.. 5e ser2ed 5y 3-nicipa. se(er (ithin 9 years of the appro2a. of the de2e.op3ent+ -nse(ered residentia. -ses sha.. ha2e a 3ini3-3 .ot si/e of 2 acres. 'ots than 2 acres 3ay 5e appro2ed+ pro2ided that s-fficient .and area (i.. 5e 3aintained in an -nde2e.oped state so that no 3ore than one residence is a..o(ed for each t(o acres of the o2era.. de2e.op3ent. 1/4 En2o!ce7ent &ny person+ fir3+ or corporation (ho fai.s to co3p.y (ith the pro2isions of this s-5section sha.. forfeit not .ess than O100.00 nor 3ore than O900.00 for each 2io.ation+ p.-s the costs of prosec-tion. &ny person+ fir3+ or corporation in defa-.t of pay3ent of s-ch forfeit-re and costs sha.. 5e i3prisoned in the co-nty ;ai. -nti. pay3ent is 3ade+ 5-t not e4ceeding *0 days+ or a.ternati2e.y sha.. ha2e those costs added to their rea. property as a .ien against the property. Each day a 2io.ation e4ists or contin-es sha.. constit-te a separate offense.

Subsection 22../0 P-&nne' De,e-o#7ents 1PD4

114 Pu!#ose &n' Intent %.anned De2e.op3ents are intended to pro2ide 3ore incenti2es for infi.. de2e.op3ent and rede2e.op3ent in areas of the co33-nity (hich are e4periencing a .ac8 of significant rein2est3ent. F-rther3ore+ %.anned De2e.op3ents are designed to for(ard 5oth the aesthetic and econo3ic de2e.op3ent o5;ecti2es of the City 5y the site design and the appearance+ density or intensity of de2e.op3ent in ter3s of 3ore f.e4i5.e re7-ire3ents for .and -ses+ density+ intensity+ 5-.8+ .andscaping+ and par8ing re7-ire3ents. In e=c &n%e 2o! suc 2-e=ibi-it"3 t e P-&nne' De,e-o#7ent s &-- #!o,i'e & 7uc i% e! -e,e- o2 site 'esi%n3 &!c itectu!&- cont!o- &n' ot e! &s#ects o2 &est etic &n' 2unction&e=ce--ence t &n no!7&--" !eAui!e' 2o! ot e! 'e,e-o#7ents. 124 A##-ic&b-e St&n'&!'s De2e.op3ent standards are f.e4i5.e (ithin this /oning district. !efer to Section 22.21A for the range of de2e.op3ent standards.

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